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7 files changed, 202 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ast.nim b/compiler/ast.nim
index b8202abe6..350fa5f6a 100644
--- a/compiler/ast.nim
+++ b/compiler/ast.nim
@@ -1615,6 +1615,19 @@ proc originatingModule*(s: PSym): PSym =
 proc isRoutine*(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
   result = s.kind in skProcKinds
+proc isCompileTimeProc*(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
+  result = s.kind == skMacro or
+           s.kind == skProc and sfCompileTime in s.flags
+proc requiredParams*(s: PSym): int =
+  # Returns the number of required params (without default values)
+  # XXX: Perhaps we can store this in the `offset` field of the
+  # symbol instead?
+  for i in 1 ..< s.typ.len:
+    if s.typ.n[i].sym.ast != nil:
+      return i - 1
+  return s.typ.len - 1
 proc hasPattern*(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
   result = isRoutine(s) and s.ast.sons[patternPos].kind != nkEmpty
diff --git a/compiler/evaltempl.nim b/compiler/evaltempl.nim
index fbb7eb2e6..502430815 100644
--- a/compiler/evaltempl.nim
+++ b/compiler/evaltempl.nim
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ proc evalTemplateArgs(n: PNode, s: PSym; fromHlo: bool): PNode =
   # if the template has zero arguments, it can be called without ``()``
   # `n` is then a nkSym or something similar
   var totalParams = case n.kind
-    of nkCall, nkInfix, nkPrefix, nkPostfix, nkCommand, nkCallStrLit: n.len-1
+    of nkCallKinds: n.len-1
     else: 0
diff --git a/compiler/semexprs.nim b/compiler/semexprs.nim
index 4a3672aa0..29f377a19 100644
--- a/compiler/semexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/semexprs.nim
@@ -960,18 +960,20 @@ proc semSym(c: PContext, n: PNode, sym: PSym, flags: TExprFlags): PNode =
       result = newSymNode(s,
   of skMacro:
-    if efNoEvaluateGeneric in flags and s.ast[genericParamsPos].len > 0:
+    if efNoEvaluateGeneric in flags and s.ast[genericParamsPos].len > 0 or
+       (n.kind notin nkCallKinds and s.requiredParams > 0):
       markUsed(, s, c.graph.usageSym)
       styleCheckUse(, s)
-      result = newSymNode(s,
+      result = symChoice(c, n, s, scClosed)
       result = semMacroExpr(c, n, n, s, flags)
   of skTemplate:
     if efNoEvaluateGeneric in flags and s.ast[genericParamsPos].len > 0 or
+       (n.kind notin nkCallKinds and s.requiredParams > 0) or
        sfCustomPragma in sym.flags:
       markUsed(, s, c.graph.usageSym)
       styleCheckUse(, s)
-      result = newSymNode(s,
+      result = symChoice(c, n, s, scClosed)
       result = semTemplateExpr(c, n, s, flags)
   of skParam:
diff --git a/compiler/semmagic.nim b/compiler/semmagic.nim
index 3f0df0065..bf3c55120 100644
--- a/compiler/semmagic.nim
+++ b/compiler/semmagic.nim
@@ -199,6 +199,10 @@ proc semBindSym(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
   if s != nil:
     # we need to mark all symbols:
     var sc = symChoice(c, id, s, TSymChoiceRule(isMixin.intVal))
+    if not getCurrOwner(c).isCompileTimeProc:
+      # inside regular code, bindSym resolves to the sym-choice
+      # nodes (see tinspectsymbol)
+      return sc
     errorUndeclaredIdentifier(c, n.sons[1].info, sl.strVal)
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index 4263ef581..7e566afad 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -2032,8 +2032,9 @@ proc paramTypesMatch*(m: var TCandidate, f, a: PType,
     y.calleeSym = m.calleeSym
     z.calleeSym = m.calleeSym
     var best = -1
-    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(arg) - 1):
-      if arg.sons[i].sym.kind in {skProc, skFunc, skMethod, skConverter, skIterator}:
+    for i in 0 ..< arg.len:
+      if arg.sons[i].sym.kind in {skProc, skFunc, skMethod, skConverter,
+                                  skIterator, skMacro, skTemplate}:
         copyCandidate(z, m)
         z.callee = arg.sons[i].typ
         if tfUnresolved in z.callee.flags: continue
@@ -2062,6 +2063,7 @@ proc paramTypesMatch*(m: var TCandidate, f, a: PType,
               x = z
             elif cmp == 0:
               y = z           # z is as good as x
     if x.state == csEmpty:
       result = nil
     elif y.state == csMatch and cmpCandidates(x, y) == 0:
@@ -2070,7 +2072,7 @@ proc paramTypesMatch*(m: var TCandidate, f, a: PType,
       # ambiguous: more than one symbol fits!
       # See tsymchoice_for_expr as an example. 'f.kind == tyExpr' should match
       # anyway:
-      if f.kind == tyExpr: result = arg
+      if f.kind in {tyExpr, tyStmt}: result = arg
       else: result = nil
       # only one valid interpretation found:
diff --git a/lib/core/macros.nim b/lib/core/macros.nim
index 1dc067e1a..fa5cd67df 100644
--- a/lib/core/macros.nim
+++ b/lib/core/macros.nim
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ type
 {.deprecated: [TBindSymRule: BindSymRule].}
-proc bindSym*(ident: string, rule: BindSymRule = brClosed): NimNode {.
