summary refs log tree commit diff stats
diff options
13 files changed, 872 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci_ssl.yml b/.github/workflows/ci_ssl.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe5faded6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci_ssl.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+name: Nim SSL CI
+  pull_request:
+    # Run only on changes on related files
+    paths:
+      - 'lib/pure/httpclient.nim'
+      - 'lib/pure/net.nim'
+      - 'lib/pure/ssl_certs.nim'
+      - 'lib/wrappers/openssl.nim'
+      - 'tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl*'
+      - 'tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl*'
+  build:
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        os: [ubuntu-18.04, macos-10.15, windows-2019]
+        cpu: [amd64]
+    name: '${{ matrix.os }} (${{ matrix.cpu }})'
+    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+    steps:
+      - name: 'Checkout'
+        uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: 'Checkout csources'
+        uses: actions/checkout@v2
+        with:
+          repository: nim-lang/csources
+          path: csources
+      - name: 'Install dependencies (Linux amd64)'
+        if: runner.os == 'Linux' && matrix.cpu == 'amd64'
+        run: |
+          sudo apt-fast update -qq
+          DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' \
+            sudo apt-fast install --no-install-recommends -y libssl1.1
+      - name: 'Install dependencies (macOS)'
+        if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+        run: brew install make
+      - name: 'Install dependencies (Windows)'
+        if: runner.os == 'Windows'
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          mkdir dist
+          curl -L -o dist/mingw64.7z
+          curl -L -o dist/
+          7z x dist/mingw64.7z -odist
+          7z x dist/ -obin
+          echo "::add-path::${{ github.workspace }}/dist/mingw64/bin"
+      - name: 'Add build binaries to PATH'
+        shell: bash
+        run: echo "::add-path::${{ github.workspace }}/bin"
+      - name: 'Build 1-stage compiler from csources'
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          ncpu=
+          case '${{ runner.os }}' in
+          'Linux')
+            ncpu=$(nproc)
+            ;;
+          'macOS')
+            ncpu=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
+            ;;
+          'Windows')
+            ncpu=$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
+            ;;
+          esac
+          [[ -z "$ncpu" || $ncpu -le 0 ]] && ncpu=1
+          make -C csources -j $ncpu CC=gcc ucpu='${{ matrix.cpu }}'
+      - name: 'Build koch'
+        shell: bash
+        run: nim c koch
+      - name: 'Build the real compiler'
+        shell: bash
+        run: ./koch boot
+      - name: 'Run SSL nimDisableCertificateValidation integration tests'
+        shell: bash
+        run: nim c -d:nimDisableCertificateValidation -d:ssl -r -p:. tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_disabled.nim
+      - name: 'Run SSL certificate check integration tests'
+        # Not supported on Windows due to old openssl version
+        if: runner.os != 'Windows'
+        shell: bash
+        run: nim c -d:ssl -p:. --threads:on -r tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl.nim
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index e9407d124..5468ac88a 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ install:
   - cd ..
+  - openssl version
+  - openssl version -d
   - bin\nim c koch
   - koch runCI
diff --git a/ b/
index d3c85d666..d5d1be956 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ echo f
   empty. This was required for intuitive behaviour of the strscans module
   (see bug #13605).
 - `std/oswalkdir` was buggy, it's now deprecated and reuses `std/os` procs
+- `net.newContext` now performs SSL Certificate checking on Linux and OSX.
+  Define `nimDisableCertificateValidation` to disable it globally.
 ## Language additions
diff --git a/lib/pure/httpclient.nim b/lib/pure/httpclient.nim
index b7bdc8d17..e3e5a5c11 100644
--- a/lib/pure/httpclient.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/httpclient.nim
@@ -119,6 +119,14 @@
 ## You will also have to compile with ``ssl`` defined like so:
 ## ``nim c -d:ssl ...``.
+## Certificate validation is NOT performed by default.
+## This will change in future.
+## A set of directories and files from the `ssl_certs <ssl_certs.html>`_
+## module are scanned to locate CA certificates.
+## See `newContext <net.html#newContext>`_ to tweak or disable certificate validation.
