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-rwxr-xr-xcompiler/jsgen.nim (renamed from compiler/ecmasgen.nim)42
-rwxr-xr-xlib/js/dom.nim (renamed from lib/ecmas/dom.nim)6
-rwxr-xr-xlib/system/jssys.nim (renamed from lib/system/ecmasys.nim)8
-rwxr-xr-xtests/js.html (renamed from tests/ecmas.html)6
-rwxr-xr-xtests/js.nim (renamed from tests/ecmas.nim)2
25 files changed, 127 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ecmasgen.nim b/compiler/jsgen.nim
index a8c62ae09..94b662b48 100755
--- a/compiler/ecmasgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/jsgen.nim
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@ import
 # implementation
-  TEcmasGen = object of TPassContext
+  TJSGen = object of TPassContext
     module: PSym
-  BModule = ref TEcmasGen
-  TEcmasTypeKind = enum       # necessary JS "types"
+  BModule = ref TJSGen
+  TJSTypeKind = enum       # necessary JS "types"
     etyNone,                  # no type
     etyNull,                  # null type
     etyProc,                  # proc type
     etyBool,                  # bool type
-    etyInt,                   # Ecmascript's int
-    etyFloat,                 # Ecmascript's float
-    etyString,                # Ecmascript's string
-    etyObject,                # Ecmascript's reference to an object
+    etyInt,                   # JavaScript's int
+    etyFloat,                 # JavaScript's float
+    etyString,                # JavaScript's string
+    etyObject,                # JavaScript's reference to an object
     etyBaseIndex              # base + index needed
   TCompRes{.final.} = object 
-    kind: TEcmasTypeKind
+    kind: TJSTypeKind
     com: PRope               # computation part
                              # address if this is a (address, index)-tuple
     res: PRope               # result part; index if this is an
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ const
   MappedToObject = {tyObject, tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyTuple, tyOpenArray, 
     tySet, tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr, tyBigNum, tyVarargs}
-proc mapType(typ: PType): TEcmasTypeKind = 
+proc mapType(typ: PType): TJSTypeKind = 
   var t = skipTypes(typ, abstractInst)
   case t.kind
   of tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr: 
@@ -605,8 +605,8 @@ proc genCaseStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   if != nil: appf(, "$1;$n", [])
   stringSwitch = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVar).kind == tyString
   if stringSwitch: 
-    useMagic(p, "toEcmaStr")
-    appf(, "switch (toEcmaStr($1)) {$n", [cond.res])
+    useMagic(p, "toJSStr")
+    appf(, "switch (toJSStr($1)) {$n", [cond.res])
     appf(, "switch ($1) {$n", [cond.res])
   for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
@@ -619,17 +619,17 @@ proc genCaseStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
           v = copyNode(e.sons[0])
           while (v.intVal <= e.sons[1].intVal): 
             gen(p, v, cond)
-            if != nil: internalError(, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt")
+            if != nil: internalError(, "jsgen.genCaseStmt")
             appf(, "case $1: ", [cond.res])
           gen(p, e, cond)
-          if != nil: internalError(, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt")
+          if != nil: internalError(, "jsgen.genCaseStmt")
           if stringSwitch: 
             case e.kind
             of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: appf(, "case $1: ", 
-            else: InternalError(, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt: 2")
+            else: InternalError(, "jsgen.genCaseStmt: 2")
             appf(, "case $1: ", [cond.res])
       genStmt(p, lastSon(it), stmt)
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ proc genCaseStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     of nkElse: 
       genStmt(p, it.sons[0], stmt)
       appf(, "default: $n$1break;$n", [mergeStmt(stmt)])
-    else: internalError(, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt")
