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14 files changed, 658 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
index 427b0ec86..88e7e264d 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ proc genProcHeader(m: BModule, prc: PSym): PRope =
 # ------------------ type info generation -------------------------------------
-proc genTypeInfo(m: BModule, typ: PType): PRope
+proc genTypeInfo(m: BModule, t: PType): PRope
 proc getNimNode(m: BModule): PRope = 
   result = ropef("$1[$2]", [m.typeNodesName, toRope(m.typeNodes)])
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ proc isObjLackingTypeField(typ: PType): bool {.inline.} =
   result = (typ.kind == tyObject) and ((tfFinal in typ.flags) and
       (typ.sons[0] == nil) or isPureObject(typ))
-proc genTypeInfoAuxBase(m: BModule, typ: PType, name, base: PRope) = 
+proc genTypeInfoAuxBase(m: BModule, typ: PType, name, base: PRope) =
   var nimtypeKind: int
   #allocMemTI(m, typ, name)
   if isObjLackingTypeField(typ):
@@ -901,21 +901,21 @@ type
 include ccgtrav
-proc genTypeInfo(m: BModule, typ: PType): PRope = 
-  var t = getUniqueType(typ)
+proc genTypeInfo(m: BModule, t: PType): PRope = 
+  var t = getUniqueType(t)
   result = ropef("NTI$1", [toRope(])
-  let owner = typ.skipTypes(typedescPtrs).owner.getModule
+  if ContainsOrIncl(m.typeInfoMarker,
+    return con("(&".toRope, result, ")".toRope)
+  let owner = t.skipTypes(typedescPtrs).owner.getModule
   if owner != m.module:
     # make sure the type info is created in the owner module
-    discard genTypeInfo(owner.bmod, typ)
-    # refenrece the type info as extern here
+    discard genTypeInfo(owner.bmod, t)
+    # reference the type info as extern here
     discard cgsym(m, "TNimType")
     discard cgsym(m, "TNimNode")
     appf(m.s[cfsVars], "extern TNimType $1; /* $2 */$n", 
          [result, toRope(typeToString(t))])
     return con("(&".toRope, result, ")".toRope)
-  if ContainsOrIncl(m.typeInfoMarker,
-    return con("(&".toRope, result, ")".toRope)
   case t.kind
   of tyEmpty: result = toRope"0"
   of tyPointer, tyBool, tyChar, tyCString, tyString, tyInt..tyUInt64, tyVar:
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index 7e782fc12..45fb9f878 100644
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ proc genInitCode(m: BModule) =
       var procname = CStringLit(m.initProc, prc,
       app(prc, initFrame(m.initProc, procname,
-      app(prc, ~"\tvolatile TFrame F; F.len = 0;$N")
+      app(prc, ~"\tTFrame F; F.len = 0;$N")
   app(prc, genSectionStart(cpsInit))
   app(prc, m.preInitProc.s(cpsInit))
diff --git a/compiler/guards.nim b/compiler/guards.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d0bf6bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/guards.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#           The Nimrod Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module implements the 'implies' relation for guards.
+import ast, astalgo, msgs, magicsys, nimsets, trees, types, renderer
+  someEq = {mEqI, mEqI64, mEqF64, mEqEnum, mEqCh, mEqB, mEqRef, mEqProc, 
+    mEqUntracedRef, mEqStr, mEqSet, mEqCString}
+  # set excluded here as the semantics are vastly different:
+  someLe = {mLeI, mLeI64, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeU64, mLeEnum,  
+            mLeCh, mLeB, mLePtr, mLeStr}
+  someLt = {mLtI, mLtI64, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtU64, mLtEnum, 
+            mLtCh, mLtB, mLtPtr, mLtStr}
+  someLen = {mLengthOpenArray, mLengthStr, mLengthArray, mLengthSeq}
+  someIn = {mInRange, mInSet}
+proc isValue(n: PNode): bool = n.kind in {nkCharLit..nkNilLit}
+proc isLocation(n: PNode): bool = not n.isValue
+#n.kind in {nkSym, nkBracketExpr, nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref, nkDotExpr}
+proc isLet(n: PNode): bool =
+  if n.kind == nkSym:
+    # XXX allow skResult, skVar here if not re-bound
+    if n.sym.kind in {skLet, skTemp, skForVar}:
+      result = true
+    elif n.sym.kind == skParam and skipTypes(n.sym.typ, 
+                                             abstractInst).kind != tyVar:
+      result = true
+proc isLetLocation(m: PNode): bool =
+  var n = m
+  while true:
+    case n.kind
+    of nkDotExpr, nkCheckedFieldExpr, nkObjUpConv, nkObjDownConv:
+      n = n.sons[0]
+    of nkBracketExpr:
+      if isConstExpr(n.sons[1]) or isLet(n.sons[1]):
+        n = n.sons[0]
+      else: return
+    of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv:
+      n = n.sons[1]
+    else:
+      break
+  result = n.isLet
+proc neg(n: PNode): PNode =
+  if n.getMagic == mNot:
+    result = n.sons[1]
+  else:
+    result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 2)
+    result.sons[0] = newSymNode(getSysMagic("not", mNot))
+    result.sons[1] = n
+proc usefulFact(n: PNode): PNode =
+  case n.getMagic
+  of someEq+someLe+someLt:
+    if isLetLocation(n.sons[1]) or n.len == 3 and isLetLocation(n.sons[2]):
+      # XXX algebraic simplifications!  'i-1 < a.len' --> 'i < a.len+1'
+      result = n
+  of someIn, mIsNil:
+    if isLetLocation(n.sons[1]):
+      result = n
+  of mAnd:
+    let
+      a = usefulFact(n.sons[1])
+      b = usefulFact(n.sons[2])
+    if a != nil and b != nil:
+      result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
+      result.sons[0] = newSymNode(getSysMagic("and", mAnd))
+      result.sons[1] = a
+      result.sons[2] = b
+    elif a != nil:
+      result = a
+    elif b != nil:
+      result = b
+  of mNot:
+    case n.sons[1].getMagic
+    of mNot:
+      # normalize 'not (not a)' into 'a':
+      result = usefulFact(n.sons[1].sons[1])
+    of mOr:
+      # not (a or b) --> not a and not b
+      let n = n.sons[1]
+      let
+        a = usefulFact(n.sons[1])
+        b = usefulFact(n.sons[2])
+      if a != nil and b != nil:
+        result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
+        result.sons[0] = newSymNode(getSysMagic("and", mAnd))
+        result.sons[1] = a.neg
+        result.sons[2] = b.neg
+    else:
+      let a = usefulFact(n.sons[1])
+      if a != nil: result = n
+  of mOr:
+    # 'or' sucks! (p.isNil or q.isNil) --> hard to do anything
+    # with that knowledge...
