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-rw-r--r--tests/dir with space/more spaces/mspace.nim1
-rw-r--r--tests/dir with space/tspace.nim4
45 files changed, 1300 insertions, 507 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 85e06112b..9382a194f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ proc enumToString*(enums: openArray[enum]): string =
 - Added `xmltree.toXmlAttributes`.
+- Added `Rusage`, `getrusage`, `wait4` to posix interface.
 ### Library changes
diff --git a/compiler/ast.nim b/compiler/ast.nim
index 24891d6d3..fc470b7a8 100644
--- a/compiler/ast.nim
+++ b/compiler/ast.nim
@@ -1352,7 +1352,6 @@ proc copySym*(s: PSym): PSym =
   result = newSym(s.kind,, s.owner,, s.options)
   #result.ast = nil            # BUGFIX; was: s.ast which made problems
   result.typ = s.typ
- = getID()
   when debugIds: registerId(result)
   result.flags = s.flags
   result.magic = s.magic
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index ed6255004..5bcbcda1c 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ proc binaryStmtAddr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) =
   if d.k != locNone: internalError(p.config,, "binaryStmtAddr")
   initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a)
   initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b)
-  lineCg(p, cpsStmts, frmt, addrLoc(p.config, a), rdLoc(b))
+  lineCg(p, cpsStmts, frmt, byRefLoc(p, a), rdLoc(b))
 proc unaryStmt(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) =
   var a: TLoc
@@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ proc gcUsage(conf: ConfigRef; n: PNode) =
 proc strLoc(p: BProc; d: TLoc): Rope =
   if p.config.selectedGc == gcDestructors:
-    result = addrLoc(p.config, d)
+    result = byRefLoc(p, d)
     result = rdLoc(d)
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ proc genStrAppend(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
                         strLoc(p, dest), rdLoc(a)))
   if p.config.selectedGC == gcDestructors:
     linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#prepareAdd($1, $2$3);$n",
-            addrLoc(p.config, dest), lens, rope(L))
+            byRefLoc(p, dest), lens, rope(L))
     initLoc(call, locCall, e, OnHeap)
     call.r = ropecg(p.module, "#resizeString($1, $2$3)", [rdLoc(dest), lens, rope(L)])
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index 2d9814621..d020b1bd7 100644
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -264,6 +264,12 @@ proc addrLoc(conf: ConfigRef; a: TLoc): Rope =
   if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(conf, a.t) != ctArray:
     result = "(&" & result & ")"
+proc byRefLoc(p: BProc; a: TLoc): Rope =
+  result = a.r
+  if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(p.config, a.t) != ctArray and not
+      p.module.compileToCpp:
+    result = "(&" & result & ")"
 proc rdCharLoc(a: TLoc): Rope =
   # read a location that may need a char-cast:
   result = rdLoc(a)
diff --git a/compiler/destroyer.nim b/compiler/destroyer.nim
index e21d532ea..22ace3634 100644
--- a/compiler/destroyer.nim
+++ b/compiler/destroyer.nim
@@ -244,7 +244,10 @@ proc patchHead(n: PNode) =
 proc patchHead(s: PSym) =
   if sfFromGeneric in s.flags:
-    patchHead(s.ast[bodyPos])
+    # do not patch the builtin type bound operators for seqs:
+    let dest = s.typ.sons[1].skipTypes(abstractVar)
+    if dest.kind != tySequence:
+      patchHead(s.ast[bodyPos])
 proc checkForErrorPragma(c: Con; t: PType; ri: PNode; opname: string) =
   var m = "'" & opname & "' is not available for type <" & typeToString(t) & ">"
@@ -267,7 +270,8 @@ template genOp(opr, opname, ri) =
     globalError(c.graph.config,, "internal error: '" & opname &
       "' operator not found for type " & typeToString(t))
   elif op.ast[genericParamsPos].kind != nkEmpty:
-    globalError(c.graph.config,, "internal error: '" & opname & "' operator is generic")
+    globalError(c.graph.config,, "internal error: '" & opname &
+      "' operator is generic")
   patchHead op
   if sfError in op.flags: checkForErrorPragma(c, t, ri, opname)
   let addrExp = newNodeIT(nkHiddenAddr,, makePtrType(c, dest.typ))
@@ -275,6 +279,12 @@ template genOp(opr, opname, ri) =
   result = newTree(nkCall, newSymNode(op), addrExp)
 proc genSink(c: Con; t: PType; dest, ri: PNode): PNode =
+  when false:
+    if t.kind != tyString:
+      echo "this one ", c.graph.config$, " for ", typeToString(t, preferDesc)
+      debug t.sink.typ.sons[2]
+      echo, " owner ",
+      quit 1
   let t = t.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink})
   genOp(if t.sink != nil: t.sink else: t.assignment, "=sink", ri)
diff --git a/compiler/docgen.nim b/compiler/docgen.nim
index a7f7d77b5..b70561a1d 100644
--- a/compiler/docgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/docgen.nim
@@ -149,14 +149,16 @@ proc newDocumentor*(filename: AbsoluteFile; cache: IdentCache; conf: ConfigRef,
       if filename.len == 0:
         let nameOnly = splitFile(d.filename).name
-        let subdir = getNimcacheDir(conf) / RelativeDir(nameOnly)
-        createDir(subdir)
-        outp = subdir / RelativeFile(nameOnly & "_snippet_" & $ & ".nim")
+        outp = getNimcacheDir(conf) / RelativeDir(nameOnly) /
+               RelativeFile(nameOnly & "_snippet_" & $ & ".nim")
       elif isAbsolute(filename):
-        outp = AbsoluteFile filename
+        outp = AbsoluteFile(filename)
         # Nim's convention: every path is relative to the file it was written in:
-        outp = splitFile(d.filename).dir.AbsoluteDir / RelativeFile(filename)
+        let nameOnly = splitFile(d.filename).name
+        outp = AbsoluteDir(nameOnly) / RelativeFile(filename)
+      # Make sure the destination directory exists
+      createDir(outp.splitFile.dir)
       # Include the current file if we're parsing a nim file
       let importStmt = if d.isPureRst: "" else: "import \"$1\"\n" % [d.filename]
       writeFile(outp, importStmt & content)
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ proc genComment(d: PDoc, n: PNode): string =
   result = ""
   var dummyHasToc: bool
   if n.comment.len > 0:
-    renderRstToOut(d[], parseRst(n.comment, toFilename(d.conf,,
+    renderRstToOut(d[], parseRst(n.comment, toFullPath(d.conf,,
                                toLinenumber(, toColumn(,
                                dummyHasToc, d.options, d.conf), result)
diff --git a/compiler/lambdalifting.nim b/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
index ddde1be31..ba67f0d4e 100644
--- a/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
+++ b/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
@@ -320,17 +320,30 @@ proc getEnvTypeForOwner(c: var DetectionPass; owner: PSym;
     rawAddSon(result, obj)
     c.ownerToType[] = result
+proc getEnvTypeForOwnerUp(c: var DetectionPass; owner: PSym;
+                          info: TLineInfo): PType =
+  var r = c.getEnvTypeForOwner(owner, info)
+  result = newType(tyPtr, owner)
+  rawAddSon(result, r.base)
 proc createUpField(c: var DetectionPass; dest, dep: PSym; info: TLineInfo) =
   let refObj = c.getEnvTypeForOwner(dest, info) # getHiddenParam(dest).typ
   let obj = refObj.lastSon
-  let fieldType = c.getEnvTypeForOwner(dep, info) #getHiddenParam(dep).typ
+  # The assumption here is that gcDestructors means we cannot deal
+  # with cycles properly, so it's better to produce a weak ref (=ptr) here.
+  # This seems to be generally correct but since it's a bit risky it's only
+  # enabled for gcDestructors.
+  let fieldType = if c.graph.config.selectedGc == gcDestructors:
+                    c.getEnvTypeForOwnerUp(dep, info) #getHiddenParam(dep).typ
+                  else:
+                    c.getEnvTypeForOwner(dep, info)
   if refObj == fieldType:
     localError(c.graph.config,, "internal error: invalid up reference computed")
   let upIdent = getIdent(c.graph.cache, upName)
   let upField = lookupInRecord(obj.n, upIdent)
   if upField != nil:
-    if upField.typ != fieldType:
+    if upField.typ.base != fieldType.base:
       localError(c.graph.config,, "internal error: up references do not agree")
     let result = newSym(skField, upIdent, obj.owner,
@@ -555,7 +568,7 @@ proc rawClosureCreation(owner: PSym;
   let upField = lookupInRecord(env.typ.lastSon.n, getIdent(d.graph.cache, upName))
   if upField != nil:
     let up = getUpViaParam(d.graph, owner)
-    if up != nil and upField.typ == up.typ:
+    if up != nil and upField.typ.base == up.typ.base:
       result.add(newAsgnStmt(rawIndirectAccess(env, upField,,
     #elif oldenv != nil and oldenv.typ == upField.typ:
@@ -586,7 +599,7 @@ proc closureCreationForIter(iter: PNode;
   let upField = lookupInRecord(v.typ.lastSon.n, getIdent(d.graph.cache, upName))
   if upField != nil:
     let u = setupEnvVar(owner, d, c)
-    if u.typ == upField.typ:
+    if u.typ.base == upField.typ.base:
       result.add(newAsgnStmt(rawIndirectAccess(vnode, upField,,
diff --git a/compiler/modulepaths.nim b/compiler/modulepaths.nim
index 9e27a2d7d..129f719e2 100644
--- a/compiler/modulepaths.nim
+++ b/compiler/modulepaths.nim
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ proc getModuleName*(conf: ConfigRef; n: PNode): string =
       result =
         pathSubs(conf, n.strVal, toFullPath(conf,
-          .replace(" ")
     except ValueError:
       localError(conf,, "invalid path: " & n.strVal)
       result = n.strVal
diff --git a/compiler/parser.nim b/compiler/parser.nim
index c9626c527..01a3ce4d0 100644
--- a/compiler/parser.nim
+++ b/compiler/parser.nim
@@ -724,6 +724,14 @@ const
   tkTypeClasses = {tkRef, tkPtr, tkVar, tkStatic, tkType,
                    tkEnum, tkTuple, tkObject, tkProc}
+proc commandExpr(p: var TParser; r: PNode; mode: TPrimaryMode): PNode =
+  result = newNodeP(nkCommand, p)
+  addSon(result, r)
+  var isFirstParam = true
+  # progress NOT guaranteed
+  p.hasProgress = false
+  addSon result, commandParam(p, isFirstParam, mode)
 proc primarySuffix(p: var TParser, r: PNode,
                    baseIndent: int, mode: TPrimaryMode): PNode =
   #| primarySuffix = '(' (exprColonEqExpr comma?)* ')' doBlocks?
@@ -734,8 +742,6 @@ proc primarySuffix(p: var TParser, r: PNode,
   #|       | &( '`'|IDENT|literal|'cast'|'addr'|'type') expr # command syntax
   result = r
-  template somePar() =
-    if p.tok.strongSpaceA > 0: break
   # progress guaranteed
   while p.tok.indent < 0 or
        (p.tok.tokType == tkDot and p.tok.indent >= baseIndent):
@@ -749,6 +755,8 @@ proc primarySuffix(p: var TParser, r: PNode,
           result = newNodeP(nkCommand, p)
           result.addSon r
           result.addSon primary(p, pmNormal)
+        else:
+          result = commandExpr(p, result, mode)
       result = namedParams(p, result, nkCall, tkParRi)
       if result.len > 1 and result.sons[1].kind == nkExprColonExpr:
@@ -759,39 +767,27 @@ proc primarySuffix(p: var TParser, r: PNode,
       result = parseGStrLit(p, result)
     of tkBracketLe:
       # progress guaranteed
-      somePar()
+      if p.tok.strongSpaceA > 0:
+        result = commandExpr(p, result, mode)
+        break
       result = namedParams(p, result, nkBracketExpr, tkBracketRi)
     of tkCurlyLe:
       # progress guaranteed
-      somePar()
+      if p.tok.strongSpaceA > 0:
+        result = commandExpr(p, result, mode)
+        break
       result = namedParams(p, result, nkCurlyExpr, tkCurlyRi)
     of tkSymbol, tkAccent, tkIntLit..tkCharLit, tkNil, tkCast,
        tkOpr, tkDotDot, tkTypeClasses - {tkRef, tkPtr}:
-        # XXX: In type sections we allow the free application of the
-        # command syntax, with the exception of expressions such as
-        # `foo ref` or `foo ptr`. Unfortunately, these two are also
-        # used as infix operators for the memory regions feature and
-        # the current parsing rules don't play well here.
+      # XXX: In type sections we allow the free application of the
+      # command syntax, with the exception of expressions such as
+      # `foo ref` or `foo ptr`. Unfortunately, these two are also
+      # used as infix operators for the memory regions feature and
+      # the current parsing rules don't play well here.
       if p.inPragma == 0 and (isUnary(p) or p.tok.tokType notin {tkOpr, tkDotDot}):
         # actually parsing {.push hints:off.} as {.push(hints:off).} is a sweet
         # solution, but pragmas.nim can't handle that
-        let a = result
-        result = newNodeP(nkCommand, p)
-        addSon(result, a)
-        var isFirstParam = true
-        when true:
-          # progress NOT guaranteed
-          p.hasProgress = false
-          addSon result, commandParam(p, isFirstParam, mode)
-          if not p.hasProgress: break
-        else:
-          while p.tok.tokType != tkEof:
-            let x = parseExpr(p)
-            addSon(result, x)
-            if p.tok.tokType != tkComma: break
-            getTok(p)
-            optInd(p, x)
-          result = postExprBlocks(p, result)
+        result = commandExpr(p, result, mode)
diff --git a/compiler/semasgn.nim b/compiler/semasgn.nim
index 9f1ef313b..41b0879e6 100644
--- a/compiler/semasgn.nim
+++ b/compiler/semasgn.nim
@@ -316,6 +316,11 @@ proc liftBody(g: ModuleGraph; typ: PType; kind: TTypeAttachedOp;
               info: TLineInfo): PSym =
   if typ.kind == tyDistinct:
     return liftBodyDistinctType(g, typ, kind, info)
+  when false:
+    var typ = typ
+    if c.config.selectedGC == gcDestructors and typ.kind == tySequence:
+      # use the canonical type to access the =sink and =destroy etc.
+      typ = c.graph.sysTypes[tySequence]
   var a: TLiftCtx = info
diff --git a/compiler/semstmts.nim b/compiler/semstmts.nim
index 5e9d5d9c5..f1778e816 100644
--- a/compiler/semstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/semstmts.nim
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ proc semIf(c: PContext, n: PNode; flags: TExprFlags): PNode =
     else: illFormedAst(it, c.config)
   if isEmptyType(typ) or typ.kind in {tyNil, tyExpr} or
       (not hasElse and efInTypeof notin flags):
-    for it in n: 
+    for it in n:
       it.sons[^1] = discardCheck(c, it.sons[^1], flags)
     result.kind = nkIfStmt
     # propagate any enforced VoidContext:
@@ -1563,6 +1563,7 @@ proc semOverride(c: PContext, s: PSym, n: PNode) =
       if obj.kind in {tyObject, tyDistinct, tySequence, tyString} and sameType(obj, objB):
         # attach these ops to the canonical tySequence
         obj = canonType(c, obj)
+        #echo "ATTACHING TO ",, " ",, " ", cast[int](obj)
         let opr = if == "=": addr(obj.assignment) else: addr(obj.sink)
         if opr[].isNil:
           opr[] = s
diff --git a/compiler/semtypes.nim b/compiler/semtypes.nim
index fbf363834..744746323 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypes.nim
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ proc semProcTypeNode(c: PContext, n, genericParams: PNode,
     # compiler only checks for 'nil':
     if skipTypes(r, {tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink}).kind != tyVoid:
       if kind notin {skMacro, skTemplate} and r.kind in {tyStmt, tyExpr}:
-        localError(c.config, n.sons[0].info, "return type '" & typeToString(r) & 
+        localError(c.config, n.sons[0].info, "return type '" & typeToString(r) &
             "' is only valid for macros and templates")
       # 'auto' as a return type does not imply a generic:
       elif r.kind == tyAnything:
@@ -1577,11 +1577,16 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
         assert s != nil
         assert prev == nil
         result = copyType(s, s.owner, keepId=false)
-        # XXX figure out why this has children already...