+    else: internalError(, "jsgen.genCaseStmt")
   appf(, "}$n", [])
 proc genStmtListExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes)
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ proc genAsmStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     case n.sons[i].Kind
     of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: app(, n.sons[i].strVal)
     of nkSym: app(, mangleName(n.sons[i].sym))
-    else: InternalError(n.sons[i].info, "ecmasgen: genAsmStmt()")
+    else: InternalError(n.sons[i].info, "jsgen: genAsmStmt()")
 proc genIfStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ proc genMagic(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
         binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 += $2")
       binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 = ($1.slice(0,-1)).concat($2)")
-    # XXX: make a copy of $2, because of ECMAScript's sucking semantics
+    # XXX: make a copy of $2, because of Javascript's sucking semantics
   of mAppendSeqElem: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1.push($2)")
   of mConStrStr: genConStrStr(p, n, r)
   of mEqStr: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "eqStrings", "eqStrings($1, $2)")
@@ -1395,8 +1395,8 @@ proc convStrToCStr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
     if r.res == nil: InternalError(, "convStrToCStr")
-    useMagic(p, "toEcmaStr")
-    r.res = ropef("toEcmaStr($1)", [r.res])
+    useMagic(p, "toJSStr")
+    r.res = ropef("toJSStr($1)", [r.res])
 proc convCStrToStr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
   # we do an optimization here as this is likely to slow down
@@ -1660,10 +1660,10 @@ proc myClose(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
     discard writeRopeIfNotEqual(con(genHeader(), code), outfile)
 proc myOpenCached(s: PSym, rd: PRodReader): PPassContext = 
-  InternalError("symbol files are not possible with the Ecmas code generator")
+  InternalError("symbol files are not possible with the JS code generator")
   result = nil
 proc myOpen(s: PSym): PPassContext = 
   result = newModule(s)
-const ecmasgenPass* = makePass(myOpen, myOpenCached, myProcess, myClose)
+const JSgenPass* = makePass(myOpen, myOpenCached, myProcess, myClose)
diff --git a/compiler/lambdalifting.nim b/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
index 0c3eea3be..d85e4afc8 100644
--- a/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
+++ b/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ proc generateThunk(prc: PNode, dest: PType): PNode =
   # we cannot generate a proper thunk here for GC-safety reasons (see internal
   # documentation):
-  if gCmd == cmdCompileToEcmaScript: return prc
+  if gCmd == cmdCompileToJS: return prc
   result = newNodeIT(nkClosure,, dest)
   var conv = newNodeIT(nkHiddenStdConv,, dest)
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ proc transformOuterProc(o: POuterContext, n: PNode): PNode =
       if x != nil: n.sons[i] = x
 proc liftLambdas*(fn: PSym, body: PNode): PNode =
-  if body.kind == nkEmpty or gCmd == cmdCompileToEcmaScript:
+  if body.kind == nkEmpty or gCmd == cmdCompileToJS:
     # ignore forward declaration:
     result = body
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ proc liftLambdas*(fn: PSym, body: PNode): PNode =
     result = ex
 proc liftLambdasForTopLevel*(module: PSym, body: PNode): PNode =
-  if body.kind == nkEmpty or gCmd == cmdCompileToEcmaScript:
+  if body.kind == nkEmpty or gCmd == cmdCompileToJS:
     result = body
     var o = newOuterContext(module)
diff --git a/compiler/main.nim b/compiler/main.nim
index 41073a591..bb10f0768 100755
--- a/compiler/main.nim
+++ b/compiler/main.nim
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import
   llstream, strutils, ast, astalgo, lexer, syntaxes, renderer, options, msgs, 
   os, lists, condsyms, rodread, rodwrite, ropes, trees, times,
   wordrecg, sem, semdata, idents, passes, docgen, extccomp,
-  cgen, ecmasgen, cgendata,
+  cgen, jsgen, cgendata,
   platform, nimconf, importer, passaux, depends, evals, types, idgen,