 ## Timeouts
 ## ========
@@ -552,6 +560,7 @@ proc newHttpClient*(userAgent = defUserAgent, maxRedirects = 5,
   ## default is 5.
   ## ``sslContext`` specifies the SSL context to use for HTTPS requests.
+  ## See `SSL/TLS support <##ssl-tls-support>`_
   ## ``proxy`` specifies an HTTP proxy to use for this HTTP client's
   ## connections.
diff --git a/lib/pure/net.nim b/lib/pure/net.nim
index 0d4440242..ca3d37259 100644
--- a/lib/pure/net.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/net.nim
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
 {.deadCodeElim: on.} # dce option deprecated
 import nativesockets, os, strutils, parseutils, times, sets, options,
+from ospaths import getEnv
+from ssl_certs import scanSSLCertificates
 export nativesockets.Port, nativesockets.`$`, nativesockets.`==`
 export Domain, SockType, Protocol
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ when defineSsl:
     SslError* = object of Exception
     SslCVerifyMode* = enum
-      CVerifyNone, CVerifyPeer
+      CVerifyNone, CVerifyPeer, CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars
     SslProtVersion* = enum
       protSSLv2, protSSLv3, protTLSv1, protSSLv23
@@ -517,17 +519,30 @@ when defineSsl:
         raiseSSLError("Verification of private key file failed.")
   proc newContext*(protVersion = protSSLv23, verifyMode = CVerifyPeer,
-      certFile = "", keyFile = "", cipherList = "ALL"): SslContext =
+                   certFile = "", keyFile = "", cipherList = "ALL",
+                   caDir = "", caFile = ""): SSLContext =
     ## Creates an SSL context.
     ## Protocol version specifies the protocol to use. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1
     ## are available with the addition of ``protSSLv23`` which allows for
     ## compatibility with all of them.
-    ## There are currently only two options for verify mode;
-    ## one is ``CVerifyNone`` and with it certificates will not be verified
-    ## the other is ``CVerifyPeer`` and certificates will be verified for
-    ## it, ``CVerifyPeer`` is the safest choice.
+    ## There are three options for verify mode:
+    ## ``CVerifyNone``: certificates are not verified;
+    ## ``CVerifyPeer``: certificates are verified;
+    ## ``CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars``: certificates are verified and the optional
+    ## environment variables SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR are also used to
+    ## locate certificates
+    ##
+    ## The `nimDisableCertificateValidation` define overrides verifyMode and
+    ## disables certificate verification globally!
+    ##
+    ## CA certificates will be loaded, in the following order, from:
+    ##
+    ##  - caFile, caDir, parameters, if set
+    ##  - if `verifyMode` is set to ``CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars``,
+    ##    the SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR environment variables are used
+    ##  - a set of files and directories from the `ssl_certs <ssl_certs.html>`_ file.
     ## The last two parameters specify the certificate file path and the key file
     ## path, a server socket will most likely not work without these.
@@ -550,18 +565,41 @@ when defineSsl:
     if newCTX.SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(cipherList) != 1:
-    case verifyMode
-    of CVerifyPeer:
-      newCTX.SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_VERIFY_PEER, nil)
-    of CVerifyNone:
+    when defined(nimDisableCertificateValidation) or defined(windows):
       newCTX.SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nil)
+    else:
+      case verifyMode
+      of CVerifyPeer, CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars:
+        newCTX.SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_VERIFY_PEER, nil)
+      of CVerifyNone:
+        newCTX.SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nil)
     if newCTX == nil:
     discard newCTX.SSLCTXSetMode(SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY)
     newCTX.loadCertificates(certFile, keyFile)
-    result = SslContext(context: newCTX, referencedData: initSet[int](),
+    when not defined(nimDisableCertificateValidation) and not defined(windows):
+      if verifyMode != CVerifyNone:
+        # Use the caDir and caFile parameters if set
+        if caDir != "" or caFile != "":
+          if newCTX.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(caDir, caFile) != 0:
+            raise newException(IOError, "Failed to load SSL/TLS CA certificate(s).")