+        # Remove the 'T' parameter from tySequence:
         result.sons.setLen 0
         result.n = nil
         result.flags = {tfHasAsgn}
         semContainerArg(c, n, "seq", result)
+        if result.len > 0:
+          var base = result[0]
+          if base.kind in {tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink}: base = lastSon(base)
+          if base.kind != tyGenericParam:
+            c.typesWithOps.add((result, result))
         result = semContainer(c, n, tySequence, "seq", prev)
         if c.config.selectedGc == gcDestructors:
@@ -1714,11 +1719,9 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
     result = newOrPrevType(tyError, prev, c)
   n.typ = result
   dec c.inTypeContext
-  if c.inTypeContext == 0: instAllTypeBoundOp(c,
-when false:
-  proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
-    result = semTypeNodeInner(c, n, prev)
+  if c.inTypeContext == 0:
+    #if $n == "var seq[StackTraceEntry]":
+    #  echo "begin ", n
 proc setMagicType(conf: ConfigRef; m: PSym, kind: TTypeKind, size: int) =
diff --git a/compiler/semtypinst.nim b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
index 027ffd4aa..ebe822cdf 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypinst.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
@@ -297,12 +297,6 @@ proc instCopyType*(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
       #result.destructor = nil
       result.sink = nil
-template typeBound(c, newty, oldty, field, info) =
-  let opr = newty.field
-  if opr != nil and sfFromGeneric notin opr.flags:
-    # '=' needs to be instantiated for generics when the type is constructed:
-    newty.field = c.instTypeBoundOp(c, opr, oldty, info, attachedAsgn, 1)
 proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   # tyGenericInvocation[A, tyGenericInvocation[A, B]]
   # is difficult to handle:
@@ -317,7 +311,10 @@ proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
     result = searchInstTypes(t)
-  if result != nil and eqFlags*result.flags == eqFlags*t.flags: return
+  if result != nil and eqFlags*result.flags == eqFlags*t.flags:
+    when defined(reportCacheHits):
+      echo "Generic instantiation cached ", typeToString(result), " for ", typeToString(t)
+    return
   for i in countup(1, sonsLen(t) - 1):
     var x = t.sons[i]
     if x.kind in {tyGenericParam}:
@@ -332,7 +329,11 @@ proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   if header != t:
     # search again after first pass:
     result = searchInstTypes(header)
-    if result != nil and eqFlags*result.flags == eqFlags*t.flags: return
+    if result != nil and eqFlags*result.flags == eqFlags*t.flags:
+      when defined(reportCacheHits):
+        echo "Generic instantiation cached ", typeToString(result), " for ",
+          typeToString(t), " header ", typeToString(header)
+      return
     header = instCopyType(cl, t)
@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   rawAddSon(result, newbody)
   checkPartialConstructedType(cl.c.config,, newbody)
   let dc = newbody.deepCopy
-  if cl.allowMetaTypes == false:
+  if not cl.allowMetaTypes:
     if dc != nil and sfFromGeneric notin newbody.deepCopy.flags:
       # 'deepCopy' needs to be instantiated for
       # generics *when the type is constructed*:
@@ -402,6 +403,11 @@ proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
           newbody.lastSon.typeInst = result
+    # DESTROY: adding object|opt for opt[topttree.Tree]
+    # sigmatch: Formal opt[=destroy.T] real opt[topttree.Tree]
+    # adding myseq for myseq[]
+    # sigmatch: Formal myseq[=destroy.T] real myseq[]
+    #echo "DESTROY: adding ", typeToString(newbody), " for ", typeToString(result, preferDesc)
     cl.c.typesWithOps.add((newbody, result))
     let mm = skipTypes(bbody, abstractPtrs)
     if tfFromGeneric notin mm.flags:
@@ -432,7 +438,7 @@ proc eraseVoidParams*(t: PType) =
           inc pos
       setLen t.sons, pos
       setLen t.n.sons, pos
-      return
+      break
 proc skipIntLiteralParams*(t: PType) =
   for i in 0 ..< t.sonsLen:
@@ -561,9 +567,7 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsTAux(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
       for i in countup(0, sonsLen(result) - 1):
         if result.sons[i] != nil:
           if result.sons[i].kind == tyGenericBody:
-            localError(
-              cl.c.config,
-    ,
+            localError(cl.c.config,,
               "cannot instantiate '" &
               typeToString(result.sons[i], preferDesc) &
               "' inside of type definition: '" &
@@ -603,6 +607,13 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsTAux(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
         result.size = -1
         result.n = replaceObjBranches(cl, result.n)
+template typeBound(c, newty, oldty, field, info) =
+  let opr = newty.field
+  if opr != nil and sfFromGeneric notin opr.flags:
+    # '=' needs to be instantiated for generics when the type is constructed:
+    #echo "DESTROY: instantiating ", astToStr(field), " for ", typeToString(oldty)
+    newty.field = c.instTypeBoundOp(c, opr, oldty, info, attachedAsgn, 1)
 proc instAllTypeBoundOp*(c: PContext, info: TLineInfo) =
   var i = 0
   while i < c.typesWithOps.len:
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index fa4ab3703..3eaac06e5 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -2505,6 +2505,11 @@ proc instTypeBoundOp*(c: PContext; dc: PSym; t: PType; info: TLineInfo;
     if f.kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}: f = f.lastSon
     if f.kind == tyVar: f = f.lastSon
+  #if c.config.selectedGC == gcDestructors and f.kind == tySequence:
+  # use the canonical type to access the =sink and =destroy etc.
+  #  f = c.graph.sysTypes[tySequence]
+  #echo "YUP_---------Formal ", typeToString(f, preferDesc), " real ", typeToString(t, preferDesc), " ",, " ",
   if typeRel(m, f, t) == isNone:
     localError(c.config, info, "cannot instantiate: '" & & "'")
diff --git a/config/nim.cfg b/config/nim.cfg
index 2a118c5cf..c3e0823b6 100644
--- a/config/nim.cfg
+++ b/config/nim.cfg
@@ -290,13 +290,16 @@ tcc.options.always = "-w"
 # Configuration for the Genode toolchain
 @if genode:
+  noCppExceptions # avoid std C++
+  tlsEmulation:on # no TLS segment register magic
   gcc.path = "/usr/local/genode-gcc/bin"
-  gcc.cpp.options.always = "-D__GENODE__ -fno-stack-protector"
   @if i386 or amd64:
     gcc.exe = "genode-x86-gcc"
     gcc.cpp.exe = "genode-x86-g++"
+    gcc.cpp.linkerexe = "genode-x86-ld"
   @elif arm:
     gcc.exe = "genode-arm-gcc"
     gcc.cpp.exe = "genode-arm-g++"
+    gcc.cpp.linkerexe = "genode-arm-ld"
diff --git a/doc/manual.rst b/doc/manual.rst
index 09265d3c8..170f0d550 100644
--- a/doc/manual.rst
+++ b/doc/manual.rst
@@ -285,6 +285,10 @@ Another advantage is that it frees the programmer from remembering
 the exact spelling of an identifier. The exception with respect to the first
 letter allows common code like ``var foo: Foo`` to be parsed unambiguously.
+Note that this rule also applies to keywords, meaning that ``notin`` is
+the same as ``notIn`` and ``not_in`` (all-lowercase version (``notin``, ``isnot``)
+is the preferred way of writing keywords).
 Historically, Nim was a fully `style-insensitive`:idx: language. This meant that
 it was not case-sensitive and underscores were ignored and there was not even a
 distinction between ``foo`` and ``Foo``.
diff --git a/doc/regexprs.txt b/doc/regexprs.txt
index 5c6d37e89..83dbd2eeb 100644
--- a/doc/regexprs.txt
+++ b/doc/regexprs.txt
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ meta character     meaning
 ``|``              start of alternative branch
 ``(``              start subpattern
 ``)``              end subpattern
-``?``              extends the meaning of ``(``
-                   also 0 or 1 quantifier
-                   also quantifier minimizer
-``*``              0 or more quantifier
-``+``              1 or more quantifier
-                   also "possessive quantifier"
 ``{``              start min/max quantifier
+``?``              extends the meaning of ``(``
+                   | also 0 or 1 quantifier (equal to ``{0,1}``)
+                   | also quantifier minimizer
+``*``              0 or more quantifier (equal to ``{0,}``)
+``+``              1 or more quantifier (equal to ``{1,}``)
+                   | also "possessive quantifier"
 ==============     ============================================================
diff --git a/lib/core/seqs.nim b/lib/core/seqs.nim
index 977b23b26..1a81b89ea 100644
--- a/lib/core/seqs.nim
+++ b/lib/core/seqs.nim
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ proc supportsCopyMem(t: typedesc): bool {.magic: "TypeTrait".}
 ## Default seq implementation used by Nim's core.
-  NimSeqPayload {.core.}[T] = object
+  NimSeqPayload[T] = object
     cap: int
     region: Allocator
     data: UncheckedArray[T]
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ proc `=destroy`[T](s: var seq[T]) =
   var x = cast[ptr NimSeqV2[T]](addr s)
   var p = x.p
   if p != nil:
+    mixin `=destroy`
     when not supportsCopyMem(T):
       for i in 0..<x.len: `=destroy`([i])
     p.region.dealloc(p.region, p, payloadSize(p.cap))
@@ -47,11 +48,12 @@ proc `=destroy`[T](s: var seq[T]) =
     x.len = 0
 proc `=`[T](x: var seq[T]; y: seq[T]) =
+  mixin `=destroy`
   var a = cast[ptr NimSeqV2[T]](addr x)
   var b = cast[ptr NimSeqV2[T]](unsafeAddr y)
   if a.p == b.p: return
-  `=destroy`(a)
+  `=destroy`(x)
   a.len = b.len
   if b.p != nil:
     a.p = cast[type(a.p)](alloc(payloadSize(a.len)))
@@ -63,10 +65,11 @@ proc `=`[T](x: var seq[T]; y: seq[T]) =[i] =[i]
 proc `=sink`[T](x: var seq[T]; y: seq[T]) =
+  mixin `=destroy`
   var a = cast[ptr NimSeqV2[T]](addr x)
   var b = cast[ptr NimSeqV2[T]](unsafeAddr y)
   if a.p != nil and a.p != b.p:
-    `=destroy`(a)
+    `=destroy`(x)
   a.len = b.len
   a.p = b.p
@@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ proc prepareSeqAdd(len: int; p: pointer; addlen, elemSize: int): pointer {.
       result = q
 proc shrink*[T](x: var seq[T]; newLen: Natural) =
+  mixin `=destroy`
   sysAssert newLen <= x.len, "invalid newLen parameter for 'shrink'"
   when not supportsCopyMem(T):
     for i in countdown(x.len - 1, newLen - 1):
diff --git a/lib/core/strs.nim b/lib/core/strs.nim
index 186add52a..ccbde76fe 100644
--- a/lib/core/strs.nim
+++ b/lib/core/strs.nim
@@ -51,15 +51,12 @@ proc `=destroy`(s: var string) =
   a.len = 0
   a.p = nil
-template lose(a) =
-  frees(a)
 proc `=sink`(x: var string, y: string) =
   var a = cast[ptr NimStringV2](addr x)
   var b = cast[ptr NimStringV2](unsafeAddr y)
   # we hope this is optimized away for not yet alive objects:
   if unlikely(a.p == b.p): return
-  lose(a)
+  frees(a)
   a.len = b.len
   a.p = b.p
@@ -67,13 +64,13 @@ proc `=`(x: var string, y: string) =
   var a = cast[ptr NimStringV2](addr x)
   var b = cast[ptr NimStringV2](unsafeAddr y)
   if unlikely(a.p == b.p): return
-  lose(a)
+  frees(a)
   a.len = b.len
   if isLiteral(b):
     # we can shallow copy literals:
     a.p = b.p
-    let region = if a.p.region != nil: a.p.region else: getLocalAllocator()
+    let region = if a.p != nil and a.p.region != nil: a.p.region else: getLocalAllocator()
     # we have to allocate the 'cap' here, consider
     # 'let y = newStringOfCap(); var x = y'
     # on the other hand... These get turned into moves now.
@@ -136,6 +133,7 @@ proc appendString(dest: var NimStringV2; src: NimStringV2) {.compilerproc, inlin
   if src.len > 0:
     # also copy the \0 terminator:
     copyMem(unsafeAddr[dest.len], unsafeAddr[0], src.len+1)
+    inc dest.len, src.len
 proc appendChar(dest: var NimStringV2; c: char) {.compilerproc, inline.} =[dest.len] = c
@@ -166,7 +164,6 @@ proc mnewString(len: int): NimStringV2 {.compilerProc.} =
 proc setLengthStrV2(s: var NimStringV2, newLen: int) {.compilerRtl.} =
   if newLen > s.len:
     prepareAdd(s, newLen - s.len)
-  else:
-    s.len = newLen
-    # this also only works because the destructor
-    # looks at s.p and not s.len
+  s.len = newLen
+  # this also only works because the destructor
+  # looks at s.p and not s.len
diff --git a/lib/impure/rdstdin.nim b/lib/impure/rdstdin.nim
index 54bab82f0..ac38addba 100644
--- a/lib/impure/rdstdin.nim
+++ b/lib/impure/rdstdin.nim
@@ -73,6 +73,15 @@ when defined(Windows):
          discard readConsoleInputW(hStdin, irInputRecord, 1, dwEventsRead)
          return result
+elif defined(genode):
+  proc readLineFromStdin*(prompt: string): TaintedString {.
+                          tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].} =
+    stdin.readLine()
+  proc readLineFromStdin*(prompt: string, line: var TaintedString): bool {.
+                          tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].} =
+    stdin.readLine(line)
   import linenoise, termios
diff --git a/lib/posix/posix.nim b/lib/posix/posix.nim
index 175f6a61d..800188b8f 100644
--- a/lib/posix/posix.nim
+++ b/lib/posix/posix.nim
@@ -663,6 +663,26 @@ proc waitid*(a1: cint, a2: Id, a3: var SigInfo, a4: cint): cint {.
 proc waitpid*(a1: Pid, a2: var cint, a3: cint): Pid {.
   importc, header: "<sys/wait.h>".}
+type Rusage* {.importc: "struct rusage", header: "<sys/resource.h>",
+               bycopy.} = object
+  ru_utime*, ru_stime*: Timeval                       # User and system time
+  ru_maxrss*, ru_ixrss*, ru_idrss*, ru_isrss*,        # memory sizes
+    ru_minflt*, ru_majflt*, ru_nswap*,                # paging activity
+    ru_inblock*, ru_oublock*, ru_msgsnd*, ru_msgrcv*, # IO activity
+    ru_nsignals*, ru_nvcsw*, ru_nivcsw*: clong        # switching activity
+proc wait4*(pid: Pid, status: ptr cint, options: cint, rusage: ptr Rusage): Pid
+  {.importc, header: "<sys/wait.h>".}
+  RUSAGE_SELF* = cint(0)
+  RUSAGE_CHILDREN* = cint(-1)
+  RUSAGE_THREAD* = cint(1)    # This one is less std; Linux, BSD agree though.
+# This can only fail if `who` is invalid or `rusage` ptr is invalid.
+proc getrusage*(who: cint, rusage: ptr Rusage): cint
+  {.importc, header: "<sys/resource.h>", discardable.}
 proc bsd_signal*(a1: cint, a2: proc (x: pointer) {.noconv.}) {.
   importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
 proc kill*(a1: Pid, a2: cint): cint {.importc, header: "<signal.h>".}
diff --git a/lib/pure/distros.nim b/lib/pure/distros.nim
index 0f1ffb1ab..4c531a779 100644
--- a/lib/pure/distros.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/distros.nim
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ proc foreignDepInstallCmd*(foreignPackageName: string): (string, bool) =
   elif defined(haiku):
     result = ("pkgman install " & p, true)
-    result = ("brew install " & p, false)
+    result = ("brew install " & p, true)
 proc foreignDep*(foreignPackageName: string) =
   ## Registers 'foreignPackageName' to the internal list of foreign deps.
diff --git a/lib/pure/fenv.nim b/lib/pure/fenv.nim
index 0725973ca..ab47da08e 100644
--- a/lib/pure/fenv.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/fenv.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 {.deadCodeElim: on.}  # dce option deprecated
-when defined(Posix):
+when defined(Posix) and not defined(genode):
   {.passl: "-lm".}
diff --git a/lib/pure/includes/osenv.nim b/lib/pure/includes/osenv.nim
index 945555540..f9c076158 100644
--- a/lib/pure/includes/osenv.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/includes/osenv.nim
@@ -102,9 +102,18 @@ proc findEnvVar(key: string): int =
 proc getEnv*(key: string, default = ""): TaintedString {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
   ## Returns the value of the `environment variable`:idx: named `key`.
-  ## If the variable does not exist, "" is returned. To distinguish
-  ## whether a variable exists or it's value is just "", call
-  ## `existsEnv(key)`.
+  ## If the variable does not exist, `""` is returned. To distinguish
+  ## whether a variable exists or it's value is just `""`, call
+  ## `existsEnv(key) proc <#existsEnv,string>`_.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `existsEnv proc <#existsEnv,string>`_
+  ## * `putEnv proc <#putEnv,string,string>`_
+  ## * `envPairs iterator <#envPairs.i>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert getEnv("unknownEnv") == ""
+    assert getEnv("unknownEnv", "doesn't exist") == "doesn't exist"
   when nimvm:
     discard "built into the compiler"
@@ -119,6 +128,14 @@ proc getEnv*(key: string, default = ""): TaintedString {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].}
 proc existsEnv*(key: string): bool {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
   ## Checks whether the environment variable named `key` exists.
   ## Returns true if it exists, false otherwise.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getEnv proc <#getEnv,string,string>`_
+  ## * `putEnv proc <#putEnv,string,string>`_
+  ## * `envPairs iterator <#envPairs.i>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert not existsEnv("unknownEnv")
   when nimvm:
     discard "built into the compiler"
@@ -127,7 +144,12 @@ proc existsEnv*(key: string): bool {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
 proc putEnv*(key, val: string) {.tags: [WriteEnvEffect].} =
   ## Sets the value of the `environment variable`:idx: named `key` to `val`.
-  ## If an error occurs, `EInvalidEnvVar` is raised.
