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path: root/compiler/msgs.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/msgs.nim')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/msgs.nim b/compiler/msgs.nim
index 4ea67989a..0f7921ddb 100644
--- a/compiler/msgs.nim
+++ b/compiler/msgs.nim
@@ -10,95 +10,95 @@
   options, strutils, os, tables, ropes, platform
-  TMsgKind* = enum 
-    errUnknown, errIllFormedAstX, errInternal, errCannotOpenFile, errGenerated, 
-    errXCompilerDoesNotSupportCpp, errStringLiteralExpected, 
-    errIntLiteralExpected, errInvalidCharacterConstant, 
-    errClosingTripleQuoteExpected, errClosingQuoteExpected, 
-    errTabulatorsAreNotAllowed, errInvalidToken, errLineTooLong, 
-    errInvalidNumber, errNumberOutOfRange, errNnotAllowedInCharacter, 
-    errClosingBracketExpected, errMissingFinalQuote, errIdentifierExpected, 
+  TMsgKind* = enum
+    errUnknown, errIllFormedAstX, errInternal, errCannotOpenFile, errGenerated,
+    errXCompilerDoesNotSupportCpp, errStringLiteralExpected,
+    errIntLiteralExpected, errInvalidCharacterConstant,
+    errClosingTripleQuoteExpected, errClosingQuoteExpected,
+    errTabulatorsAreNotAllowed, errInvalidToken, errLineTooLong,
+    errInvalidNumber, errNumberOutOfRange, errNnotAllowedInCharacter,
+    errClosingBracketExpected, errMissingFinalQuote, errIdentifierExpected,
-    errOperatorExpected, errTokenExpected, errStringAfterIncludeExpected, 
-    errRecursiveDependencyX, errOnOrOffExpected, errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpected, 
-    errInvalidPragma, errUnknownPragma, errInvalidDirectiveX, 
-    errAtPopWithoutPush, errEmptyAsm, errInvalidIndentation, 
-    errExceptionExpected, errExceptionAlreadyHandled, 
-    errYieldNotAllowedHere, errYieldNotAllowedInTryStmt, 
-    errInvalidNumberOfYieldExpr, errCannotReturnExpr, errAttemptToRedefine, 
-    errStmtInvalidAfterReturn, errStmtExpected, errInvalidLabel, 
-    errInvalidCmdLineOption, errCmdLineArgExpected, errCmdLineNoArgExpected, 
-    errInvalidVarSubstitution, errUnknownVar, errUnknownCcompiler, 
-    errOnOrOffExpectedButXFound, errNoneBoehmRefcExpectedButXFound, 
-    errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpectedButXFound, errGuiConsoleOrLibExpectedButXFound, 
-    errUnknownOS, errUnknownCPU, errGenOutExpectedButXFound, 
-    errArgsNeedRunOption, errInvalidMultipleAsgn, errColonOrEqualsExpected, 
-    errExprExpected, errUndeclaredIdentifier, errUseQualifier, errTypeExpected, 
-    errSystemNeeds, errExecutionOfProgramFailed, errNotOverloadable, 
-    errInvalidArgForX, errStmtHasNoEffect, errXExpectsTypeOrValue, 
-    errXExpectsArrayType, errIteratorCannotBeInstantiated, errExprXAmbiguous, 
-    errConstantDivisionByZero, errOrdinalTypeExpected, 
-    errOrdinalOrFloatTypeExpected, errOverOrUnderflow, 
-    errCannotEvalXBecauseIncompletelyDefined, errChrExpectsRange0_255, 
-    errDynlibRequiresExportc, errUndeclaredFieldX, errNilAccess, 
-    errIndexOutOfBounds, errIndexTypesDoNotMatch, errBracketsInvalidForType, 
-    errValueOutOfSetBounds, errFieldInitTwice, errFieldNotInit, 
-    errExprXCannotBeCalled, errExprHasNoType, errExprXHasNoType, 
-    errCastNotInSafeMode, errExprCannotBeCastedToX, errCommaOrParRiExpected, 
-    errCurlyLeOrParLeExpected, errSectionExpected, errRangeExpected, 
-    errMagicOnlyInSystem, errPowerOfTwoExpected, 
-    errStringMayNotBeEmpty, errCallConvExpected, errProcOnlyOneCallConv, 
-    errSymbolMustBeImported, errExprMustBeBool, errConstExprExpected, 
-    errDuplicateCaseLabel, errRangeIsEmpty, errSelectorMustBeOfCertainTypes, 
-    errSelectorMustBeOrdinal, errOrdXMustNotBeNegative, errLenXinvalid, 
-    errWrongNumberOfVariables, errExprCannotBeRaised, errBreakOnlyInLoop, 
-    errTypeXhasUnknownSize, errConstNeedsConstExpr, errConstNeedsValue, 
-    errResultCannotBeOpenArray, errSizeTooBig, errSetTooBig, 
-    errBaseTypeMustBeOrdinal, errInheritanceOnlyWithNonFinalObjects, 
-    errInheritanceOnlyWithEnums, errIllegalRecursionInTypeX, 
+    errOperatorExpected, errTokenExpected, errStringAfterIncludeExpected,
+    errRecursiveDependencyX, errOnOrOffExpected, errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpected,
+    errInvalidPragma, errUnknownPragma, errInvalidDirectiveX,
+    errAtPopWithoutPush, errEmptyAsm, errInvalidIndentation,
+    errExceptionExpected, errExceptionAlreadyHandled,
+    errYieldNotAllowedHere, errYieldNotAllowedInTryStmt,
+    errInvalidNumberOfYieldExpr, errCannotReturnExpr, errAttemptToRedefine,
+    errStmtInvalidAfterReturn, errStmtExpected, errInvalidLabel,
+    errInvalidCmdLineOption, errCmdLineArgExpected, errCmdLineNoArgExpected,
+    errInvalidVarSubstitution, errUnknownVar, errUnknownCcompiler,
+    errOnOrOffExpectedButXFound, errNoneBoehmRefcExpectedButXFound,
+    errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpectedButXFound, errGuiConsoleOrLibExpectedButXFound,
+    errUnknownOS, errUnknownCPU, errGenOutExpectedButXFound,
+    errArgsNeedRunOption, errInvalidMultipleAsgn, errColonOrEqualsExpected,
+    errExprExpected, errUndeclaredIdentifier, errUseQualifier, errTypeExpected,
+    errSystemNeeds, errExecutionOfProgramFailed, errNotOverloadable,
+    errInvalidArgForX, errStmtHasNoEffect, errXExpectsTypeOrValue,
+    errXExpectsArrayType, errIteratorCannotBeInstantiated, errExprXAmbiguous,
+    errConstantDivisionByZero, errOrdinalTypeExpected,
+    errOrdinalOrFloatTypeExpected, errOverOrUnderflow,
+    errCannotEvalXBecauseIncompletelyDefined, errChrExpectsRange0_255,
+    errDynlibRequiresExportc, errUndeclaredFieldX, errNilAccess,
+    errIndexOutOfBounds, errIndexTypesDoNotMatch, errBracketsInvalidForType,
+    errValueOutOfSetBounds, errFieldInitTwice, errFieldNotInit,
+    errExprXCannotBeCalled, errExprHasNoType, errExprXHasNoType,
+    errCastNotInSafeMode, errExprCannotBeCastedToX, errCommaOrParRiExpected,
+    errCurlyLeOrParLeExpected, errSectionExpected, errRangeExpected,
+    errMagicOnlyInSystem, errPowerOfTwoExpected,
+    errStringMayNotBeEmpty, errCallConvExpected, errProcOnlyOneCallConv,
+    errSymbolMustBeImported, errExprMustBeBool, errConstExprExpected,
+    errDuplicateCaseLabel, errRangeIsEmpty, errSelectorMustBeOfCertainTypes,
+    errSelectorMustBeOrdinal, errOrdXMustNotBeNegative, errLenXinvalid,
+    errWrongNumberOfVariables, errExprCannotBeRaised, errBreakOnlyInLoop,
+    errTypeXhasUnknownSize, errConstNeedsConstExpr, errConstNeedsValue,
+    errResultCannotBeOpenArray, errSizeTooBig, errSetTooBig,
+    errBaseTypeMustBeOrdinal, errInheritanceOnlyWithNonFinalObjects,
