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21 files changed, 274 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index d718eab42..c23b64257 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -2037,15 +2037,15 @@ proc genDestroy(p: BProc; n: PNode) =
     of tyString:
       var a: TLoc
       initLocExpr(p, arg, a)
-      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1.p && $1.p->allocator) {$n" &
-        " $1.p->allocator->dealloc($1.p->allocator, $1.p, $1.p->cap + 1 + sizeof(NI) + sizeof(void*));$n" &
+      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1.p && !($1.p->cap & NIM_STRLIT_FLAG)) {$n" &
+        " #deallocShared($1.p);$n" &
         " $1.p = NIM_NIL; }$n",
     of tySequence:
       var a: TLoc
       initLocExpr(p, arg, a)
-      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1.p && $1.p->allocator) {$n" &
-        " $1.p->allocator->dealloc($1.p->allocator, $1.p, ($1.p->cap * sizeof($2)) + sizeof(NI) + sizeof(void*));$n" &
+      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1.p && !($1.p->cap & NIM_STRLIT_FLAG)) {$n" &
+        " #deallocShared($1.p);$n" &
         " $1.p = NIM_NIL; }$n",
         [rdLoc(a), getTypeDesc(p.module, t.lastSon)])
     else: discard "nothing to do"
@@ -2917,8 +2917,8 @@ proc genConstSeqV2(p: BProc, n: PNode, t: PType; isConst: bool): Rope =
   appcg(p.module, cfsData,
     "static $5 struct {$n" &
-    "  NI cap; void* allocator; $1 data[$2];$n" &
-    "} $3 = {$2, NIM_NIL, $4};$n", [
+    "  NI cap; $1 data[$2];$n" &
+    "} $3 = {$2 | NIM_STRLIT_FLAG, $4};$n", [
     getTypeDesc(p.module, base), n.len, payload, data,
     if isConst: "const" else: ""])
   result = "{$1, ($2*)&$3}" % [rope(n.len), getSeqPayloadType(p.module, t), payload]
diff --git a/compiler/ccgliterals.nim b/compiler/ccgliterals.nim
index b51348508..ee56da586 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgliterals.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgliterals.nim
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ proc genStringLiteralV1(m: BModule; n: PNode): Rope =
 proc genStringLiteralDataOnlyV2(m: BModule, s: string; result: Rope; isConst: bool) =
   m.s[cfsData].addf("static $4 struct {$n" &
-       "  NI cap; void* allocator; NIM_CHAR data[$2+1];$n" &
-       "} $1 = { $2, NIM_NIL, $3 };$n",
+       "  NI cap; NIM_CHAR data[$2+1];$n" &
+       "} $1 = { $2 | NIM_STRLIT_FLAG, $3 };$n",
        [result, rope(s.len), makeCString(s),
        rope(if isConst: "const" else: "")])
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
index 054aa2b7c..24551e7e5 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ proc seqV2ContentType(m: BModule; t: PType; check: var IntSet) =
     appcg(m, m.s[cfsTypes], """$N
 $3ifndef $2_Content_PP
 $3define $2_Content_PP
-struct $2_Content { NI cap;#AllocatorObj* allocator;$1 data[SEQ_DECL_SIZE];};
+struct $2_Content { NI cap; $1 data[SEQ_DECL_SIZE];};
       """, [getTypeDescAux(m, t.skipTypes(abstractInst)[0], check), result, rope"#"])
diff --git a/lib/system/alloc.nim b/lib/system/alloc.nim
index c65abe5c2..59b7fcfd9 100644
--- a/lib/system/alloc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/alloc.nim
@@ -948,13 +948,18 @@ proc dealloc(allocator: var MemRegion, p: pointer) =
 proc realloc(allocator: var MemRegion, p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
   if newsize > 0:
-    result = alloc0(allocator, newsize)
+    result = alloc(allocator, newsize)
     if p != nil:
       copyMem(result, p, min(ptrSize(p), newsize))
       dealloc(allocator, p)
   elif p != nil:
     dealloc(allocator, p)
+proc realloc0(allocator: var MemRegion, p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+  result = realloc(allocator, p, newsize)
+  if newsize > oldsize:
+    zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[int](result) + oldsize), newsize - oldsize)
 proc deallocOsPages(a: var MemRegion) =
   # we free every 'ordinarily' allocated page by iterating over the page bits:
   var it = addr(a.heapLinks)
@@ -997,17 +1002,22 @@ template instantiateForRegion(allocator: untyped) {.dirty.} =
   proc deallocOsPages = deallocOsPages(allocator)
-  proc alloc(size: Natural): pointer =
+  proc allocImpl(size: Natural): pointer =
     result = alloc(allocator, size)
-  proc alloc0(size: Natural): pointer =
+  proc alloc0Impl(size: Natural): pointer =
     result = alloc0(allocator, size)
-  proc dealloc(p: pointer) =
+  proc deallocImpl(p: pointer) =
     dealloc(allocator, p)
-  proc realloc(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
+  proc reallocImpl(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
+    result = realloc(allocator, p, newSize)
+  proc realloc0Impl(p: pointer, oldSize, newSize: Natural): pointer =
     result = realloc(allocator, p, newSize)
+    if newSize > oldSize:
+      zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[int](result) + oldSize), newSize - oldSize)
   when false:
     proc countFreeMem(): int =
@@ -1034,33 +1044,41 @@ template instantiateForRegion(allocator: untyped) {.dirty.} =
     var heapLock: SysLock
-  proc allocShared(size: Natural): pointer =
+  proc allocSharedImpl(size: Natural): pointer =
     when hasThreadSupport:
       result = alloc(sharedHeap, size)
-      result = alloc(size)
+      result = allocImpl(size)
-  proc allocShared0(size: Natural): pointer =
-    result = allocShared(size)
+  proc allocShared0Impl(size: Natural): pointer =
+    result = allocSharedImpl(size)
     zeroMem(result, size)
-  proc deallocShared(p: pointer) =
+  proc deallocSharedImpl(p: pointer) =
     when hasThreadSupport:
       dealloc(sharedHeap, p)
-      dealloc(p)
+      deallocImpl(p)
-  proc reallocShared(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
+  proc reallocSharedImpl(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
     when hasThreadSupport:
       result = realloc(sharedHeap, p, newSize)
-      result = realloc(p, newSize)
+      result = reallocImpl(p, newSize)
+  proc reallocShared0Impl(p: pointer, oldSize, newSize: Natural): pointer =
+    when hasThreadSupport:
+      acquireSys(heapLock)
+      result = realloc0(sharedHeap, p, oldSize, newSize)
+      releaseSys(heapLock)
+    else:
+      result = realloc0Impl(p, oldSize, newSize)
   when hasThreadSupport:
     template sharedMemStatsShared(v: int) =
diff --git a/lib/system/allocators.nim b/lib/system/allocators.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index e642999a8..000000000
--- a/lib/system/allocators.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2017 Nim contributors
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## Unstable API.
