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10 files changed, 298 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index 4cf6f36db..2d1005f5e 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -1606,10 +1606,33 @@ proc genRepr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
   gcUsage(p.config, e)
+proc rdMType(p: BProc; a: TLoc; nilCheck: var Rope): Rope =
+  result = rdLoc(a)
+  var t = skipTypes(a.t, abstractInst)
+  while t.kind in {tyVar, tyLent, tyPtr, tyRef}:
+    if t.kind notin {tyVar, tyLent}: nilCheck = result
+    if t.kind notin {tyVar, tyLent} or not p.module.compileToCpp:
+      result = "(*$1)" % [result]
+    t = skipTypes(t.lastSon, abstractInst)
+  discard getTypeDesc(p.module, t)
+  if not p.module.compileToCpp:
+    while t.kind == tyObject and t[0] != nil:
+      result.add(".Sup")
+      t = skipTypes(t[0], skipPtrs)
+  result.add ".m_type"
 proc genGetTypeInfo(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
   discard cgsym(p.module, "TNimType")
   let t = e[1].typ
-  putIntoDest(p, d, e, genTypeInfo(p.module, t,
+  if isFinal(t) or e[0] != "getDynamicTypeInfo":
+    # ordinary static type information
+    putIntoDest(p, d, e, genTypeInfo(p.module, t,
+  else:
+    var a: TLoc
+    initLocExpr(p, e[1], a)
+    var nilCheck = Rope(nil)
+    # use the dynamic type stored at offset 0:
+    putIntoDest(p, d, e, rdMType(p, a, nilCheck))
 template genDollar(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) =
   var a: TLoc
@@ -2113,21 +2136,6 @@ proc genEnumToStr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
   n[0] = newSymNode(toStrProc)
   expr(p, n, d)
-proc rdMType(p: BProc; a: TLoc; nilCheck: var Rope): Rope =
-  result = rdLoc(a)
-  var t = skipTypes(a.t, abstractInst)
-  while t.kind in {tyVar, tyLent, tyPtr, tyRef}:
-    if t.kind notin {tyVar, tyLent}: nilCheck = result
-    if t.kind notin {tyVar, tyLent} or not p.module.compileToCpp:
-      result = "(*$1)" % [result]
-    t = skipTypes(t.lastSon, abstractInst)
-  discard getTypeDesc(p.module, t)
-  if not p.module.compileToCpp:
-    while t.kind == tyObject and t[0] != nil:
-      result.add(".Sup")
-      t = skipTypes(t[0], skipPtrs)
-  result.add ".m_type"
 proc genMagicExpr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) =
   case op
   of mOr, mAnd: genAndOr(p, e, d, op)
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
index 926cf2f08..dbdd0a6c7 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -1291,6 +1291,11 @@ proc genHook(m: BModule; t: PType; info: TLineInfo; op: TTypeAttachedOp): Rope =
     genProc(m, theProc)
     result = theProc.loc.r
+    if op == attachedTrace and m.config.selectedGC == gcOrc and
+        containsGarbageCollectedRef(t):
+      when false:
+        # re-enable this check
+        internalError(m.config, info, "no attached trace proc found")
     result = rope("NIM_NIL")
 proc genTypeInfoV2(m: BModule, t, origType: PType, name: Rope; info: TLineInfo) =
diff --git a/compiler/liftdestructors.nim b/compiler/liftdestructors.nim
index 377ba149a..9a91ec2e9 100644
--- a/compiler/liftdestructors.nim
+++ b/compiler/liftdestructors.nim
@@ -484,10 +484,10 @@ proc atomicRefOp(c: var TLiftCtx; t: PType; body, x, y: PNode) =
     if isFinal(elemType):
       let typInfo = genBuiltin(c.g, mGetTypeInfo, "getTypeInfo", newNodeIT(nkType,, elemType))
       typInfo.typ = getSysType(c.g,, tyPointer)
-      body.add callCodegenProc(c.g, "nimTraceRef",, x, typInfo, y)
+      body.add callCodegenProc(c.g, "nimTraceRef",, genAddrOf(x), typInfo, y)
       # If the ref is polymorphic we have to account for this
-      body.add callCodegenProc(c.g, "nimTraceRefDyn",, x, y)
+      body.add callCodegenProc(c.g, "nimTraceRefDyn",, genAddrOf(x), y)
   of attachedDispose:
     # this is crucial! dispose is like =destroy but we don't follow refs
     # as that is dealt within the cycle collector.
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ proc atomicClosureOp(c: var TLiftCtx; t: PType; body, x, y: PNode) =
     body.add genIf(c, cond, actions)
   of attachedDeepCopy: assert(false, "cannot happen")
   of attachedTrace:
-    body.add callCodegenProc(c.g, "nimTraceRefDyn",, xenv, y)
+    body.add callCodegenProc(c.g, "nimTraceRefDyn",, genAddrOf(xenv), y)
   of attachedDispose:
     # this is crucial! dispose is like =destroy but we don't follow refs
     # as that is dealt within the cycle collector.
@@ -778,7 +778,6 @@ proc produceSym(g: ModuleGraph; c: PContext; typ: PType; kind: TTypeAttachedOp;
   # register this operation already:
   typ.attachedOps[kind] = result
   if kind == attachedSink and typ.attachedOps[attachedDestructor] != nil and
        sfOverriden in typ.attachedOps[attachedDestructor].flags:
     ## compiler can use a combination of `=destroy` and memCopy for sink op
diff --git a/compiler/lineinfos.nim b/compiler/lineinfos.nim
index 680b193f9..f7f3b7706 100644
--- a/compiler/lineinfos.nim
+++ b/compiler/lineinfos.nim
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type
-    warnProveInit, warnProveField, warnProveIndex, 
+    warnProveInit, warnProveField, warnProveIndex,
     warnStaticIndexCheck, warnGcUnsafe, warnGcUnsafe2,
     warnUninit, warnGcMem, warnDestructor, warnLockLevel, warnResultShadowed,
     warnInconsistentSpacing, warnCaseTransition, warnCycleCreated, warnUser,
diff --git a/compiler/sempass2.nim b/compiler/sempass2.nim
index 5d4ad658c..d5514d8d1 100644
--- a/compiler/sempass2.nim
+++ b/compiler/sempass2.nim
@@ -696,8 +696,16 @@ proc checkRange(c: PEffects; value: PNode; typ: PType) =
     checkLe(c, value, highBound)
 proc createTypeBoundOps(tracked: PEffects, typ: PType; info: TLineInfo) =
+  if typ == nil: return
+  let realType = typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)
+  when false:
+    # XXX fix this in liftdestructors instead
+    if realType.kind == tyRef and
+        optSeqDestructors in tracked.config.globalOptions:
+      createTypeBoundOps(tracked.graph, tracked.c, realType.lastSon, info)
   createTypeBoundOps(tracked.graph, tracked.c, typ, info)
-  if (typ != nil and tfHasAsgn in typ.flags) or
+  if (tfHasAsgn in typ.flags) or
       optSeqDestructors in tracked.config.globalOptions:
     tracked.owner.flags.incl sfInjectDestructors
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim b/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim
index 7aac192d2..236a829e3 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ proc read*[T](future: Future[T] | FutureVar[T]): T =
       raise fut.error
     when T isnot void:
-      return fut.value
+      result = fut.value
     # TODO: Make a custom exception type for this?
     raise newException(ValueError, "Future still in progress.")
diff --git a/lib/system/cyclebreaker.nim b/lib/system/cyclebreaker.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e036acb53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/system/cyclebreaker.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+#            Nim's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2020 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+A Cycle breaker for Nim
+Instead of "collecting" cycles with all of its pitfalls we will break cycles.
+We exploit that every 'ref' can be 'nil' for this and so get away without
+a distinction between weak and strong pointers. The required runtime
+mechanisms are the same though: We need to be able to traverse the graph.
+This design has the tremendous benefit that it doesn't require a dedicated
+'rawDispose' operation and that it plays well with Nim's cost model.