+    # DeMorgan helps a little though: 
+    #   not a or not b --> not (a and b)
+    #  (x == 3) or (y == 2)  ---> not ( not (x==3) and not (y == 2))
+    #  not (x != 3 and y != 2)
+    let
+      a = usefulFact(n.sons[1])
+      b = usefulFact(n.sons[2])
+    if a != nil and b != nil:
+      result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
+      result.sons[0] = newSymNode(getSysMagic("and", mAnd))
+      result.sons[1] = a.neg
+      result.sons[2] = b.neg
+      result = result.neg
+  elif n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skLet:
+    # consider:
+    #   let a = 2 < x
+    #   if a:
+    #     ...
+    # We make can easily replace 'a' by '2 < x' here:
+    result = usefulFact(n.sym.ast)
+  elif n.kind == nkStmtListExpr:
+    result = usefulFact(n.lastSon)
+  TModel* = seq[PNode] # the "knowledge base"
+proc addFact*(m: var TModel, n: PNode) =
+  let n = usefulFact(n)
+  if n != nil: m.add n
+proc addFactNeg*(m: var TModel, n: PNode) = addFact(m, n.neg)
+proc sameTree(a, b: PNode): bool = 
+  result = false
+  if a == b:
+    result = true
+  elif (a != nil) and (b != nil) and (a.kind == b.kind):
+    case a.kind
+    of nkSym: result = a.sym == b.sym
+    of nkIdent: result = ==
+    of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit: result = a.intVal == b.intVal
+    of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: result = a.floatVal == b.floatVal
+    of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: result = a.strVal == b.strVal
+    of nkType: result = a.typ == b.typ
+    of nkEmpty, nkNilLit: result = true
+    else:
+      if sonsLen(a) == sonsLen(b):
+        for i in countup(0, sonsLen(a) - 1):
+          if not sameTree(a.sons[i], b.sons[i]): return
+        result = true
+proc valuesUnequal(a, b: PNode): bool =
+  if a.isValue and b.isValue:
+    result = not SameValue(a, b)
+  TImplication* = enum
+    impUnknown, impNo, impYes  
+proc impliesEq(fact, eq: PNode): TImplication =
+  let (loc, val) = if isLocation(eq.sons[1]): (1, 2) else: (2, 1)
+  case fact.sons[0].sym.magic
+  of someEq:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], eq.sons[loc]):
+      # this is not correct; consider:  a == b;  a == 1 --> unknown!
+      if sameTree(fact.sons[2], eq.sons[val]): result = impYes
+      elif valuesUnequal(fact.sons[2], eq.sons[val]): result = impNo
+    elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], eq.sons[loc]):
+      if sameTree(fact.sons[1], eq.sons[val]): result = impYes
+      elif valuesUnequal(fact.sons[1], eq.sons[val]): result = impNo
+  of mInSet:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], eq.sons[loc]) and isValue(eq.sons[val]):
+      if inSet(fact.sons[2], eq.sons[val]): result = impYes
+      else: result = impNo
+  of mIsNil:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], eq.sons[loc]):
+      if eq.sons[val].kind == nkNilLit:
+        result = impYes
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesEq")
+  else: nil
+proc impliesIsNil(fact, eq: PNode): TImplication =
+  case fact.sons[0].sym.magic
+  of someEq:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], eq.sons[1]):
+      if fact.sons[2].kind == nkNilLit: result = impYes
+    elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], eq.sons[1]):
+      if fact.sons[1].kind == nkNilLit: result = impYes
+  of mIsNil:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], eq.sons[1]):
+      result = impYes
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesIsNil")
+  else: nil
+proc pred(n: PNode): PNode =
+  if n.kind in {nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit} and n.intVal != low(biggestInt):
+    result = copyNode(n)
+    dec result.intVal
+  else:
+    result = n
+proc impliesGe(fact, x, c: PNode): TImplication =
+  InternalAssert isLocation(x)
+  case fact.sons[0].sym.magic
+  of someEq:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], x):
+      if isValue(fact.sons[2]) and isValue(c):
+        # fact:  x = 4;  question x >= 56? --> true iff 4 >= 56
+        if leValue(c, fact.sons[2]): result = impYes
+        else: result = impNo
+    elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], x):
+      if isValue(fact.sons[1]) and isValue(c):
+        if leValue(c, fact.sons[1]): result = impYes
+        else: result = impNo
+  of someLt:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], x):
+      if isValue(fact.sons[2]) and isValue(c):
+        # fact:  x < 4;  question N <= x? --> false iff N <= 4
+        if leValue(fact.sons[2], c): result = impNo
+        # fact:  x < 4;  question 2 <= x? --> we don't know
+    elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], x):
+      # fact: 3 < x; question: N-1 < x ?  --> true iff N-1 <= 3
+      if isValue(fact.sons[1]) and isValue(c):
+        if leValue(c.pred, fact.sons[1]): result = impYes
+  of someLe:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], x):
+      if isValue(fact.sons[2]) and isValue(c):
+        # fact:  x <= 4;  question x >= 56? --> false iff 4 <= 56
+        if leValue(fact.sons[2], c): result = impNo
+        # fact:  x <= 4;  question x >= 2? --> we don't know
+    elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], x):
+      # fact: 3 <= x; question: x >= 2 ?  --> true iff 2 <= 3
+      if isValue(fact.sons[1]) and isValue(c):
+        if leValue(c, fact.sons[1]): result = impYes
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesGe")
+  else: nil
+proc impliesLe(fact, x, c: PNode): TImplication =
+  if not isLocation(x):
+    return impliesGe(fact, c, x)
+  case fact.sons[0].sym.magic
+  of someEq:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], x):
+      if isValue(fact.sons[2]) and isValue(c):
+        # fact:  x = 4;  question x <= 56? --> true iff 4 <= 56
+        if leValue(fact.sons[2], c): result = impYes
+        else: result = impNo
+    elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], x):
+      if isValue(fact.sons[1]) and isValue(c):
+        if leValue(fact.sons[1], c): result = impYes
+        else: result = impNo
+  of someLt:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], x):
+      if isValue(fact.sons[2]) and isValue(c):
+        # fact:  x < 4;  question x <= N? --> true iff N-1 <= 4
+        if leValue(fact.sons[2], c.pred): result = impYes
+        # fact:  x < 4;  question x <= 2? --> we don't know
+    elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], x):
+      # fact: 3 < x; question: x <= 1 ?  --> false iff 1 <= 3