+        else:
+          # Scan for certs in known locations. For CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars also scan
+          # the SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR env vars
+          var found = false
+          for fn in scanSSLCertificates():
+            if newCTX.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(fn, "") == 0:
+              found = true
+              break
+          if not found:
+            raise newException(IOError, "No SSL/TLS CA certificates found.")
+    result = SSLContext(context: newCTX, referencedData: initSet[int](),
       extraInternal: new(SslContextExtraInternal))
   proc getExtraInternal(ctx: SslContext): SslContextExtraInternal =
@@ -645,6 +683,7 @@ when defineSsl:
     ## This must be called on an unconnected socket; an SSL session will
     ## be started when the socket is connected.
+    ## FIXME:
     ## **Disclaimer**: This code is not well tested, may be very unsafe and
     ## prone to security vulnerabilities.
@@ -660,7 +699,25 @@ when defineSsl:
     if SSL_set_fd(socket.sslHandle, socket.fd) != 1:
-  proc wrapConnectedSocket*(ctx: SslContext, socket: Socket,
+  proc checkCertName(socket: Socket, hostname: string) =
+    ## Check if the certificate Subject Alternative Name (SAN) or Subject CommonName (CN) matches hostname.
+    ## Wildcards match only in the left-most label.
+    ## When name starts with a dot it will be matched by a certificate valid for any subdomain
+    when not defined(nimDisableCertificateValidation) and not defined(windows):
+      assert socket.isSSL
+      let certificate = socket.sslHandle.SSL_get_peer_certificate()
+      if certificate.isNil:
+        raiseSSLError("No SSL certificate found.")
+      const X509_CHECK_FLAG_ALWAYS_CHECK_SUBJECT = 0x1.cuint
+      const size = 1024
+      var peername: string = newString(size)
+      let match = certificate.X509_check_host(hostname.cstring, hostname.len.cint,
+        X509_CHECK_FLAG_ALWAYS_CHECK_SUBJECT, peername)
+      if match != 1:
+        raiseSSLError("SSL Certificate check failed.")
+  proc wrapConnectedSocket*(ctx: SSLContext, socket: Socket,
                             handshake: SslHandshakeType,
                             hostname: string = "") =
     ## Wraps a connected socket in an SSL context. This function effectively
@@ -671,6 +728,7 @@ when defineSsl:
     ## This should be called on a connected socket, and will perform
     ## an SSL handshake immediately.
+    ## FIXME:
     ## **Disclaimer**: This code is not well tested, may be very unsafe and
     ## prone to security vulnerabilities.
     wrapSocket(ctx, socket)
@@ -682,6 +740,9 @@ when defineSsl:
         discard SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(socket.sslHandle, hostname)
       let ret = SSL_connect(socket.sslHandle)
       socketError(socket, ret)
+      when not defined(nimDisableCertificateValidation) and not defined(windows):
+        if hostname.len > 0 and not isIpAddress(hostname):
+          socket.checkCertName(hostname)
     of handshakeAsServer:
       let ret = SSL_accept(socket.sslHandle)
       socketError(socket, ret)
@@ -1638,6 +1699,9 @@ proc connect*(socket: Socket, address: string,
       let ret = SSL_connect(socket.sslHandle)
       socketError(socket, ret)
+      when not defined(nimDisableCertificateValidation) and not defined(windows):
+        if not isIpAddress(address):
+          socket.checkCertName(address)
 proc connectAsync(socket: Socket, name: string, port = Port(0),
                   af: Domain = AF_INET) {.tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
diff --git a/lib/pure/ssl_certs.nim b/lib/pure/ssl_certs.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b1550004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/ssl_certs.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#            Nim's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2017 Nim contributors
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Scan for SSL/TLS CA certificates on disk
+## The default locations can be overridden using the SSL_CERT_FILE and
+## SSL_CERT_DIR environment variables.
+import os, strutils
+from ospaths import existsEnv, getEnv
+import strutils
+# SECURITY: this unnecessarily scans through dirs/files regardless of the
+# actual host OS/distribution. Hopefully all the paths are writeble only by
+# root.
