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path: root/compiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
19 files changed, 41 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ast.nim b/compiler/ast.nim
index 673dae5e9..601e1663f 100755
--- a/compiler/ast.nim
+++ b/compiler/ast.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # abstract syntax tree + symbol table
-  msgs, nhashes, nversion, options, strutils, crc, ropes, idents, lists
+  msgs, hashes, nversion, options, strutils, crc, ropes, idents, lists
   ImportTablePos* = 0
diff --git a/compiler/astalgo.nim b/compiler/astalgo.nim
index 2bd04618d..fa01dabbf 100755
--- a/compiler/astalgo.nim
+++ b/compiler/astalgo.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # the data structures here are used in various places of the compiler.
-  ast, nhashes, strutils, options, msgs, ropes, idents, rodutils
+  ast, hashes, strutils, options, msgs, ropes, idents, rodutils
 proc hashNode*(p: PObject): THash
 proc treeToYaml*(n: PNode, indent: int = 0, maxRecDepth: int = - 1): PRope
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ proc getSymFromList(list: PNode, ident: PIdent, start: int = 0): PSym =
   result = nil
 proc hashNode(p: PObject): THash = 
-  result = hashPtr(cast[pointer](p))
+  result = hash(cast[pointer](p))
 proc mustRehash(length, counter: int): bool = 
   assert(length > counter)
diff --git a/compiler/ccgutils.nim b/compiler/ccgutils.nim
index e0f714594..294c1057c 100755
--- a/compiler/ccgutils.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgutils.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # This module declares some helpers for the C code generator.
-  ast, astalgo, ropes, lists, nhashes, strutils, types, msgs, wordrecg, 
+  ast, astalgo, ropes, lists, hashes, strutils, types, msgs, wordrecg, 
 proc whichPragma*(n: PNode): TSpecialWord = 
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index c89942be4..e549f1101 100755
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # than the old one. It also generates better code.
-  ast, astalgo, strutils, nhashes, trees, platform, magicsys, extccomp,
+  ast, astalgo, strutils, hashes, trees, platform, magicsys, extccomp,
   nversion, nimsets, msgs, crc, bitsets, idents, lists, types, ccgutils, os, 
   times, ropes, math, passes, rodread, wordrecg, treetab, cgmeth,
diff --git a/compiler/condsyms.nim b/compiler/condsyms.nim
index 7a7505511..9c95e8fcc 100755
--- a/compiler/condsyms.nim
+++ b/compiler/condsyms.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # This module handles the conditional symbols.
-  ast, astalgo, msgs, nhashes, platform, strutils, idents
+  ast, astalgo, msgs, hashes, platform, strutils, idents
 var gSymbols*: TStrTable
diff --git a/compiler/docgen.nim b/compiler/docgen.nim
index f51c8a8c1..cd7d459fd 100755
--- a/compiler/docgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/docgen.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #           The Nimrod Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # by knowing how the anchors are going to be named.
-  ast, astalgo, strutils, nhashes, options, nversion, msgs, os, ropes, idents, 
+  ast, astalgo, strutils, hashes, options, nversion, msgs, os, ropes, idents, 
   wordrecg, math, syntaxes, renderer, lexer, rst, times, highlite
 proc CommandDoc*(filename: string)
diff --git a/compiler/ecmasgen.nim b/compiler/ecmasgen.nim
index a46c2b805..dc87d1924 100755
--- a/compiler/ecmasgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/ecmasgen.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # code!**
-  ast, astalgo, strutils, nhashes, trees, platform, magicsys, extccomp,
+  ast, astalgo, strutils, hashes, trees, platform, magicsys, extccomp,
   options, nversion, nimsets, msgs, crc, bitsets, idents, lists, types, os,
   times, ropes, math, passes, ccgutils, wordrecg, renderer, rodread, rodutils
diff --git a/compiler/highlite.nim b/compiler/highlite.nim
index c343074e7..31c16f3a3 100755
--- a/compiler/highlite.nim
+++ b/compiler/highlite.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # The interface supports one language nested in another.
-  nhashes, options, msgs, strutils, platform, idents, lexbase, wordrecg, lexer
+  hashes, options, msgs, strutils, platform, idents, lexbase, wordrecg, lexer
   TTokenClass* = enum 
diff --git a/compiler/idents.nim b/compiler/idents.nim
index 13be258ba..422112e4f 100755
--- a/compiler/idents.nim
+++ b/compiler/idents.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # id. This module is essential for the compiler's performance.