+      if isValue(fact.sons[1]) and isValue(c): 
+        if leValue(c, fact.sons[1]): result = impNo
+  of someLe:
+    if sameTree(fact.sons[1], x):
+      if isValue(fact.sons[2]) and isValue(c):
+        # fact:  x <= 4;  question x <= 56? --> true iff 4 <= 56
+        if leValue(fact.sons[2], c): result = impYes
+        # fact:  x <= 4;  question x <= 2? --> we don't know
+    elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], x):
+      # fact: 3 <= x; question: x <= 2 ?  --> false iff 2 < 3
+      if isValue(fact.sons[1]) and isValue(c): 
+        if leValue(c, fact.sons[1].pred): result = impNo
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesLe")
+  else: nil
+proc impliesLt(fact, x, c: PNode): TImplication =
+  # x < 3  same as x <= 2:
+  let p = c.pred
+  if p != c:
+    result = impliesLe(fact, x, p)
+  else:
+    # 4 < x  same as 3 <= x
+    let q = x.pred
+    if q != x:
+      result = impliesLe(fact, q, c)
+proc factImplies(fact, prop: PNode, isNegation: bool): TImplication =
+  case fact.getMagic
+  of mNot:
+    case factImplies(fact.sons[1], prop, not isNegation)
+    of impUnknown: return impUnknown
+    of impNo: return impYes
+    of impYes: return impNo
+  of mAnd:
+    if not isNegation:
+      result = factImplies(fact.sons[1], prop, isNegation)
+      if result != impUnknown: return result
+      return factImplies(fact.sons[2], prop, isNegation)
+    else:
+      # careful!  not (a and b)  means  not a or not b:
+      # a or b --> both need to imply 'prop'
+      let a = factImplies(fact.sons[1], prop, isNegation)
+      let b = factImplies(fact.sons[2], prop, isNegation)
+      if a == b: return a
+      return impUnknown
+  else: discard
+  case prop.sons[0].sym.magic
+  of mNot:
+    case fact.factImplies(prop.sons[1], isNegation)
+    of impUnknown: result = impUnknown
+    of impNo: result = impYes
+    of impYes: result = impNo
+  of mIsNil:
+    result = impliesIsNil(fact, prop)
+  of someEq:
+    result = impliesEq(fact, prop)
+  of someLe:
+    result = impliesLe(fact, prop.sons[1], prop.sons[2])
+  of someLt:
+    result = impliesLt(fact, prop.sons[1], prop.sons[2])
+  else:
+    internalError(, "invalid proposition")
+proc doesImply*(facts: TModel, prop: PNode): TImplication =
+  assert prop.kind in nkCallKinds
+  for f in facts:
+    result = f.factImplies(prop, false)
+    if result != impUnknown: return
+proc impliesNotNil*(facts: TModel, arg: PNode): TImplication =
+  var x = newNodeI(nkCall,, 2)
+  x.sons[0] = newSymNode(getSysMagic("isNil", mIsNil))
+  x.sons[1] = arg
+  result = doesImply(facts, x.neg)
diff --git a/config/nimrod.cfg b/config/nimrod.cfg
index d9075a20f..18c746213 100644
--- a/config/nimrod.cfg
+++ b/config/nimrod.cfg
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ hint[LineTooLong]=off
   cc = clang
   gcc.options.always = "-w -fasm-blocks"
-  gpp.options.always = "-w -fasm-blocks"
+  gpp.options.always = "-w -fasm-blocks -fpermissive"
   gcc.options.always = "-w"
-  gpp.options.always = "-w"
+  gpp.options.always = "-w -fpermissive"
 gcc.options.speed = "-O3 -fno-strict-aliasing"
diff --git a/doc/advopt.txt b/doc/advopt.txt
index 38461244d..3b6fafd0f 100644
--- a/doc/advopt.txt
+++ b/doc/advopt.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ Advanced commands:
   //check                   checks the project for syntax and semantic
   //idetools                compiler support for IDEs: possible options:
     --track:FILE,LINE,COL   track a file/cursor position
+                            track a file, currently not saved to disk
     --suggest               suggest all possible symbols at position
     --def                   list all possible definitions at position
     --context               list possible invokation context
diff --git a/lib/core/macros.nim b/lib/core/macros.nim
index bbf970102..720b15189 100644
--- a/lib/core/macros.nim
+++ b/lib/core/macros.nim
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ proc lispRepr*(n: PNimrodNode): string {.compileTime.} =
   add(result, ")")
-macro dumpTree*(s: stmt): stmt = echo s.treeRepr
+macro dumpTree*(s: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} = echo s.treeRepr
   ## Accepts a block of nimrod code and prints the parsed abstract syntax
   ## tree using the `toTree` function. Printing is done *at compile time*.
@@ -398,16 +398,16 @@ macro dumpTree*(s: stmt): stmt = echo s.treeRepr
   ## tree and to discover what kind of nodes must be created to represent
   ## a certain expression/statement.
-macro dumpLisp*(s: stmt): stmt = echo s.lispRepr
+macro dumpLisp*(s: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} = echo s.lispRepr
   ## Accepts a block of nimrod code and prints the parsed abstract syntax
   ## tree using the `toLisp` function. Printing is done *at compile time*.
   ## See `dumpTree`.
-macro dumpTreeImm*(s: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} = echo s.treeRepr
+macro dumpTreeImm*(s: stmt): stmt {.immediate, deprecated.} = echo s.treeRepr
   ## The ``immediate`` version of `dumpTree`.
-macro dumpLispImm*(s: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} = echo s.lispRepr
+macro dumpLispImm*(s: stmt): stmt {.immediate, deprecated.} = echo s.lispRepr
   ## The ``immediate`` version of `dumpLisp`.
diff --git a/lib/nimbase.h b/lib/nimbase.h
index f47ab4d29..af06e447d 100644
--- a/lib/nimbase.h
+++ b/lib/nimbase.h
@@ -437,11 +437,11 @@ struct TFrame {
 #define nimfr(proc, file) \
-  volatile TFrame F; \
+  TFrame F; \
   F.procname = proc; F.filename = file; F.line = 0; F.len = 0; nimFrame(&F);
 #define nimfrs(proc, file, slots, length) \
-  volatile struct {TFrame* prev;NCSTRING procname;NI line;NCSTRING filename; NI len; TVarSlot s[slots];} F; \
+  struct {TFrame* prev;NCSTRING procname;NI line;NCSTRING filename; NI len; TVarSlot s[slots];} F; \
   F.procname = proc; F.filename = file; F.line = 0; F.len = length; nimFrame((TFrame*)&F);
 #define nimln(n, file) \
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/lua/lauxlib.nim b/lib/wrappers/lua/lauxlib.nim
index bcb806f74..b985858d3 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/lua/lauxlib.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/lua/lauxlib.nim
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ import
 proc pushstring*(L: PState, s: string)
   # compatibilty macros
-proc getn*(L: PState, n: int): int
+proc getn*(L: PState, n: cint): cint
   # calls lua_objlen
-proc setn*(L: PState, t, n: int)
+proc setn*(L: PState, t, n: cint)
