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6 files changed, 745 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/jsgen.nim b/compiler/jsgen.nim
index 3af34c03b..a9813f5c5 100644
--- a/compiler/jsgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/jsgen.nim
@@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ type
     res: Rope               # result part; index if this is an
                              # (address, index)-tuple
     address: Rope           # address of an (address, index)-tuple
+    tmpLoc: Rope            # tmp var which stores the (address, index)
+                            # pair to prevent multiple evals.
+                            # the tmp is initialized upon evaling the
+                            # address.
+                            # might be nil.
+                            # (see `maybeMakeTemp`)
   TBlock = object
     id: int                  # the ID of the label; positive means that it
@@ -131,16 +137,15 @@ proc newGlobals(): PGlobals =
 proc initCompRes(r: var TCompRes) =
   r.address = nil
   r.res = nil
+  r.tmpLoc = nil
   r.typ = etyNone
   r.kind = resNone
 proc rdLoc(a: TCompRes): Rope {.inline.} =
-  result = a.res
-  when false:
-    if a.typ != etyBaseIndex:
-      result = a.res
-    else:
-      result = "$1[$2]" % [a.address, a.res]
+  if a.typ != etyBaseIndex:
+    result = a.res
+  else:
+    result = "$1[$2]" % [a.address, a.res]
 proc newProc(globals: PGlobals, module: BModule, procDef: PNode,
              options: TOptions): PProc =
@@ -447,12 +452,48 @@ const # magic checked op; magic unchecked op; checked op; unchecked op
     ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr($1)", "cstrToNimstr($1)"],
     ["", "", "$1", "$1"]]
+proc needsTemp(p: PProc; n: PNode): bool =
+  # check if n contains a call to determine
+  # if a temp should be made to prevent multiple evals
+  if n.kind in nkCallKinds + {nkTupleConstr, nkObjConstr, nkBracket, nkCurly}:
+    return true
+  for c in n:
+    if needsTemp(p, c):
+      return true
+proc maybeMakeTemp(p: PProc, n: PNode; x: TCompRes): tuple[a, tmp: Rope] =
+  var
+    a = x.rdLoc
+    b = a
+  if needsTemp(p, n):
+    # if we have tmp just use it
+    if x.tmpLoc != nil and (mapType(n.typ) == etyBaseIndex or n.kind in {nkHiddenDeref, nkDerefExpr}):
+      b = "$1[0][$1[1]]" % [x.tmpLoc]
+      (a: a, tmp: b)
+    else:
+      let tmp = p.getTemp
+      b = tmp
+      a = "($1 = $2, $1)" % [tmp, a]
+      (a: a, tmp: b)
+  else:
+    (a: a, tmp: b)
 proc binaryExpr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) =
+  # $1 and $2 in the `frmt` string bind to lhs and rhs of the expr,
+  # if $3 or $4 are present they will be substituted with temps for
+  # lhs and rhs respectively
   var x, y: TCompRes
   useMagic(p, magic)
   gen(p, n.sons[1], x)
   gen(p, n.sons[2], y)
-  r.res = frmt % [x.rdLoc, y.rdLoc]
+  var
+    a, tmp = x.rdLoc
+    b, tmp2 = y.rdLoc
+  if "$3" in frmt: (a, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[1], x)
+  if "$4" in frmt: (a, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[1], x)
+  r.res = frmt % [a, b, tmp, tmp2]
   r.kind = resExpr
 proc unsignedTrimmerJS(size: BiggestInt): Rope =
@@ -473,7 +514,8 @@ proc binaryUintExpr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, op: string,
   gen(p, n.sons[2], y)
   let trimmer = unsignedTrimmer(n[1].typ.skipTypes(abstractRange).size)
   if reassign:
-    r.res = "$1 = (($1 $2 $3) $4)" % [x.rdLoc, rope op, y.rdLoc, trimmer]
+    let (a, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[1], x)
+    r.res = "$1 = (($5 $2 $3) $4)" % [a, rope op, y.rdLoc, trimmer, tmp]
     r.res = "(($1 $2 $3) $4)" % [x.rdLoc, rope op, y.rdLoc, trimmer]
@@ -487,9 +529,12 @@ proc ternaryExpr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) =
   r.kind = resExpr
 proc unaryExpr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) =
+  # $1 binds to n[1], if $2 is present it will be substituted to a tmp of $1
   useMagic(p, magic)
   gen(p, n.sons[1], r)
-  r.res = frmt % [r.rdLoc]
+  var a, tmp = r.rdLoc
+  if "$2" in frmt: (a, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[1], r)
+  r.res = frmt % [a, tmp]
   r.kind = resExpr
 proc arithAux(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, op: TMagic) =
@@ -524,6 +569,14 @@ proc arith(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, op: TMagic) =
   of mCharToStr, mBoolToStr, mIntToStr, mInt64ToStr, mFloatToStr,
       mCStrToStr, mStrToStr, mEnumToStr:
     arithAux(p, n, r, op)
+  of mEqRef, mEqUntracedRef:
+    if mapType(n[1].typ) != etyBaseIndex:
+      arithAux(p, n, r, op)
+    else:
+      var x, y: TCompRes
+      gen(p, n[1], x)
+      gen(p, n[2], y)
+      r.res = "($# == $# && $# == $#)" % [x.address, y.address, x.res, y.res]
     arithAux(p, n, r, op)
   r.kind = resExpr
@@ -801,6 +854,7 @@ proc genAsmOrEmitStmt(p: PProc, n: PNode) =
