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12 files changed, 163 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index f892a3128..9f4beda9e 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ proc genOfHelper(p: BProc; dest: PType; a: Rope): Rope =
   # unfortunately 'genTypeInfo' sets tfObjHasKids as a side effect, so we
   # have to call it here first:
   let ti = genTypeInfo(p.module, dest)
-  if tfFinal in dest.flags or (p.module.objHasKidsValid and
+  if tfFinal in dest.flags or (objHasKidsValid in p.module.flags and
                                tfObjHasKids notin dest.flags):
     result = "$1.m_type == $2" % [a, ti]
diff --git a/compiler/ccgmerge.nim b/compiler/ccgmerge.nim
index 2a37257b6..2e77cd2a6 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgmerge.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgmerge.nim
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ proc genMergeInfo*(m: BModule): Rope =
   writeIntSet(m.typeInfoMarker, s)
   encodeVInt(m.labels, s)
-  s.add(" hasframe:")
-  encodeVInt(ord(m.frameDeclared), s)
+  s.add(" flags:")
+  encodeVInt(cast[int](m.flags), s)
   result = s.rope
@@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ proc processMergeInfo(L: var TBaseLexer, m: BModule) =
     of "declared":  readIntSet(L, m.declaredThings)
     of "typeInfo":  readIntSet(L, m.typeInfoMarker)
     of "labels":    m.labels = decodeVInt(L.buf, L.bufpos)
-    of "hasframe":  m.frameDeclared = decodeVInt(L.buf, L.bufpos) != 0
+    of "flags":
+      m.flags = cast[set[CodegenFlag]](decodeVInt(L.buf, L.bufpos) != 0)
     else: internalError("ccgmerge: unknown key: " & k)
 when not defined(nimhygiene):
diff --git a/compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim b/compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim
index ab771d240..81af89249 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ proc emulatedThreadVars(): bool =
 proc accessThreadLocalVar(p: BProc, s: PSym) =
   if emulatedThreadVars() and not p.threadVarAccessed:
     p.threadVarAccessed = true
-    p.module.usesThreadVars = true
+    incl p.module.flags, usesThreadVars
     addf(p.procSec(cpsLocals), "\tNimThreadVars* NimTV;$n", [])
       ropecg(p.module, "\tNimTV = (NimThreadVars*) #GetThreadLocalVars();$n"))
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ proc declareThreadVar(m: BModule, s: PSym, isExtern: bool) =
     addf(m.s[cfsVars], " $1;$n", [s.loc.r])
 proc generateThreadLocalStorage(m: BModule) =
-  if nimtv != nil and (m.usesThreadVars or sfMainModule in m.module.flags):
+  if nimtv != nil and (usesThreadVars in m.flags or sfMainModule in m.module.flags):
     for t in items(nimtvDeps): discard getTypeDesc(m, t)
     addf(m.s[cfsSeqTypes], "typedef struct {$1} NimThreadVars;$n", [nimtv])
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
index 700e6d148..6553deb66 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ proc genProcHeader(m: BModule, prc: PSym): Rope =
   # using static is needed for inline procs
   if lfExportLib in prc.loc.flags:
-    if m.isHeaderFile:
+    if isHeaderFile in m.flags:
       result.add "N_LIB_IMPORT "
       result.add "N_LIB_EXPORT "
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index 0a8f89f2e..77be125b6 100644
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ proc isSimpleConst(typ: PType): bool =
       (t.kind == tyProc and t.callConv == ccClosure)
 proc useStringh(m: BModule) =
-  if not m.includesStringh:
-    m.includesStringh = true
+  if includesStringh notin m.flags:
+    incl m.flags, includesStringh
     discard lists.includeStr(m.headerFiles, "<string.h>")
 proc useHeader(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
@@ -1011,11 +1011,11 @@ proc genInitCode(m: BModule) =
   add(prc, m.postInitProc.s(cpsLocals))
