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8 files changed, 17 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ast.nim b/compiler/ast.nim
index bd0d56b7a..1cf449eb8 100644
--- a/compiler/ast.nim
+++ b/compiler/ast.nim
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ type
     mMinF64, mMaxF64, mAddU, mSubU, mMulU,
     mDivU, mModU, mEqI, mLeI,
-    mEqI64, mLeI64, mLtI64, mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64,
+    mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64,
     mLeU, mLtU, mLeU64, mLtU64,
     mEqEnum, mLeEnum, mLtEnum, mEqCh, mLeCh, mLtCh, mEqB, mLeB, mLtB, mEqRef,
     mEqUntracedRef, mLePtr, mLtPtr, mEqCString, mXor, mEqProc, mUnaryMinusI,
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ const
     mMinF64, mMaxF64, mAddU, mSubU, mMulU,
     mDivU, mModU, mEqI, mLeI,
-    mEqI64, mLeI64, mLtI64, mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64,
+    mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64,
     mLeU, mLtU, mLeU64, mLtU64,
     mEqEnum, mLeEnum, mLtEnum, mEqCh, mLeCh, mLtCh, mEqB, mLeB, mLtB, mEqRef,
     mEqProc, mEqUntracedRef, mLePtr, mLtPtr, mEqCString, mXor, mUnaryMinusI,
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index c44af524d..49c0d4176 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -566,9 +566,6 @@ proc binaryArith(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) =
       "($1 == $2)",           # EqI
       "($1 <= $2)",           # LeI
       "($1 < $2)",            # LtI
-      "($1 == $2)",           # EqI64
-      "($1 <= $2)",           # LeI64
-      "($1 < $2)",            # LtI64
       "($1 == $2)",           # EqF64
       "($1 <= $2)",           # LeF64
       "($1 < $2)",            # LtF64
diff --git a/compiler/forloops.nim b/compiler/forloops.nim
index efe000968..949b7d8c6 100644
--- a/compiler/forloops.nim
+++ b/compiler/forloops.nim
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 import ast, astalgo
-  someCmp = {mEqI, mEqI64, mEqF64, mEqEnum, mEqCh, mEqB, mEqRef, mEqProc,
-    mEqUntracedRef, mLeI, mLeI64, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeU64, mLeEnum,
-    mLeCh, mLeB, mLePtr, mLtI, mLtI64, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtU64, mLtEnum, 
+  someCmp = {mEqI, mEqF64, mEqEnum, mEqCh, mEqB, mEqRef, mEqProc,
+    mEqUntracedRef, mLeI, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeU64, mLeEnum,
+    mLeCh, mLeB, mLePtr, mLtI, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtU64, mLtEnum, 
     mLtCh, mLtB, mLtPtr}
 proc isCounter(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
diff --git a/compiler/guards.nim b/compiler/guards.nim
index 45413ee62..bc802ae33 100644
--- a/compiler/guards.nim
+++ b/compiler/guards.nim
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ import ast, astalgo, msgs, magicsys, nimsets, trees, types, renderer, idents,
-  someEq = {mEqI, mEqI64, mEqF64, mEqEnum, mEqCh, mEqB, mEqRef, mEqProc,
+  someEq = {mEqI, mEqF64, mEqEnum, mEqCh, mEqB, mEqRef, mEqProc,
     mEqUntracedRef, mEqStr, mEqSet, mEqCString}
   # set excluded here as the semantics are vastly different:
-  someLe = {mLeI, mLeI64, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeU64, mLeEnum,
+  someLe = {mLeI, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeU64, mLeEnum,
             mLeCh, mLeB, mLePtr, mLeStr}
-  someLt = {mLtI, mLtI64, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtU64, mLtEnum,
+  someLt = {mLtI, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtU64, mLtEnum,
             mLtCh, mLtB, mLtPtr, mLtStr}
   someLen = {mLengthOpenArray, mLengthStr, mLengthArray, mLengthSeq,
diff --git a/compiler/jsgen.nim b/compiler/jsgen.nim
index 3874ce85c..55cbed7e8 100644
--- a/compiler/jsgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/jsgen.nim
@@ -281,9 +281,6 @@ const # magic checked op; magic unchecked op; checked op; unchecked op
     ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqI
     ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeI
     ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtI
-    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqI64
-    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeI64
-    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtI64
     ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqF64
     ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeF64
     ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtF64