           # A fat pointer is disguised as an array
           r.res = r.address
           r.address = nil
+          r.typ = etyNone
         elif r.typ == etyBaseIndex:
           # Deference first
           r.res = "$1[$2]" % [r.address, r.res]
@@ -863,26 +917,42 @@ proc countJsParams(typ: PType): int =
   nodeKindsNeedNoCopy = {nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
-    nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit, nkCurly, nkPar, nkTupleConstr, nkObjConstr, nkStringToCString,
+    nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit, nkCurly, nkPar, nkStringToCString,
     nkCStringToString, nkCall, nkPrefix, nkPostfix, nkInfix,
     nkCommand, nkHiddenCallConv, nkCallStrLit}
 proc needsNoCopy(p: PProc; y: PNode): bool =
-  result = (y.kind in nodeKindsNeedNoCopy) or
-      (skipTypes(y.typ, abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr, tyLent, tyVar})
+  # if the node is a literal object constructor we have to recursively
+  # check the expressions passed into it
+  case y.kind
+  of nkObjConstr:
+    for arg in y.sons[1..^1]:
+      if not needsNoCopy(p, arg[1]):
+        return false
+  of nkTupleConstr:
+    for arg in y.sons:
+      var arg = arg
+      if arg.kind == nkExprColonExpr:
+        arg = arg[1]
+      if not needsNoCopy(p, arg):
+        return false
+  of nkBracket:
+    for arg in y.sons:
+      if not needsNoCopy(p, arg):
+        return false
+  of nodeKindsNeedNoCopy:
+    return true
+  else:
+    return (mapType(y.typ) != etyBaseIndex and
+            (skipTypes(y.typ, abstractInst).kind in
+             {tyRef, tyPtr, tyLent, tyVar, tyCString} + IntegralTypes))
+  return true
 proc genAsgnAux(p: PProc, x, y: PNode, noCopyNeeded: bool) =
   var a, b: TCompRes
   var xtyp = mapType(p, x.typ)
-  if x.kind == nkHiddenDeref and x.sons[0].kind == nkCall and xtyp != etyObject:
-    gen(p, x.sons[0], a)
-    let tmp = p.getTemp(false)
-    lineF(p, "var $1 = $2;$n", [tmp, a.rdLoc])
-    a.res = "$1[0][$1[1]]" % [tmp]
-  else:
-    gen(p, x, a)
+  gen(p, x, a)
   genLineDir(p, y)
   gen(p, y, b)
@@ -911,13 +981,13 @@ proc genAsgnAux(p: PProc, x, y: PNode, noCopyNeeded: bool) =
         let tmp = p.getTemp(false)
         lineF(p, "var $1 = $4; $2 = $1[0]; $3 = $1[1];$n", [tmp, a.address, a.res, b.rdLoc])
       elif b.typ == etyBaseIndex:
-        lineF(p, "$# = $#;$n", [a.res, b.rdLoc])
+        lineF(p, "$# = [$#, $#];$n", [a.res, b.address, b.res])
         internalError(p.config,, "genAsgn")
       lineF(p, "$1 = $2; $3 = $4;$n", [a.address, b.address, a.res, b.res])
-    lineF(p, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.res, b.res])
+    lineF(p, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.rdLoc, b.rdLoc])
 proc genAsgn(p: PProc, n: PNode) =
   genAsgnAux(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], noCopyNeeded=false)
@@ -971,17 +1041,30 @@ proc genFieldAddr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   r.kind = resExpr
 proc genFieldAccess(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
-  r.typ = etyNone
   gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
+  r.typ = mapType(n.typ)
   let otyp = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVarRange)
+  template mkTemp(i: int) =
+    if r.typ == etyBaseIndex:
+      if needsTemp(p, n[i]):
+        let tmp = p.getTemp
+        r.address = "($1 = $2, $1)[0]" % [tmp, r.res]
+        r.res = "$1[1]" % [tmp]
+        r.tmpLoc = tmp
+      else:
+        r.address = "$1[0]" % [r.res]
+        r.res = "$1[1]" % [r.res]
   if otyp.kind == tyTuple:
     r.res = ("$1.Field$2") %
         [r.res, getFieldPosition(p, n.sons[1]).rope]
+    mkTemp(0)
     if n.sons[1].kind != nkSym: internalError(p.config, n.sons[1].info, "genFieldAccess")
     var f = n.sons[1].sym
     if f.loc.r == nil: f.loc.r = mangleName(p.module, f)
     r.res = "$1.$2" % [r.res, f.loc.r]
+    mkTemp(1)
   r.kind = resExpr
 proc genAddr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes)
@@ -1039,14 +1122,15 @@ proc genArrayAddr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   let m = if n.kind == nkHiddenAddr: n.sons[0] else: n
   gen(p, m.sons[0], a)
   gen(p, m.sons[1], b)
-  internalAssert p.config, a.typ != etyBaseIndex and b.typ != etyBaseIndex
-  r.address = a.res
+  #internalAssert p.config, a.typ != etyBaseIndex and b.typ != etyBaseIndex
+  let (x, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, m[0], a)
+  r.address = x
   var typ = skipTypes(m.sons[0].typ, abstractPtrs)
   if typ.kind == tyArray: first = firstOrd(p.config, typ.sons[0])
   else: first = 0
   if optBoundsCheck in p.options:
     useMagic(p, "chckIndx")
-    r.res = "chckIndx($1, $2, $3.length+$2-1)-$2" % [b.res, rope(first), a.res]
+    r.res = "chckIndx($1, $2, $3.length+$2-1)-$2" % [b.res, rope(first), tmp]
   elif first != 0:
     r.res = "($1)-$2" % [b.res, rope(first)]
