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path: root/lib/js
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/js')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/lib/js/dom.nim b/lib/js/dom.nim
index 870213db3..18ff94c9a 100644
--- a/lib/js/dom.nim
+++ b/lib/js/dom.nim
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ type
     onsubmit*: proc (event: ref TEvent) {.nimcall.}
     onunload*: proc (event: ref TEvent) {.nimcall.}
+    addEventListener*: proc(ev: cstring, cb: proc(ev: ref TEvent), useCapture: bool = false) {.nimcall.}
   TWindow* {.importc.} = object of TEventHandlers
     document*: ref TDocument
     event*: ref TEvent
@@ -55,7 +57,6 @@ type
     status*: cstring
     toolbar*: ref TToolBar
-    addEventListener*: proc(ev: cstring, cb: proc(ev: ref TEvent) ) {.nimcall.}
     alert*: proc (msg: cstring) {.nimcall.}
     back*: proc () {.nimcall.}
     blur*: proc () {.nimcall.}
@@ -91,8 +92,59 @@ type
   TFrame* {.importc.} = object of TWindow
-  TDocument* {.importc.} = object of TEventHandlers
-    addEventListener*: proc(ev: cstring, cb: proc(ev: ref TEvent) ) {.nimcall.}
+  ClassList* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
+    add*: proc (class: cstring) {.nimcall.}
+    remove*: proc (class: cstring) {.nimcall.}
+    contains*: proc (class: cstring):bool {.nimcall.}
+    toggle*: proc (class: cstring) {.nimcall.}
+  TNodeType* = enum
+    ElementNode = 1,
+    AttributeNode,
+    TextNode,
+    CDATANode,
+    EntityRefNode,
+    EntityNode,
+    ProcessingInstructionNode,
+    CommentNode,
+    DocumentNode,
+    DocumentTypeNode,
+    DocumentFragmentNode,
+    NotationNode
+  TNode* {.importc.} = object of TEventHandlers
+    attributes*: seq[ref TNode]
+    childNodes*: seq[ref TNode]
+    children*: seq[ref TNode]
+    data*: cstring
+    firstChild*: ref TNode
+    lastChild*: ref TNode
+    nextSibling*: ref TNode
+    nodeName*: cstring
+    nodeType*: TNodeType
+    nodeValue*: cstring
+    parentNode*: ref TNode
+    previousSibling*: ref TNode
+    appendChild*: proc (child: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    appendData*: proc (data: cstring) {.nimcall.}
+    cloneNode*: proc (copyContent: bool): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
+    deleteData*: proc (start, len: int) {.nimcall.}
+    getAttribute*: proc (attr: cstring): cstring {.nimcall.}
+    getAttributeNode*: proc (attr: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
+    hasChildNodes*: proc (): bool {.nimcall.}
+    innerHTML*: cstring
+    insertBefore*: proc (newNode, before: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    insertData*: proc (position: int, data: cstring) {.nimcall.}
+    removeAttribute*: proc (attr: cstring) {.nimcall.}
+    removeAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    removeChild*: proc (child: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    replaceChild*: proc (newNode, oldNode: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    replaceData*: proc (start, len: int, text: cstring) {.nimcall.}
+    scrollIntoView*: proc () {.nimcall.}
+    setAttribute*: proc (name, value: cstring) {.nimcall.}
+    setAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    style*: ref TStyle
+  TDocument* {.importc.} = object of TNode
     alinkColor*: cstring
     bgColor*: cstring
     charset*: cstring
@@ -109,10 +161,10 @@ type
     createAttribute*: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
     createElement*: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
     createTextNode*: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    getElementById*: proc (id: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    getElementsByName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
-    getElementsByTagName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
-    getElementsByClassName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
+    getElementById*: proc (id: cstring): ref TElement {.nimcall.}
+    getElementsByName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TElement] {.nimcall.}
+    getElementsByTagName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TElement] {.nimcall.}
+    getElementsByClassName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TElement] {.nimcall.}
     getSelection*: proc (): cstring {.nimcall.}
     handleEvent*: proc (event: ref TEvent) {.nimcall.}
     open*: proc () {.nimcall.}
@@ -127,17 +179,33 @@ type
     embeds*: seq[ref TEmbed]
     links*: seq[ref TLink]
-  TLink* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
+  TElement* {.importc.} = object of TNode
+    classList*: ref Classlist
+    checked*: bool
+    defaultChecked*: bool
+    defaultValue*: cstring
+    disabled*: bool
+    form*: ref TForm
     name*: cstring
+    readOnly*: bool
+    blur*: proc () {.nimcall.}
+    click*: proc () {.nimcall.}
