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path: root/lib/oldwrappers/gtk/glib2.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/oldwrappers/gtk/glib2.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4503 deletions
diff --git a/lib/oldwrappers/gtk/glib2.nim b/lib/oldwrappers/gtk/glib2.nim
deleted file mode 100755
index 3f33501e8..000000000
--- a/lib/oldwrappers/gtk/glib2.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4503 +0,0 @@
-{.deadCodeElim: on.}
-when defined(windows):
-  const
-    gliblib = "libglib-2.0-0.dll"
-    gmodulelib = "libgmodule-2.0-0.dll"
-    gobjectlib = "libgobject-2.0-0.dll"
-  const
-    gliblib = ""
-    gmodulelib = ""
-    gobjectlib = ""
-# gthreadlib = ""
-  PGTypePlugin* = pointer
-  PGParamSpecPool* = pointer
-  PPchar* = ptr cstring
-  PPPchar* = ptr PPchar
-  PPPgchar* = ptr PPgchar
-  PPgchar* = ptr cstring
-  gchar* = char
-  gshort* = cshort
-  glong* = clong
-  gint* = cint
-  gboolean* = bool
-  guchar* = char
-  gushort* = int16
-  gulong* = int
-  guint* = cint
-  gfloat* = cfloat
-  gdouble* = cdouble
-  gpointer* = pointer
-  Pgshort* = ptr gshort
-  Pglong* = ptr glong
-  Pgint* = ptr gint
-  PPgint* = ptr Pgint
-  Pgboolean* = ptr gboolean
-  Pguchar* = ptr guchar
-  PPguchar* = ptr Pguchar
-  Pgushort* = ptr gushort
-  Pgulong* = ptr gulong
-  Pguint* = ptr guint
-  Pgfloat* = ptr gfloat
-  Pgdouble* = ptr gdouble
-  pgpointer* = ptr gpointer
-  gconstpointer* = pointer
-  PGCompareFunc* = ptr TGCompareFunc
-  TGCompareFunc* = proc (a, b: gconstpointer): gint{.cdecl.}
-  PGCompareDataFunc* = ptr TGCompareDataFunc
-  TGCompareDataFunc* = proc (a, b: gconstpointer, user_data: gpointer): gint{.
-      cdecl.}
-  PGEqualFunc* = ptr TGEqualFunc
-  TGEqualFunc* = proc (a, b: gconstpointer): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-  PGDestroyNotify* = ptr TGDestroyNotify
-  TGDestroyNotify* = proc (data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  PGFunc* = ptr TGFunc
-  TGFunc* = proc (data, userdata: gpointer, key: gconstpointer){.cdecl.}
-  PGHashFunc* = ptr TGHashFunc
-  TGHashFunc* = proc (key: gconstpointer): guint{.cdecl.}
-  PGHFunc* = ptr TGHFunc
-  TGHFunc* = proc (key, value, user_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  PGFreeFunc* = proc (data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  PGTimeVal* = ptr TGTimeVal
-  TGTimeVal* {.final.} = object
-    tv_sec*: glong
-    tv_usec*: glong
-  guint64* = int64
-  gint8* = int8
-  guint8* = int8
-  gint16* = int16
-  guint16* = int16
-  gint32* = int32
-  guint32* = int32
-  gint64* = int64
-  gssize* = int32
-  gsize* = int32
-  Pgint8* = ptr gint8
-  Pguint8* = ptr guint8
-  Pgint16* = ptr gint16
-  Pguint16* = ptr guint16
-  Pgint32* = ptr gint32
-  Pguint32* = ptr guint32
-  Pgint64* = ptr gint64
-  Pguint64* = ptr guint64
-  pgssize* = ptr gssize
-  pgsize* = ptr gsize
-  TGQuark* = guint32
-  PGQuark* = ptr TGQuark
-  PGTypeCValue* = ptr TGTypeCValue
-  TGTypeCValue* {.final.} = object
-    v_double*: gdouble
-  GType* = gulong
-  PGType* = ptr GType
-  PGTypeClass* = ptr TGTypeClass
-  TGTypeClass* {.final.} = object
-    g_type*: GType
-  PGTypeInstance* = ptr TGTypeInstance
-  TGTypeInstance* {.final.} = object
-    g_class*: PGTypeClass
-  PGTypeInterface* = ptr TGTypeInterface
-  TGTypeInterface* {.pure.} = object
-    g_type*: GType
-    g_instance_type*: GType
-  PGTypeQuery* = ptr TGTypeQuery
-  TGTypeQuery* {.final.} = object
-    theType*: GType
-    type_name*: cstring
-    class_size*: guint
-    instance_size*: guint
-  PGValue* = ptr TGValue
-  TGValue* {.final.} = object
-    g_type*: GType
-    data*: array[0..1, gdouble]
-  PGData* = pointer
-  PPGData* = ptr PGData
-  PGSList* = ptr TGSList
-  PPGSList* = ptr PGSList
-  TGSList* {.final.} = object
-    data*: gpointer
-    next*: PGSList
-  PGList* = ptr TGList
-  TGList* {.final.} = object
-    data*: gpointer
-    next*: PGList
-    prev*: PGList
-  TGParamFlags* = int32
-  PGParamFlags* = ptr TGParamFlags
-  PGParamSpec* = ptr TGParamSpec
-  PPGParamSpec* = ptr PGParamSpec
-  TGParamSpec* {.final.} = object
-    g_type_instance*: TGTypeInstance
-    name*: cstring
-    flags*: TGParamFlags
-    value_type*: GType
-    owner_type*: GType
-    nick*: cstring
-    blurb*: cstring
-    qdata*: PGData
-    ref_count*: guint
-    param_id*: guint
-  PGParamSpecClass* = ptr TGParamSpecClass
-  TGParamSpecClass* {.final.} = object
-    g_type_class*: TGTypeClass
-    value_type*: GType
-    finalize*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-    value_set_default*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec, value: PGValue){.cdecl.}
-    value_validate*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec, value: PGValue): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-    values_cmp*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec, value1: PGValue, value2: PGValue): gint{.
-        cdecl.}
-    dummy*: array[0..3, gpointer]
-  PGParameter* = ptr TGParameter
-  TGParameter* {.final.} = object
