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13 files changed, 241 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/configuration.nim b/compiler/configuration.nim
index 6b3034d2b..20003bb2e 100644
--- a/compiler/configuration.nim
+++ b/compiler/configuration.nim
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ errSetTooBig: "set is too large",
 errBaseTypeMustBeOrdinal: "base type of a set must be an ordinal",
 errInheritanceOnlyWithNonFinalObjects: "inheritance only works with non-final objects",
 errInheritanceOnlyWithEnums: "inheritance only works with an enum",
-errIllegalRecursionInTypeX: "illegal recursion in type '$1'",
 errCannotInstantiateX: "cannot instantiate: '$1'",
 errExprHasNoAddress: "expression has no address",
 errXStackEscape: "address of '$1' may not escape its stack frame",
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ errDefaultArgumentInvalid: "default argument invalid",
 errNamedParamHasToBeIdent: "named parameter has to be an identifier",
 errNoReturnTypeForX: "no return type allowed for $1",
 errConvNeedsOneArg: "a type conversion needs exactly one argument",
-errInvalidPragmaX: "invalid pragma: $1",
+errInvalidPragmaX: ,
 errXNotAllowedHere: "$1 not allowed here",
 errInvalidControlFlowX: "invalid control flow: $1",
 errXisNoType: "invalid type: '$1'",
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ errNewSectionExpected: "new section expected",
 errWhitespaceExpected: "whitespace expected, got '$1'",
 errXisNoValidIndexFile: "'$1' is no valid index file",
 errCannotRenderX: "cannot render reStructuredText element '$1'",
-errVarVarTypeNotAllowed: "type 'var var' is not allowed",
+errVarVarTypeNotAllowed: ,
 errInstantiateXExplicitly: "instantiate '$1' explicitly",
 errOnlyACallOpCanBeDelegator: "only a call operator can be a delegator",
 errUsingNoSymbol: "'$1' is not a variable, constant or a proc name",
diff --git a/compiler/extccomp.nim b/compiler/extccomp.nim
index 388bb9c9e..bab612835 100644
--- a/compiler/extccomp.nim
+++ b/compiler/extccomp.nim
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ proc externalFileChanged(conf: ConfigRef; cfile: Cfile): bool =
   if gCmd notin {cmdCompileToC, cmdCompileToCpp, cmdCompileToOC, cmdCompileToLLVM}:
     return false
-  var hashFile = toGeneratedFile(conf, cfile.cname.withPackageName, "sha1")
+  var hashFile = toGeneratedFile(conf, conf.withPackageName(cfile.cname), "sha1")
   var currentHash = footprint(conf, cfile)
   var f: File
   if open(f, hashFile, fmRead):
diff --git a/compiler/guards.nim b/compiler/guards.nim
index 94af5202d..9e826b98f 100644
--- a/compiler/guards.nim
+++ b/compiler/guards.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## This module implements the 'implies' relation for guards.
 import ast, astalgo, msgs, magicsys, nimsets, trees, types, renderer, idents,
-  saturate
+  saturate, modulegraphs, options, configuration
   someEq = {mEqI, mEqF64, mEqEnum, mEqCh, mEqB, mEqRef, mEqProc,
@@ -83,18 +83,25 @@ proc isLetLocation(m: PNode, isApprox: bool): bool =
 proc interestingCaseExpr*(m: PNode): bool = isLetLocation(m, true)
-  opLe = createMagic("<=", mLeI)
-  opLt = createMagic("<", mLtI)
-  opAnd = createMagic("and", mAnd)
-  opOr = createMagic("or", mOr)
-  opIsNil = createMagic("isnil", mIsNil)
-  opEq = createMagic("==", mEqI)
-  opAdd = createMagic("+", mAddI)
-  opSub = createMagic("-", mSubI)
-  opMul = createMagic("*", mMulI)
-  opDiv = createMagic("div", mDivI)
-  opLen = createMagic("len", mLengthSeq)
+  Operators* = object
+    opNot, opContains, opLe, opLt, opAnd, opOr, opIsNil, opEq: PSym
+    opAdd, opSub, opMul, opDiv, opLen: PSym
+proc initOperators*(g: ModuleGraph): Operators =
+  result.opLe = createMagic(g, "<=", mLeI)
+  result.opLt = createMagic(g, "<", mLtI)
+  result.opAnd = createMagic(g, "and", mAnd)
+  result.opOr = createMagic(g, "or", mOr)
+  result.opIsNil = createMagic(g, "isnil", mIsNil)
+  result.opEq = createMagic(g, "==", mEqI)
+  result.opAdd = createMagic(g, "+", mAddI)
+  result.opSub = createMagic(g, "-", mSubI)
+  result.opMul = createMagic(g, "*", mMulI)
+  result.opDiv = createMagic(g, "div", mDivI)
+  result.opLen = createMagic(g, "len", mLengthSeq)
+  result.opNot = createMagic(g, "not", mNot)
+  result.opContains = createMagic(g, "contains", mInSet)
 proc swapArgs(fact: PNode, newOp: PSym): PNode =
   result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
@@ -102,16 +109,16 @@ proc swapArgs(fact: PNode, newOp: PSym): PNode =
   result.sons[1] = fact.sons[2]
   result.sons[2] = fact.sons[1]
-proc neg(n: PNode): PNode =
+proc neg(n: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   if n == nil: return nil
   case n.getMagic
   of mNot:
     result = n.sons[1]
   of someLt:
     # not (a < b)  ==  a >= b  ==  b <= a
-    result = swapArgs(n, opLe)
+    result = swapArgs(n, o.opLe)
   of someLe:
-    result = swapArgs(n, opLt)
+    result = swapArgs(n, o.opLt)
   of mInSet:
     if n.sons[1].kind != nkCurly: return nil
     let t = n.sons[2].typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)
@@ -133,11 +140,11 @@ proc neg(n: PNode): PNode =
   of mOr:
     # not (a or b) --> not a and not b
-      a = n.sons[1].neg
-      b = n.sons[2].neg
+      a = n.sons[1].neg(o)
+      b = n.sons[2].neg(o)
     if a != nil and b != nil:
       result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
-      result.sons[0] = newSymNode(opAnd)
+      result.sons[0] = newSymNode(o.opAnd)
       result.sons[1] = a
       result.sons[2] = b
     elif a != nil:
@@ -147,7 +154,7 @@ proc neg(n: PNode): PNode =
     # leave  not (a == 4)  as it is
     result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 2)
-    result.sons[0] = newSymNode(opNot)
+    result.sons[0] = newSymNode(o.opNot)
     result.sons[1] = n
 proc buildCall(op: PSym; a: PNode): PNode =
@@ -181,7 +188,7 @@ proc `|div|`(a, b: PNode): PNode =
   if a.kind in {nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit}: result.intVal = a.intVal div b.intVal
   else: result.floatVal = a.floatVal / b.floatVal
-proc negate(a, b, res: PNode): PNode =
+proc negate(a, b, res: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   if b.kind in {nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit} and b.intVal != low(BiggestInt):
     var b = copyNode(b)
     b.intVal = -b.intVal
@@ -189,11 +196,11 @@ proc negate(a, b, res: PNode): PNode =
       b.intVal = b.intVal |+| a.intVal
       result = b
-      result = buildCall(opAdd, a, b)
+      result = buildCall(o.opAdd, a, b)
   elif b.kind in {nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit}:
     var b = copyNode(b)
     b.floatVal = -b.floatVal
-    result = buildCall(opAdd, a, b)
+    result = buildCall(o.opAdd, a, b)
     result = res
