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path: root/lib/core/marshal.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/core/marshal.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/lib/core/marshal.nim b/lib/core/marshal.nim
deleted file mode 100755
index 26264b1a8..000000000
--- a/lib/core/marshal.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@


-#            Nimrod's Runtime Library

-#        (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf


-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this

-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.



-## This module contains procs for serialization and deseralization of 

-## arbitrary Nimrod data structures. XXX This is not implemented yet!


-import streams


-proc load*[T](s: PStream, data: var T) =

-  ## loads `data` from the stream `s`. Raises `EIO` in case of an error.


-proc store*[T](s: PStream, data: T) =

-  ## stores `data` into the stream `s`. Raises `EIO` in case of an error.




-  TTypeInfo = distinct whatever


-  TValue = object

-    t: TTypeInfo

-    x: pointer



-proc rtti[T](x: T): TTypeInfo {.magic: "rtti".}


-proc `[]` (a: TValue, i: int): TValue = 

-  ## works for arrays, objects, etc.


-proc `[]=` (a: TValue, i: int, x: TValue) = 

-  ## 





-proc reprPointer(x: pointer): string {.compilerproc.} =

-  var buf: array [0..59, char]

-  c_sprintf(buf, "%p", x)

-  return $buf


-proc reprStrAux(result: var string, s: string) =

-  if cast[pointer](s) == nil:

-    add result, "nil"

-    return

-  add result, reprPointer(cast[pointer](s)) & "\""

-  for c in items(s):

-    case c

-    of '"': add result, "\\\""

-    of '\\': add result, "\\\\" # BUGFIX: forgotten

-    of '\10': add result, "\\10\"\n\"" # " \n " # better readability

-    of '\128' .. '\255', '\0'..'\9', '\11'..'\31':

-      add result, "\\" & reprInt(ord(c))

-    else: result.add(c)

-  add result, "\""


-proc reprStr(s: string): string {.compilerRtl.} =

-  result = ""

-  reprStrAux(result, s)


-proc reprBool(x: bool): string {.compilerRtl.} =

-  if x: result = "true"

-  else: result = "false"


-proc reprChar(x: char): string {.compilerRtl.} =

-  result = "\'"

-  case x

-  of '"': add result, "\\\""

-  of '\\': add result, "\\\\"

-  of '\128' .. '\255', '\0'..'\31': add result, "\\" & reprInt(ord(x))

-  else: add result, x

-  add result, "\'"


-proc reprEnum(e: int, typ: PNimType): string {.compilerRtl.} =

-  if e <% typ.node.len: # BUGFIX

-    result = $typ.node.sons[e].name

-  else:

-    result = $e & " (invalid data!)"



-  pbyteArray = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, byte]


-proc addSetElem(result: var string, elem: int, typ: PNimType) =

-  case typ.kind

-  of tyEnum: add result, reprEnum(elem, typ)

-  of tyBool: add result, reprBool(bool(elem))

-  of tyChar: add result, reprChar(chr(elem))

-  of tyRange: addSetElem(result, elem, typ.base)

-  of tyInt..tyInt64: add result, reprInt(elem)

-  else: # data corrupt --> inform the user

-    add result, " (invalid data!)"


-proc reprSetAux(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType) =

-  # "typ.slots.len" field is for sets the "first" field

-  var elemCounter = 0  # we need this flag for adding the comma at

-                       # the right places

-  add result, "{"

-  var u: int64

-  case typ.size

-  of 1: u = ze64(cast[ptr int8](p)[])

-  of 2: u = ze64(cast[ptr int16](p)[])

-  of 4: u = ze64(cast[ptr int32](p)[])

-  of 8: u = cast[ptr int64](p)[]

-  else:

-    var a = cast[pbyteArray](p)

-    for i in 0 .. typ.size*8-1:

-      if (ze(a[i div 8]) and (1 shl (i mod 8))) != 0:

-        if elemCounter > 0: add result, ", "

-        addSetElem(result, i+typ.node.len, typ.base)

-        inc(elemCounter)

-  if typ.size <= 8:

-    for i in 0..sizeof(int64)*8-1:

-      if (u and (1 shl i)) != 0:

-        if elemCounter > 0: add result, ", "

-        addSetElem(result, i+typ.node.len, typ.base)

-        inc(elemCounter)

-  add result, "}"


-proc reprSet(p: pointer, typ: PNimType): string {.compilerRtl.} =

-  result = ""

-  reprSetAux(result, p, typ)



-  TReprClosure {.final.} = object # we cannot use a global variable here

-                                  # as this wouldn't be thread-safe

-    marked: TCellSet

-    recdepth: int       # do not recurse endless

-    indent: int         # indentation


-when not defined(useNimRtl):

-  proc initReprClosure(cl: var TReprClosure) =

-    Init(cl.marked)

-    cl.recdepth = -1      # default is to display everything!