-    name*: cstring
-    value*: TGValue
-  TGBoxedCopyFunc* = proc (boxed: gpointer): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-  TGBoxedFreeFunc* = proc (boxed: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  PGsource = pointer # I don't know and don't care
-proc G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL*(x: int): GType
-proc G_TYPE_IS_FUNDAMENTAL*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_IS_DERIVED*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_IS_CLASSED*(theType: GType): gboolean
-proc G_TYPE_IS_INSTANTIATABLE*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_IS_DERIVABLE*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_IS_DEEP_DERIVABLE*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_IS_ABSTRACT*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_IS_VALUE_ABSTRACT*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_IS_VALUE_TYPE*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_HAS_VALUE_TABLE*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE*(instance: Pointer): gboolean
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST*(instance: Pointer, g_type: GType): PGTypeInstance
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE*(instance: Pointer, g_type: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS*(instance: Pointer, g_type: GType): PGTypeClass
-proc G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE*(instance: Pointer, g_type: GType): Pointer
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST*(g_class: pointer, g_type: GType): Pointer
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE*(g_class: pointer, g_type: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE*(value: Pointer): bool
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE*(value: pointer, g_type: GType): bool
-proc G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE*(instance: Pointer): GType
-proc G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS*(g_class: Pointer): GType
-proc G_TYPE_FROM_INTERFACE*(g_iface: Pointer): GType
-  TGTypeDebugFlags* = int32
-  PGTypeDebugFlags* = ptr TGTypeDebugFlags
-  G_TYPE_DEBUG_OBJECTS* = 1 shl 0
-  G_TYPE_DEBUG_SIGNALS* = 1 shl 1
-  G_TYPE_DEBUG_MASK* = 0x00000003
-proc g_type_init*(){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_init".}
-proc g_type_init_with_debug_flags*(debug_flags: TGTypeDebugFlags){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_init_with_debug_flags".}
-proc g_type_name*(theType: GType): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_name".}
-proc g_type_qname*(theType: GType): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_qname".}
-proc g_type_from_name*(name: cstring): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_from_name".}
-proc g_type_parent*(theType: GType): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_parent".}
-proc g_type_depth*(theType: GType): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_depth".}
-proc g_type_next_base*(leaf_type: GType, root_type: GType): GType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_next_base".}
-proc g_type_is_a*(theType: GType, is_a_type: GType): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_is_a".}
-proc g_type_class_ref*(theType: GType): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_class_ref".}
-proc g_type_class_peek*(theType: GType): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_class_peek".}
-proc g_type_class_unref*(g_class: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_class_unref".}
-proc g_type_class_peek_parent*(g_class: gpointer): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_class_peek_parent".}
-proc g_type_interface_peek*(instance_class: gpointer, iface_type: GType): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_interface_peek".}
-proc g_type_interface_peek_parent*(g_iface: gpointer): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_interface_peek_parent".}
-proc g_type_children*(theType: GType, n_children: Pguint): PGType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_children".}
-proc g_type_interfaces*(theType: GType, n_interfaces: Pguint): PGType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_interfaces".}
-proc g_type_set_qdata*(theType: GType, quark: TGQuark, data: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_set_qdata".}
-proc g_type_get_qdata*(theType: GType, quark: TGQuark): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_get_qdata".}
-proc g_type_query*(theType: GType, query: PGTypeQuery){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_query".}
-  TGBaseInitFunc* = proc (g_class: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  TGBaseFinalizeFunc* = proc (g_class: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  TGClassInitFunc* = proc (g_class: gpointer, class_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  TGClassFinalizeFunc* = proc (g_class: gpointer, class_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  TGInstanceInitFunc* = proc (instance: PGTypeInstance, g_class: gpointer){.