+    errInheritanceOnlyWithEnums, errIllegalRecursionInTypeX,
     errCannotInstantiateX, errExprHasNoAddress, errXStackEscape,
-    errVarForOutParamNeeded, 
-    errPureTypeMismatch, errTypeMismatch, errButExpected, errButExpectedX, 
-    errAmbiguousCallXYZ, errWrongNumberOfArguments, 
-    errXCannotBePassedToProcVar, 
-    errXCannotBeInParamDecl, errPragmaOnlyInHeaderOfProc, errImplOfXNotAllowed, 
-    errImplOfXexpected, errNoSymbolToBorrowFromFound, errDiscardValueX, 
-    errInvalidDiscard, errIllegalConvFromXtoY, errCannotBindXTwice, 
+    errVarForOutParamNeeded,
+    errPureTypeMismatch, errTypeMismatch, errButExpected, errButExpectedX,
+    errAmbiguousCallXYZ, errWrongNumberOfArguments,
+    errXCannotBePassedToProcVar,
+    errXCannotBeInParamDecl, errPragmaOnlyInHeaderOfProc, errImplOfXNotAllowed,
+    errImplOfXexpected, errNoSymbolToBorrowFromFound, errDiscardValueX,
+    errInvalidDiscard, errIllegalConvFromXtoY, errCannotBindXTwice,
-    errInvalidOrderInEnumX, errEnumXHasHoles, errExceptExpected, errInvalidTry, 
-    errOptionExpected, errXisNoLabel, errNotAllCasesCovered, 
-    errUnknownSubstitionVar, errComplexStmtRequiresInd, errXisNotCallable, 
-    errNoPragmasAllowedForX, errNoGenericParamsAllowedForX, 
-    errInvalidParamKindX, errDefaultArgumentInvalid, errNamedParamHasToBeIdent, 
-    errNoReturnTypeForX, errConvNeedsOneArg, errInvalidPragmaX, 
+    errInvalidOrderInEnumX, errEnumXHasHoles, errExceptExpected, errInvalidTry,
+    errOptionExpected, errXisNoLabel, errNotAllCasesCovered,
+    errUnknownSubstitionVar, errComplexStmtRequiresInd, errXisNotCallable,
+    errNoPragmasAllowedForX, errNoGenericParamsAllowedForX,
+    errInvalidParamKindX, errDefaultArgumentInvalid, errNamedParamHasToBeIdent,
+    errNoReturnTypeForX, errConvNeedsOneArg, errInvalidPragmaX,
     errXNotAllowedHere, errInvalidControlFlowX,
-    errXisNoType, errCircumNeedsPointer, errInvalidExpression, 
-    errInvalidExpressionX, errEnumHasNoValueX, errNamedExprExpected, 
-    errNamedExprNotAllowed, errXExpectsOneTypeParam, 
-    errArrayExpectsTwoTypeParams, errInvalidVisibilityX, errInitHereNotAllowed, 
-    errXCannotBeAssignedTo, errIteratorNotAllowed, errXNeedsReturnType, 
+    errXisNoType, errCircumNeedsPointer, errInvalidExpression,
+    errInvalidExpressionX, errEnumHasNoValueX, errNamedExprExpected,
+    errNamedExprNotAllowed, errXExpectsOneTypeParam,
+    errArrayExpectsTwoTypeParams, errInvalidVisibilityX, errInitHereNotAllowed,
+    errXCannotBeAssignedTo, errIteratorNotAllowed, errXNeedsReturnType,
-    errInvalidCommandX, errXOnlyAtModuleScope, 
+    errInvalidCommandX, errXOnlyAtModuleScope,
-    errTemplateInstantiationTooNested, errInstantiationFrom, 
+    errTemplateInstantiationTooNested, errInstantiationFrom,
     errInvalidIndexValueForTuple, errCommandExpectsFilename,
-    errInvalidSectionStart, errGridTableNotImplemented, errGeneralParseError, 
-    errNewSectionExpected, errWhitespaceExpected, errXisNoValidIndexFile, 
+    errInvalidSectionStart, errGridTableNotImplemented, errGeneralParseError,
+    errNewSectionExpected, errWhitespaceExpected, errXisNoValidIndexFile,
     errCannotRenderX, errVarVarTypeNotAllowed, errInstantiateXExplicitly,
     errOnlyACallOpCanBeDelegator, errUsingNoSymbol,
-    errXExpectsObjectTypes, errXcanNeverBeOfThisSubtype, errTooManyIterations, 
-    errCannotInterpretNodeX, errFieldXNotFound, errInvalidConversionFromTypeX, 
-    errAssertionFailed, errCannotGenerateCodeForX, errXRequiresOneArgument, 
-    errUnhandledExceptionX, errCyclicTree, errXisNoMacroOrTemplate, 
+    errXExpectsObjectTypes, errXcanNeverBeOfThisSubtype, errTooManyIterations,
+    errCannotInterpretNodeX, errFieldXNotFound, errInvalidConversionFromTypeX,
+    errAssertionFailed, errCannotGenerateCodeForX, errXRequiresOneArgument,
+    errUnhandledExceptionX, errCyclicTree, errXisNoMacroOrTemplate,
     errXhasSideEffects, errIteratorExpected, errLetNeedsInit,
     errThreadvarCannotInit, errWrongSymbolX, errIllegalCaptureX,
     errXCannotBeClosure, errXMustBeCompileTime,
@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@ type
-    warnCannotOpenFile, 
-    warnOctalEscape, warnXIsNeverRead, warnXmightNotBeenInit, 
+    warnCannotOpenFile,
+    warnOctalEscape, warnXIsNeverRead, warnXmightNotBeenInit,
     warnDeprecated, warnConfigDeprecated,
-    warnSmallLshouldNotBeUsed, warnUnknownMagic, warnRedefinitionOfLabel, 
+    warnSmallLshouldNotBeUsed, warnUnknownMagic, warnRedefinitionOfLabel,
     warnUnknownSubstitutionX, warnLanguageXNotSupported,
-    warnFieldXNotSupported, warnCommentXIgnored, 
+    warnFieldXNotSupported, warnCommentXIgnored,
     warnNilStatement, warnTypelessParam,
     warnDifferentHeaps, warnWriteToForeignHeap, warnUnsafeCode,
-    warnEachIdentIsTuple, warnShadowIdent, 
+    warnEachIdentIsTuple, warnShadowIdent,
     warnProveInit, warnProveField, warnProveIndex, warnGcUnsafe, warnGcUnsafe2,
     warnUninit, warnGcMem, warnDestructor, warnLockLevel, warnResultShadowed,
@@ -126,205 +126,205 @@ type
     hintConditionAlwaysTrue, hintName, hintPattern,
   MsgKindToStr*: array[TMsgKind, string] = [
-    errUnknown: "unknown error", 
+    errUnknown: "unknown error",
     errIllFormedAstX: "illformed AST: $1",
-    errInternal: "internal error: $1", 
-    errCannotOpenFile: "cannot open \'$1\'", 
-    errGenerated: "$1", 
-    errXCompilerDoesNotSupportCpp: "\'$1\' compiler does not support C++", 
-    errStringLiteralExpected: "string literal expected", 
-    errIntLiteralExpected: "integer literal expected", 
-    errInvalidCharacterConstant: "invalid character constant", 
-    errClosingTripleQuoteExpected: "closing \"\"\" expected, but end of file reached", 
-    errClosingQuoteExpected: "closing \" expected", 
-    errTabulatorsAreNotAllowed: "tabulators are not allowed", 
-    errInvalidToken: "invalid token: $1", 
-    errLineTooLong: "line too long", 
-    errInvalidNumber: "$1 is not a valid number", 
-    errNumberOutOfRange: "number $1 out of valid range", 
-    errNnotAllowedInCharacter: "\\n not allowed in character literal", 
-    errClosingBracketExpected: "closing ']' expected, but end of file reached", 
-    errMissingFinalQuote: "missing final \' for character literal", 
-    errIdentifierExpected: "identifier expected, but found \'$1\'", 
+    errInternal: "internal error: $1",
+    errCannotOpenFile: "cannot open \'$1\'",
+    errGenerated: "$1",
+    errXCompilerDoesNotSupportCpp: "\'$1\' compiler does not support C++",
+    errStringLiteralExpected: "string literal expected",