+  ## If an error occurs, `OSError` is raised.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getEnv proc <#getEnv,string,string>`_
+  ## * `existsEnv proc <#existsEnv,string>`_
+  ## * `envPairs iterator <#envPairs.i>`_
   # Note: by storing the string in the environment sequence,
   # we guarantee that we don't free the memory before the program
@@ -154,9 +176,15 @@ proc putEnv*(key, val: string) {.tags: [WriteEnvEffect].} =
 iterator envPairs*(): tuple[key, value: TaintedString] {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
-  ## Iterate over all `environments variables`:idx:. In the first component
-  ## of the tuple is the name of the current variable stored, in the second
-  ## its value.
+  ## Iterate over all `environments variables`:idx:.
+  ##
+  ## In the first component of the tuple is the name of the current variable stored,
+  ## in the second its value.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getEnv proc <#getEnv,string,string>`_
+  ## * `existsEnv proc <#existsEnv,string>`_
+  ## * `putEnv proc <#putEnv,string,string>`_
   for i in 0..high(environment):
     var p = find(environment[i], '=')
diff --git a/lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim b/lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim
index db7d84c1e..25e221d3b 100644
--- a/lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ proc `$`*(err: OSErrorCode): string {.borrow.}
 proc osErrorMsg*(errorCode: OSErrorCode): string =
   ## Converts an OS error code into a human readable string.
-  ## The error code can be retrieved using the ``osLastError`` proc.
+  ## The error code can be retrieved using the `osLastError proc <#osLastError>`_.
   ## If conversion fails, or ``errorCode`` is ``0`` then ``""`` will be
   ## returned.
@@ -26,6 +26,16 @@ proc osErrorMsg*(errorCode: OSErrorCode): string =
   ## On Windows, the ``-d:useWinAnsi`` compilation flag can be used to
   ## make this procedure use the non-unicode Win API calls to retrieve the
   ## message.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `raiseOSError proc <#raiseOSError,OSErrorCode,string>`_
+  ## * `osLastError proc <#osLastError>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    when defined(posix):
+      assert osErrorMsg(OSErrorCode(0)) == ""
+      assert osErrorMsg(OSErrorCode(1)) == "Operation not permitted"
+      assert osErrorMsg(OSErrorCode(2)) == "No such file or directory"
   result = ""
   when defined(nimscript):
@@ -48,13 +58,21 @@ proc osErrorMsg*(errorCode: OSErrorCode): string =
       result = $c_strerror(errorCode.int32)
 proc raiseOSError*(errorCode: OSErrorCode; additionalInfo = "") {.noinline.} =
-  ## Raises an ``OSError`` exception. The ``errorCode`` will determine the
-  ## message, ``osErrorMsg`` will be used to get this message.
+  ## Raises an `OSError exception <system.html#OSError>`_.
+  ##
+  ## The ``errorCode`` will determine the
+  ## message, `osErrorMsg proc <#osErrorMsg,OSErrorCode>`_ will be used
+  ## to get this message.
-  ## The error code can be retrieved using the ``osLastError`` proc.
+  ## The error code can be retrieved using the `osLastError proc
+  ## <#osLastError>`_.
   ## If the error code is ``0`` or an error message could not be retrieved,
   ## the message ``unknown OS error`` will be used.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `osErrorMsg proc <#osErrorMsg,OSErrorCode>`_
+  ## * `osLastError proc <#osLastError>`_
   var e: ref OSError; new(e)
   e.errorCode = errorCode.int32
   e.msg = osErrorMsg(errorCode)
@@ -80,6 +98,10 @@ proc osLastError*(): OSErrorCode {.sideEffect.} =
   ## On Windows some OS calls can reset the error code to ``0`` causing this
   ## procedure to return ``0``. It is therefore advised to call this procedure
   ## immediately after an OS call fails. On POSIX systems this is not a problem.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `osErrorMsg proc <#osErrorMsg,OSErrorCode>`_
+  ## * `raiseOSError proc <#raiseOSError,OSErrorCode,string>`_
   when defined(nimscript):
   elif defined(windows):
diff --git a/lib/pure/includes/osseps.nim b/lib/pure/includes/osseps.nim
index 944ad123e..859722f6a 100644
--- a/lib/pure/includes/osseps.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/includes/osseps.nim
@@ -7,44 +7,44 @@ const
 when defined(Nimdoc): # only for proper documentation:
     CurDir* = '.'
-      ## The constant string used by the operating system to refer to the
+      ## The constant character used by the operating system to refer to the
       ## current directory.
-      ## For example: '.' for POSIX or ':' for the classic Macintosh.
+      ## For example: `'.'` for POSIX or `':'` for the classic Macintosh.
     ParDir* = ".."
       ## The constant string used by the operating system to refer to the
       ## parent directory.
-      ## For example: ".." for POSIX or "::" for the classic Macintosh.
+      ## For example: `".."` for POSIX or `"::"` for the classic Macintosh.
     DirSep* = '/'
       ## The character used by the operating system to separate pathname
-      ## components, for example, '/' for POSIX or ':' for the classic
-      ## Macintosh.
+      ## components, for example: `'/'` for POSIX, `':'` for the classic
+      ## Macintosh, and `'\\'` on Windows.
     AltSep* = '/'
       ## An alternative character used by the operating system to separate
-      ## pathname components, or the same as `DirSep` if only one separator
-      ## character exists. This is set to '/' on Windows systems
-      ## where `DirSep` is a backslash.
+      ## pathname components, or the same as `DirSep <#DirSep>`_ if only one separator
+      ## character exists. This is set to `'/'` on Windows systems
+      ## where `DirSep <#DirSep>`_ is a backslash (`'\\'`).
     PathSep* = ':'
       ## The character conventionally used by the operating system to separate
-      ## search patch components (as in PATH), such as ':' for POSIX
-      ## or ';' for Windows.
+      ## search patch components (as in PATH), such as `':'` for POSIX
+      ## or `';'` for Windows.
     FileSystemCaseSensitive* = true
-      ## true if the file system is case sensitive, false otherwise. Used by
-      ## `cmpPaths` to compare filenames properly.
+      ## True if the file system is case sensitive, false otherwise. Used by
+      ## `cmpPaths proc <#cmpPaths,string,string>`_ to compare filenames properly.
     ExeExt* = ""
       ## The file extension of native executables. For example:
-      ## "" for POSIX, "exe" on Windows.
+      ## `""` for POSIX, `"exe"` on Windows (without a dot).
     ScriptExt* = ""
-      ## The file extension of a script file. For example: "" for POSIX,
-      ## "bat" on Windows.
+      ## The file extension of a script file. For example: `""` for POSIX,
+      ## `"bat"` on Windows.
     DynlibFormat* = "lib$"
       ## The format string to turn a filename into a `DLL`:idx: file (also
@@ -127,4 +127,4 @@ else: # UNIX-like operating system
   ExtSep* = '.'
     ## The character which separates the base filename from the extension;
-    ## for example, the '.' in ``os.nim``.
+    ## for example, the `'.'` in ``os.nim``.
diff --git a/lib/pure/json.nim b/lib/pure/json.nim
index ffb8f4f35..176da1d9d 100644
--- a/lib/pure/json.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/json.nim
@@ -130,9 +130,9 @@
 ##       { "name": "Susan", "age": herAge }
 ##     ]
-##    var j2 = %* {"name": "Isaac", "books": ["Robot Dreams"]}
-##    j2["details"] = %* {"age":35, "pi":3.1415}
-##    echo j2
+##   var j2 = %* {"name": "Isaac", "books": ["Robot Dreams"]}
+##   j2["details"] = %* {"age":35, "pi":3.1415}
+##   echo j2
   ## Note: for JObject, key ordering is preserved, unlike in some languages,
@@ -708,6 +708,22 @@ proc toPretty(result: var string, node: JsonNode, indent = 2, ml = true,
 proc pretty*(node: JsonNode, indent = 2): string =
   ## Returns a JSON Representation of `node`, with indentation and
   ## on multiple lines.
+  ##
+  ## Similar to prettyprint in Python.
+  runnableExamples:
+    let j = %* {"name": "Isaac", "books": ["Robot Dreams"],
+                "details": {"age":35, "pi":3.1415}}
+    doAssert pretty(j) == """
+  "name": "Isaac",
+  "books": [
+    "Robot Dreams"
+  ],
+  "details": {
+    "age": 35,
+    "pi": 3.1415
+  }
   result = ""
   toPretty(result, node, indent)
diff --git a/lib/pure/math.nim b/lib/pure/math.nim
index 460be1cd0..526ddbbb2 100644
--- a/lib/pure/math.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/math.nim
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ proc fac*(n: int): int =
 {.push checks:off, line_dir:off, stack_trace:off.}
-when defined(Posix):
+when defined(Posix) and not defined(genode):
   {.passl: "-lm".}
diff --git a/lib/pure/net.nim b/lib/pure/net.nim
index a5bdf3ce6..43284f872 100644
--- a/lib/pure/net.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/net.nim
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ proc recvFrom*(socket: Socket, data: var string, length: int,
   if result != -1:
-    address = $inet_ntoa(sockAddress.sin_addr)
+    address = getAddrString(cast[ptr SockAddr](addr(sockAddress)))
     port = ntohs(sockAddress.sin_port).Port
diff --git a/lib/pure/oids.nim b/lib/pure/oids.nim
index d6369b5f9..3aee3941d 100644
--- a/lib/pure/oids.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/oids.nim
@@ -60,23 +60,21 @@ proc `$`*(oid: Oid): string =
   result = newString(24)
   oidToString(oid, result)
+proc rand(): cint {.importc: "rand", header: "<stdlib.h>", nodecl.}
+proc srand(seed: cint) {.importc: "srand", header: "<stdlib.h>", nodecl.}
+var t = getTime().toUnix.int32
-  incr: int
-  fuzz: int32
+  incr: int = rand()
+  fuzz: int32 = rand()
 proc genOid*(): Oid =
   ## generates a new OID.
-  proc rand(): cint {.importc: "rand", header: "<stdlib.h>", nodecl.}
-  proc srand(seed: cint) {.importc: "srand", header: "<stdlib.h>", nodecl.}
-  var t = getTime().toUnix.int32
+  t = getTime().toUnix.int32
   var i = int32(atomicInc(incr))
-  if fuzz == 0:
-    # racy, but fine semantically:
-    srand(t)
-    fuzz = rand()
   bigEndian32(addr result.time, addr(t))
   result.fuzz = fuzz
   bigEndian32(addr result.count, addr(i))
diff --git a/lib/pure/os.nim b/lib/pure/os.nim
index 181bc5728..53bf880b6 100644
--- a/lib/pure/os.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/os.nim
@@ -10,6 +10,36 @@
 ## This module contains basic operating system facilities like
 ## retrieving environment variables, reading command line arguments,
 ## working with directories, running shell commands, etc.
+## .. code-block::
+##   import os
+##   let myFile = "/path/to/my/file.nim"
+##   let splittedPath = splitPath(myFile)
+##   assert splittedPath.head == "/path/to/my"
+##   assert splittedPath.tail == "file.nim"
+##   assert parentDir(myFile) == "/path/to/my"
+##   let splittedFile = splitFile(myFile)
+##   assert splittedFile.dir == "/path/to/my"
+##   assert == "file"
+##   assert splittedFile.ext == ".nim"
+##   assert myFile.changeFileExt("c") == "/path/to/my/file.c"
+## **See also:**
+## * `osproc module <osproc.html>`_ for process communication beyond
+##   `execShellCmd proc <#execShellCmd,string>`_
+## * `parseopt module <parseopt.html>`_ for command-line parser beyond
+##   `parseCmdLine proc <#parseCmdLine,string>`_
+## * `distros module <distros.html>`_
+## * `dynlib module <dynlib.html>`_
+## * `streams module <streams.html>`_
 {.deadCodeElim: on.}  # dce option deprecated
 {.push debugger: off.}
@@ -39,24 +69,24 @@ else:
   {.pragma: noNimScript.}
-  ReadEnvEffect* = object of ReadIOEffect   ## effect that denotes a read
-                                            ## from an environment variable
-  WriteEnvEffect* = object of WriteIOEffect ## effect that denotes a write
-                                            ## to an environment variable
+  ReadEnvEffect* = object of ReadIOEffect   ## Effect that denotes a read
+                                            ## from an environment variable.
+  WriteEnvEffect* = object of WriteIOEffect ## Effect that denotes a write
+                                            ## to an environment variable.
-  ReadDirEffect* = object of ReadIOEffect   ## effect that denotes a read
+  ReadDirEffect* = object of ReadIOEffect   ## Effect that denotes a read
                                             ## operation from the directory
-                                            ## structure
-  WriteDirEffect* = object of WriteIOEffect ## effect that denotes a write
+                                            ## structure.
+  WriteDirEffect* = object of WriteIOEffect ## Effect that denotes a write
                                             ## operation to
-                                            ## the directory structure
+                                            ## the directory structure.
   OSErrorCode* = distinct int32 ## Specifies an OS Error Code.
 include "includes/osseps"
 proc normalizePathEnd(path: var string, trailingSep = false) =
-  ## ensures ``path`` has exactly 0 or 1 trailing `DirSep`, depending on
+  ## Ensures ``path`` has exactly 0 or 1 trailing `DirSep`, depending on
   ## ``trailingSep``, and taking care of edge cases: it preservers whether
   ## a path is absolute or relative, and makes sure trailing sep is `DirSep`,
   ## not `AltSep`.
@@ -83,27 +113,24 @@ proc joinPath*(head, tail: string): string {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
   ## Joins two directory names to one.
-  ## For example on Unix:
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   joinPath("usr", "lib")
-  ##
-  ## results in:
+  ## If `head` is the empty string, `tail` is returned. If `tail` is the empty
+  ## string, `head` is returned with a trailing path separator. If `tail` starts
+  ## with a path separator it will be removed when concatenated to `head`. Other
+  ## path separators not located on boundaries won't be modified.
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   "usr/lib"
-  ##
-  ## If head is the empty string, tail is returned. If tail is the empty
-  ## string, head is returned with a trailing path separator. If tail starts
-  ## with a path separator it will be removed when concatenated to head. Other
-  ## path separators not located on boundaries won't be modified. More
-  ## examples on Unix:
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   assert joinPath("usr", "") == "usr/"
-  ##   assert joinPath("", "lib") == "lib"
-  ##   assert joinPath("", "/lib") == "/lib"
-  ##   assert joinPath("usr/", "/lib") == "usr/lib"
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `joinPath(varargs) proc <#joinPath,varargs[string]>`_
+  ## * `/ proc <#/,string,string>`_
+  ## * `splitPath proc <#splitPath,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    when defined(posix):
+      assert joinPath("usr", "lib") == "usr/lib"
+      assert joinPath("usr", "") == "usr/"
+      assert joinPath("", "lib") == "lib"
+      assert joinPath("", "/lib") == "/lib"
+      assert joinPath("usr/", "/lib") == "usr/lib"
+      assert joinPath("usr/lib", "../bin") == "usr/bin"
   result = newStringOfCap(head.len + tail.len)
   var state = 0
   addNormalizePath(head, result, state, DirSep)
@@ -127,9 +154,23 @@ proc joinPath*(head, tail: string): string {.
 proc joinPath*(parts: varargs[string]): string {.noSideEffect,
   rtl, extern: "nos$1OpenArray".} =
-  ## The same as `joinPath(head, tail)`, but works with any number of
-  ## directory parts. You need to pass at least one element or the proc
+  ## The same as `joinPath(head, tail) proc <#joinPath,string,string>`_,
+  ## but works with any number of directory parts.
+  ##
+  ## You need to pass at least one element or the proc
   ## will assert in debug builds and crash on release builds.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `joinPath(head, tail) proc <#joinPath,string,string>`_
+  ## * `/ proc <#/,string,string>`_
+  ## * `/../ proc <#/../,string,string>`_
+  ## * `splitPath proc <#splitPath,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    when defined(posix):
+      assert joinPath("a") == "a"
+      assert joinPath("a", "b", "c") == "a/b/c"
+      assert joinPath("usr/lib", "../../var", "log") == "var/log"
   var estimatedLen = 0
   for p in parts: estimatedLen += p.len
   result = newStringOfCap(estimatedLen)
@@ -138,30 +179,41 @@ proc joinPath*(parts: varargs[string]): string {.noSideEffect,
     addNormalizePath(parts[i], result, state, DirSep)
 proc `/`*(head, tail: string): string {.noSideEffect.} =
-  ## The same as ``joinPath(head, tail)``
+  ## The same as `joinPath(head, tail) proc <#joinPath,string,string>`_.
