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path: root/lib/impure/zipfiles.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/impure/zipfiles.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/lib/impure/zipfiles.nim b/lib/impure/zipfiles.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index d8903f5c1..000000000
--- a/lib/impure/zipfiles.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## This module implements a zip archive creator/reader/modifier.
-  streams, libzip, times, os, strutils
-  ZipArchive* = object of RootObj ## represents a zip archive
-    mode: FileMode
-    w: PZip
-{.deprecated: [TZipArchive: ZipArchive].}
-proc zipError(z: var ZipArchive) =
-  var e: ref IOError
-  new(e)
-  e.msg = $zip_strerror(z.w)
-  raise e
-proc open*(z: var ZipArchive, filename: string, mode: FileMode = fmRead): bool =
-  ## Opens a zip file for reading, writing or appending. All file modes are
-  ## supported. Returns true iff successful, false otherwise.
-  var err, flags: int32
-  case mode
-  of fmRead, fmReadWriteExisting, fmAppend: flags = 0
-  of fmWrite:
-    if existsFile(filename): removeFile(filename)
-    flags = ZIP_CREATE or ZIP_EXCL
-  of fmReadWrite: flags = ZIP_CREATE
-  z.w = zip_open(filename, flags, addr(err))
-  z.mode = mode
-  result = z.w != nil
-proc close*(z: var ZipArchive) =
-  ## Closes a zip file.
-  zip_close(z.w)
-proc createDir*(z: var ZipArchive, dir: string) =
-  ## Creates a directory within the `z` archive. This does not fail if the
-  ## directory already exists. Note that for adding a file like
-  ## ``"path1/path2/filename"`` it is not necessary
-  ## to create the ``"path/path2"`` subdirectories - it will be done
-  ## automatically by ``addFile``.
-  assert(z.mode != fmRead)
-  discard zip_add_dir(z.w, dir)
-  zip_error_clear(z.w)
-proc addFile*(z: var ZipArchive, dest, src: string) =
-  ## Adds the file `src` to the archive `z` with the name `dest`. `dest`
-  ## may contain a path that will be created.
-  assert(z.mode != fmRead)
-  if not fileExists(src):
-    raise newException(IOError, "File '" & src & "' does not exist")
-  var zipsrc = zip_source_file(z.w, src, 0, -1)
-  if zipsrc == nil:
-    #echo("Dest: " & dest)
-    #echo("Src: " & src)
-    zipError(z)
-  if zip_add(z.w, dest, zipsrc) < 0'i32:
-    zip_source_free(zipsrc)
-    zipError(z)
-proc addFile*(z: var ZipArchive, file: string) =
-  ## A shortcut for ``addFile(z, file, file)``, i.e. the name of the source is
-  ## the name of the destination.
-  addFile(z, file, file)
-proc mySourceCallback(state, data: pointer, len: int,
-                      cmd: ZipSourceCmd): int {.cdecl.} =
-  var src = cast[Stream](state)
-  case cmd
-    if src.setPositionImpl != nil: setPosition(src, 0) # reset
-    result = readData(src, data, len)
-  of ZIP_SOURCE_CLOSE: close(src)
-    var stat = cast[PZipStat](data)
-    zip_stat_init(stat)
-    stat.size = high(int32)-1 # we don't know the size
-    stat.mtime = getTime()
-    result = sizeof(ZipStat)
-    var err = cast[ptr array[0..1, cint]](data)
-    err[0] = ZIP_ER_INTERNAL
-    err[1] = 0
-    result = 2*sizeof(cint)
-  of constZIP_SOURCE_FREE: GC_unref(src)
-  else: assert(false)
-proc addFile*(z: var ZipArchive, dest: string, src: Stream) =
-  ## Adds a file named with `dest` to the archive `z`. `dest`
-  ## may contain a path. The file's content is read from the `src` stream.
-  assert(z.mode != fmRead)
-  GC_ref(src)
-  var zipsrc = zip_source_function(z.w, mySourceCallback, cast[pointer](src))
-  if zipsrc == nil: zipError(z)
-  if zip_add(z.w, dest, zipsrc) < 0'i32:
-    zip_source_free(zipsrc)
-    zipError(z)
-# -------------- zip file stream ---------------------------------------------
-  TZipFileStream = object of StreamObj
-    f: PZipFile
-    atEnd: bool
-  PZipFileStream* =
-    ref TZipFileStream ## a reader stream of a file within a zip archive
-proc fsClose(s: Stream) = zip_fclose(PZipFileStream(s).f)
-proc fsAtEnd(s: Stream): bool = PZipFileStream(s).atEnd
-proc fsReadData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int =
-  result = zip_fread(PZipFileStream(s).f, buffer, bufLen)
-  if result == 0:
-    PZipFileStream(s).atEnd = true
-proc newZipFileStream(f: PZipFile): PZipFileStream =
-  new(result)
-  result.f = f
-  result.atEnd = false
-  result.closeImpl = fsClose
-  result.readDataImpl = fsReadData
-  result.atEndImpl = fsAtEnd
-  # other methods are nil!
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-proc getStream*(z: var ZipArchive, filename: string): PZipFileStream =
-  ## returns a stream that can be used to read the file named `filename`
-  ## from the archive `z`. Returns nil in case of an error.
-  ## The returned stream does not support the `setPosition`, `getPosition`,
-  ## `writeData` or `atEnd` methods.
-  var x = zip_fopen(z.w, filename, 0'i32)
-  if x != nil: result = newZipFileStream(x)
-iterator walkFiles*(z: var ZipArchive): string =
-  ## walks over all files in the archive `z` and returns the filename
-  ## (including the path).
-  var i = 0'i32
-  var num = zip_get_num_files(z.w)
-  while i < num:
-    yield $zip_get_name(z.w, i, 0'i32)
-    inc(i)
-proc extractFile*(z: var ZipArchive, srcFile: string, dest: Stream) =
-  ## extracts a file from the zip archive `z` to the destination stream.
-  var strm = getStream(z, srcFile)
-  while true:
-    if not strm.atEnd:
-        dest.write(strm.readStr(1))
-    else: break
-  dest.flush()
-  strm.close()
-proc extractFile*(z: var ZipArchive, srcFile: string, dest: string) =
-  ## extracts a file from the zip archive `z` to the destination filename.
-  var file = newFileStream(dest, fmWrite)
-  extractFile(z, srcFile, file)
-  file.close()
-proc extractAll*(z: var ZipArchive, dest: string) =
-  ## extracts all files from archive `z` to the destination directory.
-  for file in walkFiles(z):
-    if file.endsWith("/"):
-      createDir(dest / file)
-    else:
-      extractFile(z, file, dest / file)
-when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:
-  var zip: ZipArchive
-  if not""):
-    raise newException(IOError, "opening zip failed")
-  zip.extractAll("test")