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diff --git a/lib/core/typeinfo.nim b/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
index f78f671da..bf76b7bf6 100644
--- a/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
+++ b/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
@@ -1,36 +1,59 @@
+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2011 Dominik Picheta, Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module implements an interface to Nimrod's runtime type information.
+## Note that even though ``TAny`` and its operations hide the nasty low level
+## details from its clients, it remains inherently unsafe!
+# XXX raw pointer needs to be exposed somehow?
 include "system/hti.nim"
-  TType* = enum # This mirrors the TNimKind type in hti.nim
-    TNNone, TNBool, TNChar,
-    TNEmpty, TNArrayConstr, TNNil, TNExpr, TNStmt, TNTypeDesc,
-    TNGenericInvokation, # ``T[a, b]`` for types to invoke
-    TNGenericBody,       # ``T[a, b, body]`` last parameter is the body
-    TNGenericInst,       # ``T[a, b, realInstance]`` instantiated generic type
-    TNGenericParam,      # ``a`` in the example
-    TNDistinct,          # distinct type
-    TNEnum,
-    TNOrdinal,
-    TNArray,
-    TNObject,
-    TNTuple,
-    TNSet,
-    TNRange,
-    TNPtr, TNRef,
-    TNVar,
-    TNSequence,
-    TNProc,
-    TNPointer, TNOpenArray,
-    TNString, TNCString, TNForward,
-    TNInt, TNInt8, TNInt16, TNInt32, TNInt64,
-    TNFloat, TNFloat32, TNFloat64, TNFloat128,
-    TNPureObject # signals that object has no `n_type` field
-  TAny* = object {.pure.}
+  TAnyKind* = enum      ## what kind of ``any`` it is
+    akNone = 0,         ## invalid any
+    akBool = 1,         ## any represents a ``bool``
+    akChar = 2,         ## any represents a ``char``
+    akEnum = 14,        ## any represents an enum
+    akArray = 16,       ## any represents an array
+    akObject = 17,      ## any represents an object
+    akTuple = 18,       ## any represents a tuple
+    akSet = 19,         ## any represents a set
+    akRange = 20,       ## any represents a range
+    akPtr = 21,         ## any represents a ptr
+    akRef = 22,         ## any represents a ref
+    akSequence = 24,    ## any represents a sequence
+    akProc = 25,        ## any represens a proc
+    akPointer = 26,     ## any represens a pointer
+    akString = 28,      ## any represens a string
+    akCString = 29,     ## any represens a cstring
+    akInt = 31,         ## any represens an int
+    akInt8 = 32,        ## any represens an int8
+    akInt16 = 33,       ## any represens an int16
+    akInt32 = 34,       ## any represens an int32
+    akInt64 = 35,       ## any represens an int64
+    akFloat = 36,       ## any represens a float
+    akFloat32 = 37,     ## any represens a float32
+    akFloat64 = 38,     ## any represens a float64
+    akFloat128 = 39,    ## any represens a float128
+    akPureObject = 40   ## any represens an object has no `type` field
+  TAny* = object {.pure.} ## can represent any nimrod value; NOTE: the wrapped
+                          ## value can be modified with its wrapper! This means
+                          ## that ``TAny`` keeps a non-traced pointer to its
+                          ## wrapped value and MUST not live longer than its
+                          ## wrapped value.
     value: pointer
     rawType: PNimType
   ppointer = ptr pointer
+  pbyteArray = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, byte]
   TGenSeq {.pure.} = object
     len, space: int
@@ -65,75 +88,85 @@ proc newAny(value: pointer, rawType: PNimType): TAny =
   result.value = value
   result.rawType = rawType
-proc toAny*[T](x: var T): TAny =
-  var k = getTypeInfo(x)
-  return newAny(addr(x), cast[PNimType](k))
+proc toAny*[T](x: var T): TAny {.inline.} =
+  ## constructs a ``TAny`` object from `x`. This captures `x`'s address, so
+  ## `x` can be modified with its ``TAny`` wrapper! The client needs to ensure
+  ## that the wrapper DOES NOT live longer than `x`!
+  result.value = addr(x)
+  result.rawType = cast[PNimType](getTypeInfo(x))
-proc getType*(x: TAny): TType = return TType(x.rawType.kind)
+proc getKind*(x: TAny): TAnyKind {.inline.} = 
+  ## get the type kind
+  result = TAnyKind(ord(x.rawType.kind))
+proc skipRange(x: PNimType): PNimType {.inline.} =
+  result = x
+  if result.kind == tyRange: result = result.base
+template `+!!`(a, b: expr): expr = cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](a) + b)
 proc `[]`*(x: TAny, i: int): TAny =
-  assert getType(x) in {TNArray, TNSequence}
-  if x.getType == TNArray:
+  ## accessor for an any `x` that represents an array or a sequence.