+    errIntLiteralExpected: "integer literal expected",
+    errInvalidCharacterConstant: "invalid character constant",
+    errClosingTripleQuoteExpected: "closing \"\"\" expected, but end of file reached",
+    errClosingQuoteExpected: "closing \" expected",
+    errTabulatorsAreNotAllowed: "tabulators are not allowed",
+    errInvalidToken: "invalid token: $1",
+    errLineTooLong: "line too long",
+    errInvalidNumber: "$1 is not a valid number",
+    errNumberOutOfRange: "number $1 out of valid range",
+    errNnotAllowedInCharacter: "\\n not allowed in character literal",
+    errClosingBracketExpected: "closing ']' expected, but end of file reached",
+    errMissingFinalQuote: "missing final \' for character literal",
+    errIdentifierExpected: "identifier expected, but found \'$1\'",
     errNewlineExpected: "newline expected, but found \'$1\'",
     errInvalidModuleName: "invalid module name: '$1'",
-    errOperatorExpected: "operator expected, but found \'$1\'", 
-    errTokenExpected: "\'$1\' expected", 
-    errStringAfterIncludeExpected: "string after \'include\' expected", 
-    errRecursiveDependencyX: "recursive dependency: \'$1\'", 
-    errOnOrOffExpected: "\'on\' or \'off\' expected", 
-    errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpected: "\'none\', \'speed\' or \'size\' expected", 
-    errInvalidPragma: "invalid pragma", 
-    errUnknownPragma: "unknown pragma: \'$1\'", 
-    errInvalidDirectiveX: "invalid directive: \'$1\'", 
-    errAtPopWithoutPush: "\'pop\' without a \'push\' pragma", 
-    errEmptyAsm: "empty asm statement", 
-    errInvalidIndentation: "invalid indentation", 
-    errExceptionExpected: "exception expected", 
-    errExceptionAlreadyHandled: "exception already handled", 
+    errOperatorExpected: "operator expected, but found \'$1\'",
+    errTokenExpected: "\'$1\' expected",
+    errStringAfterIncludeExpected: "string after \'include\' expected",
+    errRecursiveDependencyX: "recursive dependency: \'$1\'",
+    errOnOrOffExpected: "\'on\' or \'off\' expected",
+    errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpected: "\'none\', \'speed\' or \'size\' expected",
+    errInvalidPragma: "invalid pragma",
+    errUnknownPragma: "unknown pragma: \'$1\'",
+    errInvalidDirectiveX: "invalid directive: \'$1\'",
+    errAtPopWithoutPush: "\'pop\' without a \'push\' pragma",
+    errEmptyAsm: "empty asm statement",
+    errInvalidIndentation: "invalid indentation",
+    errExceptionExpected: "exception expected",
+    errExceptionAlreadyHandled: "exception already handled",
     errYieldNotAllowedHere: "'yield' only allowed in an iterator",
     errYieldNotAllowedInTryStmt: "'yield' cannot be used within 'try' in a non-inlined iterator",
-    errInvalidNumberOfYieldExpr: "invalid number of \'yield\' expressions", 
-    errCannotReturnExpr: "current routine cannot return an expression", 
-    errAttemptToRedefine: "redefinition of \'$1\'", 
-    errStmtInvalidAfterReturn: "statement not allowed after \'return\', \'break\', \'raise\' or \'continue'", 
-    errStmtExpected: "statement expected", 
-    errInvalidLabel: "\'$1\' is no label", 
-    errInvalidCmdLineOption: "invalid command line option: \'$1\'", 
-    errCmdLineArgExpected: "argument for command line option expected: \'$1\'", 
-    errCmdLineNoArgExpected: "invalid argument for command line option: \'$1\'", 
-    errInvalidVarSubstitution: "invalid variable substitution in \'$1\'", 
-    errUnknownVar: "unknown variable: \'$1\'", 
-    errUnknownCcompiler: "unknown C compiler: \'$1\'", 
-    errOnOrOffExpectedButXFound: "\'on\' or \'off\' expected, but \'$1\' found", 
-    errNoneBoehmRefcExpectedButXFound: "'none', 'boehm' or 'refc' expected, but '$1' found", 
-    errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpectedButXFound: "'none', 'speed' or 'size' expected, but '$1' found", 
-    errGuiConsoleOrLibExpectedButXFound: "'gui', 'console' or 'lib' expected, but '$1' found", 
-    errUnknownOS: "unknown OS: '$1'", 
-    errUnknownCPU: "unknown CPU: '$1'", 
-    errGenOutExpectedButXFound: "'c', 'c++' or 'yaml' expected, but '$1' found", 
-    errArgsNeedRunOption: "arguments can only be given if the '--run' option is selected", 
-    errInvalidMultipleAsgn: "multiple assignment is not allowed", 
-    errColonOrEqualsExpected: "\':\' or \'=\' expected, but found \'$1\'", 
-    errExprExpected: "expression expected, but found \'$1\'", 
-    errUndeclaredIdentifier: "undeclared identifier: \'$1\'", 
-    errUseQualifier: "ambiguous identifier: \'$1\' -- use a qualifier", 
-    errTypeExpected: "type expected", 
-    errSystemNeeds: "system module needs \'$1\'", 
-    errExecutionOfProgramFailed: "execution of an external program failed", 
-    errNotOverloadable: "overloaded \'$1\' leads to ambiguous calls", 
-    errInvalidArgForX: "invalid argument for \'$1\'", 
-    errStmtHasNoEffect: "statement has no effect", 
-    errXExpectsTypeOrValue: "\'$1\' expects a type or value", 
-    errXExpectsArrayType: "\'$1\' expects an array type", 
-    errIteratorCannotBeInstantiated: "'$1' cannot be instantiated because its body has not been compiled yet", 
-    errExprXAmbiguous: "expression '$1' ambiguous in this context", 
-    errConstantDivisionByZero: "division by zero", 
-    errOrdinalTypeExpected: "ordinal type expected", 
-    errOrdinalOrFloatTypeExpected: "ordinal or float type expected", 
-    errOverOrUnderflow: "over- or underflow", 
-    errCannotEvalXBecauseIncompletelyDefined: "cannot evalutate '$1' because type is not defined completely", 
-    errChrExpectsRange0_255: "\'chr\' expects an int in the range 0..255", 
-    errDynlibRequiresExportc: "\'dynlib\' requires \'exportc\'", 
-    errUndeclaredFieldX: "undeclared field: \'$1\'", 
+    errInvalidNumberOfYieldExpr: "invalid number of \'yield\' expressions",
+    errCannotReturnExpr: "current routine cannot return an expression",
+    errAttemptToRedefine: "redefinition of \'$1\'",
+    errStmtInvalidAfterReturn: "statement not allowed after \'return\', \'break\', \'raise\' or \'continue'",
+    errStmtExpected: "statement expected",
+    errInvalidLabel: "\'$1\' is no label",
+    errInvalidCmdLineOption: "invalid command line option: \'$1\'",
+    errCmdLineArgExpected: "argument for command line option expected: \'$1\'",
+    errCmdLineNoArgExpected: "invalid argument for command line option: \'$1\'",
+    errInvalidVarSubstitution: "invalid variable substitution in \'$1\'",
+    errUnknownVar: "unknown variable: \'$1\'",
+    errUnknownCcompiler: "unknown C compiler: \'$1\'",