+The cost of freeing a subgraph with cycles is 2 * N rather than N, that's all.
+Cycles do not have to be prepared via .acyclic, there are not multiple
+pointless traversals, only a single proc, `breakCycles` is exposed as a
+separate module.
+We traverse the graph and notice the nodes we've already traversed. If we
+marked the node already, we set the pointer that leads to this node to 'nil'
+and decrement the reference count of the cell we pointed at.
+We notice that multiple paths to the same object do not mean
+we found a cycle, it only means the node is shared.
+   a -------> b <----- c
+   |          ^        ^
+   +----------+        |
+   |                   |
+   +-------------------+
+If we simply remove all links to already processed nodes we end up with:
+   a -------> b        c
+   |                   ^
+   +                   |
+   |                   |
+   +-------------------+
+That seems acceptable, no leak is produced. This implies that the standard
+depth-first traversal suffices.
+  colGreen = 0b000
+  colYellow = 0b001
+  colRed = 0b010
+  rcShift = 3      # shift by rcShift to get the reference counter
+  colorMask = 0b011
+  TraceProc = proc (p, env: pointer) {.nimcall, benign.}
+  DisposeProc = proc (p: pointer) {.nimcall, benign.}
+template color(c): untyped = c.rc and colorMask
+template setColor(c, col) =
+  c.rc = c.rc and not colorMask or col
+proc nimIncRefCyclic(p: pointer) {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
+  let h = head(p)
+  inc h.rc, rcIncrement
+  CellTuple = (ptr pointer, PNimType)
+  CellArray = ptr UncheckedArray[CellTuple]
+  CellSeq = object
+    len, cap: int
+    d: CellArray
+  GcEnv = object
+    traceStack: CellSeq
+# ------------------- cell seq handling --------------------------------------
+proc add(s: var CellSeq, c: ptr pointer; t: PNimType) {.inline.} =
+  if s.len >= s.cap:
+    s.cap = s.cap * 3 div 2
+    when defined(useMalloc):
+      var d = cast[CellArray](c_malloc(uint(s.cap * sizeof(CellTuple))))
+    else:
+      var d = cast[CellArray](alloc(s.cap * sizeof(CellTuple)))
+    copyMem(d, s.d, s.len * sizeof(CellTuple))
+    when defined(useMalloc):
+      c_free(s.d)
+    else:
+      dealloc(s.d)
+    s.d = d
+    # XXX: realloc?
+  s.d[s.len] = (c, t)
+  inc(s.len)
+proc init(s: var CellSeq, cap: int = 1024) =
+  s.len = 0
+  s.cap = cap
+  when defined(useMalloc):
+    s.d = cast[CellArray](c_malloc(uint(s.cap * sizeof(CellTuple))))
+  else:
+    s.d = cast[CellArray](alloc(s.cap * sizeof(CellTuple)))
+proc deinit(s: var CellSeq) =
+  when defined(useMalloc):
+    c_free(s.d)
+  else:
+    dealloc(s.d)
+  s.d = nil
+  s.len = 0
+  s.cap = 0
+proc pop(s: var CellSeq): (ptr pointer, PNimType) =
+  result = s.d[s.len-1]
+  dec s.len
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc trace(p: pointer; desc: PNimType; j: var GcEnv) {.inline.} =
+  when false:
+    cprintf("[Trace] desc: %p %p\n", desc, p)
+    cprintf("[Trace] trace: %p\n", desc.traceImpl)
+  if desc.traceImpl != nil:
+    cast[TraceProc](desc.traceImpl)(p, addr(j))
+proc nimTraceRef(q: pointer; desc: PNimType; env: pointer) {.compilerRtl.} =
+  let p = cast[ptr pointer](q)
+  when traceCollector:
+    cprintf("[Trace] raw: %p\n", p)
+    cprintf("[Trace] deref: %p\n", p[])
+  if p[] != nil:
+    var j = cast[ptr GcEnv](env)
+    j.traceStack.add(p, desc)