   tables, docgen2, service, magicsys, parser, crc, ccgutils
@@ -301,14 +301,15 @@ when has_LLVM_Backend:
-proc CommandCompileToEcmaScript =
+proc CommandCompileToJS =
   #incl(gGlobalOptions, optSafeCode)
-  setTarget(osEcmaScript, cpuEcmaScript)
+  setTarget(osJS, cpuJS)
   DefineSymbol("nimrod") # 'nimrod' is always defined
-  DefineSymbol("ecmascript")
+  DefineSymbol("ecmascript") # For backward compatibility
+  DefineSymbol("js")
-  registerPass(ecmasgenPass)
+  registerPass(jsgenPass)
 proc InteractivePasses =
@@ -481,10 +482,10 @@ proc MainCommand =
       rawMessage(errInvalidCommandX, command)
-  of "js", "compiletoecmascript": 
-    gCmd = cmdCompileToEcmaScript
+  of "js", "compiletojs": 
+    gCmd = cmdCompileToJS
-    CommandCompileToEcmaScript()
+    CommandCompileToJS()
   of "compiletollvm": 
     gCmd = cmdCompileToLLVM
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 36429844f..e9663d7c5 100755
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -472,32 +472,32 @@ cgen -> wordrecg;
 cgen -> rnimsyn;
 cgen -> treetab;
 cgen -> cgmeth;
-ecmasgen -> ast;
-ecmasgen -> astalgo;
-ecmasgen -> strutils;
-ecmasgen -> nhashes;
-ecmasgen -> trees;
-ecmasgen -> platform;
-ecmasgen -> magicsys;
-ecmasgen -> extccomp;
-ecmasgen -> options;
-ecmasgen -> nversion;
-ecmasgen -> nimsets;
-ecmasgen -> msgs;
-ecmasgen -> crc;
-ecmasgen -> bitsets;
-ecmasgen -> idents;
-ecmasgen -> lists;
-ecmasgen -> types;
-ecmasgen -> os;
-ecmasgen -> times;
-ecmasgen -> ropes;
-ecmasgen -> math;
-ecmasgen -> passes;
-ecmasgen -> ccgutils;
-ecmasgen -> wordrecg;
-ecmasgen -> rnimsyn;
-ecmasgen -> rodread;
+jsgen -> ast;
+jsgen -> astalgo;
+jsgen -> strutils;
+jsgen -> nhashes;
+jsgen -> trees;
+jsgen -> platform;
+jsgen -> magicsys;
+jsgen -> extccomp;
+jsgen -> options;
+jsgen -> nversion;
+jsgen -> nimsets;
+jsgen -> msgs;
+jsgen -> crc;
+jsgen -> bitsets;
+jsgen -> idents;
+jsgen -> lists;
+jsgen -> types;
+jsgen -> os;
+jsgen -> times;
+jsgen -> ropes;
+jsgen -> math;
+jsgen -> passes;
+jsgen -> ccgutils;
+jsgen -> wordrecg;
+jsgen -> rnimsyn;
+jsgen -> rodread;
 interact -> llstream;
 interact -> strutils;
 interact -> ropes;
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ main -> passes;
 main -> docgen;
 main -> extccomp;
 main -> cgen;
-main -> ecmasgen;
+main -> jsgen;
 main -> platform;
 main -> interact;
 main -> nimconf;
diff --git a/compiler/nimrod.ini b/compiler/nimrod.ini
index ea98c743b..74cf534e4 100755
--- a/compiler/nimrod.ini
+++ b/compiler/nimrod.ini
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Files: "lib/wrappers/zip/libzip_all.c"
 Files: "lib/windows/*.nim"
 Files: "lib/posix/*.nim"
-Files: "lib/ecmas/*.nim"
+Files: "lib/js/*.nim"
diff --git a/compiler/nimrod.nim b/compiler/nimrod.nim
index 3666046ea..3fa80cebb 100755
--- a/compiler/nimrod.nim
+++ b/compiler/nimrod.nim
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ proc HandleCmdLine() =
         if gCmd == cmdRun:
       if optRun in gGlobalOptions:
-        if gCmd == cmdCompileToEcmaScript:
+        if gCmd == cmdCompileToJS:
           var ex = quoteIfContainsWhite(
             completeCFilePath(changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "js").prependCurDir))
           execExternalProgram("node " & ex & ' ' & service.arguments)
diff --git a/compiler/options.nim b/compiler/options.nim
index d74bc7304..0d9cb6bd6 100755
--- a/compiler/options.nim
+++ b/compiler/options.nim
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ type                          # please make sure we have under 32 options
   TCommands* = enum           # Nimrod's commands
                               # **keep binary compatible**
     cmdNone, cmdCompileToC, cmdCompileToCpp, cmdCompileToOC, 
-    cmdCompileToEcmaScript, cmdCompileToLLVM, cmdInterpret, cmdPretty, cmdDoc, 
+    cmdCompileToJS, cmdCompileToLLVM, cmdInterpret, cmdPretty, cmdDoc, 
     cmdGenDepend, cmdDump, 
     cmdCheck,                 # semantic checking for whole project
     cmdParse,                 # parse a single file (for debugging)
