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path: root/lib/lexbase.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/lexbase.nim')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lexbase.nim b/lib/lexbase.nim
index d2522359f..ea9a61821 100644
--- a/lib/lexbase.nim
+++ b/lib/lexbase.nim
@@ -1,186 +1,167 @@


-#           The Nimrod Compiler

-#        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf


-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this

-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.



-## This module implements a base object of a lexer with efficient buffer

-## handling. In fact I believe that this is the most efficient method of

-## buffer handling that exists! Only at line endings checks are necessary

-## if the buffer needs refilling.



-  strutils



-  EndOfFile* = '\0'           ## end of file marker

-                              # A little picture makes everything clear :-)

-                              #  buf:

-                              #  "Example Text\n ha!"   bufLen = 17

-                              #   ^pos = 0     ^ sentinel = 12

-                              #

-  NewLines* = {'\c', '\L'}



-  TBaseLexer* = object of TObject ## the base lexer. Inherit your lexer from

-                                  ## this object.

-    bufpos*: int              ## the current position within the buffer

-    buf*: cstring             ## the buffer itself

-    bufLen*: int              ## length of buffer in characters

-    f*: tfile                 ## the file that is read

-    LineNumber*: int          ## the current line number

-    sentinel: int

-    lineStart: int            # index of last line start in buffer

-    fileOpened: bool


-proc initBaseLexer*(L: var TBaseLexer, filename: string, bufLen: int = 8192): bool

-  ## inits the TBaseLexer object with a file to scan


-proc initBaseLexerFromBuffer*(L: var TBaseLexer, buffer: string)

-  ## inits the TBaseLexer with a buffer to scan


-proc deinitBaseLexer*(L: var TBaseLexer)

-  ## deinitializes the base lexer. This needs to be called to close the file.


-proc getCurrentLine*(L: TBaseLexer, marker: bool = true): string

-  ## retrieves the current line. 


-proc getColNumber*(L: TBaseLexer, pos: int): int

-  ## retrieves the current column. 


-proc HandleCR*(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int

-  ## Call this if you scanned over '\c' in the buffer; it returns the the

-  ## position to continue the scanning from. `pos` must be the position

-  ## of the '\c'.

-proc HandleLF*(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int

-  ## Call this if you scanned over '\L' in the buffer; it returns the the

-  ## position to continue the scanning from. `pos` must be the position

-  ## of the '\L'.


-# implementation



-  chrSize = sizeof(char)


-proc deinitBaseLexer(L: var TBaseLexer) = 

-  dealloc(L.buf)

-  if L.fileOpened: closeFile(L.f)


-proc FillBuffer(L: var TBaseLexer) = 

-  var 

-    charsRead, toCopy, s: int # all are in characters,

-                              # not bytes (in case this

-                              # is not the same)

-    oldBufLen: int

-  # we know here that pos == L.sentinel, but not if this proc

-  # is called the first time by initBaseLexer()

-  assert(L.sentinel < L.bufLen)

-  toCopy = L.BufLen - L.sentinel - 1

-  assert(toCopy >= 0)

-  if toCopy > 0: 

-    MoveMem(L.buf, addr(L.buf[L.sentinel + 1]), toCopy * chrSize) # "moveMem" handles overlapping regions

-  charsRead = ReadBuffer(L.f, addr(L.buf[toCopy]), (L.sentinel + 1) * chrSize) div

-      chrSize

-  s = toCopy + charsRead

-  if charsRead < L.sentinel + 1: 

-    L.buf[s] = EndOfFile      # set end marker

-    L.sentinel = s

-  else: 

-    # compute sentinel:

-    dec(s)                    # BUGFIX (valgrind)

-    while true: 

-      assert(s < L.bufLen)

-      while (s >= 0) and not (L.buf[s] in NewLines): Dec(s)

-      if s >= 0: 

-        # we found an appropriate character for a sentinel:

-        L.sentinel = s

-        break 

-      else: 

-        # rather than to give up here because the line is too long,

-        # double the buffer's size and try again:

-        oldBufLen = L.BufLen

-        L.bufLen = L.BufLen * 2

-        L.buf = cast[cstring](realloc(L.buf, L.bufLen * chrSize))

-        assert(L.bufLen - oldBuflen == oldBufLen)

-        charsRead = ReadBuffer(L.f, addr(L.buf[oldBufLen]), oldBufLen * chrSize) div

-            chrSize

-        if charsRead < oldBufLen: 

-          L.buf[oldBufLen + charsRead] = EndOfFile

-          L.sentinel = oldBufLen + charsRead

-          break 

-        s = L.bufLen - 1


-proc fillBaseLexer(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int = 

-  assert(pos <= L.sentinel)

-  if pos < L.sentinel: 

-    result = pos + 1          # nothing to do

-  else: 

-    fillBuffer(L)

-    L.bufpos = 0              # XXX: is this really correct?

