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1 files changed, 66 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/msgs.nim b/compiler/msgs.nim
index 2edb869d8..6b71b7159 100644
--- a/compiler/msgs.nim
+++ b/compiler/msgs.nim
@@ -367,54 +367,54 @@ const
                                 "of the generic paramers can be inferred from the expected signature.",
     errCompilerDoesntSupportTarget: "The current compiler \'$1\' doesn't support the requested compilation target",
     errUser: "$1",
-    warnCannotOpenFile: "cannot open \'$1\' [CannotOpenFile]",
-    warnOctalEscape: "octal escape sequences do not exist; leading zero is ignored [OctalEscape]",
-    warnXIsNeverRead: "\'$1\' is never read [XIsNeverRead]",
-    warnXmightNotBeenInit: "\'$1\' might not have been initialized [XmightNotBeenInit]",
-    warnDeprecated: "$1 is deprecated [Deprecated]",
-    warnConfigDeprecated: "config file '$1' is deprecated [ConfigDeprecated]",
-    warnSmallLshouldNotBeUsed: "\'l\' should not be used as an identifier; may look like \'1\' (one) [SmallLshouldNotBeUsed]",
-    warnUnknownMagic: "unknown magic \'$1\' might crash the compiler [UnknownMagic]",
-    warnRedefinitionOfLabel: "redefinition of label \'$1\' [RedefinitionOfLabel]",
-    warnUnknownSubstitutionX: "unknown substitution \'$1\' [UnknownSubstitutionX]",
-    warnLanguageXNotSupported: "language \'$1\' not supported [LanguageXNotSupported]",
-    warnFieldXNotSupported: "field \'$1\' not supported [FieldXNotSupported]",
-    warnCommentXIgnored: "comment \'$1\' ignored [CommentXIgnored]",
-    warnNilStatement: "'nil' statement is deprecated; use an empty 'discard' statement instead [NilStmt]",
-    warnTypelessParam: "'$1' has no type. Typeless parameters are deprecated; only allowed for 'template' [TypelessParam]",
-    warnDifferentHeaps: "possible inconsistency of thread local heaps [DifferentHeaps]",
-    warnWriteToForeignHeap: "write to foreign heap [WriteToForeignHeap]",
-    warnUnsafeCode: "unsafe code: '$1' [UnsafeCode]",
-    warnEachIdentIsTuple: "each identifier is a tuple [EachIdentIsTuple]",
-    warnShadowIdent: "shadowed identifier: '$1' [ShadowIdent]",
-    warnProveInit: "Cannot prove that '$1' is initialized. This will become a compile time error in the future. [ProveInit]",
-    warnProveField: "cannot prove that field '$1' is accessible [ProveField]",
-    warnProveIndex: "cannot prove index '$1' is valid [ProveIndex]",
-    warnGcUnsafe: "not GC-safe: '$1' [GcUnsafe]",
+    warnCannotOpenFile: "cannot open \'$1\'",
+    warnOctalEscape: "octal escape sequences do not exist; leading zero is ignored",
+    warnXIsNeverRead: "\'$1\' is never read",
+    warnXmightNotBeenInit: "\'$1\' might not have been initialized",
+    warnDeprecated: "$1 is deprecated",
+    warnConfigDeprecated: "config file '$1' is deprecated",
+    warnSmallLshouldNotBeUsed: "\'l\' should not be used as an identifier; may look like \'1\' (one)",
+    warnUnknownMagic: "unknown magic \'$1\' might crash the compiler",
+    warnRedefinitionOfLabel: "redefinition of label \'$1\'",
+    warnUnknownSubstitutionX: "unknown substitution \'$1\'",
+    warnLanguageXNotSupported: "language \'$1\' not supported",
+    warnFieldXNotSupported: "field \'$1\' not supported",
+    warnCommentXIgnored: "comment \'$1\' ignored",
+    warnNilStatement: "'nil' statement is deprecated; use an empty 'discard' statement instead",
+    warnTypelessParam: "'$1' has no type. Typeless parameters are deprecated; only allowed for 'template'",
+    warnDifferentHeaps: "possible inconsistency of thread local heaps",
+    warnWriteToForeignHeap: "write to foreign heap",
+    warnUnsafeCode: "unsafe code: '$1'",
+    warnEachIdentIsTuple: "each identifier is a tuple",
+    warnShadowIdent: "shadowed identifier: '$1'",
+    warnProveInit: "Cannot prove that '$1' is initialized. This will become a compile time error in the future.",
+    warnProveField: "cannot prove that field '$1' is accessible",
+    warnProveIndex: "cannot prove index '$1' is valid",
+    warnGcUnsafe: "not GC-safe: '$1'",
     warnGcUnsafe2: "$1",
-    warnUninit: "'$1' might not have been initialized [Uninit]",
-    warnGcMem: "'$1' uses GC'ed memory [GcMem]",
-    warnDestructor: "usage of a type with a destructor in a non destructible context. This will become a compile time error in the future. [Destructor]",
-    warnLockLevel: "$1 [LockLevel]",
-    warnResultShadowed: "Special variable 'result' is shadowed. [ResultShadowed]",
-    warnUser: "$1 [User]",
-    hintSuccess: "operation successful [Success]",
-    hintSuccessX: "operation successful ($# lines compiled; $# sec total; $#; $#) [SuccessX]",
-    hintLineTooLong: "line too long [LineTooLong]",
-    hintXDeclaredButNotUsed: "\'$1\' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]",