+proc nimTraceRefDyn(q: pointer; env: pointer) {.compilerRtl.} =
+  let p = cast[ptr pointer](q)
+  when traceCollector:
+    cprintf("[TraceDyn] raw: %p\n", p)
+    cprintf("[TraceDyn] deref: %p\n", p[])
+  if p[] != nil:
+    var j = cast[ptr GcEnv](env)
+    j.traceStack.add(p, cast[ptr PNimType](p[])[])
+var markerGeneration: int
+proc breakCycles(s: Cell; desc: PNimType) =
+  let markerColor = if (markerGeneration and 1) == 0: colRed
+                    else: colYellow
+  atomicInc markerGeneration
+  when traceCollector:
+    cprintf("[BreakCycles] starting: %p %s RC %ld trace proc %p\n",
+      s,, s.rc shr rcShift, desc.traceImpl)
+  var j: GcEnv
+  init j.traceStack
+  s.setColor markerColor
+  trace(s +! sizeof(RefHeader), desc, j)
+  while j.traceStack.len > 0:
+    let (u, desc) = j.traceStack.pop()
+    let p = u[]
+    let t = head(p)
+    if t.color != markerColor:
+      t.setColor markerColor
+      trace(p, desc, j)
+      when traceCollector:
+        cprintf("[BreakCycles] followed: %p RC %ld\n", t, t.rc shr rcShift)
+    else:
+      if (t.rc shr rcShift) > 0:
+        dec t.rc, rcIncrement
+        # mark as a link that the produced destructor does not have to follow:
+        u[] = nil
+        when traceCollector:
+          cprintf("[BreakCycles] niled out: %p RC %ld\n", t, t.rc shr rcShift)
+      else:
+        # anyhow as a link that the produced destructor does not have to follow:
+        u[] = nil
+        cprintf("[Bug] %p %s RC %ld\n", t,, t.rc shr rcShift)
+  deinit j.traceStack
+proc thinout*[T](x: ref T) {.inline.} =
+  ## turn the subgraph starting with `x` into its spanning tree by
+  ## `nil`'ing out any pointers that would harm the spanning tree
+  ## structure. Any back pointers that introduced cycles
+  ## and thus would keep the graph from being freed are `nil`'ed.
+  ## This is a form of cycle collection that works well with Nim's ARC
+  ## and its associated cost model.
+  proc getDynamicTypeInfo[T](x: T): PNimType {.magic: "GetTypeInfo", noSideEffect, locks: 0.}
+  breakCycles(head(cast[pointer](x)), getDynamicTypeInfo(x[]))
+proc thinout*[T: proc](x: T) {.inline.} =
+  proc rawEnv[T: proc](x: T): pointer {.noSideEffect, inline.} =
+    {.emit: """
+    `result` = `x`.ClE_0;
+    """.}
+  let p = rawEnv(x)
+  breakCycles(head(p), cast[ptr PNimType](p)[])
+proc nimDecRefIsLastCyclicDyn(p: pointer): bool {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
+  if p != nil:
+    var cell = head(p)
+    if (cell.rc and not rcMask) == 0:
+      result = true
+      #cprintf("[DESTROY] %p\n", p)
+    else:
+      dec cell.rc, rcIncrement
+      # According to Lins it's correct to do nothing else here.
+      #cprintf("[DeCREF] %p\n", p)
+proc nimDecRefIsLastCyclicStatic(p: pointer; desc: PNimType): bool {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
+  if p != nil:
+    var cell = head(p)
+    if (cell.rc and not rcMask) == 0:
+      result = true
+      #cprintf("[DESTROY] %p %s\n", p,
+    else:
+      dec cell.rc, rcIncrement
+      #cprintf("[DeCREF] %p %s %ld\n", p,, cell.rc)
diff --git a/lib/system/cyclicrefs_v2.nim b/lib/system/cyclicrefs_v2.nim
index 4fbb4fc94..0dd669925 100644
--- a/lib/system/cyclicrefs_v2.nim
+++ b/lib/system/cyclicrefs_v2.nim
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ proc markCyclic*[T](x: ref T) {.inline.} =
