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path: root/compiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
11 files changed, 158 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/commands.nim b/compiler/commands.nim
index 5b5f461ef..b6ebb6bcb 100644
--- a/compiler/commands.nim
+++ b/compiler/commands.nim
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ proc processSwitch(switch, arg: string, pass: TCmdLinePass, info: TLineInfo) =
   of "symbol":
     expectArg(switch, arg, pass, info)
-    declareSymbol(arg)
+    # deprecated, do nothing
   of "compile":
     expectArg(switch, arg, pass, info)
     if pass in {passCmd2, passPP}: processCompile(arg)
@@ -488,7 +488,6 @@ proc processSwitch(switch, arg: string, pass: TCmdLinePass, info: TLineInfo) =
       if theOS == osNone: localError(info, errUnknownOS, arg)
       elif theOS != platform.hostOS:
         setTarget(theOS, targetCPU)
-        condsyms.initDefines()
   of "cpu":
     expectArg(switch, arg, pass, info)
     if pass in {passCmd1, passPP}:
@@ -496,7 +495,6 @@ proc processSwitch(switch, arg: string, pass: TCmdLinePass, info: TLineInfo) =
       if cpu == cpuNone: localError(info, errUnknownCPU, arg)
       elif cpu != platform.hostCPU:
         setTarget(targetOS, cpu)
-        condsyms.initDefines()
   of "run", "r":
     expectNoArg(switch, arg, pass, info)
     incl(gGlobalOptions, optRun)
diff --git a/compiler/condsyms.nim b/compiler/condsyms.nim
index 7ddf44d4a..ad7d80c85 100644
--- a/compiler/condsyms.nim
+++ b/compiler/condsyms.nim
@@ -9,71 +9,69 @@
 # This module handles the conditional symbols.
   strtabs, platform, strutils, idents
-# We need to use a PStringTable here as defined symbols are always guaranteed
+# We need to use a StringTableRef here as defined symbols are always guaranteed
 # to be style insensitive. Otherwise hell would break lose.
 var gSymbols: StringTableRef
-proc defineSymbol*(symbol: string) = 
-  gSymbols[symbol] = "true"
+  catNone = "false"
-proc declareSymbol*(symbol: string) = 
-  gSymbols[symbol] = "unknown"
+proc defineSymbol*(symbol: string) =
+  gSymbols[symbol] = "true"
-proc undefSymbol*(symbol: string) = 
-  gSymbols[symbol] = "false"
+proc undefSymbol*(symbol: string) =
+  gSymbols[symbol] = catNone
-proc isDefined*(symbol: string): bool = 
+proc isDefined*(symbol: string): bool =
   if gSymbols.hasKey(symbol):
-    result = gSymbols[symbol] == "true"
+    result = gSymbols[symbol] != catNone
+  elif cmpIgnoreStyle(symbol, CPU[targetCPU].name) == 0:
+    result = true
+  elif cmpIgnoreStyle(symbol, platform.OS[targetOS].name) == 0:
+    result = true
+  else:
+    case symbol.normalize
+    of "x86": result = targetCPU == cpuI386
+    of "itanium": result = targetCPU == cpuIa64
+    of "x8664": result = targetCPU == cpuAmd64
+    of "posix", "unix":
+      result = targetOS in {osLinux, osMorphos, osSkyos, osIrix, osPalmos,
+                            osQnx, osAtari, osAix,
+                            osHaiku, osVxWorks, osSolaris, osNetbsd,
+                            osFreebsd, osOpenbsd, osMacosx}
+    of "bsd":
+      result = targetOS in {osNetbsd, osFreebsd, osOpenbsd}
+    of "emulatedthreadvars":
+      result = platform.OS[targetOS].props.contains(ospLacksThreadVars)
+    of "msdos": result = targetOS == osDos
+    of "mswindows", "win32": result = targetOS == osWindows
+    of "macintosh": result = targetOS in {osMacos, osMacosx}
+    of "sunos": result = targetOS == osSolaris
+    of "littleendian": result = CPU[targetCPU].endian == platform.littleEndian
+    of "bigendian": result = CPU[targetCPU].endian == platform.bigEndian
+    of "cpu8": result = CPU[targetCPU].bit == 8
+    of "cpu16": result = CPU[targetCPU].bit == 16
