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path: root/doc/backends.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/backends.rst')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/backends.rst b/doc/backends.rst
index ef30971c9..a85b39e5e 100644
--- a/doc/backends.rst
+++ b/doc/backends.rst
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ form the Nim code, then link them into a static binary along your main C
   $ nim c --noMain --noLinking --header:fib.h fib.nim
-  $ gcc -o m -Inimcache -Ipath/to/nim/lib nimcache/*.c maths.c
+  $ gcc -o m -I$HOME/.cache/nim/fib_d -Ipath/to/nim/lib $HOME/.cache/nim/fib_d/*.c maths.c
 The first command runs the Nim compiler with three special options to avoid
 generating a ``main()`` function in the generated files, avoid linking the
102'>102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
#           The Nim Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

import std/[os, strutils, parseopt]
when defined(windows) and not defined(nimKochBootstrap):
  # remove workaround pending bootstrap >= 1.5.1
  # refs
  # alternative would be to prepend `currentSourcePath.parentDir.quoteShell`
  when defined(gcc):
    when defined(x86):
      {.link: "../icons/nim.res".}
      {.link: "../icons/nim_icon.o".}

  when defined(amd64) and defined(vcc):
    {.link: "../icons/nim-amd64-windows-vcc.res".}
  when defined(i386) and defined(vcc):
    {.link: "../icons/nim-i386-windows-vcc.res".}

  commands, options, msgs, extccomp, main, idents, lineinfos, cmdlinehelper,
  pathutils, modulegraphs

from browsers import openDefaultBrowser
from nodejs import findNodeJs

when hasTinyCBackend:
  import tccgen

when defined(profiler) or defined(memProfiler):
  {.hint: "Profiling support is turned on!".}
  import nimprof

proc processCmdLine(pass: TCmdLinePass, cmd: string; config: ConfigRef) =
  var p = parseopt.initOptParser(cmd)
  var argsCount = 0

  config.commandLine.setLen 0
    # bugfix: otherwise, config.commandLine ends up duplicated

  while true:
    case p.kind
    of cmdEnd: break
    of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
      config.commandLine.add " "
      config.commandLine.addCmdPrefix p.kind
      config.commandLine.add p.key.quoteShell # quoteShell to be future proof
      if p.val.len > 0:
        config.commandLine.add ':'
        config.commandLine.add p.val.quoteShell

      if p.key == "": # `-` was passed to indicate main project is stdin
        p.key = "-"
        if processArgument(pass, p, argsCount, config): break
        processSwitch(pass, p, config)
    of cmdArgument:
      config.commandLine.add " "
      config.commandLine.add p.key.quoteShell
      if processArgument(pass, p, argsCount, config): break
  if pass == passCmd2:
    if {optRun, optWasNimscript} * config.globalOptions == {} and
        config.arguments.len > 0 and config.cmd notin {cmdTcc, cmdNimscript, cmdCrun}:
      rawMessage(config, errGenerated, errArgsNeedRunOption)

proc getNimRunExe(conf: ConfigRef): string =
  # xxx consider defining `conf.getConfigVar("nimrun.exe")` to allow users to
  # customize the binary to run the command with, e.g. for custom `nodejs` or `wine`.
  if conf.isDefined("mingw"):
    if conf.isDefined("i386"): result = "wine"
    elif conf.isDefined("amd64"): result = "wine64"

proc handleCmdLine(cache: IdentCache; conf: ConfigRef) =
  let self = NimProg(
    supportsStdinFile: true,
    processCmdLine: processCmdLine
  self.initDefinesProg(conf, "nim_compiler")
  if paramCount() == 0:

  var graph = newModuleGraph(cache, conf)
  if not self.loadConfigsAndProcessCmdLine(cache, conf, graph):
  if conf.hasHint(hintGCStats): echo(GC_getStatistics())
  if conf.errorCounter != 0: return
  when hasTinyCBackend:
    if conf.cmd == cmdTcc:, conf.arguments)
  if optRun in conf.globalOptions:
    let output = conf.absOutFile
    case conf.cmd
    of cmdBackends, cmdTcc:
      let nimRunExe = getNimRunExe(conf)
      var cmdPrefix: string
      if nimRunExe.len > 0: cmdPrefix.add nimRunExe.quoteShell
      case conf.backend
      of backendC, backendCpp, backendObjc: discard
      of backendJs:
        # D20210217T215950:here this flag is needed for node < v15.0.0, otherwise
        # tasyncjs_fail` would fail, refs
        if cmdPrefix.len == 0: cmdPrefix = findNodeJs().quoteShell
        cmdPrefix.add " --unhandled-rejections=strict"
      else: doAssert false, $conf.backend
      if cmdPrefix.len > 0: cmdPrefix.add " "
        # without the `cmdPrefix.len > 0` check, on windows you'd get a cryptic:
        # `The parameter is incorrect`
      execExternalProgram(conf, cmdPrefix & output.quoteShell & ' ' & conf.arguments)
    of cmdDocLike, cmdRst2html, cmdRst2tex: # bugfix(cmdRst2tex was missing)
      if conf.arguments.len > 0:
        # reserved for future use
        rawMessage(conf, errGenerated, "'$1 cannot handle arguments" % [$conf.cmd])
      # support as needed
      rawMessage(conf, errGenerated, "'$1 cannot handle --run" % [$conf.cmd])

when declared(GC_setMaxPause):
  GC_setMaxPause 2_000

when compileOption("gc", "refc"):
  # the new correct mark&sweet collector is too slow :-/

when not defined(selftest):
  let conf = newConfigRef()
  handleCmdLine(newIdentCache(), conf)
  when declared(GC_setMaxPause):
    echo GC_getStatistics()
  msgQuit(int8(conf.errorCounter > 0))