summary refs log tree commit diff stats
diff options
10 files changed, 410 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/btrees.nim b/compiler/btrees.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..228481692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/btrees.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#           The Nim Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2018 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## BTree implementation with few features, but good enough for the
+## Nim compiler's needs.
+  M = 512    # max children per B-tree node = M-1
+             # (must be even and greater than 2)
+  Mhalf = M div 2
+  Node[Key, Val] = ref object
+    entries: int
+    keys: array[M, Key]
+    case isInternal: bool
+    of false:
+      vals: array[M, Val]
+    of true:
+      links: array[M, Node[Key, Val]]
+  BTree*[Key, Val] = object
+    root: Node[Key, Val]
+    height: int
+    entries: int      ## number of key-value pairs
+proc initBTree*[Key, Val](): BTree[Key, Val] =
+  BTree[Key, Val](root: Node[Key, Val](entries: 0, isInternal: false))
+template less(a, b): bool = cmp(a, b) < 0
+template eq(a, b): bool = cmp(a, b) == 0
+proc getOrDefault*[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val], key: Key): Val =
+  var x = b.root
+  while x.isInternal:
+    for j in 0 ..< x.entries:
+      if j+1 == x.entries or less(key, x.keys[j+1]):
+        x = x.links[j]
+        break
+  assert(not x.isInternal)
+  for j in 0 ..< x.entries:
+    if eq(key, x.keys[j]): return x.vals[j]
+proc copyHalf[Key, Val](h, result: Node[Key, Val]) =
+  for j in 0 ..< Mhalf:
+    result.keys[j] = h.keys[Mhalf + j]
+  if h.isInternal:
+    for j in 0 ..< Mhalf:
+      result.links[j] = h.links[Mhalf + j]
+  else:
+    for j in 0 ..< Mhalf:
+      shallowCopy(result.vals[j], h.vals[Mhalf + j])
+proc split[Key, Val](h: Node[Key, Val]): Node[Key, Val] =
+  ## split node in half
+  result = Node[Key, Val](entries: Mhalf, isInternal: h.isInternal)
+  h.entries = Mhalf
+  copyHalf(h, result)
+proc insert[Key, Val](h: Node[Key, Val], key: Key, val: Val): Node[Key, Val] =
+  #var t = Entry(key: key, val: val, next: nil)
+  var newKey = key
+  var j = 0
+  if not h.isInternal:
+    while j < h.entries:
+      if less(key, h.keys[j]): break
+      inc j
+    for i in countdown(h.entries, j+1):
+      shallowCopy(h.vals[i], h.vals[i-1])
+    h.vals[j] = val
+  else:
+    var newLink: Node[Key, Val] = nil
+    while j < h.entries:
+      if j+1 == h.entries or less(key, h.keys[j+1]):
+        let u = insert(h.links[j], key, val)
+        inc j
+        if u == nil: return nil
+        newKey = u.keys[0]
+        newLink = u
+        break
+      inc j
+    for i in countdown(h.entries, j+1):
+      h.links[i] = h.links[i-1]
+    h.links[j] = newLink
+  for i in countdown(h.entries, j+1):
+    h.keys[i] = h.keys[i-1]
+  h.keys[j] = newKey
+  inc h.entries
+  return if h.entries < M: nil else: split(h)
+proc add*[Key, Val](b: var BTree[Key, Val]; key: Key; val: Val) =
+  let u = insert(b.root, key, val)
+  inc b.entries
+  if u == nil: return
+  # need to split root
+  let t = Node[Key, Val](entries: 2, isInternal: true)
+  t.keys[0] = b.root.keys[0]
+  t.links[0] = b.root
+  t.keys[1] = u.keys[0]
+  t.links[1] = u
+  b.root = t
+  inc b.height
+proc toString[Key, Val](h: Node[Key, Val], indent: string; result: var string) =
+  if not h.isInternal:
+    for j in 0..<h.entries:
+      result.add(indent)
+      result.add($h.keys[j] & " " & $h.vals[j] & "\n")
+  else:
+    for j in 0..<h.entries:
+      if j > 0: result.add(indent & "(" & $h.keys[j] & ")\n")
+      toString(h.links[j], indent & "   ", result)
+proc `$`[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val]): string =
+  result = ""
+  toString(b.root, "", result)
+when isMainModule:
+  import random, tables
+  proc main =
+    var st = initBTree[string, string]()
+    st.add("", "abc")
+    st.add("",    "")
+    st.add("",         "")
+    st.add("",     "")
+    st.add("",        "")
+    st.add("",       "")
+    st.add("",         "")
+    st.add("",          "")
+    st.add("",       "")
+    st.add("",      "")
+    st.add("",    "")