-    hintConvToBaseNotNeeded: "conversion to base object is not needed [ConvToBaseNotNeeded]",
-    hintConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded: "conversion from $1 to itself is pointless [ConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded]",
-    hintExprAlwaysX: "expression evaluates always to \'$1\' [ExprAlwaysX]",
-    hintQuitCalled: "quit() called [QuitCalled]",
-    hintProcessing: "$1 [Processing]",
-    hintCodeBegin: "generated code listing: [CodeBegin]",
-    hintCodeEnd: "end of listing [CodeEnd]",
-    hintConf: "used config file \'$1\' [Conf]",
-    hintPath: "added path: '$1' [Path]",
-    hintConditionAlwaysTrue: "condition is always true: '$1' [CondTrue]",
-    hintName: "name should be: '$1' [Name]",
-    hintPattern: "$1 [Pattern]",
-    hintUser: "$1 [User]"]
+    warnUninit: "'$1' might not have been initialized",
+    warnGcMem: "'$1' uses GC'ed memory",
+    warnDestructor: "usage of a type with a destructor in a non destructible context. This will become a compile time error in the future.",
+    warnLockLevel: "$1",
+    warnResultShadowed: "Special variable 'result' is shadowed.",
+    warnUser: "$1",
+    hintSuccess: "operation successful",
+    hintSuccessX: "operation successful ($# lines compiled; $# sec total; $#; $#)",
+    hintLineTooLong: "line too long",
+    hintXDeclaredButNotUsed: "\'$1\' is declared but not used",
+    hintConvToBaseNotNeeded: "conversion to base object is not needed",
+    hintConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded: "conversion from $1 to itself is pointless",
+    hintExprAlwaysX: "expression evaluates always to \'$1\'",
+    hintQuitCalled: "quit() called",
+    hintProcessing: "$1",
+    hintCodeBegin: "generated code listing:",
+    hintCodeEnd: "end of listing",
+    hintConf: "used config file \'$1\'",
+    hintPath: "added path: '$1'",
+    hintConditionAlwaysTrue: "condition is always true: '$1'",
+    hintName: "name should be: '$1'",
+    hintPattern: "$1",
+    hintUser: "$1"]
   WarningsToStr*: array[0..30, string] = ["CannotOpenFile", "OctalEscape",
@@ -606,6 +606,8 @@ proc suggestQuit*() =
 # Borland and Freepascal use
   PosFormat    = "$1($2, $3) "
+  KindFormat   = " [$1]"
+  KindColor    = fgCyan
   ErrorTitle   = "Error: "
   ErrorColor   = fgRed
   WarningTitle = "Warning: "
@@ -798,6 +800,7 @@ proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, args: openArray[string]) =
     title: string
     color: ForegroundColor
+    kind:  string
   case msg
   of errMin..errMax:
@@ -809,16 +812,22 @@ proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, args: openArray[string]) =
     title = WarningTitle
     color = WarningColor
+    kind = WarningsToStr[ord(msg) - ord(warnMin)]
   of hintMin..hintMax:
     if optHints notin gOptions: return
     if msg notin gNotes: return
     title = HintTitle
     color = HintColor
+    kind = HintsToStr[ord(msg) - ord(hintMin)]
   let s = `%`(msgKindToString(msg), args)
   if not ignoreMsgBecauseOfIdeTools(msg):
-    styledMsgWriteln(color, title, resetStyle, s)
+    if kind != nil:
+      styledMsgWriteln(color, title, resetStyle, s,
+                       KindColor, `%`(KindFormat, kind))
+    else:
+      styledMsgWriteln(color, title, resetStyle, s)
   handleError(msg, doAbort, s)
 proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, arg: string) =
@@ -843,8 +852,9 @@ proc liMessage(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string,
                eh: TErrorHandling) =
     title: string
-    ignoreMsg = false
     color: ForegroundColor
+    kind:  string
+    ignoreMsg = false
   case msg
   of errMin..errMax:
@@ -859,11 +869,13 @@ proc liMessage(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string,
     if not ignoreMsg: writeContext(info)
     title = WarningTitle
     color = WarningColor
+    kind = WarningsToStr[ord(msg) - ord(warnMin)]
   of hintMin..hintMax:
     ignoreMsg = optHints notin gOptions or msg notin gNotes
     title = HintTitle
     color = HintColor
+    kind = HintsToStr[ord(msg) - ord(hintMin)]
   # NOTE: currently line info line numbers start with 1,
   # but column numbers start with 0, however most editors expect
@@ -872,7 +884,11 @@ proc liMessage(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string,
   let s = getMessageStr(msg, arg)
   if not ignoreMsg and not ignoreMsgBecauseOfIdeTools(msg):
-    styledMsgWriteln(styleBright, x, resetStyle, color, title, resetStyle, s)
+    if kind != nil:
+      styledMsgWriteln(styleBright, x, resetStyle, color, title, resetStyle, s,
+                       KindColor, `%`(KindFormat, kind))
+    else:
+      styledMsgWriteln(styleBright, x, resetStyle, color, title, resetStyle, s)
     if optPrintSurroundingSrc and msg in errMin..errMax:
   handleError(msg, eh, s)