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13 files changed, 173 insertions, 486 deletions
diff --git a/config/my_nimrod.cfg b/config/my_nimrod.cfg
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c4bb8cec..000000000
--- a/config/my_nimrod.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for the Nimrod Compiler.
-# Generated by the script.
-# (c) 2008 Andreas Rumpf
-# Feel free to edit the default values as you need.
-# You may set environment variables with
-# @putenv "key" "val"
-# Environment variables cannot be used in the options, however!
-# Just call the compiler with several options:
-cc = @if macosx or windows: llvm_gcc @else: gcc @end
-@if release:
-  checks:off
-  stacktrace:off
-  debugger:off
-  line_dir:off
-  opt:speed
-# additional defines:
-# additional options always passed to the compiler:
-# use the new experimental symbol files for speeding up compilation:
---verbosity: "1"
-@if unix:
-  @if not bsd: passl= "-ldl" @end
-  path = "$lib/base/gtk"
-@if icc:
-  passl = "-cxxlib"
-  passc = "-cxxlib"
-# Configuration for the LLVM GCC compiler:
-@if windows:
-  llvm_gcc.path = r"$nimrod\dist\llvm-gcc4.2\bin"
-@elif macosx:
-  llvm_gcc.path = r"/Users/andreasrumpf/download/C/llvm-gcc4.2-2.3-x86-darwin8/bin"
-llvm_gcc.options.debug = "-g"
-llvm_gcc.options.always = "-w"
-llvm_gcc.options.speed = "-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -ffast-math"
-llvm_gcc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math"
-# Configuration for the Borland C++ Compiler:
-@if windows:
-  bcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\cbuilder5\bin"
-bcc.options.debug = ""
-# turn off warnings about unreachable code and inline procs:
-bcc.options.always = "-H- -q -RT- -a8 -w-8027 -w-8066 -w-8004"
-bcc.options.speed = "-O2 -6"
-bcc.options.size = "-O1 -6"
-# Configuration for the Visual C/C++ compiler:
-@if vcc:
-  @prepend_env path r"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE;"
-  @prepend_env INCLUDE r"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include;C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ATLMFC\INCLUDE;C:\Programme\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include;"
-  @prepend_env LIB r"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\lib;C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SDK\v2.0\Lib;C:\Programme\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib;"
-  passl: r"/F33554432" # set the stack size to 8 MB
-@if windows:
-  vcc.path = r"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin"
-vcc.options.debug = "/RTC1 /ZI"
-vcc.options.always = "/nologo"
-vcc.options.speed = "/Ox /arch:SSE2"
-vcc.options.size = "/O1"
-# Configuration for the Watcom C/C++ compiler:
-@if windows:
-  wcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\watcom\binnt"
-wcc.options.debug = "-d2"
-wcc.options.always = "-6 -zw -w-"
-wcc.options.speed = "-ox -on -6 -d0 -fp6 -zW"
-wcc.options.size = "-ox -on -6 -d0 -fp6 -zW"
-# Configuration for the GNU C/C++ compiler:
-@if windows:
-  gcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\mingw\bin"
-gcc.options.debug = "-g"
-@if macosx:
-  gcc.options.always = "-w -fasm-blocks"
-  gcc.options.always = "-w"
-gcc.options.speed = "-O3 -ffast-math"
-gcc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math"
-# Configuration for the Digital Mars C/C++ compiler:
-@if windows:
-  dmc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\d\dm\bin"
-dmc.options.debug = "-g"
-dmc.options.always = "-Jm"
-dmc.options.speed = "-ff -o -6"
-dmc.options.size = "-ff -o -6"
-# Configuration for the LCC compiler:
-@if windows:
-  lcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\lcc\bin"
-lcc.options.debug = "-g5"
-lcc.options.always = "-e1"
-lcc.options.speed = "-O -p6"
-lcc.options.size = "-O -p6"
-# Configuration for the Tiny C Compiler:
-@if windows:
-  tcc.path = r"C:\Eigenes\compiler\tcc-0.9.23\tcc"
-  tcc.options.always = r"-IC:\Eigenes\compiler\tcc-0.9.23\include " &
-                   r"-IC:\Eigenes\compiler\tcc-0.9.23\include\winapi"
-tcc.options.debug = ""
-tcc.options.speed = ""
-tcc.options.size = ""
-# Configuration for the Pelles C compiler:
-@if windows:
-  pcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\pellesc\bin"
-pcc.options.debug = "-Zi"
-pcc.options.always = "-Ze"
-pcc.options.speed = "-Ox"
-pcc.options.size = "-Os"
-@if windows:
-  icc.path = r"c:\eignes\compiler\icc\bin"
-icc.options.debug = "-g"
-icc.options.always = "-w"
-icc.options.speed = "-O3 -ffast-math"
-icc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math"
-@write "used special config file"
-@if ecmascript:
-  @write "Target is ECMAScript! No unsafe features are allowed!"
diff --git a/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim b/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim
index b9d0b068f..7cd93a540 100755
--- a/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim
+++ b/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ proc dbClose*(db: TDbConn) =
   if db != nil: PQfinish(db)
 proc dbOpen*(connection, user, password, database: string): TDbConn =
-  ## opens a database connection. Returns nil in case of an error.
+  ## opens a database connection.
   result = PQsetdbLogin(nil, nil, nil, nil, database, user, password)
   if PQStatus(result) != CONNECTION_OK: dbError(result) # result = nil
diff --git a/lib/pure/re.nim b/lib/pure/re.nim
index 87fe79a04..1328f5f1f 100755
--- a/lib/pure/re.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/re.nim
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from strutils import addf
   TRegExDesc {.pure, final.} = object
-    re_nsub: int # Number of parenthesized subexpressions.
+    re_nsub: int    # Number of parenthesized subexpressions.
     value: pointer  # For internal use only.