-  ## Here are some examples for Unix:
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   assert "usr" / "" == "usr/"
-  ##   assert "" / "lib" == "lib"
-  ##   assert "" / "/lib" == "/lib"
-  ##   assert "usr/" / "/lib" == "usr/lib"
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `/../ proc <#/../,string,string>`_
+  ## * `joinPath(head, tail) proc <#joinPath,string,string>`_
+  ## * `joinPath(varargs) proc <#joinPath,varargs[string]>`_
+  ## * `splitPath proc <#splitPath,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    when defined(posix):
+      assert "usr" / "" == "usr/"
+      assert "" / "lib" == "lib"
+      assert "" / "/lib" == "/lib"
+      assert "usr/" / "/lib" == "usr/lib"
+      assert "usr" / "lib" / "../bin" == "usr/bin"
   return joinPath(head, tail)
 proc splitPath*(path: string): tuple[head, tail: string] {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
-  ## Splits a directory into (head, tail), so that
+  ## Splits a directory into `(head, tail)` tuple, so that
   ## ``head / tail == path`` (except for edge cases like "/usr").
-  ## Examples:
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   splitPath("usr/local/bin") -> ("usr/local", "bin")
-  ##   splitPath("usr/local/bin/") -> ("usr/local/bin", "")
-  ##   splitPath("bin") -> ("", "bin")
-  ##   splitPath("/bin") -> ("", "bin")
-  ##   splitPath("") -> ("", "")
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `joinPath(head, tail) proc <#joinPath,string,string>`_
+  ## * `joinPath(varargs) proc <#joinPath,varargs[string]>`_
+  ## * `/ proc <#/,string,string>`_
+  ## * `/../ proc <#/../,string,string>`_
+  ## * `relativePath proc <#relativePath,string,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert splitPath("usr/local/bin") == ("usr/local", "bin")
+    assert splitPath("usr/local/bin/") == ("usr/local/bin", "")
+    assert splitPath("bin") == ("", "bin")
+    assert splitPath("/bin") == ("", "bin")
+    assert splitPath("") == ("", "")
   var sepPos = -1
   for i in countdown(len(path)-1, 0):
     if path[i] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
@@ -182,16 +234,21 @@ else:
 proc relativePath*(path, base: string; sep = DirSep): string {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1", raises: [].} =
   ## Converts `path` to a path relative to `base`.
-  ## The `sep` is used for the path normalizations, this can be useful to
-  ## ensure the relative path only contains '/' so that it can be used for
-  ## URL constructions.
+  ##
+  ## The `sep` (default: `DirSep <#DirSep>`_) is used for the path normalizations,
+  ## this can be useful to ensure the relative path only contains `'/'`
+  ## so that it can be used for URL constructions.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `splitPath proc <#splitPath,string>`_
+  ## * `parentDir proc <#parentDir,string>`_
+  ## * `tailDir proc <#tailDir,string>`_
-    doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other/bad", '/') == "../../me/bar/z.nim"
-    doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other", '/') == "../me/bar/z.nim"
-    doAssert relativePath("/Users///me/bar//z.nim", "//Users/", '/') == "me/bar/z.nim"
-    doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/me", '/') == "bar/z.nim"
-    doAssert relativePath("", "/users/moo", '/') == ""
+    assert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other/bad", '/') == "../../me/bar/z.nim"
+    assert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other", '/') == "../me/bar/z.nim"
+    assert relativePath("/Users///me/bar//z.nim", "//Users/", '/') == "me/bar/z.nim"
+    assert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/me", '/') == "bar/z.nim"
+    assert relativePath("", "/users/moo", '/') == ""
   # Todo: If on Windows, path and base do not agree on the drive letter,
   # return `path` as is.
@@ -252,12 +309,21 @@ proc parentDir*(path: string): string {.
   ## This is the same as ``splitPath(path).head`` when ``path`` doesn't end
   ## in a dir separator.
-  ## The remainder can be obtained with ``lastPathPart(path)``
+  ## The remainder can be obtained with `lastPathPart(path) proc
+  ## <#lastPathPart,string>`_.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `relativePath proc <#relativePath,string,string>`_
+  ## * `splitPath proc <#splitPath,string>`_
+  ## * `tailDir proc <#tailDir,string>`_
+  ## * `parentDirs iterator <#parentDirs.i,string>`_
-    doAssert parentDir("") == ""
+    assert parentDir("") == ""
     when defined(posix):
-      doAssert parentDir("/usr/local/bin") == "/usr/local"
-      doAssert parentDir("foo/bar/") == "foo"
+      assert parentDir("/usr/local/bin") == "/usr/local"
+      assert parentDir("foo/bar/") == "foo"
+      assert parentDir("./foo") == "."
+      assert parentDir("/foo") == ""
   let sepPos = parentDirPos(path)
   if sepPos >= 0:
@@ -267,11 +333,18 @@ proc parentDir*(path: string): string {.
 proc tailDir*(path: string): string {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
-  ## Returns the tail part of `path`..
+  ## Returns the tail part of `path`.
-  ## | Example: ``tailDir("/usr/local/bin") == "local/bin"``.
-  ## | Example: ``tailDir("usr/local/bin/") == "local/bin"``.
-  ## | Example: ``tailDir("bin") == ""``.
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `relativePath proc <#relativePath,string,string>`_
+  ## * `splitPath proc <#splitPath,string>`_
+  ## * `parentDir proc <#parentDir,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert tailDir("/bin") == "bin"
+    assert tailDir("bin") == ""
+    assert tailDir("/usr/local/bin") == "usr/local/bin"
+    assert tailDir("usr/local/bin") == "local/bin"
   var q = 1
   if len(path) >= 1 and path[len(path)-1] in {DirSep, AltSep}: q = 2
   for i in 0..len(path)-q:
@@ -281,18 +354,53 @@ proc tailDir*(path: string): string {.
 proc isRootDir*(path: string): bool {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
-  ## Checks whether a given `path` is a root directory
+  ## Checks whether a given `path` is a root directory.
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert isRootDir("")
+    assert isRootDir(".")
+    assert isRootDir("/")
+    assert isRootDir("a")
+    assert not isRootDir("/a")
+    assert not isRootDir("a/b/c")
   result = parentDirPos(path) < 0
 iterator parentDirs*(path: string, fromRoot=false, inclusive=true): string =
-  ## Walks over all parent directories of a given `path`
+  ## Walks over all parent directories of a given `path`.
-  ## If `fromRoot` is set, the traversal will start from the file system root
-  ## diretory. If `inclusive` is set, the original argument will be included
+  ## If `fromRoot` is true (default: false), the traversal will start from
+  ## the file system root diretory.
+  ## If `inclusive` is true (default), the original argument will be included
   ## in the traversal.
-  ## Relative paths won't be expanded by this proc. Instead, it will traverse
+  ## Relative paths won't be expanded by this iterator. Instead, it will traverse
   ## only the directories appearing in the relative path.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `parentDir proc <#parentDir,string>`_
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block::
+  ##   let g = "a/b/c"
+  ##
+  ##   for p in g.parentDirs:
+  ##     echo p
+  ##   # a/b/c
+  ##   # a/b
+  ##   # a
+  ##
+  ##   for p in g.parentDirs(fromRoot=true):
+  ##     echo p
+  ##   # a/
+  ##   # a/b/
+  ##   # a/b/c
+  ##
+  ##   for p in g.parentDirs(inclusive=false):
+  ##     echo p
+  ##   # a/b
+  ##   # a
   if not fromRoot:
     var current = path
     if inclusive: yield path
@@ -310,8 +418,16 @@ iterator parentDirs*(path: string, fromRoot=false, inclusive=true): string =
     if inclusive: yield path
 proc `/../`*(head, tail: string): string {.noSideEffect.} =
-  ## The same as ``parentDir(head) / tail`` unless there is no parent
+  ## The same as ``parentDir(head) / tail``, unless there is no parent
   ## directory. Then ``head / tail`` is performed instead.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `/ proc <#/,string,string>`_
+  ## * `parentDir proc <#parentDir,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert "a/b/c" /../ "d/e" == "a/b/d/e"
+    assert "a" /../ "d/e" == "a/d/e"
   let sepPos = parentDirPos(head)
   if sepPos >= 0:
     result = substr(head, 0, sepPos-1) / tail
@@ -323,8 +439,21 @@ proc normExt(ext: string): string =
   else: result = ExtSep & ext
 proc searchExtPos*(path: string): int =
-  ## Returns index of the '.' char in `path` if it signifies the beginning
+  ## Returns index of the `'.'` char in `path` if it signifies the beginning
   ## of extension. Returns -1 otherwise.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `splitFile proc <#splitFile,string>`_
+  ## * `extractFilename proc <#extractFilename,string>`_
+  ## * `lastPathPart proc <#lastPathPart,string>`_
+  ## * `changeFileExt proc <#changeFileExt,string,string>`_
+  ## * `addFileExt proc <#addFileExt,string,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert searchExtPos("a/b/c") == -1
+    assert searchExtPos("c.nim") == 1
+    assert searchExtPos("a/b/c.nim") == 5
+    assert searchExtPos("a.b.c.nim") == 5
   # BUGFIX: do not search until 0! .DS_Store is no file extension!
   result = -1
   for i in countdown(len(path)-1, 1):
@@ -336,21 +465,35 @@ proc searchExtPos*(path: string): int =
 proc splitFile*(path: string): tuple[dir, name, ext: string] {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
-  ## Splits a filename into (dir, name, extension).
-  ## `dir` does not end in `DirSep`.
-  ## `extension` includes the leading dot.
-  ##
-  ## Example:
+  ## Splits a filename into `(dir, name, extension)` tuple.
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   var (dir, name, ext) = splitFile("usr/local/nimc.html")
-  ##   assert dir == "usr/local"
-  ##   assert name == "nimc"
-  ##   assert ext == ".html"
+  ## `dir` does not end in `DirSep <#DirSep>`_.
+  ## `extension` includes the leading dot.
   ## If `path` has no extension, `ext` is the empty string.
   ## If `path` has no directory component, `dir` is the empty string.
   ## If `path` has no filename component, `name` and `ext` are empty strings.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `searchExtPos proc <#searchExtPos,string>`_
+  ## * `extractFilename proc <#extractFilename,string>`_
+  ## * `lastPathPart proc <#lastPathPart,string>`_
+  ## * `changeFileExt proc <#changeFileExt,string,string>`_
+  ## * `addFileExt proc <#addFileExt,string,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    var (dir, name, ext) = splitFile("usr/local/nimc.html")
+    assert dir == "usr/local"
+    assert name == "nimc"
+    assert ext == ".html"
+    (dir, name, ext) = splitFile("/usr/local/os")
+    assert dir == "/usr/local"
+    assert name == "os"
+    assert ext == ""
+    (dir, name, ext) = splitFile("/usr/local/")
+    assert dir == "/usr/local"
+    assert name == ""
+    assert ext == ""
   if path.len == 0:
       result = ("", "", "")
   elif path[^1] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
@@ -380,12 +523,22 @@ proc splitFile*(path: string): tuple[dir, name, ext: string] {.
 proc extractFilename*(path: string): string {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
-  ## Extracts the filename of a given `path`. This is the same as
-  ## ``name & ext`` from ``splitFile(path)``. See also ``lastPathPart``.
+  ## Extracts the filename of a given `path`.
+  ##
+  ## This is the same as ``name & ext`` from `splitFile(path) proc
+  ## <#splitFile,string>`_.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `searchExtPos proc <#searchExtPos,string>`_
+  ## * `splitFile proc <#splitFile,string>`_
+  ## * `lastPathPart proc <#lastPathPart,string>`_
+  ## * `changeFileExt proc <#changeFileExt,string,string>`_
+  ## * `addFileExt proc <#addFileExt,string,string>`_
-    when defined(posix):
-      doAssert extractFilename("foo/bar/") == ""
-      doAssert extractFilename("foo/bar") == "bar"
+    assert extractFilename("foo/bar/") == ""
+    assert extractFilename("foo/bar") == "bar"
+    assert extractFilename("foo/bar.baz") == "bar.baz"
   if path.len == 0 or path[path.len-1] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
     result = ""
@@ -393,11 +546,19 @@ proc extractFilename*(path: string): string {.
 proc lastPathPart*(path: string): string {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
-  ## like ``extractFilename``, but ignores trailing dir separator; aka: `baseName`:idx:
-  ## in some other languages.
+  ## Like `extractFilename proc <#extractFilename,string>`_, but ignores
+  ## trailing dir separator; aka: `baseName`:idx: in some other languages.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `searchExtPos proc <#searchExtPos,string>`_
+  ## * `splitFile proc <#splitFile,string>`_
+  ## * `extractFilename proc <#extractFilename,string>`_
+  ## * `changeFileExt proc <#changeFileExt,string,string>`_
+  ## * `addFileExt proc <#addFileExt,string,string>`_
-    when defined(posix):
-      doAssert lastPathPart("foo/bar/") == "bar"
+    assert lastPathPart("foo/bar/") == "bar"
+    assert lastPathPart("foo/bar") == "bar"
   let path = path.normalizePathEnd(trailingSep = false)
   result = extractFilename(path)
@@ -407,9 +568,22 @@ proc changeFileExt*(filename, ext: string): string {.
   ## If the `filename` has no extension, `ext` will be added.
   ## If `ext` == "" then any extension is removed.
-  ## `Ext` should be given without the leading '.', because some
+  ##
+  ## `Ext` should be given without the leading `'.'`, because some
   ## filesystems may use a different character. (Although I know
   ## of none such beast.)
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `searchExtPos proc <#searchExtPos,string>`_
+  ## * `splitFile proc <#splitFile,string>`_
+  ## * `extractFilename proc <#extractFilename,string>`_
+  ## * `lastPathPart proc <#lastPathPart,string>`_
+  ## * `addFileExt proc <#addFileExt,string,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert changeFileExt("", "baz") == "foo.baz"
+    assert changeFileExt("", "") == "foo"
+    assert changeFileExt("foo", "baz") == "foo.baz"
   var extPos = searchExtPos(filename)
   if extPos < 0: result = filename & normExt(ext)
   else: result = substr(filename, 0, extPos-1) & normExt(ext)
@@ -419,9 +593,21 @@ proc addFileExt*(filename, ext: string): string {.
   ## Adds the file extension `ext` to `filename`, unless
   ## `filename` already has an extension.
-  ## `Ext` should be given without the leading '.', because some
+  ## `Ext` should be given without the leading `'.'`, because some
   ## filesystems may use a different character.
   ## (Although I know of none such beast.)
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `searchExtPos proc <#searchExtPos,string>`_
+  ## * `splitFile proc <#splitFile,string>`_
+  ## * `extractFilename proc <#extractFilename,string>`_
+  ## * `lastPathPart proc <#lastPathPart,string>`_
+  ## * `changeFileExt proc <#changeFileExt,string,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert addFileExt("", "baz") == ""
+    assert addFileExt("", "") == ""
+    assert addFileExt("foo", "baz") == "foo.baz"
   var extPos = searchExtPos(filename)
   if extPos < 0: result = filename & normExt(ext)
   else: result = filename
@@ -438,9 +624,9 @@ proc cmpPaths*(pathA, pathB: string): int {.
   ## | > 0 iff pathA > pathB
     when defined(macosx):
-      doAssert cmpPaths("foo", "Foo") == 0
+      assert cmpPaths("foo", "Foo") == 0
     elif defined(posix):
-      doAssert cmpPaths("foo", "Foo") > 0
+      assert cmpPaths("foo", "Foo") > 0
   let a = normalizePath(pathA)
   let b = normalizePath(pathB)
@@ -458,11 +644,12 @@ proc isAbsolute*(path: string): bool {.rtl, noSideEffect, extern: "nos$1".} =
   ## On Windows, network paths are considered absolute too.
-    doAssert(not "".isAbsolute)
-    doAssert(not ".".isAbsolute)
+    assert not "".isAbsolute
+    assert not ".".isAbsolute
     when defined(posix):
-      doAssert "/".isAbsolute
-      doAssert(not "a/".isAbsolute)
+      assert "/".isAbsolute
+      assert not "a/".isAbsolute
+      assert "/a/".isAbsolute
   if len(path) == 0: return false
@@ -483,7 +670,7 @@ proc unixToNativePath*(path: string, drive=""): string {.
   ## Converts an UNIX-like path to a native one.
   ## On an UNIX system this does nothing. Else it converts
-  ## '/', '.', '..' to the appropriate things.
+  ## `'/'`, `'.'`, `'..'` to the appropriate things.
   ## On systems with a concept of "drives", `drive` is used to determine
   ## which drive label to use during absolute path conversion.
@@ -542,8 +729,18 @@ proc getHomeDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   tags: [ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect].} =
   ## Returns the home directory of the current user.
-  ## This proc is wrapped by the expandTilde proc for the convenience of
-  ## processing paths coming from user configuration files.
+  ## This proc is wrapped by the `expandTilde proc <#expandTilde,string>`_
+  ## for the convenience of processing paths coming from user configuration files.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getConfigDir proc <#getConfigDir>`_
+  ## * `getTempDir proc <#getTempDir>`_
+  ## * `expandTilde proc <#expandTilde,string>`_
+  ## * `getCurrentDir proc <#getCurrentDir>`_
+  ## * `setCurrentDir proc <#setCurrentDir,string>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert getHomeDir() == expandTilde("~")
   when defined(windows): return string(getEnv("USERPROFILE")) & "\\"
   else: return string(getEnv("HOME")) & "/"
@@ -552,12 +749,19 @@ proc getConfigDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   ## Returns the config directory of the current user for applications.
   ## On non-Windows OSs, this proc conforms to the XDG Base Directory
-  ## spec. Thus, this proc returns the value of the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment
-  ## variable if it is set, and returns the default configuration directory,
-  ## "~/.config/", otherwise.
+  ## spec. Thus, this proc returns the value of the `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` environment
+  ## variable if it is set, otherwise it returns the default configuration
+  ## directory ("~/.config/").
   ## An OS-dependent trailing slash is always present at the end of the
-  ## returned string; `\` on Windows and `/` on all other OSs.
