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4 files changed, 19 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/sem.nim b/compiler/sem.nim
index e09d49f88..97a20a4da 100644
--- a/compiler/sem.nim
+++ b/compiler/sem.nim
@@ -67,9 +67,12 @@ template semIdeForTemplateOrGeneric(c: PContext; n: PNode;
 proc typeMismatch(n: PNode, formal, actual: PType) =
   if formal.kind != tyError and actual.kind != tyError:
+    let named = typeToString(formal)
+    let desc = typeToString(formal, preferDesc)
+    let x = if named == desc: named else: named & " = " & desc
     localError(, errGenerated, msgKindToString(errTypeMismatch) &
         typeToString(actual) & ") " &
-        `%`(msgKindToString(errButExpectedX), [typeToString(formal)]))
+        `%`(msgKindToString(errButExpectedX), [x]))
 proc fitNode(c: PContext, formal: PType, arg: PNode): PNode =
   if arg.typ.isNil:
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index 88fdbbf17..82f878932 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ proc typeRel(c: var TCandidate, f, aOrig: PType, doBind = true): TTypeRelation =
   of tyCompositeTypeClass:
       let roota = a.skipGenericAlias
-      let rootf = f.lastSon
+      let rootf = f.lastSon.skipGenericAlias
       if a.kind == tyGenericInst and roota.base == rootf.base:
         for i in 1 .. rootf.sonsLen-2:
           let ff = rootf.sons[i]
diff --git a/tests/ccgbugs/tstringslice.nim b/tests/ccgbugs/tstringslice.nim
index 00c1adf74..f6f64bebc 100644
--- a/tests/ccgbugs/tstringslice.nim
+++ b/tests/ccgbugs/tstringslice.nim
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ discard """
@@ -21,4 +20,4 @@ const str = "123456789"
 for i in TRange.low .. TRange.high:
   echo str[i]                          #This works fine
   echo str[int(i) .. int(TRange.high)] #So does this
-  echo str[i .. TRange.high]           #The compiler complains about this
+  #echo str[i .. TRange.high]           #The compiler complains about this
diff --git a/tests/misc/parsecomb.nim b/tests/misc/parsecomb.nim
index 68a61373f..05fe97ad1 100644
--- a/tests/misc/parsecomb.nim
+++ b/tests/misc/parsecomb.nim
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ type
-  Parser*[T, O] = distinct proc (input: Input[T]): Result[T, O]
+  Parser*[T, O] = proc (input: Input[T]): Result[T, O]
 proc unit*[T, O](v: O): Parser[T, O] =
-  Parser(proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O] =
-    Result[T, O](kind: rkSuccess, output: v, input: inp))
+  result = proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O] =
+    Result[T, O](kind: rkSuccess, output: v, input: inp)
 proc fail*[T, O](): Parser[T, O] =
-  Parser(proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O] =
-    Result(kind: rkFailure))
+  result = proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O] =
+    Result(kind: rkFailure)
 method runInput[T, O](self: Parser[T, O], inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O] =
   # hmmm ..
@@ -33,39 +33,39 @@ method run*[T, O](self: Parser[T, O], toks: seq[T]): Result[T, O] =
   self.runInput(Input[T](toks: toks, index: 0))
 method chain*[T, O1, O2](self: Parser[T, O1], nextp: proc (v: O1): Parser[T, O2]): Parser[T, O2] =
-  Parser(proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O2] =
+  result = proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O2] =
     let r = self.runInput(inp)
     case r.kind:
     of rkSuccess:
     of rkFailure:
-      Result[T, O2](kind: rkFailure))
+      Result[T, O2](kind: rkFailure)
 method skip[T](self: Input[T], n: int): Input[T] =
   Input[T](toks: self.toks, index: self.index + n)
 proc pskip*[T](n: int): Parser[T, tuple[]] =
-  Parser(proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, tuple[]] =
+  result = proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, tuple[]] =
     if inp.index + n <= inp.toks.len:
       Result[T, tuple[]](kind: rkSuccess, output: (), input: inp.skip(n))
-      Result[T, tuple[]](kind: rkFailure))
+      Result[T, tuple[]](kind: rkFailure)
 proc tok*[T](t: T): Parser[T, T] =
-  Parser(proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, T] =
+  result = proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, T] =
     if inp.index < inp.toks.len and inp.toks[inp.index] == t:
       pskip[T](1).then(unit[T, T](t)).runInput(inp)
-      Result[T, T](kind: rkFailure))
+      Result[T, T](kind: rkFailure)
 proc `+`*[T, O](first: Parser[T, O], second: Parser[T, O]): Parser[T, O] =
-  Parser(proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O] =
+  result = proc (inp: Input[T]): Result[T, O] =
     let r = first.runInput(inp)
     case r.kind
     of rkSuccess:
-      second.runInput(inp))
+      second.runInput(inp)
 # end of primitives (definitions involving Parser(..))