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5 files changed, 80 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ecmasgen.nim b/compiler/ecmasgen.nim
index 773729681..6ecda9a7c 100755
--- a/compiler/ecmasgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/ecmasgen.nim
@@ -209,6 +209,24 @@ proc genObjectInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType, name: PRope) =
     appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", 
          [name, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])])
+proc genTupleFields(p: var TProc, typ: PType): PRope =
+  var s: PRope = nil
+  for i in 0 .. <typ.len:
+    if i > 0: app(s, ", " & tnl)
+    s.appf("{kind: 1, offset: \"Field$1\", len: 0, " &
+           "typ: $2, name: \"Field$1\", sons: null}",
+           [i.toRope, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[i])])
+  result = ropef("{kind: 2, len: $1, offset: 0, " &
+                 "typ: null, name: null, sons: [$2]}", [toRope(typ.len), s])
+proc genTupleInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType, name: PRope) = 
+  var s = ropef("var $1 = {size: 0, kind: $2, base: null, node: null, " &
+                "finalizer: null};$n", [name, toRope(ord(typ.kind))])
+  prepend(p.g.typeInfo, s)
+  appf(p.g.typeInfo, "var NNI$1 = $2;$n", 
+       [toRope(, genTupleFields(p, typ)])
+  appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.node = NNI$2;$n", [name, toRope(])
 proc genEnumInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType, name: PRope) = 
     s, n: PRope
@@ -261,7 +279,8 @@ proc genTypeInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType): PRope =
     appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", 
          [result, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[1])])
   of tyEnum: genEnumInfo(p, t, result)
-  of tyObject, tyTuple: genObjectInfo(p, t, result)
+  of tyObject: genObjectInfo(p, t, result)
+  of tyTuple: genTupleInfo(p, t, result)
   else: InternalError("genTypeInfo(" & $t.kind & ')')
 proc gen(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes)
diff --git a/lib/pure/strutils.nim b/lib/pure/strutils.nim
index 8a5061037..8b64434d8 100755
--- a/lib/pure/strutils.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/strutils.nim
@@ -850,13 +850,51 @@ proc escape*(s: string, prefix = "\"", suffix = "\""): string {.noSideEffect,
   for c in items(s):

     case c

     of '\0'..'\31', '\128'..'\255':

-      add(result, '\\')

+      add(result, "\\x")

       add(result, toHex(ord(c), 2))

     of '\\': add(result, "\\\\")

     of '\'': add(result, "\\'")

     of '\"': add(result, "\\\"")

     else: add(result, c)

   add(result, suffix)

+proc unescape*(s: string, prefix = "\"", suffix = "\""): string {.noSideEffect,
+  rtl, extern: "nsuUnescape".} =
+  ## Unescapes a string `s`. This complements ``escape`` as it performs the
+  ## opposite operations.
+  ##
+  ## If `s` does not begin with ``prefix`` and end with ``suffix`` a EInvalidValue
+  ## exception will be raised.
+  result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
+  var i = 0
+  if s[0 .. prefix.len-1] != prefix:
+    raise newException(EInvalidValue,
+                       "String does not start with a prefix of: " & prefix)
+  while True:
+    if i == s.len-suffix.len: break
+    case s[i]
+    of '\\':
+      case s[i+1]:
+      of 'x':
+        let j = parseHexInt(s[i+2 .. i+3])
+        result.add(chr(j))
+        inc(i, 2)
+      of '\\':
+        result.add('\\')
+      of '\'':
+        result.add('\'')
+      of '\"':
+        result.add('\"')
+      else: result.add("\\" & s[i+1])
+      inc(i)
+    of '\0': break
+    else:
+      result.add(s[i])
+  if s[i .. -1] != suffix:
+    raise newException(EInvalidValue,
+                       "String does not end with a suffix of: " & suffix)