@@ -1062,13 +1146,22 @@ proc genArrayAccess(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   of tyTuple:
     genFieldAddr(p, n, r)
   else: internalError(p.config,, "expr(nkBracketExpr, " & $ty.kind & ')')
-  r.typ = etyNone
+  r.typ = mapType(n.typ)
   if r.res == nil: internalError(p.config,, "genArrayAccess")
   if ty.kind == tyCString:
     r.res = "$1.charCodeAt($2)" % [r.address, r.res]
+  elif r.typ == etyBaseIndex:
+    if needsTemp(p, n[0]):
+      let tmp = p.getTemp
+      r.address = "($1 = $2, $1)[0]" % [tmp, r.rdLoc]
+      r.res = "$1[1]" % [tmp]
+      r.tmpLoc = tmp
+    else:
+      let x = r.rdLoc
+      r.address = "$1[0]" % [x]
+      r.res = "$1[1]" % [x]
     r.res = "$1[$2]" % [r.address, r.res]
-  r.address = nil
   r.kind = resExpr
 template isIndirect(x: PSym): bool =
@@ -1169,8 +1262,12 @@ proc genSym(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     if k == etyBaseIndex:
       r.typ = etyBaseIndex
       if {sfAddrTaken, sfGlobal} * s.flags != {}:
-        r.address = "$1[0]" % [s.loc.r]
-        r.res = "$1[1]" % [s.loc.r]
+        if isIndirect(s):
+          r.address = "$1[0][0]" % [s.loc.r]
+          r.res = "$1[0][1]" % [s.loc.r]
+        else:
+          r.address = "$1[0]" % [s.loc.r]
+          r.res = "$1[1]" % [s.loc.r]
         r.address = s.loc.r
         r.res = s.loc.r & "_Idx"
@@ -1210,14 +1307,17 @@ proc genDeref(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     var a: TCompRes
     gen(p, it, a)
-    r.kind = resExpr
-    if a.typ == etyBaseIndex:
-      r.res = "$1[$2]" % [a.address, a.res]
-    elif it.kind == nkCall:
+    r.kind = a.kind
+    r.typ = mapType(p, n.typ)
+    if r.typ == etyBaseIndex:
       let tmp = p.getTemp
-      r.res = "($1 = $2, $1[0])[$1[1]]" % [tmp, a.res]
-    elif t == etyBaseIndex:
-      r.res = "$1[0]" % [a.res]
+      r.address = "($1 = $2, $1)[0]" % [tmp, a.rdLoc]
+      r.res = "$1[1]" % [tmp]
+      r.tmpLoc = tmp
+    elif a.typ == etyBaseIndex:
+      if a.tmpLoc != nil:
+        r.tmpLoc = a.tmpLoc
+      r.res = a.rdLoc
       internalError(p.config,, "genDeref")
@@ -1242,7 +1342,7 @@ proc genArg(p: PProc, n: PNode, param: PSym, r: var TCompRes; emitted: ptr int =
     add(r.res, ", ")
     add(r.res, a.res)
     if emitted != nil: inc emitted[]
-  elif n.typ.kind in {tyVar, tyLent} and n.kind in nkCallKinds and mapType(param.typ) == etyBaseIndex:
+  elif n.typ.kind in {tyVar, tyPtr, tyRef, tyLent} and n.kind in nkCallKinds and mapType(param.typ) == etyBaseIndex:
     # this fixes bug #5608:
     let tmp = getTemp(p)
     add(r.res, "($1 = $2, $1[0]), $1[1]" % [tmp, a.rdLoc])
@@ -1366,6 +1466,14 @@ proc genCall(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
   genArgs(p, n, r)
+  if n.typ != nil:
+    let t = mapType(n.typ)
+    if t == etyBaseIndex:
+      let tmp = p.getTemp
+      r.address = "($1 = $2, $1)[0]" % [tmp, r.rdLoc]
+      r.res = "$1[1]" % [tmp]
+      r.tmpLoc = tmp
+      r.typ = t
 proc genEcho(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   let n = n[1].skipConv
@@ -1472,12 +1580,12 @@ proc createVar(p: PProc, typ: PType, indirect: bool): Rope =
     createObjInitList(p, t, initIntSet(), initList)
     result = ("{$1}") % [initList]
     if indirect: result = "[$1]" % [result]
-  of tyVar, tyPtr, tyLent, tyRef:
+  of tyVar, tyPtr, tyLent, tyRef, tyPointer:
     if mapType(p, t) == etyBaseIndex:
       result = putToSeq("[null, 0]", indirect)
       result = putToSeq("null", indirect)
-  of tySequence, tyOpt, tyString, tyCString, tyPointer, tyProc:
+  of tySequence, tyOpt, tyString, tyCString, tyProc:
     result = putToSeq("null", indirect)
   of tyStatic:
     if t.n != nil:
@@ -1511,10 +1619,13 @@ proc genVarInit(p: PProc, v: PSym, n: PNode) =
     varCode = v.constraint.strVal
   if n.kind == nkEmpty:
-    lineF(p, varCode & " = $3;$n",
-               [returnType, varName, createVar(p, v.typ, isIndirect(v))])
-    if v.typ.kind in {tyVar, tyPtr, tyLent, tyRef} and mapType(p, v.typ) == etyBaseIndex:
+    if not isIndirect(v) and
+      v.typ.kind in {tyVar, tyPtr, tyLent, tyRef} and mapType(p, v.typ) == etyBaseIndex:
+      lineF(p, "var $1 = null;$n", [varName])
       lineF(p, "var $1_Idx = 0;$n", [varName])
+    else:
+      lineF(p, varCode & " = $3;$n",
+                [returnType, varName, createVar(p, v.typ, isIndirect(v))])
     gen(p, n, a)
     case mapType(p, v.typ)
@@ -1531,8 +1642,12 @@ proc genVarInit(p: PProc, v: PSym, n: PNode) =
           lineF(p, varCode & " = $3, $2_Idx = $4;$n",
                    [returnType, v.loc.r, a.address, a.res])
-          lineF(p, varCode & " = [$3, $4];$n",
-                   [returnType, v.loc.r, a.address, a.res])
+          if isIndirect(v):
+            lineF(p, varCode & " = [[$3, $4]];$n",
+                     [returnType, v.loc.r, a.address, a.res])
+          else:
+            lineF(p, varCode & " = [$3, $4];$n",
+                     [returnType, v.loc.r, a.address, a.res])
