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3 files changed, 2 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 0f6be33c3..5c72495d2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ This now needs to be written as:
   - [``poly``](
   - [``pdcurses``](
   - [``romans``](
+  - [``libsvm``](
 - Added ``system.runnableExamples`` to make examples in Nim's documentation easier
   to write and test. The examples are tested as the last step of
@@ -263,4 +264,4 @@ bar()
 import std / [strutils, os, osproc]
 import someNimblePackage / [strutils, os]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/libsvm.nim b/lib/wrappers/libsvm.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index ac5889410..000000000
--- a/lib/wrappers/libsvm.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## This module is a low level wrapper for `libsvm`:idx:.
-{.deadCodeElim: on.}
-when defined(windows):
-  const svmdll* = "libsvm.dll"
-elif defined(macosx):
-  const svmdll* = "libsvm.dylib"
-  const svmdll* = ""
-  Node*{.pure, final.} = object
-    index*: cint
-    value*: cdouble
-  Problem*{.pure, final.} = object
-    L*: cint
-    y*: ptr cdouble
-    x*: ptr ptr Node
-  Type*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  KernelType*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
-  Parameter*{.pure, final.} = object
-    typ*: Type
-    kernelType*: KernelType
-    degree*: cint             # for poly
-    gamma*: cdouble           # for poly/rbf/sigmoid
-    coef0*: cdouble           # for poly/sigmoid
-                              # these are for training only
-    cache_size*: cdouble      # in MB
-    eps*: cdouble             # stopping criteria
-    C*: cdouble               # for C_SVC, EPSILON_SVR and NU_SVR
-    nr_weight*: cint          # for C_SVC
-    weight_label*: ptr cint   # for C_SVC
-    weight*: ptr cdouble      # for C_SVC
-    nu*: cdouble              # for NU_SVC, ONE_CLASS, and NU_SVR
-    p*: cdouble               # for EPSILON_SVR
-    shrinking*: cint          # use the shrinking heuristics
-    probability*: cint        # do probability estimates
-{.deprecated: [Tnode: Node, Tproblem: Problem, Ttype: Type,
-              TKernelType: KernelType, Tparameter: Parameter].}
-# svm_model
-  Model*{.pure, final.} = object
-    param*: Parameter         # parameter
-    nr_class*: cint           # number of classes, = 2 in regression/one class svm
-    L*: cint                  # total #SV
-    SV*: ptr ptr Node         # SVs (SV[l])
-    sv_coef*: ptr ptr cdouble # coefficients for SVs in decision functions (sv_coef[k-1][l])
-    rho*: ptr cdouble         # constants in decision functions (rho[k*(k-1)/2])
-    probA*: ptr cdouble       # pariwise probability information
-    probB*: ptr cdouble       # for classification only
-    label*: ptr cint          # label of each class (label[k])
-    nSV*: ptr cint            # number of SVs for each class (nSV[k])
-                              # nSV[0] + nSV[1] + ... + nSV[k-1] = l
-                              # XXX
-    free_sv*: cint            # 1 if svm_model is created by svm_load_model
-                              # 0 if svm_model is created by svm_train
-{.deprecated: [TModel: Model].}
-proc train*(prob: ptr Problem, param: ptr Parameter): ptr Model{.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_train", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc cross_validation*(prob: ptr Problem, param: ptr Parameter, nr_fold: cint,
-                       target: ptr cdouble){.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_cross_validation", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc save_model*(model_file_name: cstring, model: ptr Model): cint{.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_save_model", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc load_model*(model_file_name: cstring): ptr Model{.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_load_model", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc get_svm_type*(model: ptr Model): cint{.cdecl, importc: "svm_get_svm_type",
-    dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc get_nr_class*(model: ptr Model): cint{.cdecl, importc: "svm_get_nr_class",
-    dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc get_labels*(model: ptr Model, label: ptr cint){.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_get_labels", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc get_svr_probability*(model: ptr Model): cdouble{.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_get_svr_probability", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc predict_values*(model: ptr Model, x: ptr Node, dec_values: ptr cdouble): cdouble{.
-    cdecl, importc: "svm_predict_values", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc predict*(model: ptr Model, x: ptr Node): cdouble{.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_predict", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc predict_probability*(model: ptr Model, x: ptr Node,
-                          prob_estimates: ptr cdouble): cdouble{.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_predict_probability", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc free_model_content*(model_ptr: ptr Model){.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_free_model_content", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc free_and_destroy_model*(model_ptr_ptr: ptr ptr Model){.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_free_and_destroy_model", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc destroy_param*(param: ptr Parameter){.cdecl, importc: "svm_destroy_param",
-    dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc check_parameter*(prob: ptr Problem, param: ptr Parameter): cstring{.
-    cdecl, importc: "svm_check_parameter", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc check_probability_model*(model: ptr Model): cint{.cdecl,
-    importc: "svm_check_probability_model", dynlib: svmdll.}
-proc set_print_string_function*(print_func: proc (arg: cstring) {.cdecl.}){.
-    cdecl, importc: "svm_set_print_string_function", dynlib: svmdll.}
diff --git a/web/website.ini b/web/website.ini
index 7edaaa712..17ff5d644 100644
--- a/web/website.ini
+++ b/web/website.ini
@@ -80,4 +80,3 @@ webdoc: "wrappers/openssl"
 webdoc: "wrappers/joyent_http_parser"
 webdoc: "posix/posix;wrappers/odbcsql"
-webdoc: "wrappers/libsvm.nim"