+  case x.rawType.kind
+  of tyArray:
     var bs = x.rawType.base.size
     if i >% (x.rawType.size div bs - 1): 
-      raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "Index out of bounds.")
-    return newAny(cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](x.value) + i*bs),
-                  x.rawType.base)
-  elif x.getType == TNSequence:
+      raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "index out of bounds")
+    return newAny(x.value +!! i*bs, x.rawType.base)
+  of tySequence:
     var s = cast[ppointer](x.value)[]
     var bs = x.rawType.base.size
     if i >% (cast[PGenSeq](s).len-1):
-      raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "Index out of bounds.")
-    return newAny(cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](s) + GenericSeqSize+i*bs),
-                  x.rawType.base)
+      raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "index out of bounds")
+    return newAny(s +!! (GenericSeqSize+i*bs), x.rawType.base)
+  else: assert false
 proc `[]=`*(x: TAny, i: int, y: TAny) =
-  assert getType(x) in {TNArray, TNSequence}
-  if x.getType == TNArray:
+  ## accessor for an any `x` that represents an array or a sequence.
+  case x.rawType.kind
+  of tyArray:
     var bs = x.rawType.base.size
     if i >% (x.rawType.size div bs - 1): 
-          raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "Index out of bounds.")
-    genericAssign(cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](x.value) + i*bs),
-                  y.value, y.rawType)
-  elif x.getType == TNSequence:
+      raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "index out of bounds")
+    assert y.rawType == x.rawType.base
+    genericAssign(x.value +!! i*bs, y.value, y.rawType)
+  of tySequence:
     var s = cast[ppointer](x.value)[]
     var bs = x.rawType.base.size
     if i >% (cast[PGenSeq](s).len-1):
-      raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "Index out of bounds.")
-    genericAssign(cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](s) + GenericSeqSize+i*bs),
-                  y.value, y.rawType)
+      raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "index out of bounds")
+    assert y.rawType == x.rawType.base
+    genericAssign(s +!! (GenericSeqSize+i*bs), y.value, y.rawType)
+  else: assert false
 proc len*(x: TAny): int =
-  assert getType(x) in {TNArray, TNSequence}
-  if x.getType == TNArray:
-    var bs = x.rawType.base.size
-    return (x.rawType.size div bs)
-  elif x.getType == TNSequence:
-    var s = cast[ppointer](x.value)[]
-    return cast[PGenSeq](s).len
+  ## len for an any `x` that represents an array or a sequence.
+  case x.rawType.kind
+  of tyArray: result = x.rawType.size div x.rawType.base.size
+  of tySequence: result = cast[PGenSeq](cast[ppointer](x.value)[]).len
+  else: assert false
 proc fieldsAux(p: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode,
-                ret: var seq[tuple[name: cstring, any: TAny]]) =
+               ret: var seq[tuple[name: cstring, any: TAny]]) =
   case n.kind
   of nkNone: assert(false)
   of nkSlot:
-    var tup = (, 
-               newAny(cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](p) + n.offset), n.typ))
-    ret.add(tup)
+    ret.add((, newAny(p +!! n.offset, n.typ)))
     assert ret[ret.len()-1][0] != nil
   of nkList:
-    for i in 0..n.len-1:
-      fieldsAux(p, n.sons[i], ret)
+    for i in 0..n.len-1: fieldsAux(p, n.sons[i], ret)
   of nkCase:
     var m = selectBranch(p, n)
-    ret.add((, newAny(cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](p) + n.offset), n.typ)))
+    ret.add((, newAny(p +!! n.offset, n.typ)))
     if m != nil: fieldsAux(p, m, ret)
 iterator fields*(x: TAny): tuple[name: string, any: TAny] =
-  assert getType(x) in {TNTuple, TNPureObject, TNObject}
+  ## iterates over every active field of the any `x` that represents an object
+  ## or a tuple.
+  assert x.rawType.kind in {tyTuple, tyPureObject, tyObject}
   var p = x.value
   var t = x.rawType
-  if x.getType == TNObject: t = cast[ptr PNimType](x.value)[]
+  if x.rawType.kind == tyObject: t = cast[ptr PNimType](x.value)[]
   var n = t.node
   var ret: seq[tuple[name: cstring, any: TAny]] = @[]
   fieldsAux(p, n, ret)
@@ -141,27 +174,172 @@ iterator fields*(x: TAny): tuple[name: string, any: TAny] =
     yield ($name, any)
 proc `[]`*(x: TAny): TAny =
-  assert getType(x) in {TNRef, TNPtr}
-  var p = cast[ppointer](x.value)[]
-  if p == nil:
-    result.value = nil
-    result.rawType = nil
-    return
+  ## dereference operation for the any `x` that represents a ptr or a ref.
