summary refs log tree commit diff stats
diff options
6 files changed, 751 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/koch.nim b/koch.nim
index 4ba0d0eb5..da7576e65 100644
--- a/koch.nim
+++ b/koch.nim
@@ -222,7 +222,13 @@ proc buildTools(args: string = "") =
   # `-d:nimDebugUtils` only makes sense when temporarily editing/debugging compiler
   # `-d:debug` should be changed to a flag that doesn't require re-compiling nim
   # `--opt:speed` is a sensible default even for a debug build, it doesn't affect nim stacktraces
-  nimCompileFold("Compile nim_dbg", "compiler/nim.nim", options = "--opt:speed --stacktrace -d:debug --stacktraceMsgs -d:nimCompilerStacktraceHints " & args, outputName = "nim_dbg")
+  nimCompileFold("Compile nim_dbg", "compiler/nim.nim", options =
+      "--opt:speed --stacktrace -d:debug --stacktraceMsgs -d:nimCompilerStacktraceHints " & args,
+      outputName = "nim_dbg")
+  nimCompileFold("Compile atlas", "tools/atlas/atlas.nim", options = "-d:release " & args,
+      outputName = "atlas")
 proc nsis(latest: bool; args: string) =
   bundleNimbleExe(latest, args)
diff --git a/tools/atlas/ b/tools/atlas/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a36817dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/atlas/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Atlas Package Cloner
+Atlas is a simple package cloner tool that automates some of the
+workflows and needs for Nim's stdlib evolution.
+Atlas is compatible with Nimble in the sense that it supports the Nimble
+file format.
+## How it works
+Atlas uses git commits internally; version requirements are translated
+to git commits via `git show-ref --tags`.
+Atlas uses URLs internally; Nimble package names are translated to URLs
+via Nimble's  `packages.json` file.
+Atlas does not call the Nim compiler for a build, instead it creates/patches
+a `nim.cfg` file for the compiler. For example:
+############# begin Atlas config section ##########
+############# end Atlas config section   ##########
+The version selection is deterministic, it picks up the *minimum* required
+version. Thanks to this design, lock files are not required.
+## Dependencies
+Dependencies are neither installed globally, nor locally into the current
+project. Instead a "workspace" is used. The workspace is the nearest parent
+directory of the current directory that does not contain a `.git` subdirectory.
+Dependencies are managed as **siblings**, not as children. Dependencies are
+kept as git repositories.
+Thanks to this setup, it's easy to develop multiple projects at the same time.
+A project plus its dependencies are stored in a workspace:
+  $workspace / main project
+  $workspace / dependency A
+  $workspace / dependency B
+No attempts are being made at keeping directory hygiene inside the
+workspace, you're supposed to create appropriate `$workspace` directories
+at your own leisure.
+## Commands
+Atlas supports the following commands:
+### Clone <url>
+Clones a URL and all of its dependencies (recursively) into the workspace.
+Creates or patches a `nim.cfg` file with the required `--path` entries.
+### Clone <package name>
+The `<package name>` is translated into an URL via `packages.json` and
+then `clone <url>` is performed.
+### Search <term term2 term3 ...>
+Search the package index `packages.json` for a package that the given terms
+in its description (or name or list of tags).
diff --git a/tools/atlas/atlas.nim b/tools/atlas/atlas.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc1cc6ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/atlas/atlas.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+#           Atlas Package Cloner
+#        (c) Copyright 2021 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Simple tool to automate frequent workflows: Can "clone"
+## a Nimble dependency and its dependencies recursively.
+import std/[parseopt, strutils, os, osproc, sequtils, unicode, tables, sets]
+import parse_requires, osutils, packagesjson
+  Version = "0.1"
+  Usage = "atlas - Nim Package Manager Version " & Version & """
+  (c) 2021 Andreas Rumpf
+  atlas [options] [command] [arguments]
+  clone url|pkgname     clone a package and all of its dependencies
+  search keyw keywB...  search for package that contains the given keywords
+  --keepCommits         do not perform any `git checkouts`
+  --version             show the version
+  --help                show this help
+proc writeHelp() =
+  stdout.write(Usage)
+  stdout.flushFile()
+  quit(0)
+proc writeVersion() =
+  stdout.write(Version & "\n")
+  stdout.flushFile()
+  quit(0)
+  PackageName = distinct string
+  DepRelation = enum
+    normal, strictlyLess, strictlyGreater
+  Dependency = object
+    name: PackageName
+    url, commit: string
+    rel: DepRelation # "requires x < 1.0" is silly, but Nimble allows it so we have too.