         if targetBaseIndex:
           let tmp = p.getTemp
@@ -1579,7 +1694,12 @@ proc genNew(p: PProc, n: PNode) =
   var a: TCompRes
   gen(p, n.sons[1], a)
   var t = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).sons[0]
-  lineF(p, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.res, createVar(p, t, false)])
+  if mapType(t) == etyObject:
+    lineF(p, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.rdLoc, createVar(p, t, false)])
+  elif a.typ == etyBaseIndex:
+    lineF(p, "$1 = [$3]; $2 = 0;$n", [a.address, a.res, createVar(p, t, false)])
+  else:
+    lineF(p, "$1 = [[$2], 0];$n", [a.rdLoc, createVar(p, t, false)])
 proc genNewSeq(p: PProc, n: PNode) =
   var x, y: TCompRes
@@ -1603,20 +1723,20 @@ proc genConStrStr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   if skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar:
     r.res.add("[$1].concat(" % [a.res])
-    r.res.add("($1).concat(" % [a.res])
+    r.res.add("($1 || []).concat(" % [a.res])
   for i in countup(2, sonsLen(n) - 2):
     gen(p, n.sons[i], a)
     if skipTypes(n.sons[i].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar:
       r.res.add("[$1]," % [a.res])
-      r.res.add("$1," % [a.res])
+      r.res.add("$1 || []," % [a.res])
   gen(p, n.sons[sonsLen(n) - 1], a)
   if skipTypes(n.sons[sonsLen(n) - 1].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar:
     r.res.add("[$1])" % [a.res])
-    r.res.add("$1)" % [a.res])
+    r.res.add("$1 || [])" % [a.res])
 proc genToArray(p: PProc; n: PNode; r: var TCompRes) =
   # we map mArray to PHP's array constructor, a mild hack:
@@ -1701,8 +1821,12 @@ proc genReset(p: PProc, n: PNode) =
   var x: TCompRes
   useMagic(p, "genericReset")
   gen(p, n.sons[1], x)
-  addf(p.body, "$1 = genericReset($1, $2);$n", [x.res,
-                genTypeInfo(p, n.sons[1].typ)])
+  if x.typ == etyBaseIndex:
+    lineF(p, "$1 = null, $2 = 0;$n", [x.address, x.res])
+  else:
+    let (a, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[1], x)
+    lineF(p, "$1 = genericReset($3, $2);$n", [a,
+                  genTypeInfo(p, n.sons[1].typ), tmp])
 proc genMagic(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
@@ -1721,32 +1845,37 @@ proc genMagic(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     else: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "subInt", "subInt($1, 1)")
   of mAppendStrCh:
     binaryExpr(p, n, r, "addChar",
-        "if ($1 != null) { addChar($1, $2); } else { $1 = [$2]; }")
+        "if ($1 != null) { addChar($3, $2); } else { $3 = [$2]; }")
   of mAppendStrStr:
     var lhs, rhs: TCompRes
     gen(p, n[1], lhs)
     gen(p, n[2], rhs)
     let rhsIsLit = n[2].kind in nkStrKinds
+    let (a, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[1], lhs)
     if skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyCString:
-      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $1 += $2; } else { $1 = $2$3; }" % [
-        lhs.rdLoc, rhs.rdLoc, if rhsIsLit: nil else: ~".slice()"]
+      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $4 += $2; } else { $4 = $2$3; }" % [
+        a, rhs.rdLoc, if rhsIsLit: nil else: ~".slice()", tmp]
-      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $1 = ($1).concat($2); } else { $1 = $2$3; }" % [
-          lhs.rdLoc, rhs.rdLoc, if rhsIsLit: nil else: ~".slice()"]
+      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $4 = ($4).concat($2); } else { $4 = $2$3; }" % [
+          lhs.rdLoc, rhs.rdLoc, if rhsIsLit: nil else: ~".slice()", tmp]
     r.kind = resExpr
   of mAppendSeqElem:
     var x, y: TCompRes
     gen(p, n.sons[1], x)
     gen(p, n.sons[2], y)
-    if needsNoCopy(p, n[2]):
-      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $1.push($2); } else { $1 = [$2]; }" % [x.rdLoc, y.rdLoc]
+    let (a, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[1], x)
+    if mapType(n[2].typ) == etyBaseIndex:
+      let c = "[$1, $2]" % [y.address, y.res]
+      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $3.push($2); } else { $3 = [$2]; }" % [a, c, tmp]
+    elif needsNoCopy(p, n[2]):
+      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $3.push($2); } else { $3 = [$2]; }" % [a, y.rdLoc, tmp]
       useMagic(p, "nimCopy")
       let c = getTemp(p, defineInLocals=false)
       lineF(p, "var $1 = nimCopy(null, $2, $3);$n",
             [c, y.rdLoc, genTypeInfo(p, n[2].typ)])
-      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $1.push($2); } else { $1 = [$2]; }" % [x.rdLoc, c]
+      r.res = "if ($1 != null) { $3.push($2); } else { $3 = [$2]; }" % [a, c, tmp]
     r.kind = resExpr
   of mConStrStr:
     genConStrStr(p, n, r)
@@ -1756,39 +1885,56 @@ proc genMagic(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     binaryExpr(p, n, r, "cmpStrings", "(cmpStrings($1, $2) <= 0)")
   of mLtStr:
     binaryExpr(p, n, r, "cmpStrings", "(cmpStrings($1, $2) < 0)")