   TRegEx* = ref TRegExDesc ## a compiled regular expression  
@@ -122,9 +122,8 @@ proc rawmatch(s: string, pattern: TRegEx, matches: var openarray[string],
               s.len-start, maxSubpatterns, addr(rawMatches), cint(0)))
   if res == 0:
     for i in 0..min(matches.len, int(pattern.re_nsub))-1:
-      var
-        a = int(rawMatches[i].so)
-        b = int(rawMatches[i].eo)
+      var a = int(rawMatches[i].so)
+      var b = int(rawMatches[i].eo)
       echo "a: ", a, " b: ", b
       if a >= 0 and b >= 0:
         matches[i] = copy(s, a+start, b - 1 + start)
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ proc replace*(s: string, sub: TRegEx, by: string): string =
   ## with the notation ``$i`` and ``$#`` (see strutils.`%`). Examples:
   ## .. code-block:: nimrod
-  ##   "var1=key; var2=key2".replace(re"{\ident}'='{\ident}", "$1<-$2$2")
+  ##   "var1=key; var2=key2".replace(re"(\w+)'='(\w+)", "$1<-$2$2")
   ## Results in:
@@ -326,8 +325,10 @@ const ## common regular expressions
   reOctal* = r"\b0[oO][0-7]+\b" ## describes an octal number (example: 0o777)
   reFloat* = r"\b[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b"
     ## describes a floating point number
-  reEmail* = r"\b[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~\-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)" &
-             r"*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|com|org|" &
+  reEmail* = r"\b[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~\-]+(?:\. &" &
+             r"[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)" &
+             r"*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+" &
+             r"(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|com|org|" &
     ## describes a common email address
   reURL* = r"\b(http(s)?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms\-help):" &
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/mysql.nim b/lib/wrappers/mysql.nim
index 20a50b814..e94afb1a2 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/mysql.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/mysql.nim
@@ -1119,7 +1119,6 @@ when defined(USE_OLD_FUNCTIONS):
       dynlib: External_library, importc: "mysql_create_db".}
   proc mysql_drop_db*(mysql: PMYSQL, DB: cstring): cint{.stdcall, 
       dynlib: External_library, importc: "mysql_drop_db".}
-  proc mysql_reload*(mysql: PMySQL): cint
 proc net_safe_read*(mysql: PMYSQL): cuint{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, 
     importc: "net_safe_read".}
diff --git a/nim/vis.pas b/nim/vis.pas
deleted file mode 100755
index b8ba0fc5b..000000000
--- a/nim/vis.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-//           The Nimrod Compiler
-//        (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf
-//    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-//    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-unit vis;
-// Virtual instruction set for Nimrod. This is used for LLVM code generation.
-{$include ''}
-  nsystem, ast, astalgo, strutils, nhashes, trees, platform, magicsys,
-  extccomp, options, nversion, nimsets, msgs, crc, bitsets, idents,
-  lists, types, ccgutils, nos, ntime, ropes, nmath, passes, rodread,
-  wordrecg, rnimsyn, treetab;
-  TInstrKind = (
-    insAddi,
-  );
-  TInstruction = record
-  end;
diff --git a/rod/ast.nim b/rod/ast.nim
index 486e8f6be..90865fb78 100755
--- a/rod/ast.nim
+++ b/rod/ast.nim
@@ -305,7 +305,9 @@ type
     mGCunref, mAddI, mSubI, mMulI, mDivI, mModI, mAddI64, mSubI64, mMulI64, 
     mDivI64, mModI64, mShrI, mShlI, mBitandI, mBitorI, mBitxorI, mMinI, mMaxI, 
     mShrI64, mShlI64, mBitandI64, mBitorI64, mBitxorI64, mMinI64, mMaxI64, 
-    mAddF64, mSubF64, mMulF64, mDivF64, mMinF64, mMaxF64, mAddU, mSubU, mMulU, 
+    mAddF64, mSubF64, mMulF64, mDivF64,
+    mMinF64, mMaxF64, mAddU, mSubU, mMulU, 
     mDivU, mModU, mAddU64, mSubU64, mMulU64, mDivU64, mModU64, mEqI, mLeI, mLtI, 
     mEqI64, mLeI64, mLtI64, mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64, mLeU, mLtU, mLeU64, mLtU64, 
     mEqEnum, mLeEnum, mLtEnum, mEqCh, mLeCh, mLtCh, mEqB, mLeB, mLtB, mEqRef, 
@@ -505,44 +507,6 @@ type
   OverloadableSyms* = {skProc, skMethod, skIterator, skConverter}
-  MagicToStr*: array[TMagic, string] = ["None", "Defined", "DefinedInScope", 
-    "Low", "High", "SizeOf", "Is", "Echo", "Succ", "Pred", "Inc", "Dec", "Ord", 
-    "New", "NewFinalize", "NewSeq", "LengthOpenArray", "LengthStr", 
-    "LengthArray", "LengthSeq", "Incl", "Excl", "Card", "Chr", "GCref", 
-    "GCunref", "AddI", "SubI", "MulI", "DivI", "ModI", "AddI64", "SubI64", 
-    "MulI64", "DivI64", "ModI64", "ShrI", "ShlI", "BitandI", "BitorI", 
-    "BitxorI", "MinI", "MaxI", "ShrI64", "ShlI64", "BitandI64", "BitorI64", 
-    "BitxorI64", "MinI64", "MaxI64", "AddF64", "SubF64", "MulF64", "DivF64", 
-    "MinF64", "MaxF64", "AddU", "SubU", "MulU", "DivU", "ModU", "AddU64", 
-    "SubU64", "MulU64", "DivU64", "ModU64", "EqI", "LeI", "LtI", "EqI64", 
-    "LeI64", "LtI64", "EqF64", "LeF64", "LtF64", "LeU", "LtU", "LeU64", "LtU64", 
-    "EqEnum", "LeEnum", "LtEnum", "EqCh", "LeCh", "LtCh", "EqB", "LeB", "LtB", 
-    "EqRef", "EqProc", "EqUntracedRef", "LePtr", "LtPtr", "EqCString", "Xor", 
-    "UnaryMinusI", "UnaryMinusI64", "AbsI", "AbsI64", "Not", "UnaryPlusI", 
-    "BitnotI", "UnaryPlusI64", "BitnotI64", "UnaryPlusF64", "UnaryMinusF64", 
-    "AbsF64", "Ze8ToI", "Ze8ToI64", "Ze16ToI", "Ze16ToI64", "Ze32ToI64", 
-    "ZeIToI64", "ToU8", "ToU16", "ToU32", "ToFloat", "ToBiggestFloat", "ToInt", 
-    "ToBiggestInt", "CharToStr", "BoolToStr", "IntToStr", "Int64ToStr", 
-    "FloatToStr", "CStrToStr", "StrToStr", "EnumToStr", "And", "Or", "EqStr", 