@@ -370,9 +367,6 @@ const # magic checked op; magic unchecked op; checked op; unchecked op
     ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqI
     ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeI
     ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtI
-    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqI64
-    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeI64
-    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtI64
     ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqF64
     ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeF64
     ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtF64
diff --git a/compiler/semfold.nim b/compiler/semfold.nim
index c2230a59e..d422146d1 100644
--- a/compiler/semfold.nim
+++ b/compiler/semfold.nim
@@ -359,11 +359,11 @@ proc evalOp(m: TMagic, n, a, b, c: PNode): PNode =
     if getFloat(a) > getFloat(b): result = newFloatNodeT(getFloat(b), n)
     else: result = newFloatNodeT(getFloat(a), n)
   of mIsNil: result = newIntNodeT(ord(a.kind == nkNilLit), n)
-  of mLtI, mLtI64, mLtB, mLtEnum, mLtCh:
+  of mLtI, mLtB, mLtEnum, mLtCh:
     result = newIntNodeT(ord(getOrdValue(a) < getOrdValue(b)), n)
-  of mLeI, mLeI64, mLeB, mLeEnum, mLeCh:
+  of mLeI, mLeB, mLeEnum, mLeCh:
     result = newIntNodeT(ord(getOrdValue(a) <= getOrdValue(b)), n)
-  of mEqI, mEqI64, mEqB, mEqEnum, mEqCh:
+  of mEqI, mEqB, mEqEnum, mEqCh:
     result = newIntNodeT(ord(getOrdValue(a) == getOrdValue(b)), n)
   of mLtF64: result = newIntNodeT(ord(getFloat(a) < getFloat(b)), n)
   of mLeF64: result = newIntNodeT(ord(getFloat(a) <= getFloat(b)), n)
diff --git a/compiler/vmgen.nim b/compiler/vmgen.nim
index db25b84ce..bb2b54ca0 100644
--- a/compiler/vmgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/vmgen.nim
@@ -776,11 +776,11 @@ proc genMagic(c: PCtx; n: PNode; dest: var TDest; m: TMagic) =
   of mMulU: genBinaryABCnarrowU(c, n, dest, opcMulu)
   of mDivU: genBinaryABCnarrowU(c, n, dest, opcDivu)
   of mModU: genBinaryABCnarrowU(c, n, dest, opcModu)
-  of mEqI, mEqI64, mEqB, mEqEnum, mEqCh:
+  of mEqI, mEqB, mEqEnum, mEqCh:
     genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcEqInt)
-  of mLeI, mLeI64, mLeEnum, mLeCh, mLeB:
+  of mLeI, mLeEnum, mLeCh, mLeB:
     genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLeInt)
-  of mLtI, mLtI64, mLtEnum, mLtCh, mLtB:
+  of mLtI, mLtEnum, mLtCh, mLtB:
     genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLtInt)
   of mEqF64: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcEqFloat)
   of mLeF64: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLeFloat)
diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index fb9720b21..7e5c5cb8c 100644
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -766,21 +766,21 @@ proc `==` *(x, y: int): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `==` *(x, y: int8): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `==` *(x, y: int16): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `==` *(x, y: int32): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
-proc `==` *(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "EqI64", noSideEffect.}
+proc `==` *(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
   ## Compares two integers for equality.
 proc `<=` *(x, y: int): bool {.magic: "LeI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `<=` *(x, y: int8): bool {.magic: "LeI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `<=` *(x, y: int16): bool {.magic: "LeI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `<=` *(x, y: int32): bool {.magic: "LeI", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<=` *(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "LeI64", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<=` *(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "LeI", noSideEffect.}
   ## Returns true iff `x` is less than or equal to `y`.
 proc `<` *(x, y: int): bool {.magic: "LtI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `<` *(x, y: int8): bool {.magic: "LtI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `<` *(x, y: int16): bool {.magic: "LtI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `<` *(x, y: int32): bool {.magic: "LtI", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<` *(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "LtI64", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<` *(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "LtI", noSideEffect.}
   ## Returns true iff `x` is less than `y`.