+  AtlasContext = object
+    projectDir, workspace: string
+    hasPackageList: bool
+    keepCommits: bool
+    p: Table[string, string] # name -> url mapping
+    processed: HashSet[string] # the key is (url / commit)
+    errors: int
+  InvalidCommit = "<invalid commit>"
+proc toDepRelation(s: string): DepRelation =
+  case s
+  of "<": strictlyLess
+  of ">": strictlyGreater
+  else: normal
+proc isCleanGit(dir: string): string =
+  result = ""
+  let (outp, status) = osproc.execCmdEx("git diff")
+  if outp.len != 0:
+    result = "'git diff' not empty"
+  elif status != 0:
+    result = "'git diff' returned non-zero"
+proc message(c: var AtlasContext; category: string; p: PackageName; args: varargs[string]) =
+  var msg = category & "(" & p.string & ")"
+  for a in args:
+    msg.add ' '
+    msg.add a
+  stdout.writeLine msg
+  inc c.errors
+proc warn(c: var AtlasContext; p: PackageName; args: varargs[string]) =
+  message(c, "[Warning] ", p, args)
+proc error(c: var AtlasContext; p: PackageName; args: varargs[string]) =
+  message(c, "[Error] ", p, args)
+proc sameVersionAs(tag, ver: string): bool =
+  const VersionChars = {'0'..'9', '.'}
+  proc safeCharAt(s: string; i: int): char {.inline.} =
+    if i >= 0 and i < s.len: s[i] else: '\0'
+  let idx = find(tag, ver)
+  if idx >= 0:
+    # we found the version as a substring inside the `tag`. But we
+    # need to watch out the the boundaries are not part of a
+    # larger/different version number:
+    result = safeCharAt(tag, idx-1) notin VersionChars and
+      safeCharAt(tag, idx+ver.len) notin VersionChars
+proc versionToCommit(d: Dependency): string =
+  let (outp, status) = osproc.execCmdEx("git show-ref --tags")
+  if status == 0:
+    var useNextOne = false
+    for line in splitLines(outp):
+      let commitsAndTags = strutils.splitWhitespace(line)
+      if commitsAndTags.len == 2:
+        case d.rel
+        of normal:
+          if commitsAndTags[1].sameVersionAs(d.commit):
+            return commitsAndTags[0]
+        of strictlyLess:
+          if d.commit == InvalidCommit or not commitsAndTags[1].sameVersionAs(d.commit):
+            return commitsAndTags[0]
+        of strictlyGreater:
+          if commitsAndTags[1].sameVersionAs(d.commit):
+            useNextOne = true
+          elif useNextOne:
+            return commitsAndTags[0]
+  return ""
+proc checkoutGitCommit(c: var AtlasContext; p: PackageName; commit: string) =
+  let (outp, status) = osproc.execCmdEx("git checkout " & quoteShell(commit))
+  if status != 0:
+    error(c, p, "could not checkout commit", commit)
+proc gitPull(c: var AtlasContext; p: PackageName) =
+  let (_, status) = osproc.execCmdEx("git pull")
+  if status != 0:
+    error(c, p, "could not 'git pull'")
+proc updatePackages(c: var AtlasContext) =
+  if dirExists(c.workspace / PackagesDir):
+    withDir(c.workspace / PackagesDir):
+      gitPull(c, PackageName PackagesDir)
+  else:
+    withDir c.workspace:
+      let err = cloneUrl("", PackagesDir, false)
+      if err != "":
+        error c, PackageName(PackagesDir), err
+proc fillPackageLookupTable(c: var AtlasContext) =
+  if not c.hasPackageList:
+    c.hasPackageList = true
+    updatePackages(c)
+    let plist = getPackages(c.workspace)
+    for entry in plist:
+      c.p[unicode.toLower] = entry.url
+proc toUrl(c: var AtlasContext; p: string): string =
+  if p.isUrl:
+    result = p
+  else:
+    fillPackageLookupTable(c)
+    result = c.p.getOrDefault(unicode.toLower p)
+  if result.len == 0:
+    inc c.errors
+proc toName(p: string): PackageName =
+  if p.isUrl:
+    result = PackageName splitFile(p).name
+  else:
+    result = PackageName p
+proc needsCommitLookup(commit: string): bool {.inline} =
+  '.' in commit or commit == InvalidCommit
+proc checkoutCommit(c: var AtlasContext; w: Dependency) =
+  let dir = c.workspace /
+  withDir dir:
+    if w.commit.len == 0 or cmpIgnoreCase(w.commit, "#head") == 0:
+      gitPull(c,
+    else:
+      let err = isCleanGit(dir)
+      if err != "":
+        warn c,, err
+      else:
+        let requiredCommit = if needsCommitLookup(w.commit): versionToCommit(w) else: w.commit
+        let (cc, status) = osproc.execCmdEx("git log -n 1 --format=%H")
+        let currentCommit = strutils.strip(cc)
+        if requiredCommit == "" or status != 0:
+          if requiredCommit == "" and w.commit == InvalidCommit:
+            warn c,, "package has no tagged releases"
+          else:
+            warn c,, "cannot find specified version/commit", w.commit
+        else:
+          if currentCommit != requiredCommit:
+            # checkout the later commit:
+            # git merge-base --is-ancestor <commit> <commit>
+            let (mergeBase, status) = osproc.execCmdEx("git merge-base " &
+                currentCommit.quoteShell & " " & requiredCommit.quoteShell)
+            if status == 0 and (mergeBase == currentCommit or mergeBase == requiredCommit):
+              # conflict resolution: pick the later commit:
+              if mergeBase == currentCommit:
+                checkoutGitCommit(c,, requiredCommit)
+            else:
+              checkoutGitCommit(c,, requiredCommit)
+              when false:
+                warn c,, "do not know which commit is more recent:",
+                  currentCommit, "(current) or", w.commit, " =", requiredCommit, "(required)"
+proc findNimbleFile(c: AtlasContext; dep: Dependency): string =
+  result = c.workspace / / ( & ".nimble")
+  if not fileExists(result):
+    result = ""
+    for x in walkFiles(c.workspace / / "*.nimble"):
+      if result.len == 0:
+        result = x
+      else:
+        # ambiguous .nimble file
+        return ""
+proc addUniqueDep(c: var AtlasContext; work: var seq[Dependency];
+                  tokens: seq[string]) =
+  let oldErrors = c.errors
+  let url = toUrl(c, tokens[0])
+  if oldErrors != c.errors:
+    warn c, toName(tokens[0]), "cannot resolve package name"
+  elif not c.processed.containsOrIncl(url / tokens[2]):
+    work.add Dependency(name: toName(tokens[0]), url: url, commit: tokens[2],
+                        rel: toDepRelation(tokens[1]))
+proc collectNewDeps(c: var AtlasContext; work: var seq[Dependency];
+                    dep: Dependency; result: var seq[string];
+                    isMainProject: bool) =
+  let nimbleFile = findNimbleFile(c, dep)
+  if nimbleFile != "":
+    let nimbleInfo = extractRequiresInfo(nimbleFile)
+    for r in nimbleInfo.requires:
+      var tokens: seq[string] = @[]
+      for token in tokenizeRequires(r):
+        tokens.add token
+      if tokens.len == 1:
+        # nimx uses dependencies like 'requires "sdl2"'.
+        # Via this hack we map them to the first tagged release.
+        # (See the `isStrictlySmallerThan` logic.)
+        tokens.add "<"
+        tokens.add InvalidCommit
+      elif tokens.len == 2 and tokens[1].startsWith("#"):
+        # Dependencies can also look like 'requires "sdl2#head"
+        var commit = tokens[1]
+        tokens[1] = "=="
+        tokens.add commit
+      if tokens.len >= 3 and cmpIgnoreCase(tokens[0], "nim") != 0:
+        c.addUniqueDep work, tokens
+    result.add / nimbleInfo.srcDir
+  else:
+    result.add
+proc clone(c: var AtlasContext; start: string): seq[string] =
+  # non-recursive clone.