+    errOnOrOffExpectedButXFound: "\'on\' or \'off\' expected, but \'$1\' found",
+    errNoneBoehmRefcExpectedButXFound: "'none', 'boehm' or 'refc' expected, but '$1' found",
+    errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpectedButXFound: "'none', 'speed' or 'size' expected, but '$1' found",
+    errGuiConsoleOrLibExpectedButXFound: "'gui', 'console' or 'lib' expected, but '$1' found",
+    errUnknownOS: "unknown OS: '$1'",
+    errUnknownCPU: "unknown CPU: '$1'",
+    errGenOutExpectedButXFound: "'c', 'c++' or 'yaml' expected, but '$1' found",
+    errArgsNeedRunOption: "arguments can only be given if the '--run' option is selected",
+    errInvalidMultipleAsgn: "multiple assignment is not allowed",
+    errColonOrEqualsExpected: "\':\' or \'=\' expected, but found \'$1\'",
+    errExprExpected: "expression expected, but found \'$1\'",
+    errUndeclaredIdentifier: "undeclared identifier: \'$1\'",
+    errUseQualifier: "ambiguous identifier: \'$1\' -- use a qualifier",
+    errTypeExpected: "type expected",
+    errSystemNeeds: "system module needs \'$1\'",
+    errExecutionOfProgramFailed: "execution of an external program failed",
+    errNotOverloadable: "overloaded \'$1\' leads to ambiguous calls",
+    errInvalidArgForX: "invalid argument for \'$1\'",
+    errStmtHasNoEffect: "statement has no effect",
+    errXExpectsTypeOrValue: "\'$1\' expects a type or value",
+    errXExpectsArrayType: "\'$1\' expects an array type",
+    errIteratorCannotBeInstantiated: "'$1' cannot be instantiated because its body has not been compiled yet",
+    errExprXAmbiguous: "expression '$1' ambiguous in this context",
+    errConstantDivisionByZero: "division by zero",
+    errOrdinalTypeExpected: "ordinal type expected",
+    errOrdinalOrFloatTypeExpected: "ordinal or float type expected",
+    errOverOrUnderflow: "over- or underflow",
+    errCannotEvalXBecauseIncompletelyDefined: "cannot evalutate '$1' because type is not defined completely",
+    errChrExpectsRange0_255: "\'chr\' expects an int in the range 0..255",
+    errDynlibRequiresExportc: "\'dynlib\' requires \'exportc\'",
+    errUndeclaredFieldX: "undeclared field: \'$1\'",
     errNilAccess: "attempt to access a nil address",
-    errIndexOutOfBounds: "index out of bounds", 
-    errIndexTypesDoNotMatch: "index types do not match", 
-    errBracketsInvalidForType: "\'[]\' operator invalid for this type", 
-    errValueOutOfSetBounds: "value out of set bounds", 
-    errFieldInitTwice: "field initialized twice: \'$1\'", 
-    errFieldNotInit: "field \'$1\' not initialized", 
-    errExprXCannotBeCalled: "expression \'$1\' cannot be called", 
-    errExprHasNoType: "expression has no type", 
-    errExprXHasNoType: "expression \'$1\' has no type (or is ambiguous)", 
+    errIndexOutOfBounds: "index out of bounds",
+    errIndexTypesDoNotMatch: "index types do not match",
+    errBracketsInvalidForType: "\'[]\' operator invalid for this type",
+    errValueOutOfSetBounds: "value out of set bounds",
+    errFieldInitTwice: "field initialized twice: \'$1\'",
+    errFieldNotInit: "field \'$1\' not initialized",
+    errExprXCannotBeCalled: "expression \'$1\' cannot be called",
+    errExprHasNoType: "expression has no type",
+    errExprXHasNoType: "expression \'$1\' has no type (or is ambiguous)",
     errCastNotInSafeMode: "\'cast\' not allowed in safe mode",
-    errExprCannotBeCastedToX: "expression cannot be casted to $1", 
-    errCommaOrParRiExpected: "',' or ')' expected", 
-    errCurlyLeOrParLeExpected: "\'{\' or \'(\' expected", 
-    errSectionExpected: "section (\'type\', \'proc\', etc.) expected", 
-    errRangeExpected: "range expected", 
-    errMagicOnlyInSystem: "\'magic\' only allowed in system module", 
+    errExprCannotBeCastedToX: "expression cannot be casted to $1",
+    errCommaOrParRiExpected: "',' or ')' expected",
+    errCurlyLeOrParLeExpected: "\'{\' or \'(\' expected",
+    errSectionExpected: "section (\'type\', \'proc\', etc.) expected",
+    errRangeExpected: "range expected",
+    errMagicOnlyInSystem: "\'magic\' only allowed in system module",
     errPowerOfTwoExpected: "power of two expected",
-    errStringMayNotBeEmpty: "string literal may not be empty", 
-    errCallConvExpected: "calling convention expected", 
-    errProcOnlyOneCallConv: "a proc can only have one calling convention", 
-    errSymbolMustBeImported: "symbol must be imported if 'lib' pragma is used", 
-    errExprMustBeBool: "expression must be of type 'bool'", 
-    errConstExprExpected: "constant expression expected", 
-    errDuplicateCaseLabel: "duplicate case label", 
-    errRangeIsEmpty: "range is empty", 
-    errSelectorMustBeOfCertainTypes: "selector must be of an ordinal type, float or string", 
-    errSelectorMustBeOrdinal: "selector must be of an ordinal type", 
-    errOrdXMustNotBeNegative: "ord($1) must not be negative", 
+    errStringMayNotBeEmpty: "string literal may not be empty",
+    errCallConvExpected: "calling convention expected",
+    errProcOnlyOneCallConv: "a proc can only have one calling convention",
+    errSymbolMustBeImported: "symbol must be imported if 'lib' pragma is used",
+    errExprMustBeBool: "expression must be of type 'bool'",
+    errConstExprExpected: "constant expression expected",
+    errDuplicateCaseLabel: "duplicate case label",
+    errRangeIsEmpty: "range is empty",
+    errSelectorMustBeOfCertainTypes: "selector must be of an ordinal type, float or string",
+    errSelectorMustBeOrdinal: "selector must be of an ordinal type",
+    errOrdXMustNotBeNegative: "ord($1) must not be negative",
     errLenXinvalid: "len($1) must be less than 32768",
-    errWrongNumberOfVariables: "wrong number of variables", 
-    errExprCannotBeRaised: "only a 'ref object' can be raised", 
-    errBreakOnlyInLoop: "'break' only allowed in loop construct", 
-    errTypeXhasUnknownSize: "type \'$1\' has unknown size", 
-    errConstNeedsConstExpr: "a constant can only be initialized with a constant expression", 
-    errConstNeedsValue: "a constant needs a value", 
-    errResultCannotBeOpenArray: "the result type cannot be on open array", 
-    errSizeTooBig: "computing the type\'s size produced an overflow", 
-    errSetTooBig: "set is too large", 
-    errBaseTypeMustBeOrdinal: "base type of a set must be an ordinal", 
-    errInheritanceOnlyWithNonFinalObjects: "inheritance only works with non-final objects", 
+    errWrongNumberOfVariables: "wrong number of variables",
+    errExprCannotBeRaised: "only a 'ref object' can be raised",
+    errBreakOnlyInLoop: "'break' only allowed in loop construct",