-    "LeStr", "LtStr", "EqSet", "LeSet", "LtSet", "MulSet", "PlusSet", 
-    "MinusSet", "SymDiffSet", "ConStrStr", "ConArrArr", "ConArrT", "ConTArr", 
-    "ConTT", "Slice", "AppendStrCh", "AppendStrStr", "AppendSeqElem", "InRange", 
-    "InSet", "Repr", "Exit", "SetLengthStr", "SetLengthSeq", "Assert", "Swap", 
-    "IsNil", "ArrToSeq", "CopyStr", "CopyStrLast", "NewString", "Array", 
-    "OpenArray", "Range", "Set", "Seq", "Ordinal", "Int", "Int8", "Int16", 
-    "Int32", "Int64", "Float", "Float32", "Float64", "Bool", "Char", "String", 
-    "Cstring", "Pointer", "EmptySet", "IntSetBaseType", "Nil", "Expr", "Stmt", 
-    "TypeDesc", "IsMainModule", "CompileDate", "CompileTime", "NimrodVersion", 
-    "NimrodMajor", "NimrodMinor", "NimrodPatch", "CpuEndian", "HostOS", 
-    "HostCPU", "NaN", "Inf", "NegInf", "NLen", "NChild", "NSetChild", "NAdd", 
-    "NAddMultiple", "NDel", "NKind", "NIntVal", "NFloatVal", "NSymbol", 
-    "NIdent", "NGetType", "NStrVal", "NSetIntVal", "NSetFloatVal", "NSetSymbol", 
-    "NSetIdent", "NSetType", "NSetStrVal", "NNewNimNode", "NCopyNimNode", 
-    "NCopyNimTree", "StrToIdent", "IdentToStr", "EqIdent", "EqNimrodNode", 
-    "NHint", "NWarning", "NError"] 
   GenericTypes*: TTypeKinds = {tyGenericInvokation, tyGenericBody, 
   StructuralEquivTypes*: TTypeKinds = {tyArrayConstr, tyNil, tyTuple, tyArray, 
diff --git a/rod/astalgo.nim b/rod/astalgo.nim
index cc0a89f71..d47dfcccb 100755
--- a/rod/astalgo.nim
+++ b/rod/astalgo.nim
@@ -263,23 +263,23 @@ proc ropeConstr(indent: int, c: openarray[PRope]): PRope =
     inc(i, 2)
   appf(result, "$n$1}", [spaces(indent)])
-proc symToYamlAux(n: PSym, marker: var TIntSet, indent: int, maxRecDepth: int): PRope = 
-  var ast: PRope
+proc symToYamlAux(n: PSym, marker: var TIntSet, indent: int, 
+                  maxRecDepth: int): PRope = 
   if n == nil: 
     result = toRope("null")
   elif IntSetContainsOrIncl(marker, 
     result = ropef("\"$1 @$2\"", [toRope(, toRope(
         strutils.toHex(cast[TAddress](n), sizeof(n) * 2))])
-    ast = treeToYamlAux(n.ast, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1)
+    var ast = treeToYamlAux(n.ast, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1)
     result = ropeConstr(indent, [toRope("kind"), 
                                  toRope("name"), makeYamlString(, 
                                  toRope("typ"), typeToYamlAux(n.typ, marker, 
-        indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1), toRope("info"), lineInfoToStr(, 
+                                   indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1), 
+                                 toRope("info"), lineInfoToStr(, 
                                  toRope("flags"), flagsToStr(n.flags), 
-                                 toRope("magic"), 
-                                 makeYamlString(MagicToStr[n.magic]), 
+                                 toRope("magic"), makeYamlString($n.magic), 
                                  toRope("ast"), ast, toRope("options"), 
                                  flagsToStr(n.options), toRope("position"), 
diff --git a/rod/ccgexprs.nim b/rod/ccgexprs.nim
index 1060c2343..f79a87ce4 100755
--- a/rod/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/rod/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -573,44 +573,43 @@ proc genRecordFieldAux(p: BProc, e: PNode, d, a: var TLoc): PType =
   result = getUniqueType(a.t)
 proc genRecordField(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = 
-  var 
-    a: TLoc
-    f, field: PSym
-    ty: PType
-    r: PRope
-  ty = genRecordFieldAux(p, e, d, a)
-  r = rdLoc(a)
-  f = e.sons[1].sym
-  field = nil
-  while ty != nil: 
-    if not (ty.kind in {tyTuple, tyObject}): 
-      InternalError(, "genRecordField")
-    field = lookupInRecord(ty.n,
-    if field != nil: break 
-    if gCmd != cmdCompileToCpp: app(r, ".Sup")
-    ty = GetUniqueType(ty.sons[0])
-  if field == nil: InternalError(, "genRecordField")
-  if field.loc.r == nil: InternalError(, "genRecordField")
-  appf(r, ".$1", [field.loc.r])
-  putIntoDest(p, d, field.typ, r)
+  var a: TLoc
+  var ty = genRecordFieldAux(p, e, d, a)  
+  var r = rdLoc(a)
+  var f = e.sons[1].sym
+  if ty.n == nil:  
+    # we found a unique tuple type which lacks field information
+    # so we use Field$i
+    appf(r, ".Field$1", [toRope(f.position)])
+    putIntoDest(p, d, f.typ, r)    
+  else:
+    var field: PSym = nil
+    while ty != nil: 
+      if not (ty.kind in {tyTuple, tyObject}): 
+        InternalError(, "genRecordField")
+      field = lookupInRecord(ty.n,
+      if field != nil: break 
+      if gCmd != cmdCompileToCpp: app(r, ".Sup")
+      ty = GetUniqueType(ty.sons[0])
+    if field == nil: InternalError(, "genRecordField")
+    if field.loc.r == nil: InternalError(, "genRecordField")
+    appf(r, ".$1", [field.loc.r])
+    putIntoDest(p, d, field.typ, r)
 proc genTupleElem(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = 
     a: TLoc
-    field: PSym
-    ty: PType
-    r: PRope
     i: int
   initLocExpr(p, e.sons[0], a)
   if d.k == locNone: d.s = a.s
   discard getTypeDesc(p.module, a.t) # fill the record's fields.loc
-  ty = getUniqueType(a.t)
-  r = rdLoc(a)
+  var ty = getUniqueType(a.t)
+  var r = rdLoc(a)
   case e.sons[1].kind
   of nkIntLit..nkInt64Lit: i = int(e.sons[1].intVal)
   else: internalError(, "genTupleElem")
   if ty.n != nil: 
-    field = ty.n.sons[i].sym
+    var field = ty.n.sons[i].sym
     if field == nil: InternalError(, "genTupleElem")
     if field.loc.r == nil: InternalError(, "genTupleElem")
     appf(r, ".$1", [field.loc.r])
@@ -1536,7 +1535,7 @@ proc genMagicExpr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) =