diff --git a/compiler/platform.nim b/compiler/platform.nim
index 1e73faa5d..d63fe6636 100755
--- a/compiler/platform.nim
+++ b/compiler/platform.nim
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ type
                     # conditionals to condsyms (end of module).
     osNone, osDos, osWindows, osOs2, osLinux, osMorphos, osSkyos, osSolaris, 
     osIrix, osNetbsd, osFreebsd, osOpenbsd, osAix, osPalmos, osQnx, osAmiga, 
-    osAtari, osNetware, osMacos, osMacosx, osHaiku, osEcmaScript, osNimrodVM, 
+    osAtari, osNetware, osMacos, osMacosx, osHaiku, osJS, osNimrodVM, 
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ const
       objExt: ".o", newLine: "\x0A", pathSep: ":", dirSep: "/", 
       scriptExt: ".sh", curDir: ".", exeExt: "", extSep: ".", 
       props: {ospNeedsPIC, ospPosix, ospLacksThreadVars}), 
-     (name: "EcmaScript", parDir: "..", 
+     (name: "JS", parDir: "..", 
       dllFrmt: "lib$", altDirSep: "/", 
       objExt: ".o", newLine: "\x0A", 
       pathSep: ":", dirSep: "/", 
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ type
                      # alias conditionals to condsyms (end of module).
     cpuNone, cpuI386, cpuM68k, cpuAlpha, cpuPowerpc, cpuPowerpc64,
     cpuSparc, cpuVm, cpuIa64, cpuAmd64, cpuMips, cpuArm, 
-    cpuEcmaScript, cpuNimrodVM, cpuAVR
+    cpuJS, cpuNimrodVM, cpuAVR
   TEndian* = enum 
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ const
     (name: "amd64", intSize: 64, endian: littleEndian, floatSize: 64, bit: 64), 
     (name: "mips", intSize: 32, endian: bigEndian, floatSize: 64, bit: 32), 
     (name: "arm", intSize: 32, endian: littleEndian, floatSize: 64, bit: 32), 
-    (name: "ecmascript", intSize: 32, endian: bigEndian,floatSize: 64,bit: 32), 
+    (name: "js", intSize: 32, endian: bigEndian,floatSize: 64,bit: 32), 
     (name: "nimrodvm", intSize: 32, endian: bigEndian, floatSize: 64, bit: 32),
     (name: "avr", intSize: 16, endian: littleEndian, floatSize: 32, bit: 16)]
diff --git a/compiler/rodread.nim b/compiler/rodread.nim
index 5dccee9a7..3db9452c3 100755
--- a/compiler/rodread.nim
+++ b/compiler/rodread.nim
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ proc cmdChangeTriggersRecompilation(old, new: TCommands): bool =
   # new command forces us to consider it here :-)
   case old
   of cmdCompileToC, cmdCompileToCpp, cmdCompileToOC,
-      cmdCompileToEcmaScript, cmdCompileToLLVM:
+      cmdCompileToJS, cmdCompileToLLVM:
     if new in {cmdDoc, cmdCheck, cmdIdeTools, cmdPretty, cmdDef,
       return false
diff --git a/config/nimrod.cfg b/config/nimrod.cfg
index 9db13e836..406efdf7d 100755
--- a/config/nimrod.cfg
+++ b/config/nimrod.cfg
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ path="$lib/wrappers/x11"
 @if nimbabel:
diff --git a/doc/lib.txt b/doc/lib.txt
index a429a8289..f18693614 100755
--- a/doc/lib.txt
+++ b/doc/lib.txt
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ Modules for JS backend
 * `dom <dom.html>`_
-  Declaration of the Document Object Model for the ECMAScript backend.
+  Declaration of the Document Object Model for the JS backend.
 Impure libraries
diff --git a/doc/manual.txt b/doc/manual.txt
index ad43d0379..b70dbdebc 100755
--- a/doc/manual.txt
+++ b/doc/manual.txt
@@ -4720,7 +4720,7 @@ Foreign function interface
 Nimrod's `FFI`:idx: (foreign function interface) is extensive and only the
-parts that scale to other future backends (like the LLVM/EcmaScript backends)
+parts that scale to other future backends (like the LLVM/JavaScript backends)
 are documented here.
diff --git a/doc/nimrodc.txt b/doc/nimrodc.txt
index 06a0f4500..06d447b7e 100755
--- a/doc/nimrodc.txt
+++ b/doc/nimrodc.txt
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ Define               Effect
 ``useRealtimeGC``    Enables support of Nimrod's GC for *soft* realtime 
                      systems. See the documentation of the `gc <gc.html>`_ 
                      for further information.