   # does nothing!
   Treg*{.final.} = object 
@@ -37,58 +37,45 @@ type
   Preg* = ptr Treg
-proc openlib*(L: PState, libname: cstring, lr: Preg, nup: int){.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: lua.LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_openlib".}
-proc register*(L: PState, libname: cstring, lr: Preg){.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: lua.LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_register".}
-proc getmetafield*(L: PState, obj: int, e: cstring): int{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: lua.LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_getmetafield".}
-proc callmeta*(L: PState, obj: int, e: cstring): int{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_callmeta".}
-proc typerror*(L: PState, narg: int, tname: cstring): int{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_typerror".}
-proc argerror*(L: PState, numarg: int, extramsg: cstring): int{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_argerror".}
-proc checklstring*(L: PState, numArg: int, len: ptr int): cstring{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_checklstring".}
-proc optlstring*(L: PState, numArg: int, def: cstring, len: ptr int): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_optlstring".}
-proc checknumber*(L: PState, numArg: int): Number{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_checknumber".}
-proc optnumber*(L: PState, nArg: int, def: Number): Number{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_optnumber".}
-proc checkinteger*(L: PState, numArg: int): Integer{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_checkinteger".}
-proc optinteger*(L: PState, nArg: int, def: Integer): Integer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_optinteger".}
-proc checkstack*(L: PState, sz: int, msg: cstring){.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_checkstack".}
-proc checktype*(L: PState, narg, t: int){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-    importc: "luaL_checktype".}
-proc checkany*(L: PState, narg: int){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-    importc: "luaL_checkany".}
-proc newmetatable*(L: PState, tname: cstring): int{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_newmetatable".}
-proc checkudata*(L: PState, ud: int, tname: cstring): Pointer{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_checkudata".}
-proc where*(L: PState, lvl: int){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                      importc: "luaL_where".}
-proc error*(L: PState, fmt: cstring): int{.cdecl, varargs, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_error".}
-proc checkoption*(L: PState, narg: int, def: cstring, lst: cstringArray): int{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_checkoption".}
-proc reference*(L: PState, t: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                       importc: "luaL_ref".}
-proc unref*(L: PState, t, theref: int){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-    importc: "luaL_unref".}
-proc loadfile*(L: PState, filename: cstring): int{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_loadfile".}
-proc loadbuffer*(L: PState, buff: cstring, size: int, name: cstring): int{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_loadbuffer".}
-proc loadstring*(L: PState, s: cstring): int{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-    importc: "luaL_loadstring".}
-proc newstate*(): PState{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                              importc: "luaL_newstate".}
+{.push callConv: cdecl, dynlib: lua.LIB_NAME.}
+{.push importc: "luaL_$1".}
+proc openlib*(L: PState, libname: cstring, lr: Preg, nup: cint)
+proc register*(L: PState, libname: cstring, lr: Preg)
+proc getmetafield*(L: PState, obj: cint, e: cstring): cint
+proc callmeta*(L: PState, obj: cint, e: cstring): cint
+proc typerror*(L: PState, narg: cint, tname: cstring): cint
+proc argerror*(L: PState, numarg: cint, extramsg: cstring): cint
+proc checklstring*(L: PState, numArg: cint, len: ptr int): cstring
+proc optlstring*(L: PState, numArg: cint, def: cstring, len: ptr cint): cstring
+proc checknumber*(L: PState, numArg: cint): Number
+proc optnumber*(L: PState, nArg: cint, def: Number): Number
+proc checkinteger*(L: PState, numArg: cint): Integer
+proc optinteger*(L: PState, nArg: cint, def: Integer): Integer
+proc checkstack*(L: PState, sz: cint, msg: cstring)
+proc checktype*(L: PState, narg, t: cint)
+proc checkany*(L: PState, narg: cint)
+proc newmetatable*(L: PState, tname: cstring): cint
+proc checkudata*(L: PState, ud: cint, tname: cstring): Pointer
+proc where*(L: PState, lvl: cint)
+proc error*(L: PState, fmt: cstring): cint{.varargs.}
+proc checkoption*(L: PState, narg: cint, def: cstring, lst: cstringArray): cint
+proc unref*(L: PState, t, theref: cint)
+proc loadfile*(L: PState, filename: cstring): cint
+proc loadbuffer*(L: PState, buff: cstring, size: cint, name: cstring): cint
+proc loadstring*(L: PState, s: cstring): cint
+proc newstate*(): PState
+proc reference*(L: PState, t: cint): cint{.importc: "luaL_ref".}
 proc open*(): PState
   # compatibility; moved from unit lua to lauxlib because it needs luaL_newstate
@@ -96,18 +83,18 @@ proc open*(): PState
   #** some useful macros
   #** ===============================================================
-proc argcheck*(L: PState, cond: bool, numarg: int, extramsg: cstring)
-proc checkstring*(L: PState, n: int): cstring
-proc optstring*(L: PState, n: int, d: cstring): cstring
-proc checkint*(L: PState, n: int): int
-proc checklong*(L: PState, n: int): int32
-proc optint*(L: PState, n: int, d: float64): int
-proc optlong*(L: PState, n: int, d: float64): int32
-proc dofile*(L: PState, filename: cstring): int
-proc dostring*(L: PState, str: cstring): int
+proc argcheck*(L: PState, cond: bool, numarg: cint, extramsg: cstring)
+proc checkstring*(L: PState, n: cint): cstring
+proc optstring*(L: PState, n: cint, d: cstring): cstring
+proc checkint*(L: PState, n: cint): cint
+proc checklong*(L: PState, n: cint): clong
+proc optint*(L: PState, n: cint, d: float64): cint
+proc optlong*(L: PState, n: cint, d: float64): clong
+proc dofile*(L: PState, filename: cstring): cint
+proc dostring*(L: PState, str: cstring): cint
 proc getmetatable*(L: PState, tname: cstring)
   # not translated:
-  # #define luaL_opt(L,f,n,d)	(lua_isnoneornil(L,(n)) ? (d) : f(L,(n)))
+  # #define luaL_opt(L,f,n,d)  (lua_isnoneornil(L,(n)) ? (d) : f(L,(n)))
   #** =======================================================
   #** Generic Buffer manipulation
@@ -119,7 +106,7 @@ const                         # note: this is just arbitrary, as it related to t
   Buffer*{.final.} = object 
     p*: cstring               # current position in buffer 
-    lvl*: int                 # number of strings in the stack (level) 
+    lvl*: cint                 # number of strings in the stack (level) 
     L*: PState
     buffer*: array[0..BUFFERSIZE - 1, Char] # warning: see note above about LUAL_BUFFERSIZE
@@ -130,80 +117,76 @@ proc addchar*(B: PBuffer, c: Char)
   # compatibility only (alias for luaL_addchar) 
 proc putchar*(B: PBuffer, c: Char)
   # warning: see note above about LUAL_BUFFERSIZE
-proc addsize*(B: PBuffer, n: int)