-  nhashes, strutils
+  hashes, strutils
   TIdObj* = object of TObject
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ proc cmpExact(a, b: cstring, blen: int): int =
 proc getIdent(identifier: string): PIdent = 
   result = getIdent(cstring(identifier), len(identifier), 
-                    getNormalizedHash(identifier))
+                    hashIgnoreStyle(identifier))
 proc getIdent(identifier: string, h: THash): PIdent = 
   result = getIdent(cstring(identifier), len(identifier), h)
diff --git a/compiler/lexer.nim b/compiler/lexer.nim
index b38455eed..15f874bbd 100755
--- a/compiler/lexer.nim
+++ b/compiler/lexer.nim
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # DOS or Macintosh text files, even when it is not the native format.
-  nhashes, options, msgs, strutils, platform, idents, lexbase, llstream, 
+  hashes, options, msgs, strutils, platform, idents, lexbase, llstream, 
@@ -546,17 +546,17 @@ proc getSymbol(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
     var c = buf[pos]
     case c
     of 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '\x80'..'\xFF': 
-      h = concHash(h, ord(c))
+      h = h !& ord(c)
     of 'A'..'Z': 
       c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
-      h = concHash(h, ord(c))
-    of '_': 
+      h = h !& ord(c)
+    of '_':
       if buf[pos+1] notin SymChars: 
         lexMessage(L, errInvalidToken, "_")
     else: break 
-  h = finishHash(h)
+  h = !$h
   tok.ident = getIdent(addr(L.buf[L.bufpos]), pos - L.bufpos, h)
   L.bufpos = pos
   if ( < ord(tokKeywordLow) - ord(tkSymbol)) or
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ proc getSymbol(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
 proc endOperator(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, pos: int,
                  hash: THash) {.inline.} = 
-  var h = finishHash(hash)
+  var h = !$hash
   tok.ident = getIdent(addr(L.buf[L.bufpos]), pos - L.bufpos, h)
   if ( < oprLow) or ( > oprHigh): tok.tokType = tkOpr
   else: tok.tokType = TTokType( - oprLow + ord(tkColon))
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ proc getOperator(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   while true: 
     var c = buf[pos]
     if c notin OpChars: break
-    h = concHash(h, Ord(c))
+    h = h !& Ord(c)
   endOperator(L, tok, pos, h)
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ proc rawGetTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
       # '*:' is unfortunately a special case, because it is two tokens in 
       # 'var v*: int'.
       if L.buf[L.bufpos+1] == ':' and L.buf[L.bufpos+2] notin OpChars:
-        var h = concHash(0, ord('*'))
+        var h = 0 !& ord('*')
         endOperator(L, tok, L.bufpos+1, h)
         getOperator(L, tok)
diff --git a/compiler/magicsys.nim b/compiler/magicsys.nim
index 1d758dcde..19826d318 100755
--- a/compiler/magicsys.nim
+++ b/compiler/magicsys.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #           The Nimrod Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # Built-in types and compilerprocs are registered here.
-  ast, astalgo, nhashes, msgs, platform, nversion, times, idents, rodread
+  ast, astalgo, hashes, msgs, platform, nversion, times, idents, rodread
 var SystemModule*: PSym
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ proc getSysType(kind: TTypeKind): PType =
   if result == nil: InternalError("type not found: " & $kind)
 proc getCompilerProc(name: string): PSym = 
-  var ident = getIdent(name, getNormalizedHash(name))
+  var ident = getIdent(name, hashIgnoreStyle(name))
   result = StrTableGet(compilerprocs, ident)
   if result == nil: 
     result = StrTableGet(rodCompilerProcs, ident)
diff --git a/compiler/nhashes.nim b/compiler/nhashes.nim
deleted file mode 100755
index 181f46d55..000000000
--- a/compiler/nhashes.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#           The Nimrod Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-  strutils
-  SmallestSize* = (1 shl 3) - 1
-  DefaultSize* = (1 shl 11) - 1
-  BiggestSize* = (1 shl 28) - 1
-  THash* = int
-  PHash* = ref THash
-  THashFunc* = proc (str: cstring): THash