+# FWIW look for files before scanning entire dirs.
+const certificate_paths = [
+    # Debian, Ubuntu, Arch: maintained by update-ca-certificates, SUSE, Gentoo
+    # NetBSD (security/mozilla-rootcerts)
+    # SLES10/SLES11,
+    "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
+    # OpenSUSE
+    "/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem",
+    # Red Hat 5+, Fedora, Centos
+    "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt",
+    # Red Hat 4
+    "/usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt",
+    # FreeBSD (security/ca-root-nss package)
+    "/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt",
+    # CentOS/RHEL 7
+    "/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem",
+    # OpenBSD, FreeBSD (optional symlink)
+    "/etc/ssl/cert.pem",
+    # Mac OS X
+    "/System/Library/OpenSSL/certs/cert.pem",
+    # Fedora/RHEL
+    "/etc/pki/tls/certs",
+    # Android
+    "/system/etc/security/cacerts",
+    # FreeBSD
+    "/usr/local/share/certs",
+    # NetBSD
+    "/etc/openssl/certs",
+iterator scanSSLCertificates*(useEnvVars = false): string =
+  ## Scan for SSL/TLS CA certificates on disk.
+  ##
+  ## if `useEnvVars` is true, the SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR
+  ## environment variables can be used to override the certificate
+  ## directories to scan or specify a CA certificate file.
+  if existsEnv("SSL_CERT_FILE"):
+    yield getEnv("SSL_CERT_FILE")
+  elif existsEnv("SSL_CERT_DIR"):
+    let p = getEnv("SSL_CERT_DIR")
+    for fn in joinPath(p, "*").walkFiles():
+      yield fn
+  else:
+    for p in certificate_paths:
+      if p.endsWith(".pem") or p.endsWith(".crt"):
+        if existsFile(p):
+          yield p
+      elif existsDir(p):
+        for fn in joinPath(p, "*").walkFiles():
+          yield fn
+# Certificates management on windows
+# when defined(windows) or defined(nimdoc):
+#   import openssl
+#   type
+#     PCCertContext {.final, pure.} = pointer
+#     X509 {.final, pure.} = pointer
+#     CertStore {.final, pure.} = pointer
+#   # OpenSSL cert store
+#   {.push stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc.}
+#   proc CertOpenSystemStore*(hprov: pointer=nil, szSubsystemProtocol: cstring): CertStore
+#   proc CertEnumCertificatesInStore*(hCertStore: CertStore, pPrevCertContext: PCCertContext): pointer
+#   proc CertFreeCertificateContext*(pContext: PCCertContext): bool
+#   proc CertCloseStore*(hCertStore:CertStore, flags:cint): bool
+#   {.pop.}
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim b/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim
index 4a53fba80..789b3611c 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim
@@ -647,3 +647,74 @@ proc md5_Str*(str: string): string =
 when defined(nimHasStyleChecks):
+# Certificate validation
+# On old openSSL version some of these symbols are not available
+when not defined(nimDisableCertificateValidation) and not defined(windows):
+  proc SSL_get_peer_certificate*(ssl: SslCtx): PX509{.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName,
+      importc.}
+  proc X509_get_subject_name*(a: PX509): PX509_NAME{.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName, importc.}
+  proc X509_get_issuer_name*(a: PX509): PX509_NAME{.cdecl, dynlib: DLLUtilName, importc.}
+  proc X509_NAME_oneline*(a: PX509_NAME, buf: cstring, size: cint): cstring {.
+    cdecl, dynlib:DLLSSLName, importc.}
+  proc X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID*(subject:cstring, NID: cint, buf: cstring, size: cint): cint{.