+    focus*: proc () {.nimcall.}
+    handleEvent*: proc (event: ref TEvent) {.nimcall.}
+    select*: proc () {.nimcall.}
+    options*: seq[ref TOption]
+    getElementsByTagName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
+    getElementsByClassName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
+  TLink* {.importc.} = object of TElement
     target*: cstring
     text*: cstring
     x*: int
     y*: int
-  TEmbed* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
+  TEmbed* {.importc.} = object of TElement
     height*: int
     hspace*: int
-    name*: cstring
     src*: cstring
     width*: int
     `type`*: cstring
@@ -152,108 +220,32 @@ type
   TApplet* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
-  TElement* {.importc.} = object of TEventHandlers
-    checked*: bool
-    defaultChecked*: bool
-    defaultValue*: cstring
-    disabled*: bool
-    form*: ref TForm
-    name*: cstring
-    readOnly*: bool
-    `type`*: cstring
-    value*: cstring
-    blur*: proc () {.nimcall.}
-    click*: proc () {.nimcall.}
-    focus*: proc () {.nimcall.}
-    handleEvent*: proc (event: ref TEvent) {.nimcall.}
-    select*: proc () {.nimcall.}
-    options*: seq[ref TOption]
-  TOption* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
+  TOption* {.importc.} = object of TElement
     defaultSelected*: bool
     selected*: bool
     selectedIndex*: int
     text*: cstring
     value*: cstring
-  TForm* {.importc.} = object of TEventHandlers
+  TForm* {.importc.} = object of TElement
     action*: cstring
     encoding*: cstring
     `method`*: cstring
-    name*: cstring
     target*: cstring
-    handleEvent*: proc (event: ref TEvent) {.nimcall.}
     reset*: proc () {.nimcall.}
     submit*: proc () {.nimcall.}
     elements*: seq[ref TElement]
-  TImage* {.importc.} = object of TEventHandlers
+  TImage* {.importc.} = object of TElement
     border*: int
     complete*: bool
     height*: int
     hspace*: int
     lowsrc*: cstring
-    name*: cstring
     src*: cstring
     vspace*: int
     width*: int
-    handleEvent*: proc (event: ref TEvent) {.nimcall.}
-  ClassList* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
-    add*: proc (class: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    remove*: proc (class: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    contains*: proc (class: cstring):bool {.nimcall.}
-    toggle*: proc (class: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-  TNodeType* = enum
-    ElementNode = 1,
-    AttributeNode,
-    TextNode,
-    CDATANode,
-    EntityRefNode,
-    EntityNode,
-    ProcessingInstructionNode,
-    CommentNode,
-    DocumentNode,
-    DocumentTypeNode,
-    DocumentFragmentNode,
-    NotationNode
-  TNode* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
-    attributes*: seq[ref TNode]
-    childNodes*: seq[ref TNode]
-    children*: seq[ref TNode]
-    classList*: ref Classlist
-    data*: cstring
-    firstChild*: ref TNode
-    lastChild*: ref TNode
-    nextSibling*: ref TNode
-    nodeName*: cstring
-    nodeType*: TNodeType
-    nodeValue*: cstring
-    parentNode*: ref TNode
-    previousSibling*: ref TNode
-    appendChild*: proc (child: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
-    appendData*: proc (data: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    cloneNode*: proc (copyContent: bool): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    deleteData*: proc (start, len: int) {.nimcall.}
-    getAttribute*: proc (attr: cstring): cstring {.nimcall.}
-    getAttributeNode*: proc (attr: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    getElementsByTagName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
-    getElementsByClassName*: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
-    hasChildNodes*: proc (): bool {.nimcall.}
-    innerHTML*: cstring
-    insertBefore*: proc (newNode, before: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
-    insertData*: proc (position: int, data: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    addEventListener*: proc(ev: cstring, cb: proc(ev: ref TEvent)) {.nimcall.}
-    removeAttribute*: proc (attr: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    removeAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
-    removeChild*: proc (child: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
-    replaceChild*: proc (newNode, oldNode: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
-    replaceData*: proc (start, len: int, text: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    scrollIntoView*: proc () {.nimcall.}
-    setAttribute*: proc (name, value: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    setAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
-    style*: ref TStyle
   TStyle* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
     background*: cstring