+  ## returned string: `\\` on Windows and `/` on all other OSs.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getHomeDir proc <#getHomeDir>`_
+  ## * `getTempDir proc <#getTempDir>`_
+  ## * `expandTilde proc <#expandTilde,string>`_
+  ## * `getCurrentDir proc <#getCurrentDir>`_
+  ## * `setCurrentDir proc <#setCurrentDir,string>`_
   when defined(windows):
     result = getEnv("APPDATA").string
@@ -573,6 +777,13 @@ proc getTempDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   ## returns ``getHomeDir()``, and on other Unix based systems it can cause
   ## security problems too. That said, you can override this implementation
   ## by adding ``-d:tempDir=mytempname`` to your compiler invokation.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getHomeDir proc <#getHomeDir>`_
+  ## * `getConfigDir proc <#getConfigDir>`_
+  ## * `expandTilde proc <#expandTilde,string>`_
+  ## * `getCurrentDir proc <#getCurrentDir>`_
+  ## * `setCurrentDir proc <#setCurrentDir,string>`_
   when defined(tempDir):
     const tempDir {.strdefine.}: string = nil
     return tempDir
@@ -583,12 +794,22 @@ proc getTempDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
 proc expandTilde*(path: string): string {.
   tags: [ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect].} =
   ## Expands ``~`` or a path starting with ``~/`` to a full path, replacing
-  ## ``~`` with ``getHomeDir()`` (otherwise returns ``path`` unmodified).
+  ## ``~`` with `getHomeDir() <#getHomeDir>`_ (otherwise returns ``path`` unmodified).
   ## Windows: this is still supported despite Windows platform not having this
   ## convention; also, both ``~/`` and ``~\`` are handled.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getHomeDir proc <#getHomeDir>`_
+  ## * `getConfigDir proc <#getConfigDir>`_
+  ## * `getTempDir proc <#getTempDir>`_
+  ## * `getCurrentDir proc <#getCurrentDir>`_
+  ## * `setCurrentDir proc <#setCurrentDir,string>`_
-    doAssert expandTilde("~" / "appname.cfg") == getHomeDir() / "appname.cfg"
+    assert expandTilde("~" / "appname.cfg") == getHomeDir() / "appname.cfg"
+    assert expandTilde("~/foo/bar") == getHomeDir() / "foo/bar"
+    assert expandTilde("/foo/bar") == "/foo/bar"
   if len(path) == 0 or path[0] != '~':
     result = path
   elif len(path) == 1:
@@ -602,11 +823,13 @@ proc expandTilde*(path: string): string {.
 # TODO: consider whether quoteShellPosix, quoteShellWindows, quoteShell, quoteShellCommand
 # belong in `strutils` instead; they are not specific to paths
 proc quoteShellWindows*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} =
-  ## Quote s, so it can be safely passed to Windows API.
-  ## Based on Python's subprocess.list2cmdline
-  ## See
-  let needQuote = {' ', '\t'} in s or s.len == 0
+  ## Quote `s`, so it can be safely passed to Windows API.
+  ##
+  ## Based on Python's `subprocess.list2cmdline`.
+  ## See `this link <>`_
+  ## for more details.
+  let needQuote = {' ', '\t'} in s or s.len == 0
   result = ""
   var backslashBuff = ""
   if needQuote:
@@ -631,7 +854,7 @@ proc quoteShellWindows*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nosp$1"
 proc quoteShellPosix*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} =
   ## Quote ``s``, so it can be safely passed to POSIX shell.
-  ## Based on Python's pipes.quote
+  ## Based on Python's `pipes.quote`.
   const safeUnixChars = {'%', '+', '-', '.', '/', '_', ':', '=', '@',
                          '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'}
   if s.len == 0:
@@ -647,18 +870,23 @@ proc quoteShellPosix*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nosp$1".}
 when defined(windows) or defined(posix) or defined(nintendoswitch):
   proc quoteShell*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} =
     ## Quote ``s``, so it can be safely passed to shell.
+    ##
+    ## When on Windows, it calls `quoteShellWindows proc
+    ## <#quoteShellWindows,string>`_. Otherwise, calls `quoteShellPosix proc
+    ## <#quoteShellPosix,string>`_.
     when defined(windows):
       return quoteShellWindows(s)
       return quoteShellPosix(s)
   proc quoteShellCommand*(args: openArray[string]): string =
-    ## Concatenates and quotes shell arguments `args`
+    ## Concatenates and quotes shell arguments `args`.
       when defined(posix):
         assert quoteShellCommand(["aaa", "", "c d"]) == "aaa '' 'c d'"
       when defined(windows):
         assert quoteShellCommand(["aaa", "", "c d"]) == "aaa \"\" \"c d\""
     # can't use `map` pending
     for i in 0..<args.len:
       if i > 0: result.add " "
@@ -705,8 +933,12 @@ when defined(windows) and not weirdTarget:
 proc existsFile*(filename: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
                                           tags: [ReadDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns true if `filename` exists and is a regular file or symlink.
-  ## (directories, device files, named pipes and sockets return false)
-  ## This proc is not available for NimScript.
+  ##
+  ## Directories, device files, named pipes and sockets return false.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `existsDir proc <#existsDir,string>`_
+  ## * `symlinkExists proc <#symlinkExists,string>`_
   when defined(windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
       wrapUnary(a, getFileAttributesW, filename)
@@ -722,6 +954,10 @@ proc existsDir*(dir: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect]
                                      noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns true iff the directory `dir` exists. If `dir` is a file, false
   ## is returned. Follows symlinks.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `existsFile proc <#existsFile,string>`_
+  ## * `symlinkExists proc <#symlinkExists,string>`_
   when defined(windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
       wrapUnary(a, getFileAttributesW, dir)
@@ -738,6 +974,10 @@ proc symlinkExists*(link: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
                                           noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns true iff the symlink `link` exists. Will return true
   ## regardless of whether the link points to a directory or file.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `existsFile proc <#existsFile,string>`_
+  ## * `existsDir proc <#existsDir,string>`_
   when defined(windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
       wrapUnary(a, getFileAttributesW, link)
@@ -750,11 +990,19 @@ proc symlinkExists*(link: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
     return lstat(link, res) >= 0'i32 and S_ISLNK(res.st_mode)
 proc fileExists*(filename: string): bool {.inline, noNimScript.} =
-  ## Synonym for existsFile
+  ## Alias for `existsFile proc <#existsFile,string>`_.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `existsDir proc <#existsDir,string>`_
+  ## * `symlinkExists proc <#symlinkExists,string>`_
 proc dirExists*(dir: string): bool {.inline, noNimScript.} =
-  ## Synonym for existsDir
+  ## Alias for `existsDir proc <#existsDir,string>`_.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `existsFile proc <#existsFile,string>`_
+  ## * `symlinkExists proc <#symlinkExists,string>`_
 when not defined(windows) and not weirdTarget:
@@ -764,19 +1012,23 @@ when not defined(windows) and not weirdTarget:
     else: result = S_ISLNK(rawInfo.st_mode)
-  ExeExts* = when defined(windows): ["exe", "cmd", "bat"] else: [""] ## \
-    ## platform specific file extension for executables. On Windows
-    ## ``["exe", "cmd", "bat"]``, on Posix ``[""]``.
+  ExeExts* = ## Platform specific file extension for executables.
+    ## On Windows ``["exe", "cmd", "bat"]``, on Posix ``[""]``.
+    when defined(windows): ["exe", "cmd", "bat"] else: [""]
 proc findExe*(exe: string, followSymlinks: bool = true;
               extensions: openarray[string]=ExeExts): string {.
   tags: [ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
   ## Searches for `exe` in the current working directory and then
   ## in directories listed in the ``PATH`` environment variable.
-  ## Returns "" if the `exe` cannot be found. `exe`
+  ##
+  ## Returns `""` if the `exe` cannot be found. `exe`
   ## is added the `ExeExts <#ExeExts>`_ file extensions if it has none.
+  ##
   ## If the system supports symlinks it also resolves them until it
-  ## meets the actual file. This behavior can be disabled if desired.
+  ## meets the actual file. This behavior can be disabled if desired
+  ## by setting `followSymlinks = false`.
   if exe.len == 0: return
   template checkCurrentDir() =
     for ext in extensions:
@@ -824,6 +1076,11 @@ when weirdTarget:
 proc getLastModificationTime*(file: string): times.Time {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns the `file`'s last modification time.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getLastAccessTime proc <#getLastAccessTime,string>`_
+  ## * `getCreationTime proc <#getCreationTime,string>`_
+  ## * `fileNewer proc <#fileNewer,string,string>`_
   when defined(posix):
     var res: Stat
     if stat(file, res) < 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
@@ -837,6 +1094,11 @@ proc getLastModificationTime*(file: string): times.Time {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
 proc getLastAccessTime*(file: string): times.Time {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns the `file`'s last read or write access time.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getLastModificationTime proc <#getLastModificationTime,string>`_
+  ## * `getCreationTime proc <#getCreationTime,string>`_
+  ## * `fileNewer proc <#fileNewer,string,string>`_
   when defined(posix):
     var res: Stat
     if stat(file, res) < 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
@@ -854,6 +1116,11 @@ proc getCreationTime*(file: string): times.Time {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", noNimScr
   ## **Note:** Under POSIX OS's, the returned time may actually be the time at
   ## which the file's attribute's were last modified. See
   ## `here <>`_ for details.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getLastModificationTime proc <#getLastModificationTime,string>`_
+  ## * `getLastAccessTime proc <#getLastAccessTime,string>`_
+  ## * `fileNewer proc <#fileNewer,string,string>`_
   when defined(posix):
     var res: Stat
     if stat(file, res) < 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
@@ -868,6 +1135,11 @@ proc getCreationTime*(file: string): times.Time {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", noNimScr
 proc fileNewer*(a, b: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns true if the file `a` is newer than file `b`, i.e. if `a`'s
   ## modification time is later than `b`'s.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getLastModificationTime proc <#getLastModificationTime,string>`_
+  ## * `getLastAccessTime proc <#getLastAccessTime,string>`_
+  ## * `getCreationTime proc <#getCreationTime,string>`_
   when defined(posix):
     # If we don't have access to nanosecond resolution, use '>='
     when not StatHasNanoseconds:
@@ -879,6 +1151,12 @@ proc fileNewer*(a, b: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", noNimScript.} =
 proc getCurrentDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [], noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns the `current working directory`:idx:.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getHomeDir proc <#getHomeDir>`_
+  ## * `getConfigDir proc <#getConfigDir>`_
+  ## * `getTempDir proc <#getTempDir>`_
+  ## * `setCurrentDir proc <#setCurrentDir,string>`_
   when defined(windows):
     var bufsize = MAX_PATH.int32
     when useWinUnicode:
@@ -922,8 +1200,14 @@ proc getCurrentDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [], noNimScript.} =
 proc setCurrentDir*(newDir: string) {.inline, tags: [], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Sets the `current working directory`:idx:; `OSError` is raised if
-  ## `newDir` cannot been set.
+  ## Sets the `current working directory`:idx:; `OSError`
+  ## is raised if `newDir` cannot been set.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getHomeDir proc <#getHomeDir>`_
+  ## * `getConfigDir proc <#getConfigDir>`_
+  ## * `getTempDir proc <#getTempDir>`_
+  ## * `getCurrentDir proc <#getCurrentDir>`_
   when defined(Windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
       if setCurrentDirectoryW(newWideCString(newDir)) == 0'i32:
@@ -935,10 +1219,16 @@ proc setCurrentDir*(newDir: string) {.inline, tags: [], noNimScript.} =
 when not weirdTarget:
   proc absolutePath*(path: string, root = getCurrentDir()): string {.noNimScript.} =
-    ## Returns the absolute path of `path`, rooted at `root` (which must be absolute)
-    ## if `path` is absolute, return it, ignoring `root`
+    ## Returns the absolute path of `path`, rooted at `root` (which must be absolute;
+    ## default: current directory).
+    ## If `path` is absolute, return it, ignoring `root`.
+    ##
+    ## See also:
+    ## * `normalizedPath proc <#normalizedPath,string>`_
+    ## * `normalizePath proc <#normalizePath,string>`_
-      doAssert absolutePath("a") == getCurrentDir() / "a"
+      assert absolutePath("a") == getCurrentDir() / "a"
     if isAbsolute(path): path
       if not root.isAbsolute:
@@ -950,11 +1240,21 @@ proc normalizePath*(path: var string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [], noNimScr
   ## Consecutive directory separators are collapsed, including an initial double slash.
-  ## On relative paths, double dot (..) sequences are collapsed if possible.
+  ## On relative paths, double dot (`..`) sequences are collapsed if possible.
   ## On absolute paths they are always collapsed.
   ## Warning: URL-encoded and Unicode attempts at directory traversal are not detected.
   ## Triple dot is not handled.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `absolutePath proc <#absolutePath,string>`_
+  ## * `normalizedPath proc <#normalizedPath,string>`_ for a version which returns
+  ##   a new string
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = "a///b//..//c///d"
+    a.normalizePath()
+    assert a == "a/c/d"
   path = pathnorm.normalizePath(path)
   when false:
     let isAbs = isAbsolute(path)
@@ -984,7 +1284,13 @@ proc normalizePath*(path: var string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [], noNimScr
       path = "."
 proc normalizedPath*(path: string): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Returns a normalized path for the current OS. See `<#normalizePath>`_
+  ## Returns a normalized path for the current OS.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `absolutePath proc <#absolutePath,string>`_
+  ## * `normalizePath proc <#normalizePath,string>`_ for the in-place version
+  runnableExamples:
+    assert normalizedPath("a///b//..//c///d") == "a/c/d"
   result = pathnorm.normalizePath(path)
 when defined(Windows) and not weirdTarget:
@@ -1010,11 +1316,16 @@ when defined(Windows) and not weirdTarget:
 proc sameFile*(path1, path2: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   tags: [ReadDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns true if both pathname arguments refer to the same physical
-  ## file or directory. Raises an exception if any of the files does not
+  ## file or directory.
+  ##
+  ## Raises `OSError` if any of the files does not
   ## exist or information about it can not be obtained.
   ## This proc will return true if given two alternative hard-linked or
   ## sym-linked paths to the same file or directory.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `sameFileContent proc <#sameFileContent,string,string>`_
   when defined(Windows):
     var success = true
     var f1 = openHandle(path1)
@@ -1051,6 +1362,9 @@ proc sameFileContent*(path1, path2: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   tags: [ReadIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns true if both pathname arguments refer to files with identical
   ## binary content.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `sameFile proc <#sameFile,string,string>`_
     bufSize = 8192 # 8K buffer
@@ -1079,7 +1393,12 @@ proc sameFileContent*(path1, path2: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
-  FilePermission* = enum   ## file access permission; modelled after UNIX
+  FilePermission* = enum   ## File access permission, modelled after UNIX.
+    ##
+    ## See also:
+    ## * `getFilePermissions <#getFilePermissions,string>`_
+    ## * `setFilePermissions <#setFilePermissions,string,set[FilePermission]>`_
+    ## * `FileInfo object <#FileInfo>`_
     fpUserExec,            ## execute access for the file owner
     fpUserWrite,           ## write access for the file owner
     fpUserRead,            ## read access for the file owner
@@ -1092,9 +1411,15 @@ type
 proc getFilePermissions*(filename: string): set[FilePermission] {.
   rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## retrieves file permissions for `filename`. `OSError` is raised in case of
-  ## an error. On Windows, only the ``readonly`` flag is checked, every other
+  ## Retrieves file permissions for `filename`.
+  ##
+  ## `OSError` is raised in case of an error.
+  ## On Windows, only the ``readonly`` flag is checked, every other
   ## permission is available in any case.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `setFilePermissions proc <#setFilePermissions,string,set[FilePermission]>`_
+  ## * `FilePermission enum <#FilePermission>`_
   when defined(posix):
     var a: Stat
     if stat(filename, a) < 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
@@ -1124,9 +1449,15 @@ proc getFilePermissions*(filename: string): set[FilePermission] {.
 proc setFilePermissions*(filename: string, permissions: set[FilePermission]) {.
   rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [WriteDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## sets the file permissions for `filename`. `OSError` is raised in case of
-  ## an error. On Windows, only the ``readonly`` flag is changed, depending on
-  ## ``fpUserWrite``.
+  ## Sets the file permissions for `filename`.
+  ##
+  ## `OSError` is raised in case of an error.
+  ## On Windows, only the ``readonly`` flag is changed, depending on
+  ## ``fpUserWrite`` permission.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getFilePermissions <#getFilePermissions,string>`_
+  ## * `FilePermission enum <#FilePermission>`_
   when defined(posix):
     var p = 0'i32
     if fpUserRead in permissions: p = p or S_IRUSR
@@ -1162,14 +1493,29 @@ proc copyFile*(source, dest: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
   ## Copies a file from `source` to `dest`.
-  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. On the Windows platform this proc will
-  ## copy the source file's attributes into dest. On other platforms you need
-  ## to use `getFilePermissions() <#getFilePermissions>`_ and
-  ## `setFilePermissions() <#setFilePermissions>`_ to copy them by hand (or use
-  ## the convenience `copyFileWithPermissions() <#copyFileWithPermissions>`_
-  ## proc), otherwise `dest` will inherit the default permissions of a newly
-  ## created file for the user. If `dest` already exists, the file attributes
+  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised.
