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path: root/compiler/closureiters.nim
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1 files changed, 632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/closureiters.nim b/compiler/closureiters.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02795ab47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/closureiters.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+#           The Nim Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2018 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+# This file implements closure iterator transformations.
+# The main idea is to split the closure iterator body to top level statements.
+# The body is split by yield statement.
+# Example:
+#  while a > 0:
+#    echo "hi"
+#    yield a
+#    dec a
+# Should be transformed to:
+#  STATE0:
+#    if a > 0:
+#      echo "hi"
+#      :state = 1 # Next state
+#      return a # yield
+#    else:
+#      :state = 2 # Next state
+#      break :stateLoop # Proceed to the next state
+#  STATE1:
+#    dec a
+#    :state = 0 # Next state
+#    break :stateLoop # Proceed to the next state
+#  STATE2:
+#    :state = -1 # End of execution
+# The transformation should play well with lambdalifting, however depending
+# on situation, it can be called either before or after lambdalifting
+# transformation. As such we behave slightly differently, when accessing
+# iterator state, or using temp variables. If lambdalifting did not happen,
+# we just create local variables, so that they will be lifted further on.
+# Otherwise, we utilize existing env, created by lambdalifting.
+# Lambdalifting treats :state variable specially, it should always end up
+# as the first field in env. Currently C codegen depends on this behavior.
+# One special subtransformation is nkStmtListExpr lowering.
+# Example:
+#   template foo(): int =
+#     yield 1
+#     2
+#   iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+#     if foo() == 2:
+#       yield 3
+# If a nkStmtListExpr has yield inside, it has first to be lowered to:
+#   yield 1
+#   :tmpSlLower = 2
+#   if :tmpSlLower == 2:
+#     yield 3
+  intsets, strutils, options, ast, astalgo, trees, treetab, msgs, os, options,
+  idents, renderer, types, magicsys, rodread, lowerings, tables, sequtils,
+  lambdalifting
+type ClosureIteratorTransformationContext = object
+  fn: PSym
+  stateVarSym: PSym # :state variable. nil if env already introduced by lambdalifting
+  states: seq[PNode] # The resulting states. Every state is an nkState node.
+  blockLevel: int # Temp used to transform break and continue stmts
+  stateLoopLabel: PSym # Label to break on, when jumping between states.
+  exitStateIdx: int # index of the last state
+  tempVarId: int # unique name counter
+  tempVars: PNode # Temp var decls, nkVarSection
+  loweredStmtListExpr: PNode # Temporary used for nkStmtListExpr lowering
+proc newStateAssgn(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, stateNo: int = -2): PNode =
+  # Creates state assignmen:
+  #   :state = stateNo
+  result = newNode(nkAsgn)
+  if ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
+    let state = getStateField(ctx.fn)
+    assert state != nil
+    result.add(rawIndirectAccess(newSymNode(getEnvParam(ctx.fn)),
+                      state,
+  else:
+    result.add(newSymNode(ctx.stateVarSym))
+  result.add(newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, stateNo, getSysType(tyInt)))
+proc setStateInAssgn(stateAssgn: PNode, stateNo: int) =
+  assert stateAssgn.kind == nkAsgn
+  assert stateAssgn[1].kind == nkIntLit
+  stateAssgn[1].intVal = stateNo
+proc newState(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, n, gotoOut: PNode): int =
+  # Creates a new state, adds it to the context fills out `gotoOut` so that it
+  # will goto this state.