+    of "cpu32": result = CPU[targetCPU].bit == 32
+    of "cpu64": result = CPU[targetCPU].bit == 64
+    of "nimrawsetjmp":
+      result = targetOS in {osSolaris, osNetbsd, osFreebsd, osOpenbsd, osMacosx}
+    else: discard
 proc isDefined*(symbol: PIdent): bool = isDefined(symbol.s)
-proc isDeclared*(symbol: PIdent): bool = gSymbols.hasKey(symbol.s)
 iterator definedSymbolNames*: string =
   for key, val in pairs(gSymbols):
-    if val == "true": yield key
+    if val != catNone: yield key
-proc countDefinedSymbols*(): int = 
+proc countDefinedSymbols*(): int =
   result = 0
   for key, val in pairs(gSymbols):
-    if val == "true": inc(result)
-# For ease of bootstrapping, we keep them here and not in the global config
-# file for now:
-  additionalSymbols = """
-    x86 itanium x8664
-    msdos mswindows win32 unix posix sunos bsd macintosh RISCOS hpux
-    mac
-    hppa hp9000 hp9000s300 hp9000s700 hp9000s800 hp9000s820 ELATE sparcv9
+    if val != catNone: inc(result)
-    ecmascript js nimrodvm nimffi nimdoc cpp objc
-    gcc llvmgcc clang lcc bcc dmc wcc vcc tcc pcc ucc icl
-    boehmgc gcmarkandsweep gcgenerational nogc gcUseBitvectors
-    endb profiler
-    executable guiapp consoleapp library dll staticlib
-    quick
-    release debug
-    useWinAnsi useFork useNimRtl useMalloc useRealtimeGC ssl memProfiler
-    nodejs kwin nimfix
-    usesysassert usegcassert tinyC useFFI
-    useStdoutAsStdmsg createNimRtl
-    booting fulldebug corruption nimsuperops noSignalHandler useGnuReadline
-    noCaas noDocGen noBusyWaiting nativeStackTrace useNodeIds selftest
-    reportMissedDeadlines avoidTimeMachine useClone ignoreAllocationSize
-    debugExecProcesses pcreDll useLipzipSrc
-    preventDeadlocks UNICODE winUnicode trackGcHeaders posixRealtime
-    nimStdSetjmp nimRawSetjmp nimSigSetjmp
-  """.split
-proc initDefines*() = 
+proc initDefines*() =
   gSymbols = newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive)
   defineSymbol("nimrod") # 'nimrod' is always defined
   # for bootstrapping purposes and old code:
@@ -90,58 +88,3 @@ proc initDefines*() =
-  # add platform specific symbols:
-  for c in low(CPU)..high(CPU):
-    declareSymbol("cpu" & $CPU[c].bit)
-    declareSymbol(normalize(EndianToStr[CPU[c].endian]))
-    declareSymbol(CPU[c].name)
-  for o in low(platform.OS)..high(platform.OS):
-    declareSymbol(platform.OS[o].name)
-  for a in additionalSymbols:
-    declareSymbol(a)
-  # -----------------------------------------------------------
-  case targetCPU
-  of cpuI386: defineSymbol("x86")
-  of cpuIa64: defineSymbol("itanium")
-  of cpuAmd64: defineSymbol("x8664")
-  else: discard
-  case targetOS
-  of osDos: 
-    defineSymbol("msdos")
-  of osWindows: 
-    defineSymbol("mswindows")
-    defineSymbol("win32")
-  of osLinux, osMorphos, osSkyos, osIrix, osPalmos, osQnx, osAtari, osAix, 
-     osHaiku, osVxWorks:
-    # these are all 'unix-like'
-    defineSymbol("unix")
-    defineSymbol("posix")
-  of osSolaris: 
-    defineSymbol("sunos")
-    defineSymbol("unix")
-    defineSymbol("posix")
-  of osNetbsd, osFreebsd, osOpenbsd: 
-    defineSymbol("unix")
-    defineSymbol("bsd")
-    defineSymbol("posix")
-  of osMacos: 
-    defineSymbol("macintosh")
-  of osMacosx: 
-    defineSymbol("macintosh")
-    defineSymbol("unix")
-    defineSymbol("posix")
-  else: discard
-  defineSymbol("cpu" & $CPU[targetCPU].bit)
-  defineSymbol(normalize(EndianToStr[CPU[targetCPU].endian]))
-  defineSymbol(CPU[targetCPU].name)
-  defineSymbol(platform.OS[targetOS].name)
-  declareSymbol("emulatedthreadvars")
-  if platform.OS[targetOS].props.contains(ospLacksThreadVars):
-    defineSymbol("emulatedthreadvars")
-  case targetOS
