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5 files changed, 15 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/lexer.nim b/compiler/lexer.nim
index 82bfa0ad4..eb9287dfe 100644
--- a/compiler/lexer.nim
+++ b/compiler/lexer.nim
@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ type
     tkGeneric, tkIf, tkImport, tkIn, tkInclude, tkInterface, 
     tkIs, tkIsnot, tkIterator,
     tkLambda, tkLet,
-    tkMacro, tkMethod, tkMixin, tkUsing, tkMod, tkNil, tkNot, tkNotin, 
+    tkMacro, tkMethod, tkMixin, tkMod, tkNil, tkNot, tkNotin, 
     tkObject, tkOf, tkOr, tkOut, 
     tkProc, tkPtr, tkRaise, tkRef, tkReturn, tkShared, tkShl, tkShr, tkStatic,
-    tkTry, tkTuple, tkType, tkVar, tkWhen, tkWhile, tkWith, tkWithout, tkXor,
+    tkTry, tkTuple, tkType, tkUsing, 
+    tkVar, tkWhen, tkWhile, tkWith, tkWithout, tkXor,
     tkYield, # end of keywords
     tkIntLit, tkInt8Lit, tkInt16Lit, tkInt32Lit, tkInt64Lit,
     tkUIntLit, tkUInt8Lit, tkUInt16Lit, tkUInt32Lit, tkUInt64Lit,
@@ -75,12 +76,13 @@ const
     "finally", "for", "from", "generic", "if", 
     "import", "in", "include", "interface", "is", "isnot", "iterator",
     "lambda", "let", 
-    "macro", "method", "mixin", "using", "mod", 
+    "macro", "method", "mixin", "mod", 
     "nil", "not", "notin", "object", "of", "or", 
     "out", "proc", "ptr", "raise", "ref", "return", 
     "shared", "shl", "shr", "static",
-    "try", "tuple", "type", "var", "when", "while", "with", "without", "xor",
+    "try", "tuple", "type", "using",
+    "var", "when", "while", "with", "without", "xor",
     "tkIntLit", "tkInt8Lit", "tkInt16Lit", "tkInt32Lit", "tkInt64Lit",
     "tkUIntLit", "tkUInt8Lit", "tkUInt16Lit", "tkUInt32Lit", "tkUInt64Lit",
diff --git a/compiler/wordrecg.nim b/compiler/wordrecg.nim
index b37a7bb4f..9e86a260e 100644
--- a/compiler/wordrecg.nim
+++ b/compiler/wordrecg.nim
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ type
     wElif, wElse, wEnd, wEnum, wExcept, wExport,
     wFinally, wFor, wFrom, wGeneric, wIf, wImport, wIn, 
     wInclude, wInterface, wIs, wIsnot, wIterator, wLambda, wLet,
-    wMacro, wMethod, wMixin, wUsing, wMod, wNil, 
+    wMacro, wMethod, wMixin, wMod, wNil, 
     wNot, wNotin, wObject, wOf, wOr, wOut, wProc, wPtr, wRaise, wRef, wReturn, 
-    wShared, wShl, wShr, wStatic, wTemplate, wTry, wTuple, wType, wVar, 
+    wShared, wShl, wShr, wStatic, wTemplate, wTry, wTuple, wType, wUsing, wVar, 
     wWhen, wWhile, wWith, wWithout, wXor, wYield,
     wColon, wColonColon, wEquals, wDot, wDotDot,
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ const
   cppNimSharedKeywords* = {
     wAsm, wBreak, wCase, wConst, wContinue, wDo, wElse, wEnum, wExport,
-    wFor, wIf, wReturn, wStatic, wTemplate, wTry, wWhile, wUsing }
+    wFor, wIf, wReturn, wStatic, wTemplate, wTry, wWhile, wUsing}
   specialWords*: array[low(TSpecialWord)..high(TSpecialWord), string] = ["", 
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ const
     "finally", "for", "from", "generic", "if", 
     "import", "in", "include", "interface", "is", "isnot", "iterator",
     "lambda", "let",
-    "macro", "method", "mixin", "using", "mod", "nil", "not", "notin",
+    "macro", "method", "mixin", "mod", "nil", "not", "notin",
     "object", "of", "or", 
     "out", "proc", "ptr", "raise", "ref", "return",
     "shared", "shl", "shr", "static",
-    "template", "try", "tuple", "type", "var", 
+    "template", "try", "tuple", "type", "using", "var", 
     "when", "while", "with", "without", "xor",
diff --git a/doc/keywords.txt b/doc/keywords.txt
index fa3ce4786..2d18d7969 100644
--- a/doc/keywords.txt
+++ b/doc/keywords.txt
@@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ finally for from
 if import in include interface is isnot iterator
 lambda let
-macro method mixin using mod
+macro method mixin mod
 nil not notin
 object of or out
 proc ptr
 raise ref return
 shared shl shr static
 template try tuple type
 when while with without
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
index 69da2bba8..4bfdf5e58 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ const
     "interface", "is", "isnot", "iterator", "lambda", "let", "macro", "method",
     "mixin", "mod", "nil", "not", "notin", "object", "of", "or", "out", "proc",
     "ptr", "raise", "ref", "return", "shared", "shl", "shr", "static",
-    "template", "try", "tuple", "type", "var", "when", "while", "with",
+    "template", "try", "tuple", "type", "using", "var", "when", "while", "with",
     "without", "xor", "yield"]
 proc getSourceLanguage*(name: string): TSourceLanguage = 
diff --git a/tests/patterns/tor.nim b/tests/patterns/tor.nim
index 7de1a7fa1..833418919 100644
--- a/tests/patterns/tor.nim
+++ b/tests/patterns/tor.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 discard """
-  output: '''110
+  output: '''3060