+    errTypeXhasUnknownSize: "type \'$1\' has unknown size",
+    errConstNeedsConstExpr: "a constant can only be initialized with a constant expression",
+    errConstNeedsValue: "a constant needs a value",
+    errResultCannotBeOpenArray: "the result type cannot be on open array",
+    errSizeTooBig: "computing the type\'s size produced an overflow",
+    errSetTooBig: "set is too large",
+    errBaseTypeMustBeOrdinal: "base type of a set must be an ordinal",
+    errInheritanceOnlyWithNonFinalObjects: "inheritance only works with non-final objects",
     errInheritanceOnlyWithEnums: "inheritance only works with an enum",
-    errIllegalRecursionInTypeX: "illegal recursion in type \'$1\'", 
-    errCannotInstantiateX: "cannot instantiate: \'$1\'", 
-    errExprHasNoAddress: "expression has no address", 
+    errIllegalRecursionInTypeX: "illegal recursion in type \'$1\'",
+    errCannotInstantiateX: "cannot instantiate: \'$1\'",
+    errExprHasNoAddress: "expression has no address",
     errXStackEscape: "address of '$1' may not escape its stack frame",
     errVarForOutParamNeeded: "for a \'var\' type a variable needs to be passed",
-    errPureTypeMismatch: "type mismatch", 
-    errTypeMismatch: "type mismatch: got (", 
+    errPureTypeMismatch: "type mismatch",
+    errTypeMismatch: "type mismatch: got (",
     errButExpected: "but expected one of: ",
-    errButExpectedX: "but expected \'$1\'", 
-    errAmbiguousCallXYZ: "ambiguous call; both $1 and $2 match for: $3", 
-    errWrongNumberOfArguments: "wrong number of arguments", 
-    errXCannotBePassedToProcVar: "\'$1\' cannot be passed to a procvar", 
-    errXCannotBeInParamDecl: "$1 cannot be declared in parameter declaration", 
-    errPragmaOnlyInHeaderOfProc: "pragmas are only allowed in the header of a proc", 
-    errImplOfXNotAllowed: "implementation of \'$1\' is not allowed", 
-    errImplOfXexpected: "implementation of \'$1\' expected", 
-    errNoSymbolToBorrowFromFound: "no symbol to borrow from found", 
-    errDiscardValueX: "value of type '$1' has to be discarded", 
-    errInvalidDiscard: "statement returns no value that can be discarded", 
+    errButExpectedX: "but expected \'$1\'",
+    errAmbiguousCallXYZ: "ambiguous call; both $1 and $2 match for: $3",
+    errWrongNumberOfArguments: "wrong number of arguments",
+    errXCannotBePassedToProcVar: "\'$1\' cannot be passed to a procvar",
+    errXCannotBeInParamDecl: "$1 cannot be declared in parameter declaration",
+    errPragmaOnlyInHeaderOfProc: "pragmas are only allowed in the header of a proc",
+    errImplOfXNotAllowed: "implementation of \'$1\' is not allowed",
+    errImplOfXexpected: "implementation of \'$1\' expected",
+    errNoSymbolToBorrowFromFound: "no symbol to borrow from found",
+    errDiscardValueX: "value of type '$1' has to be discarded",
+    errInvalidDiscard: "statement returns no value that can be discarded",
     errIllegalConvFromXtoY: "conversion from $1 to $2 is invalid",
-    errCannotBindXTwice: "cannot bind parameter \'$1\' twice", 
+    errCannotBindXTwice: "cannot bind parameter \'$1\' twice",
     errInvalidOrderInArrayConstructor: "invalid order in array constructor",
-    errInvalidOrderInEnumX: "invalid order in enum \'$1\'", 
-    errEnumXHasHoles: "enum \'$1\' has holes", 
-    errExceptExpected: "\'except\' or \'finally\' expected", 
-    errInvalidTry: "after catch all \'except\' or \'finally\' no section may follow", 
+    errInvalidOrderInEnumX: "invalid order in enum \'$1\'",
+    errEnumXHasHoles: "enum \'$1\' has holes",
+    errExceptExpected: "\'except\' or \'finally\' expected",
+    errInvalidTry: "after catch all \'except\' or \'finally\' no section may follow",
     errOptionExpected: "option expected, but found \'$1\'",
-    errXisNoLabel: "\'$1\' is not a label", 
-    errNotAllCasesCovered: "not all cases are covered", 
-    errUnknownSubstitionVar: "unknown substitution variable: \'$1\'", 
+    errXisNoLabel: "\'$1\' is not a label",
+    errNotAllCasesCovered: "not all cases are covered",
+    errUnknownSubstitionVar: "unknown substitution variable: \'$1\'",
     errComplexStmtRequiresInd: "complex statement requires indentation",
-    errXisNotCallable: "\'$1\' is not callable", 
-    errNoPragmasAllowedForX: "no pragmas allowed for $1", 
-    errNoGenericParamsAllowedForX: "no generic parameters allowed for $1", 
-    errInvalidParamKindX: "invalid param kind: \'$1\'", 
-    errDefaultArgumentInvalid: "default argument invalid", 
-    errNamedParamHasToBeIdent: "named parameter has to be an identifier", 
-    errNoReturnTypeForX: "no return type allowed for $1", 
-    errConvNeedsOneArg: "a type conversion needs exactly one argument", 
-    errInvalidPragmaX: "invalid pragma: $1", 
+    errXisNotCallable: "\'$1\' is not callable",
+    errNoPragmasAllowedForX: "no pragmas allowed for $1",
+    errNoGenericParamsAllowedForX: "no generic parameters allowed for $1",
+    errInvalidParamKindX: "invalid param kind: \'$1\'",
+    errDefaultArgumentInvalid: "default argument invalid",
+    errNamedParamHasToBeIdent: "named parameter has to be an identifier",
+    errNoReturnTypeForX: "no return type allowed for $1",
+    errConvNeedsOneArg: "a type conversion needs exactly one argument",
+    errInvalidPragmaX: "invalid pragma: $1",
     errXNotAllowedHere: "$1 not allowed here",
     errInvalidControlFlowX: "invalid control flow: $1",
     errXisNoType: "invalid type: \'$1\'",
-    errCircumNeedsPointer: "'[]' needs a pointer or reference type", 
+    errCircumNeedsPointer: "'[]' needs a pointer or reference type",
     errInvalidExpression: "invalid expression",
-    errInvalidExpressionX: "invalid expression: \'$1\'", 
+    errInvalidExpressionX: "invalid expression: \'$1\'",
     errEnumHasNoValueX: "enum has no value \'$1\'",
-    errNamedExprExpected: "named expression expected", 
-    errNamedExprNotAllowed: "named expression not allowed here", 
-    errXExpectsOneTypeParam: "\'$1\' expects one type parameter", 
-    errArrayExpectsTwoTypeParams: "array expects two type parameters", 
-    errInvalidVisibilityX: "invalid visibility: \'$1\'", 
-    errInitHereNotAllowed: "initialization not allowed here", 
-    errXCannotBeAssignedTo: "\'$1\' cannot be assigned to", 
-    errIteratorNotAllowed: "iterators can only be defined at the module\'s top level", 
+    errNamedExprExpected: "named expression expected",
+    errNamedExprNotAllowed: "named expression not allowed here",
+    errXExpectsOneTypeParam: "\'$1\' expects one type parameter",