@@ -205,7 +212,7 @@ proc lowBound*(x: PNode): PNode =
   result = nkIntLit.newIntNode(firstOrd(x.typ)) =
-proc highBound*(x: PNode): PNode =
+proc highBound*(x: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   let typ = x.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)
   result = if typ.kind == tyArray:
@@ -213,23 +220,23 @@ proc highBound*(x: PNode): PNode =
                x.sym.kind == skConst:
-             opAdd.buildCall(opLen.buildCall(x), minusOne())
+             o.opAdd.buildCall(o.opLen.buildCall(x), minusOne()) =
-proc reassociation(n: PNode): PNode =
+proc reassociation(n: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   result = n
   # (foo+5)+5 --> foo+10;  same for '*'
   case result.getMagic
   of someAdd:
     if result[2].isValue and
         result[1].getMagic in someAdd and result[1][2].isValue:
-      result = opAdd.buildCall(result[1][1], result[1][2] |+| result[2])
+      result = o.opAdd.buildCall(result[1][1], result[1][2] |+| result[2])
       if result[2].intVal == 0:
         result = result[1]
   of someMul:
     if result[2].isValue and
         result[1].getMagic in someMul and result[1][2].isValue:
-      result = opMul.buildCall(result[1][1], result[1][2] |*| result[2])
+      result = o.opMul.buildCall(result[1][1], result[1][2] |*| result[2])
       if result[2].intVal == 1:
         result = result[1]
       elif result[2].intVal == 0:
@@ -243,12 +250,12 @@ proc pred(n: PNode): PNode =
     result = n
-proc canon*(n: PNode): PNode =
+proc canon*(n: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   # XXX for now only the new code in 'semparallel' uses this
   if n.safeLen >= 1:
     result = shallowCopy(n)
     for i in 0 ..< n.len:
-      result.sons[i] = canon(n.sons[i])
+      result.sons[i] = canon(n.sons[i], o)
   elif n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skLet and
       n.sym.ast.getMagic in (someEq + someAdd + someMul + someMin +
       someMax + someHigh + {mUnaryLt} + someSub + someLen + someDiv):
@@ -263,24 +270,24 @@ proc canon*(n: PNode): PNode =
       # (4 + foo) + 2 --> (foo + 4) + 2
   of someHigh:
     # high == len+(-1)
-    result = opAdd.buildCall(opLen.buildCall(result[1]), minusOne())
+    result = o.opAdd.buildCall(o.opLen.buildCall(result[1]), minusOne())
   of mUnaryLt:
-    result = buildCall(opAdd, result[1], minusOne())
+    result = buildCall(o.opAdd, result[1], minusOne())
   of someSub:
     # x - 4  -->  x + (-4)
-    result = negate(result[1], result[2], result)
+    result = negate(result[1], result[2], result, o)
   of someLen:
-    result.sons[0] = opLen.newSymNode
+    result.sons[0] = o.opLen.newSymNode
   of someLt:
     # x < y  same as x <= y-1:
-    let y = n[2].canon
+    let y = n[2].canon(o)
     let p = pred(y)
-    let minus = if p != y: p else: opAdd.buildCall(y, minusOne()).canon
-    result = opLe.buildCall(n[1].canon, minus)
+    let minus = if p != y: p else: o.opAdd.buildCall(y, minusOne()).canon(o)
+    result = o.opLe.buildCall(n[1].canon(o), minus)
   else: discard
   result = skipConv(result)
-  result = reassociation(result)
+  result = reassociation(result, o)
   # most important rule: (x-4) <= a.len -->  x <= a.len+4
   case result.getMagic
   of someLe:
@@ -291,10 +298,10 @@ proc canon*(n: PNode): PNode =
       case x.getMagic
       of someSub:
         result = buildCall(result[0].sym, x[1],
-                           reassociation(opAdd.buildCall(y, x[2])))
+                           reassociation(o.opAdd.buildCall(y, x[2]), o))
       of someAdd:
         # Rule A:
-        let plus = negate(y, x[2], nil).reassociation
+        let plus = negate(y, x[2], nil, o).reassociation(o)
         if plus != nil: result = buildCall(result[0].sym, x[1], plus)
       else: discard
     elif y.kind in nkCallKinds and y.len == 3 and y[2].isValue and
@@ -303,9 +310,9 @@ proc canon*(n: PNode): PNode =
       case y.getMagic
       of someSub:
         result = buildCall(result[0].sym, y[1],
-                           reassociation(opAdd.buildCall(x, y[2])))
+                           reassociation(o.opAdd.buildCall(x, y[2]), o))
       of someAdd:
-        let plus = negate(x, y[2], nil).reassociation
+        let plus = negate(x, y[2], nil, o).reassociation(o)
         # ensure that Rule A will not trigger afterwards with the
         # additional 'not isLetLocation' constraint:
         if plus != nil and not isLetLocation(x, true):
@@ -323,15 +330,15 @@ proc canon*(n: PNode): PNode =
       result.sons[2] = y[1]
   else: discard
-proc `+@`*(a: PNode; b: BiggestInt): PNode =
-  canon(if b != 0: opAdd.buildCall(a, nkIntLit.newIntNode(b)) else: a)
+#proc `+@`*(a: PNode; b: BiggestInt): PNode =
+#  canon(if b != 0: opAdd.buildCall(a, nkIntLit.newIntNode(b)) else: a)
-proc usefulFact(n: PNode): PNode =
+proc usefulFact(n: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   case n.getMagic
   of someEq:
     if skipConv(n.sons[2]).kind == nkNilLit and (
         isLetLocation(n.sons[1], false) or isVar(n.sons[1])):
-      result = opIsNil.buildCall(n.sons[1])
+      result = o.opIsNil.buildCall(n.sons[1])
       if isLetLocation(n.sons[1], true) or isLetLocation(n.sons[2], true):
         # XXX algebraic simplifications!  'i-1 < a.len' --> 'i < a.len+1'
@@ -351,11 +358,11 @@ proc usefulFact(n: PNode): PNode =
       result = n
   of mAnd:
-      a = usefulFact(n.sons[1])
-      b = usefulFact(n.sons[2])
+      a = usefulFact(n.sons[1], o)
+      b = usefulFact(n.sons[2], o)
     if a != nil and b != nil:
       result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
-      result.sons[0] = newSymNode(opAnd)
+      result.sons[0] = newSymNode(o.opAnd)
       result.sons[1] = a
       result.sons[2] = b
     elif a != nil:
@@ -363,9 +370,9 @@ proc usefulFact(n: PNode): PNode =
     elif b != nil:
       result = b
   of mNot:
-    let a = usefulFact(n.sons[1])
+    let a = usefulFact(n.sons[1], o)
     if a != nil:
-      result = a.neg
+      result = a.neg(o)
   of mOr:
     # 'or' sucks! (p.isNil or q.isNil) --> hard to do anything
     # with that knowledge...
@@ -374,14 +381,14 @@ proc usefulFact(n: PNode): PNode =
     #  (x == 3) or (y == 2)  ---> not ( not (x==3) and not (y == 2))
     #  not (x != 3 and y != 2)
-      a = usefulFact(n.sons[1]).neg
-      b = usefulFact(n.sons[2]).neg
+      a = usefulFact(n.sons[1], o).neg(o)
+      b = usefulFact(n.sons[2], o).neg(o)
     if a != nil and b != nil:
       result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
-      result.sons[0] = newSymNode(opAnd)
+      result.sons[0] = newSymNode(o.opAnd)
       result.sons[1] = a
       result.sons[2] = b
-      result = result.neg
+      result = result.neg(o)
   elif n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skLet:
     # consider:
     #   let a = 2 < x
@@ -389,32 +396,34 @@ proc usefulFact(n: PNode): PNode =
     #     ...
     # We make can easily replace 'a' by '2 < x' here:
     if n.sym.ast != nil:
-      result = usefulFact(n.sym.ast)
+      result = usefulFact(n.sym.ast, o)
   elif n.kind == nkStmtListExpr:
-    result = usefulFact(n.lastSon)
+    result = usefulFact(n.lastSon, o)
-  TModel* = seq[PNode] # the "knowledge base"
+  TModel* = object
+    s: seq[PNode] # the "knowledge base"
+    o: Operators
 proc addFact*(m: var TModel, nn: PNode) =
-  let n = usefulFact(nn)
-  if n != nil: m.add n
+  let n = usefulFact(nn, m.o)
+  if n != nil: m.s.add n
 proc addFactNeg*(m: var TModel, n: PNode) =
-  let n = n.neg
+  let n = n.neg(m.o)
   if n != nil: addFact(m, n)
-proc canonOpr(opr: PSym): PSym =
-  case opr.magic
-  of someEq: result = opEq
-  of someLe: result = opLe
-  of someLt: result = opLt
-  of someLen: result = opLen
-  of someAdd: result = opAdd
-  of someSub: result = opSub
-  of someMul: result = opMul
-  of someDiv: result = opDiv
-  else: result = opr
+proc sameOpr(a, b: PSym): bool =
+  case a.magic
+  of someEq: result = b.magic in someEq
+  of someLe: result = b.magic in someLe
+  of someLt: result = b.magic in someLt
+  of someLen: result = b.magic in someLen
+  of someAdd: result = b.magic in someAdd
+  of someSub: result = b.magic in someSub
+  of someMul: result = b.magic in someMul
+  of someDiv: result = b.magic in someDiv
+  else: result = a == b
 proc sameTree*(a, b: PNode): bool =
   result = false
@@ -425,7 +434,7 @@ proc sameTree*(a, b: PNode): bool =
     of nkSym:
       result = a.sym == b.sym
       if not result and a.sym.magic != mNone:
-        result = a.sym.magic == b.sym.magic or canonOpr(a.sym) == canonOpr(b.sym)
+        result = a.sym.magic == b.sym.magic or sameOpr(a.sym, b.sym)
     of nkIdent: result = ==
     of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit: result = a.intVal == b.intVal
     of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: result = a.floatVal == b.floatVal
@@ -462,8 +471,8 @@ proc invalidateFacts*(m: var TModel, n: PNode) =
   # The same mechanism could be used for more complex data stored on the heap;
   # procs that 'write: []' cannot invalidate 'n.kind' for instance. In fact, we
   # could CSE these expressions then and help C's optimizer.
-  for i in 0..high(m):
-    if m[i] != nil and m[i].hasSubTree(n): m[i] = nil
+  for i in 0..high(m.s):
+    if m.s[i] != nil and m.s[i].hasSubTree(n): m.s[i] = nil
 proc valuesUnequal(a, b: PNode): bool =
   if a.isValue and b.isValue:
@@ -486,7 +495,7 @@ proc impliesEq(fact, eq: PNode): TImplication =
     if sameTree(fact.sons[2], eq.sons[loc]) and isValue(eq.sons[val]):
       if inSet(fact.sons[1], eq.sons[val]): result = impYes
       else: result = impNo
-  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesEq")
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: assert(false, "impliesEq")
   else: discard
 proc leImpliesIn(x, c, aSet: PNode): TImplication =
@@ -549,7 +558,7 @@ proc impliesIn(fact, loc, aSet: PNode): TImplication =
     elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], loc):
       # 4 < x  -->  3 <= x
       result = geImpliesIn(fact.sons[2], fact.sons[1].pred, aSet)
-  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesIn")
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: assert(false, "impliesIn")
   else: discard
 proc valueIsNil(n: PNode): TImplication =
@@ -567,11 +576,11 @@ proc impliesIsNil(fact, eq: PNode): TImplication =
       result = valueIsNil(fact.sons[2].skipConv)
     elif sameTree(fact.sons[2], eq.sons[1]):
       result = valueIsNil(fact.sons[1].skipConv)
-  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesIsNil")
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: assert(false, "impliesIsNil")
   else: discard
 proc impliesGe(fact, x, c: PNode): TImplication =
-  internalAssert isLocation(x)
+  assert isLocation(x)
   case fact.sons[0].sym.magic
   of someEq:
     if sameTree(fact.sons[1], x):
@@ -603,7 +612,7 @@ proc impliesGe(fact, x, c: PNode): TImplication =
       # fact: 3 <= x; question: x >= 2 ?  --> true iff 2 <= 3
       if isValue(fact.sons[1]) and isValue(c):
         if leValue(c, fact.sons[1]): result = impYes
-  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesGe")
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: assert(false, "impliesGe")
   else: discard
 proc impliesLe(fact, x, c: PNode): TImplication =
@@ -643,7 +652,7 @@ proc impliesLe(fact, x, c: PNode): TImplication =
       if isValue(fact.sons[1]) and isValue(c):
         if leValue(c, fact.sons[1].pred): result = impNo
-  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: internalError(, "impliesLe")
+  of mNot, mOr, mAnd: assert(false, "impliesLe")
   else: discard
 proc impliesLt(fact, x, c: PNode): TImplication =
@@ -707,14 +716,14 @@ proc factImplies(fact, prop: PNode): TImplication =
 proc doesImply*(facts: TModel, prop: PNode): TImplication =
   assert prop.kind in nkCallKinds
-  for f in facts:
+  for f in facts.s:
     # facts can be invalidated, in which case they are 'nil':
     if not f.isNil:
       result = f.factImplies(prop)
       if result != impUnknown: return
-proc impliesNotNil*(facts: TModel, arg: PNode): TImplication =
-  result = doesImply(facts, opIsNil.buildCall(arg).neg)