-    result = 0

-  L.lineStart = result


-proc HandleCR(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int = 

-  assert(L.buf[pos] == '\c')

-  inc(L.linenumber)

-  result = fillBaseLexer(L, pos)

-  if L.buf[result] == '\L': 

-    result = fillBaseLexer(L, result)


-proc HandleLF(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int = 

-  assert(L.buf[pos] == '\L')

-  inc(L.linenumber)

-  result = fillBaseLexer(L, pos) #L.lastNL := result-1; // BUGFIX: was: result;


-proc skip_UTF_8_BOM(L: var TBaseLexer) = 

-  if (L.buf[0] == '\xEF') and (L.buf[1] == '\xBB') and (L.buf[2] == '\xBF'): 

-    inc(L.bufpos, 3)

-    inc(L.lineStart, 3)


-proc initBaseLexer(L: var TBaseLexer, filename: string, bufLen: int = 8192): bool = 

-  assert(bufLen > 0)

-  L.bufpos = 0

-  L.bufLen = bufLen

-  L.buf = cast[cstring](alloc(bufLen * chrSize))

-  L.sentinel = bufLen - 1

-  L.lineStart = 0

-  L.linenumber = 1            # lines start at 1

-  L.fileOpened = openFile(L.f, filename)

-  result = L.fileOpened

-  if result: 

-    fillBuffer(L)

-    skip_UTF_8_BOM(L)


-proc initBaseLexerFromBuffer(L: var TBaseLexer, buffer: string) = 

-  L.bufpos = 0

-  L.bufLen = len(buffer) + 1

-  L.buf = cast[cstring](alloc(L.bufLen * chrSize))

-  L.sentinel = L.bufLen - 1

-  L.lineStart = 0

-  L.linenumber = 1            # lines start at 1

-  L.fileOpened = false

-  if L.bufLen > 0: 

-    copyMem(L.buf, cast[pointer](buffer), L.bufLen)

-    L.buf[L.bufLen - 1] = EndOfFile

-  else: 

-    L.buf[0] = EndOfFile

-  skip_UTF_8_BOM(L)


-proc getColNumber(L: TBaseLexer, pos: int): int = 

-  result = pos - L.lineStart

-  assert(result >= 0)


-proc getCurrentLine(L: TBaseLexer, marker: bool = true): string = 

-  var i: int

-  result = ""

-  i = L.lineStart

-  while not (L.buf[i] in {'\c', '\L', EndOfFile}): 

-    add(result, L.buf[i])

-    inc(i)

-  add(result, "\n")

-  if marker: 

-    add(result, RepeatChar(getColNumber(L, L.bufpos)) & "^\n")