-proc concHash*(h: THash, val: int): THash {.inline.} = 
-  result = h +% val
-  result = result +% result shl 10
-  result = result xor (result shr 6)
-proc finishHash*(h: THash): THash {.inline.} = 
-  result = h +% h shl 3
-  result = result xor (result shr 11)
-  result = result +% result shl 15
-proc GetDataHash*(Data: Pointer, Size: int): THash = 
-  var 
-    h: THash
-    p: cstring
-    i, s: int
-  h = 0
-  p = cast[cstring](Data)
-  i = 0
-  s = size
-  while s > 0: 
-    h = h +% ord(p[i])
-    h = h +% h shl 10
-    h = h xor (h shr 6)
-    Inc(i)
-    Dec(s)
-  h = h +% h shl 3
-  h = h xor (h shr 11)
-  h = h +% h shl 15
-  result = THash(h)
-proc hashPtr*(p: Pointer): THash = 
-  result = (cast[THash](p)) shr 3 # skip the alignment
-proc GetHash*(str: cstring): THash = 
-  var 
-    h: THash
-    i: int
-  h = 0
-  i = 0
-  while str[i] != '\0': 
-    h = h +% ord(str[i])
-    h = h +% h shl 10
-    h = h xor (h shr 6)
-    Inc(i)
-  h = h +% h shl 3
-  h = h xor (h shr 11)
-  h = h +% h shl 15
-  result = THash(h)
-proc GetHashStr*(s: string): THash = 
-  var h: THash
-  h = 0
-  for i in countup(1, len(s)): 
-    h = h +% ord(s[i])
-    h = h +% h shl 10
-    h = h xor (h shr 6)
-  h = h +% h shl 3
-  h = h xor (h shr 11)
-  h = h +% h shl 15
-  result = THash(h)
-proc getNormalizedHash*(s: string): THash = 
-  var 
-    h: THash
-    c: Char
-  h = 0
-  for i in countup(0, len(s) + 0 - 1): 
-    c = s[i]
-    if c == '_': 
-      continue                # skip _
-    if c in {'A'..'Z'}: 
-      c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
-    h = h +% ord(c)
-    h = h +% h shl 10
-    h = h xor (h shr 6)
-  h = h +% h shl 3
-  h = h xor (h shr 11)
-  h = h +% h shl 15
-  result = THash(h)
-proc GetHashStrCI*(s: string): THash = 
-  var 
-    h: THash
-    c: Char
-  h = 0
-  for i in countup(0, len(s) + 0 - 1): 
-    c = s[i]
-    if c in {'A'..'Z'}: 
-      c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
-    h = h +% ord(c)
-    h = h +% h shl 10
-    h = h xor (h shr 6)
-  h = h +% h shl 3
-  h = h xor (h shr 11)
-  h = h +% h shl 15
-  result = THash(h)
-proc GetHashCI*(str: cstring): THash = 
-  var 
-    h: THash
-    c: Char
-    i: int
-  h = 0
-  i = 0
-  while str[i] != '\0': 
-    c = str[i]
-    if c in {'A'..'Z'}: 
-      c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
-    h = h +% ord(c)
-    h = h +% h shl 10
-    h = h xor (h shr 6)
-    Inc(i)
-  h = h +% h shl 3
-  h = h xor (h shr 11)
-  h = h +% h shl 15
-  result = THash(h)
diff --git a/compiler/nstrtabs.nim b/compiler/nstrtabs.nim
deleted file mode 100755
index cd30887c5..000000000
--- a/compiler/nstrtabs.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-# String tables.
-  os, nhashes, strutils
-  TStringTableMode* = enum 
-    modeCaseSensitive,        # the table is case sensitive
-    modeCaseInsensitive,      # the table is case insensitive
-    modeStyleInsensitive      # the table is style insensitive
-  TKeyValuePair* = tuple[key, val: string]
-  TKeyValuePairSeq* = seq[TKeyValuePair]
-  TStringTable* = object of TObject
-    counter*: int
-    data*: TKeyValuePairSeq
-    mode*: TStringTableMode
-  PStringTable* = ref TStringTable
-proc newStringTable*(keyValuePairs: openarray[string], 
-                     mode: TStringTableMode = modeCaseSensitive): PStringTable
-proc put*(t: PStringTable, key, val: string)
-proc get*(t: PStringTable, key: string): string
-proc hasKey*(t: PStringTable, key: string): bool
-proc length*(t: PStringTable): int
-  TFormatFlag* = enum 
-    useEnvironment,           # use environment variable if the ``$key``
-                              # is not found in the table
-    useEmpty,                 # use the empty string as a default, thus it
-                              # won't throw an exception if ``$key`` is not
-                              # in the table
-    useKey                    # do not replace ``$key`` if it is not found
-                              # in the table (or in the environment)
-  TFormatFlags* = set[TFormatFlag]
-proc `%`*(f: string, t: PStringTable, flags: TFormatFlags = {}): string
-# implementation
-  growthFactor = 2
