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15 files changed, 179 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index c9ff9d4f0..df3b655e3 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -959,6 +959,7 @@ proc genEcho(p: BProc, n: PNode) =
       addf(args, ", $1? ($1)->data:\"nil\"", [rdLoc(a)])
   linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "printf($1$2);$n",
           makeCString(repeat("%s", n.len) & tnl), args)
+  linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "fflush(stdout);$n")
 proc gcUsage(n: PNode) =
   if gSelectedGC == gcNone: message(, warnGcMem, n.renderTree)
@@ -1415,11 +1416,11 @@ proc binaryExprIn(p: BProc, e: PNode, a, b, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) =
 proc genInExprAux(p: BProc, e: PNode, a, b, d: var TLoc) =
   case int(getSize(skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVar)))
-  of 1: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1<<(($2)&7)))!=0)")
-  of 2: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1<<(($2)&15)))!=0)")
-  of 4: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1<<(($2)&31)))!=0)")
-  of 8: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(IL64(1)<<(($2)&IL64(63))))!=0)")
-  else: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1[$2/8] &(1<<($2%8)))!=0)")
+  of 1: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1U<<((NU)($2)&7U)))!=0)")
+  of 2: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1U<<((NU)($2)&15U)))!=0)")
+  of 4: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1U<<((NU)($2)&31U)))!=0)")
+  of 8: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &((NU64)1<<((NU)($2)&63U)))!=0)")
+  else: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1[(NU)($2)>>3] &(1U<<((NU)($2)&7U)))!=0)")
 proc binaryStmtInExcl(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) =
   var a, b: TLoc
@@ -1500,8 +1501,8 @@ proc genSetOp(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) =
     else: internalError(, "genSetOp()")
     case op
-    of mIncl: binaryStmtInExcl(p, e, d, "$1[$2/8] |=(1<<($2%8));$n")
-    of mExcl: binaryStmtInExcl(p, e, d, "$1[$2/8] &= ~(1<<($2%8));$n")
+    of mIncl: binaryStmtInExcl(p, e, d, "$1[(NU)($2)>>3] |=(1U<<($2&7U));$n")
+    of mExcl: binaryStmtInExcl(p, e, d, "$1[(NU)($2)>>3]] &= ~(1U<<($2&7U));$n")
     of mCard: unaryExprChar(p, e, d, "#cardSet($1, " & $size & ')')
     of mLtSet, mLeSet:
       getTemp(p, getSysType(tyInt), i) # our counter
@@ -1733,8 +1734,6 @@ proc genMagicExpr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) =
   of mEcho: genEcho(p, e[1].skipConv)
   of mArrToSeq: genArrToSeq(p, e, d)
   of mNLen..mNError, mSlurp..mQuoteAst:
-    echo "from here ",, " ",
-    writestacktrace()
     localError(, errXMustBeCompileTime, e.sons[0]
   of mSpawn:
     let n = lowerings.wrapProcForSpawn(p.module.module, e, e.typ, nil, nil)
@@ -1788,11 +1787,11 @@ proc genSetConstr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
           initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i].sons[0], a)
           initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i].sons[1], b)
           lineF(p, cpsStmts, "for ($1 = $3; $1 <= $4; $1++) $n" &
-              "$2[$1/8] |=(1<<($1%8));$n", [rdLoc(idx), rdLoc(d),
+              "$2[(NU)($1)>>3] |=(1U<<((NU)($1)&7U));$n", [rdLoc(idx), rdLoc(d),
               rdSetElemLoc(a, e.typ), rdSetElemLoc(b, e.typ)])
           initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i], a)
-          lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1[$2/8] |=(1<<($2%8));$n",
+          lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1[(NU)($2)>>3] |=(1U<<((NU)($2)&7U));$n",
                [rdLoc(d), rdSetElemLoc(a, e.typ)])
       # small set
diff --git a/compiler/ccgstmts.nim b/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
