diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/js/dom.nim')
-rw-r--r-- | lib/js/dom.nim | 321 |
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/js/dom.nim b/lib/js/dom.nim index 48d32fc18..be676a813 100644 --- a/lib/js/dom.nim +++ b/lib/js/dom.nim @@ -106,7 +106,17 @@ type memory*: PerformanceMemory timing*: PerformanceTiming - Selection* {.importc.} = ref object ## see `docs<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Selection>`_ + Range* {.importc.} = ref object + ## see `docs{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Range}`_ + collapsed*: bool + commonAncestorContainer*: Node + endContainer*: Node + endOffset*: int + startContainer*: Node + startOffset*: int + + Selection* {.importc.} = ref object + ## see `docs<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Selection>`_ anchorNode*: Node anchorOffset*: int focusNode*: Node @@ -186,6 +196,9 @@ type innerText*: cstring textContent*: cstring style*: Style + baseURI*: cstring + parentElement*: Element + isConnected*: bool Document* = ref DocumentObj DocumentObj {.importc.} = object of NodeObj @@ -210,9 +223,11 @@ type applets*: seq[Element] embeds*: seq[EmbedElement] links*: seq[LinkElement] + fonts*: FontFaceSet Element* = ref ElementObj ElementObj {.importc.} = object of NodeObj + className*: cstring classList*: ClassList checked*: bool defaultChecked*: bool @@ -371,19 +386,73 @@ type Style* = ref StyleObj StyleObj {.importc.} = object of RootObj + alignContent*: cstring + alignItems*: cstring + alignSelf*: cstring + all*: cstring + animation*: cstring + animationDelay*: cstring + animationDirection*: cstring + animationDuration*: cstring + animationFillMode*: cstring + animationIterationCount*: cstring + animationName*: cstring + animationPlayState*: cstring + animationTimingFunction*: cstring + backdropFilter*: cstring + backfaceVisibility*: cstring background*: cstring backgroundAttachment*: cstring + backgroundBlendMode*: cstring + backgroundClip*: cstring backgroundColor*: cstring backgroundImage*: cstring + backgroundOrigin*: cstring backgroundPosition*: cstring backgroundRepeat*: cstring backgroundSize*: cstring + blockSize*: cstring border*: cstring + borderBlock*: cstring + borderBlockColor*: cstring + borderBlockEnd*: cstring + borderBlockEndColor*: cstring + borderBlockEndStyle*: cstring + borderBlockEndWidth*: cstring + borderBlockStart*: cstring + borderBlockStartColor*: cstring + borderBlockStartStyle*: cstring + borderBlockStartWidth*: cstring + borderBlockStyle*: cstring + borderBlockWidth*: cstring borderBottom*: cstring borderBottomColor*: cstring + borderBottomLeftRadius*: cstring + borderBottomRightRadius*: cstring borderBottomStyle*: cstring borderBottomWidth*: cstring + borderCollapse*: cstring borderColor*: cstring + borderEndEndRadius*: cstring + borderEndStartRadius*: cstring + borderImage*: cstring + borderImageOutset*: cstring + borderImageRepeat*: cstring + borderImageSlice*: cstring + borderImageSource*: cstring + borderImageWidth*: cstring + borderInline*: cstring + borderInlineColor*: cstring + borderInlineEnd*: cstring + borderInlineEndColor*: cstring + borderInlineEndStyle*: cstring + borderInlineEndWidth*: cstring + borderInlineStart*: cstring + borderInlineStartColor*: cstring + borderInlineStartStyle*: cstring + borderInlineStartWidth*: cstring + borderInlineStyle*: cstring + borderInlineWidth*: cstring borderLeft*: cstring borderLeftColor*: cstring borderLeftStyle*: cstring @@ -393,86 +462,298 @@ type borderRightColor*: cstring borderRightStyle*: cstring borderRightWidth*: cstring + borderSpacing*: cstring + borderStartEndRadius*: cstring + borderStartStartRadius*: cstring borderStyle*: cstring borderTop*: cstring borderTopColor*: cstring + borderTopLeftRadius*: cstring + borderTopRightRadius*: cstring borderTopStyle*: cstring borderTopWidth*: cstring borderWidth*: cstring bottom*: cstring - boxSizing*: cstring + boxDecorationBreak*: cstring boxShadow*: cstring + boxSizing*: cstring + breakAfter*: cstring + breakBefore*: cstring + breakInside*: cstring captionSide*: cstring + caretColor*: cstring clear*: cstring clip*: cstring clipPath*: cstring color*: cstring + colorAdjust*: cstring + columnCount*: cstring + columnFill*: cstring + columnGap*: cstring + columnRule*: cstring + columnRuleColor*: cstring + columnRuleStyle*: cstring + columnRuleWidth*: cstring + columnSpan*: cstring + columnWidth*: cstring + columns*: cstring + contain*: cstring + content*: cstring + counterIncrement*: cstring + counterReset*: cstring + counterSet*: cstring cursor*: cstring direction*: cstring display*: cstring emptyCells*: cstring + filter*: cstring + flex*: cstring + flexBasis*: cstring + flexDirection*: cstring + flexFlow*: cstring + flexGrow*: cstring + flexShrink*: cstring + flexWrap*: cstring cssFloat*: cstring font*: cstring fontFamily*: cstring + fontFeatureSettings*: cstring + fontKerning*: cstring + fontLanguageOverride*: cstring + fontOpticalSizing*: cstring fontSize*: cstring + fontSizeAdjust*: cstring fontStretch*: cstring fontStyle*: cstring + fontSynthesis*: cstring fontVariant*: cstring + fontVariantAlternates*: cstring + fontVariantCaps*: cstring + fontVariantEastAsian*: cstring + fontVariantLigatures*: cstring + fontVariantNumeric*: cstring + fontVariantPosition*: cstring + fontVariationSettings*: cstring fontWeight*: cstring + gap*: cstring + grid*: cstring + gridArea*: cstring + gridAutoColumns*: cstring + gridAutoFlow*: cstring + gridAutoRows*: cstring + gridColumn*: cstring + gridColumnEnd*: cstring + gridColumnStart*: cstring + gridRow*: cstring + gridRowEnd*: cstring + gridRowStart*: cstring + gridTemplate*: cstring + gridTemplateAreas*: cstring + gridTemplateColumns*: cstring + gridTemplateRows*: cstring + hangingPunctuation*: cstring height*: cstring + hyphens*: cstring + imageOrientation*: cstring + imageRendering*: cstring + inlineSize*: cstring + inset*: cstring + insetBlock*: cstring + insetBlockEnd*: cstring + insetBlockStart*: cstring + insetInline*: cstring + insetInlineEnd*: cstring + insetInlineStart*: cstring + isolation*: cstring + justifyContent*: cstring + justifyItems*: cstring + justifySelf*: cstring left*: cstring letterSpacing*: cstring + lineBreak*: cstring lineHeight*: cstring listStyle*: cstring listStyleImage*: cstring listStylePosition*: cstring listStyleType*: cstring margin*: cstring + marginBlock*: cstring + marginBlockEnd*: cstring + marginBlockStart*: cstring marginBottom*: cstring + marginInline*: cstring + marginInlineEnd*: cstring + marginInlineStart*: cstring marginLeft*: cstring marginRight*: cstring marginTop*: cstring + mask*: cstring + maskBorder*: cstring + maskBorderMode*: cstring + maskBorderOutset*: cstring + maskBorderRepeat*: cstring + maskBorderSlice*: cstring + maskBorderSource*: cstring + maskBorderWidth*: cstring + maskClip*: cstring + maskComposite*: cstring + maskImage*: cstring + maskMode*: cstring + maskOrigin*: cstring + maskPosition*: cstring + maskRepeat*: cstring + maskSize*: cstring + maskType*: cstring + maxBlockSize*: cstring maxHeight*: cstring + maxInlineSize*: cstring maxWidth*: cstring + minBlockSize*: cstring minHeight*: cstring + minInlineSize*: cstring minWidth*: cstring + mixBlendMode*: cstring + objectFit*: cstring + objectPosition*: cstring + offset*: cstring + offsetAnchor*: cstring + offsetDistance*: cstring + offsetPath*: cstring + offsetRotate*: cstring opacity*: cstring + order*: cstring + orphans*: cstring outline*: cstring + outlineColor*: cstring + outlineOffset*: cstring + outlineStyle*: cstring + outlineWidth*: cstring overflow*: cstring + overflowAnchor*: cstring + overflowBlock*: cstring + overflowInline*: cstring + overflowWrap*: cstring overflowX*: cstring overflowY*: cstring + overscrollBehavior*: cstring + overscrollBehaviorBlock*: cstring + overscrollBehaviorInline*: cstring + overscrollBehaviorX*: cstring + overscrollBehaviorY*: cstring padding*: cstring + paddingBlock*: cstring + paddingBlockEnd*: cstring + paddingBlockStart*: cstring paddingBottom*: cstring + paddingInline*: cstring + paddingInlineEnd*: cstring + paddingInlineStart*: cstring paddingLeft*: cstring paddingRight*: cstring paddingTop*: cstring pageBreakAfter*: cstring pageBreakBefore*: cstring + pageBreakInside*: cstring + paintOrder*: cstring + perspective*: cstring + perspectiveOrigin*: cstring + placeContent*: cstring + placeItems*: cstring + placeSelf*: cstring pointerEvents*: cstring position*: cstring + quotes*: cstring resize*: cstring right*: cstring + rotate*: cstring + rowGap*: cstring + scale*: cstring + scrollBehavior*: cstring + scrollMargin*: cstring + scrollMarginBlock*: cstring + scrollMarginBlockEnd*: cstring + scrollMarginBlockStart*: cstring + scrollMarginBottom*: cstring + scrollMarginInline*: cstring + scrollMarginInlineEnd*: cstring + scrollMarginInlineStart*: cstring + scrollMarginLeft*: cstring + scrollMarginRight*: cstring + scrollMarginTop*: cstring + scrollPadding*: cstring + scrollPaddingBlock*: cstring + scrollPaddingBlockEnd*: cstring + scrollPaddingBlockStart*: cstring + scrollPaddingBottom*: cstring + scrollPaddingInline*: cstring + scrollPaddingInlineEnd*: cstring + scrollPaddingInlineStart*: cstring + scrollPaddingLeft*: cstring + scrollPaddingRight*: cstring + scrollPaddingTop*: cstring + scrollSnapAlign*: cstring + scrollSnapStop*: cstring + scrollSnapType*: cstring scrollbar3dLightColor*: cstring scrollbarArrowColor*: cstring scrollbarBaseColor*: cstring + scrollbarColor*: cstring scrollbarDarkshadowColor*: cstring scrollbarFaceColor*: cstring scrollbarHighlightColor*: cstring scrollbarShadowColor*: cstring scrollbarTrackColor*: cstring + scrollbarWidth*: cstring + shapeImageThreshold*: cstring + shapeMargin*: cstring + shapeOutside*: cstring + tabSize*: cstring tableLayout*: cstring textAlign*: cstring + textAlignLast*: cstring + textCombineUpright*: cstring textDecoration*: cstring + textDecorationColor*: cstring + textDecorationLine*: cstring + textDecorationSkipInk*: cstring + textDecorationStyle*: cstring + textDecorationThickness*: cstring + textEmphasis*: cstring + textEmphasisColor*: cstring + textEmphasisPosition*: cstring + textEmphasisStyle*: cstring textIndent*: cstring + textJustify*: cstring + textOrientation*: cstring + textOverflow*: cstring + textRendering*: cstring + textShadow*: cstring textTransform*: cstring - transform*: cstring + textUnderlineOffset*: cstring + textUnderlinePosition*: cstring top*: cstring + touchAction*: cstring + transform*: cstring + transformBox*: cstring + transformOrigin*: cstring + transformStyle*: cstring + transition*: cstring + transitionDelay*: cstring + transitionDuration*: cstring + transitionProperty*: cstring + transitionTimingFunction*: cstring + translate*: cstring + unicodeBidi*: cstring verticalAlign*: cstring visibility*: cstring - width*: cstring whiteSpace*: cstring + widows*: cstring + width*: cstring + willChange*: cstring + wordBreak*: cstring wordSpacing*: cstring - zIndex*: int + writingMode*: cstring + zIndex*: cstring EventPhase* = enum None = 0, @@ -923,6 +1204,10 @@ type ## see `docs<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DragEvent>`_ dataTransfer*: DataTransfer + ClipboardEvent* {.importc.