summary refs log tree commit diff stats
diff options
9 files changed, 326 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index f68375e93..f8655f940 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ script:
   - ./koch boot
   - ./koch boot -d:release
   - nim e install_nimble.nims
+  - nim e tests/test_nimscript.nims
   - nimble update
   - nimble install zip
   - nimble install opengl
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
index 0e4080c5d..4de196fe0 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -573,34 +573,34 @@ proc getTypeDescAux(m: BModule, typ: PType, check: var IntSet): Rope =
     result = getTypeDescWeak(m, t.sons[0], check) & "*"
     idTablePut(m.typeCache, t, result)
   of tyRange, tyEnum:
-    let orig = t
     let t = if t.kind == tyRange: t.lastSon else: t
-    result = getTypeName(t)
-    if not (isImportedCppType(t) or
-        (sfImportc in t.sym.flags and t.sym.magic == mNone)):
-      idTablePut(m.typeCache, t, result)
-      if t != orig: idTablePut(m.typeCache, orig, result)
-      var size: int
-      if firstOrd(t) < 0:
-        addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NI32 $1;$n", [result])
-        size = 4
-      else:
-        size = int(getSize(t))
-        case size
-        of 1: addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NU8 $1;$n", [result])
-        of 2: addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NU16 $1;$n", [result])
-        of 4: addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NI32 $1;$n", [result])
-        of 8: addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NI64 $1;$n", [result])
-        else: internalError(, "getTypeDescAux: enum")
-      let owner = hashOwner(t.sym)
-      if not gDebugInfo.hasEnum(,, owner):
-        var vals: seq[(string, int)] = @[]
-        for i in countup(0, t.n.len - 1):
-          assert(t.n.sons[i].kind == nkSym)
-          let field = t.n.sons[i].sym
-          vals.add((,
-        gDebugInfo.registerEnum(EnumDesc(size: size, owner: owner, id:,
-          name:, values: vals))
+    result = cacheGetType(m.typeCache, t)
+    if result == nil:
+      result = getTypeName(t)
+      if not (isImportedCppType(t) or
+          (sfImportc in t.sym.flags and t.sym.magic == mNone)):
+        idTablePut(m.typeCache, t, result)
+        var size: int
+        if firstOrd(t) < 0:
+          addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NI32 $1;$n", [result])
+          size = 4
+        else:
+          size = int(getSize(t))
+          case size
+          of 1: addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NU8 $1;$n", [result])
+          of 2: addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NU16 $1;$n", [result])
+          of 4: addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NI32 $1;$n", [result])
+          of 8: addf(m.s[cfsTypes], "typedef NI64 $1;$n", [result])
+          else: internalError(, "getTypeDescAux: enum")
+        let owner = hashOwner(t.sym)
+        if not gDebugInfo.hasEnum(,, owner):
+          var vals: seq[(string, int)] = @[]
+          for i in countup(0, t.n.len - 1):
+            assert(t.n.sons[i].kind == nkSym)
+            let field = t.n.sons[i].sym
+            vals.add((,
+          gDebugInfo.registerEnum(EnumDesc(size: size, owner: owner, id:,
+            name:, values: vals))
   of tyProc:
     result = getTypeName(t)
     idTablePut(m.typeCache, t, result)
diff --git a/compiler/nimfix/nimfix.nim.cfg b/compiler/nimfix/nimfix.nim.cfg
index 73219d6f8..0d9dbfa4b 100644
--- a/compiler/nimfix/nimfix.nim.cfg
+++ b/compiler/nimfix/nimfix.nim.cfg
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]:off
diff --git a/compiler/sempass2.nim b/compiler/sempass2.nim
index c3a9e01a0..218ab2704 100644
--- a/compiler/sempass2.nim
+++ b/compiler/sempass2.nim
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ proc notNilCheck(tracked: PEffects, n: PNode, paramType: PType) =
       # addr(x[]) can't be proven, but addr(x) can:
       if not containsNode(n, {nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref}): return
     elif (n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind in routineKinds) or