-  startSize = 64
-proc newStringTable(keyValuePairs: openarray[string], 
-                    mode: TStringTableMode = modeCaseSensitive): PStringTable = 
-  new(result)
-  result.mode = mode
-  result.counter = 0
-  newSeq(, startSize)
-  var i = 0
-  while i < high(keyValuePairs): 
-    put(result, keyValuePairs[i], keyValuePairs[i + 1])
-    inc(i, 2)
-proc myhash(t: PStringTable, key: string): THash = 
-  case t.mode
-  of modeCaseSensitive: result = nhashes.GetHashStr(key)
-  of modeCaseInsensitive: result = nhashes.GetHashStrCI(key)
-  of modeStyleInsensitive: result = nhashes.getNormalizedHash(key)
-proc myCmp(t: PStringTable, a, b: string): bool = 
-  case t.mode
-  of modeCaseSensitive: result = cmp(a, b) == 0
-  of modeCaseInsensitive: result = cmpIgnoreCase(a, b) == 0
-  of modeStyleInsensitive: result = cmpIgnoreStyle(a, b) == 0
-proc mustRehash(length, counter: int): bool = 
-  assert(length > counter)
-  result = (length * 2 < counter * 3) or (length - counter < 4)
-proc length(t: PStringTable): int = 
-  result = t.counter
-proc nextTry(h, maxHash: THash): THash = 
-  result = ((5 * h) + 1) and maxHash
-  # For any initial h in range(maxHash), repeating that maxHash times
-  # generates each int in range(maxHash) exactly once (see any text on
-  # random-number generation for proof).
-proc RawGet(t: PStringTable, key: string): int = 
-  var h = myhash(t, key) and high( # start with real hash value
-  while not isNil([h].key): 
-    if mycmp(t,[h].key, key): 
-      return h
-    h = nextTry(h, high(
-  result = - 1
-proc get(t: PStringTable, key: string): string = 
-  var index = RawGet(t, key)
-  if index >= 0: result =[index].val
-  else: result = ""
-proc hasKey(t: PStringTable, key: string): bool = 
-  result = rawGet(t, key) >= 0
-proc RawInsert(t: PStringTable, data: var TKeyValuePairSeq, key, val: string) = 
-  var h = myhash(t, key) and high(data)
-  while not isNil(data[h].key): 
-    h = nextTry(h, high(data))
-  data[h].key = key
-  data[h].val = val
-proc Enlarge(t: PStringTable) = 
-  var n: TKeyValuePairSeq
-  newSeq(n, len( * growthFactor)
-  for i in countup(0, high( 
-    if not isNil([i].key): RawInsert(t, n,[i].key,[i].val)
-  swap(, n)
-proc Put(t: PStringTable, key, val: string) = 
-  var index = RawGet(t, key)
-  if index >= 0: 
-[index].val = val
-  else: 
-    if mustRehash(len(, t.counter): Enlarge(t)
-    RawInsert(t,, key, val)
-    inc(t.counter)
-proc RaiseFormatException(s: string) = 
-  var e: ref EInvalidValue
-  new(e)
-  e.msg = "format string: key not found: " & s
-  raise e
-proc getValue(t: PStringTable, flags: TFormatFlags, key: string): string = 
-  if hasKey(t, key): return get(t, key)
-  if useEnvironment in flags: result = os.getEnv(key)
-  else: result = ""
-  if result.len == 0: 
-    if useKey in flags: result = '$' & key
-    elif not (useEmpty in flags): raiseFormatException(key)
-proc `%`(f: string, t: PStringTable, flags: TFormatFlags = {}): string = 
-  const 
-    PatternChars = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
-  result = ""
-  var i = 0
-  while i <= len(f) + 0 - 1: 
-    if f[i] == '$': 
-      case f[i + 1]
-      of '$': 
-        add(result, '$')
-        inc(i, 2)
-      of '{': 
-        var j = i + 1
-        while (j <= len(f) + 0 - 1) and (f[j] != '}'): inc(j)
-        var key = substr(f, i + 2 + 0 - 1, j - 1 + 0 - 1)
-        add(result, getValue(t, flags, key))
-        i = j + 1
-      of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF', '_': 
-        var j = i + 1
-        while (j <= len(f) + 0 - 1) and (f[j] in PatternChars): inc(j)
-        var key = substr(f, i + 1 + 0 - 1, j - 1 + 0 - 1)
-        add(result, getValue(t, flags, key))
-        i = j
-      else: 
-        add(result, f[i])
-        inc(i)
-    else: 
-      add(result, f[i])
-      inc(i)
diff --git a/compiler/options.nim b/compiler/options.nim
index b4ee8cf67..d7025e6f7 100755
--- a/compiler/options.nim
+++ b/compiler/options.nim
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-  os, lists, strutils, nstrtabs
+  os, lists, strutils, strtabs
   hasTinyCBackend* = defined(tinyc)
