summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/koch.nim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'koch.nim')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/koch.nim b/koch.nim
index 1e78abbca..57948f839 100644
--- a/koch.nim
+++ b/koch.nim
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ Options:
   --help, -h               shows this help and quits
 Possible Commands:
   boot [options]           bootstraps with given command line options
-  install [bindir]         installs to given directory; Unix only!
+  finish                   setup PATH and check for a valid GCC installation
+  distrohelper [bindir]    helper for distro packagers
   geninstall               generate ./; Unix only!
   testinstall              test tar.xz package; Unix only! Only for devs!
   clean                    cleans Nim project; removes generated files
@@ -52,8 +53,6 @@ Possible Commands:
   xz                       builds the installation XZ package
   nsis [options]           builds the NSIS Setup installer (for Windows)
   tests [options]          run the testsuite
-  update                   updates nim to the latest version from github
-                           (compile koch with -d:withUpdate to enable)
   temp options             creates a temporary compiler for testing
   winrelease               creates a release (for coredevs only)
 Boot options:
@@ -211,10 +210,6 @@ proc geninstall(args="") =
   exec("$# cc -r $# --var:version=$# --var:mingw=none --main:compiler/nim.nim scripts compiler/installer.ini $#" %
        [findNim(), compileNimInst, VersionAsString, args])
-proc install(args: string) =
-  geninstall()
-  exec("sh ./ $#" % args)
 proc web(args: string) =
   exec("$# js tools/dochack/dochack.nim" % findNim())
   exec("$# cc -r tools/nimweb.nim $# web/website.ini --putenv:nimversion=$#" %
@@ -321,67 +316,6 @@ proc clean(args: string) =
       echo "removing dir: ", path
-# -------------- update -------------------------------------------------------
-when defined(withUpdate):
-  when defined(windows):
-    {.warning: "Windows users: Make sure to run 'koch update' in Bash.".}
-  proc update(args: string) =
-    when defined(windows):
-      echo("Windows users: Make sure to be running this in Bash. ",
-           "If you aren't, press CTRL+C now.")
-    var thisDir = getAppDir()
-    var git = findExe("git")
-    echo("Checking for git repo and git executable...")
-    if existsDir(thisDir & "/.git") and git != "":
-      echo("Git repo found!")
-      # use git to download latest source
-      echo("Checking for updates...")
-      discard startCmd(git & " fetch origin master")
-      var procs = startCmd(git & " diff origin/master master")
-      var errcode = procs.waitForExit()
-      var output = readLine(procs.outputStream)
-      echo(output)
-      if errcode == 0:
-        if output == "":
-          # No changes
-          echo("No update. Exiting...")
-          return
-        else:
-          echo("Fetching updates from repo...")
-          var pullout = execCmdEx(git & " pull origin master")
-          if pullout[1] != 0:
-            quit("An error has occurred.")
-          else:
-            if pullout[0].startsWith("Already up-to-date."):
-              quit("No new changes fetched from the repo. " &
-                   "Local branch must be ahead of it. Exiting...")
-      else:
-        quit("An error has occurred.")
-    else:
-      echo("No repo or executable found!")
-      when defined(haveZipLib):
-        echo("Falling back.. Downloading source code from repo...")
-        # use dom96's httpclient to download zip
-        downloadFile("",
-                     thisDir / "")
-        try:
-          echo("Extracting source code from archive...")
-          var zip: TZipArchive
-          discard open(zip, thisDir & "/", fmRead)
-          extractAll(zip, thisDir & "/")
-        except:
-          quit("Error reading archive.")
-      else:
-        quit("No failback available. Exiting...")
-    echo("Starting update...")
-    boot(args)
-    echo("Update complete!")
 # -------------- builds a release ---------------------------------------------
@@ -401,6 +335,159 @@ proc run7z(platform: string, patterns: varargs[string]) =
 proc winRelease() =
   exec(r"call ci\nsis_build.bat " & VersionAsString)
+# -------------- post unzip steps ---------------------------------------------
+when defined(windows):
+  import registry
+  proc askBool(m: string): bool =
+    stdout.write m
+    while true:
+      let answer = stdin.readLine().normalize
+      case answer
+      of "y", "yes":
+        return true
+      of "n", "no":
+        return false
+      else:
+        echo "Please type 'y' or 'n'"
+  proc askNumber(m: string; a, b: int): int =
+    stdout.write m
+    stdout.write " [" & $a & ".." & $b & "] "
+    while true:
+      let answer = stdin.readLine()
+      try:
+        result = parseInt answer
+        if result < a or result > b:
+          raise newException(ValueError, "number out of range")
+        break
+      except ValueError:
+        echo "Please type in a number between ", a, " and ", b
+  proc patchConfig(mingw: string) =
+    const
+      cfgFile = "config/nim.cfg"
+      lookFor = """#gcc.path = r"$nim\dist\mingw\bin""""
+      replacePattern = """gcc.path = r"$1""""
+    try:
+      let cfg = readFile(cfgFile)
+      let newCfg = cfg.replace(lookFor, replacePattern % mingw)
+      if newCfg == cfg:
+        echo "Could not patch 'config/nim.cfg' [Error]"
+        echo "Reason: patch substring not found:"
+        echo lookFor
+      else:
+        writeFile(cfgFile, newCfg)
+    except IOError:
+      echo "Could not access 'config/nim.cfg' [Error]"
+  proc addToPathEnv(e: string) =
+    let p = getUnicodeValue(r"Environment", "Path", HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
+    let x = if e.contains(Whitespace): "\"" & e & "\"" else: e
+    setUnicodeValue(r"Environment", "Path", p & ";" & x, HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
+  proc createShortcut(src, dest: string; icon = "") =
+    var cmd = "bin\\makelink.exe \"" & src & "\" \"\" \"" & dest &
+         ".lnk\" \"\" 1 \"" & splitFile(src).dir & "\""
+    if icon.len != 0:
+      cmd.add " \"" & icon & "\" 0"
+    discard execShellCmd(cmd)
+  proc createStartMenuEntry() =
+    let appdata = getEnv("APPDATA")
+    if appdata.len == 0: return
+    let dest = appdata & r"\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Nim-" &
+               VersionAsString
+    if dirExists(dest): return
+    if askBool("Would like to add Nim-" & VersionAsString &
+               " to your start menu? (y/n) "):
+      createDir(dest)
+      createShortcut(getCurrentDir() / "start.bat", dest / "Nim",
+                     getCurrentDir() / r"icons\nim.ico")
+      if fileExists("doc/overview.html"):
+        createShortcut(getCurrentDir() / "doc" / "overview.html",
+                       dest / "Overview")
+      if dirExists(r"dist\aporia-0.4.0"):
+        createShortcut(getCurrentDir() / r"dist\aporia-0.4.0\bin\aporia.exe",
+                       dest / "Aporia")
+  proc checkGccArch(mingw: string): bool =
+    let gccExe = mingw / r"gcc.exe"
+    if fileExists(gccExe):
+      try:
+        let arch = execProcess(gccExe, ["-dumpmachine"], nil, {poStdErrToStdOut,
+                                                               poUsePath})
+        when hostCPU == "i386":
+          result = arch.startsWith("i686-")
+        elif hostCPU == "amd64":
+          result = arch.startsWith("x86_64-")
+        else:
+          {.error: "Unknown CPU for Windows.".}
+      except OSError, IOError:
+        result = false
+  proc tryDirs(dirs: varargs[string]): string =
+    let bits = $(sizeof(pointer)*8)
+    for d in dirs:
+      if dirExists d:
+        let x = expandFilename(d / "bin")
+        if checkGccArch(x): return x
+      elif dirExists(d & bits):
+        let x = expandFilename((d & bits) / "bin")
+        if checkGccArch(x): return x
+proc finish() =
+  when defined(windows):
+    let desiredPath = expandFilename(getCurrentDir() / "bin")
+    let p = getUnicodeValue(r"Environment", "Path",
+    var alreadyInPath = false
+    var mingWchoices: seq[string] = @[]
+    for x in p.split(';'):
+      let y = expandFilename(if x[0] == '"' and x[^1] == '"':
+                  substr(x, 1, x.len-2) else: x)
+      if y == desiredPath: alreadyInPath = true
+      if y.toLowerAscii.contains("mingw"):
+        if dirExists(y) and checkGccArch(y):
+          mingWchoices.add y
+    if alreadyInPath:
+      echo "bin/nim.exe is already in your PATH [Skipping]"
+    else:
+      if askBool("nim.exe is not in your PATH environment variable.\n" &
+          " Should it be added permanently? (y/n) "):
+        addToPathEnv(desiredPath)
+    if mingWchoices.len == 0:
+      # No mingw in path, so try a few locations:
+      let alternative = tryDirs("dist/mingw", "../mingw", r"C:\mingw")
+      if alternative.len == 0:
+        echo "No MingW found in PATH and no candidate found " &
+            " in the standard locations [Error]"
+      else:
+        if askBool("Found a MingW directory that is not in your PATH.\n" &
+                   alternative &
+                   "\nShould it be added to your PATH permanently? (y/n) "):
+          addToPathEnv(alternative)
+        elif askBool("Do you want to patch Nim's config to use this? (y/n) "):
+          patchConfig(alternative)
+    elif mingWchoices.len == 1:
+      if askBool("MingW installation found at " & mingWchoices[0] & "\n" &
+         "Do you want to patch Nim's config to use this?\n" &
+         "(Not required since it's in your PATH!) (y/n) "):
+        patchConfig(mingWchoices[0])
+    else:
+      echo "Multiple MingW installations found: "
+      for i in 0..high(mingWchoices):
+        echo "[", i, "] ", mingWchoices[i]
+      if askBool("Do you want to patch Nim's config to use one of these? (y/n) "):
+        let idx = askNumber("Which one do you want to use for Nim? ",
+            1, len(mingWchoices))
+        patchConfig(mingWchoices[idx-1])
+    createStartMenuEntry()
+  else:
+    echo("Add ", getCurrentDir(), "/bin to your PATH...")
 # -------------- tests --------------------------------------------------------
 template `|`(a, b): string = (if a.len > 0: a else: b)
@@ -440,6 +527,7 @@ of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption: showHelp()
 of cmdArgument:
   case normalize(op.key)
   of "boot": boot(op.cmdLineRest)
+  of "finish": finish()
   of "clean": clean(op.cmdLineRest)
   of "web": web(op.cmdLineRest)
   of "json2": web("--json2 " & op.cmdLineRest)
@@ -453,14 +541,9 @@ of cmdArgument:
   of "xz": xz(op.cmdLineRest)
   of "nsis": nsis(op.cmdLineRest)
   of "geninstall": geninstall(op.cmdLineRest)
-  of "install": install(op.cmdLineRest)
+  of "distrohelper": geninstall()
   of "testinstall": testUnixInstall()
   of "test", "tests": tests(op.cmdLineRest)
-  of "update":
-    when defined(withUpdate):
-      update(op.cmdLineRest)
-    else:
-      quit "this Koch has not been compiled with -d:withUpdate"
   of "temp": temp(op.cmdLineRest)
   of "winrelease": winRelease()
   else: showHelp()