   of mArrToSeq: genArrToSeq(p, e, d)
   of mNLen..mNError: 
     liMessage(, errCannotGenerateCodeForX, e.sons[0]
-  else: internalError(, "genMagicExpr: " & magicToStr[op])
+  else: internalError(, "genMagicExpr: " & $op)
 proc genConstExpr(p: BProc, n: PNode): PRope
 proc handleConstExpr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc): bool = 
@@ -1601,16 +1600,13 @@ proc genSetConstr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
                [rdLoc(d), rdSetElemLoc(a, e.typ)])
 proc genTupleConstr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = 
-  var 
-    rec: TLoc
-    it: PNode
-    t: PType
+  var rec: TLoc
   if not handleConstExpr(p, n, d): 
-    t = getUniqueType(n.typ)
+    var t = getUniqueType(n.typ)
     discard getTypeDesc(p.module, t) # so that any fields are initialized
     if d.k == locNone: getTemp(p, t, d)
     for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
-      it = n.sons[i]
+      var it = n.sons[i]
       if it.kind == nkExprColonExpr: 
         initLoc(rec, locExpr, it.sons[1].typ, d.s)
         if (t.n.sons[i].kind != nkSym): InternalError(, "genTupleConstr")
@@ -1748,8 +1744,7 @@ proc expr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
       genMagicExpr(p, e, d, e.sons[0].sym.magic)
       genCall(p, e, d)
-  of nkCurly: 
-    genSetConstr(p, e, d)
+  of nkCurly: genSetConstr(p, e, d)
   of nkBracket: 
     if (skipTypes(e.typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tySequence): 
       genSeqConstr(p, e, d)
diff --git a/rod/ccgtypes.nim b/rod/ccgtypes.nim
index a2971b1c9..8ff7bdb6d 100755
--- a/rod/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/rod/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -66,12 +66,9 @@ proc getTypeName(typ: PType): PRope =
 proc mapType(typ: PType): TCTypeKind = 
   case typ.kind
-  of tyNone: 
-    result = ctVoid
-  of tyBool: 
-    result = ctBool
-  of tyChar: 
-    result = ctChar
+  of tyNone: result = ctVoid
+  of tyBool: result = ctBool
+  of tyChar: result = ctChar
   of tySet: 
     case int(getSize(typ))
     of 1: result = ctInt8
@@ -79,10 +76,8 @@ proc mapType(typ: PType): TCTypeKind =
     of 4: result = ctInt32
     of 8: result = ctInt64
     else: result = ctArray
-  of tyOpenArray, tyArrayConstr, tyArray: 
-    result = ctArray
-  of tyObject, tyTuple: 
-    result = ctStruct
+  of tyOpenArray, tyArrayConstr, tyArray: result = ctArray
+  of tyObject, tyTuple: result = ctStruct
   of tyGenericBody, tyGenericInst, tyGenericParam, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal: 
     result = mapType(lastSon(typ))
   of tyEnum: 
@@ -95,23 +90,17 @@ proc mapType(typ: PType): TCTypeKind =
       of 4: result = ctInt32
       of 8: result = ctInt64
       else: internalError("mapType")
-  of tyRange: 
-    result = mapType(typ.sons[0])
+  of tyRange: result = mapType(typ.sons[0])
   of tyPtr, tyVar, tyRef: 
     case typ.sons[0].kind
     of tyOpenArray, tyArrayConstr, tyArray: result = ctArray
     else: result = ctPtr
-  of tyPointer: 
-    result = ctPtr
-  of tySequence: 
-    result = ctNimSeq
-  of tyProc: 
-    result = ctProc
-  of tyString: 
-    result = ctNimStr
-  of tyCString: 
-    result = ctCString
-  of tyInt..tyFloat128: 
+  of tyPointer: result = ctPtr
+  of tySequence: result = ctNimSeq
+  of tyProc: result = ctProc
+  of tyString: result = ctNimStr
+  of tyCString: result = ctCString
+  of tyInt..tyFloat128:
     result = TCTypeKind(ord(typ.kind) - ord(tyInt) + ord(ctInt))
   else: InternalError("mapType")
@@ -128,8 +117,7 @@ proc isInvalidReturnType(rettype: PType): bool =
   # such a poor programming language.
   # We exclude records with refs too. This enhances efficiency and
   # is necessary for proper code generation of assignments.
-  if rettype == nil: 
-    result = true
+  if rettype == nil: result = true
     case mapType(rettype)
     of ctArray: 
@@ -141,8 +129,9 @@ proc isInvalidReturnType(rettype: PType): bool =
   CallingConvToStr: array[TCallingConvention, string] = ["N_NIMCALL", 
-    "N_STDCALL", "N_CDECL", "N_SAFECALL", "N_SYSCALL", # this is probably not correct for all platforms,
-                                                       # but one can #define it to what one wants so it will be no problem
+    "N_SYSCALL", # this is probably not correct for all platforms,
+                 # but one can #define it to what one wants 
   CallingConvToStrLLVM: array[TCallingConvention, string] = ["fastcc $1", 
     "stdcall $1", "ccc $1", "safecall $1", "syscall $1", "$1 alwaysinline", 
@@ -163,8 +152,7 @@ proc getGlobalTempName(): PRope =
 proc ccgIntroducedPtr(s: PSym): bool = 
-  var pt: PType
-  pt = s.typ
+  var pt = s.typ
   assert(not (sfResult in s.flags))
   case pt.Kind
   of tyObject: 
@@ -189,10 +177,6 @@ proc fillResult(param: PSym) =
 proc genProcParams(m: BModule, t: PType, rettype, params: var PRope, 
                    check: var TIntSet) = 
-  var 
-    j: int
-    param: PSym
-    arr: PType
   params = nil
   if (t.sons[0] == nil) or isInvalidReturnType(t.sons[0]): 
     rettype = toRope("void")
@@ -200,7 +184,7 @@ proc genProcParams(m: BModule, t: PType, rettype, params: var PRope,
     rettype = getTypeDescAux(m, t.sons[0], check)
   for i in countup(1, sonsLen(t.n) - 1): 
     if t.n.sons[i].kind != nkSym: InternalError(, "genProcParams")
-    param = t.n.sons[i].sym
+    var param = t.n.sons[i].sym
     fillLoc(param.loc, locParam, param.typ, mangleName(param), OnStack)
     app(params, getTypeDescAux(m, param.typ, check))
     if ccgIntroducedPtr(param): 
@@ -209,9 +193,9 @@ proc genProcParams(m: BModule, t: PType, rettype, params: var PRope,
       param.loc.s = OnUnknown
     app(params, " ")