-    cl.indent = 0


-  proc deinitReprClosure(cl: var TReprClosure) =

-    Deinit(cl.marked)


-  proc reprBreak(result: var string, cl: TReprClosure) =

-    add result, "\n"

-    for i in add result, ' '


-  proc reprAux(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,

-               cl: var TReprClosure)


-  proc reprArray(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,

-                 cl: var TReprClosure) =

-    add result, "["

-    var bs = typ.base.size

-    for i in 0..typ.size div bs - 1:

-      if i > 0: add result, ", "

-      reprAux(result, cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](p) + i*bs), typ.base, cl)

-    add result, "]"


-  proc reprSequence(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,

-                    cl: var TReprClosure) =

-    if p == nil:

-      add result, "nil"

-      return

-    result.add(reprPointer(p) & "[")

-    var bs = typ.base.size

-    for i in 0..cast[PGenericSeq](p).len-1:

-      if i > 0: add result, ", "

-      reprAux(result, cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](p) + GenericSeqSize + i*bs),

-              typ.Base, cl)

-    add result, "]"


-  proc reprRecordAux(result: var string, p: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode,

-                     cl: var TReprClosure) =

-    case n.kind

-    of nkNone: assert(false)

-    of nkSlot:

-      add result, $

-      add result, " = "

-      reprAux(result, cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](p) + n.offset), n.typ, cl)

-    of nkList:

-      for i in 0..n.len-1:

-        if i > 0: add result, ",\n"

-        reprRecordAux(result, p, n.sons[i], cl)

-    of nkCase:

-      var m = selectBranch(p, n)

-      reprAux(result, cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](p) + n.offset), n.typ, cl)

-      if m != nil: reprRecordAux(result, p, m, cl)


-  proc reprRecord(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,

-                  cl: var TReprClosure) =

-    add result, "["

-    reprRecordAux(result, p, typ.node, cl)

-    add result, "]"


-  proc reprRef(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,

-               cl: var TReprClosure) =

-    # we know that p is not nil here:

-    when defined(boehmGC) or defined(nogc):

-      var cell = cast[PCell](p)

-    else:

-      var cell = usrToCell(p)

-    add result, "ref " & reprPointer(p)

-    if cell notin cl.marked:

-      # only the address is shown:

-      incl(cl.marked, cell)

-      add result, " --> "

-      reprAux(result, p, typ.base, cl)


-  proc reprAux(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,

-               cl: var TReprClosure) =

-    if cl.recdepth == 0:

-      add result, "..."

-      return

-    dec(cl.recdepth)

-    case typ.kind

-    of tySet: reprSetAux(result, p, typ)

-    of tyArray: reprArray(result, p, typ, cl)

-    of tyTuple, tyPureObject: reprRecord(result, p, typ, cl)

-    of tyObject: 

-      var t = cast[ptr PNimType](p)[]

-      reprRecord(result, p, t, cl)

-    of tyRef, tyPtr:

-      assert(p != nil)

-      if cast[ppointer](p)[] == nil: add result, "nil"

-      else: reprRef(result, cast[ppointer](p)[], typ, cl)

-    of tySequence:

-      reprSequence(result, cast[ppointer](p)[], typ, cl)

-    of tyInt: add result, $(cast[ptr int](p)[])

-    of tyInt8: add result, $int(cast[ptr Int8](p)[])

-    of tyInt16: add result, $int(cast[ptr Int16](p)[])

-    of tyInt32: add result, $int(cast[ptr Int32](p)[])

-    of tyInt64: add result, $(cast[ptr Int64](p)[])

-    of tyFloat: add result, $(cast[ptr float](p)[])

-    of tyFloat32: add result, $(cast[ptr float32](p)[])

-    of tyFloat64: add result, $(cast[ptr float64](p)[])

-    of tyEnum: add result, reprEnum(cast[ptr int](p)[], typ)

-    of tyBool: add result, reprBool(cast[ptr bool](p)[])

-    of tyChar: add result, reprChar(cast[ptr char](p)[])

-    of tyString: reprStrAux(result, cast[ptr string](p)[])

-    of tyCString: reprStrAux(result, $(cast[ptr cstring](p)[]))

-    of tyRange: reprAux(result, p, typ.base, cl)

-    of tyProc, tyPointer:

-      if cast[ppointer](p)[] == nil: add result, "nil"

-      else: add result, reprPointer(cast[ppointer](p)[])

-    else:

-      add result, "(invalid data!)"

-    inc(cl.recdepth)


-proc reprOpenArray(p: pointer, length: int, elemtyp: PNimType): string {.

-                   compilerRtl.} =

-  var

-    cl: TReprClosure

-  initReprClosure(cl)

-  result = "["

-  var bs = elemtyp.size

-  for i in 0..length - 1:

-    if i > 0: add result, ", "

-    reprAux(result, cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](p) + i*bs), elemtyp, cl)

-  add result, "]"

-  deinitReprClosure(cl)


-when not defined(useNimRtl):

-  proc reprAny(p: pointer, typ: PNimType): string =

-    var

-      cl: TReprClosure

-    initReprClosure(cl)

-    result = ""

-    if typ.kind in {tyObject, tyPureObject, tyTuple, tyArray, tySet}:

-      reprAux(result, p, typ, cl)

-    else:

-      var p = p

-      reprAux(result, addr(p), typ, cl)

-    add result, "\n"

-    deinitReprClosure(cl)