index f4a7c4400..73497bded 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const
     # above X strings a hash-switch for strings is generated
 proc registerGcRoot(p: BProc, v: PSym) =
-  if gSelectedGC in {gcMarkAndSweep, gcGenerational} and
+  if gSelectedGC in {gcMarkAndSweep, gcGenerational, gcV2} and
     # we register a specialized marked proc here; this has the advantage
     # that it works out of the box for thread local storage then :-)
diff --git a/compiler/jstypes.nim b/compiler/jstypes.nim
index 367c173ea..611f50eaf 100644
--- a/compiler/jstypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/jstypes.nim
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ proc genEnumInfo(p: PProc, typ: PType, name: Rope) =
          [name, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])])
 proc genTypeInfo(p: PProc, typ: PType): Rope =
-  let t = typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst})
+  let t = typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyDistinct})
   result = "NTI$1" % [rope(]
   if containsOrIncl(p.g.typeInfoGenerated, return
   case t.kind
diff --git a/compiler/lambdalifting.nim b/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
index cccc94756..be1631af0 100644
--- a/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
+++ b/compiler/lambdalifting.nim
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ type
     fn, closureParam, state, resultSym: PSym # most are only valid if
                                              # fn.kind == skClosureIterator
     obj: PType
+    isIterator: bool
   PEnv = ref TEnv
   TEnv {.final.} = object of RootObj
@@ -197,24 +198,29 @@ proc getHiddenParam(routine: PSym): PSym =
   result = hidden.sym
   assert sfFromGeneric in result.flags
-proc getEnvParam(routine: PSym): PSym =
+proc getEnvParam*(routine: PSym): PSym =
   let params = routine.ast.sons[paramsPos]
   let hidden = lastSon(params)
   if hidden.kind == nkSym and == paramName:
     result = hidden.sym
     assert sfFromGeneric in result.flags
-proc initIter(iter: PSym): TIter =
+proc initIter(iter: PSym; ptrType: PType = nil): TIter =
   result.fn = iter
-  if iter.kind == skClosureIterator:
+  result.isIterator = ptrType != nil or iter.kind == skClosureIterator
+  #echo "fuck you ", ptrType != nil
+  if result.isIterator:
     var cp = getEnvParam(iter)
     if cp == nil:
-      result.obj = createEnvObj(iter)
+      result.obj = if ptrType != nil: ptrType.lastSon else: createEnvObj(iter)
       cp = newSym(skParam, getIdent(paramName), iter,
       incl(cp.flags, sfFromGeneric)
-      cp.typ = newType(tyRef, iter)
-      rawAddSon(cp.typ, result.obj)
+      if ptrType != nil:
+        cp.typ = ptrType
+      else:
+        cp.typ = newType(tyRef, iter)
+        rawAddSon(cp.typ, result.obj)
       addHiddenParam(iter, cp)
       result.obj = cp.typ.sons[0]
@@ -534,6 +540,7 @@ proc searchForInnerProcs(o: POuterContext, n: PNode, env: PEnv) =
     let fn = n.sym
     if isInnerProc(fn, o.fn) and not containsOrIncl(o.processed,
       let body = fn.getBody
+      if nfLL in body.flags: return
       # handle deeply nested captures:
       let ex = closureCreationPoint(body)
@@ -794,7 +801,7 @@ proc finishEnvironments(o: POuterContext) =
 proc transformOuterProcBody(o: POuterContext, n: PNode; it: TIter): PNode =
   if nfLL in n.flags:
     result = nil
-  elif it.fn.kind == skClosureIterator:
+  elif it.isIterator:
     # unfortunately control flow is still convoluted and we can end up
     # multiple times here for the very same iterator. We shield against this
     # with some rather primitive check for now:
@@ -843,7 +850,7 @@ proc transformOuterProc(o: POuterContext, n: PNode; it: TIter): PNode =
       if newBody != nil:
         local.ast.sons[bodyPos] = newBody
-    if it.fn.kind == skClosureIterator and interestingIterVar(local) and