-  AllocatorFlag* {.pure.} = enum  ## flags describing the properties of the allocator
-    ThreadLocal ## the allocator is thread local only.
-    ZerosMem    ## the allocator always zeros the memory on an allocation
-  Allocator* = ptr AllocatorObj
-  AllocatorObj* {.inheritable, compilerproc.} = object
-    alloc*: proc (a: Allocator; size: int; alignment: int = 8): pointer {.nimcall, raises: [], tags: [], gcsafe.}
-    dealloc*: proc (a: Allocator; p: pointer; size: int) {.nimcall, raises: [], tags: [], gcsafe.}
-    realloc*: proc (a: Allocator; p: pointer; oldSize, newSize: int): pointer {.nimcall, raises: [], tags: [], gcsafe.}
-    deallocAll*: proc (a: Allocator) {.nimcall, raises: [], tags: [], gcsafe.}
-    flags*: set[AllocatorFlag]
-    name*: cstring
-    allocCount: int
-    deallocCount: int
-  localAllocator {.threadvar.}: Allocator
-  sharedAllocator: Allocator
-  allocatorStorage {.threadvar.}: AllocatorObj
-when defined(useMalloc) and not defined(nimscript):
-  import "system/ansi_c"
-import "system/memory"
-template `+!`(p: pointer, s: int): pointer =
-  cast[pointer](cast[int](p) +% s)
-proc getLocalAllocator*(): Allocator =
-  result = localAllocator
-  if result == nil:
-    result = addr allocatorStorage
-    result.alloc = proc (a: Allocator; size: int; alignment: int = 8): pointer {.nimcall, raises: [].} =
-      when defined(useMalloc) and not defined(nimscript):
-        result = c_malloc(cuint size)
-        # XXX do we need this?
-        nimZeroMem(result, size)
-      elif compileOption("threads"):
-        result = system.allocShared0(size)
-      else:
-        result = system.alloc0(size)
-      inc a.allocCount
-    result.dealloc = proc (a: Allocator; p: pointer; size: int) {.nimcall, raises: [].} =
-      when defined(useMalloc) and not defined(nimscript):
-        c_free(p)
-      elif compileOption("threads"):
-        system.deallocShared(p)
-      else:
-        system.dealloc(p)
-      inc a.deallocCount
-    result.realloc = proc (a: Allocator; p: pointer; oldSize, newSize: int): pointer {.nimcall, raises: [].} =
-      when defined(useMalloc) and not defined(nimscript):
-        result = c_realloc(p, cuint newSize)
-      elif compileOption("threads"):
-        result = system.reallocShared(p, newSize)
-      else:
-        result = system.realloc(p, newSize)
-      nimZeroMem(result +! oldSize, newSize - oldSize)
-    result.deallocAll = nil
-    result.flags = {ThreadLocal, ZerosMem}
- = "nim_local"
-    localAllocator = result
-proc setLocalAllocator*(a: Allocator) =
-  localAllocator = a
-proc getSharedAllocator*(): Allocator =
-  result = sharedAllocator
-proc setSharedAllocator*(a: Allocator) =
-  sharedAllocator = a
-proc allocCounters*(): (int, int) =
-  let a = getLocalAllocator()
-  result = (a.allocCount, a.deallocCount)
diff --git a/lib/system/ansi_c.nim b/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
index 55e004f6e..6649e9517 100644
--- a/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
+++ b/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
@@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ proc c_sprintf*(buf, frmt: cstring): cint {.
 proc c_malloc*(size: csize_t): pointer {.
   importc: "malloc", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
+proc c_calloc*(nmemb, size: csize_t): pointer {.
+  importc: "calloc", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
 proc c_free*(p: pointer) {.
   importc: "free", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
 proc c_realloc*(p: pointer, newsize: csize_t): pointer {.
diff --git a/lib/system/gc_regions.nim b/lib/system/gc_regions.nim
index 963fc7b78..6b1640ab1 100644
--- a/lib/system/gc_regions.nim
+++ b/lib/system/gc_regions.nim
@@ -377,16 +377,21 @@ proc asgnRef(dest: PPointer, src: pointer) {.compilerproc, inline.} =
 proc asgnRefNoCycle(dest: PPointer, src: pointer) {.compilerproc, inline,
   deprecated: "old compiler compat".} = asgnRef(dest, src)
-proc alloc(size: Natural): pointer =
+proc allocImpl(size: Natural): pointer =
   result = c_malloc(cast[csize_t](size))
   if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-proc alloc0(size: Natural): pointer =
+proc alloc0Impl(size: Natural): pointer =
   result = alloc(size)
   zeroMem(result, size)
-proc realloc(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+proc reallocImpl(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
   result = c_realloc(p, cast[csize_t](newsize))
   if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-proc dealloc(p: pointer) = c_free(p)
+proc realloc0Impl(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+  result = c_realloc(p, cast[csize_t](newsize))
+  if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
+  if newsize > oldsize:
+    zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[int](result) + oldsize), newsize - oldsize)
+proc deallocImpl(p: pointer) = c_free(p)
 proc alloc0(r: var MemRegion; size: Natural): pointer =
   # ignore the region. That is correct for the channels module
@@ -400,16 +405,21 @@ proc alloc(r: var MemRegion; size: Natural): pointer =
 proc dealloc(r: var MemRegion; p: pointer) = dealloc(p)
-proc allocShared(size: Natural): pointer =
+proc allocSharedImpl(size: Natural): pointer =
   result = c_malloc(cast[csize_t](size))
   if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-proc allocShared0(size: Natural): pointer =
+proc allocShared0Impl(size: Natural): pointer =
   result = alloc(size)
   zeroMem(result, size)
-proc reallocShared(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+proc reallocSharedImpl(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+  result = c_realloc(p, cast[csize_t](newsize))
+  if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
+proc reallocShared0Impl(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer =
   result = c_realloc(p, cast[csize_t](newsize))
   if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-proc deallocShared(p: pointer) = c_free(p)
+  if newsize > oldsize:
+    zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[int](result) + oldsize), newsize - oldsize)
+proc deallocSharedImpl(p: pointer) = c_free(p)
 when hasThreadSupport:
   proc getFreeSharedMem(): int = 0
diff --git a/lib/system/memalloc.nim b/lib/system/memalloc.nim
index b48a6d70a..201e92e98 100644
--- a/lib/system/memalloc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/memalloc.nim
@@ -33,8 +33,48 @@ when notJSnotNims:
     ## otherwise. Like any procedure dealing with raw memory this is
     ## **unsafe**.
-when hasAlloc:
-  proc alloc*(size: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+when hasAlloc and not defined(js):
+  proc allocImpl*(size: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  proc alloc0Impl*(size: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  proc deallocImpl*(p: pointer) {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  proc reallocImpl*(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  proc realloc0Impl*(p: pointer, oldSize, newSize: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  proc allocSharedImpl*(size: Natural): pointer {.noconv, compilerproc, rtl, benign, raises: [], tags: [].}
+  proc allocShared0Impl*(size: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, benign, raises: [], tags: [].}
+  proc deallocSharedImpl*(p: pointer) {.noconv, rtl, benign, raises: [], tags: [].}
+  proc reallocSharedImpl*(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  proc reallocShared0Impl*(p: pointer, oldSize, newSize: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  # Allocator statistics for memory leak tests
+  {.push stackTrace: off.}
+  type AllocStats* = object
+    allocCount: int
+    deallocCount: int
+  proc `-`*(a, b: AllocStats): AllocStats =
+    result.allocCount = a.allocCount - b.allocCount
+    result.deallocCount = a.deallocCount - b.deallocCount
+  template dumpAllocstats*(code: untyped) =
+    let stats1 = getAllocStats()
+    code
+    let stats2 = getAllocStats()
+    echo $(stats2 - stats1)
+  when defined(allocStats):
+    var stats: AllocStats
+    template incStat(what: untyped) = inc stats.what
+    proc getAllocStats*(): AllocStats = stats
+  else:
+    template incStat(what: untyped) = discard
+    proc getAllocStats*(): AllocStats = discard
+  template alloc*(size: Natural): pointer =
     ## Allocates a new memory block with at least ``size`` bytes.
     ## The block has to be freed with `realloc(block, 0) <#realloc,pointer,Natural>`_
@@ -47,6 +87,9 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## See also:
     ## * `alloc0 <#alloc0,Natural>`_
+    incStat(allocCount)
+    allocImpl(size)
   proc createU*(T: typedesc, size = 1.Positive): ptr T {.inline, benign, raises: [].} =
     ## Allocates a new memory block with at least ``T.sizeof * size`` bytes.
@@ -62,7 +105,7 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## * `create <#create,typedesc>`_
     cast[ptr T](alloc(T.sizeof * size))
-  proc alloc0*(size: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  template alloc0*(size: Natural): pointer =
     ## Allocates a new memory block with at least ``size`` bytes.
     ## The block has to be freed with `realloc(block, 0) <#realloc,pointer,Natural>`_
@@ -72,6 +115,9 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## The allocated memory belongs to its allocating thread!
     ## Use `allocShared0 <#allocShared0,Natural>`_ to allocate from a shared heap.
+    incStat(allocCount)
+    alloc0Impl(size)
   proc create*(T: typedesc, size = 1.Positive): ptr T {.inline, benign, raises: [].} =
     ## Allocates a new memory block with at least ``T.sizeof * size`` bytes.
@@ -84,8 +130,21 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## Use `createShared <#createShared,typedesc>`_ to allocate from a shared heap.
     cast[ptr T](alloc0(sizeof(T) * size))
-  proc realloc*(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [],
-                                                         benign, raises: [].}
+  template realloc*(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
+    ## Grows or shrinks a given memory block.
+    ##
+    ## If `p` is **nil** then a new memory block is returned.
+    ## In either way the block has at least ``newSize`` bytes.
+    ## If ``newSize == 0`` and `p` is not **nil** ``realloc`` calls ``dealloc(p)``.
+    ## In other cases the block has to be freed with
+    ## `dealloc(block) <#dealloc,pointer>`_.
+    ##
+    ## The allocated memory belongs to its allocating thread!
+    ## Use `reallocShared <#reallocShared,pointer,Natural>`_ to reallocate
+    ## from a shared heap.
+    reallocImpl(p, newSize)
+  template realloc0*(p: pointer, oldSize, newSize: Natural): pointer =
     ## Grows or shrinks a given memory block.
     ## If `p` is **nil** then a new memory block is returned.
@@ -94,9 +153,14 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## In other cases the block has to be freed with
     ## `dealloc(block) <#dealloc,pointer>`_.
+    ## The block is initialized with all bytes containing zero, so it is
+    ## somewhat safer then realloc
+    ##
     ## The allocated memory belongs to its allocating thread!
     ## Use `reallocShared <#reallocShared,pointer,Natural>`_ to reallocate
     ## from a shared heap.
+    realloc0Impl(p, oldSize, newSize)
   proc resize*[T](p: ptr T, newSize: Natural): ptr T {.inline, benign, raises: [].} =
     ## Grows or shrinks a given memory block.
@@ -110,7 +174,7 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## from a shared heap.
     cast[ptr T](realloc(p, T.sizeof * newSize))
-  proc dealloc*(p: pointer) {.noconv, rtl, tags: [], benign, raises: [].}
+  template dealloc*(p: pointer) =
     ## Frees the memory allocated with ``alloc``, ``alloc0`` or
     ## ``realloc``.
@@ -121,8 +185,10 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## The freed memory must belong to its allocating thread!