+    st.add("",         "")
+    st.add("",     "")
+    st.add("",         "")
+    st.add("",      "")
+    st.add("",        "")
+    assert st.getOrDefault("") == "abc"
+    assert st.getOrDefault("") == nil
+    assert st.getOrDefault("") == ""
+    assert st.getOrDefault("") == ""
+    assert st.getOrDefault("") == ""
+    assert st.getOrDefault("") == ""
+    assert(st.entries == 16)
+    when false:
+      var b2 = initBTree[string, string]()
+      const iters = 10_000
+      for i in 1..iters:
+        b2.add($i, $(iters - i))
+      for i in 1..iters:
+        let x = b2.getOrDefault($i)
+        if x != $(iters - i):
+          echo "got ", x, ", but expected ", iters - i
+      echo b2.entries
+      echo b2.height
+    when true:
+      var b2 = initBTree[int, string]()
+      var t2 = initTable[int, string]()
+      const iters = 100_000
+      for i in 1..iters:
+        let x = rand(high(int))
+        if not t2.hasKey(x):
+          doAssert b2.getOrDefault(x).len == 0, " what, tree has this element " & $x
+          t2[x] = $x
+          b2.add(x, $x)
+      doAssert b2.entries == t2.len
+      echo "unique entries ", b2.entries
+      for k, v in t2:
+        doAssert $k == v
+        doAssert b2.getOrDefault(k) == $k
+  main()
diff --git a/compiler/incremental.nim b/compiler/incremental.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69dfb727e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/incremental.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#           The Nim Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2018 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Basic type definitions the module graph needs in order to support
+## incremental compilations.
+const nimIncremental* = defined(nimIncremental)
+import options, lineinfos
+when nimIncremental:
+  import ast, intsets, btrees, db_sqlite
+  type
+    Writer* = object
+      sstack*: seq[PSym]          # a stack of symbols to process
+      tstack*: seq[PType]         # a stack of types to process
+      tmarks*, smarks*: IntSet
+      forwardedSyms*: seq[PSym]
+    Reader* = object
+      syms*: BTree[int, PSym]
+      types*: BTree[int, PType]
+    IncrementalCtx* = object
+      db*: DbConn
+      w*: Writer
+      r*: Reader
+  proc init*(incr: var IncrementalCtx) =
+    incr.w.sstack = @[]
+    incr.w.tstack = @[]
+    incr.w.tmarks = initIntSet()
+    incr.w.smarks = initIntSet()
+    incr.w.forwardedSyms = @[]
+    incr.r.syms = initBTree[int, PSym]()
+    incr.r.types = initBTree[int, PType]()
+  proc hashFileCached*(conf: ConfigRef; fileIdx: FileIndex; fullpath: string): string =
+    result = msgs.getHash(fileIdx)
+    if result.len == 0:
+      result = $secureHashFile(fullpath)
+      msgs.setHash(fileIdx, result)
+  proc toDbFileId*(fileIdx: int32): int =
+    if fileIdx == -1: return -1
+    let fullpath = fileIdx.toFullPath
+    let row = db.getRow(sql"select id, fullhash from filenames where fullpath = ?",
+      fullpath)
+    let id = row[0]
+    let fullhash = hashFileCached(fileIdx, fullpath)
+    if id.len == 0:
+      result = int db.insertID(sql"insert into filenames(fullpath, fullhash) values (?, ?)",
+        fullpath, fullhash)
+    else:
+      if row[1] != fullhash:
+        db.exec(sql"update filenames set fullhash = ? where fullpath = ?", fullhash, fullpath)
+      result = parseInt(id)
+  proc fromDbFileId*(incr: var IncrementalCtx; conf: ConfigRef; dbId: int): FileIndex =
+    if dbId == -1: return -1
+    let fullpath = db.getValue(sql"select fullpath from filenames where id = ?", dbId)
+    doAssert fullpath.len > 0, "cannot find file name for DB ID " & $dbId
+    result = fileInfoIdx(conf, fullpath)
+  proc addModuleDep*(incr: var IncrementalCtx; conf: ConfigRef;
+                     module, fileIdx: FileIndex;
+                     isIncludeFile: bool) =
+    if conf.symbolFiles != v2Sf: return
+    let a = toDbFileId(incr, conf, module)
+    let b = toDbFileId(incr, conf, fileIdx)
+    incr.db.exec(sql"insert into deps(module, dependency, isIncludeFile) values (?, ?, ?)",
+      a, b, ord(isIncludeFile))
+  # --------------- Database model ---------------------------------------------