+    cdecl, dynlib:DLLSSLName, importc.}
+  proc X509_check_host*(cert: PX509, name: cstring, namelen: cint, flags:cuint, peername: cstring): cint {.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName, importc.}
+  # Certificates store
+  type PX509_STORE* = SslPtr
+  type PX509_OBJECT* = SslPtr
+  {.push callconv:cdecl, dynlib:DLLUtilName, importc.}
+  proc X509_OBJECT_new*(): PX509_OBJECT
+  proc X509_OBJECT_free*(a: PX509_OBJECT)
+  proc X509_STORE_new*(): PX509_STORE
+  proc X509_STORE_free*(v: PX509_STORE)
+  proc X509_STORE_lock*(ctx: PX509_STORE): cint
+  proc X509_STORE_unlock*(ctx: PX509_STORE): cint
+  proc X509_STORE_up_ref*(v: PX509_STORE): cint
+  proc X509_STORE_set_flags*(ctx: PX509_STORE; flags: culong): cint
+  proc X509_STORE_set_purpose*(ctx: PX509_STORE; purpose: cint): cint
+  proc X509_STORE_set_trust*(ctx: PX509_STORE; trust: cint): cint
+  proc X509_STORE_add_cert*(ctx: PX509_STORE; x: PX509): cint
+  proc d2i_X509*(px: ptr PX509, i: ptr ptr cuchar, len: cint): PX509
+  proc i2d_X509*(cert: PX509; o: ptr ptr cuchar): cint
+  {.pop.}
+  proc d2i_X509*(b: string): PX509 =
+    ## decode DER/BER bytestring into X.509 certificate struct
+    var bb = b.cstring
+    let i = cast[ptr ptr cuchar](addr bb)
+    let ret = d2i_X509(addr result, i, b.len.cint)
+    if ret.isNil:
+      raise newException(Exception, "X.509 certificate decoding failed")
+  proc i2d_X509*(cert: PX509): string =
+    ## encode `cert` to DER string
+    let encoded_length = i2d_X509(cert, nil)
+    result = newString(encoded_length)
+    var q = result.cstring
+    let o = cast[ptr ptr cuchar](addr q)
+    let length = i2d_X509(cert, o)
+    if <= 0:
+      raise newException(Exception, "X.509 certificate encoding failed")
+  when isMainModule:
+    # A simple certificate test
+    let certbytes = readFile("certificate.der")
+    let cert = d2i_X509(certbytes)
+    let encoded = cert.i2d_X509()
+    assert encoded == certbytes
diff --git a/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl.nim b/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f247ae442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+discard """
+  cmd: "nim $target --threads:on -d:ssl $options $file"
+#            Nim - Basic SSL integration tests
+#        (c) Copyright 2018 Nim contributors
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Warning: this test performs local networking.
+## Test with:
+## ./bin/nim c -d:ssl -p:. --threads:on -r tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl.nim
+when not defined(windows):
+  # Disabled on Windows due to old OpenSSL version
+  import
+    httpclient,
+    net,
+    openssl,
+    os,
+    strutils,
+    threadpool,
+    times,
+    unittest
+  # bogus self-signed certificate
+  const
+    certFile = "tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl_cert.pem"
+    keyFile = "tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl_key.pem"
+  proc log(msg: string) =
+    when defined(ssldebug):
+      echo "    [" & $epochTime() & "] " & msg
+    # FIXME
+    echo "    [" & $epochTime() & "] " & msg
+    discard
+  proc runServer(port: Port): bool {.thread.} =
+    ## Run a trivial HTTPS server in a {.thread.}
+    ## Exit after serving one request
+    var socket = newSocket()
+    socket.setSockOpt(OptReusePort, true)
+    socket.bindAddr(port)
+    var ctx = newContext(certFile=certFile, keyFile=keyFile)
+    ##  Handle one connection
+    socket.listen()
+    var client: Socket
+    var address = ""
+    log "server: ready"
+    socket.acceptAddr(client, address)
+    log "server: incoming connection"
+    var ssl: SslPtr = SSL_new(ctx.context)
+    discard SSL_set_fd(ssl, client.getFd())
+    log "server: accepting connection"
+    if SSL_accept(ssl) <= 0:
+      ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr)
+    else:
+      const reply = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nServer: test\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"
+      log "server: sending reply"
+      discard SSL_write(ssl, reply.cstring, reply.len)
+    log "server: receiving a line"
+    let line = client.recvLine()
+    log "server: received $# bytes" % $line.len
+    log "closing"
+    SSL_free(ssl)
+    close(client)
+    close(socket)
+    log "server: exited"