     app(params, param.loc.r)  # declare the len field for open arrays:
-    arr = param.typ
+    var arr = param.typ
     if arr.kind == tyVar: arr = arr.sons[0]
-    j = 0
+    var j = 0
     while arr.Kind == tyOpenArray: 
       # need to pass hidden parameter:
       appff(params, ", NI $1Len$2", ", @NI $1Len$2", [param.loc.r, toRope(j)])
@@ -220,7 +204,7 @@ proc genProcParams(m: BModule, t: PType, rettype, params: var PRope,
     if i < sonsLen(t.n) - 1: app(params, ", ")
   if (t.sons[0] != nil) and isInvalidReturnType(t.sons[0]): 
     if params != nil: app(params, ", ")
-    arr = t.sons[0]
+    var arr = t.sons[0]
     app(params, getTypeDescAux(m, arr, check))
     if (mapReturnType(t.sons[0]) != ctArray) or (gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM): 
       app(params, "*")
@@ -266,23 +250,17 @@ proc getSimpleTypeDesc(m: BModule, typ: PType): PRope =
   of tyString: 
     useMagic(m, "NimStringDesc")
     result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "NimStringDesc*")
-  of tyCstring: 
-    result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "NCSTRING")
-  of tyBool: 
-    result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "NIM_BOOL")
-  of tyChar: 
-    result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "NIM_CHAR")
-  of tyNil: 
-    result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "0")
+  of tyCstring: result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "NCSTRING")
+  of tyBool: result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "NIM_BOOL")
+  of tyChar: result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "NIM_CHAR")
+  of tyNil: result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, "0")
   of tyInt..tyFloat128: 
     result = typeNameOrLiteral(typ, NumericalTypeToStr[typ.Kind])
-  of tyRange: 
-    result = getSimpleTypeDesc(m, typ.sons[0])
+  of tyRange: result = getSimpleTypeDesc(m, typ.sons[0])
   else: result = nil
 proc getTypePre(m: BModule, typ: PType): PRope = 
-  if typ == nil: 
-    result = toRope("void")
+  if typ == nil: result = toRope("void")
     result = getSimpleTypeDesc(m, typ)
     if result == nil: result = CacheGetType(m.typeCache, typ)
diff --git a/rod/cgen.nim b/rod/cgen.nim
index dd84964d5..a330790cc 100755
--- a/rod/cgen.nim
+++ b/rod/cgen.nim
@@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ type
     cfsVars,                  # section for C variable declarations
     cfsProcs,                 # section for C procs that are not inline
     cfsTypeInit1,             # section 1 for declarations of type information
-    cfsTypeInit2,             # section 2 for initialization of type information
-    cfsTypeInit3,             # section 3 for initialization of type information
-    cfsDebugInit,             # section for initialization of debug information
-    cfsDynLibInit,            # section for initialization of dynamic library binding
+    cfsTypeInit2,             # section 2 for init of type information
+    cfsTypeInit3,             # section 3 for init of type information
+    cfsDebugInit,             # section for init of debug information
+    cfsDynLibInit,            # section for init of dynamic library binding
     cfsDynLibDeinit           # section for deinitialization of dynamic libraries
   TCTypeKind = enum           # describes the type kind of a C type
     ctVoid, ctChar, ctBool, ctUInt, ctUInt8, ctUInt16, ctUInt32, ctUInt64, 
     ctInt, ctInt8, ctInt16, ctInt32, ctInt64, ctFloat, ctFloat32, ctFloat64, 
     ctFloat128, ctArray, ctStruct, ctPtr, ctNimStr, ctNimSeq, ctProc, ctCString
-  TCFileSections = array[TCFileSection, PRope] # TCFileSections represents a generated C file
+  TCFileSections = array[TCFileSection, PRope] # represents a generated C file
   TCProcSection = enum        # the sections a generated C proc consists of
     cpsLocals,                # section of local variables for C proc
     cpsInit,                  # section for initialization of variables for C proc
     cpsStmts                  # section of local statements for C proc
-  TCProcSections = array[TCProcSection, PRope] # TCProcSections represents a generated C proc
+  TCProcSections = array[TCProcSection, PRope] # represents a generated C proc
   BModule = ref TCGen
   BProc = ref TCProc
   TBlock{.final.} = object 
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ var
   gMapping: PRope             # the generated mapping file (if requested)
   gProcProfile: Natural       # proc profile counter
   gGeneratedSyms: TIntSet     # set of ID's of generated symbols
-  gPendingModules: seq[BModule] = @ [] # list of modules that are not finished with code generation
+  gPendingModules: seq[BModule] = @[] # list of modules that are not
+                                      # finished with code generation
   gForwardedProcsCounter: int = 0
   gNimDat: BModule            # generated global data
@@ -107,29 +108,27 @@ proc ropeff(cformat, llvmformat: string, args: openarray[PRope]): PRope =
   if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: result = ropef(llvmformat, args)
   else: result = ropef(cformat, args)
-proc appff(dest: var PRope, cformat, llvmformat: string, args: openarray[PRope]) = 
+proc appff(dest: var PRope, cformat, llvmformat: string, 
+           args: openarray[PRope]) = 
   if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: appf(dest, llvmformat, args)
   else: appf(dest, cformat, args)
 proc addForwardedProc(m: BModule, prc: PSym) = 
-  var L: int
-  L = len(m.forwardedProcs)
+  var L = len(m.forwardedProcs)
   setlen(m.forwardedProcs, L + 1)
   m.forwardedProcs[L] = prc
 proc addPendingModule(m: BModule) = 
-  var L: int