+  proc createDb*(db: DbConn) =
+    db.exec(sql"""
+      create table if not exists controlblock(
+        idgen integer not null
+      );
+    """)
+    db.exec(sql"""
+      create table if not exists filenames(
+        id integer primary key,
+        fullpath varchar(8000) not null,
+        fullHash varchar(256) not null
+      );
+    """)
+    db.exec sql"create index if not exists FilenameIx on filenames(fullpath);"
+    db.exec(sql"""
+      create table if not exists modules(
+        id integer primary key,
+        fullpath varchar(8000) not null,
+        interfHash varchar(256) not null,
+        fullHash varchar(256) not null,
+        created timestamp not null default (DATETIME('now'))
+      );""")
+    db.exec(sql"""create unique index if not exists SymNameIx on modules(fullpath);""")
+    db.exec(sql"""
+      create table if not exists deps(
+        id integer primary key,
+        module integer not null,
+        dependency integer not null,
+        isIncludeFile integer not null,
+        foreign key (module) references filenames(id),
+        foreign key (dependency) references filenames(id)
+      );""")
+    db.exec(sql"""create index if not exists DepsIx on deps(module);""")
+    db.exec(sql"""
+      create table if not exists types(
+        id integer primary key,
+        nimid integer not null,
+        module integer not null,
+        data blob not null,
+        foreign key (module) references module(id)
+      );
+    """)
+    db.exec sql"create index TypeByModuleIdx on types(module);"
+    db.exec sql"create index TypeByNimIdIdx on types(nimid);"
+    db.exec(sql"""
+      create table if not exists syms(
+        id integer primary key,
+        nimid integer not null,
+        module integer not null,
+        name varchar(256) not null,
+        data blob not null,
+        exported int not null,
+        foreign key (module) references module(id)
+      );
+    """)
+    db.exec sql"create index if not exists SymNameIx on syms(name);"
+    db.exec sql"create index SymByNameAndModuleIdx on syms(name, module);"
+    db.exec sql"create index SymByModuleIdx on syms(module);"
+    db.exec sql"create index SymByNimIdIdx on syms(nimid);"
+    db.exec(sql"""
+      create table if not exists toplevelstmts(
+        id integer primary key,
+        position integer not null,
+        module integer not null,
+        data blob not null,
+        foreign key (module) references module(id)
+      );
+    """)
+    db.exec sql"create index TopLevelStmtByModuleIdx on toplevelstmts(module);"
+    db.exec sql"create index TopLevelStmtByPositionIdx on toplevelstmts(position);"
+    db.exec(sql"""
+      create table if not exists statics(
+        id integer primary key,
+        module integer not null,
+        data blob not null,
+        foreign key (module) references module(id)
+      );
+    """)
+    db.exec sql"create index StaticsByModuleIdx on toplevelstmts(module);"
+    db.exec sql"insert into controlblock(idgen) values (0)"
+  type
+    IncrementalCtx* = object
+  template init*(incr: IncrementalCtx) = discard
+  template addModuleDep*(incr: var IncrementalCtx; conf: ConfigRef;
+                     module, fileIdx: FileIndex;
+                     isIncludeFile: bool) =
+    discard
diff --git a/compiler/main.nim b/compiler/main.nim
index ba2537ef8..0929974bd 100644
--- a/compiler/main.nim
+++ b/compiler/main.nim
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ const
 proc mainCommand*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
   let conf = graph.config
-  setupModuleCache()
+  setupModuleCache(graph)
   # In "nim serve" scenario, each command must reset the registered passes
   conf.lastCmdTime = epochTime()
diff --git a/compiler/modulegraphs.nim b/compiler/modulegraphs.nim
index 100f69c1d..7c9837f54 100644
--- a/compiler/modulegraphs.nim
+++ b/compiler/modulegraphs.nim
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ## This module implements the module graph data structure. The module graph
 ## represents a complete Nim project. Single modules can either be kept in RAM
-## or stored in a ROD file. The ROD file mechanism is not yet integrated here.