   add(prc, genSectionEnd(cpsLocals))
-  if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and not m.frameDeclared:
+  if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and frameDeclared notin m.flags:
     # BUT: the generated init code might depend on a current frame, so
     # declare it nevertheless:
-    m.frameDeclared = true
-    if not m.preventStackTrace:
+    incl m.flags, frameDeclared
+    if preventStackTrace notin m.flags:
       var procname = makeCString(
       add(prc, initFrame(m.initProc, procname,
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ proc genInitCode(m: BModule) =
   add(prc, m.initProc.s(cpsStmts))
   add(prc, m.postInitProc.s(cpsStmts))
   add(prc, genSectionEnd(cpsStmts))
-  if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and not m.preventStackTrace:
+  if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and preventStackTrace notin m.flags:
     add(prc, deinitFrame(m.initProc))
   add(prc, deinitGCFrame(m.initProc))
   addf(prc, "}$N$N", [])
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ proc rawNewModule(module: PSym, filename: string): BModule =
   # no line tracing for the init sections of the system module so that we
   # don't generate a TFrame which can confuse the stack botton initialization:
   if sfSystemModule in module.flags:
-    result.preventStackTrace = true
+    incl result.flags, preventStackTrace
     excl(result.preInitProc.options, optStackTrace)
     excl(result.postInitProc.options, optStackTrace)
@@ -1128,9 +1128,11 @@ proc resetModule*(m: BModule) =
   m.forwardedProcs = @[]
   m.typeNodesName = getTempName()
   m.nimTypesName = getTempName()
-  m.preventStackTrace = sfSystemModule in m.module.flags
+  if sfSystemModule in m.module.flags:
+    incl m.flags, preventStackTrace
+  else:
+    excl m.flags, preventStackTrace
   nullify m.s
-  m.usesThreadVars = false
   m.typeNodes = 0
   m.nimTypes = 0
   nullify m.extensionLoaders
@@ -1175,7 +1177,7 @@ proc myOpen(module: PSym): PPassContext =
     let f = if headerFile.len > 0: headerFile else: gProjectFull
     generatedHeader = rawNewModule(module,
       changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(f), hExt))
-    generatedHeader.isHeaderFile = true
+    incl generatedHeader.flags, isHeaderFile
 proc writeHeader(m: BModule) =
   var result = getCopyright(m.filename)
@@ -1307,7 +1309,7 @@ proc myClose(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
   if sfMainModule in m.module.flags:
-    m.objHasKidsValid = true
+    incl m.flags, objHasKidsValid
     var disp = generateMethodDispatchers()
     for i in 0..sonsLen(disp)-1: genProcAux(m, disp.sons[i].sym)
diff --git a/compiler/cgendata.nim b/compiler/cgendata.nim
index 187186373..c098902a6 100644
--- a/compiler/cgendata.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgendata.nim
@@ -92,17 +92,20 @@ type
     gcFrameType*: Rope       # the struct {} we put the GC markers into
   TTypeSeq* = seq[PType]
+  Codegenflag* = enum
+    preventStackTrace,  # true if stack traces need to be prevented
+    usesThreadVars,     # true if the module uses a thread var
+    frameDeclared,      # hack for ROD support so that we don't declare
+                        # a frame var twice in an init proc
+    isHeaderFile,       # C source file is the header file
+    includesStringh,    # C source file already includes ``<string.h>``
+    objHasKidsValid     # whether we can rely on tfObjHasKids
   TCGen = object of TPassContext # represents a C source file
     module*: PSym
     filename*: string
     s*: TCFileSections        # sections of the C file
-    preventStackTrace*: bool  # true if stack traces need to be prevented
-    usesThreadVars*: bool     # true if the module uses a thread var
-    frameDeclared*: bool      # hack for ROD support so that we don't declare