-``nodejs``           The EcmaScript target is actually ``node.js``.
+``nodejs``           The JS target is actually ``node.js``.
 ``ssl``              Enables OpenSSL support for the sockets module.
 ``memProfiler``      Enables memory profiling for the native GC.
 ==================   =========================================================
@@ -549,17 +549,17 @@ efficient:
   else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))

-The ECMAScript target
+The JavaScript target
-Nimrod can also generate `ECMAScript`:idx: (also known as `JavaScript`:idx:)
-code. However, the ECMAScript code generator is experimental!
+Nimrod can also generate `JavaScript`:idx: code. However, the
+JavaScript code generator is experimental!
-Nimrod targets ECMAScript 1.5 which is supported by any widely used browser.
-Since ECMAScript does not have a portable means to include another module,
+Nimrod targets JavaScript 1.5 which is supported by any widely used browser.
+Since JavaScript does not have a portable means to include another module,
 Nimrod just generates a long ``.js`` file.
-Features or modules that the ECMAScript platform does not support are not
+Features or modules that the JavaScript platform does not support are not
 available. This includes:
 * manual memory management (``alloc``, etc.)
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ available. This includes:
 However, the modules `strutils`:idx:, `math`:idx:, and `times`:idx: are
 available! To access the DOM, use the `dom`:idx: module that is only
-available for the ECMAScript platform.
+available for the JavaScript platform.
 To compile a Nimrod module into a ``.js`` file use the ``js`` command; the
 default is a  ``.js`` file that is supposed to be referenced in an ``.html``
diff --git a/ b/
index 24e95730d..886cc8800 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   mkdir -p $libdir/wrappers/zip
   mkdir -p $libdir/windows
   mkdir -p $libdir/posix
-  mkdir -p $libdir/ecmas
+  mkdir -p $libdir/js
   cp bin/nimrod $bindir/nimrod
   chmod 755 $bindir/nimrod
@@ -711,8 +711,8 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/debugger.nim
   cp lib/system/dyncalls.nim $libdir/system/dyncalls.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/dyncalls.nim
-  cp lib/system/ecmasys.nim $libdir/system/ecmasys.nim
-  chmod 644 $libdir/system/ecmasys.nim
+  cp lib/system/jssys.nim $libdir/system/jssys.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/system/jssys.nim
   cp lib/system/embedded.nim $libdir/system/embedded.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/embedded.nim
   cp lib/system/excpt.nim $libdir/system/excpt.nim
@@ -1101,8 +1101,8 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   chmod 644 $libdir/posix/inotify.nim
   cp lib/posix/posix.nim $libdir/posix/posix.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/posix/posix.nim
-  cp lib/ecmas/dom.nim $libdir/ecmas/dom.nim
-  chmod 644 $libdir/ecmas/dom.nim
+  cp lib/js/dom.nim $libdir/js/dom.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/js/dom.nim
   echo "installation successful"
diff --git a/lib/ecmas/dom.nim b/lib/js/dom.nim
index 2fb2085b4..d90067176 100755
--- a/lib/ecmas/dom.nim
+++ b/lib/js/dom.nim
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## Declaration of the Document Object Model for the ECMAScript backend.
+## Declaration of the Document Object Model for the JavaScript backend.
-when not defined(ecmascript) and not defined(Nimdoc):
-  {.error: "This module only works on the ECMAScript platform".}
+when not defined(js) and not defined(Nimdoc):
+  {.error: "This module only works on the JavaScript platform".}
   TEventHandlers* {.importc.} = object of TObject
diff --git a/lib/pure/hashes.nim b/lib/pure/hashes.nim
index ac6d3c3ce..cf0777ff7 100755
--- a/lib/pure/hashes.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/hashes.nim
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ proc `!$`*(h: THash): THash {.inline.} =
 proc hashData*(Data: Pointer, Size: int): THash = 
   ## hashes an array of bytes of size `size`
   var h: THash = 0
-  when defined(ecmascript):
+  when defined(js):
     var p: cstring
     asm """`p` = `Data`;"""
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ proc hashData*(Data: Pointer, Size: int): THash =
   result = !$h
-when defined(ecmascript):
+when defined(js):
   var objectID = 0
 proc hash*(x: Pointer): THash {.inline.} = 
   ## efficient hashing of pointers
-  when defined(ecmascript):
+  when defined(js):
     asm """
       if (typeof `x` == "object") {
         if ("_NimID" in `x`)
diff --git a/lib/pure/math.nim b/lib/pure/math.nim
index f9ab6d0f8..d65330c4a 100755
--- a/lib/pure/math.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/math.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ##   Constructive mathematics is naturally typed. -- Simon Thompson
 ## Basic math routines for Nimrod.
-## This module is available for the ECMAScript target.