+    if it.isIterator and interestingIterVar(local) and
         it.fn == local.owner:
       # every local goes through the closure:
       #if not containsOrIncl(o.capturedVars,
@@ -931,7 +938,7 @@ proc transformOuterProc(o: POuterContext, n: PNode; it: TIter): PNode =
     when false:
       if n.sons[1].kind == nkSym:
         var local = n.sons[1].sym
-        if it.fn.kind == skClosureIterator and interestingIterVar(local) and
+        if it.isIterator and interestingIterVar(local) and
             it.fn == local.owner:
           # every local goes through the closure:
           addUniqueField(it.obj, local)
@@ -941,14 +948,25 @@ proc transformOuterProc(o: POuterContext, n: PNode; it: TIter): PNode =
     if x != nil: n.sons[1] = x
     result = transformOuterConv(n)
   of nkYieldStmt:
-    if it.fn.kind == skClosureIterator: result = transformYield(o, n, it)
+    if it.isIterator: result = transformYield(o, n, it)
     else: outerProcSons(o, n, it)
   of nkReturnStmt:
-    if it.fn.kind == skClosureIterator: result = transformReturn(o, n, it)
+    if it.isIterator: result = transformReturn(o, n, it)
     else: outerProcSons(o, n, it)
     outerProcSons(o, n, it)
+proc liftIterToProc*(fn: PSym; body: PNode; ptrType: PType): PNode =
+  var o = newOuterContext(fn)
+  let ex = closureCreationPoint(body)
+  let env = newEnv(o, nil, ex, fn)
+  addParamsToEnv(fn, env)
+  searchForInnerProcs(o, body, env)
+  createEnvironments(o)
+  let it = initIter(fn, ptrType)
+  result = transformOuterProcBody(o, body, it)
+  finishEnvironments(o)
 proc liftLambdas*(fn: PSym, body: PNode): PNode =
   # XXX gCmd == cmdCompileToJS does not suffice! The compiletime stuff needs
   # the transformation even when compiling to JS ...
diff --git a/compiler/parser.nim b/compiler/parser.nim
index dbf9706ea..11dd6788a 100644
--- a/compiler/parser.nim
+++ b/compiler/parser.nim
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ proc isExprStart(p: TParser): bool =
   of tkSymbol, tkAccent, tkOpr, tkNot, tkNil, tkCast, tkIf,
      tkProc, tkIterator, tkBind, tkAddr,
      tkParLe, tkBracketLe, tkCurlyLe, tkIntLit..tkCharLit, tkVar, tkRef, tkPtr,
-     tkTuple, tkObject, tkType, tkWhen, tkCase:
+     tkTuple, tkObject, tkType, tkWhen, tkCase, tkOut:
     result = true
   else: result = false
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ proc parseObject(p: var TParser): PNode
 proc parseTypeClass(p: var TParser): PNode
 proc primary(p: var TParser, mode: TPrimaryMode): PNode =
-  #| typeKeyw = 'var' | 'ref' | 'ptr' | 'shared' | 'tuple'
+  #| typeKeyw = 'var' | 'out' | 'ref' | 'ptr' | 'shared' | 'tuple'
   #|          | 'proc' | 'iterator' | 'distinct' | 'object' | 'enum'
   #| primary = typeKeyw typeDescK
   #|         /  prefixOperator* identOrLiteral primarySuffix*
@@ -1112,6 +1112,7 @@ proc primary(p: var TParser, mode: TPrimaryMode): PNode =
     optInd(p, result)
     addSon(result, primary(p, pmNormal))
   of tkVar: result = parseTypeDescKAux(p, nkVarTy, mode)
+  of tkOut: result = parseTypeDescKAux(p, nkVarTy, mode)
   of tkRef: result = parseTypeDescKAux(p, nkRefTy, mode)
   of tkPtr: result = parseTypeDescKAux(p, nkPtrTy, mode)
   of tkDistinct: result = parseTypeDescKAux(p, nkDistinctTy, mode)
@@ -1763,7 +1764,7 @@ proc parseObject(p: var TParser): PNode =
   addSon(result, parseObjectPart(p))
 proc parseTypeClassParam(p: var TParser): PNode =
-  if p.tok.tokType == tkVar:
+  if p.tok.tokType in {tkOut, tkVar}:
     result = newNodeP(nkVarTy, p)
@@ -1771,7 +1772,7 @@ proc parseTypeClassParam(p: var TParser): PNode =
     result = p.parseSymbol
 proc parseTypeClass(p: var TParser): PNode =
-  #| typeClassParam = ('var')? symbol
+  #| typeClassParam = ('var' | 'out')? symbol
   #| typeClass = typeClassParam ^* ',' (pragma)? ('of' typeDesc ^* ',')?