-                              # a frame var twice in an init proc
-    isHeaderFile*: bool       # C source file is the header file
-    includesStringh*: bool    # C source file already includes ``<string.h>``
-    objHasKidsValid*: bool    # whether we can rely on tfObjHasKids
+    flags*: set[Codegenflag]
     cfilename*: string        # filename of the module (including path,
                               # without extension)
     typeCache*: TIdTable      # cache the generated types
diff --git a/compiler/sem.nim b/compiler/sem.nim
index c29cbe384..74fa09a57 100644
--- a/compiler/sem.nim
+++ b/compiler/sem.nim
@@ -354,7 +354,6 @@ proc semMacroExpr(c: PContext, n, nOrig: PNode, sym: PSym,
   #if c.evalContext == nil:
   #  c.evalContext = c.createEvalContext(emStatic)
   result = evalMacroCall(c.module, n, nOrig, sym)
   if efNoSemCheck notin flags:
     result = semAfterMacroCall(c, result, sym, flags)
diff --git a/compiler/semstmts.nim b/compiler/semstmts.nim
index f6bfca955..dcc7ecd92 100644
--- a/compiler/semstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/semstmts.nim
@@ -781,9 +781,9 @@ proc typeSectionFinalPass(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
       var x = a[2]
       while x.kind in {nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr} and x.len > 0:
         x = x.lastSon
-      if x.kind notin {nkObjectTy, nkDistinctTy, nkEnumTy, nkEmpty}:
+      if x.kind notin {nkObjectTy, nkDistinctTy, nkEnumTy, nkEmpty} and
+          s.typ.kind notin {tyObject, tyEnum, tyDistinct}:
         # type aliases are hard:
-        #MessageOut('for type ' + typeToString(s.typ));
         var t = semTypeNode(c, x, nil)
         assert t != nil
         if t.kind in {tyObject, tyEnum, tyDistinct}:
diff --git a/compiler/semtypes.nim b/compiler/semtypes.nim
index ba17cc307..9d0afd8b1 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypes.nim
@@ -1094,10 +1094,14 @@ proc semGeneric(c: PContext, n: PNode, s: PSym, prev: PType): PType =
         result = instGenericContainer(c,, result,
                                       allowMetaTypes = false)
-proc semTypeExpr(c: PContext, n: PNode): PType =
+proc semTypeExpr(c: PContext, n: PNode; prev: PType): PType =
   var n = semExprWithType(c, n, {efDetermineType})
   if n.typ.kind == tyTypeDesc:
     result = n.typ.base
+    # fix types constructed by macros:
+    if prev != nil and prev.sym != nil and result.sym.isNil:
+      result.sym = prev.sym
+      result.sym.typ = result
     localError(, errTypeExpected, n.renderTree)
     result = errorType(c)
@@ -1177,7 +1181,7 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
         localError(, errGenerated, "invalid type")
     elif n[0].kind notin nkIdentKinds:
-      result = semTypeExpr(c, n)
+      result = semTypeExpr(c, n, prev)
       let op = considerQuotedIdent(n.sons[0])
       if in {ord(wAnd), ord(wOr)} or op.s == "|":
@@ -1218,7 +1222,7 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
         let typExpr = semExprWithType(c, n.sons[1], {efInTypeof})
         result = typExpr.typ
-        result = semTypeExpr(c, n)
+        result = semTypeExpr(c, n, prev)
   of nkWhenStmt:
     var whenResult = semWhen(c, n, false)
     if whenResult.kind == nkStmtList: whenResult.kind = nkStmtListType
diff --git a/lib/system/sysstr.nim b/lib/system/sysstr.nim
index f8b93a2c3..3177d05bd 100644
--- a/lib/system/sysstr.nim
+++ b/lib/system/sysstr.nim
@@ -304,43 +304,39 @@ proc nimFloatToStr(f: float): string {.compilerproc.} =
 proc strtod(buf: cstring, endptr: ptr cstring): float64 {.importc,
   header: "<stdlib.h>", noSideEffect.}
-var decimalPoint: char
-proc getDecimalPoint(): char =
-  result = decimalPoint
-  if result == '\0':
-    if strtod("0,5", nil) == 0.5: result = ','
-    else: result = '.'