 proc validIdentifier*(s: string): bool {.noSideEffect,

   rtl, extern: "nsuValidIdentifier".} =

diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index 85d952376..892f4f8c5 100755
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #            Nimrod's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -1797,8 +1797,7 @@ when not defined(EcmaScript): #and not defined(NimrodVM):
   # ----------------- IO Part ------------------------------------------------
-    CFile {.importc: "FILE", nodecl, final.} = object  # empty record for
-                                                       # data hiding
+    CFile {.importc: "FILE", nodecl, final, incompletestruct.} = object
     TFile* = ptr CFile ## The type representing a file handle.
     TFileMode* = enum           ## The file mode when opening a file.
diff --git a/lib/system/ansi_c.nim b/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
index f89577553..33e1ea982 100755
--- a/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
+++ b/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ proc c_strlen(a: CString): int {.nodecl, noSideEffect, importc: "strlen".}
 proc c_memset(p: pointer, value: cint, size: int) {.nodecl, importc: "memset".}
-  C_TextFile {.importc: "FILE", nodecl, final.} = object   # empty record for
-                                                           # data hiding
-  C_BinaryFile {.importc: "FILE", nodecl, final.} = object
+  C_TextFile {.importc: "FILE", nodecl, final, incompleteStruct.} = object
+  C_BinaryFile {.importc: "FILE", nodecl, final, incompleteStruct.} = object
   C_TextFileStar = ptr CTextFile
   C_BinaryFileStar = ptr CBinaryFile
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/gtk/gtk2.nim b/lib/wrappers/gtk/gtk2.nim
index 7094bfd5d..6b418024e 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/gtk/gtk2.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/gtk/gtk2.nim
@@ -16598,6 +16598,7 @@ proc message_dialog_new*(parent: PWindow, flags: TDialogFlags,
     cdecl, importc: "gtk_message_dialog_new", dynlib: lib.}
 proc set_markup*(msgDialog: PMessageDialog, str: cstring) {.cdecl,
     importc: "gtk_message_dialog_set_markup", dynlib: lib.}
 proc signal_new*(name: cstring, signal_flags: TSignalRunType, 
                  object_type: TType, function_offset: guint, 
                  marshaller: TSignalMarshaller, return_val: TType, n_args: guint): guint{.
@@ -16895,6 +16896,15 @@ type
 proc set_tooltip_text*(w: PWidget, t: cstring){.cdecl,
   dynlib: lib, importc: "gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text".}
+proc get_tooltip_text*(w: PWidget): cstring{.cdecl,
+  dynlib: lib, importc: "gtk_widget_get_tooltip_text".}
+proc set_tooltip_markup*(w: PWidget, m: cstring) {.cdecl, dynlib: lib,
+  importc: "gtk_widget_set_tooltip_markup".}
+proc get_tooltip_markup*(w: PWidget): cstring {.cdecl, dynlib: lib,
+  importc: "gtk_widget_get_tooltip_markup".}
 proc set_tooltip_column*(w: PTreeview, column: gint){.cdecl,
   dynlib: lib, importc: "gtk_tree_view_set_tooltip_column".}
@@ -16907,6 +16917,9 @@ proc trigger_tooltip_query*(widg: PTooltip){.cdecl, dynlib: lib,
 proc set_has_tooltip*(widget: PWidget, b: gboolean){.cdecl, dynlib: lib, 
   importc: "gtk_widget_set_has_tooltip".}
+proc get_has_tooltip*(widget: PWidget): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: lib, 
+  importc: "gtk_widget_get_has_tooltip".}
 proc set_markup*(tp: PTooltip, mk: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: lib, 
   importc: "gtk_tooltip_set_markup".}
@@ -17037,6 +17050,10 @@ proc remove*(combo_box: PComboBoxText; position: gint){.cdecl,
     importc: "gtk_combo_box_text_remove", dynlib: lib.}
 proc get_active_text*(combo_box: PComboBoxText): cstring{.cdecl, 
     importc: "gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text", dynlib: lib.}
+proc is_active*(win: PWindow): gboolean{.cdecl,
+    importc: "gtk_window_is_active", dynlib: lib.}
+proc has_toplevel_focus*(win: PWindow): gboolean{.cdecl,
+    importc: "gtk_window_has_toplevel_focus", dynlib: lib.}
 proc nimrod_init*() =