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ proc existsConfigVar(key: string): bool =
   result = hasKey(gConfigVars, key)
 proc getConfigVar(key: string): string = 
-  result = nstrtabs.get(gConfigVars, key)
+  result = gConfigVars[key]
 proc setConfigVar(key, val: string) = 
-  nstrtabs.put(gConfigVars, key, val)
+  gConfigVars[key] = val
 proc getOutFile*(filename, ext: string): string = 
   if options.outFile != "": result = options.outFile
@@ -204,4 +204,4 @@ proc binaryStrSearch(x: openarray[string], y: string): int =
       return mid
   result = - 1
-gConfigVars = newStringTable([], modeStyleInsensitive)
+gConfigVars = newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive)
diff --git a/compiler/ropes.nim b/compiler/ropes.nim
index 01ca5c81e..36ac3ecf7 100755
--- a/compiler/ropes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ropes.nim
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
-  msgs, strutils, platform, nhashes, crc
+  msgs, strutils, platform, hashes, crc
   CacheLeafs* = true
diff --git a/compiler/rst.nim b/compiler/rst.nim
index 85b0cf54e..53079ebed 100755
--- a/compiler/rst.nim
+++ b/compiler/rst.nim
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # subset is provided.
-  os, msgs, strutils, platform, nhashes, ropes, options
+  os, msgs, strutils, platform, hashes, ropes, options
   TRstNodeKind* = enum 
diff --git a/compiler/sem.nim b/compiler/sem.nim
index 2e63ea2ef..143d740be 100755
--- a/compiler/sem.nim
+++ b/compiler/sem.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # This module implements the semantic checking pass.
-  strutils, nhashes, lists, options, lexer, ast, astalgo, trees, treetab, 
+  strutils, hashes, lists, options, lexer, ast, astalgo, trees, treetab, 
   wordrecg, ropes, msgs, os, condsyms, idents, renderer, types, platform, math, 
   magicsys, parser, nversion, nimsets, semdata, evals, semfold, importer, 
   procfind, lookups, rodread, pragmas, passes, semtypinst, sigmatch, suggest
diff --git a/compiler/treetab.nim b/compiler/treetab.nim
index 92a329ecc..e8fc39be9 100755
--- a/compiler/treetab.nim
+++ b/compiler/treetab.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # Implements a table from trees to trees. Does structural equavilent checking.
-  nhashes, ast, astalgo, types
+  hashes, ast, astalgo, types
 proc hashTree(n: PNode): THash = 
   if n == nil: return 
@@ -19,20 +19,20 @@ proc hashTree(n: PNode): THash =
   of nkEmpty, nkNilLit, nkType: 
   of nkIdent: 
-    result = concHash(result, n.ident.h)
-  of nkSym: 
-    result = concHash(result,
+    result = result !& n.ident.h
+  of nkSym:
+    result = result !&
   of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit: 
     if (n.intVal >= low(int)) and (n.intVal <= high(int)): 
-      result = concHash(result, int(n.intVal))
-  of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: 
+      result = result !& int(n.intVal)
+  of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit:
     if (n.floatVal >= - 1000000.0) and (n.floatVal <= 1000000.0): 
-      result = concHash(result, toInt(n.floatVal))
+      result = result !& toInt(n.floatVal)
   of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: 
-    result = concHash(result, GetHashStr(n.strVal))
+    result = result !& hash(n.strVal)
     for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
-      result = concHash(result, hashTree(n.sons[i]))
+      result = result !& hashTree(n.sons[i])
 proc TreesEquivalent(a, b: PNode): bool = 
   if a == b: 
diff --git a/compiler/wordrecg.nim b/compiler/wordrecg.nim
index 67c5b9542..ff336f1c0 100755
--- a/compiler/wordrecg.nim
+++ b/compiler/wordrecg.nim
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 # be slow and unreadable.
-  nhashes, strutils, idents
+  hashes, strutils, idents
 # Keywords must be kept sorted and within a range
@@ -124,6 +124,6 @@ proc whichKeyword*(id: String): TSpecialWord =
 proc initSpecials() = 
   # initialize the keywords:
   for s in countup(succ(low(specialWords)), high(specialWords)): 
-    getIdent(specialWords[s], getNormalizedHash(specialWords[s])).id = ord(s)
+    getIdent(specialWords[s], hashIgnoreStyle(specialWords[s])).id = ord(s)