     ## Use `deallocShared <#deallocShared,pointer>`_ to deallocate from a shared heap.
+    incStat(deallocCount)
+    deallocImpl(p)
-  proc allocShared*(size: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, benign, raises: [], tags: [].}
+  template allocShared*(size: Natural): pointer =
     ## Allocates a new memory block on the shared heap with at
     ## least ``size`` bytes.
@@ -135,6 +201,9 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## See also:
     ## `allocShared0 <#allocShared0,Natural>`_.
+    incStat(allocCount)
+    allocSharedImpl(size)
   proc createSharedU*(T: typedesc, size = 1.Positive): ptr T {.inline, tags: [],
                                                                benign, raises: [].} =
     ## Allocates a new memory block on the shared heap with at
@@ -151,7 +220,7 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## * `createShared <#createShared,typedesc>`_
     cast[ptr T](allocShared(T.sizeof * size))
-  proc allocShared0*(size: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, benign, raises: [], tags: [].}
+  template allocShared0*(size: Natural): pointer =
     ## Allocates a new memory block on the shared heap with at
     ## least ``size`` bytes.
@@ -162,6 +231,9 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## The block is initialized with all bytes
     ## containing zero, so it is somewhat safer than
     ## `allocShared <#allocShared,Natural>`_.
+    incStat(allocCount)
+    allocShared0Impl(size)
   proc createShared*(T: typedesc, size = 1.Positive): ptr T {.inline.} =
     ## Allocates a new memory block on the shared heap with at
     ## least ``T.sizeof * size`` bytes.
@@ -175,8 +247,7 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## `createSharedU <#createSharedU,typedesc>`_.
     cast[ptr T](allocShared0(T.sizeof * size))
-  proc reallocShared*(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer {.noconv, rtl, tags: [],
-                                                               benign, raises: [].}
+  template reallocShared*(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
     ## Grows or shrinks a given memory block on the heap.
     ## If `p` is **nil** then a new memory block is returned.
@@ -185,6 +256,22 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## ``deallocShared(p)``.
     ## In other cases the block has to be freed with
     ## `deallocShared <#deallocShared,pointer>`_.
+    reallocSharedImpl(p, newSize)
+  template reallocShared0*(p: pointer, oldSize, newSize: Natural): pointer =
+    ## Grows or shrinks a given memory block on the heap.
+    ##
+    ## When growing, the new bytes of the block is initialized with all bytes
+    ## containing zero, so it is somewhat safer then reallocShared
+    ##
+    ## If `p` is **nil** then a new memory block is returned.
+    ## In either way the block has at least ``newSize`` bytes.
+    ## If ``newSize == 0`` and `p` is not **nil** ``reallocShared`` calls
+    ## ``deallocShared(p)``.
+    ## In other cases the block has to be freed with
+    ## `deallocShared <#deallocShared,pointer>`_.
+    reallocShared0Impl(p, oldSize, newSize)
   proc resizeShared*[T](p: ptr T, newSize: Natural): ptr T {.inline, raises: [].} =
     ## Grows or shrinks a given memory block on the heap.
@@ -196,7 +283,7 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## `freeShared <#freeShared,ptr.T>`_.
     cast[ptr T](reallocShared(p, T.sizeof * newSize))
-  proc deallocShared*(p: pointer) {.noconv, rtl, benign, raises: [], tags: [].}
+  proc deallocShared*(p: pointer) {.noconv, compilerproc, rtl, benign, raises: [], tags: [].} =
     ## Frees the memory allocated with ``allocShared``, ``allocShared0`` or
     ## ``reallocShared``.
@@ -204,6 +291,9 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## If one forgets to free the memory a leak occurs; if one tries to
     ## access freed memory (or just freeing it twice!) a core dump may happen
     ## or other memory may be corrupted.
+    incStat(deallocCount)
+    deallocSharedImpl(p)
   proc freeShared*[T](p: ptr T) {.inline, benign, raises: [].} =
     ## Frees the memory allocated with ``createShared``, ``createSharedU`` or
     ## ``resizeShared``.
@@ -214,6 +304,7 @@ when hasAlloc:
     ## or other memory may be corrupted.
+  {.pop.}
 # GC interface:
@@ -239,11 +330,13 @@ when defined(js):
   proc alloc(size: Natural): pointer = discard
   proc alloc0(size: Natural): pointer = discard
   proc realloc(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer = discard
+  proc realloc0(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer = discard
   proc allocShared(size: Natural): pointer = discard
   proc allocShared0(size: Natural): pointer = discard
   proc deallocShared(p: pointer) = discard
   proc reallocShared(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer = discard
+  proc reallocShared0(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer = discard
 when hasAlloc and hasThreadSupport:
diff --git a/lib/system/mmdisp.nim b/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
index faa7813fb..1f42f1aa5 100644
--- a/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
+++ b/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
@@ -107,25 +107,26 @@ when defined(boehmgc):
   when not defined(useNimRtl):
-    proc alloc(size: Natural): pointer =
+    proc allocImpl(size: Natural): pointer =
       result = boehmAlloc(size)
       if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-    proc alloc0(size: Natural): pointer =
+    proc alloc0Impl(size: Natural): pointer =
       result = alloc(size)
-    proc realloc(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
+    proc reallocImpl(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
       result = boehmRealloc(p, newSize)
       if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-    proc dealloc(p: pointer) = boehmDealloc(p)
-    proc allocShared(size: Natural): pointer =
-      result = boehmAlloc(size)
-      if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-    proc allocShared0(size: Natural): pointer =
-      result = allocShared(size)
-    proc reallocShared(p: pointer, newSize: Natural): pointer =
+    proc realloc0Impl(p: pointer, oldSize, newSize: Natural): pointer =
       result = boehmRealloc(p, newSize)
       if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-    proc deallocShared(p: pointer) = boehmDealloc(p)
+      if newsize > oldsize:
+        zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[int](result) + oldsize), newsize - oldsize)
+    proc deallocImpl(p: pointer) = boehmDealloc(p)
+    proc allocSharedImpl(size: Natural): pointer = allocImpl(size)
+    proc allocShared0Impl(size: Natural): pointer = alloc0Impl(size)
+    proc reallocSharedImpl(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer = reallocImpl(p, newsize)
+    proc reallocShared0Impl(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer = realloc0Impl(p, oldsize, newsize)
+    proc deallocSharedImpl(p: pointer) = deallocImpl(p)
     when hasThreadSupport:
       proc getFreeSharedMem(): int =
@@ -265,28 +266,26 @@ elif defined(gogc):
   proc nimGC_setStackBottom(theStackBottom: pointer) = discard
-  proc alloc(size: Natural): pointer =
+  proc allocImpl(size: Natural): pointer =
     result = goMalloc(size.uint)
-  proc alloc0(size: Natural): pointer =
+  proc alloc0Impl(size: Natural): pointer =
     result = goMalloc(size.uint)
-  proc realloc(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+  proc reallocImpl(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
     doAssert false, "not implemented"
-  proc dealloc(p: pointer) =
-    discard
-  proc allocShared(size: Natural): pointer =
-    result = alloc(size)
-  proc allocShared0(size: Natural): pointer =
-    result = alloc0(size)
+  proc realloc0Impl(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+    doAssert false, "not implemented"
-  proc reallocShared(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
-    result = realloc(p, newsize)
+  proc deallocImpl(p: pointer) =
+    discard
-  proc deallocShared(p: pointer) = dealloc(p)
+  proc allocSharedImpl(size: Natural): pointer = allocImpl(size)
+  proc allocShared0Impl(size: Natural): pointer = alloc0Impl(size)
+  proc reallocSharedImpl(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer = reallocImpl(p, newsize)
+  proc reallocShared0Impl(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer = realloc0Impl(p, oldsize, newsize)
+  proc deallocSharedImpl(p: pointer) = deallocImpl(p)
   when hasThreadSupport:
     proc getFreeSharedMem(): int = discard
@@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ elif defined(gogc):
   proc alloc(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
     result = alloc(size)
   proc alloc0(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
-    result = alloc0(size)
+    result = alloc0Impl(size)
   proc dealloc(r: var MemRegion, p: pointer) = dealloc(p)
   proc deallocOsPages(r: var MemRegion) {.inline.} = discard
   proc deallocOsPages() {.inline.} = discard
@@ -357,42 +356,21 @@ elif defined(gogc):
 elif (defined(nogc) or defined(gcDestructors)) and defined(useMalloc):
   when not defined(useNimRtl):
-    proc alloc(size: Natural): pointer =
-      var x = c_malloc (size + sizeof(size)).csize_t
-      if x == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-      cast[ptr int](x)[] = size
-      result = cast[pointer](cast[int](x) + sizeof(size))
-    proc alloc0(size: Natural): pointer =
-      result = alloc(size)
-      zeroMem(result, size)
-    proc realloc(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
-      var x = cast[pointer](cast[int](p) - sizeof(newsize))
-      let oldsize = cast[ptr int](x)[]
-      x = c_realloc(x, (newsize + sizeof(newsize)).csize_t)
-      if x == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-      cast[ptr int](x)[] = newsize
-      result = cast[pointer](cast[int](x) + sizeof(newsize))
+    proc allocImpl(size: Natural): pointer = c_malloc(size.csize_t)
+    proc alloc0Impl(size: Natural): pointer = c_calloc(size.csize_t, 1)
+    proc reallocImpl(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer = c_realloc(p, newSize.csize_t)
+    proc realloc0Impl(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+      result = realloc(p, newsize.csize_t)
       if newsize > oldsize:
         zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[int](result) + oldsize), newsize - oldsize)
+    proc deallocImpl(p: pointer) = c_free(p)
-    proc dealloc(p: pointer) = c_free(cast[pointer](cast[int](p) - sizeof(int)))
-    proc allocShared(size: Natural): pointer =
-      result = c_malloc(size.csize_t)
-      if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-    proc allocShared0(size: Natural): pointer =
-      result = alloc(size)
-      zeroMem(result, size)
-    proc reallocShared(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
-      result = c_realloc(p, newsize.csize_t)
-      if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-    proc deallocShared(p: pointer) = c_free(p)
+    proc allocSharedImpl(size: Natural): pointer = allocImpl(size)
+    proc allocShared0Impl(size: Natural): pointer = alloc0Impl(size)
+    proc reallocSharedImpl(p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer = reallocImpl(p, newsize)
+    proc reallocShared0Impl(p: pointer, oldsize, newsize: Natural): pointer = realloc0Impl(p, oldsize, newsize)
+    proc deallocSharedImpl(p: pointer) = deallocImpl(p)
     proc GC_disable() = discard
     proc GC_enable() = discard
@@ -400,7 +378,6 @@ elif (defined(nogc) or defined(gcDestructors)) and defined(useMalloc):
     proc GC_setStrategy(strategy: GC_Strategy) = discard
     proc GC_enableMarkAndSweep() = discard
     proc GC_disableMarkAndSweep() = discard
-    #proc GC_getStatistics(): string = return ""
     proc getOccupiedMem(): int = discard
     proc getFreeMem(): int = discard
@@ -431,8 +408,8 @@ elif (defined(nogc) or defined(gcDestructors)) and defined(useMalloc):
   proc alloc(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
     result = alloc(size)
-  proc alloc0(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
-    result = alloc0(size)
+  proc alloc0Impl(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
+    result = alloc0Impl(size)
   proc dealloc(r: var MemRegion, p: pointer) = dealloc(p)
   proc deallocOsPages(r: var MemRegion) {.inline.} = discard
   proc deallocOsPages() {.inline.} = discard
@@ -459,7 +436,7 @@ elif defined(nogc):
   proc GC_getStatistics(): string = return ""
   proc newObj(typ: PNimType, size: int): pointer {.compilerproc.} =
-    result = alloc0(size)
+    result = alloc0Impl(size)
   proc newObjNoInit(typ: PNimType, size: int): pointer =
     result = alloc(size)
diff --git a/lib/system/seqs_v2.nim b/lib/system/seqs_v2.nim
index ed49d3abc..f28bcadca 100644
--- a/lib/system/seqs_v2.nim
+++ b/lib/system/seqs_v2.nim
@@ -9,15 +9,18 @@
 # import typetraits
-# strs already imported allocators for us.