+## or stored in a Sqlite database.
 ## The caching of modules is critical for 'nimsuggest' and is tricky to get
 ## right. If module E is being edited, we need autocompletion (and type
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
 ## - Its dependent module stays the same.
-import ast, intsets, tables, options, rod, lineinfos, hashes, idents
+import ast, intsets, tables, options, lineinfos, hashes, idents,
+  incremental
   ModuleGraph* = ref object
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ type
     intTypeCache*: array[-5..64, PType]
     opContains*, opNot*: PSym
     emptyNode*: PNode
+    incr*: IncrementalCtx
 proc hash*(x: FileIndex): Hash {.borrow.}
@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ proc newModuleGraph*(cache: IdentCache; config: ConfigRef): ModuleGraph =
   result.opNot = createMagic(result, "not", mNot)
   result.opContains = createMagic(result, "contains", mInSet)
   result.emptyNode = newNode(nkEmpty)
+  init(result.incr)
 proc resetAllModules*(g: ModuleGraph) =
@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ proc dependsOn(a, b: int): int {.inline.} = (a shl 15) + b
 proc addDep*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym, dep: FileIndex) =
   assert m.position ==
-  addModuleDep(, dep, isIncludeFile = false)
+  addModuleDep(g.incr, g.config,, dep, isIncludeFile = false)
   if suggestMode:
     deps.incl m.position.dependsOn(
     # we compute the transitive closure later when quering the graph lazily.
@@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ proc addDep*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym, dep: FileIndex) =
     #invalidTransitiveClosure = true
 proc addIncludeDep*(g: ModuleGraph; module, includeFile: FileIndex) =
-  addModuleDep(module, includeFile, isIncludeFile = true)
+  addModuleDep(g.incr, g.config, module, includeFile, isIncludeFile = true)
   discard hasKeyOrPut(inclToMod, includeFile, module)
 proc parentModule*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex): FileIndex =
diff --git a/compiler/modules.nim b/compiler/modules.nim
index 9ac3dbb0b..61568e67c 100644
--- a/compiler/modules.nim
+++ b/compiler/modules.nim
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ proc compileModule*(graph: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex; cache: IdentCache, f
- = getModuleId(fileIdx, toFullPath(graph.config, fileIdx))
+ = getModuleId(graph, fileIdx, toFullPath(graph.config, fileIdx))
     discard processModule(graph, result,
       if sfMainModule in flags and graph.config.projectIsStdin: stdin.llStreamOpen else: nil,
       rd, cache)
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ proc importModule*(graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym, fileIdx: FileIndex;
   #  localError(, errAttemptToRedefine,
   # restore the notes for outer module:
   graph.config.notes =
-      if == graph.config.mainPackageId: graph.config.mainPackageNotes
-      else: graph.config.foreignPackageNotes
+    if == graph.config.mainPackageId: graph.config.mainPackageNotes
+    else: graph.config.foreignPackageNotes
 proc includeModule*(graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym, fileIdx: FileIndex;
                     cache: IdentCache): PNode {.procvar.} =
diff --git a/compiler/passes.nim b/compiler/passes.nim
index 9be7d060a..4ba17adcc 100644
--- a/compiler/passes.nim
+++ b/compiler/passes.nim
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ proc processModule*(graph: ModuleGraph; module: PSym, stream: PLLStream,
     var stmtIndex = 0
     var doContinue = true
     while doContinue:
-      let n = loadNode(module, stmtIndex)
+      let n = loadNode(graph, module, stmtIndex)
       if n == nil or graph.stopCompile(): break
       #if n.kind == nkImportStmt:
       #  echo "yes and it's ", n
diff --git a/compiler/rod.nim b/compiler/rod.nim
index 82f556b3b..1b5331ba7 100644
--- a/compiler/rod.nim
+++ b/compiler/rod.nim
@@ -9,18 +9,21 @@
 ## This module implements the canonalization for the various caching mechanisms.
-import ast, idgen, lineinfos, msgs
+import ast, idgen, lineinfos, msgs, incremental, modulegraphs
-when not defined(nimSymbolfiles):
-  template setupModuleCache* = discard
-  template storeNode*(module: PSym; n: PNode) = discard
-  template loadNode*(module: PSym; index: var int): PNode = PNode(nil)
+when not nimIncremental:
+  template setupModuleCache*(g: ModuleGraph) = discard
+  template storeNode*(g: ModuleGraph; module: PSym; n: PNode) = discard
+  template loadNode*(g: ModuleGraph; module: PSym; index: var int): PNode = PNode(nil)
-  template getModuleId*(fileIdx: FileIndex; fullpath: string): int = getID()
+  template getModuleId*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex; fullpath: string): int = getID()
-  template addModuleDep*(module, fileIdx: FileIndex; isIncludeFile: bool) = discard
+  template addModuleDep*(g: ModuleGraph; module, fileIdx: FileIndex; isIncludeFile: bool) = discard
-  template storeRemaining*(module: PSym) = discard
+  template storeRemaining*(g: ModuleGraph; module: PSym) = discard
   include rodimpl
+  # idea for testing all this logic: *Always* load the AST from the DB, whether
+  # we already have it in RAM or not!
diff --git a/compiler/rodimpl.nim b/compiler/rodimpl.nim
index aff4f6909..1a92ac64b 100644
--- a/compiler/rodimpl.nim
+++ b/compiler/rodimpl.nim
@@ -22,15 +22,10 @@ import strutils, os, intsets, tables, ropes, db_sqlite, msgs, options, types,
 ## - Depencency computation should use signature hashes in order to
 ##   avoid recompiling dependent modules.
-var db: DbConn
+template db(): DbConn = g.incr.db
-proc hashFileCached(fileIdx: int32; fullpath: string): string =
-  result = msgs.getHash(fileIdx)
-  if result.len == 0:
-    result = $secureHashFile(fullpath)
-    msgs.setHash(fileIdx, result)
-proc needsRecompile(fileIdx: int32; fullpath: string; cycleCheck: var IntSet): bool =
+proc needsRecompile(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: int32; fullpath: string;
+                    cycleCheck: var IntSet): bool =
   let root = db.getRow(sql"select id, fullhash from filenames where fullpath = ?",
   if root[0].len == 0: return true
@@ -43,11 +38,11 @@ proc needsRecompile(fileIdx: int32; fullpath: string; cycleCheck: var IntSet): b
   for row in db.fastRows(sql"select fullpath from filenames where id in (select dependency from deps where module = ?)",
     let dep = row[0]
-    if needsRecompile(dep.fileInfoIdx, dep, cycleCheck):
+    if needsRecompile(g, dep.fileInfoIdx, dep, cycleCheck):
       return true
   return false
-proc getModuleId*(fileIdx: int32; fullpath: string): int =
+proc getModuleId*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: int32; fullpath: string): int =
   if gSymbolFiles != v2Sf: return getID()
   let module = db.getRow(
     sql"select id, fullHash from modules where fullpath = ?", fullpath)
@@ -103,27 +98,6 @@ proc pushSym(w: PRodWriter, s: PSym) =
   if not containsOrIncl(w.smarks,
-proc toDbFileId(fileIdx: int32): int =
-  if fileIdx == -1: return -1
-  let fullpath = fileIdx.toFullPath
-  let row = db.getRow(sql"select id, fullhash from filenames where fullpath = ?",
-    fullpath)
-  let id = row[0]
-  let fullhash = hashFileCached(fileIdx, fullpath)
-  if id.len == 0:
-    result = int db.insertID(sql"insert into filenames(fullpath, fullhash) values (?, ?)",
-      fullpath, fullhash)
-  else:
-    if row[1] != fullhash:
-      db.exec(sql"update filenames set fullhash = ? where fullpath = ?", fullhash, fullpath)
-    result = parseInt(id)
-proc fromDbFileId(dbId: int): int32 =
-  if dbId == -1: return -1
-  let fullpath = db.getValue(sql"select fullpath from filenames where id = ?", dbId)
-  doAssert fullpath.len > 0, "cannot find file name for DB ID " & $dbId
-  result = fileInfoIdx(fullpath)
 proc encodeNode(w: PRodWriter, fInfo: TLineInfo, n: PNode,
                 result: var string) =
   if n == nil:
@@ -395,7 +369,7 @@ proc storeType(w: PRodWriter; t: PType) =
 var w = initRodWriter(nil)
-proc storeNode*(module: PSym; n: PNode) =
+proc storeNode*(g: ModuleGraph; module: PSym; n: PNode) =
   if gSymbolFiles != v2Sf: return
   w.module = module
   var buf = newStringOfCap(160)
@@ -421,7 +395,7 @@ proc storeNode*(module: PSym; n: PNode) =
     inc i
-proc storeRemaining*(module: PSym) =
+proc storeRemaining*(g: ModuleGraph; module: PSym) =
   if gSymbolFiles != v2Sf: return
   w.module = module
   for s in w.forwardedSyms:
@@ -437,7 +411,7 @@ type
     #tstack: seq[(PType, ptr PType)]     # a stack of types to process
     #tmarks, smarks: IntSet
-    syms: Table[int, PSym] ## XXX make this more efficients
+    syms: Table[int, PSym] ## XXX make this more efficient
     types: Table[int, PType]
     cache: IdentCache
@@ -813,7 +787,7 @@ proc loadModuleSymTab(r; module: PSym) =
   if sfSystemModule in module.flags:
     magicsys.systemModule = module
-proc loadNode*(module: PSym; index: int): PNode =
+proc loadNode*(g: ModuleGraph; module: PSym; index: int): PNode =
   assert gSymbolFiles == v2Sf
   if index == 0:
     loadModuleSymTab(gr, module)
@@ -828,110 +802,9 @@ proc loadNode*(module: PSym; index: int): PNode =
   gr.module = module
   result = decodeNode(gr, b,
-proc addModuleDep*(module, fileIdx: int32; isIncludeFile: bool) =
-  if gSymbolFiles != v2Sf: return
-  let a = toDbFileId(module)
-  let b = toDbFileId(fileIdx)
-  db.exec(sql"insert into deps(module, dependency, isIncludeFile) values (?, ?, ?)",
-    a, b, ord(isIncludeFile))
-# --------------- Database model ---------------------------------------------
-proc createDb() =
-  db.exec(sql"""
-    create table if not exists controlblock(
-      idgen integer not null
-    );
-  """)
-  db.exec(sql"""
-    create table if not exists filenames(
-      id integer primary key,
-      fullpath varchar(8000) not null,
-      fullHash varchar(256) not null
-    );
-  """)
-  db.exec sql"create index if not exists FilenameIx on filenames(fullpath);"
-  db.exec(sql"""
-    create table if not exists modules(
-      id integer primary key,
-      fullpath varchar(8000) not null,
-      interfHash varchar(256) not null,
-      fullHash varchar(256) not null,
-      created timestamp not null default (DATETIME('now'))
-    );""")
-  db.exec(sql"""create unique index if not exists SymNameIx on modules(fullpath);""")
-  db.exec(sql"""
-    create table if not exists deps(
-      id integer primary key,
-      module integer not null,
-      dependency integer not null,
-      isIncludeFile integer not null,
-      foreign key (module) references filenames(id),
-      foreign key (dependency) references filenames(id)
-    );""")
-  db.exec(sql"""create index if not exists DepsIx on deps(module);""")
-  db.exec(sql"""
-    create table if not exists types(
-      id integer primary key,
-      nimid integer not null,