+  ##
+  ## On the Windows platform this proc will
+  ## copy the source file's attributes into dest.
+  ##
+  ## On other platforms you need
+  ## to use `getFilePermissions <#getFilePermissions,string>`_ and
+  ## `setFilePermissions <#setFilePermissions,string,set[FilePermission]>`_ procs
+  ## to copy them by hand (or use the convenience `copyFileWithPermissions
+  ## proc <#copyFileWithPermissions,string,string>`_),
+  ## otherwise `dest` will inherit the default permissions of a newly
+  ## created file for the user.
+  ##
+  ## If `dest` already exists, the file attributes
   ## will be preserved and the content overwritten.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `copyDir proc <#copyDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFileWithPermissions proc <#copyFileWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `tryRemoveFile proc <#tryRemoveFile,string>`_
+  ## * `removeFile proc <#removeFile,string>`_
+  ## * `moveFile proc <#moveFile,string,string>`_
   when defined(Windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
       let s = newWideCString(source)
@@ -1221,9 +1567,18 @@ when defined(Windows) and not weirdTarget:
       setFileAttributesA(file, attrs)
 proc tryRemoveFile*(file: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [WriteDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Removes the `file`. If this fails, returns `false`. This does not fail
+  ## Removes the `file`.
+  ##
+  ## If this fails, returns `false`. This does not fail
   ## if the file never existed in the first place.
+  ##
   ## On Windows, ignores the read-only attribute.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `copyFile proc <#copyFile,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFileWithPermissions proc <#copyFileWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `removeFile proc <#removeFile,string>`_
+  ## * `moveFile proc <#moveFile,string,string>`_
   result = true
   when defined(Windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
@@ -1244,9 +1599,19 @@ proc tryRemoveFile*(file: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [WriteDirE
       result = false
 proc removeFile*(file: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [WriteDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Removes the `file`. If this fails, `OSError` is raised. This does not fail
+  ## Removes the `file`.
+  ##
+  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. This does not fail
   ## if the file never existed in the first place.
+  ##
   ## On Windows, ignores the read-only attribute.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `removeDir proc <#removeDir,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFile proc <#copyFile,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFileWithPermissions proc <#copyFileWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `tryRemoveFile proc <#tryRemoveFile,string>`_
+  ## * `moveFile proc <#moveFile,string,string>`_
   if not tryRemoveFile(file):
     when defined(Windows):
@@ -1254,9 +1619,11 @@ proc removeFile*(file: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [WriteDirEffect], n
       raiseOSError(osLastError(), $strerror(errno))
 proc tryMoveFSObject(source, dest: string): bool {.noNimScript.} =
-  ## Moves a file or directory from `source` to `dest`. Returns false in case
-  ## of `EXDEV` error. In case of other errors `OSError` is raised. Returns
-  ## true in case of success.
+  ## Moves a file or directory from `source` to `dest`.
+  ##
+  ## Returns false in case of `EXDEV` error.
+  ## In case of other errors `OSError` is raised.
+  ## Returns true in case of success.
   when defined(Windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
       let s = newWideCString(source)
@@ -1275,8 +1642,19 @@ proc tryMoveFSObject(source, dest: string): bool {.noNimScript.} =
 proc moveFile*(source, dest: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Moves a file from `source` to `dest`. If this fails, `OSError` is raised.
-  ## Can be used to `rename files`:idx:
+  ## Moves a file from `source` to `dest`.
+  ##
+  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised.
+  ##
+  ## Can be used to `rename files`:idx:.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `moveDir proc <#moveDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFile proc <#copyFile,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFileWithPermissions proc <#copyFileWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `removeFile proc <#removeFile,string>`_
+  ## * `tryRemoveFile proc <#tryRemoveFile,string>`_
   if not tryMoveFSObject(source, dest):
     when not defined(windows):
       # Fallback to copy & del
@@ -1288,7 +1666,7 @@ proc moveFile*(source, dest: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
 proc exitStatusLikeShell*(status: cint): cint =
-  ## converts exit code from `c_system` into a shell exit code
+  ## Converts exit code from `c_system` into a shell exit code.
   when defined(posix) and not weirdTarget:
     if WIFSIGNALED(status):
       # like the shell!
@@ -1304,9 +1682,16 @@ proc execShellCmd*(command: string): int {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   ## Command has the form 'program args' where args are the command
   ## line arguments given to program. The proc returns the error code
-  ## of the shell when it has finished. The proc does not return until
-  ## the process has finished. To execute a program without having a
-  ## shell involved, use `osproc.execProcess`.
+  ## of the shell when it has finished (zero if there is no error).
+  ## The proc does not return until the process has finished.
+  ##
+  ## To execute a program without having a shell involved, use `osproc.execProcess proc
+  ## <osproc.html#execProcess,string,string,openArray[string],StringTableRef,set[ProcessOption]>`_.
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block::
+  ##   discard execShellCmd("ls -la")
   result = exitStatusLikeShell(c_system(command))
 # Templates for filtering directories and files
@@ -1368,32 +1753,51 @@ template walkCommon(pattern: string, filter) =
 iterator walkPattern*(pattern: string): string {.tags: [ReadDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
   ## Iterate over all the files and directories that match the `pattern`.
-  ## On POSIX this uses the `glob`:idx: call.
-  ## `pattern` is OS dependent, but at least the "\*.ext"
+  ## On POSIX this uses the `glob`:idx: call.
+  ## `pattern` is OS dependent, but at least the `"\*.ext"`
   ## notation is supported.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `walkFiles iterator <#walkFiles.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDirs iterator <#walkDirs.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDir iterator <#walkDir.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDirRec iterator <#walkDirRec.i,string>`_
   walkCommon(pattern, defaultWalkFilter)
 iterator walkFiles*(pattern: string): string {.tags: [ReadDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Iterate over all the files that match the `pattern`. On POSIX this uses
-  ## the `glob`:idx: call.
+  ## Iterate over all the files that match the `pattern`.
-  ## `pattern` is OS dependent, but at least the "\*.ext"
+  ## On POSIX this uses the `glob`:idx: call.
+  ## `pattern` is OS dependent, but at least the `"\*.ext"`
   ## notation is supported.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `walkPattern iterator <#walkPattern.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDirs iterator <#walkDirs.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDir iterator <#walkDir.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDirRec iterator <#walkDirRec.i,string>`_
   walkCommon(pattern, isFile)
 iterator walkDirs*(pattern: string): string {.tags: [ReadDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
   ## Iterate over all the directories that match the `pattern`.
-  ## On POSIX this uses the `glob`:idx: call.
-  ## `pattern` is OS dependent, but at least the "\*.ext"
+  ## On POSIX this uses the `glob`:idx: call.
+  ## `pattern` is OS dependent, but at least the `"\*.ext"`
   ## notation is supported.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `walkPattern iterator <#walkPattern.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkFiles iterator <#walkFiles.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDir iterator <#walkDir.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDirRec iterator <#walkDirRec.i,string>`_
   walkCommon(pattern, isDir)
 proc expandFilename*(filename: string): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   tags: [ReadDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Returns the full (`absolute`:idx:) path of an existing file `filename`,
-  ## raises OSError in case of an error. Follows symlinks.
+  ## Returns the full (`absolute`:idx:) path of an existing file `filename`.
+  ##
+  ## Raises `OSError` in case of an error. Follows symlinks.
   when defined(windows):
     var bufsize = MAX_PATH.int32
     when useWinUnicode:
@@ -1440,13 +1844,19 @@ proc expandFilename*(filename: string): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   PathComponent* = enum   ## Enumeration specifying a path component.
+    ##
+    ## See also:
+    ## * `walkDirRec iterator <#walkDirRec.i,string>`_
+    ## * `FileInfo object <#FileInfo>`_
     pcFile,               ## path refers to a file
     pcLinkToFile,         ## path refers to a symbolic link to a file
     pcDir,                ## path refers to a directory
     pcLinkToDir           ## path refers to a symbolic link to a directory
 proc getCurrentCompilerExe*(): string {.compileTime.} = discard
-  ## `getAppFilename` at CT; can be used to retrive the currently executing
+  ## This is `getAppFilename() <#getAppFilename>`_ at compile time.
+  ##
+  ## Can be used to retrive the currently executing
   ## Nim compiler from a Nim or nimscript program, or the nimble binary
   ## inside a nimble program (likewise with other binaries built from
   ## compiler API).
@@ -1467,10 +1877,11 @@ proc staticWalkDir(dir: string; relative: bool): seq[
 iterator walkDir*(dir: string; relative=false): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string] {.
   tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
-  ## walks over the directory `dir` and yields for each directory or file in
-  ## `dir`. The component type and full path for each item is returned.
-  ## Walking is not recursive. If ``relative`` is true the resulting path is
-  ## shortened to be relative to ``dir``.
+  ## Walks over the directory `dir` and yields for each directory or file in
+  ## `dir`. The component type and full path for each item are returned.
+  ##
+  ## Walking is not recursive. If ``relative`` is true (default: false)
+  ## the resulting path is shortened to be relative to ``dir``.
   ## Example: This directory structure::
   ##   dirA / dirB / fileB1.txt
   ##        / dirC
@@ -1483,11 +1894,18 @@ iterator walkDir*(dir: string; relative=false): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path:
   ##     for kind, path in walkDir("dirA"):
   ##       echo(path)
-  ## produces this output (but not necessarily in this order!)::
+  ## produce this output (but not necessarily in this order!)::
   ##   dirA/dirB
   ##   dirA/dirC
   ##   dirA/fileA1.txt
   ##   dirA/fileA2.txt
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `walkPattern iterator <#walkPattern.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkFiles iterator <#walkFiles.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDirs iterator <#walkDirs.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDirRec iterator <#walkDirRec.i,string>`_
   when nimvm:
     for k, v in items(staticWalkDir(dir, relative)):
       yield (k, v)
@@ -1554,19 +1972,20 @@ iterator walkDirRec*(dir: string,
                      relative = false): string {.tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
   ## Recursively walks over the directory `dir` and yields for each file
   ## or directory in `dir`.
-  ## If ``relative`` is true the resulting path is
+  ##
+  ## If ``relative`` is true (default: false) the resulting path is
   ## shortened to be relative to ``dir``, otherwise the full path is returned.
   ## **Warning**:
   ## Modifying the directory structure while the iterator
   ## is traversing may result in undefined behavior!
-  ## Walking is recursive. `filters` controls the behaviour of the iterator:
+  ## Walking is recursive. `followFilter` controls the behaviour of the iterator:
   ## ---------------------   ---------------------------------------------
   ## yieldFilter             meaning
   ## ---------------------   ---------------------------------------------
-  ## ``pcFile``              yield real files
+  ## ``pcFile``              yield real files (default)
   ## ``pcLinkToFile``        yield symbolic links to files
   ## ``pcDir``               yield real directories
   ## ``pcLinkToDir``         yield symbolic links to directories
@@ -1575,10 +1994,17 @@ iterator walkDirRec*(dir: string,
   ## ---------------------   ---------------------------------------------
   ## followFilter            meaning
   ## ---------------------   ---------------------------------------------
-  ## ``pcDir``               follow real directories
+  ## ``pcDir``               follow real directories (default)
   ## ``pcLinkToDir``         follow symbolic links to directories
   ## ---------------------   ---------------------------------------------
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `walkPattern iterator <#walkPattern.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkFiles iterator <#walkFiles.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDirs iterator <#walkDirs.i,string>`_
+  ## * `walkDir iterator <#walkDir.i,string>`_
   var stack = @[""]
   while stack.len > 0:
     let d = stack.pop()
@@ -1609,6 +2035,15 @@ proc removeDir*(dir: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [
   ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. This does not fail if the directory never
   ## existed in the first place.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `tryRemoveFile proc <#tryRemoveFile,string>`_
+  ## * `removeFile proc <#removeFile,string>`_
+  ## * `existsOrCreateDir proc <#existsOrCreateDir,string>`_
+  ## * `createDir proc <#createDir,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDir proc <#copyDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDirWithPermissions proc <#copyDirWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `moveDir proc <#moveDir,string,string>`_
   for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
     case kind
     of pcFile, pcLinkToFile, pcLinkToDir: removeFile(path)
@@ -1666,6 +2101,13 @@ proc existsOrCreateDir*(dir: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   ## Does not create parent directories (fails if parent does not exist).
   ## Returns `true` if the directory already exists, and `false`
   ## otherwise.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `removeDir proc <#removeDir,string>`_
+  ## * `createDir proc <#createDir,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDir proc <#copyDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDirWithPermissions proc <#copyDirWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `moveDir proc <#moveDir,string,string>`_
   result = not rawCreateDir(dir)
   if result:
     # path already exists - need to check that it is indeed a directory
@@ -1677,9 +2119,17 @@ proc createDir*(dir: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   ## Creates the `directory`:idx: `dir`.
   ## The directory may contain several subdirectories that do not exist yet.
-  ## The full path is created. If this fails, `OSError` is raised. It does **not**
-  ## fail if the directory already exists because for most usages this does not
-  ## indicate an error.
+  ## The full path is created. If this fails, `OSError` is raised.
+  ##
+  ## It does **not** fail if the directory already exists because for
+  ## most usages this does not indicate an error.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `removeDir proc <#removeDir,string>`_
+  ## * `existsOrCreateDir proc <#existsOrCreateDir,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDir proc <#copyDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDirWithPermissions proc <#copyDirWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `moveDir proc <#moveDir,string,string>`_
   var omitNext = false
   when doslikeFileSystem:
     omitNext = isAbsolute(dir)
@@ -1699,11 +2149,24 @@ proc copyDir*(source, dest: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], benign, noNimScript.} =
   ## Copies a directory from `source` to `dest`.
-  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. On the Windows platform this proc will
-  ## copy the attributes from `source` into `dest`. On other platforms created
-  ## files and directories will inherit the default permissions of a newly
-  ## created file/directory for the user. To preserve attributes recursively on
-  ## these platforms use `copyDirWithPermissions() <#copyDirWithPermissions>`_.
+  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised.
+  ##
+  ## On the Windows platform this proc will copy the attributes from
+  ## `source` into `dest`.
+  ##
+  ## On other platforms created files and directories will inherit the
+  ## default permissions of a newly created file/directory for the user.
+  ## Use `copyDirWithPermissions proc <#copyDirWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## to preserve attributes recursively on these platforms.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `copyDirWithPermissions proc <#copyDirWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFile proc <#copyFile,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFileWithPermissions proc <#copyFileWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `removeDir proc <#removeDir,string>`_
+  ## * `existsOrCreateDir proc <#existsOrCreateDir,string>`_
+  ## * `createDir proc <#createDir,string>`_
+  ## * `moveDir proc <#moveDir,string,string>`_
   for kind, path in walkDir(source):
     var noSource = splitPath(path).tail
@@ -1714,6 +2177,24 @@ proc copyDir*(source, dest: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
       copyDir(path, dest / noSource)
     else: discard
+proc moveDir*(source, dest: string) {.tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
+  ## Moves a directory from `source` to `dest`.
+  ##
+  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `moveFile proc <#moveFile,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDir proc <#copyDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDirWithPermissions proc <#copyDirWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `removeDir proc <#removeDir,string>`_
+  ## * `existsOrCreateDir proc <#existsOrCreateDir,string>`_
+  ## * `createDir proc <#createDir,string>`_
+  if not tryMoveFSObject(source, dest):
+    when not defined(windows):
+      # Fallback to copy & del
+      copyDir(source, dest)
+      removeDir(source)
 proc createSymlink*(src, dest: string) {.noNimScript.} =
   ## Create a symbolic link at `dest` which points to the item specified
   ## by `src`. On most operating systems, will fail if a link already exists.
@@ -1721,6 +2202,11 @@ proc createSymlink*(src, dest: string) {.noNimScript.} =
   ## **Warning**:
   ## Some OS's (such as Microsoft Windows) restrict the creation
   ## of symlinks to root users (administrators).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `createHardlink proc <#createHardlink,string,string>`_
+  ## * `expandSymlink proc <#expandSymlink,string>`_
   when defined(Windows):
     # anyone with developer mode on to create a link
@@ -1743,6 +2229,9 @@ proc createHardlink*(src, dest: string) {.noNimScript.} =
   ## **Warning**: Some OS's restrict the creation of hard links to
   ## root users (administrators).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `createSymlink proc <#createSymlink,string,string>`_
   when defined(Windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
       var wSrc = newWideCString(src)
@@ -1756,13 +2245,128 @@ proc createHardlink*(src, dest: string) {.noNimScript.} =
     if link(src, dest) != 0:
+proc copyFileWithPermissions*(source, dest: string,
+                              ignorePermissionErrors = true) {.noNimScript.} =
+  ## Copies a file from `source` to `dest` preserving file permissions.
+  ##
+  ## This is a wrapper proc around `copyFile <#copyFile,string,string>`_,
+  ## `getFilePermissions <#getFilePermissions,string>`_ and
+  ## `setFilePermissions<#setFilePermissions,string,set[FilePermission]>`_
+  ## procs on non-Windows platforms.
+  ##
+  ## On Windows this proc is just a wrapper for `copyFile proc
+  ## <#copyFile,string,string>`_ since that proc already copies attributes.