+# strs already imported allocateds for us.
 proc supportsCopyMem(t: typedesc): bool {.magic: "TypeTrait".}
 ## Default seq implementation used by Nim's core.
+  NimSeqPayloadBase = object
+    cap: int
   NimSeqPayload[T] = object
     cap: int
-    allocator: Allocator
     data: UncheckedArray[T]
   NimSeqV2*[T] = object
@@ -26,22 +29,13 @@ type
 const nimSeqVersion {.core.} = 2
-template payloadSize(cap): int = cap * sizeof(T) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(Allocator)
 # XXX make code memory safe for overflows in '*'
-  PayloadBase = object
-    cap: int
-    allocator: Allocator
 proc newSeqPayload(cap, elemSize: int): pointer {.compilerRtl, raises: [].} =
   # we have to use type erasure here as Nim does not support generic
   # compilerProcs. Oh well, this will all be inlined anyway.
   if cap > 0:
-    let allocator = getLocalAllocator()
-    var p = cast[ptr PayloadBase](allocator.alloc(allocator, cap * elemSize + sizeof(int) + sizeof(Allocator)))
-    p.allocator = allocator
+    var p = cast[ptr NimSeqPayloadBase](allocShared0(cap * elemSize + sizeof(NimSeqPayloadBase)))
     p.cap = cap
     result = p
@@ -53,7 +47,7 @@ proc prepareSeqAdd(len: int; p: pointer; addlen, elemSize: int): pointer {.
     template `+!`(p: pointer, s: int): pointer =
       cast[pointer](cast[int](p) +% s)
-    const headerSize = sizeof(int) + sizeof(Allocator)
+    const headerSize = sizeof(NimSeqPayloadBase)
     if addlen <= 0:
       result = p
     elif p == nil:
@@ -61,23 +55,19 @@ proc prepareSeqAdd(len: int; p: pointer; addlen, elemSize: int): pointer {.
       # Note: this means we cannot support things that have internal pointers as
       # they get reallocated here. This needs to be documented clearly.
-      var p = cast[ptr PayloadBase](p)
-      let cap = max(resize(p.cap), len+addlen)
-      if p.allocator == nil:
-        let allocator = getLocalAllocator()
-        var q = cast[ptr PayloadBase](allocator.alloc(allocator,
-          headerSize + elemSize * cap))
+      var p = cast[ptr NimSeqPayloadBase](p)
+      let oldCap = p.cap and not strlitFlag
+      let newCap = max(resize(oldCap), len+addlen)
+      if (p.cap and strlitFlag) == strlitFlag:
+        var q = cast[ptr NimSeqPayloadBase](allocShared0(headerSize + elemSize * newCap))
         copyMem(q +! headerSize, p +! headerSize, len * elemSize)
-        q.allocator = allocator
-        q.cap = cap
+        q.cap = newCap
         result = q
-        let allocator = p.allocator
-        var q = cast[ptr PayloadBase](allocator.realloc(allocator, p,
-          headerSize + elemSize * p.cap,
-          headerSize + elemSize * cap))
-        q.allocator = allocator
-        q.cap = cap
+        let oldSize = headerSize + elemSize * oldCap
+        let newSize = headerSize + elemSize * newCap
+        var q = cast[ptr NimSeqPayloadBase](reallocShared0(p, oldSize, newSize))