+  # Returns index of the newly created state
+  result = ctx.states.len
+  let resLit = newIntLit(result)
+  let s = newNodeI(nkState,
+  s.add(resLit)
+  s.add(n)
+  ctx.states.add(s)
+  if not gotoOut.isNil:
+    assert(gotoOut.len == 0)
+    gotoOut.add(newIntLit(result))
+proc toStmtList(n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n
+  if result.kind notin {nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr}:
+    result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+    result.add(n)
+proc addGotoOut(n: PNode, gotoOut: PNode): PNode =
+  # Make sure `n` is a stmtlist, and ends with `gotoOut`
+  result = toStmtList(n)
+  if result.len != 0 and result.sons[^1].kind != nkGotoState:
+    result.add(gotoOut)
+proc newTempVarAccess(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, typ: PType, i: TLineInfo): PNode =
+  if not ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
+    # We haven't gone through labmda lifting yet, so just create a local var,
+    # it will be lifted later
+    let s = newSym(skVar, getIdent(":tmpSlLower" & $ctx.tempVarId), ctx.fn, i)
+    s.typ = typ
+    if ctx.tempVars.isNil:
+      ctx.tempVars = newNode(nkVarSection)
+      addVar(ctx.tempVars, newSymNode(s))
+    result = newSymNode(s)
+  else:
+    # Lambda lifting is done, insert temp var to env.
+    let s = newSym(skVar, getIdent(":tmpSlLower" & $ctx.tempVarId), ctx.fn, i)
+    s.typ = typ
+    result = freshVarForClosureIter(s, ctx.fn)
+  inc ctx.tempVarId
+proc hasYields(n: PNode): bool =
+  # TODO: This is very inefficient. It traverses the node, looking for nkYieldStmt.
+  case n.kind
+  of nkYieldStmt:
+    result = true
+  of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+      nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+    discard
+  else:
+    for c in n:
+      if c.hasYields:
+        result = true
+        break
+proc transformBreaksAndContinuesInWhile(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, n: PNode, before, after: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n
+  case n.kind
+  of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+      nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+    discard
+  of nkWhileStmt: discard # Do not recurse into nested whiles
+  of nkContinueStmt:
+    result = before
+  of nkBlockStmt:
+    inc ctx.blockLevel
+    result[1] = ctx.transformBreaksAndContinuesInWhile(result[1], before, after)
+    dec ctx.blockLevel
+  of nkBreakStmt:
+    if ctx.blockLevel == 0:
+      result = after
+  else:
+    for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+      n[i] = ctx.transformBreaksAndContinuesInWhile(n[i], before, after)
+proc transformBreaksInBlock(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, n: PNode, label, after: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n
+  case n.kind
+  of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+      nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+    discard
+  of nkBlockStmt, nkWhileStmt:
+    inc ctx.blockLevel
+    result[1] = ctx.transformBreaksInBlock(result[1], label, after)
+    dec ctx.blockLevel
+  of nkBreakStmt:
+    if n[0].kind == nkEmpty:
+      if ctx.blockLevel == 0:
+        result = after
+    else:
+      if label.kind == nkSym and n[0].sym == label.sym:
+        result = after
+  else:
+    for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+      n[i] = ctx.transformBreaksInBlock(n[i], label, after)
+proc collectExceptState(n: PNode): PNode =
+  var ifStmt = newNode(nkIfStmt)
+  for c in n:
+    if c.kind == nkExceptBranch:
+      var ifBranch: PNode
+      var branchBody: PNode
+      if c[0].kind == nkType:
+        assert(c.len == 2)
+        ifBranch = newNode(nkElifBranch)
+        let expression = newNodeI(nkCall,
+        expression.add(callCodegenProc("getCurrentException", emptyNode))
+        expression.add(c[0])
+        ifBranch.add(expression)
+        branchBody = c[1]
+      else:
+        assert(c.len == 1)
+        if ifStmt.len == 0:
+          ifStmt = newNode(nkStmtList)
+          ifBranch = newNode(nkStmtList)
+        else:
+          ifBranch = newNode(nkElse)
+        branchBody = c[0]
+      ifBranch.add(branchBody)
+      ifStmt.add(ifBranch)
+  if ifStmt.len != 0:
+    result = newNode(nkStmtList)