-      cdecl.}
-  TGInterfaceInitFunc* = proc (g_iface: gpointer, iface_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  TGInterfaceFinalizeFunc* = proc (g_iface: gpointer, iface_data: gpointer){.
-      cdecl.}
-  TGTypeClassCacheFunc* = proc (cache_data: gpointer, g_class: PGTypeClass): gboolean{.
-      cdecl.}
-  TGTypeFundamentalFlags* = int32
-  PGTypeFundamentalFlags* = ptr TGTypeFundamentalFlags
-  G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED* = 1 shl 0
-  TGTypeFlags* = int32
-  PGTypeFlags* = ptr TGTypeFlags
-  G_TYPE_FLAG_ABSTRACT* = 1 shl 4
-  PGTypeValueTable* = ptr TGTypeValueTable
-  TGTypeValueTable* {.final.} = object
-    value_init*: proc (value: PGValue){.cdecl.}
-    value_free*: proc (value: PGValue){.cdecl.}
-    value_copy*: proc (src_value: PGValue, dest_value: PGValue){.cdecl.}
-    value_peek_pointer*: proc (value: PGValue): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-    collect_format*: cstring
-    collect_value*: proc (value: PGValue, n_collect_values: guint,
-                          collect_values: PGTypeCValue, collect_flags: guint): cstring{.
-        cdecl.}
-    lcopy_format*: cstring
-    lcopy_value*: proc (value: PGValue, n_collect_values: guint,
-                        collect_values: PGTypeCValue, collect_flags: guint): cstring{.
-        cdecl.}
-  PGTypeInfo* = ptr TGTypeInfo
-  TGTypeInfo* {.final.} = object
-    class_size*: guint16
-    base_init*: TGBaseInitFunc
-    base_finalize*: TGBaseFinalizeFunc
-    class_init*: TGClassInitFunc
-    class_finalize*: TGClassFinalizeFunc
-    class_data*: gconstpointer
-    instance_size*: guint16
-    n_preallocs*: guint16
-    instance_init*: TGInstanceInitFunc
-    value_table*: PGTypeValueTable
-  PGTypeFundamentalInfo* = ptr TGTypeFundamentalInfo
-  TGTypeFundamentalInfo* {.final.} = object
-    type_flags*: TGTypeFundamentalFlags
-  PGInterfaceInfo* = ptr TGInterfaceInfo
-  TGInterfaceInfo* {.final.} = object
-    interface_init*: TGInterfaceInitFunc
-    interface_finalize*: TGInterfaceFinalizeFunc
-    interface_data*: gpointer
-proc g_type_register_static*(parent_type: GType, type_name: cstring,
-                             info: PGTypeInfo, flags: TGTypeFlags): GType{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_register_static".}
-proc g_type_register_dynamic*(parent_type: GType, type_name: cstring,
-                              plugin: PGTypePlugin, flags: TGTypeFlags): GType{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_register_dynamic".}
-proc g_type_register_fundamental*(type_id: GType, type_name: cstring,
-                                  info: PGTypeInfo,
-                                  finfo: PGTypeFundamentalInfo,
-                                  flags: TGTypeFlags): GType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_register_fundamental".}
-proc g_type_add_interface_static*(instance_type: GType, interface_type: GType,
-                                  info: PGInterfaceInfo){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_add_interface_static".}
-proc g_type_add_interface_dynamic*(instance_type: GType, interface_type: GType,
-                                   plugin: PGTypePlugin){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_add_interface_dynamic".}
-proc g_type_interface_add_prerequisite*(interface_type: GType,
-                                        prerequisite_type: GType){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_interface_add_prerequisite".}
-proc g_type_get_plugin*(theType: GType): PGTypePlugin{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_get_plugin".}
-proc g_type_interface_get_plugin*(instance_type: GType,
-                                  implementation_type: GType): PGTypePlugin{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_interface_get_plugin".}
-proc g_type_fundamental_next*(): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                        importc: "g_type_fundamental_next".}
-proc g_type_fundamental*(type_id: GType): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_fundamental".}
-proc g_type_create_instance*(theType: GType): PGTypeInstance{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_create_instance".}
-proc g_type_free_instance*(instance: PGTypeInstance){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_free_instance".}
-proc g_type_add_class_cache_func*(cache_data: gpointer,
-                                  cache_func: TGTypeClassCacheFunc){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_add_class_cache_func".}
-proc g_type_remove_class_cache_func*(cache_data: gpointer,
-                                     cache_func: TGTypeClassCacheFunc){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_remove_class_cache_func".}
-proc g_type_class_unref_uncached*(g_class: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_type_class_unref_uncached".}
-proc g_type_value_table_peek*(theType: GType): PGTypeValueTable{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_value_table_peek".}
-proc private_g_type_check_instance*(instance: PGTypeInstance): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_check_instance".}