+  assert x.rawtype.kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}
+  result.value = cast[ppointer](x.value)[]
+  result.rawType = x.rawType.base
+proc `[]=`*(x, y: TAny) =
+  ## dereference operation for the any `x` that represents a ptr or a ref.
+  assert x.rawtype.kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}
+  assert y.rawType == x.rawType.base
+  genericAssign(cast[ppointer](x.value)[], y.value, y.rawType)
+proc getInt*(x: TAny): int =
+  ## retrieve the int value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent an int.
+  assert skipRange(x.rawtype).kind == tyInt
+  result = cast[ptr int](x.value)[]
+proc getInt8*(x: TAny): int8 = 
+  ## retrieve the int8 value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent an int8.
+  assert skipRange(x.rawtype).kind == tyInt8
+  result = cast[ptr int8](x.value)[]
+proc getInt16*(x: TAny): int16 = 
+  ## retrieve the int16 value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent an int16.
+  assert skipRange(x.rawtype).kind == tyInt16
+  result = cast[ptr int16](x.value)[]
+proc getInt32*(x: TAny): int32 = 
+  ## retrieve the int32 value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent an int32.
+  assert skipRange(x.rawtype).kind == tyInt32
+  result = cast[ptr int32](x.value)[]
+proc getInt64*(x: TAny): int64 = 
+  ## retrieve the int64 value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent an int64.
+  assert skipRange(x.rawtype).kind == tyInt64
+  result = cast[ptr int64](x.value)[]
+proc getBiggestInt*(x: TAny): biggestInt =
+  ## retrieve the integer value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent
+  ## some integer, a bool, a char or an enum. The value might be
+  ## sign-extended to ``biggestInt``.
+  var t = skipRange(x.rawtype)
+  case t.kind
+  of tyInt: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr int](x.value)[])
+  of tyInt8: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr int8](x.value)[])
+  of tyInt16: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr int16](x.value)[])
+  of tyInt32: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr int32](x.value)[])
+  of tyInt64: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr int64](x.value)[])
+  of tyBool: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr bool](x.value)[])
+  of tyChar: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr char](x.value)[])
+  of tyEnum:
+    case t.size
+    of 1: result = ze64(cast[ptr int8](x.value)[])
+    of 2: result = ze64(cast[ptr int16](x.value)[])
+    of 4: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr int32](x.value)[])
+    of 8: result = biggestInt(cast[ptr int64](x.value)[])
+    else: assert false
+  else: assert false
+proc getChar*(x: TAny): char =
+  ## retrieve the char value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent a char.
+  var t = skipRange(x.rawtype)
+  assert t.kind == tyChar
+  result = cast[ptr char](x.value)[]
+proc getBool*(x: TAny): bool =
+  ## retrieve the bool value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent a bool.
+  var t = skipRange(x.rawtype)
+  assert t.kind == tyBool
+  result = cast[ptr bool](x.value)[]
+proc getEnumField*(x: TAny): string =
+  ## gets the enum field name as a string. `x` needs to represent an enum.
+  var typ = skipRange(x.rawtype)
+  assert typ.kind == tyEnum
+  var e = int(getBiggestInt(x))
+  if ntfEnumHole notin typ.flags:
+    if e <% typ.node.len:
+      return $typ.node.sons[e].name
-    result.value = p
-    result.rawType = x.rawType.base
+    # ugh we need a slow linear search:
+    var n = typ.node
+    var s = n.sons
+    for i in 0 .. n.len-1:
+      if s[i].offset == e: return $s[i].name
+  result = $e & " (invalid data!)"
+proc getFloat*(x: TAny): float = 
+  ## retrieve the float value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent an float.  
+  assert skipRange(x.rawtype).kind == tyFloat
+  result = cast[ptr float](x.value)[]
+proc getFloat32*(x: TAny): float32 = 
+  ## retrieve the float32 value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent an float32.
+  assert skipRange(x.rawtype).kind == tyFloat64
+  result = cast[ptr float32](x.value)[]
+proc getFloat64*(x: TAny): float64 = 
+  ## retrieve the float64 value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent an float64.
+  assert skipRange(x.rawtype).kind == tyFloat64
+  result = cast[ptr float64](x.value)[]
-proc readInt*(x: TAny): int = return cast[ptr int](x.value)[]
-proc readInt8*(x: TAny): int8 = return cast[ptr int8](x.value)[]
-proc readInt16*(x: TAny): int16 = return cast[ptr int16](x.value)[]
-proc readInt32*(x: TAny): int32 = return cast[ptr int32](x.value)[]
-proc readInt64*(x: TAny): int64 = return cast[ptr int64](x.value)[]
+proc getBiggestFloat*(x: TAny): biggestFloat =
+  ## retrieve the float value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent
+  ## some float. The value is extended to ``biggestFloat``.