   #|               &IND{>} stmt
   result = newNodeP(nkTypeClassTy, p)
diff --git a/compiler/plugins.nim b/compiler/plugins.nim
index 1c9b7b77b..19a0bc84d 100644
--- a/compiler/plugins.nim
+++ b/compiler/plugins.nim
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## Plugin support for the Nim compiler. Right now there are no plugins and they
+## Plugin support for the Nim compiler. Right now they
 ## need to be build with the compiler, no DLL support.
 import ast, semdata, idents
@@ -20,13 +20,16 @@ type
     next: Plugin
 proc pluginMatches(p: Plugin; s: PSym): bool =
-  if != return false
-  let module = s.owner
+  if !=
+    return false
+  let module = s.skipGenericOwner
   if module == nil or module.kind != skModule or
- != return false
+ !=
+    return false
   let package = module.owner
   if package == nil or package.kind != skPackage or
- != return false
+ !=
+    return false
   return true
 var head: Plugin
diff --git a/compiler/plugins/active.nim b/compiler/plugins/active.nim
index e9c11c2ea..7b6411178 100644
--- a/compiler/plugins/active.nim
+++ b/compiler/plugins/active.nim
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
 ## Include file that imports all plugins that are active.
-  locals.locals
+  locals.locals, itersgen
diff --git a/compiler/plugins/itersgen.nim b/compiler/plugins/itersgen.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91e1d2783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/plugins/itersgen.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#           The Nim Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Plugin to transform an inline iterator into a data structure.
+import plugins, ast, astalgo, magicsys, lookups, semdata,
+  lambdalifting, msgs, rodread
+proc iterToProcImpl(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+  let iter = n[1]
+  if iter.kind != nkSym or iter.sym.kind != skIterator:
+    localError(, "first argument needs to be an iterator")
+    return
+  if n[2].typ.isNil:
+    localError(n[2].info, "second argument needs to be a type")
+    return
+  if n[3].kind != nkIdent:
+    localError(n[3].info, "third argument needs to be an identifier")
+    return
+  let t = n[2].typ.skipTypes({tyTypeDesc, tyGenericInst})
+  if t.kind notin {tyRef, tyPtr} or t.lastSon.kind != tyObject:
+    localError(n[2].info,
+        "type must be a non-generic ref|ptr to object with state field")
+    return
+  let body = liftIterToProc(iter.sym, iter.sym.getBody, t)
+  let prc = newSym(skProc, n[3].ident, iter.sym.owner,
+  prc.typ = copyType(iter.sym.typ, prc, false)
+  excl prc.typ.flags, tfCapturesEnv
+  prc.typ.n.add newSymNode(getEnvParam(iter.sym))
+  prc.typ.rawAddSon t
+  let orig = iter.sym.ast
+  prc.ast = newProcNode(nkProcDef,,
+                        name = newSymNode(prc),
+                        params = orig[paramsPos],
+                        pragmas = orig[pragmasPos],
+                        body = body)
+  prc.ast.add iter.sym.ast.sons[resultPos]
+  addInterfaceDecl(c, prc)
+registerPlugin("stdlib", "system", "iterToProc", iterToProcImpl)
diff --git a/compiler/semexprs.nim b/compiler/semexprs.nim
index 58c42d410..95a90463c 100644
--- a/compiler/semexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/semexprs.nim
@@ -385,7 +385,8 @@ proc isOpImpl(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
       result = newIntNode(nkIntLit, ord(t.kind == tyProc and
                                         t.callConv == ccClosure and
                                         tfIterator notin t.flags))
-    else: discard
+    else:
+      result = newIntNode(nkIntLit, 0)
     var t2 = n[2].typ.skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
     maybeLiftType(t2, c,
@@ -1434,20 +1435,15 @@ proc semYield(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
     var iterType = c.p.owner.typ
     let restype = iterType.sons[0]
     if restype != nil:
-      let adjustedRes = if restype.kind == tyIter: restype.base
-                        else: restype
-      if adjustedRes.kind != tyExpr:
-        n.sons[0] = fitNode(c, adjustedRes, n.sons[0])
+      if restype.kind != tyExpr:
+        n.sons[0] = fitNode(c, restype, n.sons[0])
       if n.sons[0].typ == nil: internalError(, "semYield")
-      if resultTypeIsInferrable(adjustedRes):
+      if resultTypeIsInferrable(restype):
         let inferred = n.sons[0].typ
-        if restype.kind == tyIter:
-          restype.sons[0] = inferred
-        else:
-          iterType.sons[0] = inferred
+        iterType.sons[0] = inferred
-      semYieldVarResult(c, n, adjustedRes)
+      semYieldVarResult(c, n, restype)
       localError(, errCannotReturnExpr)
   elif c.p.owner.typ.sons[0] != nil:
@@ -1780,7 +1776,24 @@ proc semMagic(c: PContext, n: PNode, s: PSym, flags: TExprFlags): PNode =
     result = setMs(n, s)
     result.sons[1] = semExpr(c, n.sons[1])
     result.typ = n[1].typ
-  else: result = semDirectOp(c, n, flags)
+  of mPlugin:
+    # semDirectOp with conditional 'afterCallActions':
+    let nOrig = n.copyTree
+    #semLazyOpAux(c, n)
+    result = semOverloadedCallAnalyseEffects(c, n, nOrig, flags)
+    if result == nil:
+      result = errorNode(c, n)
+    else:
+      let callee = result.sons[0].sym
+      if callee.magic == mNone:
+        semFinishOperands(c, result)
+      activate(c, result)
+      fixAbstractType(c, result)
+      analyseIfAddressTakenInCall(c, result)
+      if callee.magic != mNone:
+        result = magicsAfterOverloadResolution(c, result, flags)
+  else:
+    result = semDirectOp(c, n, flags)
 proc semWhen(c: PContext, n: PNode, semCheck = true): PNode =
   # If semCheck is set to false, ``when`` will return the verbatim AST of
@@ -2167,7 +2180,7 @@ proc semExpr(c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags = {}): PNode =
     message(, warnDeprecated, "bind")
     result = semExpr(c, n.sons[0], flags)
   of nkTypeOfExpr, nkTupleTy, nkTupleClassTy, nkRefTy..nkEnumTy, nkStaticTy:
-    var typ = semTypeNode(c, n, nil).skipTypes({tyTypeDesc, tyIter})
+    var typ = semTypeNode(c, n, nil).skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
     result.typ = makeTypeDesc(c, typ)
     #result = symNodeFromType(c, typ,
   of nkCall, nkInfix, nkPrefix, nkPostfix, nkCommand, nkCallStrLit:
@@ -2240,7 +2253,7 @@ proc semExpr(c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags = {}): PNode =
       var tupexp = semTuplePositionsConstr(c, n, flags)
       if isTupleType(tupexp):
         # reinterpret as type
-        var typ = semTypeNode(c, n, nil).skipTypes({tyTypeDesc, tyIter})
+        var typ = semTypeNode(c, n, nil).skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
         result.typ = makeTypeDesc(c, typ)
         result = tupexp
diff --git a/compiler/sempass2.nim b/compiler/sempass2.nim
index 29cce9247..c3a9e01a0 100644
--- a/compiler/sempass2.nim
+++ b/compiler/sempass2.nim
@@ -504,7 +504,8 @@ proc notNilCheck(tracked: PEffects, n: PNode, paramType: PType) =
     if n.kind == nkAddr:
       # addr(x[]) can't be proven, but addr(x) can:
       if not containsNode(n, {nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref}): return
-    elif (n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind in routineKinds) or n.kind in procDefs:
+    elif (n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind in routineKinds) or
+         n.kind in procDefs+{nkObjConstr}:
       # 'p' is not nil obviously:
     case impliesNotNil(tracked.guards, n)
@@ -704,7 +705,15 @@ proc track(tracked: PEffects, n: PNode) =
     for i in 1 .. <len(n): trackOperand(tracked, n.sons[i], paramType(op, i))
     if a.kind == nkSym and a.sym.magic in {mNew, mNewFinalize, mNewSeq}:
       # may not look like an assignment, but it is:
-      initVarViaNew(tracked, n.sons[1])
+      let arg = n.sons[1]
+      initVarViaNew(tracked, arg)
+      if {tfNeedsInit} * arg.typ.lastSon.flags != {}:
+        if a.sym.magic == mNewSeq and n[2].kind in {nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit} and
+            n[2].intVal == 0:
+          # var s: seq[notnil];  newSeq(s, 0)  is a special case!