+    errArrayExpectsTwoTypeParams: "array expects two type parameters",
+    errInvalidVisibilityX: "invalid visibility: \'$1\'",
+    errInitHereNotAllowed: "initialization not allowed here",
+    errXCannotBeAssignedTo: "\'$1\' cannot be assigned to",
+    errIteratorNotAllowed: "iterators can only be defined at the module\'s top level",
     errXNeedsReturnType: "$1 needs a return type",
     errNoReturnTypeDeclared: "no return type declared",
-    errInvalidCommandX: "invalid command: \'$1\'", 
-    errXOnlyAtModuleScope: "\'$1\' is only allowed at top level", 
+    errInvalidCommandX: "invalid command: \'$1\'",
+    errXOnlyAtModuleScope: "\'$1\' is only allowed at top level",
     errXNeedsParamObjectType: "'$1' needs a parameter that has an object type",
     errTemplateInstantiationTooNested: "template/macro instantiation too nested",
-    errInstantiationFrom: "template/generic instantiation from here", 
-    errInvalidIndexValueForTuple: "invalid index value for tuple subscript", 
+    errInstantiationFrom: "template/generic instantiation from here",
+    errInvalidIndexValueForTuple: "invalid index value for tuple subscript",
     errCommandExpectsFilename: "command expects a filename argument",
     errMainModuleMustBeSpecified: "please, specify a main module in the project configuration file",
-    errXExpected: "\'$1\' expected", 
+    errXExpected: "\'$1\' expected",
     errTIsNotAConcreteType: "\'$1\' is not a concrete type.",
     errInvalidSectionStart: "invalid section start",
-    errGridTableNotImplemented: "grid table is not implemented", 
+    errGridTableNotImplemented: "grid table is not implemented",
     errGeneralParseError: "general parse error",
-    errNewSectionExpected: "new section expected", 
+    errNewSectionExpected: "new section expected",
     errWhitespaceExpected: "whitespace expected, got \'$1\'",
-    errXisNoValidIndexFile: "\'$1\' is no valid index file", 
-    errCannotRenderX: "cannot render reStructuredText element \'$1\'", 
+    errXisNoValidIndexFile: "\'$1\' is no valid index file",
+    errCannotRenderX: "cannot render reStructuredText element \'$1\'",
     errVarVarTypeNotAllowed: "type \'var var\' is not allowed",
     errInstantiateXExplicitly: "instantiate '$1' explicitly",
     errOnlyACallOpCanBeDelegator: "only a call operator can be a delegator",
@@ -335,24 +335,24 @@ const
                                    "A destructor must be associated will all instantiations of a generic type",
     errInlineIteratorsAsProcParams: "inline iterators can be used as parameters only for " &
                                     "templates, macros and other inline iterators",
-    errXExpectsTwoArguments: "\'$1\' expects two arguments", 
+    errXExpectsTwoArguments: "\'$1\' expects two arguments",
     errXExpectsObjectTypes: "\'$1\' expects object types",
-    errXcanNeverBeOfThisSubtype: "\'$1\' can never be of this subtype", 
-    errTooManyIterations: "interpretation requires too many iterations", 
-    errCannotInterpretNodeX: "cannot evaluate \'$1\'", 
-    errFieldXNotFound: "field \'$1\' cannot be found", 
+    errXcanNeverBeOfThisSubtype: "\'$1\' can never be of this subtype",
+    errTooManyIterations: "interpretation requires too many iterations",
+    errCannotInterpretNodeX: "cannot evaluate \'$1\'",
+    errFieldXNotFound: "field \'$1\' cannot be found",
     errInvalidConversionFromTypeX: "invalid conversion from type \'$1\'",
-    errAssertionFailed: "assertion failed", 
-    errCannotGenerateCodeForX: "cannot generate code for \'$1\'", 
-    errXRequiresOneArgument: "$1 requires one parameter", 
-    errUnhandledExceptionX: "unhandled exception: $1", 
-    errCyclicTree: "macro returned a cyclic abstract syntax tree", 
+    errAssertionFailed: "assertion failed",
+    errCannotGenerateCodeForX: "cannot generate code for \'$1\'",
+    errXRequiresOneArgument: "$1 requires one parameter",
+    errUnhandledExceptionX: "unhandled exception: $1",
+    errCyclicTree: "macro returned a cyclic abstract syntax tree",
     errXisNoMacroOrTemplate: "\'$1\' is no macro or template",
-    errXhasSideEffects: "\'$1\' can have side effects", 
+    errXhasSideEffects: "\'$1\' can have side effects",
     errIteratorExpected: "iterator within for loop context expected",
     errLetNeedsInit: "'let' symbol requires an initialization",
     errThreadvarCannotInit: "a thread var cannot be initialized explicitly",
-    errWrongSymbolX: "usage of \'$1\' is a user-defined error", 
+    errWrongSymbolX: "usage of \'$1\' is a user-defined error",
     errIllegalCaptureX: "illegal capture '$1'",
     errXCannotBeClosure: "'$1' cannot have 'closure' calling convention",
     errXMustBeCompileTime: "'$1' can only be used in compile-time context",
@@ -362,21 +362,21 @@ const
                                 "it is used as an operand to another routine and the types " &
                                 "of the generic paramers can be inferred from the expected signature.",
     errCompilerDoesntSupportTarget: "The current compiler \'$1\' doesn't support the requested compilation target",
-    errUser: "$1", 
+    errUser: "$1",
     warnCannotOpenFile: "cannot open \'$1\' [CannotOpenFile]",
-    warnOctalEscape: "octal escape sequences do not exist; leading zero is ignored [OctalEscape]", 
-    warnXIsNeverRead: "\'$1\' is never read [XIsNeverRead]", 
-    warnXmightNotBeenInit: "\'$1\' might not have been initialized [XmightNotBeenInit]", 
-    warnDeprecated: "$1 is deprecated [Deprecated]", 
+    warnOctalEscape: "octal escape sequences do not exist; leading zero is ignored [OctalEscape]",
+    warnXIsNeverRead: "\'$1\' is never read [XIsNeverRead]",
+    warnXmightNotBeenInit: "\'$1\' might not have been initialized [XmightNotBeenInit]",
+    warnDeprecated: "$1 is deprecated [Deprecated]",
     warnConfigDeprecated: "config file '$1' is deprecated [ConfigDeprecated]",
-    warnSmallLshouldNotBeUsed: "\'l\' should not be used as an identifier; may look like \'1\' (one) [SmallLshouldNotBeUsed]", 
-    warnUnknownMagic: "unknown magic \'$1\' might crash the compiler [UnknownMagic]", 
-    warnRedefinitionOfLabel: "redefinition of label \'$1\' [RedefinitionOfLabel]", 
-    warnUnknownSubstitutionX: "unknown substitution \'$1\' [UnknownSubstitutionX]", 
-    warnLanguageXNotSupported: "language \'$1\' not supported [LanguageXNotSupported]", 
-    warnFieldXNotSupported: "field \'$1\' not supported [FieldXNotSupported]", 
-    warnCommentXIgnored: "comment \'$1\' ignored [CommentXIgnored]", 
-    warnNilStatement: "'nil' statement is deprecated; use an empty 'discard' statement instead [NilStmt]", 