-    # yes this is threadsafe in practice, spare me:
-    decimalPoint = result
   IdentChars = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_'}
+  powtens =   [ 1e0,   1e1,  1e2,  1e3,  1e4,  1e5,  1e6,  1e7,  1e8,  1e9,
+                1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
+                1e20, 1e21, 1e22]
 proc nimParseBiggestFloat(s: string, number: var BiggestFloat,
                           start = 0): int {.compilerProc.} =
-  # This routine leverages `strtod()` for the non-trivial task of
-  # parsing floating point numbers correctly. Because `strtod()` is
-  # locale-dependent with respect to the radix character, we create
-  # a copy where the decimal point is replaced with the locale's
-  # radix character.
+  # This routine attempt to parse float that can parsed quickly.
+  # ie whose integer part can fit inside a 53bits integer.
+  # their real exponent must also be <= 22. If the float doesn't follow
+  # these restrictions, transform the float into this form:
+  #  INTEGER * 10 ^ exponent and leave the work to standard `strtod()`.
+  # This avoid the problems of decimal character portability.
+  # see:
     i = start
     sign = 1.0
-    t: array[500, char] # flaviu says: 325 is the longest reasonable literal
-    ti = 0
-    hasdigits = false
-  template addToBuf(c) =
-    if ti < t.high:
-      t[ti] = c; inc(ti)
+    kdigits, fdigits = 0
+    exponent: int
+    integer: uint64
+    fraction: uint64
+    frac_exponent= 0
+    exp_sign = 1
+    first_digit = 0
+    has_sign = false
   # Sign?
   if s[i] == '+' or s[i] == '-':
+    has_sign = true
     if s[i] == '-':
       sign = -1.0
-    t[ti] = s[i]
-    inc(i); inc(ti)
+    inc(i)
   # NaN?
   if s[i] == 'N' or s[i] == 'n':
@@ -360,40 +356,114 @@ proc nimParseBiggestFloat(s: string, number: var BiggestFloat,
           return i+3 - start
     return 0
+  # Skip leading zero
+  while s[i] == '0':
+    inc(i)
+  if s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
+      first_digit = (s[i].ord - '0'.ord)
   # Integer part?
   while s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-    hasdigits = true
-    addToBuf(s[i])
+    inc(kdigits)
+    integer = integer * 10'u64 + (s[i].ord - '0'.ord).uint64
     while s[i] == '_': inc(i)
   # Fractional part?
   if s[i] == '.':
-    addToBuf(getDecimalPoint())
+    # if no integer part, Skip leading zeros
+    if kdigits <= 0:
+      while s[i] in {'_','0'}:
+        inc(i)
+        inc(frac_exponent)
+    if s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
+      first_digit = (s[i].ord - '0'.ord)
+    # get fractional part
     while s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-      hasdigits = true
-      addToBuf(s[i])
+      inc(fdigits)
+      inc(frac_exponent)
+      integer = integer * 10'u64 + (s[i].ord - '0'.ord).uint64
       while s[i] == '_': inc(i)
-  if not hasdigits:
+  # if has no digits: return error
+  if kdigits + fdigits <= 0 and
+     (i == start or # was only zero
+      has_sign) :   # or only '+' or '-
     return 0
-  # Exponent?