+proc impliesNotNil*(m: TModel, arg: PNode): TImplication =
+  result = doesImply(m, m.o.opIsNil.buildCall(arg).neg(m.o))
 proc simpleSlice*(a, b: PNode): BiggestInt =
   # returns 'c' if a..b matches (i+c)..(i+c), -1 otherwise. (i)..(i) is matched
@@ -817,20 +826,20 @@ proc ple(m: TModel; a, b: PNode): TImplication =
   if a.getMagic in someMul and a[2].isValue and a[1].getMagic in someDiv and
     # simplify   (x div 4) * 2 <= y   to  x div (c div d)  <= y
-    if ple(m, buildCall(opDiv, a[1][1], `|div|`(a[1][2], a[2])), b) == impYes:
+    if ple(m, buildCall(m.o.opDiv, a[1][1], `|div|`(a[1][2], a[2])), b) == impYes:
       return impYes
   # x*3 + x == x*4. It follows that:
   # x*3 + y <= x*4  if  y <= x  and 3 <= 4
   if a =~ x*dc + y and b =~ x2*ec:
     if sameTree(x, x2):
-      let ec1 = opAdd.buildCall(ec, minusOne())
+      let ec1 = m.o.opAdd.buildCall(ec, minusOne())
       if x >=? 1 and ec >=? 1 and dc >=? 1 and dc <=? ec1 and y <=? x:
         return impYes
   elif a =~ x*dc and b =~ x2*ec + y:
     #echo "BUG cam ehrer e ", a, " <=? ", b
     if sameTree(x, x2):
-      let ec1 = opAdd.buildCall(ec, minusOne())
+      let ec1 = m.o.opAdd.buildCall(ec, minusOne())
       if x >=? 1 and ec >=? 1 and dc >=? 1 and dc <=? ec1 and y <=? zero():
         return impYes
@@ -863,9 +872,9 @@ proc ple(m: TModel; a, b: PNode): TImplication =
   # use the knowledge base:
   return pleViaModel(m, a, b)
-  #return doesImply(m, opLe.buildCall(a, b))
+  #return doesImply(m, o.opLe.buildCall(a, b))
-type TReplacements = seq[tuple[a,b: PNode]]
+type TReplacements = seq[tuple[a, b: PNode]]
 proc replaceSubTree(n, x, by: PNode): PNode =
   if sameTree(n, x):
@@ -883,11 +892,11 @@ proc applyReplacements(n: PNode; rep: TReplacements): PNode =
 proc pleViaModelRec(m: var TModel; a, b: PNode): TImplication =
   # now check for inferrable facts: a <= b and b <= c  implies a <= c
-  for i in 0..m.high:
-    let fact = m[i]
+  for i in 0..m.s.high:
+    let fact = m.s[i]
     if fact != nil and fact.getMagic in someLe:
       # mark as used:
-      m[i] = nil
+      m.s[i] = nil
       # i <= len-100
       # i <=? len-1
       # --> true  if  (len-100) <= (len-1)
@@ -919,7 +928,7 @@ proc pleViaModelRec(m: var TModel; a, b: PNode): TImplication =
 proc pleViaModel(model: TModel; aa, bb: PNode): TImplication =
   # compute replacements:
   var replacements: TReplacements = @[]
-  for fact in model:
+  for fact in model.s:
     if fact != nil and fact.getMagic in someEq:
       let a = fact[1]
       let b = fact[2]
@@ -929,12 +938,13 @@ proc pleViaModel(model: TModel; aa, bb: PNode): TImplication =
   var a = aa
   var b = bb
   if replacements.len > 0:
-    m = @[]
+    m.s = @[]
+    m.o = model.o
     # make the other facts consistent:
-    for fact in model:
+    for fact in model.s:
       if fact != nil and fact.getMagic notin someEq:
         # XXX 'canon' should not be necessary here, but it is
-        m.add applyReplacements(fact, replacements).canon
+        m.s.add applyReplacements(fact, replacements).canon(m.o)
     a = applyReplacements(aa, replacements)
     b = applyReplacements(bb, replacements)
@@ -943,31 +953,31 @@ proc pleViaModel(model: TModel; aa, bb: PNode): TImplication =
   result = pleViaModelRec(m, a, b)
 proc proveLe*(m: TModel; a, b: PNode): TImplication =
-  let x = canon(opLe.buildCall(a, b))
+  let x = canon(m.o.opLe.buildCall(a, b), m.o)
   #echo "ROOT ", renderTree(x[1]), " <=? ", renderTree(x[2])
   result = ple(m, x[1], x[2])
   if result == impUnknown:
     # try an alternative:  a <= b  iff  not (b < a)  iff  not (b+1 <= a):
-    let y = canon(opLe.buildCall(opAdd.buildCall(b, one()), a))
+    let y = canon(m.o.opLe.buildCall(m.o.opAdd.buildCall(b, one()), a), m.o)
     result = ~ple(m, y[1], y[2])
 proc addFactLe*(m: var TModel; a, b: PNode) =
-  m.add canon(opLe.buildCall(a, b))
+  m.s.add canon(m.o.opLe.buildCall(a, b), m.o)
 proc settype(n: PNode): PType =
   result = newType(tySet, n.typ.owner)
   addSonSkipIntLit(result, n.typ)
-proc buildOf(it, loc: PNode): PNode =
+proc buildOf(it, loc: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   var s = newNodeI(nkCurly,, it.len-1)
   s.typ = settype(loc)
   for i in s.sons[i] = it.sons[i]
   result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
-  result.sons[0] = newSymNode(opContains)
+  result.sons[0] = newSymNode(o.opContains)
   result.sons[1] = s
   result.sons[2] = loc
-proc buildElse(n: PNode): PNode =
+proc buildElse(n: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   var s = newNodeIT(nkCurly,, settype(n.sons[0]))
   for i in 1..n.len-2:
     let branch = n.sons[i]
@@ -975,23 +985,23 @@ proc buildElse(n: PNode): PNode =
     for j in 0..branch.len-2:
   result = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
-  result.sons[0] = newSymNode(opContains)
+  result.sons[0] = newSymNode(o.opContains)
   result.sons[1] = s
   result.sons[2] = n.sons[0]
 proc addDiscriminantFact*(m: var TModel, n: PNode) =
   var fact = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
-  fact.sons[0] = newSymNode(opEq)
+  fact.sons[0] = newSymNode(m.o.opEq)
   fact.sons[1] = n.sons[0]
   fact.sons[2] = n.sons[1]
-  m.add fact
+  m.s.add fact
 proc addAsgnFact*(m: var TModel, key, value: PNode) =
   var fact = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
-  fact.sons[0] = newSymNode(opEq)
+  fact.sons[0] = newSymNode(m.o.opEq)
