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3 files changed, 0 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/koch.nim b/koch.nim
index 44d38589b..3e41310d7 100644
--- a/koch.nim
+++ b/koch.nim
@@ -216,8 +216,6 @@ proc buildTools(args: string = "") =
                  options = "-d:release " & args)
   when defined(windows): buildVccTool(args)
-  nimCompileFold("Compile nimfind", "tools/nimfind.nim",
-                 options = "-d:release " & args)
   nimCompileFold("Compile testament", "testament/testament.nim",
                  options = "-d:release " & args)
diff --git a/tools/nimfind.nim b/tools/nimfind.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c8247606..000000000
--- a/tools/nimfind.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-#           The Nim Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2018 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## Nimfind is a tool that helps to give editors IDE like capabilities.
-when not defined(nimcore):
-  {.error: "nimcore MUST be defined for Nim's core tooling".}
-when not defined(nimfind):
-  {.error: "nimfind MUST be defined for Nim's nimfind tool".}
-const Usage = """
-Nimfind - Tool to find declarations or usages for Nim symbols
-  nimfind [options] file.nim:line:col
-  --help, -h              show this help
-  --rebuild               rebuild the index
-  --project:file.nim      use file.nim as the entry point
-In addition, all command line options of Nim that do not affect code generation
-are supported.
-import strutils, os, parseopt
-import "../compiler" / [options, commands, modules, sem,
-  passes, passaux, msgs, ast,
-  idents, modulegraphs, lineinfos, cmdlinehelper,
-  pathutils]
-import db_sqlite
-proc createDb(db: DbConn) =
-  db.exec(sql"""
-  create table if not exists filenames(
-    id integer primary key,
-    fullpath varchar(8000) not null
-  );
-  """)
-  db.exec sql"create index if not exists FilenameIx on filenames(fullpath);"
-  # every sym can have potentially 2 different definitions due to forward
-  # declarations.
-  db.exec(sql"""
-  create table if not exists syms(
-    id integer primary key,
-    nimid integer not null,
-    name varchar(256) not null,
-    defline integer not null,
-    defcol integer not null,
-    deffile integer not null,
-    deflineB integer not null default 0,
-    defcolB integer not null default 0,
-    deffileB integer not null default 0,
-    foreign key (deffile) references filenames(id),
-    foreign key (deffileB) references filenames(id)
-  );
-  """)
-  db.exec(sql"""
-  create table if not exists usages(
-    id integer primary key,
-    nimid integer not null,
-    line integer not null,
-    col integer not null,
-    colB integer not null,
-    file integer not null,
-    foreign key (file) references filenames(id),
-    foreign key (nimid) references syms(nimid)
-  );
-  """)
-  db.exec sql"create index if not exists UsagesIx on usages(file, line);"
-proc toDbFileId*(db: DbConn; conf: ConfigRef; fileIdx: FileIndex): int =
-  if fileIdx == FileIndex(-1): return -1
-  let fullpath = toFullPath(conf, fileIdx)
-  let row = db.getRow(sql"select id from filenames where fullpath = ?", fullpath)
-  let id = row[0]
-  if id.len == 0:
-    result = int db.insertID(sql"insert into filenames(fullpath) values (?)",
-      fullpath)
-  else:
-    result = parseInt(id)
-  FinderRef = ref object of RootObj
-    db: DbConn
-proc writeDef(graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) =
-  let f = FinderRef(graph.backend)
-  f.db.exec(sql"""insert into syms(nimid, name, defline, defcol, deffile) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
-,, info.line, info.col,
-    toDbFileId(f.db, graph.config, info.fileIndex))
-proc writeDefResolveForward(graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) =
-  let f = FinderRef(graph.backend)
-  f.db.exec(sql"""update syms set deflineB = ?, defcolB = ?, deffileB = ?