   for i in countup(0, high(gPendingModules)): 
     if gPendingModules[i] == m: 
       InternalError("module already pending: " &
-  L = len(gPendingModules)
+  var L = len(gPendingModules)
   setlen(gPendingModules, L + 1)
   gPendingModules[L] = m
 proc findPendingModule(m: BModule, s: PSym): BModule = 
-  var ms: PSym
-  ms = getModule(s)
+  var ms = getModule(s)
   if == 
     return m
   for i in countup(0, high(gPendingModules)): 
@@ -776,8 +775,8 @@ proc rawNewModule(module: PSym, filename: string): BModule =
   result.initProc = newProc(nil, result)
   result.initProc.options = gOptions
-  result.typeStack = @ []
-  result.forwardedProcs = @ []
+  result.typeStack = @[]
+  result.forwardedProcs = @[]
   result.typeNodesName = getTempName()
   result.nimTypesName = getTempName()
@@ -789,10 +788,8 @@ proc newModule(module: PSym, filename: string): BModule =
 proc registerTypeInfoModule() = 
-  const 
-    moduleName = "nim__dat"
-  var s: PSym
-  s = NewSym(skModule, getIdent(moduleName), nil)
+  const moduleName = "nim__dat"
+  var s = NewSym(skModule, getIdent(moduleName), nil)
   gNimDat = rawNewModule(s, joinPath(options.projectPath, moduleName) & ".nim")
   appff(mainModProcs, "N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void);$n", 
@@ -805,41 +802,38 @@ proc myOpen(module: PSym, filename: string): PPassContext =
 proc myOpenCached(module: PSym, filename: string, rd: PRodReader): PPassContext = 
   var cfile, cfilenoext, objFile: string
   if gNimDat == nil: 
-    registerTypeInfoModule()  #MessageOut('cgen.myOpenCached has been called ' + filename);
+    registerTypeInfoModule()  
+    #MessageOut('cgen.myOpenCached has been called ' + filename);
   cfile = changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(filename), cExt)
   cfilenoext = changeFileExt(cfile, "")
-  registerModuleToMain(module) # XXX: this cannot be right here, initalization has to be appended during
-                               # the ``myClose`` call
+  registerModuleToMain(module) 
+  # XXX: this cannot be right here, initalization has to be appended during
+  # the ``myClose`` call
   result = nil
 proc shouldRecompile(code: PRope, cfile, cfilenoext: string): bool = 
-  var objFile: string
   result = true
   if not (optForceFullMake in gGlobalOptions): 
-    objFile = toObjFile(cfilenoext)
+    var objFile = toObjFile(cfilenoext)
     if writeRopeIfNotEqual(code, cfile): return 
     if ExistsFile(objFile) and os.FileNewer(objFile, cfile): result = false
     writeRope(code, cfile)
 proc myProcess(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode = 
-  var m: BModule
   result = n
   if b == nil: return 
-  m = BModule(b)
+  var m = BModule(b)
   m.initProc.options = gOptions
   genStmts(m.initProc, n)
 proc finishModule(m: BModule) = 
-  var 
-    i: int
-    prc: PSym
-  i = 0
+  var i = 0
   while i <= high(m.forwardedProcs): 
     # Note: ``genProc`` may add to ``m.forwardedProcs``, so we cannot use
     # a ``for`` loop here
-    prc = m.forwardedProcs[i]
+    var prc = m.forwardedProcs[i]
     if sfForward in prc.flags: InternalError(, "still forwarded")
     genProcNoForward(m, prc)
@@ -865,12 +859,9 @@ proc writeModule(m: BModule) =
 proc myClose(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode = 
-  var 
-    m: BModule
-    disp: PNode
   result = n
   if b == nil: return 
-  m = BModule(b)
+  var m = BModule(b)
   if n != nil: 
     m.initProc.options = gOptions
     genStmts(m.initProc, n)
@@ -879,11 +870,12 @@ proc myClose(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
       not (sfDeadCodeElim in m.module.flags): 
   if sfMainModule in m.module.flags: 
-    disp = generateMethodDispatchers()
+    var disp = generateMethodDispatchers()
     for i in countup(0, sonsLen(disp) - 1): genProcAux(gNimDat, disp.sons[i].sym)
-    genMainProc(m) # we need to process the transitive closure because recursive module
-                   # deps are allowed (and the system module is processed in the wrong
-                   # order anyway)
+    genMainProc(m) 
+    # we need to process the transitive closure because recursive module
+    # deps are allowed (and the system module is processed in the wrong
+    # order anyway)
     while gForwardedProcsCounter > 0: 
       for i in countup(0, high(gPendingModules)): 
@@ -902,4 +894,4 @@ proc cgenPass(): TPass =
   result.close = myClose
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rod/pragmas.nim b/rod/pragmas.nim
index 66c9bafcb..2294e8fb8 100755
--- a/rod/pragmas.nim
+++ b/rod/pragmas.nim
@@ -51,11 +51,10 @@ proc invalidPragma(n: PNode) =
   liMessage(, errInvalidPragmaX, renderTree(n, {renderNoComments}))
 proc pragmaAsm(c: PContext, n: PNode): char = 
-  var it: PNode
   result = '\0'
   if n != nil: 
     for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
-      it = n.sons[i]
+      var it = n.sons[i]
       if (it.kind == nkExprColonExpr) and (it.sons[0].kind == nkIdent): 
         case whichKeyword(it.sons[0].ident)
         of wSubsChar: 
@@ -113,11 +112,12 @@ proc processMagic(c: PContext, n: PNode, s: PSym) =
   if n.kind != nkExprColonExpr: liMessage(, errStringLiteralExpected)
   if n.sons[1].kind == nkIdent: v = n.sons[1].ident.s
   else: v = expectStrLit(c, n)
-  incl(s.flags, sfImportc) # magics don't need an implementation, so we
-                           # treat them as imported, instead of modifing a lot of working code
-                           # BUGFIX: magic does not imply ``lfNoDecl`` anymore!
+  incl(s.flags, sfImportc) 
+  # magics don't need an implementation, so we
+  # treat them as imported, instead of modifing a lot of working code
+  # BUGFIX: magic does not imply ``lfNoDecl`` anymore!