   if s[i] in {'e', 'E'}:
-    addToBuf(s[i])
-    if s[i] in {'+', '-'}:
-      addToBuf(s[i])
+    if s[i] == '+' or s[i] == '-':
+      if s[i] == '-':
+        exp_sign = -1
     if s[i] notin {'0'..'9'}:
       return 0
     while s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-      addToBuf(s[i])
+      exponent = exponent * 10 + (ord(s[i]) - ord('0'))
-      while s[i] == '_': inc(i)
-  number = strtod(t, nil)
+      while s[i] == '_': inc(i) # underscores are allowed and ignored
+  var real_exponent = exp_sign*exponent - frac_exponent
+  let exp_negative = real_exponent < 0
+  var abs_exponent = abs(real_exponent)
+  # if exponent greater than can be represented: +/- zero or infinity
+  if abs_exponent > 999:
+    if exp_negative:
+      number = 0.0*sign
+    else:
+      number = Inf*sign
+    return i - start
+  # if integer is representable in 53 bits:  fast path
+  # max fast path integer is  1<<53 - 1 or  8999999999999999 (16 digits)
+  if kdigits + fdigits <= 16 and first_digit <= 8:
+    # max float power of ten with set bits above the 53th bit is 10^22
+    if abs_exponent <= 22:
+      if exp_negative:
+        number = sign * integer.float / powtens[abs_exponent]
+      else:
+        number = sign * integer.float * powtens[abs_exponent]
+      return i - start
+    # if exponent is greater try to fit extra exponent above 22 by multiplying
+    # integer part is there is space left.
+    let slop = 15 - kdigits - fdigits
+    if  abs_exponent <= 22 + slop and not exp_negative:
+      number = sign * integer.float * powtens[slop] * powtens[abs_exponent-slop]
+      return i - start
+  # if failed: slow path with strtod.
+  var t: array[500, char] # flaviu says: 325 is the longest reasonable literal
+  var ti = 0
+  let maxlen = t.high - "e+000".len # reserve enough space for exponent
   result = i - start
+  i = start
+  # re-parse without error checking, any error should be handled by the code above.
+  while s[i] in {'0'..'9','+','-'}:
+    if ti < maxlen:
+      t[ti] = s[i]; inc(ti)
+    inc(i)
+    while s[i] in {'.', '_'}: # skip underscore and decimal point
+      inc(i)
+  # insert exponent
+  t[ti] = 'E'; inc(ti)
+  t[ti] = if exp_negative: '-' else: '+'; inc(ti)
+  inc(ti, 3)
+  # insert adjusted exponent
+  t[ti-1] = ('0'.ord + abs_exponent mod 10).char; abs_exponent = abs_exponent div 10
+  t[ti-2] = ('0'.ord + abs_exponent mod 10).char; abs_exponent = abs_exponent div 10
+  t[ti-3] = ('0'.ord + abs_exponent mod 10).char
+  number = strtod(t, nil)
 proc nimInt64ToStr(x: int64): string {.compilerRtl.} =
   result = newString(sizeof(x)*4)
diff --git a/lib/system/timers.nim b/lib/system/timers.nim
index ac8418824..8aa4505c4 100644
--- a/lib/system/timers.nim
+++ b/lib/system/timers.nim
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ elif defined(posixRealtime):
                final, pure.} = object ## struct timespec
       tv_sec: int  ## Seconds.
       tv_nsec: int ## Nanoseconds.
-  {.deprecated: [TClockid: Clickid, TTimeSpec: TimeSpec].}
+  {.deprecated: [TClockid: Clockid, TTimeSpec: TimeSpec].}
     CLOCK_REALTIME {.importc: "CLOCK_REALTIME", header: "<time.h>".}: Clockid
diff --git a/tests/float/tfloat5.nim b/tests/float/tfloat5.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa7dc6c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/float/tfloat5.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+discard """
+  file: "tfloat5.nim"
+  output: '''0 : 0.0
+0 : 0.0
+0 : 0.0
+0 : 0.0'''
+import parseutils
+var f: float
+echo "*".parseFloat(f), " : ", f
+echo "/".parseFloat(f), " : ", f
+echo "+".parseFloat(f), " : ", f
+echo "-".parseFloat(f), " : ", f