+          discard
+        else:
+          message(, warnProveInit, $arg)
     for i in 0 .. <safeLen(n):
       track(tracked, n.sons[i])
   of nkDotExpr:
@@ -875,7 +884,8 @@ proc trackProc*(s: PSym, body: PNode) =
   var t: TEffects
   initEffects(effects, s, t)
   track(t, body)
-  if not isEmptyType(s.typ.sons[0]) and tfNeedsInit in s.typ.sons[0].flags and
+  if not isEmptyType(s.typ.sons[0]) and
+      {tfNeedsInit, tfNotNil} * s.typ.sons[0].flags != {} and
       s.kind in {skProc, skConverter, skMethod}:
     var res = s.ast.sons[resultPos].sym # get result symbol
     if notin t.init:
diff --git a/compiler/semstmts.nim b/compiler/semstmts.nim
index adb1c81c1..e80f1cfda 100644
--- a/compiler/semstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/semstmts.nim
@@ -330,7 +330,8 @@ proc semIdentDef(c: PContext, n: PNode, kind: TSymKind): PSym =
 proc checkNilable(v: PSym) =
-  if sfGlobal in v.flags and {tfNotNil, tfNeedsInit} * v.typ.flags != {}:
+  if {sfGlobal, sfImportC} * v.flags == {sfGlobal} and
+      {tfNotNil, tfNeedsInit} * v.typ.flags != {}:
     if v.ast.isNil:
       message(, warnProveInit,
     elif tfNotNil in v.typ.flags and tfNotNil notin v.ast.typ.flags:
@@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ proc symForVar(c: PContext, n: PNode): PSym =
 proc semForVars(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
   result = n
   var length = sonsLen(n)
-  let iterBase = n.sons[length-2].typ.skipTypes({tyIter})
+  let iterBase = n.sons[length-2].typ
   var iter = skipTypes(iterBase, {tyGenericInst})
   # length == 3 means that there is one for loop variable
   # and thus no tuple unpacking:
@@ -593,8 +594,7 @@ proc semFor(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
       result.kind = nkParForStmt
       result = semForFields(c, n, call.sons[0].sym.magic)
-  elif (isCallExpr and call.sons[0].typ.callConv == ccClosure) or
-      call.typ.kind == tyIter:
+  elif isCallExpr and call.sons[0].typ.callConv == ccClosure:
     # first class iterator:
     result = semForVars(c, n)
   elif not isCallExpr or call.sons[0].kind != nkSym or
diff --git a/compiler/semtypes.nim b/compiler/semtypes.nim
index 65cb9421b..65edb756f 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypes.nim
@@ -135,13 +135,19 @@ proc semAnyRef(c: PContext; n: PNode; kind: TTypeKind; prev: PType): PType =
     checkMinSonsLen(n, 1)
     var base = semTypeNode(c, n.lastSon, nil)
     result = newOrPrevType(kind, prev, c)
+    var isNilable = false
     # check every except the last is an object:
     for i in isCall .. n.len-2:
-      let region = semTypeNode(c, n[i], nil)
-      if region.skipTypes({tyGenericInst}).kind notin {tyError, tyObject}:
-        message n[i].info, errGenerated, "region needs to be an object type"
-      addSonSkipIntLit(result, region)
+      let ni = n[i]
+      if ni.kind == nkNilLit:
+        isNilable = true
+      else:
+        let region = semTypeNode(c, ni, nil)
+        if region.skipTypes({tyGenericInst}).kind notin {tyError, tyObject}:
+          message n[i].info, errGenerated, "region needs to be an object type"
+        addSonSkipIntLit(result, region)
     addSonSkipIntLit(result, base)
+    #if not isNilable: result.flags.incl tfNotNil
 proc semVarType(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
   if sonsLen(n) == 1:
@@ -826,15 +832,6 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
     result = newTypeWithSons(c, tyCompositeTypeClass, @[paramType, result])
     result = addImplicitGeneric(result)
-  of tyIter:
-    if paramType.callConv == ccInline:
-      if procKind notin {skTemplate, skMacro, skIterator}:
-        localError(info, errInlineIteratorsAsProcParams)
-      if paramType.len == 1:
-        let lifted = liftingWalk(paramType.base)
-        if lifted != nil: paramType.sons[0] = lifted
-      result = addImplicitGeneric(paramType)
   of tyGenericInst:
     if paramType.lastSon.kind == tyUserTypeClass:
       var cp = copyType(paramType, getCurrOwner(), false)
@@ -865,11 +862,6 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
   of tyUserTypeClass, tyBuiltInTypeClass, tyAnd, tyOr, tyNot:
     result = addImplicitGeneric(copyType(paramType, getCurrOwner(), true))
-  of tyExpr:
-    if procKind notin {skMacro, skTemplate}:
-      result = addImplicitGeneric(newTypeS(tyAnything, c))
-      #result = addImplicitGenericImpl(newTypeS(tyGenericParam, c), nil)
   of tyGenericParam:
     markUsed(info, paramType.sym)
     styleCheckUse(info, paramType.sym)
@@ -996,7 +988,8 @@ proc semProcTypeNode(c: PContext, n, genericParams: PNode,
           # see tchainediterators
           # in cases like iterator foo(it: iterator): type(it)
           # we don't need to change the return type to iter[T]
-          if not r.isInlineIterator: r = newTypeWithSons(c, tyIter, @[r])
+          result.flags.incl tfIterator
+          # XXX Would be nice if we could get rid of this
       result.sons[0] = r
       result.n.typ = r
@@ -1151,7 +1144,7 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
     # for ``type(countup(1,3))``, see ``tests/ttoseq``.
     checkSonsLen(n, 1)
     let typExpr = semExprWithType(c, n.sons[0], {efInTypeof})
-    result = typExpr.typ.skipTypes({tyIter})
+    result = typExpr.typ
   of nkPar:
     if sonsLen(n) == 1: result = semTypeNode(c, n.sons[0], prev)
@@ -1169,6 +1162,14 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
       result = semTypeNode(c, b, prev)
     elif ident != nil and == ord(wDotDot):
       result = semRangeAux(c, n, prev)
+    elif n[0].kind == nkNilLit and n.len == 2:
+      result = semTypeNode(c, n.sons[1], prev)
+      if result.skipTypes({tyGenericInst}).kind in NilableTypes+GenericTypes:
+        if tfNotNil in result.flags:
+          result = freshType(result, prev)
+          result.flags.excl(tfNotNil)
+      else:
+        localError(, errGenerated, "invalid type")
     elif n[0].kind notin nkIdentKinds:
       result = semTypeExpr(c, n)
@@ -1209,7 +1210,7 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
       elif == ord(wType):
         checkSonsLen(n, 2)
         let typExpr = semExprWithType(c, n.sons[1], {efInTypeof})
-        result = typExpr.typ.skipTypes({tyIter})
+        result = typExpr.typ
         result = semTypeExpr(c, n)
   of nkWhenStmt:
@@ -1290,14 +1291,16 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
     result.flags.incl tfHasStatic
   of nkIteratorTy:
     if n.sonsLen == 0:
-      result = newConstraint(c, tyIter)
+      result = newTypeS(tyBuiltInTypeClass, c)
+      let child = newTypeS(tyProc, c)
+      child.flags.incl tfIterator
+      result.addSonSkipIntLit(child)
       result = semProcTypeWithScope(c, n, prev, skClosureIterator)