+  ##
+  ## On non-Windows systems permissions are copied after the file itself has
+  ## been copied, which won't happen atomically and could lead to a race
+  ## condition. If `ignorePermissionErrors` is true (default), errors while
+  ## reading/setting file attributes will be ignored, otherwise will raise
+  ## `OSError`.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `copyFile proc <#copyFile,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDir proc <#copyDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `tryRemoveFile proc <#tryRemoveFile,string>`_
+  ## * `removeFile proc <#removeFile,string>`_
+  ## * `moveFile proc <#moveFile,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyDirWithPermissions proc <#copyDirWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  copyFile(source, dest)
+  when not defined(Windows):
+    try:
+      setFilePermissions(dest, getFilePermissions(source))
+    except:
+      if not ignorePermissionErrors:
+        raise
+proc copyDirWithPermissions*(source, dest: string,
+    ignorePermissionErrors = true) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
+    tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], benign, noNimScript.} =
+  ## Copies a directory from `source` to `dest` preserving file permissions.
+  ##
+  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. This is a wrapper proc around `copyDir
+  ## <#copyDir,string,string>`_ and `copyFileWithPermissions
+  ## <#copyFileWithPermissions,string,string>`_ procs
+  ## on non-Windows platforms.
+  ##
+  ## On Windows this proc is just a wrapper for `copyDir proc
+  ## <#copyDir,string,string>`_ since that proc already copies attributes.
+  ##
+  ## On non-Windows systems permissions are copied after the file or directory
+  ## itself has been copied, which won't happen atomically and could lead to a
+  ## race condition. If `ignorePermissionErrors` is true (default), errors while
+  ## reading/setting file attributes will be ignored, otherwise will raise
+  ## `OSError`.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `copyDir proc <#copyDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFile proc <#copyFile,string,string>`_
+  ## * `copyFileWithPermissions proc <#copyFileWithPermissions,string,string>`_
+  ## * `removeDir proc <#removeDir,string>`_
+  ## * `moveDir proc <#moveDir,string,string>`_
+  ## * `existsOrCreateDir proc <#existsOrCreateDir,string>`_
+  ## * `createDir proc <#createDir,string>`_
+  createDir(dest)
+  when not defined(Windows):
+    try:
+      setFilePermissions(dest, getFilePermissions(source))
+    except:
+      if not ignorePermissionErrors:
+        raise
+  for kind, path in walkDir(source):
+    var noSource = splitPath(path).tail
+    case kind
+    of pcFile:
+      copyFileWithPermissions(path, dest / noSource, ignorePermissionErrors)
+    of pcDir:
+      copyDirWithPermissions(path, dest / noSource, ignorePermissionErrors)
+    else: discard
+proc inclFilePermissions*(filename: string,
+                          permissions: set[FilePermission]) {.
+  rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect, WriteDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
+  ## A convenience proc for:
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block:: nim
+  ##   setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)+permissions)
+  setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)+permissions)
+proc exclFilePermissions*(filename: string,
+                          permissions: set[FilePermission]) {.
+  rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect, WriteDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
+  ## A convenience proc for:
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block:: nim
+  ##   setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)-permissions)
+  setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)-permissions)
+proc expandSymlink*(symlinkPath: string): string {.noNimScript.} =
+  ## Returns a string representing the path to which the symbolic link points.
+  ##
+  ## On Windows this is a noop, ``symlinkPath`` is simply returned.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `createSymlink proc <#createSymlink,string,string>`_
+  when defined(windows):
+    result = symlinkPath
+  else:
+    result = newString(256)
+    var len = readlink(symlinkPath, result, 256)
+    if len < 0:
+      raiseOSError(osLastError())
+    if len > 256:
+      result = newString(len+1)
+      len = readlink(symlinkPath, result, len)
+    setLen(result, len)
 proc parseCmdLine*(c: string): seq[string] {.
   noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
-  ## Splits a `command line`:idx: into several components;
-  ## This proc is only occasionally useful, better use the `parseopt` module.
+  ## Splits a `command line`:idx: into several components.
+  ##
+  ## **Note**: This proc is only occasionally useful, better use the
+  ## `parseopt module <parseopt.html>`_.
-  ## On Windows, it uses the following parsing rules
-  ## (see ):
+  ## On Windows, it uses the `following parsing rules
+  ## <>`_:
   ## * Arguments are delimited by white space, which is either a space or a tab.
   ## * The caret character (^) is not recognized as an escape character or
@@ -1787,6 +2391,13 @@ proc parseCmdLine*(c: string): seq[string] {.
   ## On Posix systems, it uses the following parsing rules:
   ## Components are separated by whitespace unless the whitespace
   ## occurs within ``"`` or ``'`` quotes.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `parseopt module <parseopt.html>`_
+  ## * `paramCount proc <#paramCount>`_
+  ## * `paramStr proc <#paramStr,int>`_
+  ## * `commandLineParams proc <#commandLineParams>`_
   result = @[]
   var i = 0
   var a = ""
@@ -1844,102 +2455,6 @@ proc parseCmdLine*(c: string): seq[string] {.
     add(result, a)
-proc copyFileWithPermissions*(source, dest: string,
-                              ignorePermissionErrors = true) {.noNimScript.} =
-  ## Copies a file from `source` to `dest` preserving file permissions.
-  ##
-  ## This is a wrapper proc around `copyFile() <#copyFile>`_,
-  ## `getFilePermissions() <#getFilePermissions>`_ and `setFilePermissions()
-  ## <#setFilePermissions>`_ on non Windows platform. On Windows this proc is
-  ## just a wrapper for `copyFile() <#copyFile>`_ since that proc already
-  ## copies attributes.
-  ##
-  ## On non Windows systems permissions are copied after the file itself has
-  ## been copied, which won't happen atomically and could lead to a race
-  ## condition. If `ignorePermissionErrors` is true, errors while
-  ## reading/setting file attributes will be ignored, otherwise will raise
-  ## `OSError`.
-  copyFile(source, dest)
-  when not defined(Windows):
-    try:
-      setFilePermissions(dest, getFilePermissions(source))
-    except:
-      if not ignorePermissionErrors:
-        raise
-proc copyDirWithPermissions*(source, dest: string,
-    ignorePermissionErrors = true) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
-    tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], benign, noNimScript.} =
-  ## Copies a directory from `source` to `dest` preserving file permissions.
-  ##
-  ## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. This is a wrapper proc around `copyDir()
-  ## <#copyDir>`_ and `copyFileWithPermissions() <#copyFileWithPermissions>`_
-  ## on non Windows platforms. On Windows this proc is just a wrapper for
-  ## `copyDir() <#copyDir>`_ since that proc already copies attributes.
-  ##
-  ## On non Windows systems permissions are copied after the file or directory
-  ## itself has been copied, which won't happen atomically and could lead to a
-  ## race condition. If `ignorePermissionErrors` is true, errors while
-  ## reading/setting file attributes will be ignored, otherwise will raise
-  ## `OSError`.
-  createDir(dest)
-  when not defined(Windows):
-    try:
-      setFilePermissions(dest, getFilePermissions(source))
-    except:
-      if not ignorePermissionErrors:
-        raise
-  for kind, path in walkDir(source):
-    var noSource = splitPath(path).tail
-    case kind
-    of pcFile:
-      copyFileWithPermissions(path, dest / noSource, ignorePermissionErrors)
-    of pcDir:
-      copyDirWithPermissions(path, dest / noSource, ignorePermissionErrors)
-    else: discard
-proc inclFilePermissions*(filename: string,
-                          permissions: set[FilePermission]) {.
-  rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect, WriteDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## a convenience procedure for:
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)+permissions)
-  setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)+permissions)
-proc exclFilePermissions*(filename: string,
-                          permissions: set[FilePermission]) {.
-  rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect, WriteDirEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## a convenience procedure for:
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)-permissions)
-  setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)-permissions)
-proc moveDir*(source, dest: string) {.tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Moves a directory from `source` to `dest`. If this fails, `OSError` is raised.
-  if not tryMoveFSObject(source, dest):
-    when not defined(windows):
-      # Fallback to copy & del
-      copyDir(source, dest)
-      removeDir(source)
-proc expandSymlink*(symlinkPath: string): string {.noNimScript.} =
-  ## Returns a string representing the path to which the symbolic link points.
-  ##
-  ## On Windows this is a noop, ``symlinkPath`` is simply returned.
-  when defined(windows):
-    result = symlinkPath
-  else:
-    result = newString(256)
-    var len = readlink(symlinkPath, result, 256)
-    if len < 0:
-      raiseOSError(osLastError())
-    if len > 256:
-      result = newString(len+1)
-      len = readlink(symlinkPath, result, len)
-    setLen(result, len)
 when defined(nimdoc):
   # Common forward declaration docstring block for parameter retrieval procs.
   proc paramCount*(): int {.tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
@@ -1948,14 +2463,21 @@ when defined(nimdoc):
     ## Unlike `argc`:idx: in C, if your binary was called without parameters this
     ## will return zero.
-    ## You can query each individual paramater with `paramStr() <#paramStr>`_
-    ## or retrieve all of them in one go with `commandLineParams()
+    ## You can query each individual paramater with `paramStr proc <#paramStr,int>`_
+    ## or retrieve all of them in one go with `commandLineParams proc
     ## <#commandLineParams>`_.
-    ## **Availability**: When generating a dynamic library (see --app:lib) on
+    ## **Availability**: When generating a dynamic library (see `--app:lib`) on
     ## Posix this proc is not defined.
-    ## Test for availability using `declared() <system.html#declared>`_.
-    ## Example:
+    ## Test for availability using `declared() <system.html#declared,untyped>`_.
+    ##
+    ## See also:
+    ## * `parseopt module <parseopt.html>`_
+    ## * `parseCmdLine proc <#parseCmdLine,string>`_
+    ## * `paramStr proc <#paramStr,int>`_
+    ## * `commandLineParams proc <#commandLineParams>`_
+    ##
+    ## **Examples:**
     ## .. code-block:: nim
     ##   when declared(paramCount):
@@ -1976,10 +2498,18 @@ when defined(nimdoc):
     ## contents (usually the name of the invoked executable). You should avoid
     ## this and call `getAppFilename() <#getAppFilename>`_ instead.
-    ## **Availability**: When generating a dynamic library (see --app:lib) on
+    ## **Availability**: When generating a dynamic library (see `--app:lib`) on
     ## Posix this proc is not defined.
-    ## Test for availability using `declared() <system.html#declared>`_.
-    ## Example:
+    ## Test for availability using `declared() <system.html#declared,untyped>`_.
+    ##
+    ## See also:
+    ## * `parseopt module <parseopt.html>`_
+    ## * `parseCmdLine proc <#parseCmdLine,string>`_
+    ## * `paramCount proc <#paramCount>`_
+    ## * `commandLineParams proc <#commandLineParams>`_
+    ## * `getAppFilename proc <#getAppFilename>`_
+    ##
+    ## **Examples:**
     ## .. code-block:: nim
     ##   when declared(paramStr):
@@ -2052,8 +2582,17 @@ when declared(paramCount) or defined(nimdoc):
     ## **Availability**: On Posix there is no portable way to get the command
     ## line from a DLL and thus the proc isn't defined in this environment. You
-    ## can test for its availability with `declared() <system.html#declared>`_.
-    ## Example:
+    ## can test for its availability with `declared()
+    ## <system.html#declared,untyped>`_.
+    ##
+    ## See also:
+    ## * `parseopt module <parseopt.html>`_
+    ## * `parseCmdLine proc <#parseCmdLine,string>`_
+    ## * `paramCount proc <#paramCount>`_
+    ## * `paramStr proc <#paramStr,int>`_
+    ## * `getAppFilename proc <#getAppFilename>`_
+    ##
+    ## **Examples:**
     ## .. code-block:: nim
     ##   when declared(commandLineParams):
@@ -2151,10 +2690,12 @@ when defined(haiku):
       result = ""
 proc getAppFilename*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## Returns the filename of the application's executable. See also
-  ## `getCurrentCompilerExe`.
+  ## Returns the filename of the application's executable.
+  ## This proc will resolve symlinks.
-  ## This procedure will resolve symlinks.
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getAppDir proc <#getAppDir>`_
+  ## * `getCurrentCompilerExe proc <#getCurrentCompilerExe>`_
   # Linux: /proc/<pid>/exe
   # Solaris:
@@ -2213,10 +2754,13 @@ proc getAppFilename*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadIOEffect], noN
 proc getAppDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
   ## Returns the directory of the application's executable.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getAppFilename proc <#getAppFilename>`_
   result = splitFile(getAppFilename()).dir
 proc sleep*(milsecs: int) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [TimeEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## sleeps `milsecs` milliseconds.
+  ## Sleeps `milsecs` milliseconds.
   when defined(windows):
@@ -2227,7 +2771,7 @@ proc sleep*(milsecs: int) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [TimeEffect], noNimScrip
 proc getFileSize*(file: string): BiggestInt {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   tags: [ReadIOEffect], noNimScript.} =
-  ## returns the file size of `file` (in bytes). An ``OSError`` exception is
+  ## Returns the file size of `file` (in bytes). ``OSError`` is
   ## raised in case of an error.
   when defined(windows):
     var a: WIN32_FIND_DATA
@@ -2254,14 +2798,19 @@ else:
   FileInfo* = object
     ## Contains information associated with a file object.
-    id*: tuple[device: DeviceId, file: FileId] # Device and file id.
-    kind*: PathComponent # Kind of file object - directory, symlink, etc.
-    size*: BiggestInt # Size of file.
-    permissions*: set[FilePermission] # File permissions
-    linkCount*: BiggestInt # Number of hard links the file object has.
-    lastAccessTime*: times.Time # Time file was last accessed.
-    lastWriteTime*: times.Time # Time file was last modified/written to.
-    creationTime*: times.Time # Time file was created. Not supported on all systems!
+    ##
+    ## See also:
+    ## * `getFileInfo(handle) proc <#getFileInfo,FileHandle>`_
+    ## * `getFileInfo(file) proc <#getFileInfo,File>`_
+    ## * `getFileInfo(path) proc <#getFileInfo,string>`_
+    id*: tuple[device: DeviceId, file: FileId] ## Device and file id.
+    kind*: PathComponent              ## Kind of file object - directory, symlink, etc.
+    size*: BiggestInt                 ## Size of file.
+    permissions*: set[FilePermission] ## File permissions
+    linkCount*: BiggestInt            ## Number of hard links the file object has.
+    lastAccessTime*: times.Time       ## Time file was last accessed.
+    lastWriteTime*: times.Time        ## Time file was last modified/written to.
+    creationTime*: times.Time         ## Time file was created. Not supported on all systems!
 template rawToFormalFileInfo(rawInfo, path, formalInfo): untyped =
   ## Transforms the native file info structure into the one nim uses.
@@ -2333,7 +2882,12 @@ proc getFileInfo*(handle: FileHandle): FileInfo {.noNimScript.} =
   ## handle.
   ## If the information cannot be retrieved, such as when the file handle
-  ## is invalid, an error will be thrown.
+  ## is invalid, `OSError` is raised.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getFileInfo(file) proc <#getFileInfo,File>`_
+  ## * `getFileInfo(path) proc <#getFileInfo,string>`_
   # Done: ID, Kind, Size, Permissions, Link Count
   when defined(Windows):
@@ -2350,6 +2904,11 @@ proc getFileInfo*(handle: FileHandle): FileInfo {.noNimScript.} =
     rawToFormalFileInfo(rawInfo, "", result)
 proc getFileInfo*(file: File): FileInfo {.noNimScript.} =
+  ## Retrieves file information for the file object.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getFileInfo(handle) proc <#getFileInfo,FileHandle>`_
+  ## * `getFileInfo(path) proc <#getFileInfo,string>`_
   if file.isNil:
     raise newException(IOError, "File is nil")
   result = getFileInfo(file.getFileHandle())
@@ -2358,16 +2917,20 @@ proc getFileInfo*(path: string, followSymlink = true): FileInfo {.noNimScript.}
   ## Retrieves file information for the file object pointed to by `path`.
   ## Due to intrinsic differences between operating systems, the information
-  ## contained by the returned `FileInfo` structure will be slightly different
-  ## across platforms, and in some cases, incomplete or inaccurate.
+  ## contained by the returned `FileInfo object <#FileInfo>`_ will be slightly
+  ## different across platforms, and in some cases, incomplete or inaccurate.
-  ## When `followSymlink` is true, symlinks are followed and the information
-  ## retrieved is information related to the symlink's target. Otherwise,
-  ## information on the symlink itself is retrieved.
+  ## When `followSymlink` is true (default), symlinks are followed and the
+  ## information retrieved is information related to the symlink's target.
+  ## Otherwise, information on the symlink itself is retrieved.
   ## If the information cannot be retrieved, such as when the path doesn't
   ## exist, or when permission restrictions prevent the program from retrieving
-  ## file information, an error will be thrown.
+  ## file information, `OSError` is raised.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `getFileInfo(handle) proc <#getFileInfo,FileHandle>`_
+  ## * `getFileInfo(file) proc <#getFileInfo,File>`_
   when defined(Windows):
       handle = openHandle(path, followSymlink)
@@ -2389,21 +2952,23 @@ proc getFileInfo*(path: string, followSymlink = true): FileInfo {.noNimScript.}
     rawToFormalFileInfo(rawInfo, path, result)
 proc isHidden*(path: string): bool {.noNimScript.} =
-  ## Determines whether ``path`` is hidden or not, using this
-  ## reference
+  ## Determines whether ``path`` is hidden or not, using `this
+  ## reference <>`_.
