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4 files changed, 29 insertions, 331 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index d3f661466..51444e108 100644
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -954,8 +954,7 @@ proc genMainProc(m: BModule) =
       "\tsystemInit();$N" &
       "$1" &
       "$2" &
-      "$3" &
-      "$4"
+      "$3"
     MainProcs =
@@ -963,10 +962,19 @@ proc genMainProc(m: BModule) =
     MainProcsWithResult =
       MainProcs & "\treturn nim_program_result;$N"
+    # The use of a volatile function pointer to call NimMainInner
+    # prevents inlining of the NimMainInner function and dependent
+    # functions, which might otherwise merge their stack frames.
     NimMainBody =
-      "N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void) {$N" &
+      "N_CDECL(void, NimMainInner)(void) {$N" &
         "\tPreMain();$N" &
         "$1" &
+      "}$N$N" &
+      "N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void) {$N" &
+        "\tvoid (*volatile inner)();$N" &
+        "\tinner = NimMainInner;$N" &
+        "$2" &
+        "\t(*inner)();$N" &
     PosixNimMain =
@@ -1034,14 +1042,15 @@ proc genMainProc(m: BModule) =
   if optEndb in gOptions:
-  let initStackBottomCall = if emulatedThreadVars() or
-                              platform.targetOS == osStandalone: "".toRope
-                            else: ropecg(m, "\t#initStackBottom();$N")
+  let initStackBottomCall =
+    if emulatedThreadVars() or
+      platform.targetOS == osStandalone: "".toRope
+    else: ropecg(m, "\t#initStackBottomWith((void *)&inner);$N")
   appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], "void PreMain() {$N" & PreMainBody & "}$N$N", [
-    mainDatInit, initStackBottomCall, gBreakpoints, otherModsInit])
+    mainDatInit, gBreakpoints, otherModsInit])
-  appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], nimMain, [mainModInit, toRope(m.labels)])
+  appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], nimMain, [mainModInit, initStackBottomCall, toRope(m.labels)])
   if optNoMain notin gGlobalOptions:
     appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], otherMain, [])
diff --git a/lib/pure/math.nim b/lib/pure/math.nim
index e76e96da5..8af09114b 100644
--- a/lib/pure/math.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/math.nim
@@ -279,8 +279,13 @@ proc `mod`*(x, y: float): float =
   result = if y == 0.0: x else: x - y * (x/y).floor
 proc random*[T](x: TSlice[T]): T =
+  ## For a slice `a .. b` returns a value in the range `a .. b-1`.
   result = random(x.b - x.a) + x.a
+proc random[T](a: openarray[T]): T =
+  ## returns a random element from the openarray `a`.
+  result = a[random(a.low..a.len)]
   TRunningStat* {.pure,final.} = object  ## an accumulator for statistical data
     n*: int                              ## number of pushed data
diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index 3dc7e308e..8ab3ee2e5 100644
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -2182,6 +2182,12 @@ when not defined(JS): #and not defined(NimrodVM):
         locals = addr(locals)
+    proc initStackBottomWith(locals: pointer) {.inline, compilerproc.} =
+      # We need to keep initStackBottom around for now to avoid
+      # bootstrapping problems.
+      when defined(setStackBottom):
+        setStackBottom(locals)
       strDesc: TNimType
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/zmq.nim b/lib/wrappers/zmq.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 9826ab813..000000000
--- a/lib/wrappers/zmq.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-# Nimrod wrapper of 0mq
-# Generated by c2nim with modifications and enhancement from Andreas Rumpf
-# Original licence follows:
-#    Copyright (c) 2007-2011 iMatix Corporation
-#    Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Other contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file
-#    This file is part of 0MQ.
-#    0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-#    the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-# Generated from zmq version 2.1.5
-## Nimrod 0mq wrapper. This file contains the low level C wrappers as well as
-## some higher level constructs. The higher level constructs are easily
-## recognizable because they are the only ones that have documentation.
-## Example of a client:
-## .. code-block:: nimrod
-##   import zmq
-##   var connection ="tcp://localhost:5555", server=false)
-##   echo("Connecting...")
-##   for i in 0..10:
-##     echo("Sending hello...", i)
-##     send(connection, "Hello")
-##     var reply = receive(connection)
-##     echo("Received ...", reply)
-##   close(connection)
-## Example of a server:
-## .. code-block:: nimrod
-##   import zmq
-##   var connection ="tcp://*:5555", server=true)
-##   while True:
-##     var request = receive(connection)
-##     echo("Received: ", request)
-##     send(connection, "World")
-##   close(connection)
-{.deadCodeElim: on.}
-when defined(windows): 
-  const 
-    zmqdll* = "zmq.dll"
-elif defined(macosx): 
-  const 
-    zmqdll* = "libzmq.dylib"
-  const 
-    zmqdll* = ""
-# A number random enough not to collide with different errno ranges on      
-# different OSes. The assumption is that error_t is at least 32-bit type.  