+  let oldErrors = c.errors
+  var work = @[Dependency(name: toName(start), url: toUrl(c, start), commit: "")]
+  if oldErrors != c.errors:
+    error c, toName(start), "cannot resolve package name"
+    return
+  c.projectDir = work[0].name.string
+  result = @[]
+  var i = 0
+  while i < work.len:
+    let w = work[i]
+    let oldErrors = c.errors
+    if not dirExists(c.workspace /
+      withDir c.workspace:
+        let err = cloneUrl(w.url,, false)
+        if err != "":
+          error c,, err
+    if oldErrors == c.errors:
+      if not c.keepCommits: checkoutCommit(c, w)
+      # even if the checkout fails, we can make use of the somewhat
+      # outdated .nimble file to clone more of the most likely still relevant
+      # dependencies:
+      collectNewDeps(c, work, w, result, i == 0)
+    inc i
+  configPatternBegin = "############# begin Atlas config section ##########\n"
+  configPatternEnd =   "############# end Atlas config section   ##########\n"
+proc patchNimCfg(c: AtlasContext; deps: seq[string]) =
+  var paths = "--noNimblePath\n"
+  for d in deps:
+    paths.add "--path:\"../" & d.replace("\\", "/") & "\"\n"
+  let cfg = c.projectDir / "nim.cfg"
+  var cfgContent = configPatternBegin & paths & configPatternEnd
+  if not fileExists(cfg):
+    writeFile(cfg, cfgContent)
+  else:
+    let content = readFile(cfg)
+    let start = content.find(configPatternBegin)
+    if start >= 0:
+      cfgContent = content.substr(0, start-1) & cfgContent
+      let theEnd = content.find(configPatternEnd, start)
+      if theEnd >= 0:
+        cfgContent.add content.substr(theEnd+len(configPatternEnd))
+    else:
+      cfgContent = content & "\n" & cfgContent
+    if cfgContent != content:
+      # do not touch the file if nothing changed
+      # (preserves the file date information):
+      writeFile(cfg, cfgContent)
+proc error*(msg: string) =
+  when defined(debug):
+    writeStackTrace()
+  quit "[Error] " & msg
+proc main =
+  var action = ""
+  var args: seq[string] = @[]
+  template singleArg() =
+    if args.len != 1:
+      error action & " command takes a single package name"
+  template noArgs() =
+    if args.len != 0:
+      error action & " command takes no arguments"
+  var c = AtlasContext(
+    projectDir: getCurrentDir(),
+    workspace: getCurrentDir())
+  for kind, key, val in getopt():
+    case kind
+    of cmdArgument:
+      if action.len == 0:
+        action = key.normalize
+      else:
+        args.add key
+    of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
+      case normalize(key)
+      of "help", "h": writeHelp()
+      of "version", "v": writeVersion()
+      of "keepcommits": c.keepCommits = true
+      else: writeHelp()
+    of cmdEnd: assert false, "cannot happen"
+  while c.workspace.len > 0 and dirExists(c.workspace / ".git"):
+    c.workspace = c.workspace.parentDir()
+  case action
+  of "":
+    error "No action."
+  of "clone":
+    singleArg()
+    let deps = clone(c, args[0])
+    patchNimCfg c, deps
+    if c.errors > 0:
+      error "There were problems."
+  of "refresh":
+    noArgs()
+    updatePackages(c)
+  of "search", "list":
+    updatePackages(c)
+    search getPackages(c.workspace), args
+  else:
+    error "Invalid action: " & action
+when isMainModule:
+  main()
+when false:
+  # some testing code for the `patchNimCfg` logic:
+  var c = AtlasContext(
+    projectDir: getCurrentDir(),
+    workspace: getCurrentDir().parentDir)
+  patchNimCfg(c, @[PackageName"abc", PackageName"xyz"])
+when false:
+  assert sameVersionAs("v0.2.0", "0.2.0")
+  assert sameVersionAs("v1", "1")
+  assert sameVersionAs("1.90", "1.90")
+  assert sameVersionAs("v1.2.3-zuzu", "1.2.3")
+  assert sameVersionAs("foo-", "")
+  assert not sameVersionAs("foo-", "1.2.3")
+  assert not sameVersionAs("foo", "1.2.3")
+  assert not sameVersionAs("", "1.2.3")
diff --git a/tools/atlas/osutils.nim b/tools/atlas/osutils.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31392b113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/atlas/osutils.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+## OS utilities like 'withDir'.
+## (c) 2021 Andreas Rumpf
+import os, strutils, osproc
+template withDir*(dir, body) =
+  let oldDir = getCurrentDir()
+  try:
+    setCurrentDir(dir)
+    body
+  finally:
+    setCurrentDir(oldDir)
+proc isUrl*(x: string): bool =
+  x.startsWith("git://") or x.startsWith("https://") or x.startsWith("http://")
+proc cloneUrl*(url, dest: string; cloneUsingHttps: bool): string =
+  ## Returns an error message on error or else "".