+## This module is available for the JavaScript target.
 {.push debugger:off .} # the user does not want to trace a part
                        # of the standard library!
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ proc classify*(x: float): TFloatClass =
   ## classifies a floating point value. Returns `x`'s class as specified by
   ## `TFloatClass`.
-  # ECMAScript and most C compilers have no classify:
+  # JavaScript and most C compilers have no classify:
   if x == 0.0:
     if 1.0/x == Inf:
       return fcZero
@@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ when not defined(windows):
 proc randomize*()
   ## initializes the random number generator with a "random"
-  ## number, i.e. a tickcount. Note: Does nothing for the ECMAScript target,
-  ## as ECMAScript does not support this.
+  ## number, i.e. a tickcount. Note: Does nothing for the JavaScript target,
+  ## as JavaScript does not support this.
 proc randomize*(seed: int)
   ## initializes the random number generator with a specific seed.
-  ## Note: Does nothing for the ECMAScript target,
-  ## as ECMAScript does not support this.
+  ## Note: Does nothing for the JavaScript target,
+  ## as JavaScript does not support this.
-when not defined(ECMAScript):
+when not defined(JS):
   proc sqrt*(x: float): float {.importc: "sqrt", header: "<math.h>".}
     ## computes the square root of `x`.
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ proc standardDeviation*(s: TRunningStat): float =
-when isMainModule and not defined(ECMAScript):
+when isMainModule and not defined(JS):
   # Verifies random seed initialization.
   let seed = gettime(nil)
diff --git a/lib/pure/times.nim b/lib/pure/times.nim
index d84fbbb67..1d6ca2646 100755
--- a/lib/pure/times.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/times.nim
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ## This module contains routines and types for dealing with time.
-## This module is available for the ECMAScript target.
+## This module is available for the JavaScript target.
 {.push debugger:off.} # the user does not want to trace a part
                       # of the standard library!
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ elif defined(windows):
     TTime* = distinct TTimeImpl
-elif defined(ECMAScript):
+elif defined(JS):
     TTime* {.final, importc.} = object
       getDay: proc (): int
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ type
     weekday*: TWeekDay        ## The current day of the week.
     yearday*: range[0..365]   ## The number of days since January 1,
                               ## in the range 0 to 365.
-                              ## Always 0 if the target is ECMAScript.
+                              ## Always 0 if the target is JS.
     isDST*: bool              ## Determines whether DST is in effect. Always
                               ## ``False`` if time is UTC.
     tzname*: string           ## The timezone this time is in. E.g. GMT
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ proc `-`*(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): TTimeInfo =
     result = getLocalTime(TTime(float(t) - secs))
-when not defined(ECMAScript):  
+when not defined(JS):  
   proc epochTime*(): float {.rtl, extern: "nt$1", tags: [FTime].}
     ## gets time after the UNIX epoch (1970) in seconds. It is a float
     ## because sub-second resolution is likely to be supported (depending 
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ when not defined(ECMAScript):
     ##   doWork()
     ##   echo "CPU time [s] ", cpuTime() - t0
-when not defined(ECMAScript):
+when not defined(JS):
   # C wrapper:
@@ -694,4 +694,4 @@ when isMainModule:
   var t4 = getGMTime(TTime(876124714)) # Mon  6 Oct 08:58:34 BST 1997
   assert t4.format("M MM MMM MMMM") == "10 10 Oct October"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index b4c265f62..ea765644c 100755
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ proc `..`*[T](b: T): TSlice[T] {.noSideEffect, inline.} =
 when not defined(niminheritable):
   {.pragma: inheritable.}
-when not defined(EcmaScript) and not defined(NimrodVM):
+when not defined(JS) and not defined(NimrodVM):
     TGenericSeq* {.compilerproc, pure, inheritable.} = object
       len, reserved: int
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ template sysAssert(cond: bool, msg: string) =
 include "system/inclrtl"
-when not defined(ecmascript) and not defined(nimrodVm) and hostOS != "standalone":
+when not defined(JS) and not defined(nimrodVm) and hostOS != "standalone":
   include "system/cgprocs"
 proc add *[T](x: var seq[T], y: T) {.magic: "AppendSeqElem", noSideEffect.}
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ proc `$` *(x: int64): string {.magic: "Int64ToStr", noSideEffect.}