} = object of Event + ## see `docs<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ClipboardEvent>`_ + clipboardData*: DataTransfer + TouchList* {.importc.} = ref object of RootObj length*: int @@ -1002,6 +1287,15 @@ type once*: bool passive*: bool + FontFaceSetReady* {.importc.} = ref object + ## see: `docs<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FontFaceSet/ready>`_ + then*: proc(cb: proc()) + + FontFaceSet* {.importc.} = ref object + ## see: `docs<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FontFaceSet>`_ + ready*: FontFaceSetReady + onloadingdone*: proc(event: Event) + since (1, 3): type DomParser* = ref object @@ -1127,6 +1421,7 @@ else: proc getElementById*(id: cstring): Element {.importc: "document.getElementById", nodecl.} proc appendChild*(n, child: Node) {.importcpp.} proc removeChild*(n, child: Node) {.importcpp.} + proc remove*(child: Node) {.importcpp.} proc replaceChild*(n, newNode, oldNode: Node) {.importcpp.} proc insertBefore*(n, newNode, before: Node) {.importcpp.} proc getElementById*(d: Document, id: cstring): Element {.importcpp.} @@ -1149,7 +1444,6 @@ proc removeEventListener*(et: EventTarget; ev: cstring; cb: proc(ev: Event)) proc alert*(w: Window, msg: cstring) proc back*(w: Window) proc blur*(w: Window) -proc captureEvents*(w: Window, eventMask: int) {.deprecated.} proc clearInterval*(w: Window, interval: ref Interval) proc clearTimeout*(w: Window, timeout: ref TimeOut) proc close*(w: Window) @@ -1169,7 +1463,6 @@ proc open*(w: Window, uri, windowname: cstring, properties: cstring = nil): Window proc print*(w: Window) proc prompt*(w: Window, text, default: cstring): cstring -proc releaseEvents*(w: Window, eventMask: int) {.deprecated.} proc resizeBy*(w: Window, x, y: int) proc resizeTo*(w: Window, x, y: int) proc routeEvent*(w: Window, event: Event) @@ -1190,7 +1483,9 @@ proc deleteData*(n: Node, start, len: int) proc focus*(e: Node) proc getAttribute*(n: Node, attr: cstring): cstring proc getAttributeNode*(n: Node, attr: cstring): Node +proc hasAttribute*(n: Node, attr: cstring): bool proc hasChildNodes*(n: Node): bool +proc normalize*(n: Node) proc insertData*(n: Node, position: int, data: cstring) proc removeAttribute*(n: Node, attr: cstring) proc removeAttributeNode*(n, attr: Node) @@ -1200,17 +1495,23 @@ proc setAttribute*(n: Node, name, value: cstring) proc setAttributeNode*(n: Node, attr: Node) proc querySelector*(n: Node, selectors: cstring): Element proc querySelectorAll*(n: Node, selectors: cstring): seq[Element] +proc compareDocumentPosition*(n: Node, otherNode:Node): int +proc lookupPrefix*(n: Node): cstring +proc lookupNamespaceURI*(n: Node): cstring +proc isDefaultNamespace*(n: Node): bool +proc contains*(n: Node): bool +proc isEqualNode*(n: Node): bool +proc isSameNode*(n: Node): bool # Document "methods" -proc captureEvents*(d: Document, eventMask: int) {.deprecated.} proc createAttribute*(d: Document, identifier: cstring): Node proc getElementsByName*(d: Document, name: cstring): seq[Element] proc getElementsByTagName*(d: Document, name: cstring): seq[Element] proc getElementsByClassName*(d: Document, name: cstring): seq[Element] +proc insertNode*(range: Range, node: Node) proc getSelection*(d: Document): Selection proc handleEvent*(d: Document, event: Event) proc open*(d: Document) -proc releaseEvents*(d: Document, eventMask: int) {.deprecated.} proc routeEvent*(d: Document, event: Event) proc write*(d: Document, text: cstring) proc writeln*(d: Document, text: cstring) @@ -1299,6 +1600,8 @@ proc now*(p: Performance): float # Selection "methods" proc removeAllRanges*(s: Selection) +proc deleteFromDocument*(s: Selection) +proc getRangeAt*(s: Selection, index: int): Range converter toString*(s: Selection): cstring proc `$`*(s: Selection): string = $(s.toString()) |