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2 files changed, 55 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/doc/grammar.txt b/doc/grammar.txt
index 4ab5845a8..837a93003 100755
--- a/doc/grammar.txt
+++ b/doc/grammar.txt
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
 module ::= ([COMMENT] [SAD] stmt)*
 comma ::= ',' [COMMENT] [IND]
-operator ::= OP0 | OR | XOR | AND | OP3 | OP4 | OP5 | OP6 | OP7
+operator ::= OP1 | OP2 | OP3 | OP4 | OP5 | OP6 | OP7 | OP8 | OP9
+           | 'or' | 'xor' | 'and'
            | 'is' | 'isnot' | 'in' | 'notin'
-           | 'div' | 'mod' | 'shl' | 'shr' | 'not'
+           | 'div' | 'mod' | 'shl' | 'shr' | 'not' | '..'
-prefixOperator ::= OP0 | OP3 | OP4 | OP5 | OP6 | OP7 | 'not'
+prefixOperator ::= operator
 optInd ::= [COMMENT] [IND]
 optPar ::= [IND] | [SAD]
-lowestExpr ::= otherExpr ('..' optInd otherExpr)*
-otherExpr ::= orExpr (OP0 optInd orExpr)*
-orExpr ::= andExpr (OR | 'xor' optInd andExpr)*
-andExpr ::= cmpExpr ('and' optInd cmpExpr)*
-cmpExpr ::= ampExpr (OP3 | 'is' | 'isnot' | 'in' | 'notin' optInd ampExpr)*
-ampExpr ::= plusExpr (OP4 optInd plusExpr)*
-plusExpr ::= mulExpr (OP5 optInd mulExpr)*
-mulExpr ::= dollarExpr (OP6 | 'div' | 'mod' | 'shl' | 'shr' optInd dollarExpr)*
-dollarExpr ::= primary (OP7 optInd primary)*
+lowestExpr ::= orExpr (OP1 optInd orExpr)*
+orExpr ::= andExpr (OP2 optInd andExpr)*
+andExpr ::= cmpExpr (OP3 optInd cmpExpr)*
+cmpExpr ::= sliceExpr (OP4 optInd sliceExpr)*
+sliceExpr ::= ampExpr (OP5 optInd ampExpr)*
+ampExpr ::= plusExpr (OP6 optInd plusExpr)*
+plusExpr ::= mulExpr (OP7 optInd mulExpr)*
+mulExpr ::= dollarExpr (OP8 optInd dollarExpr)*
+dollarExpr ::= primary (OP9 optInd primary)*
-indexExpr ::= '..' [expr] | expr ['=' expr]
+indexExpr ::= expr ['=' expr]
 castExpr ::= 'cast' '[' optInd typeDesc optPar ']' '(' optInd expr optPar ')'
 addrExpr ::= 'addr' '(' optInd expr optPar ')'
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ caseStmt ::= 'case' expr [':'] ('of' exprList ':' stmt)*
                                ('elif' expr ':' stmt)*
                                ['else' ':' stmt]
 whileStmt ::= 'while' expr ':' stmt
-forStmt ::= 'for' symbol (comma symbol)* 'in' expr ['..' expr] ':' stmt
+forStmt ::= 'for' symbol (comma symbol)* 'in' expr ':' stmt
 exceptList ::= [qualifiedIdent (comma qualifiedIdent)*]
 tryStmt ::= 'try' ':' stmt
diff --git a/doc/manual.txt b/doc/manual.txt
index f9c1fe333..e230861fb 100755
--- a/doc/manual.txt
+++ b/doc/manual.txt
@@ -346,29 +346,38 @@ notation:

 is approximately 1.72826e35 according to the IEEE floating point standard.


+In Nimrod one can define his own operators. An `operator`:idx: is any

+combination of the following characters::


+       =     +     -     *     /     <     >

+       @     $     ~     &     %     |

+       !     ?     ^     .     :     \


+These keywords are also operators:

+``and or not xor shl shr div mod in notin is isnot``.
+`=`:tok:, `:`:tok:, `::`:tok: are not available as general operators; they
+are used for other notational purposes. 
+``*:`` is as a special case the two tokens `*`:tok: and `:`:tok:
+(to support ``var v*: T``).


 Other tokens



 The following strings denote other tokens::


-       (     )     {     }     [     ]     ,  ;   [.    .]  {.   .}  (.  .)

-       :     =     ^     ..    `


-`..`:tok: takes precedence over other tokens that contain a dot: `{..}`:tok: are

-the three tokens `{`:tok:, `..`:tok:, `}`:tok: and not the two tokens

-`{.`:tok:, `.}`:tok:.


-In Nimrod one can define his own operators. An `operator`:idx: is any

-combination of the following characters that is not listed above::


-       +     -     *     /     <     >

-       =     @     $     ~     &     %

-       !     ?     ^     .     |     \


-These keywords are also operators:

-``and or not xor shl shr div mod in notin is isnot``.

+    `   (     )     {     }     [     ]     ,  ;   [.    .]  {.   .}  (.  .)

+The `slice`:idx: operator `..`:tok: takes precedence over other tokens that 
+contain a dot: `{..}`:tok: are the three tokens `{`:tok:, `..`:tok:, `}`:tok: 
+and not the two tokens `{.`:tok:, `.}`:tok:.




@@ -378,7 +387,7 @@ This section lists Nimrod's standard syntax in ENBF. How the parser receives
 indentation tokens is already described in the `Lexical Analysis`_ section.


 Nimrod allows user-definable operators.

-Binary operators have 8 different levels of precedence. For user-defined

+Binary operators have 9 different levels of precedence. For user-defined

 operators, the precedence depends on the first character the operator consists

 of. All binary operators are left-associative, except binary operators starting

 with (or only consisting of) ``^``.

@@ -386,14 +395,15 @@ with (or only consisting of) ``^``.
 ================  ==============================================  ==================  ===============

 Precedence level    Operators                                     First characters    Terminal symbol

 ================  ==============================================  ==================  ===============

-  7 (highest)                                                     ``$  ^``            OP7

-  6               ``*    /    div   mod   shl  shr  %``           ``* % \  /``        OP6

-  5               ``+    -``                                      ``+  ~  |``         OP5

-  4               ``&``                                           ``&``               OP4

-  3               ``==  <= < >= > !=  in  not_in  is  isnot``     ``= <  > !``        OP3

-  2               ``and``                                                             OP2

-  1               ``or xor``                                                          OP1

-  0 (lowest)                                                      ``? @  ` : .``      OP0

+  9 (highest)                                                     ``$  ^``            OP9

+  8               ``*    /    div   mod   shl  shr  %``           ``* % \  /``        OP8

+  7               ``+    -``                                      ``+  ~  |``         OP7

+  6               ``&``                                           ``&``               OP6
+  5               ``..``                                          ``.``               OP5

+  4               ``==  <= < >= > !=  in not_in is isnot not``    ``= <  > !``        OP4

+  3               ``and``                                                             OP3

+  2               ``or xor``                                                          OP2

+  1 (lowest)                                                      `` @  : ? ``        OP1

 ================  ==============================================  ==================  ===============



@@ -2948,7 +2958,11 @@ string expressions in general:
   proc myImport(s: cstring) {.cdecl, importc, dynlib: getDllName().}


 **Note**: Patterns like ``libtcl(|8.5|8.4).so`` are only supported in constant

-strings, because they are precompiled.

+strings, because they are precompiled.
+**Note**: Passing variables to the ``dynlib`` pragma will fail at runtime 
+because of order of initialization problems.


 Dynlib pragma for export