   ## On Windows: returns true if it exists and its "hidden" attribute is set.
   ## On posix: returns true if ``lastPathPart(path)`` starts with ``.`` and is
-  ## not ``.`` or ``..``. Note: paths are not normalized to determine `isHidden`.
+  ## not ``.`` or ``..``.
+  ##
+  ## **Note**: paths are not normalized to determine `isHidden`.
     when defined(posix):
-      doAssert ".foo".isHidden
-      doAssert: not ".foo/bar".isHidden
-      doAssert: not ".".isHidden
-      doAssert: not "..".isHidden
-      doAssert: not "".isHidden
-      doAssert ".foo/".isHidden
+      assert ".foo".isHidden
+      assert not ".foo/bar".isHidden
+      assert not ".".isHidden
+      assert not "..".isHidden
+      assert not "".isHidden
+      assert ".foo/".isHidden
   when defined(Windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
@@ -2417,7 +2982,10 @@ proc isHidden*(path: string): bool {.noNimScript.} =
     result = len(fileName) >= 2 and fileName[0] == '.' and fileName != ".."
 proc getCurrentProcessId*(): int {.noNimScript.} =
-  ## return current process ID. See also ``osproc.processID(p: Process)``.
+  ## Return current process ID.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `osproc.processID(p: Process) <osproc.html#processID,Process>`_
   when defined(windows):
     proc GetCurrentProcessId(): DWORD {.stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32",
                                         importc: "GetCurrentProcessId".}
@@ -2444,6 +3012,7 @@ proc setLastModificationTime*(file: string, t: times.Time) {.noNimScript.} =
     discard h.closeHandle
     if res == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
 when isMainModule:
   assert quoteShellWindows("aaa") == "aaa"
   assert quoteShellWindows("aaa\"") == "aaa\\\""
diff --git a/lib/pure/times.nim b/lib/pure/times.nim
index 0104a97c1..e2d0b8739 100644
--- a/lib/pure/times.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/times.nim
@@ -224,9 +224,6 @@ elif defined(posix):
       {.importc: "CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID", header: "<time.h>".}: Clockid
-  proc gettimeofday(tp: var Timeval, unused: pointer = nil)
-      {.importc: "gettimeofday", header: "<sys/time.h>".}
   when not defined(freebsd) and not defined(netbsd) and not defined(openbsd):
     var timezone {.importc, header: "<time.h>".}: int
     when not defined(valgrind_workaround_10121):
@@ -1110,12 +1107,6 @@ proc getTime*(): Time {.tags: [TimeEffect], benign.} =
     let nanos = convert(Milliseconds, Nanoseconds,
       millis mod convert(Seconds, Milliseconds, 1).int)
     result = initTime(seconds, nanos)
-  # I'm not entirely certain if freebsd needs to use `gettimeofday`.
-  elif defined(macosx) or defined(freebsd):
-    var a: Timeval
-    gettimeofday(a)
-    result = initTime(a.tv_sec.int64,
-                      convert(Microseconds, Nanoseconds,
   elif defined(posix):
     var ts: Timespec
     discard clock_gettime(realTimeClockId, ts)
@@ -2449,9 +2440,10 @@ when not defined(JS):
       ## ``getTime`` should generally be prefered over this proc.
       when defined(posix):
-        var a: Timeval
-        gettimeofday(a)
-        result = toBiggestFloat(a.tv_sec.int64) + toFloat(a.tv_usec)*0.00_0001
+        var ts: Timespec
+        discard clock_gettime(realTimeClockId, ts)
+        result = toBiggestFloat(ts.tv_sec.int64) +
+          toBiggestFloat(ts.tv_nsec.int64) / 1_000_000_000
       elif defined(windows):
         var f: winlean.FILETIME
diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index 0241b92e0..b9be52308 100644
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -3049,6 +3049,19 @@ else:
     if x < 0: -x else: x
+when defined(nimNewRoof):
+  iterator `..<`*[T](a, b: T): T =
+    var i = T(a)
+    while i < b:
+      yield i
+      inc i
+  iterator `..<`*[S, T](a: S, b: T): T =
+    var i = T(a)
+    while i < b:
+      yield i
+      inc i
 when not defined(JS):
   proc likelyProc(val: bool): bool {.importc: "likely", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
   proc unlikelyProc(val: bool): bool {.importc: "unlikely", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
@@ -3144,7 +3157,7 @@ when not defined(JS): #and not defined(nimscript):
   # ----------------- IO Part ------------------------------------------------
     CFile {.importc: "FILE", header: "<stdio.h>",
-            final, incompletestruct.} = object
+            incompletestruct.} = object
     File* = ptr CFile ## The type representing a file handle.
     FileMode* = enum           ## The file mode when opening a file.
@@ -3392,6 +3405,10 @@ when not defined(JS): #and not defined(nimscript):
       ## returns the OS file handle of the file ``f``. This is only useful for
       ## platform specific programming.
+  when defined(gcDestructors) and not defined(nimscript):
+    include "core/strs"
+    include "core/seqs"
   when declared(newSeq):
     proc cstringArrayToSeq*(a: cstringArray, len: Natural): seq[string] =
       ## converts a ``cstringArray`` to a ``seq[string]``. `a` is supposed to be
@@ -3483,10 +3500,6 @@ when not defined(JS): #and not defined(nimscript):
     when defined(memtracker):
       include "system/memtracker"
-    when defined(gcDestructors):
-      include "core/strs"
-      include "core/seqs"
     when hostOS == "standalone":
       include "system/embedded"
@@ -3716,19 +3729,6 @@ template `..<`*(a, b: untyped): untyped =
   ## a shortcut for 'a .. (when b is BackwardsIndex: succ(b) else: pred(b))'.
   a .. (when b is BackwardsIndex: succ(b) else: pred(b))
-when defined(nimNewRoof):
-  iterator `..<`*[T](a, b: T): T =
-    var i = T(a)
-    while i < b:
-      yield i
-      inc i
-  iterator `..<`*[S, T](a: S, b: T): T =
-    var i = T(a)
-    while i < b:
-      yield i
-      inc i
 template spliceImpl(s, a, L, b: untyped): untyped =
   # make room for additional elements or cut:
   var shift = b.len - max(0,L)  # ignore negative slice size
@@ -4307,15 +4307,17 @@ proc `==`*(x, y: cstring): bool {.magic: "EqCString", noSideEffect,
 when defined(nimNoNilSeqs2):
   when not compileOption("nilseqs"):
     when defined(nimHasUserErrors):
-      proc `==`*(x: string; y: type(nil)): bool {.
+      # bug #9149; ensure that 'type(nil)' does not match *too* well by using 'type(nil) | type(nil)'.
+      # Eventually (in 0.20?) we will be able to remove this hack completely.
+      proc `==`*(x: string; y: type(nil) | type(nil)): bool {.
           error: "'nil' is now invalid for 'string'; compile with --nilseqs:on for a migration period".} =
-      proc `==`*(x: type(nil); y: string): bool {.
+      proc `==`*(x: type(nil) | type(nil); y: string): bool {.
           error: "'nil' is now invalid for 'string'; compile with --nilseqs:on for a migration period".} =
-      proc `==`*(x: string; y: type(nil)): bool {.error.} = discard
-      proc `==`*(x: type(nil); y: string): bool {.error.} = discard
+      proc `==`*(x: string; y: type(nil) | type(nil)): bool {.error.} = discard
+      proc `==`*(x: type(nil) | type(nil); y: string): bool {.error.} = discard
 template closureScope*(body: untyped): untyped =
   ## Useful when creating a closure in a loop to capture local loop variables by
@@ -4405,7 +4407,7 @@ template doAssertRaises*(exception: typedesc, code: untyped): typed =
       wrong = true
     except exception:
-    except Exception as exc:
+    except Exception:
       raiseAssert(astToStr(exception) &
                   " wasn't raised, another error was raised instead by:\n"&
diff --git a/lib/system/excpt.nim b/lib/system/excpt.nim
index cc0c1f54b..f2f82c3b8 100644
--- a/lib/system/excpt.nim
+++ b/lib/system/excpt.nim
@@ -220,11 +220,12 @@ proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PFrame; s: var seq[StackTraceEntry]) =
     it = it.prev
   var last = i-1
-  if s.len == 0:
-    s = newSeq[StackTraceEntry](i)
-  else:
-    last = s.len + i - 1
-    s.setLen(last+1)
+  when true: # not defined(gcDestructors):
+    if s.len == 0:
+      s = newSeq[StackTraceEntry](i)
+    else:
+      last = s.len + i - 1
+      s.setLen(last+1)
   it = f
   while it != nil:
     s[last] = StackTraceEntry(procname: it.procname,
@@ -440,11 +441,13 @@ proc getStackTrace(e: ref Exception): string =
     result = ""
-when not defined(gcDestructors):
-  proc getStackTraceEntries*(e: ref Exception): seq[StackTraceEntry] =
-    ## Returns the attached stack trace to the exception ``e`` as
-    ## a ``seq``. This is not yet available for the JS backend.
+proc getStackTraceEntries*(e: ref Exception): seq[StackTraceEntry] =
+  ## Returns the attached stack trace to the exception ``e`` as
+  ## a ``seq``. This is not yet available for the JS backend.
+  when not defined(gcDestructors):
     shallowCopy(result, e.trace)
+  else:
+    result = move(e.trace)
 const nimCallDepthLimit {.intdefine.} = 2000
diff --git a/lib/system/gc.nim b/lib/system/gc.nim
index 416827f21..018197c1e 100644
--- a/lib/system/gc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/gc.nim
@@ -864,7 +864,10 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
       for stack in items(gch.stack):
         result.add "[GC]   stack " & stack.bottom.repr & "[GC]     max stack size " & cast[pointer](stack.maxStackSize).repr & "\n"
-      result.add "[GC] stack bottom: " & gch.stack.bottom.repr
+      # this caused memory leaks, see #10488 ; find a way without `repr`
+      # maybe using a local copy of strutils.toHex or snprintf
+      when defined(logGC):
+        result.add "[GC] stack bottom: " & gch.stack.bottom.repr
       result.add "[GC] max stack size: " & $gch.stat.maxStackSize & "\n"
 {.pop.} # profiler: off, stackTrace: off
diff --git a/lib/system/gc_regions.nim b/lib/system/gc_regions.nim
index 59f68918f..797eeeebf 100644
--- a/lib/system/gc_regions.nim
+++ b/lib/system/gc_regions.nim
@@ -195,6 +195,19 @@ proc runFinalizers(c: Chunk) =
     it = it.nextFinal
+proc runFinalizers(c: Chunk; newbump: pointer) =
+  var it = c.head
+  var prev: ptr ObjHeader = nil
+  while it != nil:
+    let nxt = it.nextFinal
+    if it >= newbump:
+      if it.typ != nil and it.typ.finalizer != nil:
+        (cast[Finalizer](it.typ.finalizer))(it+!sizeof(ObjHeader))
+    elif prev != nil:
+      prev.nextFinal = nil
+    prev = it
+    it = nxt
 proc dealloc(r: var MemRegion; p: pointer; size: int) =
   let it = cast[ptr ObjHeader](p-!sizeof(ObjHeader))
   if it.typ != nil and it.typ.finalizer != nil:
@@ -237,16 +250,15 @@ template computeRemaining(r): untyped =
 proc setObstackPtr*(r: var MemRegion; sp: StackPtr) =
   # free everything after 'sp':
-  if != nil:
+  if sp.current != nil and != nil:
     deallocAll(r, = nil
     when false:
       # better leak this memory than be sorry:
       for i in 0..high(r.freeLists): r.freeLists[i] = nil
       r.holes = nil
-  #else:
-  #  deallocAll(r, r.head)
-  #  r.head = nil
+  if r.tail != nil: runFinalizers(r.tail, sp.bump)
   r.bump = sp.bump
   r.tail = sp.current
   r.remaining = sp.remaining
diff --git a/lib/system/helpers2.nim b/lib/system/helpers2.nim
index c67a2c278..8bd69ad71 100644
--- a/lib/system/helpers2.nim
+++ b/lib/system/helpers2.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # imported by other modules, unlike helpers.nim which is included
 template formatErrorIndexBound*[T](i, a, b: T): string =
-  "index out of bounds: (a:" & $a & ") <= (i:" & $i & ") <= (b:" & $b & ") "
+  "index out of bounds: (a: " & $a & ") <= (i: " & $i & ") <= (b: " & $b & ") "
 template formatErrorIndexBound*[T](i, n: T): string =
-  "index out of bounds: (i:" & $i & ") <= (n:" & $n & ") "
+  "index out of bounds: (i: " & $i & ") <= (n: " & $n & ") "
diff --git a/lib/windows/winlean.nim b/lib/windows/winlean.nim
index 6c480d03a..d1bfbd447 100644
--- a/lib/windows/winlean.nim
+++ b/lib/windows/winlean.nim
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ proc getProcessTimes*(hProcess: Handle; lpCreationTime, lpExitTime,
   dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "GetProcessTimes".}
 type inet_ntop_proc = proc(family: cint, paddr: pointer, pStringBuffer: cstring,
-                      stringBufSize: int32): cstring {.gcsafe, stdcall.}
+                      stringBufSize: int32): cstring {.gcsafe, stdcall, tags: [].}
 var inet_ntop_real: inet_ntop_proc = nil
diff --git a/tests/deprecated/tdeprecated.nim b/tests/deprecated/tdeprecated.nim
index 920f350cc..ba8d579ad 100644
--- a/tests/deprecated/tdeprecated.nim
+++ b/tests/deprecated/tdeprecated.nim
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
 discard """
-  nimout: '''tdeprecated.nim(10, 3) Warning: a is deprecated [Deprecated]
-tdeprecated.nim(17, 11) Warning: asdf; enum 'Foo' which contains field 'a' is deprecated [Deprecated]
+  nimout: '''
+tdeprecated.nim(23, 3) Warning: a is deprecated [Deprecated]
+tdeprecated.nim(30, 11) Warning: asdf; enum 'Foo' which contains field 'a' is deprecated [Deprecated]
+tdeprecated.nim(40, 16) Warning: use fooX instead; fooA is deprecated [Deprecated]
+## line 15
     a {.deprecated.}: array[0..11, int]
@@ -17,3 +30,13 @@ block t10111:
   var _ = a
+block: # issue #8063
+  type
+    Foo = enum
+      fooX
+  {.deprecated: [fooA: fooX].}
+  let
+    foo: Foo = fooA
+  echo foo
+  static: echo "end"
diff --git a/tests/dir with space/more spaces/mspace.nim b/tests/dir with space/more spaces/mspace.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc2c90f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dir with space/more spaces/mspace.nim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+proc tenTimes*(x: int): int = 10*x
diff --git a/tests/dir with space/tspace.nim b/tests/dir with space/tspace.nim
index 59237c9a1..87a52c271 100644
--- a/tests/dir with space/tspace.nim
+++ b/tests/dir with space/tspace.nim
@@ -2,5 +2,9 @@ discard """
 output: "Successful"
 # Test for the compiler to be able to compile a Nim file with spaces in the directory name.
+# Also test if import of a directory with a space works.
+import "more spaces" / mspace
+assert tenTimes(5) == 50
diff --git a/tests/misc/tinvalidarrayaccess.nim b/tests/misc/tinvalidarrayaccess.nim
index 57ad38b85..ab44d98e8 100644
--- a/tests/misc/tinvalidarrayaccess.nim
+++ b/tests/misc/tinvalidarrayaccess.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 discard """
-  errormsg: "index out of bounds: (a:0) <= (i:2) <= (b:1) "
+  errormsg: "index out of bounds: (a: 0) <= (i: 2) <= (b: 1) "
   line: 18
diff --git a/tests/misc/tinvalidarrayaccess2.nim b/tests/misc/tinvalidarrayaccess2.nim
index 86d349457..a791dc4e7 100644
--- a/tests/misc/tinvalidarrayaccess2.nim
+++ b/tests/misc/tinvalidarrayaccess2.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 discard """
-  errormsg: "index out of bounds: (a:0) <= (i:3) <= (b:1) "
+  errormsg: "index out of bounds: (a: 0) <= (i: 3) <= (b: 1) "
   line: 9
diff --git a/tests/overload/tconverter_to_string.nim b/tests/overload/tconverter_to_string.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1960372d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/overload/tconverter_to_string.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+discard """
+  output: '''123
+c is not nil'''
+# bug #9149
+  Container = ref object
+    data: int
+converter containerToString*(x: Container): string = $
+var c = Container(data: 123)
+var str = string c
+echo str
+if c == nil: # this line can compile on v0.18, but not on 0.19
+  echo "c is nil"
+if not c.isNil:
+  echo "c is not nil"
diff --git a/tests/parser/tprecedence.nim b/tests/parser/tprecedence.nim
index aff7c6aca..3e1c03dd1 100644
--- a/tests/parser/tprecedence.nim
+++ b/tests/parser/tprecedence.nim
@@ -40,3 +40,12 @@ proc getX(x: MyObject): lent MyField {.inline.} =
 let a = MyObject()
 echo a.getX.b.len
+# bug  #10458
+template t(x: untyped): untyped = "x"
+  aaa = t 2 + 4
+  ccc = t (1, 1) + 6
+  ddd = t [0, 1, 2] + 5