-         n.kind in procDefs+{nkObjConstr}:
+         n.kind in procDefs+{nkObjConstr, nkBracket}:
       # 'p' is not nil obviously:
     case impliesNotNil(tracked.guards, n)
diff --git a/compiler/semstmts.nim b/compiler/semstmts.nim
index 0b2343c10..7155f9c7a 100644
--- a/compiler/semstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/semstmts.nim
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ proc checkNilable(v: PSym) =
       {tfNotNil, tfNeedsInit} * v.typ.flags != {}:
     if v.ast.isNil:
       message(, warnProveInit,
-    elif tfNotNil in v.typ.flags and tfNotNil notin v.ast.typ.flags:
+    elif tfNeedsInit in v.typ.flags and tfNotNil notin v.ast.typ.flags:
       message(, warnProveInit,
 include semasgn
diff --git a/tests/test_nimscript.nims b/tests/test_nimscript.nims
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..436e990ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_nimscript.nims
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This nimscript is used to test if the following modules can be imported
+import algorithm
+import base64
+import colors
+import hashes
+import lists
+import math
+# import marshal
+import options
+import ospaths
+# import parsecfg
+# import parseopt
+import parseutils
+# import pegs
+import queues
+import sequtils
+import strutils
+import subexes
+import tables
+import unicode
+import uri
+echo "Nimscript imports are successful."
diff --git a/todo.txt b/todo.txt
index 542f096fb..863811ddf 100644
--- a/todo.txt
+++ b/todo.txt
@@ -12,18 +12,17 @@ essential for 1.0
 - overloading of `()` needs to be in .experimental
 - find a solution for the  x.f[T](y)  gotcha
 - ``concept`` needs to be refined, a nice name for the feature is not enough.
-- Destructors need to be refined.
 - make '--implicitStatic:on' the default; then we can also clean up the
   'static[T]' mess in the compiler!
 - Deprecate ``immediate`` for templates and macros
 - document NimMain and check whether it works for threading
-- ``not`` or ``~`` for the effects system
 Not critical for 1.0
+- Destructors need to be refined.
+- ``not`` or ``~`` for the effects system
 - document and stress test ``.partial`` object declarations
 - add "all threads are blocked" detection to 'spawn'
 - figure out why C++ bootstrapping is so much slower
diff --git a/tools/heapdumprepl.nim b/tools/heapdumprepl.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffa153f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/heapdumprepl.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+include prelude
+import intsets
+  NodeKind = enum
+    internal, local, localInvalid, global, globalInvalid
+  Color = enum
+    white, grey, black
+  Node = ref object
+    id, rc: int
+    kids: seq[int]
+    k: NodeKind
+    col: Color
+  Graph = object
+    nodes: Table[int, Node]
+    roots: Table[int, NodeKind]
+proc add(father: Node; son: int) =
+  if = @[]
+proc renderNode(g: Graph; id: int) =
+  let n = g.nodes[id]
+  echo n[]
+proc toNodeId(aliases: var Table[string,int]; s: string): int =
+  result = aliases.getOrDefault(s)
+  if result == 0:
+    if s.startsWith("x"):
+      discard s.parseHex(result, 1)
+    else:
+      result = s.parseInt
+proc parseHex(s: string): int =
+  discard parseutils.parseHex(s, result, 0)
+proc reachable(g: Graph; stack: var seq[int]; goal: int): bool =
+  var t = initIntSet()
+  while stack.len > 0:
+    let it = stack.pop
+    if not t.containsOrIncl(it):
+      if it == goal: return true
+      if it in g.nodes:
+        for kid in g.nodes[it].kids:
+          stack.add(kid)
+const Help = """
+quit          -- quits this REPL
+locals, l     -- output the list of local stack roots
+globals, g    -- output the list of global roots
+alias name addr -- give addr a name. start 'addr' with 'x' for hexidecimal
+                   notation
+print name|addr  -- print a node by name or address
+reachable,r  l|g|node  dest   -- outputs TRUE or FALSE depending on whether
+                    dest is reachable by (l)ocals, (g)lobals or by the
+                    other given node. Nodes can be node names or node
+                    addresses.