+  suite "SSL self signed certificate check":
+    test "TCP socket":
+      const port = 12347.Port
+      let t = spawn runServer(port)
+      sleep(100)
+      var sock = newSocket()
+      var ctx = newContext()
+      ctx.wrapSocket(sock)
+      try:
+        log "client: connect"
+        sock.connect("", port)
+        fail()
+      except:
+        let msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
+        check(msg.contains("certificate verify failed"))
+    test "HttpClient default: no check":
+      const port = 12345.Port
+      let t = spawn runServer(port)
+      sleep(100)
+      var client = newHttpClient()
+      try:
+        log "client: connect"
+        discard client.getContent("")
+      except:
+        let msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
+        log "client: unexpected exception: " & msg
+        fail()
+    test "HttpClient with CVerifyPeer":
+      const port = 12346.Port
+      let t = spawn runServer(port)
+      sleep(100)
+      var client = newHttpClient(sslContext=newContext(verifyMode=CVerifyPeer))
+      try:
+        log "client: connect"
+        discard client.getContent("")
+        log "getContent should have raised an exception"
+        fail()
+      except:
+        let msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
+        log "client: exception: " & msg
+        # SSL_shutdown:shutdown while in init
+        check(msg.contains("shutdown while in init") or msg.contains("alert number 48"))
diff --git a/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl_cert.pem b/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl_cert.pem
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f15c15c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl_cert.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
diff --git a/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl_key.pem b/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl_key.pem
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ab04122c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/stdlib/thttpclient_ssl_key.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl.nim b/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3744df92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+#            Nim - SSL integration tests
+#        (c) Copyright 2017 Nim contributors
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Warning: this test performs external networking.
+## Test with:
+## ./bin/nim c -d:ssl -p:. --threads:on -r tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl.nim
+## See
+## for a comparison with other clients.
+  httpclient,
+  net,
+  strutils,
+  threadpool,
+  unittest
+  # bad and dubious tests should not pass SSL validation
+  # "_broken" mark the test as skipped. Some tests have different
+  # behavior depending on OS and SSL version!
+  # TODO: chase and fix the broken tests
+  Category = enum
+    good, bad, dubious, good_broken, bad_broken, dubious_broken
+  CertTest = tuple[url:string, category:Category, desc: string]
+const certificate_tests: array[0..55, CertTest] = [
+  ("", bad, ""),
+  ("", bad, "captive-portal"),
+  ("", bad, "expired"),
+  ("", good, "good"),
+  ("", bad, "self-signed"),
+  ("", bad, "untrusted-root"),
+  ("", bad_broken, "revoked"),
+  ("", bad_broken, "pinning-test"),
+  ("", dubious_broken, "no-common-name"),
+  ("", dubious_broken, "no-subject"),
+  ("", dubious, "incomplete-chain"),
+  ("", bad_broken, "sha1-intermediate"),
+  ("", good, "sha256"),
+  ("", good, "sha384"),
+  ("", good, "sha512"),
+  ("", good, "1000-sans"),
+  ("", good_broken, "10000-sans"),
+  ("", good, "ecc256"),
+  ("", good, "ecc384"),
+  ("", good, "rsa2048"),
+  ("", dubious_broken, "rsa8192"),
+  ("", good, "regular http"),
+  ("", bad_broken, "http on https URL"),  # FIXME
+  ("", dubious_broken, "cbc"),
+  ("", bad, "rc4-md5"),
+  ("", bad, "rc4"),
+  ("", bad, "3des"),
+  ("", bad, "null"),
+  ("", bad_broken, "mozilla-old"),
+  ("", dubious_broken, "mozilla-intermediate"),
+  ("", good, "mozilla-modern"),
+  ("", bad, "dh480"),
+  ("", bad, "dh512"),
+  ("", dubious_broken, "dh1024"),
+  ("", good, "dh2048"),
+  ("", bad_broken, "dh-small-subgroup"),
+  ("", bad_broken, "dh-composite"),
+  ("", dubious_broken, "static-rsa"),
+  ("", dubious_broken, "tls-v1-0"),