+      result.flags.incl(tfIterator)
       if n.lastSon.kind == nkPragma and hasPragma(n.lastSon, wInline):
-        result.kind = tyIter
         result.callConv = ccInline
-        result.flags.incl(tfIterator)
         result.callConv = ccClosure
   of nkProcTy:
     if n.sonsLen == 0:
diff --git a/compiler/semtypinst.nim b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
index 7957ac50a..20b60a88d 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypinst.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ proc cacheTypeInst*(inst: PType) =
   #      update the refcount
   let gt = inst.sons[0]
   let t = if gt.kind == tyGenericBody: gt.lastSon else: gt
-  if t.kind in {tyStatic, tyGenericParam, tyIter} + tyTypeClasses:
+  if t.kind in {tyStatic, tyGenericParam} + tyTypeClasses:
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsTAux(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   result = t
   if t == nil: return
-  if t.kind in {tyStatic, tyGenericParam, tyIter} + tyTypeClasses:
+  if t.kind in {tyStatic, tyGenericParam} + tyTypeClasses:
     let lookup = PType(idTableGet(cl.typeMap, t))
     if lookup != nil: return lookup
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index 9fda8c860..aee42e021 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -1256,10 +1256,6 @@ proc localConvMatch(c: PContext, m: var TCandidate, f, a: PType,
       result.typ = getInstantiatedType(c, arg, m, base(f))
     m.baseTypeMatch = true
-proc isInlineIterator*(t: PType): bool =
-  result = t.kind == tyIter or
-          (t.kind == tyBuiltInTypeClass and t.base.kind == tyIter)
 proc incMatches(m: var TCandidate; r: TTypeRelation; convMatch = 1) =
   case r
   of isConvertible, isIntConv: inc(m.convMatches, convMatch)
@@ -1323,13 +1319,6 @@ proc paramTypesMatchAux(m: var TCandidate, f, argType: PType,
       return argSemantized # argOrig
-  if r != isNone and f.isInlineIterator:
-    var inlined = newTypeS(tyStatic, c)
-    inlined.sons = @[argType]
-    inlined.n = argSemantized
-    put(m.bindings, f, inlined)
-    return argSemantized
   # If r == isBothMetaConvertible then we rerun typeRel.
   # bothMetaCounter is for safety to avoid any infinite loop,
   #  I don't have any example when it is needed.
diff --git a/compiler/transf.nim b/compiler/transf.nim
index 3d78a6b92..3a5ff982e 100644
--- a/compiler/transf.nim
+++ b/compiler/transf.nim
@@ -478,9 +478,8 @@ proc transformFor(c: PTransf, n: PNode): PTransNode =
     result[1] = newNode(nkEmpty).PTransNode
     return result
-  if call.typ.kind != tyIter and
-    (call.kind notin nkCallKinds or call.sons[0].kind != nkSym or
-      call.sons[0].sym.kind != skIterator):
+  if call.kind notin nkCallKinds or call.sons[0].kind != nkSym or
+      call.sons[0].sym.kind != skIterator:
     n.sons[length-1] = transformLoopBody(c, n.sons[length-1]).PNode
     result[1] = lambdalifting.liftForLoop(n).PTransNode
     discard c.breakSyms.pop
@@ -512,7 +511,6 @@ proc transformFor(c: PTransf, n: PNode): PTransNode =
   for i in countup(1, sonsLen(call) - 1):
     var arg = transform(c, call.sons[i]).PNode
     var formal = skipTypes(iter.typ, abstractInst).n.sons[i].sym
-    if arg.typ.kind == tyIter: continue
     case putArgInto(arg, formal.typ)
     of paDirectMapping:
       idNodeTablePut(newC.mapping, formal, arg)