   fact.sons[1] = key
   fact.sons[2] = value
-  m.add fact
+  m.s.add fact
 proc sameSubexprs*(m: TModel; a, b: PNode): bool =
   # This should be used to check whether two *path expressions* refer to the
@@ -1004,7 +1014,7 @@ proc sameSubexprs*(m: TModel; a, b: PNode): bool =
   # However, nil checking requires exactly the same mechanism! But for now
   # we simply use sameTree and live with the unsoundness of the analysis.
   var check = newNodeI(nkCall,, 3)
-  check.sons[0] = newSymNode(opEq)
+  check.sons[0] = newSymNode(m.o.opEq)
   check.sons[1] = a
   check.sons[2] = b
   result = m.doesImply(check) == impYes
@@ -1012,11 +1022,11 @@ proc sameSubexprs*(m: TModel; a, b: PNode): bool =
 proc addCaseBranchFacts*(m: var TModel, n: PNode, i: int) =
   let branch = n.sons[i]
   if branch.kind == nkOfBranch:
-    m.add buildOf(branch, n.sons[0])
+    m.s.add buildOf(branch, n.sons[0], m.o)
-    m.add n.buildElse.neg
+    m.s.add n.buildElse(m.o).neg(m.o)
-proc buildProperFieldCheck(access, check: PNode): PNode =
+proc buildProperFieldCheck(access, check: PNode; o: Operators): PNode =
   if check.sons[1].kind == nkCurly:
     result = copyTree(check)
     if access.kind == nkDotExpr:
@@ -1028,10 +1038,10 @@ proc buildProperFieldCheck(access, check: PNode): PNode =
     # it is some 'not'
     assert check.getMagic == mNot
-    result = buildProperFieldCheck(access, check.sons[1]).neg
+    result = buildProperFieldCheck(access, check.sons[1], o).neg(o)
-proc checkFieldAccess*(m: TModel, n: PNode) =
+proc checkFieldAccess*(m: TModel, n: PNode; conf: ConfigRef) =
   for i in 1..n.len-1:
-    let check = buildProperFieldCheck(n.sons[0], n.sons[i])
+    let check = buildProperFieldCheck(n.sons[0], n.sons[i], m.o)
     if check != nil and m.doesImply(check) != impYes:
-      message(, warnProveField, renderTree(n.sons[0])); break
+      message(conf,, warnProveField, renderTree(n.sons[0])); break
diff --git a/compiler/msgs.nim b/compiler/msgs.nim
index 5b75596b8..fa30acb25 100644
--- a/compiler/msgs.nim
+++ b/compiler/msgs.nim
@@ -594,11 +594,11 @@ proc internalError*(conf: ConfigRef; errMsg: string) =
   writeContext(conf, unknownLineInfo())
   rawMessage(conf, errInternal, errMsg)
-template assertNotNil*(conf, e): untyped =
+template assertNotNil*(conf: ConfigRef; e): untyped =
   if e == nil: internalError(conf, $instantiationInfo())
-template internalAssert*(conf, e: bool) =
+template internalAssert*(conf: ConfigRef, e: bool) =
   if not e: internalError(conf, $instantiationInfo())
 proc addSourceLine*(fileIdx: FileIndex, line: string) =
diff --git a/compiler/nimfix/pretty.nim b/compiler/nimfix/pretty.nim
index 4627264dc..8790b7544 100644
--- a/compiler/nimfix/pretty.nim
+++ b/compiler/nimfix/pretty.nim
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
   strutils, os, intsets, strtabs
-import "../compiler" / [options, ast, astalgo, msgs, semdata, ropes, idents]
+import ".." / [options, ast, astalgo, msgs, semdata, ropes, idents,
+  configuration]
 import prettybase
@@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ var
   gStyleCheck*: StyleCheck
   gCheckExtern*, gOnlyMainfile*: bool
-proc overwriteFiles*() =
-  let doStrip = options.getConfigVar("pretty.strip").normalize == "on"
+proc overwriteFiles*(conf: ConfigRef) =
+  let doStrip = options.getConfigVar(conf, "pretty.strip").normalize == "on"
   for i in 0 .. high(gSourceFiles):
     if gSourceFiles[i].dirty and not gSourceFiles[i].isNimfixFile and
         (not gOnlyMainfile or gSourceFiles[i].fileIdx == gProjectMainIdx.FileIndex):
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ proc overwriteFiles*() =
       except IOError:
-        rawMessage(errCannotOpenFile, newFile)
+        rawMessage(conf, errGenerated, "cannot open file: " & newFile)
 proc `=~`(s: string, a: openArray[string]): bool =
   for x in a:
@@ -110,30 +111,30 @@ proc replaceInFile(info: TLineInfo; newName: string) =
     system.shallowCopy(gSourceFiles[].lines[], x)
     gSourceFiles[].dirty = true
-proc checkStyle(info: TLineInfo, s: string, k: TSymKind; sym: PSym) =
+proc checkStyle(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo, s: string, k: TSymKind; sym: PSym) =
   let beau = beautifyName(s, k)
   if s != beau:
     if gStyleCheck == StyleCheck.Auto: = getIdent(beau)
       replaceInFile(info, beau)
-      message(info, hintName, beau)
+      message(conf, info, hintName, beau)
-proc styleCheckDefImpl(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; k: TSymKind) =
+proc styleCheckDefImpl(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; k: TSymKind) =
   # operators stay as they are:
   if k in {skResult, skTemp} or[0] notin prettybase.Letters: return
   if k in {skType, skGenericParam} and sfAnon in s.flags: return
   if {sfImportc, sfExportc} * s.flags == {} or gCheckExtern:
-    checkStyle(info,, k, s)
+    checkStyle(conf, info,, k, s)
 template styleCheckDef*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; k: TSymKind) =
   when defined(nimfix):
-    if gStyleCheck != StyleCheck.None: styleCheckDefImpl(info, s, k)
+    if gStyleCheck != StyleCheck.None: styleCheckDefImpl(conf, info, s, k)
 template styleCheckDef*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
-  styleCheckDef(info, s, s.kind)
+  styleCheckDef(conf, info, s, s.kind)
 template styleCheckDef*(s: PSym) =
-  styleCheckDef(, s, s.kind)
+  styleCheckDef(conf,, s, s.kind)
 proc styleCheckUseImpl(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
   if < 0: return
@@ -151,4 +152,4 @@ proc styleCheckUseImpl(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
 template styleCheckUse*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
   when defined(nimfix):
-    if gStyleCheck != StyleCheck.None: styleCheckUseImpl(info, s)
+    if gStyleCheck != StyleCheck.None: styleCheckUseImpl(conf, info, s)
diff --git a/compiler/options.nim b/compiler/options.nim
index 4c5b6b668..643b6f4f6 100644
--- a/compiler/options.nim
+++ b/compiler/options.nim
@@ -131,15 +131,23 @@ type
     symbols*: StringTableRef ## We need to use a StringTableRef here as defined
                              ## symbols are always guaranteed to be style
                              ## insensitive. Otherwise hell would break lose.
+    packageCache*: StringTableRef
 const oldExperimentalFeatures* = {implicitDeref, dotOperators, callOperator, parallel}
+template newPackageCache*(): untyped =
+  newStringTable(when FileSystemCaseSensitive:
+                   modeCaseInsensitive
+                 else:
+                   modeCaseSensitive)
 proc newConfigRef*(): ConfigRef =
   result = ConfigRef(cppDefines: initSet[string](),
     headerFile: "", features: {}, foreignPackageNotes: {hintProcessing, warnUnknownMagic,
     hintQuitCalled, hintExecuting},
     notes: NotesVerbosity[1], mainPackageNotes: NotesVerbosity[1],
-    symbols: newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive))
+    symbols: newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive),
+    packageCache: newPackageCache())
 proc newPartialConfigRef*(): ConfigRef =
   ## create a new ConfigRef that is only good enough for error reporting.
@@ -422,7 +430,7 @@ proc rawFindFile2(conf: ConfigRef; f: string): string =
 template patchModule(conf: ConfigRef) {.dirty.} =
   if result.len > 0 and gModuleOverrides.len > 0:
-    let key = getPackageName(result) & "_" & splitFile(result).name
+    let key = getPackageName(conf, result) & "_" & splitFile(result).name
     if gModuleOverrides.hasKey(key):
       let ov = gModuleOverrides[key]
       if ov.len > 0: result = ov
diff --git a/compiler/packagehandling.nim b/compiler/packagehandling.nim
index 758411e39..2efab58b0 100644
--- a/compiler/packagehandling.nim
+++ b/compiler/packagehandling.nim
@@ -15,23 +15,16 @@ iterator myParentDirs(p: string): string =
     if current.len == 0: break
     yield current
-template newPackageCache(): untyped =
-  newStringTable(when FileSystemCaseSensitive:
-                   modeCaseInsensitive
-                 else:
-                   modeCaseSensitive)
+proc resetPackageCache*(conf: ConfigRef) =
+  conf.packageCache = newPackageCache()
-var packageCache = newPackageCache()
-proc resetPackageCache*() = packageCache = newPackageCache()
-proc getPackageName*(path: string): string =
+proc getPackageName*(conf: ConfigRef; path: string): string =
   var parents = 0
   block packageSearch:
     for d in myParentDirs(path):
-      if packageCache.hasKey(d):
+      if conf.packageCache.hasKey(d):
         #echo "from cache ", d, " |", packageCache[d], "|",
-        return packageCache[d]
+        return conf.packageCache[d]
       inc parents
       for file in walkFiles(d / "*.nimble"):
         result =
@@ -43,12 +36,12 @@ proc getPackageName*(path: string): string =
   if result.isNil: result = ""
   for d in myParentDirs(path):
     #echo "set cache ", d, " |", result, "|", parents
-    packageCache[d] = result
+    conf.packageCache[d] = result
     dec parents
     if parents <= 0: break
-proc withPackageName*(path: string): string =
-  let x = path.getPackageName
+proc withPackageName*(conf: ConfigRef; path: string): string =
+  let x = getPackageName(conf, path)
   if x.len == 0:
     result = path
diff --git a/compiler/parampatterns.nim b/compiler/parampatterns.nim
index 02c48c16d..944aec048 100644
--- a/compiler/parampatterns.nim
+++ b/compiler/parampatterns.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 ## This module implements the pattern matching features for term rewriting