-      module integer not null,
-      data blob not null,
-      foreign key (module) references module(id)
-    );
-  """)
-  db.exec sql"create index TypeByModuleIdx on types(module);"
-  db.exec sql"create index TypeByNimIdIdx on types(nimid);"
-  db.exec(sql"""
-    create table if not exists syms(
-      id integer primary key,
-      nimid integer not null,
-      module integer not null,
-      name varchar(256) not null,
-      data blob not null,
-      exported int not null,
-      foreign key (module) references module(id)
-    );
-  """)
-  db.exec sql"create index if not exists SymNameIx on syms(name);"
-  db.exec sql"create index SymByNameAndModuleIdx on syms(name, module);"
-  db.exec sql"create index SymByModuleIdx on syms(module);"
-  db.exec sql"create index SymByNimIdIdx on syms(nimid);"
-  db.exec(sql"""
-    create table if not exists toplevelstmts(
-      id integer primary key,
-      position integer not null,
-      module integer not null,
-      data blob not null,
-      foreign key (module) references module(id)
-    );
-  """)
-  db.exec sql"create index TopLevelStmtByModuleIdx on toplevelstmts(module);"
-  db.exec sql"create index TopLevelStmtByPositionIdx on toplevelstmts(position);"
-  db.exec(sql"""
-    create table if not exists statics(
-      id integer primary key,
-      module integer not null,
-      data blob not null,
-      foreign key (module) references module(id)
-    );
-  """)
-  db.exec sql"create index StaticsByModuleIdx on toplevelstmts(module);"
-  db.exec sql"insert into controlblock(idgen) values (0)"
-proc setupModuleCache* =
+proc setupModuleCache*(g: ModuleGraph) =
   if gSymbolFiles != v2Sf: return
-  let dbfile = getNimcacheDir() / "rodfiles.db"
+  let dbfile = getNimcacheDir(g.config) / "rodfiles.db"
   if not fileExists(dbfile):
     db = open(connection=dbfile, user="nim", password="",
diff --git a/compiler/rodwrite.nim b/compiler/rodwrite.nim
index 0b27418b3..968cb9e7f 100644
--- a/compiler/rodwrite.nim
+++ b/compiler/rodwrite.nim
@@ -622,12 +622,6 @@ proc process(c: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
       # Note: The check for ``s.typ.kind = tyEnum`` is wrong for enum
       # type aliasing! Otherwise the same enum symbol would be included
       # several times!
-      #
-      #        if (a.sons[2] <> nil) and (a.sons[2].kind = nkEnumTy) then begin
-      #          a := s.typ.n;
-      #          for j := 0 to sonsLen(a)-1 do
-      #            addInterfaceSym(w, a.sons[j].sym);
-      #        end
   of nkImportStmt:
     for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
       addModDep(w, getModuleName(w.config, n.sons[i]),
diff --git a/compiler/sem.nim b/compiler/sem.nim
index 52042fa7d..d0f106526 100644
--- a/compiler/sem.nim
+++ b/compiler/sem.nim
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ proc myProcess(context: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
         result = newNodeI(nkEmpty,
       #if c.config.cmd == cmdIdeTools: findSuggest(c, n)
-  rod.storeNode(c.module, result)
+  rod.storeNode(c.graph, c.module, result)
 proc testExamples(c: PContext) =
   let inp = toFullPath(c.config,
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ proc myClose(graph: ModuleGraph; context: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
     replayMethodDefs(graph, c.rd)
-  storeRemaining(c.module)
+  storeRemaining(c.graph, c.module)
   if c.runnableExamples != nil: testExamples(c)
 const semPass* = makePass(myOpen, myOpenCached, myProcess, myClose,