+    result.add(ifStmt)
+  else:
+    result = emptyNode
+proc getFinallyNode(n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n[^1]
+  if result.kind == nkFinally:
+    result = result[0]
+  else:
+    result = emptyNode
+proc hasYieldsInExpressions(n: PNode): bool =
+  case n.kind
+  of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+      nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+    discard
+  of nkStmtListExpr:
+    result = n.hasYields
+  of nkStmtList, nkWhileStmt, nkCaseStmt, nkIfStmt:
+    discard
+  else:
+    for c in n:
+      if c.hasYieldsInExpressions:
+        return true
+proc lowerStmtListExpr(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n
+  case n.kind
+  of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+      nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+    discard
+  of nkStmtListExpr:
+    if n.hasYields:
+      for i in 0 .. n.len - 2:
+        ctx.loweredStmtListExpr.add(n[i])
+      let tv = ctx.newTempVarAccess(n.typ, n[^1].info)
+      let asgn = newNode(nkAsgn)
+      asgn.add(tv)
+      asgn.add(n[^1])
+      ctx.loweredStmtListExpr.add(asgn)
+      result = tv
+  else:
+    for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+      n[i] = ctx.lowerStmtListExpr(n[i])
+proc transformClosureIteratorBody(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, n: PNode, gotoOut: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n
+  case n.kind:
+    of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+        nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+      discard
+    of nkStmtList:
+      result = addGotoOut(result, gotoOut)
+      for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+        if n[i].hasYieldsInExpressions:
+          # Lower nkStmtListExpr nodes inside `n[i]` first
+          assert(ctx.loweredStmtListExpr.isNil)
+          ctx.loweredStmtListExpr = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+          n[i] = ctx.lowerStmtListExpr(n[i])
+          ctx.loweredStmtListExpr.add(n[i])
+          n[i] = ctx.loweredStmtListExpr
+          ctx.loweredStmtListExpr = nil
+        if n[i].hasYields:
+          # Create a new split
+          let go = newNode(nkGotoState)
+          n[i] = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(n[i], go)
+          let s = newNode(nkStmtList)
+          for j in i + 1 ..< n.len:
+            s.add(n[j])
+          n.sons.setLen(i + 1)
+          discard ctx.newState(s, go)
+          discard ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(s, gotoOut)
+          break
+    of nkStmtListExpr:
+      assert(false, "nkStmtListExpr not lowered")
+    of nkYieldStmt:
+      # echo "YIELD!"
+      result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+      result.add(n)
+      result.add(gotoOut)
+    of nkElse, nkElseExpr:
+      result[0] = addGotoOut(result[0], gotoOut)
+      result[0] = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(result[0], gotoOut)
+    of nkElifBranch, nkElifExpr, nkOfBranch:
+      result[1] = addGotoOut(result[1], gotoOut)
+      result[1] = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(result[1], gotoOut)
+    of nkIfStmt, nkCaseStmt:
+      for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+        n[i] = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(n[i], gotoOut)
+      if n[^1].kind != nkElse:
+        # We don't have an else branch, but every possible branch has to end with
+        # gotoOut, so add else here.
+        let elseBranch = newNode(nkElse)
+        elseBranch.add(gotoOut)
+        n.add(elseBranch)
+    of nkWhileStmt:
+      # while e:
+      #   s
+      # ->
+      # BEGIN_STATE:
+      #   if e:
+      #     s
+      #     goto BEGIN_STATE
+      #   else:
+      #     goto OUT
+      result = newNodeI(nkGotoState,
+      let s = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+      discard ctx.newState(s, result)
+      let ifNode = newNodeI(nkIfStmt,
+      let elifBranch = newNodeI(nkElifBranch,
+      elifBranch.add(n[0])
+      var body = addGotoOut(n[1], result)
+      body = ctx.transformBreaksAndContinuesInWhile(body, result, gotoOut)
+      body = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(body, result)
+      elifBranch.add(body)