-  of osSolaris, osNetbsd, osFreebsd, osOpenbsd, osMacosx:
-    defineSymbol("nimRawSetjmp")
-  else: discard
diff --git a/compiler/extccomp.nim b/compiler/extccomp.nim
index 499d9ae52..26f0318ee 100644
--- a/compiler/extccomp.nim
+++ b/compiler/extccomp.nim
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
   lists, ropes, os, strutils, osproc, platform, condsyms, options, msgs, crc
-  TSystemCC* = enum 
-    ccNone, ccGcc, ccLLVM_Gcc, ccCLang, ccLcc, ccBcc, ccDmc, ccWcc, ccVcc, 
+  TSystemCC* = enum
+    ccNone, ccGcc, ccLLVM_Gcc, ccCLang, ccLcc, ccBcc, ccDmc, ccWcc, ccVcc,
     ccTcc, ccPcc, ccUcc, ccIcl
   TInfoCCProp* = enum         # properties of the C compiler:
     hasSwitchRange,           # CC allows ranges in switch statements (GNU C)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ type
     props: TInfoCCProps] # properties of the C compiler
-# Configuration settings for various compilers. 
+# Configuration settings for various compilers.
 # When adding new compilers, the cmake sources could be a good reference:
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ compiler icl:
     result = vcc()
     result = gcc()
+ = "icl"
   result.compilerExe = "icl"
   result.linkerExe = "icl"
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ compiler ucc:
     packedPragma: "", # XXX: not supported yet
     props: {})
   CC*: array[succ(low(TSystemCC))..high(TSystemCC), TInfoCC] = [
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ var
 proc libNameTmpl(): string {.inline.} =
   result = if targetOS == osWindows: "$1.lib" else: "lib$1.a"
   toLink, toCompile, externalToCompile: TLinkedList
   linkOptions: string = ""
   compileOptions: string = ""
@@ -355,8 +355,8 @@ var
 proc nameToCC*(name: string): TSystemCC =
   ## Returns the kind of compiler referred to by `name`, or ccNone
   ## if the name doesn't refer to any known compiler.
-  for i in countup(succ(ccNone), high(TSystemCC)): 
-    if cmpIgnoreStyle(name, CC[i].name) == 0: 
+  for i in countup(succ(ccNone), high(TSystemCC)):
+    if cmpIgnoreStyle(name, CC[i].name) == 0:
       return i
   result = ccNone
@@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ proc getConfigVar(c: TSystemCC, suffix: string): string =
   if (platform.hostOS != targetOS or platform.hostCPU != targetCPU) and
       optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions:
-    let fullCCname = platform.CPU[targetCPU].name & '.' & 
-                     platform.OS[targetOS].name & '.' & 
+    let fullCCname = platform.CPU[targetCPU].name & '.' &
+                     platform.OS[targetOS].name & '.' &
                      CC[c].name & fullSuffix
     result = getConfigVar(fullCCname)
     if result.len == 0:
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ proc getConfigVar(c: TSystemCC, suffix: string): string =
     result = getConfigVar(CC[c].name & fullSuffix)
-proc setCC*(ccname: string) = 
+proc setCC*(ccname: string) =
   cCompiler = nameToCC(ccname)
   if cCompiler == ccNone: rawMessage(errUnknownCcompiler, ccname)
   compileOptions = getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".options.always")
@@ -394,18 +394,18 @@ proc setCC*(ccname: string) =
   for i in countup(low(CC), high(CC)): undefSymbol(CC[i].name)
-proc addOpt(dest: var string, src: string) = 
+proc addOpt(dest: var string, src: string) =
   if len(dest) == 0 or dest[len(dest)-1] != ' ': add(dest, " ")
   add(dest, src)
 proc addLinkOption*(option: string) =
   addOpt(linkOptions, option)
-proc addCompileOption*(option: string) = 
-  if strutils.find(compileOptions, option, 0) < 0: 
+proc addCompileOption*(option: string) =
+  if strutils.find(compileOptions, option, 0) < 0:
     addOpt(compileOptions, option)