-proc buffinit*(L: PState, B: PBuffer){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-    importc: "luaL_buffinit".}
-proc prepbuffer*(B: PBuffer): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                       importc: "luaL_prepbuffer".}
-proc addlstring*(B: PBuffer, s: cstring, L: int){.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_addlstring".}
-proc addstring*(B: PBuffer, s: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-    importc: "luaL_addstring".}
-proc addvalue*(B: PBuffer){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                            importc: "luaL_addvalue".}
-proc pushresult*(B: PBuffer){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                              importc: "luaL_pushresult".}
-proc gsub*(L: PState, s, p, r: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_gsub".}
-proc findtable*(L: PState, idx: int, fname: cstring, szhint: int): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_findtable".}
+proc addsize*(B: PBuffer, n: cint)
+{.push callConv: cdecl, dynlib: lua.LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_$1".}
+proc buffinit*(L: PState, B: PBuffer)
+proc prepbuffer*(B: PBuffer): cstring
+proc addlstring*(B: PBuffer, s: cstring, L: cint)
+proc addstring*(B: PBuffer, s: cstring)
+proc addvalue*(B: PBuffer)
+proc pushresult*(B: PBuffer)
+proc gsub*(L: PState, s, p, r: cstring): cstring
+proc findtable*(L: PState, idx: cint, fname: cstring, szhint: cint): cstring
   # compatibility with ref system 
   # pre-defined references 
   NOREF* = - 2
   REFNIL* = - 1
-proc unref*(L: PState, theref: int)
-proc getref*(L: PState, theref: int)
+proc unref*(L: PState, theref: cint)
+proc getref*(L: PState, theref: cint)
   #** Compatibility macros and functions
 # implementation
 proc pushstring(L: PState, s: string) = 
-  pushlstring(L, cstring(s), len(s))
+  pushlstring(L, cstring(s), s.len.cint)
-proc getn(L: PState, n: int): int = 
+proc getn(L: PState, n: cint): cint = 
   Result = objlen(L, n)
-proc setn(L: PState, t, n: int) = 
+proc setn(L: PState, t, n: cint) = 
   # does nothing as this operation is deprecated
 proc open(): PState = 
   Result = newstate()
-proc dofile(L: PState, filename: cstring): int = 
+proc dofile(L: PState, filename: cstring): cint = 
   Result = loadfile(L, filename)
   if Result == 0: Result = pcall(L, 0, MULTRET, 0)
-proc dostring(L: PState, str: cstring): int = 
+proc dostring(L: PState, str: cstring): cint = 
   Result = loadstring(L, str)
   if Result == 0: Result = pcall(L, 0, MULTRET, 0)
 proc getmetatable(L: PState, tname: cstring) = 
   getfield(L, REGISTRYINDEX, tname)
-proc argcheck(L: PState, cond: bool, numarg: int, extramsg: cstring) = 
+proc argcheck(L: PState, cond: bool, numarg: cint, extramsg: cstring) = 
   if not cond: 
     discard argerror(L, numarg, extramsg)
-proc checkstring(L: PState, n: int): cstring = 
+proc checkstring(L: PState, n: cint): cstring = 
   Result = checklstring(L, n, nil)
-proc optstring(L: PState, n: int, d: cstring): cstring = 
+proc optstring(L: PState, n: cint, d: cstring): cstring = 
   Result = optlstring(L, n, d, nil)
-proc checkint(L: PState, n: int): int = 
-  Result = toInt(checknumber(L, n))
+proc checkint(L: PState, n: cint): cint = 
+  Result = cint(checknumber(L, n))
-proc checklong(L: PState, n: int): int32 = 
+proc checklong(L: PState, n: cint): clong = 
   Result = int32(ToInt(checknumber(L, n)))
-proc optint(L: PState, n: int, d: float64): int = 
-  Result = int(ToInt(optnumber(L, n, d)))
+proc optint(L: PState, n: cint, d: float64): cint = 
+  Result = optnumber(L, n, d).cint
-proc optlong(L: PState, n: int, d: float64): int32 = 
+proc optlong(L: PState, n: cint, d: float64): clong = 
   Result = int32(ToInt(optnumber(L, n, d)))
 proc addchar(B: PBuffer, c: Char) = 
@@ -215,11 +198,11 @@ proc addchar(B: PBuffer, c: Char) =
 proc putchar(B: PBuffer, c: Char) = 
   addchar(B, c)
-proc addsize(B: PBuffer, n: int) = 
+proc addsize(B: PBuffer, n: cint) = 
   B.p = cast[cstring](cast[int](B.p) + n)
-proc unref(L: PState, theref: int) = 
+proc unref(L: PState, theref: cint) = 
   unref(L, REGISTRYINDEX, theref)
-proc getref(L: PState, theref: int) = 
+proc getref(L: PState, theref: cint) = 
   rawgeti(L, REGISTRYINDEX, theref)
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/lua/lua.nim b/lib/wrappers/lua/lua.nim
index 0346c4285..153714cee 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/lua/lua.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/lua/lua.nim
@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ when defined(useLuajit):
   when defined(MACOSX):
-      NAME* = "liblua(|5.2|5.1|5.0).dylib"
-      LIB_NAME* = "liblua(|5.2|5.1|5.0).dylib"
+      NAME* = "liblua(|5.1|5.0).dylib"
+      LIB_NAME* = "liblua(|5.1|5.0).dylib"
   elif defined(UNIX):
-      NAME* = "liblua(|5.2|5.1|5.0).so(|.0)"
-      LIB_NAME* = "liblua(|5.2|5.1|5.0).so(|.0)"
+      NAME* = "liblua(|5.1|5.0).so(|.0)"
+      LIB_NAME* = "liblua(|5.1|5.0).so(|.0)"
-      NAME* = "lua(|5.2|5.1|5.0).dll"
-      LIB_NAME* = "lua(|5.2|5.1|5.0).dll"
+      NAME* = "lua(|5.1|5.0).dll"
+      LIB_NAME* = "lua(|5.1|5.0).dll"
   VERSION* = "Lua 5.1"
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ const
   ENVIRONINDEX* = - 10001
   GLOBALSINDEX* = - 10002
-proc upvalueindex*(I: int): int
+proc upvalueindex*(I: cint): cint
 const                         # thread status; 0 is OK 
   constYIELD* = 1
   ERRRUN* = 2
@@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ const                         # thread status; 0 is OK
   PState* = Pointer
-  CFunction* = proc (L: PState): int{.cdecl.}
+  CFunction* = proc (L: PState): cint{.cdecl.}
 #** functions that read/write blocks when loading/dumping Lua chunks
-  Reader* = proc (L: PState, ud: Pointer, sz: ptr int): cstring{.cdecl.}
-  Writer* = proc (L: PState, p: Pointer, sz: int, ud: Pointer): int{.cdecl.}
-  Alloc* = proc (ud, theptr: Pointer, osize, nsize: int){.cdecl.}
+  Reader* = proc (L: PState, ud: Pointer, sz: ptr cint): cstring{.cdecl.}
+  Writer* = proc (L: PState, p: Pointer, sz: cint, ud: Pointer): cint{.cdecl.}
+  Alloc* = proc (ud, theptr: Pointer, osize, nsize: cint){.cdecl.}
   TNONE* = - 1
@@ -112,130 +112,86 @@ const
 type                          # Type of Numbers in Lua 
   Number* = float
-  Integer* = int
-proc newstate*(f: Alloc, ud: Pointer): PState{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_newstate".}
-proc close*(L: PState){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_close".}
-proc newthread*(L: PState): PState{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                    importc: "lua_newthread".}
-proc atpanic*(L: PState, panicf: CFunction): CFunction{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_atpanic".}
-proc gettop*(L: PState): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_gettop".}
-proc settop*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_settop".}
-proc pushvalue*(L: PState, Idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                      importc: "lua_pushvalue".}
-proc remove*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_remove".}
-proc insert*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_insert".}
-proc replace*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_replace".}