-  of mIsNil: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1 === null)")
+  of mIsNil:
+    if mapType(n[1].typ) != etyBaseIndex:
+      unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1 === null)")
+    else:
+      var x: TCompRes
+      gen(p, n[1], x)
+      r.res = "($# === null && $# === 0)" % [x.address, x.res]
   of mEnumToStr: genRepr(p, n, r)
   of mNew, mNewFinalize: genNew(p, n)
-  of mChr, mArrToSeq: gen(p, n.sons[1], r)      # nothing to do
+  of mChr: gen(p, n.sons[1], r)
+  of mArrToSeq:
+    if needsNoCopy(p, n.sons[1]):
+      gen(p, n.sons[1], r)
+    else:
+      var x: TCompRes
+      gen(p, n.sons[1], x)
+      useMagic(p, "nimCopy")
+      r.res = "nimCopy(null, $1, $2)" % [x.rdLoc, genTypeInfo(p, n.typ)]
   of mDestroy: discard "ignore calls to the default destructor"
   of mOrd: genOrd(p, n, r)
   of mLengthStr, mLengthSeq, mLengthOpenArray, mLengthArray:
-    unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1 != null ? $1.length : 0)")
+    unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1 != null ? $2.length : 0)")
   of mXLenStr, mXLenSeq:
     unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1.length")
   of mHigh:
-    unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1 != null ? ($1.length-1) : -1)")
+    unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1 != null ? ($2.length-1) : -1)")
   of mInc:
     if n[1].typ.skipTypes(abstractRange).kind in tyUInt .. tyUInt64:
       binaryUintExpr(p, n, r, "+", true)
       if optOverflowCheck notin p.options: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 += $2")
-      else: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "addInt", "$1 = addInt($1, $2)")
+      else: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "addInt", "$1 = addInt($3, $2)")
   of ast.mDec:
     if n[1].typ.skipTypes(abstractRange).kind in tyUInt .. tyUInt64:
       binaryUintExpr(p, n, r, "-", true)
       if optOverflowCheck notin p.options: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 -= $2")
-      else: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "subInt", "$1 = subInt($1, $2)")
+      else: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "subInt", "$1 = subInt($3, $2)")
   of mSetLengthStr:
-    binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1.length = $2")
+    binaryExpr(p, n, r, "mnewString", "($1 === null ? $3 = mnewString($2) : $3.length = $2)")
   of mSetLengthSeq:
     var x, y: TCompRes
     gen(p, n.sons[1], x)
     gen(p, n.sons[2], y)
     let t = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).sons[0]
-    r.res = """if ($1.length < $2) { for (var i=$1.length;i<$2;++i) $1.push($3); }
-               else { $1.length = $2; }""" % [x.rdLoc, y.rdLoc, createVar(p, t, false)]
+    let (a, tmp) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[1], x)
+    let (b, tmp2) = maybeMakeTemp(p, n[2], y)
+    r.res = """if ($1 === null) $4 = [];
+               if ($4.length < $2) { for (var i=$4.length;i<$5;++i) $4.push($3); }
+               else { $4.length = $5; }""" % [a, b, createVar(p, t, false), tmp, tmp2]
     r.kind = resExpr
   of mCard: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetCard", "SetCard($1)")
   of mLtSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetLt", "SetLt($1, $2)")
@@ -1856,7 +2002,10 @@ proc genArrayConstr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
     if i > 0: add(r.res, ", ")
     gen(p, n.sons[i], a)
-    add(r.res, a.res)
+    if a.typ == etyBaseIndex:
+      addf(r.res, "[$1, $2]", [a.address, a.res])
+    else:
+      add(r.res, a.res)
   add(r.res, "]")
 proc genTupleConstr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
@@ -1868,7 +2017,10 @@ proc genTupleConstr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     var it = n.sons[i]
     if it.kind == nkExprColonExpr: it = it.sons[1]
     gen(p, it, a)
-    addf(r.res, "Field$#: $#", [i.rope, a.res])
+    if a.typ == etyBaseIndex:
+      addf(r.res, "Field$#: [$#, $#]", [i.rope, a.address, a.res])
+    else:
+      addf(r.res, "Field$#: $#", [i.rope, a.res])
 proc genObjConstr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
@@ -1888,12 +2040,17 @@ proc genObjConstr(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
     let typ = val.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)
     if (typ.kind in IntegralTypes+{tyCstring, tyRef, tyPtr} and
-          mapType(p, typ) != etyBaseIndex) or needsNoCopy(p, it.sons[1]):
+          mapType(p, typ) != etyBaseIndex) or
+          a.typ == etyBaseIndex or
+          needsNoCopy(p, it.sons[1]):
       useMagic(p, "nimCopy")
       a.res = "nimCopy(null, $1, $2)" % [a.rdLoc, genTypeInfo(p, typ)]
-    addf(initList, "$#: $#", [f.loc.r, a.res])
+    if a.typ == etyBaseIndex:
+      addf(initList, "$#: [$#, $#]", [f.loc.r, a.address, a.res])
+    else:
+      addf(initList, "$#: $#", [f.loc.r, a.res])