-proc initVars*() = 
+proc initVars*() =
   # we need to define the symbol here, because ``CC`` may have never been set!
   for i in countup(low(CC), high(CC)): undefSymbol(CC[i].name)
@@ -414,10 +414,10 @@ proc initVars*() =
   if len(ccompilerpath) == 0:
     ccompilerpath = getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".path")
-proc completeCFilePath*(cfile: string, createSubDir: bool = true): string = 
+proc completeCFilePath*(cfile: string, createSubDir: bool = true): string =
   result = completeGeneratedFilePath(cfile, createSubDir)
-proc toObjFile*(filename: string): string = 
+proc toObjFile*(filename: string): string =
   # Object file for compilation
   result = changeFileExt(filename, CC[cCompiler].objExt)
@@ -449,22 +449,22 @@ proc execExternalProgram*(cmd: string, prettyCmd = "") =
   if execWithEcho(cmd, prettyCmd) != 0:
     rawMessage(errExecutionOfProgramFailed, "")
-proc generateScript(projectFile: string, script: Rope) = 
+proc generateScript(projectFile: string, script: Rope) =
   let (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(projectFile)
-  writeRope(script, dir / addFileExt("compile_" & name, 
+  writeRope(script, dir / addFileExt("compile_" & name,
-proc getOptSpeed(c: TSystemCC): string = 
+proc getOptSpeed(c: TSystemCC): string =
   result = getConfigVar(c, ".options.speed")
   if result == "":
     result = CC[c].optSpeed   # use default settings from this file
-proc getDebug(c: TSystemCC): string = 
+proc getDebug(c: TSystemCC): string =
   result = getConfigVar(c, ".options.debug")
   if result == "":
     result = CC[c].debug      # use default settings from this file
-proc getOptSize(c: TSystemCC): string = 
+proc getOptSize(c: TSystemCC): string =
   result = getConfigVar(c, ".options.size")
   if result == "":
     result = CC[c].optSize    # use default settings from this file
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ proc noAbsolutePaths: bool {.inline.} =
   # `optGenMapping` is included here for niminst.
   result = gGlobalOptions * {optGenScript, optGenMapping} != {}
   specialFileA = 42
   specialFileB = 42
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ proc add(s: var string, many: openArray[string]) =
 proc cFileSpecificOptions(cfilename: string): string =
   result = compileOptions
   var trunk = splitFile(cfilename).name
-  if optCDebug in gGlobalOptions: 
+  if optCDebug in gGlobalOptions:
     var key = trunk & ".debug"
     if existsConfigVar(key): addOpt(result, getConfigVar(key))
     else: addOpt(result, getDebug(cCompiler))
@@ -528,17 +528,17 @@ proc getLinkerExe(compiler: TSystemCC): string =
            elif gMixedMode and gCmd != cmdCompileToCpp: CC[compiler].cppCompiler
            else: compiler.getCompilerExe
-proc getCompileCFileCmd*(cfilename: string, isExternal = false): string = 
+proc getCompileCFileCmd*(cfilename: string, isExternal = false): string =
   var c = cCompiler
   var options = cFileSpecificOptions(cfilename)
   var exe = getConfigVar(c, ".exe")
   if exe.len == 0: exe = c.getCompilerExe
   if needsExeExt(): exe = addFileExt(exe, "exe")
   if optGenDynLib in gGlobalOptions and
       ospNeedsPIC in platform.OS[targetOS].props:
     add(options, ' ' & CC[c].pic)
   var includeCmd, compilePattern: string
   if not noAbsolutePaths():
     # compute include paths:
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ proc getCompileCFileCmd*(cfilename: string, isExternal = false): string =
     includeCmd = ""
     compilePattern = c.getCompilerExe
   var cfile = if noAbsolutePaths(): extractFilename(cfilename)
               else: cfilename
   var objfile = if not isExternal or noAbsolutePaths():
@@ -580,14 +580,14 @@ proc footprint(filename: string): TCrc32 =
       extccomp.CC[extccomp.cCompiler].name ><
       getCompileCFileCmd(filename, true)
-proc externalFileChanged(filename: string): bool = 
+proc externalFileChanged(filename: string): bool =
   if gCmd notin {cmdCompileToC, cmdCompileToCpp, cmdCompileToOC, cmdCompileToLLVM}:
     return false
   var crcFile = toGeneratedFile(filename.withPackageName, "crc")
   var currentCrc = int(footprint(filename))
   var f: File
-  if open(f, crcFile, fmRead): 
+  if open(f, crcFile, fmRead):
     var line = newStringOfCap(40)
     if not f.readLine(line): line = "0"
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ proc externalFileChanged(filename: string): bool =
     result = oldCrc != currentCrc
     result = true
-  if result: 
+  if result:
     if open(f, crcFile, fmWrite):
@@ -607,22 +607,22 @@ proc addExternalFileToCompile*(filename: string) =
 proc compileCFile(list: TLinkedList, script: var Rope, cmds: var TStringSeq,
                   prettyCmds: var TStringSeq, isExternal: bool) =
   var it = PStrEntry(list.head)
-  while it != nil: 
+  while it != nil:
     inc(fileCounter)          # call the C compiler for the .c file:
     var compileCmd = getCompileCFileCmd(, isExternal)
-    if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: 
+    if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions:
       add(cmds, compileCmd)
       let (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(
       add(prettyCmds, "CC: " & name)
-    if optGenScript in gGlobalOptions: 
+    if optGenScript in gGlobalOptions:
       add(script, compileCmd)
       add(script, tnl)
     it = PStrEntry(
 proc callCCompiler*(projectfile: string) =
-  var 
+  var
     linkCmd, buildgui, builddll: string
-  if gGlobalOptions * {optCompileOnly, optGenScript} == {optCompileOnly}: 
+  if gGlobalOptions * {optCompileOnly, optGenScript} == {optCompileOnly}:
     return # speed up that call if only compiling and no script shall be
            # generated
   fileCounter = 0
@@ -634,11 +634,11 @@ proc callCCompiler*(projectfile: string) =
     echo prettyCmds[idx]
   compileCFile(toCompile, script, cmds, prettyCmds, false)
   compileCFile(externalToCompile, script, cmds, prettyCmds, true)
-  if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: 
+  if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions:
     if gNumberOfProcessors == 0: gNumberOfProcessors = countProcessors()
     var res = 0
-    if gNumberOfProcessors <= 1: 
-      for i in countup(0, high(cmds)): 
+    if gNumberOfProcessors <= 1:
+      for i in countup(0, high(cmds)):
         res = execWithEcho(cmds[i])
         if res != 0: rawMessage(errExecutionOfProgramFailed, [])
     elif optListCmd in gGlobalOptions or gVerbosity > 1:
@@ -685,13 +685,13 @@ proc callCCompiler*(projectfile: string) =
         exefile = splitFile(projectfile).name & platform.OS[targetOS].exeExt
         builddll = ""
-      if options.outFile.len > 0: 
+      if options.outFile.len > 0:
         exefile = options.outFile.expandTilde
       if not noAbsolutePaths():
         if not exefile.isAbsolute():
           exefile = joinPath(splitFile(projectfile).dir, exefile)
       exefile = quoteShell(exefile)
-      let linkOptions = getLinkOptions() & " " & 
+      let linkOptions = getLinkOptions() & " " &
                         getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".options.linker")
       linkCmd = quoteShell(linkCmd % ["builddll", builddll,
           "buildgui", buildgui, "options", linkOptions, "objfiles", objfiles,
@@ -714,26 +714,26 @@ proc callCCompiler*(projectfile: string) =
     add(script, tnl)
     generateScript(projectfile, script)
-proc genMappingFiles(list: TLinkedList): Rope = 
+proc genMappingFiles(list: TLinkedList): Rope =
   var it = PStrEntry(list.head)
-  while it != nil: 
+  while it != nil:
     addf(result, "--file:r\"$1\"$N", [rope(])
     it = PStrEntry(
-proc writeMapping*(gSymbolMapping: Rope) = 
-  if optGenMapping notin gGlobalOptions: return 
+proc writeMapping*(gSymbolMapping: Rope) =
+  if optGenMapping notin gGlobalOptions: return
   var code = rope("[C_Files]\n")
   add(code, genMappingFiles(toCompile))
   add(code, genMappingFiles(externalToCompile))