   ## converted to a decimal string.
 when not defined(NimrodVM):
-  when not defined(ECMAScript):
+  when not defined(JS):
     proc `$` *(x: uint64): string {.noSideEffect.}
       ## The stingify operator for an unsigned integer argument. Returns `x`
       ## converted to a decimal string.
@@ -1422,7 +1422,7 @@ proc `&` *[T](x: T, y: seq[T]): seq[T] {.noSideEffect.} =
   result[y.len] = x
 when not defined(NimrodVM):
-  when not defined(ECMAScript):
+  when not defined(JS):
     proc seqToPtr[T](x: seq[T]): pointer {.inline, nosideeffect.} =
       result = cast[pointer](x)
@@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ type
     filename: CString
     len: int  # length of slots (when not debugging always zero)
-when not defined(ECMAScript):
+when not defined(JS):
   {.push stack_trace:off, profiler:off.}
   proc add*(x: var string, y: cstring) {.noStackFrame.} =
     var i = 0
@@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@ proc echo*[T](x: varargs[T, `$`]) {.magic: "Echo", tags: [FWriteIO].}
   ## is converted to a string via ``$``, so it works for user-defined
   ## types that have an overloaded ``$`` operator.
   ## It is roughly equivalent to ``writeln(stdout, x); flush(stdout)``, but
-  ## available for the ECMAScript target too.
+  ## available for the JavaScript target too.
   ## Unlike other IO operations this is guaranteed to be thread-safe as
   ## ``echo`` is very often used for debugging convenience.
@@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@ proc getTypeInfo*[T](x: T): pointer {.magic: "GetTypeInfo".}
   ## get type information for `x`. Ordinary code should not use this, but
   ## the `typeinfo` module instead.
-when not defined(EcmaScript): #and not defined(NimrodVM):
+when not defined(JS): #and not defined(NimrodVM):
   {.push stack_trace: off, profiler:off.}
   when not defined(NimrodVM):
@@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@ when not defined(EcmaScript): #and not defined(NimrodVM):
       `result` = *((NI*) `x`.ClEnv) < 0;
-elif defined(ecmaScript):
+elif defined(JS):
   # Stubs:
   proc nimGCvisit(d: pointer, op: int) {.compilerRtl.} = nil
@@ -2192,8 +2192,8 @@ elif defined(ecmaScript):
   proc deallocShared(p: pointer) = nil
   proc reallocShared(p: pointer, newsize: int): pointer = nil
-  when defined(ecmaScript):
-    include "system/ecmasys"
+  when defined(JS):
+    include "system/jssys"
     include "system/reprjs"
   elif defined(NimrodVM):
     proc cmp(x, y: string): int =
@@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ proc shallow*[T](s: var seq[T]) {.noSideEffect, inline.} =
   ## marks a sequence `s` as `shallow`:idx:. Subsequent assignments will not
   ## perform deep copies of `s`. This is only useful for optimization 
   ## purposes.
-  when not defined(EcmaScript) and not defined(NimrodVM):
+  when not defined(JS) and not defined(NimrodVM):
     var s = cast[PGenericSeq](s)