+      ifNode.add(elifBranch)
+      let elseBranch = newNode(nkElse)
+      elseBranch.add(gotoOut)
+      ifNode.add(elseBranch)
+      s.add(ifNode)
+    of nkBlockStmt:
+      result[1] = addGotoOut(result[1], gotoOut)
+      result[1] = ctx.transformBreaksInBlock(result[1], result[0], gotoOut)
+      result[1] = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(result[1], gotoOut)
+    of nkTryStmt:
+      var tryBody = toStmtList(n[0])
+      # let popTry = newNode(nkPar)
+      # popTry.add(newIdentNode(getIdent("popTry"),
+      var finallyBody = newNode(nkStmtList)
+      # finallyBody.add(popTry)
+      finallyBody.add(getFinallyNode(n))
+      var tryCatchOut = newNode(nkGotoState)
+      tryBody = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(tryBody, tryCatchOut)
+      var exceptBody = collectExceptState(n)
+      var exceptIdx = -1
+      if exceptBody.kind != nkEmpty:
+        exceptBody = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(exceptBody, tryCatchOut)
+        exceptIdx = ctx.newState(exceptBody, nil)
+      finallyBody = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(finallyBody, gotoOut)
+      let finallyIdx = ctx.newState(finallyBody, tryCatchOut)
+      # let pushTry = newNode(nkPar) #newCall(newSym("pushTry"), newIntLit(exceptIdx))
+      # pushTry.add(newIdentNode(getIdent("pushTry"),
+      # pushTry.add(newIntLit(exceptIdx))
+      # pushTry.add(newIntLit(finallyIdx))
+      # tryBody.sons.insert(pushTry, 0)
+      result = tryBody
+    of nkGotoState, nkForStmt:
+      internalError("closure iter " & $n.kind)
+    else:
+      for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+        n[i] = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(n[i], gotoOut)
+proc stateFromGotoState(n: PNode): int =
+  assert(n.kind == nkGotoState)
+  result = n[0]
+proc tranformStateAssignments(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, n: PNode): PNode =
+  # This transforms 3 patterns:
+  ########################## 1
+  # yield e
+  # goto STATE
+  # ->
+  # :state = STATE
+  # return e
+  ########################## 2
+  # goto STATE
+  # ->
+  # :state = STATE
+  # break :stateLoop
+  ########################## 3
+  # return e
+  # ->
+  # :state = -1
+  # return e
+  #
+  result = n
+  case n.kind
+  of nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr:
+    if n.len != 0 and n[0].kind == nkYieldStmt:
+      assert(n.len == 2)
+      assert(n[1].kind == nkGotoState)
+      result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+      result.add(ctx.newStateAssgn(stateFromGotoState(n[1])))
+      var retStmt = newNodeI(nkReturnStmt,
+      if n[0].sons[0].kind != nkEmpty:
+        var a = newNodeI(nkAsgn, n[0].sons[0].info)
+        var retVal = n[0].sons[0] #liftCapturedVars(n.sons[0], owner, d, c)
+        addSon(a, newSymNode(getClosureIterResult(ctx.fn)))
+        addSon(a, retVal)
+        retStmt.add(a)
+      else:
+        retStmt.add(emptyNode)
+      result.add(retStmt)
+    else:
+      for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+        n[i] = ctx.tranformStateAssignments(n[i])
+  of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+      nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+    discard
+  of nkReturnStmt:
+    result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+    result.add(ctx.newStateAssgn(-1))
+    result.add(n)
+  of nkGotoState:
+    result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+    result.add(ctx.newStateAssgn(stateFromGotoState(n)))
+    let breakState = newNodeI(nkBreakStmt,
+    breakState.add(newSymNode(ctx.stateLoopLabel))
+    result.add(breakState)
+  else:
+    for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+      n[i] = ctx.tranformStateAssignments(n[i])
+proc skipStmtList(n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n
+  while result.kind in {nkStmtList}:
+    if result.len == 0: return emptyNode
+    result = result[0]
+proc skipThroughEmptyStates(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n
+  case n.kind
+  of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+      nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+    discard
+  of nkGotoState:
+    var maxJumps = ctx.states.len # maxJumps used only for debugging purposes.