-  HAUSNUMERO* = 156384712
-  # On Windows platform some of the standard POSIX errnos are not defined.    
-  # Native 0MQ error codes.  
-  EFSM* = (HAUSNUMERO + 51)
-  #  Maximal size of "Very Small Message". VSMs are passed by value            
-  #  to avoid excessive memory allocation/deallocation.                        
-  #  If VMSs larger than 255 bytes are required, type of 'vsm_size'            
-  #  field in msg_t structure should be modified accordingly.
-  MAX_VSM_SIZE* = 30
-  POLLIN* = 1
-  POLLOUT* = 2
-  POLLERR* = 4
-  STREAMER* = 1
-  QUEUE* = 3
-  PAIR* = 0
-  PUB* = 1
-  SUB* = 2
-  REQ* = 3
-  REP* = 4
-  DEALER* = 5
-  ROUTER* = 6
-  PULL* = 7
-  PUSH* = 8
-  XPUB* = 9
-  XSUB* = 10
-  XREQ* = DEALER      #  Old alias, remove in 3.x               
-  XREP* = ROUTER      #  Old alias, remove in 3.x               
-  UPSTREAM* = PULL    #  Old alias, remove in 3.x               
-  DOWNSTREAM* = PUSH  #  Old alias, remove in 3.x        
-  #  Message types. These integers may be stored in 'content' member of the    
-  #  message instead of regular pointer to the data. 
-  TMsgTypes* = enum
-    DELIMITER = 31,
-    VSM = 32
-  #  Message flags. MSG_SHARED is strictly speaking not a message flag     
-  #  (it has no equivalent in the wire format), however, making  it a flag     
-  #  allows us to pack the stucture tighter and thus improve performance.   
-  TMsgFlags* = enum 
-    MSG_MORE = 1,
-    MSG_SHARED = 128,
-    MSG_MASK = 129         # Merges all the flags 
-  #  A message. Note that 'content' is not a pointer to the raw data.          
-  #  Rather it is pointer to zmq::msg_content_t structure                      
-  #  (see src/msg_content.hpp for its definition).    
-  TMsg*{.pure, final.} = object 
-    content*: pointer
-    flags*: char
-    vsm_size*: char
-    vsm_data*: array[0..MAX_VSM_SIZE - 1, char]
-  TFreeFn = proc (data, hint: pointer) {.noconv.}
-  TContext {.final, pure.} = object
-  PContext* = ptr TContext
-  # Socket Types
-  TSocket {.final, pure.} = object
-  PSocket* = ptr TSocket       
-  #  Socket options.                                                           
-  TSockOptions* = enum
-    HWM = 1,
-    SWAP = 3,
-    AFFINITY = 4,
-    IDENTITY = 5,
-    SUBSCRIBE = 6,
-    RATE = 8,
-    RECOVERY_IVL = 9,
-    MCAST_LOOP = 10,
-    SNDBUF = 11,
-    RCVBUF = 12,
-    RCVMORE = 13,
-    FD = 14,
-    EVENTS = 15,
-    theTYPE = 16,
-    LINGER = 17,
-    RECONNECT_IVL = 18,
-    BACKLOG = 19,
-    RECOVERY_IVL_MSEC = 20, #  opt. recovery time, reconcile in 3.x   
-  #  Send/recv options.                                                        
-  TSendRecvOptions* = enum
-  TPollItem*{.pure, final.} = object 
-    socket*: PSocket
-    fd*: cint
-    events*: cshort
-    revents*: cshort
-#  Run-time API version detection                                            
-proc version*(major: var cint, minor: var cint, patch: var cint){.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_version", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-#  0MQ errors.                                                               
-#  This function retrieves the errno as it is known to 0MQ library. The goal 
-#  of this function is to make the code 100% portable, including where 0MQ   
-#  compiled with certain CRT library (on Windows) is linked to an            
-#  application that uses different CRT library.                              
-proc errno*(): cint{.cdecl, importc: "zmq_errno", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-#  Resolves system errors and 0MQ errors to human-readable string.
