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5 files changed, 98 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nodejs.nim b/compiler/nodejs.nim
index e2b79df19..7f9f28aaf 100644
--- a/compiler/nodejs.nim
+++ b/compiler/nodejs.nim
@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ proc findNodeJs*(): string =
   result = findExe("nodejs")
   if result == "":
     result = findExe("node")
+  if result == "":
+    result = findExe("iojs")
diff --git a/koch.nim b/koch.nim
index fc292401a..83f363b1a 100644
--- a/koch.nim
+++ b/koch.nim
@@ -333,6 +333,9 @@ proc tests(args: string) =
   # we compile the tester with taintMode:on to have a basic
   # taint mode test :-)
   exec "nim cc --taintMode:on tests/testament/tester"
+  # Since tests take a long time (on my machine), and we want to defy Murhpys 
+  # law - lets make sure the compiler really is freshly compiled!
+  exec "nim c --lib:lib -d:release --opt:speed compiler/nim.nim"
   let tester = quoteShell(getCurrentDir() / "tests/testament/tester".exe)
   let success = tryExec tester & " " & (args|"all")
   exec tester & " html"
diff --git a/tests/stdlib/tmitems.nim b/tests/stdlib/tmitems.nim
index 2c0a0392a..544ad0334 100644
--- a/tests/stdlib/tmitems.nim
+++ b/tests/stdlib/tmitems.nim
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ fpqeew
 [11, 12, 13]
 [11, 12, 13]
 [11, 12, 13]
-{"key1": 11, "key2": 12, "key3": 13}
-[11, 12, 13]
   <Student Name="Aprilfoo" />
   <Student Name="bar" />
diff --git a/tests/testament/specs.nim b/tests/testament/specs.nim
index 9306bf025..99640f22c 100644
--- a/tests/testament/specs.nim
+++ b/tests/testament/specs.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 import parseutils, strutils, os, osproc, streams, parsecfg
-  cmdTemplate* = r"nim $target --hints:on -d:testing $options $file"
+  cmdTemplate* = r"compiler" / "nim $target --lib:lib --hints:on -d:testing $options $file"
   TTestAction* = enum
diff --git a/tests/testament/tester.nim b/tests/testament/tester.nim
index 62dafee80..704d7e76e 100644
--- a/tests/testament/tester.nim
+++ b/tests/testament/tester.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   parseutils, strutils, pegs, os, osproc, streams, parsecfg, json,
   marshal, backend, parseopt, specs, htmlgen, browsers, terminal,
-  algorithm, compiler/nodejs
+  algorithm, compiler/nodejs, re
   resultsFile = "testresults.html"
@@ -137,14 +137,18 @@ proc addResult(r: var TResults, test: TTest,
                           expected = expected,
                           given = given)"$#\t$#\t$#\t$#", name, expected, given, $success)
-  if success == reIgnored:
-    styledEcho styleBright, name, fgYellow, " [", $success, "]"
-  elif success != reSuccess:
-    styledEcho styleBright, name, fgRed, " [", $success, "]"
-    echo"Expected:"
-    styledEcho styleBright, expected
-    echo"Given:"
-    styledEcho styleBright, given
+  if success == reSuccess:
+    styledEcho fgGreen, "PASS: ", fgCyan, name
+  elif success == reIgnored:
+    styledEcho styleDim, fgYellow, "SKIP: ", styleBright, fgCyan, name
+  else:
+    styledEcho styleBright, fgRed, "FAIL: ", fgCyan, name
+    styledEcho styleBright, fgCyan, "Test \"",, "\"", " in category \"",, "\""
+    styledEcho styleBright, fgRed, "Failure: ", $success
+    styledEcho fgYellow, "Expected:"
+    styledEcho styleBright, expected, "\n"
+    styledEcho fgYellow, "Gotten:"
+    styledEcho styleBright, given, "\n"
 proc cmpMsgs(r: var TResults, expected, given: TSpec, test: TTest) =
   if strip(expected.msg) notin strip(given.msg):
@@ -211,68 +215,101 @@ proc compilerOutputTests(test: TTest, given: var TSpec, expected: TSpec;
   if given.err == reSuccess: inc(r.passed)
   r.addResult(test, expectedmsg, givenmsg, given.err)
+proc analyzeAndConsolidateOutput(s: string): string =
+  result = ""
+  let rows = s.splitLines
+  for i in 0 ..< rows.len:
+    if (let pos = find(rows[i], "Traceback (most recent call last)"); pos != -1):
+      result = substr(rows[i], pos) & "\n"
+      for i in i+1 ..< rows.len:
+        result.add rows[i] & "\n"
+        if not (rows[i] =~ re"^[^(]+\(\d+\)\s+"):
+          return
+    elif (let pos = find(rows[i], "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access."); pos != -1):
+      result = substr(rows[i], pos)
+      return
 proc testSpec(r: var TResults, test: TTest) =
   # major entry point for a single test
   let tname =".nim")
-  styledEcho "Processing ", fgCyan, extractFilename(tname)
   var expected: TSpec
   if test.action != actionRunNoSpec:
     expected = parseSpec(tname)
     specDefaults expected
     expected.action = actionRunNoSpec
   if expected.err == reIgnored:
     r.addResult(test, "", "", reIgnored)
-  else:
-    case expected.action
-    of actionCompile:
-      var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,,
-        test.options & " --hint[Path]:off --hint[Processing]:off",
-      compilerOutputTests(test, given, expected, r)
-    of actionRun, actionRunNoSpec:
-      var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,, test.options,
-      if given.err != reSuccess:
-        r.addResult(test, "", given.msg, given.err)
-      else:
-        var exeFile: string
-        if == targetJS:
-          let (dir, file, ext) = splitFile(tname)
-          exeFile = dir / "nimcache" / file & ".js"
-        else:
-          exeFile = changeFileExt(tname, ExeExt)
-        if existsFile(exeFile):
-          let nodejs = findNodeJs()
-          if == targetJS and nodejs == "":
-            r.addResult(test, expected.outp, "nodejs binary not in PATH",
-                        reExeNotFound)
-            return
-          var (buf, exitCode) = execCmdEx(
-            (if == targetJS: nodejs & " " else: "") & exeFile)
-          if exitCode != expected.exitCode:
-            r.addResult(test, "exitcode: " & $expected.exitCode,
-                              "exitcode: " & $exitCode, reExitCodesDiffer)
-          else:
-            var bufB = strip(buf.string)
-            if expected.sortoutput: bufB = makeDeterministic(bufB)
-            if bufB != strip(expected.outp):
-              if not (expected.substr and expected.outp in bufB):
-                given.err = reOutputsDiffer
-            compilerOutputTests(test, given, expected, r)
-        else:
-          r.addResult(test, expected.outp, "executable not found", reExeNotFound)
-    of actionReject:
-      var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,, test.options,
-      cmpMsgs(r, expected, given, test)
+    return
+  case expected.action
+  of actionCompile:
+    var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,,
+      test.options & " --hint[Path]:off --hint[Processing]:off",
+    compilerOutputTests(test, given, expected, r)
+  of actionRun, actionRunNoSpec:
+    # In this branch of code "early return" pattern is clearer than deep
+    # nested conditionals - the empty rows in between to clarify the "danger"
+    var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,, test.options,
+    if given.err != reSuccess:
+      r.addResult(test, "", given.msg, given.err)
+      return
+    let isJsTarget = == targetJS
+    var exeFile: string
+    if isJsTarget:
+      let (dir, file, ext) = splitFile(tname)
+      exeFile = dir / "nimcache" / file & ".js" # *TODO* hardcoded "nimcache"
+    else:
+      exeFile = changeFileExt(tname, ExeExt)
+    if not existsFile(exeFile):
+      r.addResult(test, expected.outp, "executable not found", reExeNotFound)
+      return
+    let nodejs = if isJsTarget: findNodeJs() else: ""
+    if isJsTarget and nodejs == "":
+      r.addResult(test, expected.outp, "nodejs binary not in PATH",
+                  reExeNotFound)
+      return
+    let exeCmd = (if isJsTarget: nodejs & " " else: "") & exeFile
+    let (buf, exitCode) = execCmdEx(exeCmd)
+    let bufB = if expected.sortoutput: makeDeterministic(strip(buf.string))
+               else: strip(buf.string)
+    let expectedOut = strip(expected.outp)
+    if exitCode != expected.exitCode:
+      r.addResult(test, "exitcode: " & $expected.exitCode,
+                        "exitcode: " & $exitCode & "\n\nOutput:\n" & 
+                        analyzeAndConsolidateOutput(bufB), 
+                        reExitCodesDiffer)
+      return
+    if bufB != expectedOut:
+      if not (expected.substr and expectedOut in bufB):
+        given.err = reOutputsDiffer
+        r.addResult(test, expected.outp, bufB, reOutputsDiffer)
+        return
+    compilerOutputTests(test, given, expected, r)
+    return
+  of actionReject:
+    var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,, test.options,
+    cmpMsgs(r, expected, given, test)
+    return
 proc testNoSpec(r: var TResults, test: TTest) =
   # does not extract the spec because the file is not supposed to have any
   let tname =".nim")
-  styledEcho "Processing ", fgCyan, extractFilename(tname)
   let given = callCompiler(cmdTemplate,, test.options,
   r.addResult(test, "", given.msg, given.err)
   if given.err == reSuccess: inc(r.passed)