   ## Experimental API. Do not use!
   let h = head(cast[pointer](x))
   h.setColor colYellow
   CellTuple = (Cell, PNimType)
   CellArray = ptr UncheckedArray[CellTuple]
@@ -153,18 +154,19 @@ proc scanGreen(s: Cell; desc: PNimType; j: var GcEnv) =
     when traceCollector:
       cprintf("[Cycle inc] %p %ld color %ld\n", t, t.rc shr rcShift, t.color)
-proc nimTraceRef(p: pointer; desc: PNimType; env: pointer) {.compilerRtl.} =
-  if p != nil:
-    var t = head(p)
+proc nimTraceRef(q: pointer; desc: PNimType; env: pointer) {.compilerRtl.} =
+  let p = cast[ptr pointer](q)
+  if p[] != nil:
     var j = cast[ptr GcEnv](env)
+    var t = head(p[])
     j.traceStack.add(t, desc)
-proc nimTraceRefDyn(p: pointer; env: pointer) {.compilerRtl.} =
-  if p != nil:
-    let desc = cast[ptr PNimType](p)[]
-    var t = head(p)
+proc nimTraceRefDyn(q: pointer; env: pointer) {.compilerRtl.} =
+  let p = cast[ptr pointer](q)
+  if p[] != nil:
     var j = cast[ptr GcEnv](env)
-    j.traceStack.add(t, desc)
+    var t = head(p[])
+    j.traceStack.add(t, cast[ptr PNimType](p[])[])
 proc scan(s: Cell; desc: PNimType; j: var GcEnv) =
   when traceCollector:
diff --git a/lib/system/refs_v2.nim b/lib/system/refs_v2.nim
index f6f3ba01c..9527db1e3 100644
--- a/lib/system/refs_v2.nim
+++ b/lib/system/refs_v2.nim
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ proc nimNewObj(size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
     result = alloc0(s) +! sizeof(RefHeader)
   when traceCollector:
-    cprintf("[Allocated] %p\n", result -! sizeof(RefHeader))
+    cprintf("[Allocated] %p result: %p\n", result -! sizeof(RefHeader), result)
 proc nimNewObjUninit(size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
   # Same as 'newNewObj' but do not initialize the memory to zero.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ proc nimNewObjUninit(size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
   orig.rc = 0
   result = orig +! sizeof(RefHeader)
   when traceCollector:
-    cprintf("[Allocated] %p\n", result -! sizeof(RefHeader))
+    cprintf("[Allocated] %p result: %p\n", result -! sizeof(RefHeader), result)
 proc nimDecWeakRef(p: pointer) {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
   dec head(p).rc, rcIncrement
@@ -128,7 +128,10 @@ proc nimDestroyAndDispose(p: pointer) {.compilerRtl, raises: [].} =
 when defined(gcOrc):
-  include cyclicrefs_v2
+  when defined(nimThinout):
+    include cyclebreaker
+  else:
+    include cyclicrefs_v2
 proc nimDecRefIsLast(p: pointer): bool {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
   if p != nil:
diff --git a/tests/arc/tasyncawait.nim b/tests/arc/tasyncawait.nim
index 89e924104..6b5b301a6 100644
--- a/tests/arc/tasyncawait.nim
+++ b/tests/arc/tasyncawait.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 discard """
-  output: "5000"
+  outputsub: "result: 5000"
   cmd: "nim c --gc:arc $file"
@@ -59,11 +59,16 @@ proc createServer(port: Port) {.async.} =
   while true:
     asyncCheck readMessages(await accept(server))
-asyncCheck createServer(Port(10335))
-asyncCheck launchSwarm(Port(10335))
-while true:
-  poll()
-  if clientCount == swarmSize: break
+proc main =
+  asyncCheck createServer(Port(10335))
+  asyncCheck launchSwarm(Port(10335))
+  while true:
+    poll()
+    if clientCount == swarmSize: break
+let mem = getOccupiedMem()
 assert msgCount == swarmSize * messagesToSend
-echo msgCount
+echo "result: ", msgCount
+echo "memory: ", formatSize(getOccupiedMem() - mem)