+#           The Nimrod Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module implements a base object of a lexer with efficient buffer
+## handling. Only at line endings checks are necessary if the buffer
+## needs refilling.
+  strutils, streams
+  EndOfFile* = '\0'           ## end of file marker
+  NewLines* = {'\c', '\L'}
+# Buffer handling:
+#  buf:
+#  "Example Text\n ha!"   bufLen = 17
+#   ^pos = 0     ^ sentinel = 12
+  TBaseLexer* = object of TObject ## the base lexer. Inherit your lexer from
+                                  ## this object.
+    bufpos*: int              ## the current position within the buffer
+    buf*: cstring             ## the buffer itself
+    bufLen*: int              ## length of buffer in characters
+    input: PStream            ## the input stream
+    LineNumber*: int          ## the current line number
+    sentinel: int
+    lineStart: int            # index of last line start in buffer
+    fileOpened: bool
+proc open*(L: var TBaseLexer, input: PStream, bufLen: int = 8192)
+  ## inits the TBaseLexer with a stream to read from
+proc close*(L: var TBaseLexer)
+  ## closes the base lexer. This closes `L`'s associated stream too.
+proc getCurrentLine*(L: TBaseLexer, marker: bool = true): string
+  ## retrieves the current line.
+proc getColNumber*(L: TBaseLexer, pos: int): int
+  ## retrieves the current column.
+proc HandleCR*(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int
+  ## Call this if you scanned over '\c' in the buffer; it returns the the
+  ## position to continue the scanning from. `pos` must be the position
+  ## of the '\c'.
+proc HandleLF*(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int
+  ## Call this if you scanned over '\L' in the buffer; it returns the the
+  ## position to continue the scanning from. `pos` must be the position
+  ## of the '\L'.
+# implementation
+  chrSize = sizeof(char)
+proc close(L: var TBaseLexer) =
+  dealloc(L.buf)
+  L.input.close(L.input)
+proc FillBuffer(L: var TBaseLexer) =
+  var
+    charsRead, toCopy, s: int # all are in characters,
+                              # not bytes (in case this
+                              # is not the same)
+    oldBufLen: int
+  # we know here that pos == L.sentinel, but not if this proc
+  # is called the first time by initBaseLexer()
+  assert(L.sentinel < L.bufLen)
+  toCopy = L.BufLen - L.sentinel - 1
+  assert(toCopy >= 0)
+  if toCopy > 0:
+    MoveMem(L.buf, addr(L.buf[L.sentinel + 1]), toCopy * chrSize) # "moveMem" handles overlapping regions
+  charsRead = L.input.readData(L.input, addr(L.buf[toCopy]),
+                               (L.sentinel + 1) * chrSize) div chrSize
+  s = toCopy + charsRead
+  if charsRead < L.sentinel + 1:
+    L.buf[s] = EndOfFile      # set end marker
+    L.sentinel = s
+  else:
+    # compute sentinel:
+    dec(s)                    # BUGFIX (valgrind)
+    while true:
+      assert(s < L.bufLen)
+      while (s >= 0) and not (L.buf[s] in NewLines): Dec(s)
+      if s >= 0:
+        # we found an appropriate character for a sentinel:
+        L.sentinel = s
+        break
+      else:
+        # rather than to give up here because the line is too long,
+        # double the buffer's size and try again:
+        oldBufLen = L.BufLen
+        L.bufLen = L.BufLen * 2
+        L.buf = cast[cstring](realloc(L.buf, L.bufLen * chrSize))
+        assert(L.bufLen - oldBuflen == oldBufLen)
+        charsRead = L.input.ReadData(L.input, addr(L.buf[oldBufLen]),
+                                     oldBufLen * chrSize) div chrSize
+        if charsRead < oldBufLen:
+          L.buf[oldBufLen + charsRead] = EndOfFile
+          L.sentinel = oldBufLen + charsRead
+          break
+        s = L.bufLen - 1
+proc fillBaseLexer(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int =
+  assert(pos <= L.sentinel)
+  if pos < L.sentinel:
+    result = pos + 1          # nothing to do
+  else:
+    fillBuffer(L)
+    L.bufpos = 0              # XXX: is this really correct?
+    result = 0
+  L.lineStart = result
+proc HandleCR(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int =
+  assert(L.buf[pos] == '\c')
+  inc(L.linenumber)
+  result = fillBaseLexer(L, pos)
+  if L.buf[result] == '\L':
+    result = fillBaseLexer(L, result)
+proc HandleLF(L: var TBaseLexer, pos: int): int =
+  assert(L.buf[pos] == '\L')
+  inc(L.linenumber)
+  result = fillBaseLexer(L, pos) #L.lastNL := result-1; // BUGFIX: was: result;
+proc skip_UTF_8_BOM(L: var TBaseLexer) =
+  if (L.buf[0] == '\xEF') and (L.buf[1] == '\xBB') and (L.buf[2] == '\xBF'):
+    inc(L.bufpos, 3)
+    inc(L.lineStart, 3)
+proc open(L: var TBaseLexer, input: PStream, bufLen: int = 8192) =
+  assert(bufLen > 0)
+  assert(input != nil)
+  L.input = input
+  L.bufpos = 0
+  L.bufLen = bufLen
+  L.buf = cast[cstring](alloc(bufLen * chrSize))
+  L.sentinel = bufLen - 1
+  L.lineStart = 0
+  L.linenumber = 1            # lines start at 1
+  fillBuffer(L)
+  skip_UTF_8_BOM(L)
+proc getColNumber(L: TBaseLexer, pos: int): int =
+  result = pos - L.lineStart
+  assert(result >= 0)
+proc getCurrentLine(L: TBaseLexer, marker: bool = true): string =
+  var i: int
+  result = ""
+  i = L.lineStart
+  while not (L.buf[i] in {'\c', '\L', EndOfFile}):
+    add(result, L.buf[i])
+    inc(i)
+  add(result, "\n")
+  if marker:
+    add(result, RepeatChar(getColNumber(L, L.bufpos)) & "^\n")