+proc repl(g: Graph) =
+  var aliases = initTable[string,int]()
+  while true:
+    let line = stdin.readLine()
+    let data = line.split()
+    if data.len == 0: continue
+    case data[0]
+    of "quit":
+      break
+    of "help":
+      echo Help
+    of "locals", "l":
+      for k,v in g.roots:
+        if v == local: renderNode(g, k)
+    of "globals", "g":
+      for k,v in g.roots:
+        if v == global: renderNode(g, k)
+    of "alias", "a":
+      # generate alias
+      if data.len == 3:
+        aliases[data[1]] = toNodeId(aliases, data[2])
+    of "print", "p":
+      if data.len == 2:
+        renderNode(g, toNodeId(aliases, data[1]))
+    of "reachable", "r":
+      if data.len == 3:
+        var stack: seq[int] = @[]
+        case data[1]
+        of "locals", "l":
+          for k,v in g.roots:
+            if v == local: stack.add k
+        of "globals", "g":
+          for k,v in g.roots:
+            if v == global: stack.add k
+        else:
+          stack.add(toNodeId(aliases, data[1]))
+        let goal = toNodeId(aliases, data[2])
+        echo reachable(g, stack, goal)
+    else: discard
+proc importData(input: string): Graph =
+  #c_fprintf(file, "%s %p %d rc=%ld color=%c\n",
+  #          msg, c, kind, c.refcount shr rcShift, col)
+  # cell  0x10a908190 22 rc=2 color=w
+  var i: File
+  var
+    nodes = initTable[int, Node]()
+    roots = initTable[int, NodeKind]()
+  if open(i, input):
+    var currNode: Node
+    for line in lines(i):
+      let data = line.split()
+      if data.len == 0: continue
+      case data[0]
+      of "end":
+        currNode = nil
+      of "cell":
+        let rc = parseInt(data[3].substr("rc=".len))
+        let col = case data[4].substr("color=".len)
+                  of "b": black
+                  of "w": white
+                  of "g": grey
+                  else: (assert(false); grey)
+        let id = parseHex(data[1])
+        currNode = Node(id: id,
+          k: roots.getOrDefault(id),
+          rc: rc, col: col)
+        nodes[] = currNode
+      of "child":
+        assert currNode != nil
+        currNode.add parseHex(data[1])
+      of "global_root":
+        roots[data[1].parseHex] = global
+      of "global_root_invalid":
+        roots[data[1].parseHex] = globalInvalid
+      of "onstack":
+        roots[data[1].parseHex] = local
+      of "onstack_invalid":
+        roots[data[1].parseHex] = localInvalid
+      else: discard
+    close(i)
+  else:
+    quit "error: cannot open " & input
+  shallowCopy(result.nodes, nodes)
+  shallowCopy(result.roots, roots)
+if paramCount() == 1:
+  repl(importData(paramStr(1)))
+  quit "usage: heapdumprepl inputfile"
diff --git a/web/news/version_0_14_released.rst.todo b/web/news/version_0_14_released.rst.todo
index a31b952e6..7aa4e0359 100644
--- a/web/news/version_0_14_released.rst.todo
+++ b/web/news/version_0_14_released.rst.todo
@@ -97,8 +97,13 @@ Language Additions
     that arise when types are mutually dependent and yet should be kept in
     different modules.
-Bug fixes
+The list below has been generated based on the commits in Nim's git
+repository. As such it lists only the issues which have been closed
+via a commit, for a full list see
+`this link on Github <>`_.