   add(code, "\n[C_Compiler]\nFlags=")
   add(code, strutils.escape(getCompileOptions()))
   add(code, "\n[Linker]\nFlags=")
-  add(code, strutils.escape(getLinkOptions() & " " & 
+  add(code, strutils.escape(getLinkOptions() & " " &
                             getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".options.linker")))
   add(code, "\n[Environment]\nlibpath=")
   add(code, strutils.escape(libpath))
   addf(code, "\n[Symbols]$n$1", [gSymbolMapping])
   writeRope(code, joinPath(gProjectPath, "mapping.txt"))
diff --git a/compiler/lowerings.nim b/compiler/lowerings.nim
index 0b4f97ead..b6b01d558 100644
--- a/compiler/lowerings.nim
+++ b/compiler/lowerings.nim
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ const
 import ast, astalgo, types, idents, magicsys, msgs, options
 from trees import getMagic
+proc newDeref*(n: PNode): PNode {.inline.} =
+  result = newNodeIT(nkHiddenDeref,, n.typ.sons[0])
+  addSon(result, n)
 proc newTupleAccess*(tup: PNode, i: int): PNode =
   result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr,, tup.typ.skipTypes(
diff --git a/compiler/plugins/active.nim b/compiler/plugins/active.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9c11c2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/plugins/active.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#           The Nim Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Include file that imports all plugins that are active.
+  locals.locals
diff --git a/compiler/plugins/locals/locals.nim b/compiler/plugins/locals/locals.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d89149f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/plugins/locals/locals.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#           The Nim Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## The builtin 'system.locals' implemented as a plugin.
+import plugins, ast, astalgo, magicsys, lookups, semdata, lowerings
+proc semLocals(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
+  var counter = 0
+  var tupleType = newTypeS(tyTuple, c)
+  result = newNodeIT(nkPar,, tupleType)
+  tupleType.n = newNodeI(nkRecList,
+  # for now we skip openarrays ...
+  for scope in walkScopes(c.currentScope):
+    if scope == c.topLevelScope: break
+    for it in items(scope.symbols):
+      # XXX parameters' owners are wrong for generics; this caused some pain
+      # for closures too; we should finally fix it.
+      #if it.owner != c.p.owner: return result
+      if it.kind in skLocalVars and
+          it.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar}).kind notin
+            {tyVarargs, tyOpenArray, tyTypeDesc, tyStatic, tyExpr, tyStmt, tyEmpty}:
+        var field = newSym(skField,, getCurrOwner(),
+        field.typ = it.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar})
+        field.position = counter
+        inc(counter)
+        addSon(tupleType.n, newSymNode(field))
+        addSonSkipIntLit(tupleType, field.typ)
+        var a = newSymNode(it,
+        if it.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst}).kind == tyVar: a = newDeref(a)
+        result.add(a)
+registerPlugin("stdlib", "system", "locals", semLocals)
diff --git a/compiler/sem.nim b/compiler/sem.nim
index 965556a36..2e13c88c3 100644
--- a/compiler/sem.nim
+++ b/compiler/sem.nim
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import
   procfind, lookups, rodread, pragmas, passes, semdata, semtypinst, sigmatch,
   intsets, transf, vmdef, vm, idgen, aliases, cgmeth, lambdalifting,
   evaltempl, patterns, parampatterns, sempass2, nimfix.pretty, semmacrosanity,
-  semparallel, lowerings, plugins
+  semparallel, lowerings, plugins,
 when defined(nimfix):
   import nimfix.prettybase
diff --git a/compiler/semfold.nim b/compiler/semfold.nim
index 0150a3405..796dde9a6 100644
--- a/compiler/semfold.nim
+++ b/compiler/semfold.nim
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ proc rangeCheck(n: PNode, value: BiggestInt) =
