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path: root/web
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authorDaniil Yarancev <>2017-10-14 16:03:50 +0300
committerDaniil Yarancev <>2017-10-14 16:03:50 +0300
commitd2457c7979afda8ef8b4d0293c3efee771a7cb59 (patch)
tree69198841a7c5ad697b76698505bc87bfe7bba6c5 /web
parente29e6ec76ee96424e5664d41a9c311c74d210cc6 (diff)
@dom96's comments: remove bountysource, revert configurator change.
Diffstat (limited to 'web')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/web/bountysource.nim b/web/bountysource.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index abb29514e..000000000
--- a/web/bountysource.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# Based on located at
-import httpclient, asyncdispatch, json, strutils, os, strtabs, sequtils, future,
-  algorithm, times
-  BountySource = ref object
-    client: AsyncHttpClient
-    team: string
-  Sponsor = object
-    name, url, logo: string
-    amount, allTime: float
-    since: TimeInfo
-  team = "nim"
-  apiUrl = ""
-  githubApiUrl = ""
-proc newBountySource(team, token: string): BountySource =
-  result = BountySource(
-    client: newAsyncHttpClient(userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.87 Safari/537.36"),
-    team: team
-  )
-  # Set up headers
-  result.client.headers["Accept"] = "application/vnd.bountysource+json; version=2"
-  result.client.headers["Authorization"] = "token " & token
-  result.client.headers["Referer"] = ""
-  result.client.headers["Origin"] = ""
-proc getSupporters(self: BountySource): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
-  let response = await self.client.get(apiUrl &
-    "/supporters?order=monthly&per_page=200&team_slug=" &
-  doAssert response.status.startsWith($Http200)
-  return parseJson(await response.body)
-proc getGithubUser(username: string): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
-  let client = newAsyncHttpClient()
-  let response = await client.get(githubApiUrl & "/users/" & username)
-  if response.status.startsWith($Http200):
-    return parseJson(await response.body)
-  else:
-    echo("Could not get Github user: ", username, ". ", response.status)
-    return nil
-proc processSupporters(supporters: JsonNode) =
-  var before = supporters.elems.len
-  supporters.elems.keepIf(
-    item => item["display_name"].getStr != "Anonymous"
-  )
-  echo("Discarded ", before - supporters.elems.len, " anonymous sponsors.")
-  echo("Found ", supporters.elems.len, " named sponsors.")
-  supporters.elems.sort(
-    (x, y) => cmp(y["alltime_amount"].getFloat, x["alltime_amount"].getFloat)
-  )
-proc quote(text: string): string =
-  if {' ', ','} in text:
-    return "\"" & text & "\""
-  else:
-    return text
-proc getLevel(amount: float): int =
-  result = 0
-  const levels = [250, 150, 75, 25, 10, 5, 1]
-  for i in levels:
-    if <= i:
-      result = i
-proc writeCsv(sponsors: seq[Sponsor], filename="") =
-  var csv = ""
-  csv.add "logo, name, url, this_month, all_time, since, level\n"
-  for sponsor in sponsors:
-    csv.add "$#,$#,$#,$#,$#,$#,$#\n" % [
-      sponsor.logo.quote,,
-      sponsor.url.quote, $,
-      $, sponsor.since.format("MMM d, yyyy").quote,
-      $sponsor.amount.getLevel
-    ]
-  writeFile(filename, csv)
-  echo("Written csv file to ", filename)
-when isMainModule:
-  if paramCount() == 0:
-    quit("You need to specify the BountySource access token on the command\n" &
-      "line, you can find it by going onto\n" &
-      "and looking at your browser's network inspector tab to see the token being\n" &
-      "sent to")
-  let token = paramStr(1)
-  let bountysource = newBountySource(team, token)
-  echo("Getting sponsors...")
-  let supporters = waitFor bountysource.getSupporters()
-  processSupporters(supporters)
-  echo("Generating sponsors list... (please be patient)")
-  var activeSponsors: seq[Sponsor] = @[]
-  var inactiveSponsors: seq[Sponsor] = @[]
-  for supporter in supporters:
-    let name = supporter["display_name"].getStr
-    var url = ""
-    let ghUser = waitFor getGithubUser(name)
-    if not ghUser.isNil:
-      if ghUser["blog"].kind != JNull:
-        url = ghUser["blog"].getStr
-      else:
-        url = ghUser["html_url"].getStr
-    if url.len > 0 and not url.startsWith("http"):
-      url = "http://" & url
-    let amount = supporter["monthly_amount"].getFloat()
-    # Only show URL when user donated at least $5.
-    if amount < 5:
-      url = ""
-    #let supporter = getSupporter(supporters,
-    #                             supportLevel["owner"]["display_name"].getStr)
-    #if supporter.isNil: continue
-    var logo = ""
-    if amount >= 75:
-      discard # TODO
-    let sponsor = Sponsor(name: name, url: url, logo: logo, amount: amount,
-        allTime: supporter["alltime_amount"].getFloat(),
-        since: parse(supporter["created_at"].getStr, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss")
-      )
-    if supporter["monthly_amount"].getFloat > 0.0:
-      activeSponsors.add(sponsor)
-    else:
-      inactiveSponsors.add(sponsor)
-  echo("Generated ", activeSponsors.len, " active sponsors")
-  echo("Generated ", inactiveSponsors.len, " inactive sponsors")
-  writeCsv(activeSponsors)
-  writeCsv(inactiveSponsors, "")
diff --git a/web/bountysource.nim.cfg b/web/bountysource.nim.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 521e21de4..000000000
--- a/web/bountysource.nim.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@