-proc checkstack*(L: PState, sz: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_checkstack".}
-proc xmove*(`from`, `to`: PState, n: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_xmove".}
-proc isnumber*(L: PState, idx: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_isnumber".}
-proc isstring*(L: PState, idx: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_isstring".}
-proc iscfunction*(L: PState, idx: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_iscfunction".}
-proc isuserdata*(L: PState, idx: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_isuserdata".}
-proc luatype*(L: PState, idx: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_type".}
-proc typename*(L: PState, tp: int): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_typename".}
-proc equal*(L: PState, idx1, idx2: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_equal".}
-proc rawequal*(L: PState, idx1, idx2: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_rawequal".}
-proc lessthan*(L: PState, idx1, idx2: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_lessthan".}
-proc tonumber*(L: PState, idx: int): Number{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_tonumber".}
-proc tointeger*(L: PState, idx: int): Integer{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_tointeger".}
-proc toboolean*(L: PState, idx: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_toboolean".}
-proc tolstring*(L: PState, idx: int, length: ptr int): cstring{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_tolstring".}
-proc objlen*(L: PState, idx: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_objlen".}
-proc tocfunction*(L: PState, idx: int): CFunction{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_tocfunction".}
-proc touserdata*(L: PState, idx: int): Pointer{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_touserdata".}
-proc tothread*(L: PState, idx: int): PState{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_tothread".}
-proc topointer*(L: PState, idx: int): Pointer{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_topointer".}
-proc pushnil*(L: PState){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_pushnil".}
-proc pushnumber*(L: PState, n: Number){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                        importc: "lua_pushnumber".}
-proc pushinteger*(L: PState, n: Integer){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_pushinteger".}
-proc pushlstring*(L: PState, s: cstring, len: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_pushlstring".}
-proc pushstring*(L: PState, s: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_pushstring".}
-proc pushvfstring*(L: PState, fmt: cstring, argp: Pointer): cstring{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_pushvfstring".}
-proc pushfstring*(L: PState, fmt: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, varargs, 
-    dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_pushfstring".}
-proc pushcclosure*(L: PState, fn: CFunction, n: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_pushcclosure".}
-proc pushboolean*(L: PState, b: cint){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                       importc: "lua_pushboolean".}
-proc pushlightuserdata*(L: PState, p: Pointer){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_pushlightuserdata".}
-proc pushthread*(L: PState){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_pushthread".}
-proc gettable*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                     importc: "lua_gettable".}
-proc getfield*(L: Pstate, idx: int, k: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_getfield".}
-proc rawget*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_rawget".}
-proc rawgeti*(L: PState, idx, n: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                       importc: "lua_rawgeti".}
-proc createtable*(L: PState, narr, nrec: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_createtable".}
-proc newuserdata*(L: PState, sz: int): Pointer{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_newuserdata".}
-proc getmetatable*(L: PState, objindex: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_getmetatable".}
-proc getfenv*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_getfenv".}
-proc settable*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                     importc: "lua_settable".}
-proc setfield*(L: PState, idx: int, k: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_setfield".}
-proc rawset*(L: PState, idx: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_rawset".}
-proc rawseti*(L: PState, idx, n: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                       importc: "lua_rawseti".}
-proc setmetatable*(L: PState, objindex: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_setmetatable".}
-proc setfenv*(L: PState, idx: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_setfenv".}
-proc call*(L: PState, nargs, nresults: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_call".}
-proc pcall*(L: PState, nargs, nresults, errf: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_pcall".}
-proc cpcall*(L: PState, func: CFunction, ud: Pointer): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_cpcall".}
-proc load*(L: PState, reader: Reader, dt: Pointer, chunkname: cstring): int{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_load".}
-proc dump*(L: PState, writer: Writer, data: Pointer): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_dump".}
-proc luayield*(L: PState, nresults: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_yield".}
-proc resume*(L: PState, narg: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_resume".}
-proc status*(L: PState): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_status".}
-proc gc*(L: PState, what, data: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_gc".}
-proc error*(L: PState): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_error".}
-proc next*(L: PState, idx: int): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_next".}
-proc concat*(L: PState, n: int){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_concat".}
-proc getallocf*(L: PState, ud: ptr Pointer): Alloc{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_getallocf".}
-proc setallocf*(L: PState, f: Alloc, ud: Pointer){.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_setallocf".}
+  Integer* = cint
+{.pragma: ilua, importc: "lua_$1".}
+{.push callConv: cdecl, dynlib: LibName.}
+#{.push importc: "lua_$1".}
+proc newstate*(f: Alloc, ud: Pointer): PState {.ilua.}
+proc close*(L: PState){.ilua.}
+proc newthread*(L: PState): PState{.ilua.}
+proc atpanic*(L: PState, panicf: CFunction): CFunction{.ilua.}
+proc gettop*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc settop*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc pushvalue*(L: PState, Idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc remove*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc insert*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc replace*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc checkstack*(L: PState, sz: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc xmove*(`from`, `to`: PState, n: cint){.ilua.}