+        q.cap = newCap
         result = q
 proc shrink*[T](x: var seq[T]; newLen: Natural) =
diff --git a/lib/system/strs_v2.nim b/lib/system/strs_v2.nim
index 555028f31..b4faba749 100644
--- a/lib/system/strs_v2.nim
+++ b/lib/system/strs_v2.nim
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
 ## Default new string implementation used by Nim's core.
-import allocators
+  NimStrPayloadBase = object
+    cap: int
   NimStrPayload {.core.} = object
     cap: int
-    allocator: Allocator
     data: UncheckedArray[char]
   NimStringV2 {.core.} = object
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ type
 const nimStrVersion {.core.} = 2
-template isLiteral(s): bool = s.p == nil or s.p.allocator == nil
+template isLiteral(s): bool = (s.p == nil) or (s.p.cap and strlitFlag) == strlitFlag
-template contentSize(cap): int = cap + 1 + sizeof(int) + sizeof(Allocator)
+template contentSize(cap): int = cap + 1 + sizeof(NimStrPayloadBase)
 template frees(s) =
   if not isLiteral(s):
-    s.p.allocator.dealloc(s.p.allocator, s.p, contentSize(s.p.cap))
+    deallocShared(s.p)
 proc resize(old: int): int {.inline.} =
   if old <= 0: result = 4
@@ -41,19 +41,17 @@ proc prepareAdd(s: var NimStringV2; addlen: int) {.compilerRtl.} =
     if addlen > 0:
       let oldP = s.p
       # can't mutate a literal, so we need a fresh copy here:
-      let allocator = getLocalAllocator()
-      s.p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocator.alloc(allocator, contentSize(s.len + addlen)))
-      s.p.allocator = allocator
+      s.p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocShared0(contentSize(s.len + addlen)))
       s.p.cap = s.len + addlen
       if s.len > 0:
         # we are about to append, so there is no need to copy the \0 terminator:
         copyMem(unsafeAddr[0], unsafeAddr[0], s.len)
-  elif s.len + addlen > s.p.cap:
-    let cap = max(s.len + addlen, resize(s.p.cap))
-    s.p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](s.p.allocator.realloc(s.p.allocator, s.p,
-      oldSize = contentSize(s.p.cap),
-      newSize = contentSize(cap)))
-    s.p.cap = cap
+  else:
+    let oldCap = s.p.cap and not strlitFlag
+    if s.len + addlen > oldCap:
+      let newCap = max(s.len + addlen, resize(oldCap))
+      s.p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](reallocShared0(s.p, contentSize(oldCap), contentSize(newCap)))
+      s.p.cap = newCap
 proc nimAddCharV1(s: var NimStringV2; c: char) {.compilerRtl.} =
   prepareAdd(s, 1)
@@ -65,9 +63,7 @@ proc toNimStr(str: cstring, len: int): NimStringV2 {.compilerproc.} =
   if len <= 0:
     result = NimStringV2(len: 0, p: nil)
-    let allocator = getLocalAllocator()
-    var p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocator.alloc(allocator, contentSize(len)))
-    p.allocator = allocator
+    var p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocShared0(contentSize(len)))
     p.cap = len
     if len > 0:
       # we are about to append, so there is no need to copy the \0 terminator:
@@ -98,9 +94,7 @@ proc rawNewString(space: int): NimStringV2 {.compilerproc.} =
   if space <= 0:
     result = NimStringV2(len: 0, p: nil)
-    let allocator = getLocalAllocator()
-    var p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocator.alloc(allocator, contentSize(space)))
-    p.allocator = allocator
+    var p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocShared0(contentSize(space)))
     p.cap = space
     result = NimStringV2(len: 0, p: p)
@@ -108,9 +102,7 @@ proc mnewString(len: int): NimStringV2 {.compilerproc.} =
   if len <= 0:
     result = NimStringV2(len: 0, p: nil)
-    let allocator = getLocalAllocator()
-    var p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocator.alloc(allocator, contentSize(len)))
-    p.allocator = allocator
+    var p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocShared0(contentSize(len)))
     p.cap = len
     result = NimStringV2(len: len, p: p)
@@ -130,24 +122,20 @@ proc nimAsgnStrV2(a: var NimStringV2, b: NimStringV2) {.compilerRtl.} =
     a.len = b.len
     a.p = b.p
-    if isLiteral(a) or a.p.cap < b.len:
-      let allocator = if a.p != nil and a.p.allocator != nil: a.p.allocator else: getLocalAllocator()
+    if isLiteral(a) or  (a.p.cap and not strlitFlag) < b.len:
       # we have to allocate the 'cap' here, consider
       # 'let y = newStringOfCap(); var x = y'
       # on the other hand... These get turned into moves now.
-      a.p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocator.alloc(allocator, contentSize(b.len)))
-      a.p.allocator = allocator
+      a.p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocShared0(contentSize(b.len)))
       a.p.cap = b.len
     a.len = b.len
     copyMem(unsafeAddr[0], unsafeAddr[0], b.len+1)
 proc nimPrepareStrMutationV2(s: var NimStringV2) {.compilerRtl.} =
-  if s.p != nil and s.p.allocator == nil:
+  if s.p != nil and (s.p.cap and strlitFlag) == strlitFlag:
     let oldP = s.p
     # can't mutate a literal, so we need a fresh copy here:
-    let allocator = getLocalAllocator()
-    s.p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocator.alloc(allocator, contentSize(s.len)))
-    s.p.allocator = allocator
+    s.p = cast[ptr NimStrPayload](allocShared0(contentSize(s.len)))
     s.p.cap = s.len
     copyMem(unsafeAddr[0], unsafeAddr[0], s.len+1)
diff --git a/lib/system/widestrs.nim b/lib/system/widestrs.nim
index f3a6f9d77..59e507a4d 100644
--- a/lib/system/widestrs.nim
+++ b/lib/system/widestrs.nim
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ type
 when defined(nimv2):
-  import system / allocators
     WideCString* = ptr UncheckedArray[Utf16Char]
@@ -29,8 +27,7 @@ when defined(nimv2):
   proc `=destroy`(a: var WideCStringObj) =
     if != nil:
-      let alor = getLocalAllocator()
-      alor.dealloc(alor,, a.bytes)
+      deallocShared( = nil
   proc `=`(a: var WideCStringObj; b: WideCStringObj) {.error.}
@@ -41,8 +38,7 @@ when defined(nimv2):
   proc createWide(a: var WideCStringObj; bytes: int) =
     a.bytes = bytes
-    let alor = getLocalAllocator()
- = cast[typeof(](alor.alloc(alor, bytes))
+ = cast[typeof(](allocShared0(bytes))
   template `[]`(a: WideCStringObj; idx: int): Utf16Char =[idx]
   template `[]=`(a: WideCStringObj; idx: int; val: Utf16Char) =[idx] = val
diff --git a/tests/destructor/tbintree2.nim b/tests/destructor/tbintree2.nim
index 5f88ffff5..6c9047b9a 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/tbintree2.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/tbintree2.nim
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 discard """
-  cmd: '''nim c --newruntime $file'''
+  cmd: '''nim c -d:allocStats --newruntime $file'''
   output: '''0
-3 3  alloc/dealloc pairs: 0'''
+(allocCount: 6, deallocCount: 6)'''
