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2 files changed, 31 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index f94b4ee60..b2f52ba12 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -1140,6 +1140,13 @@ proc typeRel(c: var TCandidate, f, aOrig: PType,
       let x = typeRel(c, a, f, flags + {trDontBind})
       if x >= isGeneric:
         return isGeneric
+  of tyFromExpr:
+    if c.c.inGenericContext > 0:
+      # generic type bodies can sometimes compile call expressions
+      # prevent expressions with unresolved types from
+      # being passed as parameters
+      return isNone
   else: discard
   case f.kind
@@ -2215,6 +2222,10 @@ proc paramTypesMatchAux(m: var TCandidate, f, a: PType,
   of isNone:
     # do not do this in ``typeRel`` as it then can't infer T in ``ref T``:
     if a.kind in {tyProxy, tyUnknown}:
+      if a.kind == tyUnknown and c.inGenericContext > 0:
+        # don't bother with fauxMatch mechanism in generic type,
+        # reject match, typechecking will be delayed to instantiation
+        return nil
       m.fauxMatch = a.kind
       return arg
diff --git a/tests/statictypes/tgenericcomputedrange.nim b/tests/statictypes/tgenericcomputedrange.nim
index 01ec4767a..82abe2677 100644
--- a/tests/statictypes/tgenericcomputedrange.nim
+++ b/tests/statictypes/tgenericcomputedrange.nim
@@ -95,3 +95,23 @@ block:
     x[2] = 3
     doAssert x == [0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3]
     doAssert x is array[0 .. 2, int]
+  type Foo[T; U: static T] = array[T(0) .. (U * 2) + 1, int]
+  block:
+    var x: Foo[int, 1]
+    x[0] = 1
+    x[1] = 2
+    x[2] = 3
+    x[3] = 4
+    doAssert x == [0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4]
+    doAssert x is array[0 .. 3, int]
+block: # issue #22187
+  template m(T: type, s: int64): int64 = s
+  func p(n: int64): int = int(n)
+  type F[T; s: static int64] = object
+    k: array[p(m(T, s)), int64]
+  var x: F[int, 3]
+  doAssert x.k is array[3, int64]