     s.reserved = s.reserved or seqShallowFlag
@@ -2445,7 +2445,7 @@ proc shallow*(s: var string) {.noSideEffect, inline.} =
   ## marks a string `s` as `shallow`:idx:. Subsequent assignments will not
   ## perform deep copies of `s`. This is only useful for optimization 
   ## purposes.
-  when not defined(EcmaScript) and not defined(NimrodVM):
+  when not defined(JS) and not defined(NimrodVM):
     var s = cast[PGenericSeq](s)
     s.reserved = s.reserved or seqShallowFlag
diff --git a/lib/system/ecmasys.nim b/lib/system/jssys.nim
index f78b7f68c..6040fdf53 100755
--- a/lib/system/ecmasys.nim
+++ b/lib/system/jssys.nim
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ proc cstrToNimstr(c: cstring): string {.noStackFrame, compilerproc.} =
     return result;
-proc toEcmaStr(s: string): cstring {.noStackFrame, compilerproc.} =
+proc toJSStr(s: string): cstring {.noStackFrame, compilerproc.} =
   asm """
     var len = `s`.length-1;
     var result = new Array(len);
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ when defined(kwin):
     asm """
       var buf = "";
       for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
-        buf += `toEcmaStr`(arguments[i]);
+        buf += `toJSStr`(arguments[i]);
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ elif defined(nodejs):
     asm """
       var buf = "";
       for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
-        buf += `toEcmaStr`(arguments[i]);
+        buf += `toJSStr`(arguments[i]);
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ else:
     if node == nil: raise newException(EIO, "<body> element does not exist yet!")
     asm """
       for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
-        var x = `toEcmaStr`(arguments[i]);
+        var x = `toJSStr`(arguments[i]);
diff --git a/tests/ecmas.html b/tests/js.html
index 2004387a1..81baef784 100755
--- a/tests/ecmas.html
+++ b/tests/js.html
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
 <!--  This has been written by hand. (c) 2010 Andreas Rumpf -->
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-<title>Nimrod ECMAScript Generator Test</title>
+<title>Nimrod JavaScript Generator Test</title>
 <style type="text/css">
 span.DecNumber {color: blue}
-<script src="nimcache/ecmas.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<script src="nimcache/js.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <body onload="OnLoad()">
-<form name="form1" action="ecmas.html">
+<form name="form1" action="js.html">
   <input type="text" name="input1" size="10" />
   <input type="button" value="Calculate square" onclick="OnButtonClick()" />
diff --git a/tests/ecmas.nim b/tests/js.nim
index 12ed71309..f31bb10d9 100755
--- a/tests/ecmas.nim
+++ b/tests/js.nim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ discard """
   cmd: "nimrod js --hints:on $# $#"
-# This file tests the ECMAScript generator
+# This file tests the JavaScript generator
   dom, strutils
diff --git a/tests/js/test1.nim b/tests/js/test1.nim
index 012b98833..3f3d5f02c 100644
--- a/tests/js/test1.nim
+++ b/tests/js/test1.nim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ discard """
   output: "1261129"
-# This file tests the ECMAScript generator
+# This file tests the JavaScript generator
   dom, strutils
diff --git a/tests/tester.nim b/tests/tester.nim
index 60c84403e..2b60151a8 100755
--- a/tests/tester.nim
+++ b/tests/tester.nim
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ proc main() =
   of "compile":
     compile(r, "tests/compile/t*.nim", p.cmdLineRest.string)
     compile(r, "tests/ccg/t*.nim", p.cmdLineRest.string)
-    compile(r, "tests/ecmas.nim", p.cmdLineRest.string)
+    compile(r, "tests/js.nim", p.cmdLineRest.string)
     compileExample(r, "lib/pure/*.nim", p.cmdLineRest.string)
     compileExample(r, "examples/*.nim", p.cmdLineRest.string)
     compileExample(r, "examples/gtk/*.nim", p.cmdLineRest.string)
diff --git a/web/nimrod.ini b/web/nimrod.ini
index 0a26138a6..565a02117 100755
--- a/web/nimrod.ini
+++ b/web/nimrod.ini
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ pdf: "manual;lib;tut1;tut2;nimrodc;c2nim;niminst;gc"
 srcdoc2: "system.nim;impure/graphics;wrappers/sdl"
 srcdoc2: "core/macros;pure/marshal;core/typeinfo;core/unsigned"
 srcdoc2: "impure/re;pure/sockets"
-srcdoc: "system/threads.nim;system/channels.nim;ecmas/dom"
+srcdoc: "system/threads.nim;system/channels.nim;js/dom"
 srcdoc2: "pure/os;pure/strutils;pure/math;pure/matchers;pure/algorithm"
 srcdoc2: "pure/complex;pure/times;pure/osproc;pure/pegs;pure/dynlib"
 srcdoc2: "pure/parseopt;pure/hashes;pure/strtabs;pure/lexbase"