 ## macro support.
-import strutils, ast, astalgo, types, msgs, idents, renderer, wordrecg, trees
+import strutils, ast, astalgo, types, msgs, idents, renderer, wordrecg, trees,
+  options
 # we precompile the pattern here for efficiency into some internal
 # stack based VM :-) Why? Because it's fun; I did no benchmarks to see if that
@@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ type
   MaxStackSize* = 64 ## max required stack size by the VM
-proc patternError(n: PNode) =
-  localError(, errIllFormedAstX, renderTree(n, {renderNoComments}))
+proc patternError(n: PNode; conf: ConfigRef) =
+  localError(conf,, "illformed AST: " & renderTree(n, {renderNoComments}))
 proc add(code: var TPatternCode, op: TOpcode) {.inline.} =
   add(code, chr(ord(op)))
@@ -53,42 +54,42 @@ proc whichAlias*(p: PSym): TAliasRequest =
     result = aqNone
-proc compileConstraints(p: PNode, result: var TPatternCode) =
+proc compileConstraints(p: PNode, result: var TPatternCode; conf: ConfigRef) =
   case p.kind
   of nkCallKinds:
     if p.sons[0].kind != nkIdent:
-      patternError(p.sons[0])
+      patternError(p.sons[0], conf)
     let op = p.sons[0].ident
     if p.len == 3:
       if op.s == "|" or == ord(wOr):
-        compileConstraints(p.sons[1], result)
-        compileConstraints(p.sons[2], result)
+        compileConstraints(p.sons[1], result, conf)
+        compileConstraints(p.sons[2], result, conf)
       elif op.s == "&" or == ord(wAnd):
-        compileConstraints(p.sons[1], result)
-        compileConstraints(p.sons[2], result)
+        compileConstraints(p.sons[1], result, conf)
+        compileConstraints(p.sons[2], result, conf)
-        patternError(p)
+        patternError(p, conf)
     elif p.len == 2 and (op.s == "~" or == ord(wNot)):
-      compileConstraints(p.sons[1], result)
+      compileConstraints(p.sons[1], result, conf)
-      patternError(p)
+      patternError(p, conf)
   of nkAccQuoted, nkPar:
     if p.len == 1:
-      compileConstraints(p.sons[0], result)
+      compileConstraints(p.sons[0], result, conf)
-      patternError(p)
+      patternError(p, conf)
   of nkIdent:
     let spec = p.ident.s.normalize
     case spec
-    of "atom":  result.add(ppAtom)
-    of "lit":   result.add(ppLit)
-    of "sym":   result.add(ppSym)
+    of "atom": result.add(ppAtom)
+    of "lit": result.add(ppLit)
+    of "sym": result.add(ppSym)
     of "ident": result.add(ppIdent)
-    of "call":  result.add(ppCall)
+    of "call": result.add(ppCall)
     of "alias": result[0] = chr(aqShouldAlias.ord)
     of "noalias": result[0] = chr(aqNoAlias.ord)
     of "lvalue": result.add(ppLValue)
@@ -97,24 +98,24 @@ proc compileConstraints(p: PNode, result: var TPatternCode) =
     of "nosideeffect": result.add(ppNoSideEffect)
       # check all symkinds:
-      internalAssert int(high(TSymKind)) < 255
+      internalAssert conf, int(high(TSymKind)) < 255
       for i in low(TSymKind)..high(TSymKind):
         if cmpIgnoreStyle(($i).substr(2), spec) == 0:
       # check all nodekinds:
-      internalAssert int(high(TNodeKind)) < 255
+      internalAssert conf, int(high(TNodeKind)) < 255
       for i in low(TNodeKind)..high(TNodeKind):
         if cmpIgnoreStyle($i, spec) == 0:
-      patternError(p)
+      patternError(p, conf)
-    patternError(p)
+    patternError(p, conf)
-proc semNodeKindConstraints*(p: PNode): PNode =
+proc semNodeKindConstraints*(p: PNode; conf: ConfigRef): PNode =
   ## does semantic checking for a node kind pattern and compiles it into an
   ## efficient internal format.
   assert p.kind == nkCurlyExpr
@@ -123,11 +124,11 @@ proc semNodeKindConstraints*(p: PNode): PNode =
   if p.len >= 2:
     for i in 1..<p.len:
-      compileConstraints(p.sons[i], result.strVal)
+      compileConstraints(p.sons[i], result.strVal, conf)
     if result.strVal.len > MaxStackSize-1:
-      internalError(, "parameter pattern too complex")
+      internalError(conf,, "parameter pattern too complex")
-    patternError(p)
+    patternError(p, conf)
diff --git a/compiler/rodread.nim b/compiler/rodread.nim
index 9fab37632..c7fea2947 100644
--- a/compiler/rodread.nim
+++ b/compiler/rodread.nim
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ proc checkDep(fileIdx: FileIndex; cache: IdentCache; conf: ConfigRef): TReasonFo
   var hash = getHash(fileIdx)
   gMods[fileIdx.int32].reason = rrNone  # we need to set it here to avoid cycles
   result = rrNone
-  var rodfile = toGeneratedFile(conf, filename.withPackageName, RodExt)
+  var rodfile = toGeneratedFile(conf, conf.withPackageName(filename), RodExt)
   var r = newRodReader(rodfile, hash, fileIdx.int32, cache, conf)
   if r == nil:
     result = (if existsFile(rodfile): rrRodInvalid else: rrRodDoesNotExist)
diff --git a/compiler/rodwrite.nim b/compiler/rodwrite.nim
index feab5c254..ae6e5c99f 100644
--- a/compiler/rodwrite.nim
+++ b/compiler/rodwrite.nim
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ proc writeRod(w: PRodWriter) =
   processStacks(w, true)
   var f: File
   if not open(f, completeGeneratedFilePath(w.config, changeFileExt(
-                      w.filename.withPackageName, RodExt)),
+                      withPackageName(w.config, w.filename), RodExt)),
     #echo "couldn't write rod file for: ", w.filename
diff --git a/compiler/sempass2.nim b/compiler/sempass2.nim
index d2a10f714..142fb5138 100644
--- a/compiler/sempass2.nim
+++ b/compiler/sempass2.nim
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   intsets, ast, astalgo, msgs, renderer, magicsys, types, idents, trees,
-  wordrecg, strutils, options, guards, writetracking
+  wordrecg, strutils, options, guards, writetracking, configuration
 when defined(useDfa):
   import dfa
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ type
     locked: seq[PNode] # locked locations
     gcUnsafe, isRecursive, isToplevel, hasSideEffect, inEnforcedGcSafe: bool
     maxLockLevel, currLockLevel: TLockLevel
+    config: ConfigRef
   PEffects = var TEffects
 proc `<`(a, b: TLockLevel): bool {.borrow.}
@@ -72,24 +73,23 @@ proc getLockLevel(t: PType): TLockLevel =
 proc lockLocations(a: PEffects; pragma: PNode) =
   if pragma.kind != nkExprColonExpr:
-    localError(, errGenerated, "locks pragma without argument")
+    localError(a.config,, "locks pragma without argument")
   var firstLL = TLockLevel(-1'i16)
   for x in pragma[1]:
     let thisLL = getLockLevel(x.typ)
     if thisLL != 0.TLockLevel:
       if thisLL < 0.TLockLevel or thisLL > MaxLockLevel.TLockLevel:
-        localError(, "invalid lock level: " & $thisLL)
+        localError(a.config,, "invalid lock level: " & $thisLL)
       elif firstLL < 0.TLockLevel: firstLL = thisLL