   let t = skipTypes(n.typ, abstractInst + skipPtrs)
   createObjInitList(p, t, fieldIDs, initList)
   r.res = ("{$1}") % [initList]
@@ -2011,11 +2168,14 @@ proc genProc(oldProc: PProc, prc: PSym): Rope =
   if prc.typ.sons[0] != nil and sfPure notin prc.flags:
     resultSym = prc.ast.sons[resultPos].sym
     let mname = mangleName(p.module, resultSym)
-    let resVar = createVar(p, resultSym.typ, isIndirect(resultSym))
-    resultAsgn = p.indentLine(("var $# = $#;$n") % [mname, resVar])
-    if resultSym.typ.kind in {tyVar, tyPtr, tyLent, tyRef} and
+    if not isindirect(resultSym) and
+      resultSym.typ.kind in {tyVar, tyPtr, tyLent, tyRef} and
         mapType(p, resultSym.typ) == etyBaseIndex:
+      resultAsgn = p.indentLine(("var $# = null;$n") % [mname])
       resultAsgn.add p.indentLine("var $#_Idx = 0;$n" % [mname])
+    else:
+      let resVar = createVar(p, resultSym.typ, isIndirect(resultSym))
+      resultAsgn = p.indentLine(("var $# = $#;$n") % [mname, resVar])
     gen(p, prc.ast.sons[resultPos], a)
     if mapType(p, resultSym.typ) == etyBaseIndex:
       returnStmt = "return [$#, $#];$n" % [a.address, a.res]
@@ -2107,6 +2267,13 @@ proc genCast(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
           of 4: "0xfffffffe"
           else: ""
         r.res = "($1 - ($2 $3))" % [rope minuend, r.res, trimmer]
+  elif (src.kind == tyPtr and mapType(p, src) == etyObject) and dest.kind == tyPointer:
+    r.address = r.res
+    r.res = ~"null"
+    r.typ = etyBaseIndex
+  elif (dest.kind == tyPtr and mapType(p, dest) == etyObject) and src.kind == tyPointer:
+    r.res = r.address
+    r.typ = etyObject
 proc gen(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
   r.typ = etyNone
diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index 9111ddd86..0bb53d9df 100644
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -2522,12 +2522,13 @@ proc `==`*[T](x, y: seq[T]): bool {.noSideEffect.} =
     when not defined(JS):
       proc seqToPtr[T](x: seq[T]): pointer {.inline, nosideeffect.} =
         result = cast[pointer](x)
-    else:
-      proc seqToPtr[T](x: seq[T]): pointer {.asmNoStackFrame, nosideeffect.} =
-        asm """return `x`"""
-    if seqToPtr(x) == seqToPtr(y):
-      return true
+      if seqToPtr(x) == seqToPtr(y):
+        return true
+    else:
+      var sameObject = false
+      asm """`sameObject` = `x` === `y`"""
+      if sameObject: return true
   when not defined(nimNoNil):
     if x.isNil or y.isNil:
diff --git a/lib/system/jssys.nim b/lib/system/jssys.nim
index 5ac0ca8b2..8be19e5b8 100644
--- a/lib/system/jssys.nim
+++ b/lib/system/jssys.nim
@@ -519,8 +519,11 @@ proc nimCopyAux(dest, src: JSRef, n: ptr TNimNode) {.compilerproc.} =
       `dest`[`n`.offset] = nimCopy(`dest`[`n`.offset], `src`[`n`.offset], `n`.typ);
   of nkList:
-    for i in 0..n.len-1:
-      nimCopyAux(dest, src, n.sons[i])
+    asm """
+    for (var i = 0; i < `n`.sons.length; i++) {
+      nimCopyAux(`dest`, `src`, `n`.sons[i]);
+    }
+    """
   of nkCase:
     asm """
       `dest`[`n`.offset] = nimCopy(`dest`[`n`.offset], `src`[`n`.offset], `n`.typ);
diff --git a/lib/system/reprjs.nim b/lib/system/reprjs.nim
index 7cb25a252..fb231bbed 100644
--- a/lib/system/reprjs.nim
+++ b/lib/system/reprjs.nim
@@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ proc reprStrAux(result: var string, s: cstring, len: int) =
 proc reprStr(s: string): string {.compilerRtl.} =
   result = ""
-  if cast[pointer](s).isNil:
+  var sIsNil = false
+  asm """`sIsNil` = `s` === null"""
+  if sIsNil: # cast[pointer](s).isNil:
     # Handle nil strings here because they don't have a length field in js
     # TODO: check for null/undefined before generating call to length in js?
     # Also: c backend repr of a nil string is <pointer>"", but repr of an
diff --git a/tests/js/t9410.nim b/tests/js/t9410.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9aca6d45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/js/t9410.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+template doAssert(exp: untyped) =
+  when defined(echot9410):
+    let r = exp
+    echo $(instantiationInfo().line) & ":\n  " & astToStr(exp) & "\n  was " & repr(r)
+    when not defined(noassertt9410):
+      system.doAssert r
+  else:
+    when not defined(noassertt9410):
+      system.doAssert exp
+template tests =
+  block:
+    var i = 0
+    i = 2
+    var y: ptr int
+    doAssert y == nil
+    doAssert isNil(y)
+    y = i.addr
+    y[] = 3
+    doAssert i == 3
+    doAssert i == y[]
+    let z = i.addr
+    z[] = 4
+    doAssert i == 4
+    doAssert i == y[] and y[] == z[]
+    var hmm = (a: (b: z))
+    var hmmptr = hmm.a.b.addr
+    hmmptr[][] = 5
+    doAssert i == 5
+    doAssert y == z
+    doAssert z == hmmptr[]
+    doAssert 5 == y[] and 5 == z[] and 5 == hmmptr[][]
+  block:
+    var someint = 500
+    let p: ptr int = someint.addr
+    let tup = (f: p)