+proc isnumber*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc isstring*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc iscfunction*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc isuserdata*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc luatype*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.importc: "lua_type".}
+proc typename*(L: PState, tp: cint): cstring{.ilua.}
+proc equal*(L: PState, idx1, idx2: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc rawequal*(L: PState, idx1, idx2: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc lessthan*(L: PState, idx1, idx2: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc tonumber*(L: PState, idx: cint): Number{.ilua.}
+proc tointeger*(L: PState, idx: cint): Integer{.ilua.}
+proc toboolean*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc tolstring*(L: PState, idx: cint, length: ptr cint): cstring{.ilua.}
+proc objlen*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc tocfunction*(L: PState, idx: cint): CFunction{.ilua.}
+proc touserdata*(L: PState, idx: cint): Pointer{.ilua.}
+proc tothread*(L: PState, idx: cint): PState{.ilua.}
+proc topointer*(L: PState, idx: cint): Pointer{.ilua.}
+proc pushnil*(L: PState){.ilua.}
+proc pushnumber*(L: PState, n: Number){.ilua.}
+proc pushinteger*(L: PState, n: Integer){.ilua.}
+proc pushlstring*(L: PState, s: cstring, len: cint){.ilua.}
+proc pushstring*(L: PState, s: cstring){.ilua.}
+proc pushvfstring*(L: PState, fmt: cstring, argp: Pointer): cstring{.ilua.}
+proc pushfstring*(L: PState, fmt: cstring): cstring{.varargs,ilua.}
+proc pushcclosure*(L: PState, fn: CFunction, n: cint){.ilua.}
+proc pushboolean*(L: PState, b: cint){.ilua.}
+proc pushlightuserdata*(L: PState, p: Pointer){.ilua.}
+proc pushthread*(L: PState){.ilua.}
+proc gettable*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc getfield*(L: Pstate, idx: cint, k: cstring){.ilua.}
+proc rawget*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc rawgeti*(L: PState, idx, n: cint){.ilua.}
+proc createtable*(L: PState, narr, nrec: cint){.ilua.}
+proc newuserdata*(L: PState, sz: cint): Pointer{.ilua.}
+proc getmetatable*(L: PState, objindex: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc getfenv*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc settable*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc setfield*(L: PState, idx: cint, k: cstring){.ilua.}
+proc rawset*(L: PState, idx: cint){.ilua.}
+proc rawseti*(L: PState, idx, n: cint){.ilua.}
+proc setmetatable*(L: PState, objindex: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc setfenv*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc call*(L: PState, nargs, nresults: cint){.ilua.}
+proc pcall*(L: PState, nargs, nresults, errf: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc cpcall*(L: PState, func: CFunction, ud: Pointer): cint{.ilua.}
+proc load*(L: PState, reader: Reader, dt: Pointer, chunkname: cstring): cint{.ilua.}
+proc dump*(L: PState, writer: Writer, data: Pointer): cint{.ilua.}
+proc luayield*(L: PState, nresults: cint): cint{.importc: "lua_yield".}
+proc resume*(L: PState, narg: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc status*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc gc*(L: PState, what, data: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc error*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc next*(L: PState, idx: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc concat*(L: PState, n: cint){.ilua.}
+proc getallocf*(L: PState, ud: ptr Pointer): Alloc{.ilua.}
+proc setallocf*(L: PState, f: Alloc, ud: Pointer){.ilua.}
 #** Garbage-collection functions and options
@@ -256,29 +212,29 @@ const
 #** ===============================================================
-proc pop*(L: PState, n: int)
+proc pop*(L: PState, n: cint)
 proc newtable*(L: Pstate)
 proc register*(L: PState, n: cstring, f: CFunction)
 proc pushcfunction*(L: PState, f: CFunction)
-proc strlen*(L: Pstate, i: int): int
-proc isfunction*(L: PState, n: int): bool
-proc istable*(L: PState, n: int): bool
-proc islightuserdata*(L: PState, n: int): bool
-proc isnil*(L: PState, n: int): bool
-proc isboolean*(L: PState, n: int): bool
-proc isthread*(L: PState, n: int): bool
-proc isnone*(L: PState, n: int): bool
-proc isnoneornil*(L: PState, n: int): bool
+proc strlen*(L: Pstate, i: cint): cint
+proc isfunction*(L: PState, n: cint): bool
+proc istable*(L: PState, n: cint): bool
+proc islightuserdata*(L: PState, n: cint): bool
+proc isnil*(L: PState, n: cint): bool
+proc isboolean*(L: PState, n: cint): bool
+proc isthread*(L: PState, n: cint): bool
+proc isnone*(L: PState, n: cint): bool
+proc isnoneornil*(L: PState, n: cint): bool
 proc pushliteral*(L: PState, s: cstring)
 proc setglobal*(L: PState, s: cstring)
 proc getglobal*(L: PState, s: cstring)
-proc tostring*(L: PState, i: int): cstring
+proc tostring*(L: PState, i: cint): cstring
 #** compatibility macros and functions
 proc getregistry*(L: PState)
-proc getgccount*(L: PState): int
+proc getgccount*(L: PState): cint
   Chunkreader* = Reader
   Chunkwriter* = Writer
@@ -307,18 +263,18 @@ const
   TDebug*{.final.} = object    # activation record 
-    event*: int
+    event*: cint
     name*: cstring            # (n) 
     namewhat*: cstring        # (n) `global', `local', `field', `method' 
     what*: cstring            # (S) `Lua', `C', `main', `tail'
     source*: cstring          # (S) 
-    currentline*: int         # (l) 
-    nups*: int                # (u) number of upvalues 
-    linedefined*: int         # (S) 
-    lastlinedefined*: int     # (S) 
-    short_src*: array[0..IDSIZE - 1, Char] # (S) 
-                                           # private part 
-    i_ci*: int                # active function 
+    currentline*: cint         # (l) 
+    nups*: cint                # (u) number of upvalues 
+    linedefined*: cint         # (S) 
+    lastlinedefined*: cint     # (S) 
+    short_src*: array[0.. <IDSIZE, Char] # (S) \ 
+                               # private part 
+    i_ci*: cint                # active function 
   PDebug* = ptr TDebug
   Hook* = proc (L: PState, ar: PDebug){.cdecl.}
@@ -329,31 +285,27 @@ type
 #** ======================================================================
-proc getstack*(L: PState, level: int, ar: PDebug): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_getstack".}
-proc getinfo*(L: PState, what: cstring, ar: PDebug): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_getinfo".}
-proc getlocal*(L: PState, ar: PDebug, n: int): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_getlocal".}
-proc setlocal*(L: PState, ar: PDebug, n: int): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-    importc: "lua_setlocal".}
-proc getupvalue*(L: PState, funcindex: int, n: int): cstring{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_getupvalue".}
-proc setupvalue*(L: PState, funcindex: int, n: int): cstring{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_setupvalue".}
-proc sethook*(L: PState, func: Hook, mask: int, count: int): int{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_sethook".}
-proc gethook*(L: PState): Hook{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, importc: "lua_gethook".}
-proc gethookmask*(L: PState): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                   importc: "lua_gethookmask".}