   for m in countup(low(TMagic), high(TMagic)): 
-    if magicToStr[m] == v: 
+    if copy($m, 1) == v: 
       s.magic = m
   liMessage(, warnUnknownMagic, v)
@@ -146,9 +146,8 @@ proc pragmaDeadCodeElim(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
     liMessage(, errOnOrOffExpected)
 proc processCallConv(c: PContext, n: PNode) = 
-  var sw: TSpecialWord
   if (n.kind == nkExprColonExpr) and (n.sons[1].kind == nkIdent): 
-    sw = whichKeyword(n.sons[1].ident)
+    var sw = whichKeyword(n.sons[1].ident)
     case sw
     of firstCallConv..lastCallConv: 
       POptionEntry(c.optionStack.tail).defaultCC = wordToCallConv(sw)
@@ -157,8 +156,7 @@ proc processCallConv(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
     liMessage(, errCallConvExpected)
 proc getLib(c: PContext, kind: TLibKind, path: string): PLib = 
-  var it: PLib
-  it = PLib(c.libs.head)
+  var it = PLib(c.libs.head)
   while it != nil: 
     if it.kind == kind: 
       if ospCaseInsensitive in platform.OS[targetOS].props: 
@@ -173,32 +171,29 @@ proc getLib(c: PContext, kind: TLibKind, path: string): PLib =
   Append(c.libs, result)
 proc processDynLib(c: PContext, n: PNode, sym: PSym) = 
-  var lib: PLib
   if (sym == nil) or (sym.kind == skModule): 
     POptionEntry(c.optionStack.tail).dynlib = getLib(c, libDynamic, 
         expectStrLit(c, n))
   elif n.kind == nkExprColonExpr: 
-    lib = getLib(c, libDynamic, expectStrLit(c, n))
+    var lib = getLib(c, libDynamic, expectStrLit(c, n))
     addToLib(lib, sym)
     incl(sym.loc.flags, lfDynamicLib)
     incl(sym.loc.flags, lfExportLib)
 proc processNote(c: PContext, n: PNode) = 
-  var 
-    x: int
-    nk: TNoteKind
   if (n.kind == nkExprColonExpr) and (sonsLen(n) == 2) and
       (n.sons[0].kind == nkBracketExpr) and
       (n.sons[0].sons[1].kind == nkIdent) and
       (n.sons[0].sons[0].kind == nkIdent) and (n.sons[1].kind == nkIdent): 
+    var nk: TNoteKind
     case whichKeyword(n.sons[0].sons[0].ident)
     of wHint: 
-      x = findStr(msgs.HintsToStr, n.sons[0].sons[1].ident.s)
+      var x = findStr(msgs.HintsToStr, n.sons[0].sons[1].ident.s)
       if x >= 0: nk = TNoteKind(x + ord(hintMin))
       else: invalidPragma(n)
     of wWarning: 
-      x = findStr(msgs.WarningsToStr, n.sons[0].sons[1].ident.s)
+      var x = findStr(msgs.WarningsToStr, n.sons[0].sons[1].ident.s)
       if x >= 0: nk = TNoteKind(x + ord(warnMin))
       else: InvalidPragma(n)
@@ -212,53 +207,30 @@ proc processNote(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
 proc processOption(c: PContext, n: PNode) = 
-  var sw: TSpecialWord
-  if n.kind != nkExprColonExpr: 
-    invalidPragma(n)
-  elif n.sons[0].kind == nkBracketExpr: 
-    processNote(c, n)
-  elif n.sons[0].kind != nkIdent: 
-    invalidPragma(n)
+  if n.kind != nkExprColonExpr: invalidPragma(n)
+  elif n.sons[0].kind == nkBracketExpr: processNote(c, n)
+  elif n.sons[0].kind != nkIdent: invalidPragma(n)
-    sw = whichKeyword(n.sons[0].ident)
+    var sw = whichKeyword(n.sons[0].ident)
     case sw
-    of wChecks: 
-      OnOff(c, n, checksOptions)
-    of wObjChecks: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optObjCheck})
-    of wFieldchecks: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optFieldCheck})
-    of wRangechecks: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optRangeCheck})
-    of wBoundchecks: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optBoundsCheck})
-    of wOverflowchecks: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optOverflowCheck})
-    of wNilchecks: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optNilCheck})
-    of wAssertions: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optAssert})
-    of wWarnings: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optWarns})
-    of wHints: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optHints})
-    of wCallConv: 
-      processCallConv(c, n)   # ------ these are not in the Nimrod spec: -------------
-    of wLinedir: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optLineDir})
-    of wStacktrace: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optStackTrace})
-    of wLinetrace: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optLineTrace})
-    of wDebugger: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optEndb})
-    of wProfiler: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optProfiler})
-    of wByRef: 
-      OnOff(c, n, {optByRef})
-    of wDynLib: 
-      processDynLib(c, n, nil) # 
-                               # -------------------------------------------------------
+    of wChecks: OnOff(c, n, checksOptions)
+    of wObjChecks: OnOff(c, n, {optObjCheck})
+    of wFieldchecks: OnOff(c, n, {optFieldCheck})
+    of wRangechecks: OnOff(c, n, {optRangeCheck})
+    of wBoundchecks: OnOff(c, n, {optBoundsCheck})
+    of wOverflowchecks: OnOff(c, n, {optOverflowCheck})
+    of wNilchecks: OnOff(c, n, {optNilCheck})
+    of wAssertions: OnOff(c, n, {optAssert})
+    of wWarnings: OnOff(c, n, {optWarns})
+    of wHints: OnOff(c, n, {optHints})
+    of wCallConv: processCallConv(c, n)   
+    of wLinedir: OnOff(c, n, {optLineDir})
+    of wStacktrace: OnOff(c, n, {optStackTrace})
+    of wLinetrace: OnOff(c, n, {optLineTrace})
+    of wDebugger: OnOff(c, n, {optEndb})
+    of wProfiler: OnOff(c, n, {optProfiler})
+    of wByRef: OnOff(c, n, {optByRef})
+    of wDynLib: processDynLib(c, n, nil) 
     of wOptimization: 
       if n.sons[1].kind != nkIdent: 
@@ -277,22 +249,23 @@ proc processOption(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
     else: liMessage(, errOptionExpected)
 proc processPush(c: PContext, n: PNode, start: int) = 
-  var x, y: POptionEntry
-  x = newOptionEntry()
-  y = POptionEntry(c.optionStack.tail)
+  var x = newOptionEntry()
+  var y = POptionEntry(c.optionStack.tail)
   x.options = gOptions
   x.defaultCC = y.defaultCC
   x.dynlib = y.dynlib
   x.notes = gNotes
   append(c.optionStack, x)
   for i in countup(start, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
-    processOption(c, n.sons[i]) #liMessage(, warnUser, ropeToStr(optionsToStr(gOptions)));
+    processOption(c, n.sons[i]) 
+    #liMessage(, warnUser, ropeToStr(optionsToStr(gOptions)));
 proc processPop(c: PContext, n: PNode) = 
   if c.optionStack.counter <= 1: 
     liMessage(, errAtPopWithoutPush)
-    gOptions = POptionEntry(c.optionStack.tail).options #liMessage(, warnUser, ropeToStr(optionsToStr(gOptions)));
+    gOptions = POptionEntry(c.optionStack.tail).options 
+    #liMessage(, warnUser, ropeToStr(optionsToStr(gOptions)));
     gNotes = POptionEntry(c.optionStack.tail).notes
     remove(c.optionStack, c.optionStack.tail)
@@ -315,11 +288,10 @@ type
     linkNormal, linkSys
 proc processCompile(c: PContext, n: PNode) = 
-  var s, found, trunc: string
-  s = expectStrLit(c, n)
-  found = findFile(s)
+  var s = expectStrLit(c, n)
+  var found = findFile(s)
   if found == "": found = s
-  trunc = ChangeFileExt(found, "")
+  var trunc = ChangeFileExt(found, "")
   extccomp.addFileToLink(completeCFilePath(trunc, false))
@@ -328,11 +300,9 @@ proc processCommonLink(c: PContext, n: PNode, feature: TLinkFeature) =
   f = expectStrLit(c, n)
   if splitFile(f).ext == "": f = toObjFile(f)
   found = findFile(f)
-  if found == "": 
-    found = f                 # use the default
+  if found == "": found = f # use the default
   case feature
-  of linkNormal: 
-    extccomp.addFileToLink(found)
+  of linkNormal: extccomp.addFileToLink(found)
   of linkSys: 
     extccomp.addFileToLink(joinPath(libpath, completeCFilePath(found, false)))
   else: internalError(, "processCommonLink")
@@ -342,8 +312,7 @@ proc PragmaBreakpoint(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
 proc PragmaCheckpoint(c: PContext, n: PNode) = 
   # checkpoints can be used to debug the compiler; they are not documented
-  var info: TLineInfo
-  info =
+  var info =
   inc(info.line)              # next line is affected!