+    let tcopy = tup
+    var vtcopy = tcopy
+    p[] = 654
+    doAssert p[] == 654
+    doAssert tup.f[] == 654
+    doAssert tcopy.f[] == 654
+    doAssert vtcopy.f[] == 654
+  block:
+    var someint = 500
+    var p: ptr int = someint.addr
+    let arr = [p]
+    let arrc = arr
+    p[] = 256
+    doAssert someint == 256
+    doAssert p[] == 256
+    doAssert arr[0][] == 256
+    doAssert arrc[0][] == 256
+  block:
+    var someref: ref int
+    new(someref)
+    var someref2 = someref
+    var tup1 = (f: someref)
+    tup1.f = someref
+    let tup2 = tup1
+    someref[] = 543
+    proc passref(r: var ref int): var ref int = r
+    new(passref(someref))
+    doAssert someref[] == 0
+    doAssert tup1.f[] == 543
+    doAssert tup2.f[] == 543
+    doAssert someref2[] == 543
+  block:
+    type Whatever = object
+      i: ref int
+    var someref: ref int
+    new(someref)
+    someref[] = 10
+    let w = Whatever(i: someref)
+    var wcopy = w
+    someref[] = 20
+    doAssert w.i[] == 20
+    doAssert someref[] == 20
+    doAssert wcopy.i[] == 20
+    doAssert w.i == wcopy.i
+    #echo w.i[], " ", someref[], " ", wcopy.i[]
+  block:
+    var oneseq: ref seq[ref int]
+    new(oneseq)
+    var aref: ref int
+    new(aref)
+    aref[] = 123
+    let arefs = [aref]
+    oneseq[] &= arefs[0]
+    oneseq[] &= aref
+    aref[] = 222
+    new(aref)
+    doAssert oneseq[0] == oneseq[1]
+    doAssert oneseq[0][] == 222
+    doAssert oneseq[1][] == 222
+    doAssert aref[] == 0
+  block:
+    var seqs: ref seq[ref seq[ref int]]
+    new(seqs)
+    seqs[] = newSeq[ref seq[ref int]](1)
+    new(seqs[0])
+    seqs[0][] = newSeq[ref int](0)
+    var aref: ref int
+    new aref
+    aref[] = 654
+    let arefs = [aref]
+    doAssert arefs[0] == aref
+    seqs[0][] &= arefs[0]
+    seqs[0][] &= aref
+    seqs[0][1][] = 456
+    let seqs2 = seqs
+    let same = seqs2[0][0] == seqs2[0][1]
+    doAssert arefs[0] == aref
+    doAssert aref[] == 456
+    doAssert seqs[].len == 1
+    doAssert seqs[0][].len == 2
+    doAssert seqs[0][0][] == 456
+    doAssert seqs[0][1][] == 456
+    doAssert same
+  block:
+    type Obj = object
+      x, y: int
+    var objrefs: seq[ref Obj] = @[(ref Obj)(nil), nil, nil]
+    objrefs[2].new
+    objrefs[2][] = Obj(x: 123, y: 321)
+    objrefs[1] = objrefs[2]
+    doAssert objrefs[0] == nil
+    doAssert objrefs[1].y == 321
+    doAssert objrefs[2].y == 321
+    doAssert objrefs[1] == objrefs[2]
+  block:
+    var refs: seq[ref string] = @[(ref string)(nil), nil, nil]
+    refs[1].new
+    refs[1][] = "it's a ref!"
+    refs[0] = refs[1]
+    refs[2] = refs[1]
+    new(refs[0])
+    doAssert refs[0][] == ""
+    doAssert refs[1][] == "it's a ref!"
+    doAssert refs[2][] == "it's a ref!"
+    doAssert refs[1] == refs[2]
+  block:
+    var retaddr_calls = 0
+    proc retaddr(p: var int): var int =
+      retaddr_calls += 1
+      p
+    var tfoo_calls = 0
+    proc tfoo(x: var int) =
+      tfoo_calls += 1
+      x += 10
+      var y = x.addr
+      y[] += 20
+      retaddr(x) += 30
+      let z = retaddr(x).addr
+      z[] += 40
+    var ints = @[1, 2, 3]
+    tfoo(ints[1])
+    doAssert retaddr_calls == 2
+    doAssert tfoo_calls == 1
+    doAssert ints[1] == 102
+    var tbar_calls = 0
+    proc tbar(x: var int): var int =
+      tbar_calls += 1
+      x
+    tbar(ints[2]) += 10
+    tbar(ints[2]) *= 2
+    doAssert tbar_calls == 2
+    var tqux_calls = 0
+    proc tqux(x: var int): ptr int =
+      tqux_calls += 1
+      x.addr
+    discard tqux(ints[2]) == tqux(ints[2])
+    doAssert tqux_calls == 2
+    doAssert isNil(tqux(ints[2])) == false
+    doAssert tqux_calls == 3
+    var tseq_calls = 0
+    proc tseq(x: var seq[int]): var seq[int] =
+      tseq_calls += 1
+      x
+    tseq(ints) &= 999
+    doAssert tseq_calls == 1
+    doAssert ints == @[1, 102, 26, 999]
+    var rawints = @[555]
+    rawints &= 666
+    doAssert rawints == @[555, 666]
+    var resetints_calls = 0
+    proc resetInts(): int =
+      resetints_calls += 1
+      ints = @[0, 0, 0]
+      1
+    proc incr(x: var int; b: int): var int =
+      x = x + b
+      x
+    var q = 0
+    var qp = q.addr
+    qp[] += 123
+    doAssert q == 123
+    # check order of evaluation
+    doAssert (resetInts() + incr(q, tqux(ints[2])[])) == 124
+  block: # reset
+    var calls = 0
+    proc passsomething(x: var int): var int =
+      calls += 1
+      x
+    var
+      a = 123
+      b = 500
+      c = a.addr
+    reset(passsomething(a))
+    doAssert calls == 1
+    reset(b)
+    doAssert a == b
+    reset(c)
+    doAssert c == nil
+  block: # strings
+    var calls = 0
+    proc stringtest(s: var string): var string =
+      calls += 1
+      s
+    var somestr: string
+    stringtest(somestr) &= 'a'
+    stringtest(somestr) &= 'b'
+    doAssert calls == 2
+    doAssert somestr == "ab"
+    stringtest(somestr) &= "woot!"
+    doAssert somestr == "abwoot!"