-import system / allocators
 import system / ansi_c
 import random
@@ -97,7 +96,6 @@ proc main() =
   echo res
+  main()
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld %ld  alloc/dealloc pairs: %ld\n", a, d, system.allocs)
diff --git a/tests/destructor/tgcdestructors.nim b/tests/destructor/tgcdestructors.nim
index 4a66b4f77..c63060af5 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/tgcdestructors.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/tgcdestructors.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 discard """
-  cmd: '''nim c --newruntime $file'''
+  cmd: '''nim c -d:allocStats --newruntime $file'''
   output: '''hi
@@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ a: @[4, 2, 3]
-41 41'''
+(allocCount: 41, deallocCount: 41)'''
-import system / allocators
 include system / ansi_c
 proc main =
@@ -201,7 +200,4 @@ proc takeAinArray =
 echo ga == "foo"
-#echo s
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld %ld\n", a, d)
+echo getAllocStats()
diff --git a/tests/destructor/tnewruntime_misc.nim b/tests/destructor/tnewruntime_misc.nim
index 612d1a116..7522bc168 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/tnewruntime_misc.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/tnewruntime_misc.nim
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
 discard """
-  cmd: '''nim cpp --newruntime --threads:on $file'''
+  cmd: '''nim cpp -d:allocStats --newruntime --threads:on $file'''
   output: '''(field: "value")
 (v: 10)
-0  new: 0
 destroying GenericObj[T] GenericObj[]
+(allocCount: 17, deallocCount: 15)'''
-import system / allocators
 import system / ansi_c
 import tables
@@ -24,6 +22,8 @@ type
 import os
 putEnv("HEAPTRASHING", "Indeed")
+let s1 = getAllocStats()
 proc main =
   var w = newTable[string, owned Node]()
   w["key"] = Node(field: "value")
@@ -87,9 +87,6 @@ proc testWrongAt() =
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld  new: %ld\n", a - unpairedEnvAllocs() - d, allocs)
   Table[A, B] = object
@@ -134,3 +131,4 @@ proc xx(xml: string): MyObject =
 discard xx("test")
+echo getAllocStats() - s1
diff --git a/tests/destructor/tnewruntime_strutils.nim b/tests/destructor/tnewruntime_strutils.nim
index 76f2d1a76..27c5a77d5 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/tnewruntime_strutils.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/tnewruntime_strutils.nim
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
 discard """
   valgrind: true
-  cmd: '''nim c --newruntime -d:useMalloc $file'''
+  cmd: '''nim c -d:allocStats --newruntime -d:useMalloc $file'''
   output: '''
-@[(input: @["KXSC", "BGMC"]), (input: @["PXFX"]), (input: @["WXRQ", "ZSCZD"])]
-461 461'''
+@[(input: @["KXSC", "BGMC"]), (input: @["PXFX"]), (input: @["WXRQ", "ZSCZD"])]'''
 import strutils, os, std / wordwrap
-import system / allocators
 import system / ansi_c
 # bug #11004
@@ -213,6 +211,3 @@ staticTests()
 # bug #12965
 let xaa = @[""].join()
 let xbb = @["", ""].join()
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld %ld\n", a, d)
diff --git a/tests/destructor/tsimpleclosure.nim b/tests/destructor/tsimpleclosure.nim
index 088f4a95c..bebd1fe72 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/tsimpleclosure.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/tsimpleclosure.nim
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
 discard """
-  cmd: '''nim c --newruntime $file'''
+  cmd: '''nim c -d:allocStats --newruntime $file'''
   output: '''a b
-2 2  alloc/dealloc pairs: 0'''
+(allocCount: 4, deallocCount: 4)'''
-import system / allocators
 import system / ansi_c
 proc main(): owned(proc()) =
@@ -60,5 +59,4 @@ when false:
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld %ld  alloc/dealloc pairs: %ld\n", a, d, system.allocs)
+echo getAllocStats()
diff --git a/tests/destructor/tuse_ownedref_after_move.nim b/tests/destructor/tuse_ownedref_after_move.nim
index 31f580db3..46540837c 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/tuse_ownedref_after_move.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/tuse_ownedref_after_move.nim
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 discard """
   cmd: '''nim c --newruntime $file'''
-  errormsg: "'=' is not available for type <owned Button>; requires a copy because it's not the last read of ':envAlt.b1'; another read is done here: tuse_ownedref_after_move.nim(53, 4)"
-  line: 49
+  errormsg: "'=' is not available for type <owned Button>; requires a copy because it's not the last read of ':envAlt.b1'; another read is done here: tuse_ownedref_after_move.nim(52, 4)"
+  line: 48
-import system / allocators
 import system / ansi_c
@@ -56,5 +55,3 @@ proc main =
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld %ld  new: %ld\n", a, d, allocs)
diff --git a/tests/destructor/tv2_raise.nim b/tests/destructor/tv2_raise.nim
index 409cdead8..ed5364923 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/tv2_raise.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/tv2_raise.nim
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 discard """
-  cmd: '''nim c --newruntime $file'''
+  valgrind: true
+  cmd: '''nim c -d:allocStats --newruntime $file'''
   output: '''OK 3
-5 2'''
+(allocCount: 8, deallocCount: 3)'''
 import strutils, math
 import system / ansi_c
-import system / allocators
 proc mainA =
@@ -50,6 +50,4 @@ except:
   inc ok
 echo "OK ", ok
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld %ld\n", a, d)
+echo getAllocStats()
diff --git a/tests/destructor/twidgets.nim b/tests/destructor/twidgets.nim
index 9537748e3..4f32ebfa6 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/twidgets.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/twidgets.nim
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 discard """
-  cmd: '''nim c --newruntime $file'''
+  cmd: '''nim c -d:allocstats --newruntime $file'''
   output: '''button
-1 1  alloc/dealloc pairs: 0'''
+(allocCount: 4, deallocCount: 4)'''
-import system / allocators
 import system / ansi_c
@@ -72,7 +71,6 @@ proc main =
+  main()
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld %ld  alloc/dealloc pairs: %ld\n", a, d, allocs)
diff --git a/tests/destructor/twidgets_unown.nim b/tests/destructor/twidgets_unown.nim
index d594ad54c..333181307 100644
--- a/tests/destructor/twidgets_unown.nim
+++ b/tests/destructor/twidgets_unown.nim
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 discard """
-  cmd: '''nim c --newruntime $file'''
+  cmd: '''nim c -d:allocStats --newruntime $file'''
   output: '''button
-6 6  alloc/dealloc pairs: 0'''
+(allocCount: 9, deallocCount: 9)'''
-import system / allocators
 import system / ansi_c
@@ -69,7 +68,5 @@ proc main =
   if a != nil:
-let (a, d) = allocCounters()
-discard cprintf("%ld %ld  alloc/dealloc pairs: %ld\n", a, d, allocs)
+  main()