@@ -367,8 +336,7 @@ proc pragma(c: PContext, sym: PSym, n: PNode, validPragmas: TSpecialWords) =
         of wExportc: 
           makeExternExport(sym, getOptionalStr(c, it,
           incl(sym.flags, sfUsed) # avoid wrong hints
-        of wImportc: 
-          makeExternImport(sym, getOptionalStr(c, it,
+        of wImportc: makeExternImport(sym, getOptionalStr(c, it,
         of wAlign: 
           if sym.typ == nil: invalidPragma(it)
           sym.typ.align = expectIntLit(c, it)
@@ -389,10 +357,8 @@ proc pragma(c: PContext, sym: PSym, n: PNode, validPragmas: TSpecialWords) =
         of wThreadVar: 
           incl(sym.flags, sfThreadVar)
-        of wDeadCodeElim: 
-          pragmaDeadCodeElim(c, it)
-        of wMagic: 
-          processMagic(c, it, sym)
+        of wDeadCodeElim: pragmaDeadCodeElim(c, it)
+        of wMagic: processMagic(c, it, sym)
         of wCompileTime: 
           incl(sym.flags, sfCompileTime)
@@ -460,29 +426,19 @@ proc pragma(c: PContext, sym: PSym, n: PNode, validPragmas: TSpecialWords) =
         of wFatal: 
           liMessage(, errUser, expectStrLit(c, it))
-        of wDefine: 
-          processDefine(c, it)
-        of wUndef: 
-          processUndef(c, it)
-        of wCompile: 
-          processCompile(c, it)
-        of wLink: 
-          processCommonLink(c, it, linkNormal)
-        of wLinkSys: 
-          processCommonLink(c, it, linkSys)
-        of wPassL: 
-          extccomp.addLinkOption(expectStrLit(c, it))
-        of wPassC: 
-          extccomp.addCompileOption(expectStrLit(c, it))
-        of wBreakpoint: 
-          PragmaBreakpoint(c, it)
-        of wCheckpoint: 
-          PragmaCheckpoint(c, it)
+        of wDefine: processDefine(c, it)
+        of wUndef: processUndef(c, it)
+        of wCompile: processCompile(c, it)
+        of wLink: processCommonLink(c, it, linkNormal)
+        of wLinkSys: processCommonLink(c, it, linkSys)
+        of wPassL: extccomp.addLinkOption(expectStrLit(c, it))
+        of wPassC: extccomp.addCompileOption(expectStrLit(c, it))
+        of wBreakpoint: PragmaBreakpoint(c, it)
+        of wCheckpoint: PragmaCheckpoint(c, it)
         of wPush: 
           processPush(c, n, i + 1)
-        of wPop: 
-          processPop(c, it)
+        of wPop: processPop(c, it)
         of wChecks, wObjChecks, wFieldChecks, wRangechecks, wBoundchecks, 
            wOverflowchecks, wNilchecks, wAssertions, wWarnings, wHints, 
            wLinedir, wStacktrace, wLinetrace, wOptimization, wByRef, wCallConv, 
@@ -493,10 +449,8 @@ proc pragma(c: PContext, sym: PSym, n: PNode, validPragmas: TSpecialWords) =
           if sym.typ == nil: invalidPragma(it)
           sym.typ.callConv = wordToCallConv(k)
         else: invalidPragma(it)
-      else: 
-        invalidPragma(it)
-    else: 
-      processNote(c, it)
+      else: invalidPragma(it)
+    else: processNote(c, it)
   if (sym != nil) and (sym.kind != skModule): 
     if (lfExportLib in sym.loc.flags) and not (sfExportc in sym.flags): 
       liMessage(, errDynlibRequiresExportc)
@@ -506,4 +460,4 @@ proc pragma(c: PContext, sym: PSym, n: PNode, validPragmas: TSpecialWords) =
       incl(sym.loc.flags, lfDynamicLib)
       addToLib(lib, sym)
       if sym.loc.r == nil: sym.loc.r = toRope(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rod/semfold.nim b/rod/semfold.nim
index 7d9cbfe52..78968d705 100755
--- a/rod/semfold.nim
+++ b/rod/semfold.nim
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ proc evalOp(m: TMagic, n, a, b, c: PNode): PNode =
   of mNewString, mExit, mInc, ast.mDec, mEcho, mAssert, mSwap, mAppendStrCh, 
      mAppendStrStr, mAppendSeqElem, mSetLengthStr, mSetLengthSeq, mNLen..mNError: 
-  else: InternalError(, "evalOp(" & magicToStr[m] & ')')
+  else: InternalError(, "evalOp(" & $m & ')')
 proc getConstIfExpr(c: PSym, n: PNode): PNode = 
   var it, e: PNode
diff --git a/web/index.txt b/web/index.txt
index 320332679..fd6a04242 100755
--- a/web/index.txt
+++ b/web/index.txt
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ Nimrod is efficient
 Nimrod is expressive
+* **The Nimrod compiler and all of the standard library are implemented in 
+  Nimrod.**
 * Built-in high level datatypes: strings, sets, sequences, etc.
 * Modern type system with local type inference, tuples, variants, 
   generics, etc.