   - Fixed "Calling generic templates with explicit generic arguments crashes compiler"
@@ -215,3 +220,114 @@ Bug fixes
     (`#4070 <>`_)
   - Fixed "`$` For array crashes the compiler when assigned to const"
     (`#4040 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Default value for .importcpp enum is initialized incorrectly"
+    (`#4034 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Nim doesn't instantiate template parameter in cgen when using procedure return value in for-in loop"
+    (`#4110 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Compile-time SIGSEGV when invoking procedures that cannot be evaluated at compile time from a macro"
+    (`#3956 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Backtricks inside .emit pragma output incorrect name for types"
+    (`#3992 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "typedef is generated for .importcpp enums"
+    (`#4145 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Incorrect C code generated for nnkEmpty node"
+    (`#950 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Syntax error in config file appears as general exception without useful info"
+    (`#3763 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Converting .importcpp enum to string doesn't work when done inside procs"
+    (`#4147 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Enum template specifiers do not work for .importcpp enums when they are used as a parameter"
+    (`#4146 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Providing template specifier recursively for .importcpp type doesn't work"
+    (`#4148 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "sizeof doesn't work for generics in vm"
+    (`#4153 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Creating list-like structures in a loop leaks memory indefinitely"
+    (`#3793 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Creating list-like structures in a loop leaks memory indefinitely"
+    (`#3793 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Enum items generated by a macro have wrong type."
+    (`#4066 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Memory leak with default GC"
+    (`#3184 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Rationals Overflow Error on 32-bit machine"
+    (`#4194 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "osproc waitForExit() is ignoring the timeout parameter"
+    (`#4200 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Regression: exception parseFloat("-0.0") "
+    (`#4212 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "JS Codegen: Bad constant initialization order"
+    (`#4222 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Term-rewriting macros gives Error: wrong number of arguments"
+    (`#4227 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "importcpp allowed in body of proc after push"
+    (`#4225 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "pragma SIGSEGV"
+    (`#4001 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Restrict hints to the current project"
+    (`#2159 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "`unlikely`/`likely` should be no-ops for the Javascript backend"
+    (`#3882 <>`_)
+  - Fixed ".this pragma doesn't work for fields and procs defined for parent type"
+    (`#4177 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "VM SIGSEV with compile-time Table"
+    (`#3729 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Error during compilation with cpp option on FreeBSD "
+    (`#3059 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Compiler doesn't keep type bounds"
+    (`#1713 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Stdlib: future: Shortcut proc definition doesn't support, varargs, seqs, arrays, or openarrays"
+    (`#4238 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Why don't ``asynchttpserver`` support request-body when ``put`` ``delete``?"
+    (`#4221 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Paths for includes in Nim documentation"
+    (`#2640 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Compile pragma doesn't work with relative import"
+    (`#1262 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Slurp doesn't work with relative imports"
+    (`#765 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Make tilde expansion consistent"
+    (`#786 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "koch expects nim to be in path for tests?"
+    (`#3290 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Don't use relative imports for non relative modules (aka babel libs)"
+    (`#546 <>`_)
+  - Fixed ""echo" on general structs does not work"
+    (`#4236 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Changing math.round() and adding math.integer()"
+    (`#3473 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Mathematics module missing modf"
+    (`#4195 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Passing method to macro causes seg fault"
+    (`#1611 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Internal error with "discard quit""
+    (`#3532 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "SIGSEGV when using object variant in compile time"
+    (`#4207 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "formatSize has incorrect prefix"
+    (`#4198 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Add compiler parameter to generate output from source code filters"
+    (`#375 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Add engineering notation to string formatting functions"
+    (`#4197 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Very minor error in json documentation"
+    (`#4255 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "can't compile when checking if closure == nil"
+    (`#4186 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Strange code gen for procs returning arrays"
+    (`#2259 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "asynchttpserver may consume unbounded memory reading headers"
+    (`#3847 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "download page still implies master is default branch"
+    (`#4022 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "Use standard compiler flags in build script"
+    (`#2128 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "CentOS 6 (gcc-4.4.7) compilation failed (redefinition of typedef)"
+    (`#4272 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "doc2 has issues with httpclient"
+    (`#4278 <>`_)
+  - Fixed "tuples/tuple_with_nil fails without unsigned module"
+    (`#3579 <>`_)