+    result = copyTree(n)
+    while true:
+      let label = result[0]
+      if label == ctx.exitStateIdx: break
+      var newLabel = label
+      if label == -1:
+        newLabel = ctx.exitStateIdx
+      else:
+        let fs = ctx.states[label][1].skipStmtList()
+        if fs.kind == nkGotoState:
+          newLabel = fs[0]
+      if label == newLabel: break
+      result[0].intVal = newLabel
+      dec maxJumps
+      if maxJumps == 0:
+        assert(false, "Internal error")
+    let label = result[0]
+    result[0].intVal = ctx.states[label][0].intVal
+  else:
+    for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+      n[i] = ctx.skipThroughEmptyStates(n[i])
+proc wrapIntoStateLoop(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext, n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = newNode(nkWhileStmt)
+  result.add(newSymNode(getSysSym("true")))
+  let loopBody = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+  result.add(loopBody)
+  if not ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
+    let varSect = newNodeI(nkVarSection,
+    addVar(varSect, newSymNode(ctx.stateVarSym))
+    loopBody.add(varSect)
+    if not ctx.tempVars.isNil:
+      loopBody.add(ctx.tempVars)
+  let blockStmt = newNodeI(nkBlockStmt,
+  blockStmt.add(newSymNode(ctx.stateLoopLabel))
+  let blockBody = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+  blockStmt.add(blockBody)
+  let gs = newNodeI(nkGotoState,
+  if ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
+    gs.add(rawIndirectAccess(newSymNode(getEnvParam(ctx.fn)), getStateField(ctx.fn),
+  else:
+    gs.add(newSymNode(ctx.stateVarSym))
+  gs.add(newIntLit(ctx.states.len - 1))
+  blockBody.add(gs)
+  blockBody.add(n)
+  # gs.add(rawIndirectAccess(newSymNode(ctx.fn.getHiddenParam), getStateField(ctx.fn),
+  loopBody.add(blockStmt)
+proc deleteEmptyStates(ctx: var ClosureIteratorTransformationContext) =
+  let goOut = newNode(nkGotoState)
+  goOut.add(newIntLit(-1))
+  ctx.exitStateIdx = ctx.newState(goOut, nil)
+  # Apply new state indexes and mark unused states with -1
+  var iValid = 0
+  for i, s in ctx.states:
+    let body = s[1].skipStmtList()
+    if body.kind == nkGotoState and i != ctx.states.len - 1:
+      # This is an empty state. Mark with -1.
+      s[0].intVal = -1
+    else:
+      s[0].intVal = iValid
+      inc iValid
+  for i, s in ctx.states:
+    let body = s[1].skipStmtList()
+    if body.kind != nkGotoState:
+      discard ctx.skipThroughEmptyStates(s)
+  var i = 0
+  while i < ctx.states.len - 1:
+    let fs = ctx.states[i][1].skipStmtList()
+    if fs.kind == nkGotoState:
+      ctx.states.delete(i)
+    else:
+      inc i
+proc transformClosureIterator*(fn: PSym, n: PNode): PNode =
+  var ctx: ClosureIteratorTransformationContext
+  ctx.fn = fn
+  if getEnvParam(fn).isNil:
+    # Lambda lifting was not done yet. Use temporary :state sym, which
+    # be handled specially by lambda lifting. Local temp vars (if needed)
+    # should folllow the same logic.
+    ctx.stateVarSym = newSym(skVar, getIdent(":state"), fn,
+    ctx.stateVarSym.typ = createClosureIterStateType(fn)
+  ctx.states = @[]
+  ctx.stateLoopLabel = newSym(skLabel, getIdent(":stateLoop"), fn,
+  let n = n.toStmtList
+  discard ctx.newState(n, nil)
+  let gotoOut = newNode(nkGotoState)
+  gotoOut.add(newIntLit(-1))
+  # Splitting transformation
+  discard ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(n, gotoOut)
+  # Optimize empty states away
+  ctx.deleteEmptyStates()
+  # Make new body by concating the list of states
+  result = newNode(nkStmtList)
+  for i, s in ctx.states:
+    # result.add(s)
+    let body = s[1]
+    s.sons.del(1)
+    result.add(s)
+    result.add(body)
+  result = ctx.tranformStateAssignments(result)
+  # Add excpetion handling
+  var hasExceptions = false
+  if hasExceptions:
+    discard # TODO:
+    # result = wrapIntoTryCatch(result)
+  # while true:
+  #   block :stateLoop:
+  #     gotoState
+  #     body
+  result = ctx.wrapIntoStateLoop(result)
+  # echo "TRANSFORM TO STATES2: "
+  # debug(result)
+  # echo renderTree(result)