-    where nimid = ?""", info.line, info.col,
-    toDbFileId(f.db, graph.config, info.fileIndex),
-proc writeUsage(graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) =
-  let f = FinderRef(graph.backend)
-  f.db.exec(sql"""insert into usages(nimid, line, col, colB, file) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
-, info.line, info.col, info.col + - 1,
-    toDbFileId(f.db, graph.config, info.fileIndex))
-proc performSearch(conf: ConfigRef; dbfile: AbsoluteFile) =
-  var db = open(connection=string dbfile, user="nim", password="",
-                database="nim")
-  let pos = conf.m.trackPos
-  let fid = toDbFileId(db, conf, pos.fileIndex)
-  let known = toFullPath(conf, pos.fileIndex)
-  let nimids = db.getRow(sql"""select distinct nimid from usages where line = ? and file = ? and ? between col and colB""",
-      pos.line, fid, pos.col)
-  if nimids.len > 0:
-    var idSet = ""
-    for id in nimids:
-      if idSet.len > 0: idSet.add ", "
-      idSet.add id
-    var outputLater = ""
-    for r in db.rows(sql"""select line, col, filenames.fullpath from usages
-                          inner join filenames on = file
-                          where nimid in (?)""", idSet):
-      let line = parseInt(r[0])
-      let col = parseInt(r[1])
-      let file = r[2]
-      if file == known and line ==
-        # output the line we already know last:
-        outputLater.add file & ":" & $line & ":" & $(col+1) & "\n"
-      else:
-        echo file, ":", line, ":", col+1
-    if outputLater.len > 0: stdout.write outputLater
-  close(db)
-proc setupDb(g: ModuleGraph; dbfile: AbsoluteFile) =
-  var f = FinderRef()
-  removeFile(dbfile)
-  f.db = open(connection=string dbfile, user="nim", password="",
-            database="nim")
-  createDb(f.db)
-  f.db.exec(sql"pragma journal_mode=off")
-  # This MUST be turned off, otherwise it's way too slow even for testing purposes:
-  f.db.exec(sql"pragma SYNCHRONOUS=off")
-  f.db.exec(sql"pragma LOCKING_MODE=exclusive")
-  g.backend = f
-proc mainCommand(graph: ModuleGraph) =
-  let conf = graph.config
-  let dbfile = getNimcacheDir(conf) / RelativeFile"nimfind.db"
-  if not fileExists(dbfile) or optForceFullMake in conf.globalOptions:
-    clearPasses(graph)
-    registerPass graph, verbosePass
-    registerPass graph, semPass
-    conf.setCmd cmdIdeTools
-    wantMainModule(conf)
-    setupDb(graph, dbfile)
-    graph.onDefinition = writeUsage # writeDef
-    graph.onDefinitionResolveForward = writeUsage # writeDefResolveForward
-    graph.onUsage = writeUsage
-    if not fileExists(conf.projectFull):
-      quit "cannot find file: " & conf.projectFull.string
-    add(conf.searchPaths, conf.libpath)
-    conf.setErrorMaxHighMaybe
-    try:
-      compileProject(graph)
-    finally:
-      close(FinderRef(graph.backend).db)
-  performSearch(conf, dbfile)
-proc processCmdLine*(pass: TCmdLinePass, cmd: string; conf: ConfigRef) =
-  var p = parseopt.initOptParser(cmd)
-  while true:
-    case p.kind
-    of cmdEnd: break
-    of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
-      case p.key.normalize
-      of "help", "h":
-        stdout.writeLine(Usage)
-        quit()
-      of "project":
-        conf.projectName = p.val
-      of "rebuild":
-        incl conf.globalOptions, optForceFullMake
-      else: processSwitch(pass, p, conf)
-    of cmdArgument:
-      let info = p.key.split(':')
-      if info.len == 3:
-        conf.projectName = findProjectNimFile(conf, info[0].splitFile.dir)
-        if conf.projectName.len == 0: conf.projectName = info[0]
-        try:
-          conf.m.trackPos = newLineInfo(conf, AbsoluteFile info[0],
-                                        parseInt(info[1]), parseInt(info[2])-1)
-        except ValueError:
-          quit "invalid command line"
-      else:
-        quit "invalid command line"
-proc handleCmdLine(cache: IdentCache; conf: ConfigRef) =
-  let self = NimProg(
-    suggestMode: true,
-    processCmdLine: processCmdLine
-  )
-  self.initDefinesProg(conf, "nimfind")
-  if paramCount() == 0:
-    stdout.writeLine(Usage)
-    return
-  self.processCmdLineAndProjectPath(conf)
-  # Find Nim's prefix dir.
-  let binaryPath = findExe("nim")
-  if binaryPath == "":
-    raise newException(IOError,
-        "Cannot find Nim standard library: Nim compiler not in PATH")
-  conf.prefixDir = AbsoluteDir binaryPath.splitPath().head.parentDir()
-  if not dirExists(conf.prefixDir / RelativeDir"lib"):
-    conf.prefixDir = AbsoluteDir""
-  var graph = newModuleGraph(cache, conf)
-  if self.loadConfigsAndProcessCmdLine(cache, conf, graph):
-    mainCommand(graph)
-handleCmdLine(newIdentCache(), newConfigRef())
diff --git a/tools/nimfind.nims b/tools/nimfind.nims
deleted file mode 100644
index 3013c360d..000000000
--- a/tools/nimfind.nims
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@