       elif firstLL != thisLL:
-        localError(, errGenerated,
+        localError(a.config,,
           "multi-lock requires the same static lock level for every operand")
       a.maxLockLevel = max(a.maxLockLevel, firstLL)
     a.locked.add x
   if firstLL >= 0.TLockLevel and firstLL != a.currLockLevel:
     if a.currLockLevel > 0.TLockLevel and a.currLockLevel <= firstLL:
-      localError(, errGenerated,
-        "invalid nested locking")
+      localError(a.config,, "invalid nested locking")
     a.currLockLevel = firstLL
 proc guardGlobal(a: PEffects; n: PNode; guard: PSym) =
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ proc guardGlobal(a: PEffects; n: PNode; guard: PSym) =
   #  message(, warnUnguardedAccess, renderTree(n))
   if not a.isTopLevel:
-    localError(, errGenerated, "unguarded access: " & renderTree(n))
+    localError(a.config,, "unguarded access: " & renderTree(n))
 # 'guard*' are checks which are concerned with 'guard' annotations
 # (var x{.guard: y.}: int)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ proc guardDotAccess(a: PEffects; n: PNode) =
         if ty == nil: break
         ty = ty.skipTypes(skipPtrs)
     if field == nil:
-      localError(, errGenerated, "invalid guard field: " &
+      localError(a.config,, "invalid guard field: " &
     g = field
     #ri.sym.guard = field
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ proc guardDotAccess(a: PEffects; n: PNode) =
     for L in a.locked:
       #if a.guards.sameSubexprs(dot, L): return
       if guards.sameTree(dot, L): return
-    localError(, errGenerated, "unguarded access: " & renderTree(n))
+    localError(a.config,, "unguarded access: " & renderTree(n))
     guardGlobal(a, n, g)
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ proc initVarViaNew(a: PEffects, n: PNode) =
   elif isLocalVar(a, s):
     makeVolatile(a, s)
-proc warnAboutGcUnsafe(n: PNode) =
+proc warnAboutGcUnsafe(n: PNode; conf: ConfigRef) =
   #assert false
-  message(, warnGcUnsafe, renderTree(n))
+  message(conf,, warnGcUnsafe, renderTree(n))
 proc markGcUnsafe(a: PEffects; reason: PSym) =
   if not a.inEnforcedGcSafe:
@@ -194,42 +194,42 @@ else:
     a.hasSideEffect = true
     markGcUnsafe(a, reason)
-proc listGcUnsafety(s: PSym; onlyWarning: bool; cycleCheck: var IntSet) =
+proc listGcUnsafety(s: PSym; onlyWarning: bool; cycleCheck: var IntSet; conf: ConfigRef) =
   let u = s.gcUnsafetyReason
   if u != nil and not cycleCheck.containsOrIncl(
     let msgKind = if onlyWarning: warnGcUnsafe2 else: errGenerated
     case u.kind
     of skLet, skVar:
-      message(, msgKind,
+      message(conf,, msgKind,
         ("'$#' is not GC-safe as it accesses '$#'" &
         " which is a global using GC'ed memory") % [,])
     of routineKinds:
       # recursive call *always* produces only a warning so the full error
       # message is printed:
-      listGcUnsafety(u, true, cycleCheck)
-      message(, msgKind,
+      listGcUnsafety(u, true, cycleCheck, conf)
+      message(conf,, msgKind,
         "'$#' is not GC-safe as it calls '$#'" %
     of skParam, skForVar:
-      message(, msgKind,
+      message(conf,, msgKind,
         "'$#' is not GC-safe as it performs an indirect call via '$#'" %
-      message(, msgKind,
+      message(conf,, msgKind,
         "'$#' is not GC-safe as it performs an indirect call here" %
-proc listGcUnsafety(s: PSym; onlyWarning: bool) =
+proc listGcUnsafety(s: PSym; onlyWarning: bool; conf: ConfigRef) =
   var cycleCheck = initIntSet()
-  listGcUnsafety(s, onlyWarning, cycleCheck)
+  listGcUnsafety(s, onlyWarning, cycleCheck, conf)
 proc useVar(a: PEffects, n: PNode) =
   let s = n.sym
   if isLocalVar(a, s):
     if notin a.init:
       if {tfNeedsInit, tfNotNil} * s.typ.flags != {}:
-        message(, warnProveInit,
+        message(a.config,, warnProveInit,
-        message(, warnUninit,
+        message(a.config,, warnUninit,
       # prevent superfluous warnings about the same variable:
   if {sfGlobal, sfThread} * s.flags != {} and s.kind in {skVar, skLet} and
@@ -257,9 +257,8 @@ proc addToIntersection(inter: var TIntersection, s: int) =
 proc throws(tracked, n: PNode) =
   if n.typ == nil or n.typ.kind != tyError: tracked.add n
-proc getEbase(): PType =
-  result = if getCompilerProc("Exception") != nil: sysTypeFromName"Exception"
-           else: sysTypeFromName"E_Base"
+proc getEbase(g: ModuleGraph): PType =
+  result = g.sysTypeFromName"Exception"
 proc excType(n: PNode): PType =
   # reraise is like raising E_Base:
diff --git a/compiler/semtypinst.nim b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
index c97c1186e..4fdc74373 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypinst.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
@@ -14,21 +14,21 @@ import ast, astalgo, msgs, types, magicsys, semdata, renderer, options
   tfInstClearedFlags = {tfHasMeta, tfUnresolved}
-proc checkPartialConstructedType(info: TLineInfo, t: PType) =
+proc checkPartialConstructedType(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo, t: PType) =
   if tfAcyclic in t.flags and skipTypes(t, abstractInst).kind != tyObject:
-    localError(info, errInvalidPragmaX, "acyclic")
+    localError(conf, info, "invalid pragma: acyclic")
   elif t.kind in {tyVar, tyLent} and t.sons[0].kind in {tyVar, tyLent}:
-    localError(info, errVarVarTypeNotAllowed)
+    localError(conf, info, "type 'var var' is not allowed")
-proc checkConstructedType*(info: TLineInfo, typ: PType) =
+proc checkConstructedType*(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo, typ: PType) =
   var t = typ.skipTypes({tyDistinct})
   if t.kind in tyTypeClasses: discard
   elif tfAcyclic in t.flags and skipTypes(t, abstractInst).kind != tyObject:
-    localError(info, errInvalidPragmaX, "acyclic")
+    localError(conf, info, "invalid pragma: acyclic")
   elif t.kind in {tyVar, tyLent} and t.sons[0].kind in {tyVar, tyLent}:
-    localError(info, errVarVarTypeNotAllowed)
+    localError(conf, info, "type 'var var' is not allowed")
   elif computeSize(t) == szIllegalRecursion:
-    localError(info, errIllegalRecursionInTypeX, typeToString(t))
+    localError(conf, info,  "illegal recursion in type '" & typeToString(t) & "'")
   when false:
     if t.kind == tyObject and t.sons[0] != nil:
       if t.sons[0].kind != tyObject or tfFinal in t.sons[0].flags:
@@ -36,9 +36,8 @@ proc checkConstructedType*(info: TLineInfo, typ: PType) =
 proc searchInstTypes*(key: PType): PType =
   let genericTyp = key.sons[0]
-  internalAssert genericTyp.kind == tyGenericBody and
-                 key.sons[0] == genericTyp and