+    warnSmallLshouldNotBeUsed: "\'l\' should not be used as an identifier; may look like \'1\' (one) [SmallLshouldNotBeUsed]",
+    warnUnknownMagic: "unknown magic \'$1\' might crash the compiler [UnknownMagic]",
+    warnRedefinitionOfLabel: "redefinition of label \'$1\' [RedefinitionOfLabel]",
+    warnUnknownSubstitutionX: "unknown substitution \'$1\' [UnknownSubstitutionX]",
+    warnLanguageXNotSupported: "language \'$1\' not supported [LanguageXNotSupported]",
+    warnFieldXNotSupported: "field \'$1\' not supported [FieldXNotSupported]",
+    warnCommentXIgnored: "comment \'$1\' ignored [CommentXIgnored]",
+    warnNilStatement: "'nil' statement is deprecated; use an empty 'discard' statement instead [NilStmt]",
     warnTypelessParam: "'$1' has no type. Typeless parameters are deprecated; only allowed for 'template' [TypelessParam]",
     warnDifferentHeaps: "possible inconsistency of thread local heaps [DifferentHeaps]",
     warnWriteToForeignHeap: "write to foreign heap [WriteToForeignHeap]",
@@ -393,19 +393,19 @@ const
     warnDestructor: "usage of a type with a destructor in a non destructible context. This will become a compile time error in the future. [Destructor]",
     warnLockLevel: "$1 [LockLevel]",
     warnResultShadowed: "Special variable 'result' is shadowed. [ResultShadowed]",
-    warnUser: "$1 [User]", 
-    hintSuccess: "operation successful [Success]", 
-    hintSuccessX: "operation successful ($# lines compiled; $# sec total; $#) [SuccessX]", 
-    hintLineTooLong: "line too long [LineTooLong]", 
-    hintXDeclaredButNotUsed: "\'$1\' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]", 
-    hintConvToBaseNotNeeded: "conversion to base object is not needed [ConvToBaseNotNeeded]", 
-    hintConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded: "conversion from $1 to itself is pointless [ConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded]", 
-    hintExprAlwaysX: "expression evaluates always to \'$1\' [ExprAlwaysX]", 
+    warnUser: "$1 [User]",
+    hintSuccess: "operation successful [Success]",
+    hintSuccessX: "operation successful ($# lines compiled; $# sec total; $#; $#) [SuccessX]",
+    hintLineTooLong: "line too long [LineTooLong]",
+    hintXDeclaredButNotUsed: "\'$1\' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]",
+    hintConvToBaseNotNeeded: "conversion to base object is not needed [ConvToBaseNotNeeded]",
+    hintConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded: "conversion from $1 to itself is pointless [ConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded]",
+    hintExprAlwaysX: "expression evaluates always to \'$1\' [ExprAlwaysX]",
     hintQuitCalled: "quit() called [QuitCalled]",
-    hintProcessing: "$1 [Processing]", 
+    hintProcessing: "$1 [Processing]",
     hintCodeBegin: "generated code listing: [CodeBegin]",
-    hintCodeEnd: "end of listing [CodeEnd]", 
-    hintConf: "used config file \'$1\' [Conf]", 
+    hintCodeEnd: "end of listing [CodeEnd]",
+    hintConf: "used config file \'$1\' [Conf]",
     hintPath: "added path: '$1' [Path]",
     hintConditionAlwaysTrue: "condition is always true: '$1' [CondTrue]",
     hintName: "name should be: '$1' [Name]",
@@ -413,25 +413,25 @@ const
     hintUser: "$1 [User]"]
-  WarningsToStr*: array[0..30, string] = ["CannotOpenFile", "OctalEscape", 
+  WarningsToStr*: array[0..30, string] = ["CannotOpenFile", "OctalEscape",
     "XIsNeverRead", "XmightNotBeenInit",
     "Deprecated", "ConfigDeprecated",
-    "SmallLshouldNotBeUsed", "UnknownMagic", 
+    "SmallLshouldNotBeUsed", "UnknownMagic",
     "RedefinitionOfLabel", "UnknownSubstitutionX",
     "LanguageXNotSupported", "FieldXNotSupported",
     "CommentXIgnored", "NilStmt",
     "TypelessParam", "DifferentHeaps", "WriteToForeignHeap",
-    "UnsafeCode", "EachIdentIsTuple", "ShadowIdent", 
+    "UnsafeCode", "EachIdentIsTuple", "ShadowIdent",
     "ProveInit", "ProveField", "ProveIndex", "GcUnsafe", "GcUnsafe2", "Uninit",
     "GcMem", "Destructor", "LockLevel", "ResultShadowed", "User"]
-  HintsToStr*: array[0..16, string] = ["Success", "SuccessX", "LineTooLong", 
-    "XDeclaredButNotUsed", "ConvToBaseNotNeeded", "ConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded", 
-    "ExprAlwaysX", "QuitCalled", "Processing", "CodeBegin", "CodeEnd", "Conf", 
+  HintsToStr*: array[0..16, string] = ["Success", "SuccessX", "LineTooLong",
+    "XDeclaredButNotUsed", "ConvToBaseNotNeeded", "ConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded",
+    "ExprAlwaysX", "QuitCalled", "Processing", "CodeBegin", "CodeEnd", "Conf",
     "Path", "CondTrue", "Name", "Pattern",
   fatalMin* = errUnknown
   fatalMax* = errInternal
   errMin* = errUnknown
@@ -440,18 +440,18 @@ const
   warnMax* = pred(hintSuccess)
   hintMin* = hintSuccess
   hintMax* = high(TMsgKind)
   TNoteKind* = range[warnMin..hintMax] # "notes" are warnings or hints
   TNoteKinds* = set[TNoteKind]
-  TFileInfo* = object 
+  TFileInfo* = object
     fullPath: string           # This is a canonical full filesystem path
     projPath*: string          # This is relative to the project's root
     shortName*: string         # short name of the module
     quotedName*: PRope         # cached quoted short name for codegen
                                # purposes
     lines*: seq[PRope]         # the source code of the module
                                #   used for better error messages and
                                #   embedding the original source in the
@@ -462,13 +462,13 @@ type
   TLineInfo* = object          # This is designed to be as small as possible,
                                # because it is used
-                               # in syntax nodes. We save space here by using 
+                               # in syntax nodes. We save space here by using
                                # two int16 and an int32.
-                               # On 64 bit and on 32 bit systems this is 
+                               # On 64 bit and on 32 bit systems this is
                                # only 8 bytes.
     line*, col*: int16
     fileIndex*: int32
   TErrorOutput* = enum
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ var
   fileInfos*: seq[TFileInfo] = @[]
   systemFileIdx*: int32
-proc toCChar*(c: char): string = 
+proc toCChar*(c: char): string =
   case c
   of '\0'..'\x1F', '\x80'..'\xFF': result = '\\' & toOctal(c)
   of '\'', '\"', '\\': result = '\\' & c
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ proc makeCString*(s: string): PRope =