-proc strerror*(errnum: cint): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "zmq_strerror", 
-    dynlib: zmqdll.}
-#  0MQ message definition.                                                   
-proc msg_init*(msg: var TMsg): cint{.cdecl, importc: "zmq_msg_init", 
-    dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc msg_init*(msg: var TMsg, size: int): cint{.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_msg_init_size", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc msg_init*(msg: var TMsg, data: cstring, size: int, 
-               ffn: TFreeFn, hint: pointer): cint{.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_msg_init_data", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc msg_close*(msg: var TMsg): cint {.cdecl, importc: "zmq_msg_close", 
-    dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc msg_move*(dest, src: var TMsg): cint{.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_msg_move", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc msg_copy*(dest, src: var TMsg): cint{.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_msg_copy", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc msg_data*(msg: var TMsg): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "zmq_msg_data", 
-    dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc msg_size*(msg: var TMsg): int {.cdecl, importc: "zmq_msg_size", 
-    dynlib: zmqdll.}
-#  0MQ infrastructure (a.k.a. context) initialisation & termination.         
-proc init*(io_threads: cint): PContext {.cdecl, importc: "zmq_init", 
-    dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc term*(context: PContext): cint {.cdecl, importc: "zmq_term", 
-                                        dynlib: zmqdll.}
-#  0MQ socket definition.                                                    
-proc socket*(context: PContext, theType: cint): PSocket {.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_socket", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc close*(s: PSocket): cint{.cdecl, importc: "zmq_close", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc setsockopt*(s: PSocket, option: cint, optval: pointer, 
-                     optvallen: int): cint {.cdecl, importc: "zmq_setsockopt", 
-    dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc getsockopt*(s: PSocket, option: cint, optval: pointer, 
-                 optvallen: ptr int): cint{.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_getsockopt", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc bindAddr*(s: PSocket, address: cstring): cint{.cdecl, importc: "zmq_bind", 
-    dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc connect*(s: PSocket, address: cstring): cint{.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_connect", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc send*(s: PSocket, msg: var TMsg, flags: cint): cint{.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_send", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-proc recv*(s: PSocket, msg: var TMsg, flags: cint): cint{.cdecl, 
-    importc: "zmq_recv", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-#  I/O multiplexing.                                                         
-proc poll*(items: ptr TPollItem, nitems: cint, timeout: int): cint{.
-    cdecl, importc: "zmq_poll", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-#  Built-in devices                                                          
-proc device*(device: cint, insocket, outsocket: PSocket): cint{.
-    cdecl, importc: "zmq_device", dynlib: zmqdll.}
-  EZmq* = object of ESynch ## exception that is raised if something fails
-  TConnection* {.pure, final.} = object ## a connection
-    c*: PContext  ## the embedded context
-    s*: PSocket   ## the embedded socket
-  TConnectionMode* = enum ## connection mode
-    conPAIR = 0,
-    conPUB = 1,
-    conSUB = 2,
-    conREQ = 3,
-    conREP = 4,
-    conDEALER = 5,
-    conROUTER = 6,
-    conPULL = 7,
-    conPUSH = 8,
-    conXPUB = 9,
-    conXSUB = 10
-proc zmqError*() {.noinline, noreturn.} =
-  ## raises EZmq with error message from `zmq.strerror`.
-  var e: ref EZmq
-  new(e)
-  e.msg = $strerror(errno())
-  raise e
-proc open*(address: string, server: bool, mode: TConnectionMode = conDEALER,
-           numthreads = 4): TConnection =
-  ## opens a new connection. If `server` is true, it uses `bindAddr` for the
-  ## underlying socket, otherwise it opens the socket with `connect`.
-  result.c = init(cint(numthreads))
-  if result.c == nil: zmqError()
-  result.s = socket(result.c, cint(ord(mode)))
-  if result.s == nil: zmqError()
-  if server:
-    if bindAddr(result.s, address) != 0'i32: zmqError()
-  else:
-    if connect(result.s, address) != 0'i32: zmqError()
-proc close*(c: TConnection) =
-  ## closes the connection.
-  if close(c.s) != 0'i32: zmqError()
-  if term(c.c) != 0'i32: zmqError()
-proc send*(c: TConnection, msg: string) =
-  ## sends a message over the connection.
-  var m: TMsg
-  if msg_init(m, msg.len) != 0'i32: zmqError()
-  copyMem(msg_data(m), cstring(msg), msg.len)
-  if send(c.s, m, 0'i32) != 0'i32: zmqError()
-  discard msg_close(m)
-proc receive*(c: TConnection): string =
-  ## receives a message from a connection.
-  var m: TMsg
-  if msg_init(m) != 0'i32: zmqError()
-  if recv(c.s, m, 0'i32) != 0'i32: zmqError()
-  result = newString(msg_size(m))
-  copyMem(addr(result[0]), msg_data(m), result.len)
-  discard msg_close(m)