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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/config/nim.cfg b/config/nim.cfg
index aff74af53..9c9479363 100644
--- a/config/nim.cfg
+++ b/config/nim.cfg
@@ -184,35 +184,6 @@ clang.options.size = "-Os"
 # before calling the compiler. 
 # Please make sure either Visual Studio or C++ Build SKU is installed when using the vcc compiler backend.
-# With Side-by-side installation support in VS2017, the VCC SDK no longer defines global environment variables
-# that can be used to discover the path for your SDK installation.
-# Because of that and greater flexibility you have to specify the path to the vcvarsall file that initializes
-# the C/C++ Devloper Environment for a specified target architecture.
-# The following are the default paths for vcvarsall ordered by Visual Studio versions.
-# Uncomment ONE of the following lines and/or adjust it to match your specific installation
-# Visual Studio 2008
-# --passC:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# --passL:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# Visual Studio 2010
-# --passC:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# --passL:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# Visual Studio 2012
-# --passC:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS110COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# --passL:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS110COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# Visual Studio 2013
-# --passC:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS120COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# --passL:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS120COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# Visual Studio 2015
-# --passC:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS140COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# --passL:"--vcvarsall:\"%VS140COMNTOOLS%..\\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall\""
-# Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition (replace the 'Community' path segment, with the Installation Instance name for your installtion)
-# --passC:"--vcvarsall:\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2107\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall\""
-# --passL:"--vcvarsall:\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2107\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall\""
-# Note that there are two entries, one 'passC' and one 'passL' entry, so that nim loads the tools both for compilation and linking.
 vcc.exe = "vccexe.exe"
 vcc.cpp.exe = "vccexe.exe"
 vcc.linkerexe = "vccexe.exe"