+proc bindSym*(ident: static[string], rule: BindSymRule = brClosed): NimNode {.
               magic: "NBindSym", noSideEffect.}
   ## creates a node that binds `ident` to a symbol node. The bound symbol
   ## may be an overloaded symbol.
diff --git a/tests/macros/ttemplatesymbols.nim b/tests/macros/ttemplatesymbols.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d9c9ec02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/macros/ttemplatesymbols.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+  macros, algorithm, strutils
+proc normalProc(x: int) =
+  echo x
+template templateWithtouParams =
+  echo 10
+proc overloadedProc(x: int) =
+  echo x
+proc overloadedProc(x: string) =
+  echo x
+proc overloadedProc[T](x: T) =
+  echo x
+template normalTemplate(x: int) =
+  echo x
+template overloadedTemplate(x: int) =
+  echo x
+template overloadedTemplate(x: string) =
+  echo x
+macro normalMacro(x: int): untyped =
+  discard
+macro macroWithoutParams: untyped =
+  discard
+macro inspectSymbol(sym: typed, expected: static[string]): untyped =
+  if sym.kind == nnkSym:
+    echo "Symbol node:"
+    let res = sym.getImpl.repr & "\n"
+    echo res
+    # echo "|", res, "|"
+    # echo "|", expected, "|"
+    if expected.len > 0: assert res == expected
+  elif sym.kind in {nnkClosedSymChoice, nnkOpenSymChoice}:
+    echo "Begin sym choice:"
+    var results = newSeq[string](0)
+    for innerSym in sym:
+      results.add innerSym.getImpl.repr
+    sort(results, cmp[string])
+    let res = results.join("\n") & "\n"
+    echo res
+    if expected.len > 0: assert res == expected
+    echo "End symchoice."
+  else:
+    echo "Non-symbol node: ", sym.kind
+    if expected.len > 0: assert $sym.kind == expected
+macro inspectUntyped(sym: untyped, expected: static[string]): untyped =
+  let res = sym.repr
+  echo "Untyped node: ", res
+  assert res == expected
+inspectSymbol templateWithtouParams, "nnkCommand"
+  # this template is expanded, because bindSym was not used
+  # the end result is the template body (nnkCommand)
+inspectSymbol bindSym("templateWithtouParams"), """
+template templateWithtouParams() =
+  echo 10
+inspectSymbol macroWithoutParams, "nnkEmpty"
+  # Just like the template above, the macro was expanded
+inspectSymbol bindSym("macroWithoutParams"), """
+macro macroWithoutParams(): untyped =
+  discard
+inspectSymbol normalMacro, """
+macro normalMacro(x: int): untyped =
+  discard
+  # Since the normalMacro has params, it's automatically
+  # treated as a symbol here (no need for `bindSym`)
+inspectSymbol bindSym("normalMacro"), """
+macro normalMacro(x: int): untyped =
+  discard
+inspectSymbol normalTemplate, """
+template normalTemplate(x: int) =
+  echo x
+inspectSymbol bindSym("normalTemplate"), """
+template normalTemplate(x: int) =
+  echo x
+inspectSymbol overloadedTemplate, """
+template overloadedTemplate(x: int) =
+  echo x
+template overloadedTemplate(x: string) =
+  echo x
+inspectSymbol bindSym("overloadedTemplate"), """
+template overloadedTemplate(x: int) =
+  echo x
+template overloadedTemplate(x: string) =
+  echo x
+inspectUntyped bindSym("overloadedTemplate"), """bindSym("overloadedTemplate")"""
+  # binSym is active only in the presense of `typed` params.
+  # `untyped` params still get the raw AST
+inspectSymbol normalProc, """
+proc normalProc(x: int) =
+  echo [x]
+inspectSymbol bindSym("normalProc"), """
+proc normalProc(x: int) =
+  echo [x]
+inspectSymbol overloadedProc, """
+proc overloadedProc(x: int) =
+  echo [x]
+proc overloadedProc(x: string) =
+  echo [x]
+proc overloadedProc[T](x: T) =
+  echo x
+  # XXX: There seems to be a repr rendering problem above.
+  # Notice that `echo [x]`
+inspectSymbol overloadedProc[float], """
+proc overloadedProc(x: T) =
+  echo [x]
+  # As expected, when we select a specific generic, the
+  # AST is no longer a symChoice
+inspectSymbol bindSym("overloadedProc"), """
+proc overloadedProc(x: int) =
+  echo [x]
+proc overloadedProc(x: string) =
+  echo [x]
+proc overloadedProc[T](x: T) =
+  echo x