+  ("", dubious_broken, "tls-v1-1"),
+  ("", bad_broken, "invalid-expected-sct"),
+  ("", good, "hsts"),
+  ("", good, "upgrade"),
+  ("", good, "preloaded-hsts"),
+  ("", bad, "subdomain.preloaded-hsts"),
+  ("", good, "https-everywhere"),
+  ("", good,
+    "long-extended-subdomain-name-containing-many-letters-and-dashes"),
+  ("", good,
+    "longextendedsubdomainnamewithoutdashesinordertotestwordwrapping"),
+  ("", bad, "(Lenovo) Superfish"),
+  ("", bad, "(Dell) eDellRoot"),
+  ("", bad, "(Dell) DSD Test Provider"),
+  ("", bad, "preact-cli"),
+  ("", bad, "webpack-dev-server"),
+  ("", bad, "mitm-software"),
+  ("", dubious, "sha1-2016"),
+  ("", bad, "sha1-2017"),
+template evaluate(exception_msg: string, category: Category, desc: string) =
+  # Evaluate test outcome. Testes flagged as _broken are evaluated and skipped
+  let raised = (exception_msg.len > 0)
+  let should_not_raise = category in {good, dubious_broken, bad_broken}
+  if should_not_raise xor raised:
+    # we are seeing a known behavior
+    if category in {good_broken, dubious_broken, bad_broken}:
+      skip()
+    if raised:
+      check exception_msg == "No SSL certificate found." or
+        exception_msg == "SSL Certificate check failed." or
+        exception_msg.contains("certificate verify failed") or
+        exception_msg.contains("key too small") or
+        exception_msg.contains "shutdown while in init"
+  else:
+    # this is unexpected
+    if raised:
+      echo "         $# ($#) raised: $#" % [desc, $category, exception_msg]
+    else:
+      echo "         $# ($#) did not raise" % [desc, $category]
+    if category in {good, dubious, bad}:
+      fail()
+suite "SSL certificate check - httpclient":
+  for i, ct in certificate_tests:
+    test ct.desc:
+      var ctx = newContext(verifyMode=CVerifyPeer)
+      var client = newHttpClient(sslContext=ctx)
+      let exception_msg =
+        try:
+          let a = $client.getContent(ct.url)
+          ""
+        except:
+          getCurrentExceptionMsg()
+      evaluate(exception_msg, ct.category, ct.desc)
+# threaded tests
+  TTOutcome = ref object
+    desc, exception_msg: string
+    category: Category
+proc run_t_test(ct: CertTest): TTOutcome {.thread.} =
+  ## Run test in a {.thread.} - return by ref
+  result = TTOutcome(desc:ct.desc, exception_msg:"", category: ct.category)
+  try:
+    var ctx = newContext(verifyMode=CVerifyPeer)
+    var client = newHttpClient(sslContext=ctx)
+    let a = $client.getContent(ct.url)
+  except:
+    result.exception_msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
+suite "SSL certificate check - httpclient - threaded":
+  # Spawn threads before the "test" blocks
+  var outcomes = newSeq[FlowVar[TTOutcome]](certificate_tests.len)
+  for i, ct in certificate_tests:
+    let t = spawn run_t_test(ct)
+    outcomes[i] = t
+  # create "test" blocks and handle thread outputs
+  for t in outcomes:
+    let outcome = ^t  # wait for a thread to terminate
+    test outcome.desc:
+      evaluate(outcome.exception_msg, outcome.category, outcome.desc)
+# net tests
+type NetSocketTest = tuple[hostname: string, port: Port, category:Category, desc: string]
+const net_tests:array[0..3, NetSocketTest] = [
+  ("", 993.Port, good, "IMAP"),
+  ("", 443.Port, bad, ""),
+  ("", 443.Port, bad, "captive-portal"),
+  ("", 443.Port, bad, "expired"),
+# TODO: ("", 443.Port, bad_broken, "null"),
+suite "SSL certificate check - sockets":
+  for ct in net_tests:
+    test ct.desc:
+      var sock = newSocket()
+      var ctx = newContext()
+      ctx.wrapSocket(sock)
+      let exception_msg =
+        try:
+          sock.connect(ct.hostname, ct.port)
+          ""
+        except:
+          getCurrentExceptionMsg()
+      evaluate(exception_msg, ct.category, ct.desc)
diff --git a/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_disabled.nim b/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_disabled.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d4ede4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_disabled.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#            Nim - SSL integration tests
+#        (c) Copyright 2017 Nim contributors
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Warning: this test performs external networking.