+  case skipRange(x.rawtype).kind
+  of tyFloat: result = biggestFloat(cast[ptr Float](x.value)[])
+  of tyFloat32: result = biggestFloat(cast[ptr Float32](x.value)[])
+  of tyFloat64: result = biggestFloat(cast[ptr Float64](x.value)[])
+  else: assert false
-proc readFloat*(x: TAny): float = return cast[ptr float](x.value)[]
-proc readFloat32*(x: TAny): float32 = return cast[ptr float32](x.value)[]
-proc readFloat64*(x: TAny): float64 = return cast[ptr float64](x.value)[]
+proc getString*(x: TAny): string = 
+  ## retrieve the string value out of `x`. `x` needs to represent a string.
+  assert x.rawtype.kind == tyString
+  result = cast[ptr string](x.value)[]
-proc readString*(x: TAny): string = return cast[ptr string](x.value)[]
+proc assign*(x, y: TAny) = 
+  ## copies the value of `y` to `x`. The assignment operator for ``TAny``
+  ## does NOT do this; it performs a shallow copy instead!
+  assert y.rawType == x.rawType
+  genericAssign(x.value, y.value, y.rawType)
+iterator elements*(x: TAny): int =
+  ## iterates over every element of `x` that represents a Nimrod bitset.
+  assert x.rawType.kind == tySet
+  var typ = x.rawtype
+  var p = x.value
+  # "typ.slots.len" field is for sets the "first" field
+  var u: int64
+  case typ.size
+  of 1: u = ze64(cast[ptr int8](p)[])
+  of 2: u = ze64(cast[ptr int16](p)[])
+  of 4: u = ze64(cast[ptr int32](p)[])
+  of 8: u = cast[ptr int64](p)[]
+  else:
+    var a = cast[pbyteArray](p)
+    for i in 0 .. typ.size*8-1:
+      if (ze(a[i div 8]) and (1 shl (i mod 8))) != 0:
+        yield i+typ.node.len
+  if typ.size <= 8:
+    for i in 0..sizeof(int64)*8-1:
+      if (u and (1'i64 shl int64(i))) != 0'i64:
+        yield i+typ.node.len
+proc inclSetElement*(x: TAny, elem: int) =
+  ## includes an element `elem` in `x`. `x` needs to represent a Nimrod bitset.
+  assert x.rawType.kind == tySet
+  var typ = x.rawtype
+  var p = x.value
+  # "typ.slots.len" field is for sets the "first" field
+  var e = elem - typ.node.len
+  case typ.size
+  of 1:
+    var a = cast[ptr int8](p)
+    a[] = a[] or (1'i8 shl int8(e))
+  of 2:
+    var a = cast[ptr int16](p)
+    a[] = a[] or (1'i16 shl int16(e))
+  of 4: 
+    var a = cast[ptr int32](p)
+    a[] = a[] or (1'i32 shl int32(e))
+  of 8:
+    var a = cast[ptr int64](p)
+    a[] = a[] or (1'i64 shl e)
+  else:
+    var a = cast[pbyteArray](p)
+    a[e div 8] = toU8(a[e div 8] or (1 shl (e mod 8)))
 when isMainModule:
@@ -180,25 +358,33 @@ when isMainModule:
   var x = toAny(test)
   var y = 78
   x[4] = toAny(y)
-  echo cast[ptr int](x[2].value)[]
+  assert cast[ptr int](x[2].value)[] == 2
   var test2: tuple[name: string, s: int] = ("test", 56)
   var x2 = toAny(test2)
+  var i = 0
   for n, a in fields(x2):
-    echo("Name = ", n)
-    echo("Any type = ", a.getType)
+    case i
+    of 0: assert n == "name" and $a.getKind == "akString"
+    of 1: assert n == "s" and $a.getKind == "akInt"
+    else: assert false
+    inc i
   var test3: TestObj
   test3.test = 42
   test3.test2 = blah2
   var x3 = toAny(test3)
+  i = 0
   for n, a in fields(x3):
-    echo("Name = ", n)
-    echo("Any type = ", a.getType)
+    case i
+    of 0: assert n == "test" and $a.getKind == "akInt" 
+    of 1: assert n == "asd" and $a.getKind == "akInt"
+    of 2: assert n == "test2" and $a.getKind == "akEnum"
+    else: assert false
+    inc i
   var test4: ref string
   test4[] = "test"
   var x4 = toAny(test4)
-  echo x4[].getType()
+  assert($x4[].getKind() == "akString")