   # BUGFIX: We have to split long strings into many ropes. Otherwise
   # this could trigger an internalError(). See the ropes module for
   # further information.
-  const 
+  const
     MaxLineLength = 64
   result = nil
   var res = "\""
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ proc raiseRecoverableError*(msg: string) {.noinline, noreturn.} =
 proc sourceLine*(i: TLineInfo): PRope
-  gNotes*: TNoteKinds = {low(TNoteKind)..high(TNoteKind)} - 
+  gNotes*: TNoteKinds = {low(TNoteKind)..high(TNoteKind)} -
                         {warnShadowIdent, warnUninit,
                          warnProveField, warnProveIndex, warnGcUnsafe}
   gErrorCounter*: int = 0     # counts the number of errors
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ proc unknownLineInfo*(): TLineInfo =
   result.col = int16(-1)
   result.fileIndex = -1
   msgContext: seq[TLineInfo] = @[]
   lastError = unknownLineInfo()
   bufferedMsgs*: seq[string]
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ proc suggestWriteln*(s: string) =
   if eStdOut in errorOutputs:
     if isNil(writelnHook): writeln(stdout, s)
     else: writelnHook(s)
   if eInMemory in errorOutputs:
@@ -623,10 +623,10 @@ const
 proc getInfoContextLen*(): int = return msgContext.len
 proc setInfoContextLen*(L: int) = setLen(msgContext, L)
-proc pushInfoContext*(info: TLineInfo) = 
+proc pushInfoContext*(info: TLineInfo) =
-proc popInfoContext*() = 
+proc popInfoContext*() =
   setLen(msgContext, len(msgContext) - 1)
 proc getInfoContext*(index: int): TLineInfo =
@@ -669,10 +669,10 @@ proc toMsgFilename*(info: TLineInfo): string =
     result = fileInfos[info.fileIndex].projPath
-proc toLinenumber*(info: TLineInfo): int {.inline.} = 
+proc toLinenumber*(info: TLineInfo): int {.inline.} =
   result = info.line
-proc toColumn*(info: TLineInfo): int {.inline.} = 
+proc toColumn*(info: TLineInfo): int {.inline.} =
   result = info.col
 proc toFileLine*(info: TLineInfo): string {.inline.} =
@@ -689,11 +689,11 @@ proc `??`* (info: TLineInfo, filename: string): bool =
 var gTrackPos*: TLineInfo
-proc outWriteln*(s: string) = 
+proc outWriteln*(s: string) =
   ## Writes to stdout. Always.
   if eStdOut in errorOutputs: writeln(stdout, s)
-proc msgWriteln*(s: string) = 
+proc msgWriteln*(s: string) =
   ## Writes to stdout. If --stdout option is given, writes to stderr instead.
   #if gCmd == cmdIdeTools and optCDebug notin gGlobalOptions: return
@@ -704,18 +704,18 @@ proc msgWriteln*(s: string) =
     if eStdErr in errorOutputs: writeln(stderr, s)
     if eStdOut in errorOutputs: writeln(stdout, s)
   if eInMemory in errorOutputs: bufferedMsgs.safeAdd(s)
-proc coordToStr(coord: int): string = 
+proc coordToStr(coord: int): string =
   if coord == -1: result = "???"
   else: result = $coord
-proc msgKindToString*(kind: TMsgKind): string = 
+proc msgKindToString*(kind: TMsgKind): string =
   # later versions may provide translated error messages
   result = MsgKindToStr[kind]
-proc getMessageStr(msg: TMsgKind, arg: string): string = 
+proc getMessageStr(msg: TMsgKind, arg: string): string =
   result = msgKindToString(msg) % [arg]
@@ -745,34 +745,34 @@ proc handleError(msg: TMsgKind, eh: TErrorHandling, s: string) =
 proc `==`*(a, b: TLineInfo): bool =
   result = a.line == b.line and a.fileIndex == b.fileIndex
-proc writeContext(lastinfo: TLineInfo) = 
+proc writeContext(lastinfo: TLineInfo) =
   var info = lastinfo
-  for i in countup(0, len(msgContext) - 1): 
-    if msgContext[i] != lastinfo and msgContext[i] != info: 
-      msgWriteln(PosContextFormat % [toMsgFilename(msgContext[i]), 
-                                     coordToStr(msgContext[i].line), 
-                                     coordToStr(msgContext[i].col), 
+  for i in countup(0, len(msgContext) - 1):
+    if msgContext[i] != lastinfo and msgContext[i] != info:
+      msgWriteln(PosContextFormat % [toMsgFilename(msgContext[i]),
+                                     coordToStr(msgContext[i].line),
+                                     coordToStr(msgContext[i].col),
                                      getMessageStr(errInstantiationFrom, "")])
     info = msgContext[i]
 proc ignoreMsgBecauseOfIdeTools(msg: TMsgKind): bool =
   msg >= errGenerated and gCmd == cmdIdeTools and optIdeDebug notin gGlobalOptions
-proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, args: openArray[string]) = 
+proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, args: openArray[string]) =
   var frmt: string
   case msg
-  of errMin..errMax: 
+  of errMin..errMax:
     frmt = RawErrorFormat
-  of warnMin..warnMax: 
-    if optWarns notin gOptions: return 
-    if msg notin gNotes: return 
+  of warnMin..warnMax:
+    if optWarns notin gOptions: return
+    if msg notin gNotes: return
     frmt = RawWarningFormat
-  of hintMin..hintMax: 
-    if optHints notin gOptions: return 
-    if msg notin gNotes: return 
+  of hintMin..hintMax:
+    if optHints notin gOptions: return
+    if msg notin gNotes: return
     frmt = RawHintFormat
   let s = `%`(frmt, `%`(msgKindToString(msg), args))
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, args: openArray[string]) =
   handleError(msg, doAbort, s)
-proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, arg: string) = 
+proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, arg: string) =
   rawMessage(msg, [arg])
 proc writeSurroundingSrc(info: TLineInfo) =
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ proc formatMsg*(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string): string =
   result = frmt % [toMsgFilename(info), coordToStr(info.line),
                    coordToStr(info.col), getMessageStr(msg, arg)]
-proc liMessage(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string, 
+proc liMessage(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string,
                eh: TErrorHandling) =
   var frmt: string
   var ignoreMsg = false
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ proc liMessage(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string,
     if not ignoreMsg: writeContext(info)
     frmt = PosWarningFormat
-  of hintMin..hintMax: 
+  of hintMin..hintMax:
     ignoreMsg = optHints notin gOptions or msg notin gNotes
     frmt = PosHintFormat
@@ -824,11 +824,11 @@ proc liMessage(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string,
     if optPrintSurroundingSrc and msg in errMin..errMax:
   handleError(msg, eh, s)
-proc fatal*(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg = "") = 
+proc fatal*(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg = "") =
   liMessage(info, msg, arg, doAbort)
-proc globalError*(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg = "") = 
+proc globalError*(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg = "") =
   liMessage(info, msg, arg, doRaise)
 proc globalError*(info: TLineInfo, arg: string) =
@@ -843,12 +843,12 @@ proc localError*(info: TLineInfo, arg: string) =
 proc message*(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg = "") =
   liMessage(info, msg, arg, doNothing)
-proc internalError*(info: TLineInfo, errMsg: string) = 
+proc internalError*(info: TLineInfo, errMsg: string) =
   if gCmd == cmdIdeTools: return
   liMessage(info, errInternal, errMsg, doAbort)
-proc internalError*(errMsg: string) = 
+proc internalError*(errMsg: string) =
   if gCmd == cmdIdeTools: return
   rawMessage(errInternal, errMsg)
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ proc addSourceLine*(fileIdx: int32, line: string) =
 proc sourceLine*(i: TLineInfo): PRope =
   if i.fileIndex < 0: return nil
   if not optPreserveOrigSource and fileInfos[i.fileIndex].lines.len == 0:
       for line in lines(i.toFullPath):