-                 genericTyp.sym != nil
+  if not (genericTyp.kind == tyGenericBody and
+      key.sons[0] == genericTyp and genericTyp.sym != nil): return
   if genericTyp.sym.typeInstCache == nil:
@@ -195,19 +194,19 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsN(cl: var TReplTypeVars, n: PNode; start=0): PNode =
     var branch: PNode = nil              # the branch to take
     for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
       var it = n.sons[i]
-      if it == nil: illFormedAst(n)
+      if it == nil: illFormedAst(n, cl.c.config)
       case it.kind
       of nkElifBranch:
-        checkSonsLen(it, 2)
+        checkSonsLen(it, 2, cl.c.config)
         var cond = prepareNode(cl, it.sons[0])
         var e = cl.c.semConstExpr(cl.c, cond)
         if e.kind != nkIntLit:
-          internalError(, "ReplaceTypeVarsN: when condition not a bool")
+          internalError(cl.c.config,, "ReplaceTypeVarsN: when condition not a bool")
         if e.intVal != 0 and branch == nil: branch = it.sons[1]
       of nkElse:
-        checkSonsLen(it, 1)
+        checkSonsLen(it, 1, cl.c.config)
         if branch == nil: branch = it.sons[0]
-      else: illFormedAst(n)
+      else: illFormedAst(n, cl.c.config)
     if branch != nil:
       result = replaceTypeVarsN(cl, branch)
@@ -244,14 +243,14 @@ proc lookupTypeVar(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   result = cl.typeMap.lookup(t)
   if result == nil:
     if cl.allowMetaTypes or tfRetType in t.flags: return
-    localError(, errCannotInstantiateX, typeToString(t))
+    localError(cl.c.config,, "cannot instantiate: " & typeToString(t))
     result = errorType(cl.c)
     # In order to prevent endless recursions, we must remember
     # this bad lookup and replace it with errorType everywhere.
     # These code paths are only active in "nim check"
     cl.typeMap.put(t, result)
   elif result.kind == tyGenericParam and not cl.allowMetaTypes:
-    internalError(, "substitution with generic parameter")
+    internalError(cl.c.config,, "substitution with generic parameter")
 proc instCopyType*(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   # XXX: relying on allowMetaTypes is a kludge
@@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   # is difficult to handle:
   const eqFlags = eqTypeFlags + {tfGcSafe}
   var body = t.sons[0]
-  if body.kind != tyGenericBody: internalError(, "no generic body")
+  if body.kind != tyGenericBody: internalError(cl.c.config,, "no generic body")
   var header: PType = t
   # search for some instantiation here:
   if cl.allowMetaTypes:
@@ -351,7 +350,7 @@ proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   # handleGenericInvocation will handle the alias-to-alias-to-alias case
   if newbody.isGenericAlias: newbody = newbody.skipGenericAlias
   rawAddSon(result, newbody)
-  checkPartialConstructedType(, newbody)
+  checkPartialConstructedType(cl.c.config,, newbody)
   let dc = newbody.deepCopy
   if cl.allowMetaTypes == false:
     if dc != nil and sfFromGeneric notin newbody.deepCopy.flags:
@@ -417,7 +416,7 @@ proc propagateFieldFlags(t: PType, n: PNode) =
   # The type must be fully instantiated!
   if n.isNil:
-  internalAssert n.kind != nkRecWhen
+  #internalAssert n.kind != nkRecWhen
   case n.kind
   of nkSym:
     propagateToOwner(t, n.sym.typ)
@@ -454,7 +453,7 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsTAux(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
       result.kind = tyUserTypeClassInst
   of tyGenericBody:
-    localError(, errCannotInstantiateX, typeToString(t))
+    localError(cl.c.config,, "cannot instantiate: " & typeToString(t))
     result = errorType(cl.c)
     #result = replaceTypeVarsT(cl, lastSon(t))
@@ -533,7 +532,7 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsTAux(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
       case result.kind
       of tyArray:
         let idx = result.sons[0]
-        internalAssert idx.kind != tyStatic
+        internalAssert cl.c.config, idx.kind != tyStatic
       of tyObject, tyTuple:
         propagateFieldFlags(result, result.n)
diff --git a/compiler/writetracking.nim b/compiler/writetracking.nim
index e03d6fb59..c0f7b7b20 100644
--- a/compiler/writetracking.nim
+++ b/compiler/writetracking.nim
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 ##   * Computing an aliasing relation based on the assignments. This relation
 ##     is then used to compute the 'writes' and 'escapes' effects.
-import intsets, idents, ast, astalgo, trees, renderer, msgs, types
+import intsets, idents, ast, astalgo, trees, renderer, msgs, types, options
   debug = false
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ proc deps(w: var W; n: PNode) =
       let last = lastSon(child)
       if last.kind == nkEmpty: continue
       if child.kind == nkVarTuple and last.kind in {nkPar, nkTupleConstr}:
-        internalAssert child.len-2 == last.len
+        if child.len-2 != last.len: return
         for i in 0 .. child.len-3:
           deps(w, child.sons[i], last.sons[i], {})
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ proc possibleAliases(w: var W; result: var seq[ptr TSym]) =
         # x = f(..., y, ....)
         for i in 0 ..< a.srcNoTc: addNoDup a.src[i]
-proc markWriteOrEscape(w: var W) =
+proc markWriteOrEscape(w: var W; conf: ConfigRef) =
   ## Both 'writes' and 'escapes' effects ultimately only care
   ## about *parameters*.
   ## However, due to aliasing, even locals that might not look as parameters
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ proc markWriteOrEscape(w: var W) =
         if p.kind == skParam and p.owner == w.owner:
           incl(p.flags, sfWrittenTo)
           if w.owner.kind == skFunc and p.typ.kind != tyVar:
-            localError(, "write access to non-var parameter: " &
+            localError(conf,, "write access to non-var parameter: " &
     if {rootIsResultOrParam, rootIsHeapAccess, markAsEscaping}*a.destInfo != {}:
       var destIsParam = false
@@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ proc markWriteOrEscape(w: var W) =
           if p.kind == skParam and p.owner == w.owner:
             incl(p.flags, sfEscapes)
-proc trackWrites*(owner: PSym; body: PNode) =
+proc trackWrites*(owner: PSym; body: PNode; conf: ConfigRef) =
   var w: W
   w.owner = owner
   w.assignments = @[]
   # Phase 1: Collect and preprocess any assignments in the proc body:
   deps(w, body)
   # Phase 2: Compute the 'writes' and 'escapes' effects:
-  markWriteOrEscape(w)
+  markWriteOrEscape(w, conf)
   if w.returnsNew != asgnOther and not isEmptyType(owner.typ.sons[0]) and
     incl(owner.typ.flags, tfReturnsNew)