+  result = ""
+  var modUrl =
+    if url.startsWith("git://") and cloneUsingHttps:
+      "https://" & url[6 .. ^1]
+    else: url
+  # github + https + trailing url slash causes a
+  # checkout/ls-remote to fail with Repository not found
+  var isGithub = false
+  if modUrl.contains("") and modUrl.endswith("/"):
+    modUrl = modUrl[0 .. ^2]
+    isGithub = true
+  let (_, exitCode) = execCmdEx("git ls-remote --quiet --tags " & modUrl)
+  var xcode = exitCode
+  if isGithub and exitCode != QuitSuccess:
+    # retry multiple times to avoid annoying github timeouts:
+    for i in 0..4:
+      os.sleep(4000)
+      xcode = execCmdEx("git ls-remote --quiet --tags " & modUrl)[1]
+      if xcode == QuitSuccess: break
+  if xcode == QuitSuccess:
+    # retry multiple times to avoid annoying github timeouts:
+    let cmd = "git clone " & modUrl & " " & dest
+    for i in 0..4:
+      if execShellCmd(cmd) == 0: return ""
+      os.sleep(4000)
+    result = "exernal program failed: " & cmd
+  elif not isGithub:
+    let (_, exitCode) = execCmdEx("hg identify " & modUrl)
+    if exitCode == QuitSuccess:
+      let cmd = "hg clone " & modUrl & " " & dest
+      for i in 0..4:
+        if execShellCmd(cmd) == 0: return ""
+        os.sleep(4000)
+      result = "exernal program failed: " & cmd
+    else:
+      result = "Unable to identify url: " & modUrl
+  else:
+    result = "Unable to identify url: " & modUrl
diff --git a/tools/atlas/packagesjson.nim b/tools/atlas/packagesjson.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1e23ee29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/atlas/packagesjson.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import std / [json, os, sets, strutils]
+import osutils
+  Package* = ref object
+    # Required fields in a package.
+    name*: string
+    url*: string # Download location.
+    license*: string
+    downloadMethod*: string
+    description*: string
+    tags*: seq[string] # \
+    # From here on, optional fields set to the empty string if not available.
+    version*: string
+    dvcsTag*: string
+    web*: string # Info url for humans.
+proc optionalField(obj: JsonNode, name: string, default = ""): string =
+  if hasKey(obj, name) and obj[name].kind == JString:
+    result = obj[name].str
+  else:
+    result = default
+proc requiredField(obj: JsonNode, name: string): string =
+  result = optionalField(obj, name, "")
+proc fromJson*(obj: JSonNode): Package =
+  result = Package()
+ = obj.requiredField("name")
+  if == 0: return nil
+  result.version = obj.optionalField("version")
+  result.url = obj.requiredField("url")
+  if result.url.len == 0: return nil
+  result.downloadMethod = obj.requiredField("method")
+  if result.downloadMethod.len == 0: return nil
+  result.dvcsTag = obj.optionalField("dvcs-tag")
+  result.license = obj.optionalField("license")
+  result.tags = @[]
+  for t in obj["tags"]:
+    result.tags.add(t.str)
+  result.description = obj.requiredField("description")
+  result.web = obj.optionalField("web")
+const PackagesDir* = "packages"
+proc getPackages*(workspaceDir: string): seq[Package] =
+  result = @[]
+  var uniqueNames = initHashSet[string]()
+  var jsonFiles = 0
+  for kind, path in walkDir(workspaceDir / PackagesDir):
+    if kind == pcFile and path.endsWith(".json"):
+      inc jsonFiles
+      let packages = json.parseFile(path)
+      for p in packages:
+        let pkg = p.fromJson()
+        if pkg != nil and not uniqueNames.containsOrIncl(
+          result.add(pkg)
+proc `$`*(pkg: Package): string =
+  result = & ":\n"
+  result &= "  url:         " & pkg.url & " (" & pkg.downloadMethod & ")\n"
+  result &= "  tags:        " & pkg.tags.join(", ") & "\n"
+  result &= "  description: " & pkg.description & "\n"
+  result &= "  license:     " & pkg.license & "\n"
+  if pkg.web.len > 0:
+    result &= "  website:     " & pkg.web & "\n"
+proc search*(pkgList: seq[Package]; terms: seq[string]) =
+  var found = false
+  template onFound =
+    echo pkg
+    echo("")
+    found = true
+    break forPackage
+  for pkg in pkgList:
+    if terms.len > 0:
+      block forPackage:
+        for term in terms:
+          let word = term.toLower
+          # Search by name.
+          if word in
+            onFound()
+          # Search by tag.