+    doAssert calls == 3
+    doAssert stringtest(somestr).len == 7
+    doAssert calls == 4
+    doAssert high(stringtest(somestr)) == 6
+    doAssert calls == 5
+    var somestr2: string
+    stringtest(somestr2).setLen(stringtest(somestr).len)
+    doAssert calls == 7
+    doAssert somestr2.len == somestr.len
+    var somestr3: string
+    doAssert (somestr3 & "foo") == "foo"
+    block:
+      var a, b, c, d: string
+      d = a & b & c
+      doAssert d == ""
+      d = stringtest(a) & stringtest(b) & stringtest(c)
+      doAssert calls == 10
+      doAssert d == ""
+  block: # seqs
+    var calls = 0
+    proc seqtest(s: var seq[int]): var seq[int] =
+      calls += 1
+      s
+    var someseq: seq[int]
+    seqtest(someseq) &= 1
+    seqtest(someseq) &= 2
+    doAssert calls == 2
+    doAssert someseq == @[1, 2]
+    seqtest(someseq) &= @[3, 4, 5]
+    doAssert someseq == @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+    doAssert calls == 3
+    doAssert seqtest(someseq).len == 5
+    doAssert calls == 4
+    doAssert high(seqtest(someseq)) == 4
+    doAssert calls == 5
+    # genArrayAddr
+    doAssert seqtest(someseq)[2] == 3
+    doAssert calls == 6
+    seqtest(someseq).setLen(seqtest(someseq).len)
+    doAssert calls == 8
+    var somenilseq: seq[int]
+    seqtest(somenilseq).setLen(3)
+    doAssert calls == 9
+    doAssert somenilseq[1] == 0
+    someseq = @[1, 2, 3]
+    doAssert (seqtest(someseq) & seqtest(someseq)) == @[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
+  block: # mInc, mDec
+    var calls = 0
+    proc someint(x: var int): var int =
+      calls += 1
+      x
+    var x = 10
+    inc(someint(x))
+    doAssert x == 11
+    doAssert calls == 1
+    dec(someint(x))
+    doAssert x == 10
+    doAssert calls == 2
+  block: # uints
+    var calls = 0
+    proc passuint(x: var uint32): var uint32 =
+      calls += 1
+      x
+    var u: uint32 = 5
+    passuint(u) += 1
+    doAssert u == 6
+    doAssert calls == 1
+    passuint(u) -= 1
+    doAssert u == 5
+    doAssert calls == 2
+    passuint(u) *= 2
+    doAssert u == 10
+    doAssert calls == 3
+  block: # objs
+    type Thing = ref object
+      x, y: int
+    var a, b: Thing
+    a = Thing()
+    b = a
+    doAssert a == b
+    var calls = 0
+    proc passobj(o: var Thing): var Thing =
+      calls += 1
+      o
+    passobj(b) = Thing(x: 123)
+    doAssert calls == 1
+    doAssert a != b
+    doAssert b.x == 123
+    var passobjptr_calls = 0
+    proc passobjptr(o: var Thing): ptr Thing =
+      passobjptr_calls += 1
+      o.addr
+    passobjptr(b)[] = Thing(x: 234)
+    doAssert passobjptr_calls == 1
+    doAssert a != b
+    doAssert b.x == 234
+    passobjptr(b)[].x = 500
+    doAssert b.x == 500
+    var pptr = passobjptr(b)
+    pptr.x += 100
+    doAssert b.x == 600
+    proc getuninitptr(): ptr int =
+      return
+    doAssert getuninitptr() == nil
+  block: # pointer casting
+    var obj = (x: 321, y: 543)
+    var x = 500
+    var objptr = obj.addr
+    var xptr = x.addr
+    var p1, p2: pointer
+    p1 = cast[pointer](objptr)
+    p2 = cast[pointer](xptr)
+    doAssert p1 != p2
+    p1 = cast[pointer](objptr)
+    p2 = cast[pointer](objptr)
+    doAssert p1 == p2
+    let objptr2 = cast[type(objptr)](p2)
+    doAssert objptr == objptr2
+    p1 = cast[pointer](xptr)
+    p2 = cast[pointer](xptr)
+    doAssert p1 == p2
+    let xptr2 = cast[type(xptr)](p2)
+    doAssert xptr == xptr2
+  when false:
+    block: # openarray
+          # Error: internal error: genAddr: nkStmtListExpr
+      var calls = 0
+      proc getvarint(x: var openarray[int]): var int =
+        calls += 1
+        if true:
+          x[1]
+        else:
+          x[0]
+      var arr = [1, 2, 3]
+      getvarint(arr) += 5
+      doAssert calls == 1
+      doAssert arr[1] == 7
+proc tests_in_proc =
+  tests
+# since pointers are handled differently in global/local contexts
+# let's just run all of them twice
diff --git a/tests/js/tcopying.nim b/tests/js/tcopying.nim
index 387df9cd3..c58a080e9 100644
--- a/tests/js/tcopying.nim
+++ b/tests/js/tcopying.nim
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ discard """
   output: '''123
 2 9
 2 9
+1 124
+true false
+100 300 100
@@ -35,3 +39,34 @@ block:
     obj.ary2[1] = 9
     echo ary1[1], " ", obj.ary2[1]
+    type TestObj = object
+        x, y: int
+    let obj = TestObj(x: 1, y: 2)
+    var s = @[obj]
+    s[0].x += 123
+    echo obj.x, " ", s[0].x
+    var nums = {1, 2, 3, 4}
+    let obj = (n: nums)
+    nums.incl 5
+    echo (5 in nums), " ", (5 in obj.n)
+    let tup1 = (a: 100)
+    var tup2 = (t: (t2: tup1))
+    var tup3 = tup1
+    tup2.t.t2.a = 300
+    echo tup1.a, " ", tup2.t.t2.a, " ", tup3.a
+    proc foo(arr: array[2, int]) =
+        var s = @arr
+        s[0] = 500
+    var nums = [1, 2]
+    foo(nums)
+    echo nums[0]
\ No newline at end of file