 proc foldConv*(n, a: PNode; check = false): PNode =
   # XXX range checks?
   case skipTypes(n.typ, abstractRange).kind
-  of tyInt..tyInt64:
+  of tyInt..tyInt64, tyUInt..tyUInt64:
     case skipTypes(a.typ, abstractRange).kind
     of tyFloat..tyFloat64:
       result = newIntNodeT(int(getFloat(a)), n)
diff --git a/compiler/semmagic.nim b/compiler/semmagic.nim
index 478e2cf37..0a7846f1d 100644
--- a/compiler/semmagic.nim
+++ b/compiler/semmagic.nim
@@ -101,34 +101,6 @@ proc semBindSym(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
     localError(n.sons[1].info, errUndeclaredIdentifier, sl.strVal)
-proc semLocals(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
-  var counter = 0
-  var tupleType = newTypeS(tyTuple, c)
-  result = newNodeIT(nkPar,, tupleType)
-  tupleType.n = newNodeI(nkRecList,
-  # for now we skip openarrays ...
-  for scope in walkScopes(c.currentScope):
-    if scope == c.topLevelScope: break
-    for it in items(scope.symbols):
-      # XXX parameters' owners are wrong for generics; this caused some pain
-      # for closures too; we should finally fix it.
-      #if it.owner != c.p.owner: return result
-      if it.kind in skLocalVars and
-          it.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar}).kind notin
-            {tyVarargs, tyOpenArray, tyTypeDesc, tyStatic, tyExpr, tyStmt, tyEmpty}:
-        var field = newSym(skField,, getCurrOwner(),
-        field.typ = it.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar})
-        field.position = counter
-        inc(counter)
-        addSon(tupleType.n, newSymNode(field))
-        addSonSkipIntLit(tupleType, field.typ)
-        var a = newSymNode(it,
-        if it.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst}).kind == tyVar: a = newDeref(a)
-        result.add(a)
 proc semShallowCopy(c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags): PNode
 proc isStrangeArray(t: PType): bool =
@@ -161,7 +133,6 @@ proc magicsAfterOverloadResolution(c: PContext, n: PNode,
   of mHigh, mLow: result = semLowHigh(c, n, n[0].sym.magic)
   of mShallowCopy: result = semShallowCopy(c, n, flags)
   of mNBindSym: result = semBindSym(c, n)
-  of mLocals: result = semLocals(c, n)
   of mProcCall:
     result = n
     result.typ = n[1].typ
diff --git a/compiler/semstmts.nim b/compiler/semstmts.nim
index c0c48782e..a9331b75a 100644
--- a/compiler/semstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/semstmts.nim
@@ -102,10 +102,6 @@ proc semDestructorCheck(c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags) {.inline.} =
         c.p.owner.kind notin {skTemplate, skMacro}:
       localError(, errGenerated, "value expected, but got a type")
-proc newDeref(n: PNode): PNode {.inline.} =
-  result = newNodeIT(nkHiddenDeref,, n.typ.sons[0])
-  addSon(result, n)
 proc semExprBranch(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
   result = semExpr(c, n)
   if result.typ != nil:
diff --git a/compiler/vmops.nim b/compiler/vmops.nim
index 502ad8ecc..1023d4783 100644
--- a/compiler/vmops.nim
+++ b/compiler/vmops.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # Unforunately this cannot be a module yet:
 #import vmdeps, vm
 from math import sqrt, ln, log10, log2, exp, round, arccos, arcsin,
-  arctan, arctan2, cos, cosh, hypot, sinh, sin, tan, tanh, pow, trunc, 
+  arctan, arctan2, cos, cosh, hypot, sinh, sin, tan, tanh, pow, trunc,
   floor, ceil, fmod
 from os import getEnv, existsEnv, dirExists, fileExists