+          for tag in pkg.tags:
+            if word in tag.toLower:
+              onFound()
+    else:
+      echo(pkg)
+      echo(" ")
+  if not found and terms.len > 0:
+    echo("No package found.")
+type PkgCandidates* = array[3, seq[Package]]
+proc determineCandidates*(pkgList: seq[Package];
+                         terms: seq[string]): PkgCandidates =
+  result[0] = @[]
+  result[1] = @[]
+  result[2] = @[]
+  for pkg in pkgList:
+    block termLoop:
+      for term in terms:
+        let word = term.toLower
+        if word ==
+          result[0].add pkg
+          break termLoop
+        elif word in
+          result[1].add pkg
+          break termLoop
+        else:
+          for tag in pkg.tags:
+            if word in tag.toLower:
+              result[2].add pkg
+              break termLoop
diff --git a/tools/atlas/parse_requires.nim b/tools/atlas/parse_requires.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e26a1656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/atlas/parse_requires.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+## Utility API for Nim package managers.
+## (c) 2021 Andreas Rumpf
+import std / strutils
+import ".." / compiler / [ast, idents, msgs, syntaxes, options, pathutils]
+  NimbleFileInfo* = object
+    requires*: seq[string]
+    srcDir*: string
+    tasks*: seq[(string, string)]
+proc extract(n: PNode; conf: ConfigRef; result: var NimbleFileInfo) =
+  case n.kind
+  of nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr:
+    for child in n:
+      extract(child, conf, result)
+  of nkCallKinds:
+    if n[0].kind == nkIdent:
+      case n[0].ident.s
+      of "requires":
+        for i in 1..<n.len:
+          var ch = n[i]
+          while ch.kind in {nkStmtListExpr, nkStmtList} and ch.len > 0: ch = ch.lastSon
+          if ch.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}:
+            result.requires.add ch.strVal
+          else:
+            localError(conf,, "'requires' takes string literals")
+      of "task":
+        if n.len >= 3 and n[1].kind == nkIdent and n[2].kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}:
+          result.tasks.add((n[1].ident.s, n[2].strVal))
+      else: discard
+  of nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn:
+    if n[0].kind == nkIdent and cmpIgnoreCase(n[0].ident.s, "srcDir") == 0:
+      if n[1].kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}:
+        result.srcDir = n[1].strVal
+      else:
+        localError(conf, n[1].info, "assignments to 'srcDir' must be string literals")
+  else:
+    discard
+proc extractRequiresInfo*(nimbleFile: string): NimbleFileInfo =
+  ## Extract the `requires` information from a Nimble file. This does **not**
+  ## evaluate the Nimble file. Errors are produced on stderr/stdout and are
+  ## formatted as the Nim compiler does it. The parser uses the Nim compiler
+  ## as an API. The result can be empty, this is not an error, only parsing
+  ## errors are reported.
+  var conf = newConfigRef()
+  conf.foreignPackageNotes = {}
+  conf.notes = {}
+  conf.mainPackageNotes = {}
+  let fileIdx = fileInfoIdx(conf, AbsoluteFile nimbleFile)
+  var parser: Parser
+  if setupParser(parser, fileIdx, newIdentCache(), conf):
+    extract(parseAll(parser), conf, result)
+    closeParser(parser)
+const Operators* = {'<', '>', '=', '&', '@', '!', '^'}
+proc token(s: string; idx: int; lit: var string): int =
+  var i = idx
+  if i >= s.len: return i
+  while s[i] in Whitespace: inc(i)
+  case s[i]
+  of Letters, '#':
+    lit.add s[i]
+    inc i
+    while i < s.len and s[i] notin (Whitespace + {'@', '#'}):
+      lit.add s[i]
+      inc i
+  of '0'..'9':
+    while i < s.len and s[i] in {'0'..'9', '.'}:
+      lit.add s[i]
+      inc i
+  of '"':
+    inc i
+    while i < s.len and s[i] != '"':
+      lit.add s[i]
+      inc i
+    inc i
+  of Operators:
+    while i < s.len and s[i] in Operators:
+      lit.add s[i]
+      inc i
+  else:
+    lit.add s[i]
+    inc i
+  result = i
+iterator tokenizeRequires*(s: string): string =
+  var start = 0
+  var tok = ""
+  while start < s.len:
+    tok.setLen 0
+    start = token(s, start, tok)
+    yield tok
+when isMainModule:
+  for x in tokenizeRequires("jester@#head >= 1.5 & <= 1.8"):
+    echo x