-proc gethookcount*(L: PState): int{.cdecl, dynlib: NAME, 
-                                    importc: "lua_gethookcount".}
+{.push callConv: cdecl, dynlib: lua.LIB_NAME.}
+proc getstack*(L: PState, level: cint, ar: PDebug): cint{.ilua.}
+proc getinfo*(L: PState, what: cstring, ar: PDebug): cint{.ilua.}
+proc getlocal*(L: PState, ar: PDebug, n: cint): cstring{.ilua.}
+proc setlocal*(L: PState, ar: PDebug, n: cint): cstring{.ilua.}
+proc getupvalue*(L: PState, funcindex: cint, n: cint): cstring{.ilua.}
+proc setupvalue*(L: PState, funcindex: cint, n: cint): cstring{.ilua.}
+proc sethook*(L: PState, func: Hook, mask: cint, count: cint): cint{.ilua.}
+proc gethook*(L: PState): Hook{.ilua.}
+proc gethookmask*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc gethookcount*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
 # implementation
-proc upvalueindex(I: int): int = 
+proc upvalueindex(I: cint): cint = 
   Result = GLOBALSINDEX - i
-proc pop(L: PState, n: int) = 
+proc pop(L: PState, n: cint) = 
   settop(L, - n - 1)
 proc newtable(L: PState) = 
@@ -366,35 +318,35 @@ proc register(L: PState, n: cstring, f: CFunction) =
 proc pushcfunction(L: PState, f: CFunction) = 
   pushcclosure(L, f, 0)
-proc strlen(L: PState, i: int): int = 
+proc strlen(L: PState, i: cint): cint = 
   Result = objlen(L, i)
-proc isfunction(L: PState, n: int): bool = 
+proc isfunction(L: PState, n: cint): bool = 
   Result = luatype(L, n) == TFUNCTION
-proc istable(L: PState, n: int): bool = 
+proc istable(L: PState, n: cint): bool = 
   Result = luatype(L, n) == TTABLE
-proc islightuserdata(L: PState, n: int): bool = 
+proc islightuserdata(L: PState, n: cint): bool = 
   Result = luatype(L, n) == TLIGHTUSERDATA
-proc isnil(L: PState, n: int): bool = 
+proc isnil(L: PState, n: cint): bool = 
   Result = luatype(L, n) == TNIL
-proc isboolean(L: PState, n: int): bool = 
+proc isboolean(L: PState, n: cint): bool = 
   Result = luatype(L, n) == TBOOLEAN
-proc isthread(L: PState, n: int): bool = 
+proc isthread(L: PState, n: cint): bool = 
   Result = luatype(L, n) == TTHREAD
-proc isnone(L: PState, n: int): bool = 
+proc isnone(L: PState, n: cint): bool = 
   Result = luatype(L, n) == TNONE
-proc isnoneornil(L: PState, n: int): bool = 
+proc isnoneornil(L: PState, n: cint): bool = 
   Result = luatype(L, n) <= 0
 proc pushliteral(L: PState, s: cstring) = 
-  pushlstring(L, s, len(s))
+  pushlstring(L, s, s.len.cint)
 proc setglobal(L: PState, s: cstring) = 
   setfield(L, GLOBALSINDEX, s)
@@ -402,11 +354,11 @@ proc setglobal(L: PState, s: cstring) =
 proc getglobal(L: PState, s: cstring) = 
   getfield(L, GLOBALSINDEX, s)
-proc tostring(L: PState, i: int): cstring = 
+proc tostring(L: PState, i: cint): cstring = 
   Result = tolstring(L, i, nil)
 proc getregistry(L: PState) = 
   pushvalue(L, REGISTRYINDEX)
-proc getgccount(L: PState): int = 
+proc getgccount(L: PState): cint = 
   Result = gc(L, GCCOUNT, 0)
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/lua/lualib.nim b/lib/wrappers/lua/lualib.nim
index 94f08a1f1..8c1237dde 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/lua/lualib.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/lua/lualib.nim
@@ -32,35 +32,33 @@ const
   DBLIBNAME* = "debug"
   LOADLIBNAME* = "package"
-proc open_base*(L: PState): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                  importc: "luaopen_base".}
-proc open_table*(L: PState): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                   importc: "luaopen_table".}
-proc open_io*(L: PState): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaopen_io".}
-proc open_string*(L: PState): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                    importc: "luaopen_string".}
-proc open_math*(L: PState): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                  importc: "luaopen_math".}
-proc open_debug*(L: PState): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                   importc: "luaopen_debug".}
-proc open_package*(L: PState): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, 
-                                     importc: "luaopen_package".}
-proc openlibs*(L: PState){.cdecl, dynlib: LIB_NAME, importc: "luaL_openlibs".}
+{.pragma: ilua, importc: "lua$1".}
+{.push callConv: cdecl, dynlib: lua.LIB_NAME.}
+proc open_base*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc open_table*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc open_io*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc open_string*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc open_math*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc open_debug*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc open_package*(L: PState): cint{.ilua.}
+proc openlibs*(L: PState){.importc: "luaL_openlibs".}
 proc baselibopen*(L: PState): Bool = 
-  Result = open_base(L) != 0'i32
+  open_base(L) != 0'i32
 proc tablibopen*(L: PState): Bool = 
-  Result = open_table(L) != 0'i32
+  open_table(L) != 0'i32
 proc iolibopen*(L: PState): Bool = 
-  Result = open_io(L) != 0'i32
+  open_io(L) != 0'i32
 proc strlibopen*(L: PState): Bool = 
-  Result = open_string(L) != 0'i32
+  open_string(L) != 0'i32
 proc mathlibopen*(L: PState): Bool = 
-  Result = open_math(L) != 0'i32
+  open_math(L) != 0'i32
 proc dblibopen*(L: PState): Bool = 
-  Result = open_debug(L) != 0'i32
+  open_debug(L) != 0'i32
diff --git a/tests/reject/tnotnil1.nim b/tests/reject/tnotnil1.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3535bbd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/reject/tnotnil1.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+discard """
+  errormsg: "'y' is provably nil"
+  line:22
+import strutils
+  TObj = object
+    x, y: int
+proc q(x: pointer not nil) =
+  nil
+proc p() =
+  var x: pointer
+  let y = x
+  if not y.isNil:
+    q(y)
+  else:
+    q(y)
diff --git a/tests/reject/tnotnil2.nim b/tests/reject/tnotnil2.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..755314e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/reject/tnotnil2.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+discard """
+  errormsg: "cannot prove 'y' is not nil"
+  line:22
+import strutils
+  TObj = object
+    x, y: int
+proc q(x: pointer not nil) =
+  nil
+proc p() =
+  var x: pointer
+  let y = x
+  if not y.isNil or y != x:
+    q(y)
+  else:
+    q(y)
diff --git a/todo.txt b/todo.txt
index 9a3377d1c..5b9f36dcd 100644
--- a/todo.txt
+++ b/todo.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ Bugs
 - blocks can "export" an identifier but the CCG generates {} for them ...
 - osproc execProcesses can deadlock if all processes fail (as experienced
   in c++ mode)
-- bootstrapping does not work in C++ mode
 - result = result shr 8 for the "system()" wrapper
diff --git a/web/news.txt b/web/news.txt
index f5737ffa3..98d3298b9 100644
--- a/web/news.txt
+++ b/web/news.txt
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ Language Additions
 - Arrays can now be declared with a single integer literal ``N`` instead of a
   range; the range is then ``0..N-1``.
+- ``macros.dumpTree`` and ``macros.dumpLisp`` have been made ``immediate``,
+  ``dumpTreeImm`` and ``dumpLispImm`` are now deprecated.
 - Added ``requiresInit`` pragma to enforce explicit initialization.