+## Compile and run with:
+## ./bin/nim c -d:nimDisableCertificateValidation -d:ssl -r -p:. tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_disabled.nim
+import httpclient,
+  net,
+  unittest,
+  ospaths
+from strutils import contains
+const expired = ""
+doAssert defined(nimDisableCertificateValidation)
+suite "SSL certificate check - disabled":
+  test "httpclient in insecure mode":
+    var ctx = newContext(verifyMode = CVerifyPeer)
+    var client = newHttpClient(sslContext = ctx)
+    let a = $client.getContent(expired)
+  test "httpclient in insecure mode":
+    var ctx = newContext(verifyMode = CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars)
+    var client = newHttpClient(sslContext = ctx)
+    let a = $client.getContent(expired)
+  test "net socket in insecure mode":
+    var sock = newSocket()
+    var ctx = newContext(verifyMode = CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars)
+    ctx.wrapSocket(sock)
+    sock.connect("", 443.Port)
+    sock.close
diff --git a/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_env_var.nim b/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_env_var.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32af43579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_env_var.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#            Nim - SSL integration tests
+#        (c) Copyright 2017 Nim contributors
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Warning: this test performs external networking.
+## Compile with:
+## ./bin/nim c -d:ssl -p:. tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_env_var.nim
+## Test with:
+##  SSL_CERT_FILE=BogusInexistentFileName tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_env_var
+##  SSL_CERT_DIR=BogusInexistentDirName tests/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_env_var
+import httpclient, unittest, ospaths
+from net import newSocket, newContext, wrapSocket, connect, close, Port,
+  CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars
+from strutils import contains
+  expired = ""
+  good = ""
+suite "SSL certificate check":
+  test "httpclient with inexistent file":
+    if existsEnv("SSL_CERT_FILE"):
+      var ctx = newContext(verifyMode=CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars)
+      var client = newHttpClient(sslContext=ctx)
+      checkpoint("Client created")
+      check client.getContent("").contains("doctype")
+      checkpoint("Google ok")
+      try:
+        let a = $client.getContent(good)
+        echo "Connection should have failed"
+        fail()
+      except:
+        echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
+        check getCurrentExceptionMsg().contains("certificate verify failed")
+    elif existsEnv("SSL_CERT_DIR"):
+      try:
+        var ctx = newContext(verifyMode=CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars)
+        var client = newHttpClient(sslContext=ctx)
+        echo "Should have raised 'No SSL/TLS CA certificates found.'"
+        fail()
+      except:
+        check getCurrentExceptionMsg() ==
+          "No SSL/TLS CA certificates found."
+  test "net socket with inexistent file":
+    if existsEnv("SSL_CERT_FILE"):
+      var sock = newSocket()
+      var ctx = newContext(verifyMode=CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars)
+      ctx.wrapSocket(sock)
+      checkpoint("Socket created")
+      try:
+        sock.connect("", 443.Port)
+        fail()
+      except:
+        sock.close
+        check getCurrentExceptionMsg().contains("certificate verify failed")
+    elif existsEnv("SSL_CERT_DIR"):
+      var sock = newSocket()
+      checkpoint("Socket created")
+      try:
+        var ctx = newContext(verifyMode=CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars) # raises here
+        fail()
+      except:
+        check getCurrentExceptionMsg() ==
+          "No SSL/TLS CA certificates found."