-proc private_g_type_check_instance_cast*(instance: PGTypeInstance,
-    iface_type: GType): PGTypeInstance{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                        importc: "g_type_check_instance_cast".}
-proc private_g_type_check_instance_is_a*(instance: PGTypeInstance,
-    iface_type: GType): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                  importc: "g_type_check_instance_is_a".}
-proc private_g_type_check_class_cast*(g_class: PGTypeClass, is_a_type: GType): PGTypeClass{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_check_class_cast".}
-proc private_g_type_check_class_is_a*(g_class: PGTypeClass, is_a_type: GType): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_check_class_is_a".}
-proc private_g_type_check_is_value_type*(theType: GType): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_check_is_value_type".}
-proc private_g_type_check_value*(value: PGValue): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_check_value".}
-proc private_g_type_check_value_holds*(value: PGValue, theType: GType): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_check_value_holds".}
-proc private_g_type_test_flags*(theType: GType, flags: guint): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_test_flags".}
-proc g_type_name_from_instance*(instance: PGTypeInstance): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_name_from_instance".}
-proc g_type_name_from_class*(g_class: PGTypeClass): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_type_name_from_class".}
-  G_TYPE_FLAG_RESERVED_ID_BIT* = GType(1 shl 0)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_VALUE*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_IS_VALUE*(value: pointer): bool
-proc G_VALUE_TYPE*(value: Pointer): GType
-proc G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME*(value: Pointer): cstring
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS*(value: pointer, g_type: GType): bool
-  TGValueTransform* = proc (src_value: PGValue, dest_value: PGValue){.cdecl.}
-proc g_value_init*(value: PGValue, g_type: GType): PGValue{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_init".}
-proc g_value_copy*(src_value: PGValue, dest_value: PGValue){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_copy".}
-proc g_value_reset*(value: PGValue): PGValue{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_reset".}
-proc g_value_unset*(value: PGValue){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                     importc: "g_value_unset".}
-proc g_value_set_instance*(value: PGValue, instance: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_instance".}
-proc g_value_fits_pointer*(value: PGValue): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_fits_pointer".}
-proc g_value_peek_pointer*(value: PGValue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_peek_pointer".}
-proc g_value_type_compatible*(src_type: GType, dest_type: GType): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_type_compatible".}
-proc g_value_type_transformable*(src_type: GType, dest_type: GType): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_type_transformable".}
-proc g_value_transform*(src_value: PGValue, dest_value: PGValue): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_transform".}
-proc g_value_register_transform_func*(src_type: GType, dest_type: GType,
-                                      transform_func: TGValueTransform){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_register_transform_func".}
-  PGValueArray* = ptr TGValueArray
-  TGValueArray* {.final.} = object
-    n_values*: guint
-    values*: PGValue
-    n_prealloced*: guint
-proc g_value_array_get_nth*(value_array: PGValueArray, index: guint): PGValue{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_get_nth".}
-proc g_value_array_new*(n_prealloced: guint): PGValueArray{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_new".}
-proc g_value_array_free*(value_array: PGValueArray){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_array_free".}
-proc g_value_array_copy*(value_array: PGValueArray): PGValueArray{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_copy".}
-proc g_value_array_prepend*(value_array: PGValueArray, value: PGValue): PGValueArray{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_prepend".}
-proc g_value_array_append*(value_array: PGValueArray, value: PGValue): PGValueArray{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_append".}
-proc g_value_array_insert*(value_array: PGValueArray, index: guint,
-                           value: PGValue): PGValueArray{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_insert".}
-proc g_value_array_remove*(value_array: PGValueArray, index: guint): PGValueArray{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_remove".}
-proc g_value_array_sort*(value_array: PGValueArray, compare_func: TGCompareFunc): PGValueArray{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_sort".}
-proc g_value_array_sort_with_data*(value_array: PGValueArray,
-                                   compare_func: TGCompareDataFunc,
-                                   user_data: gpointer): PGValueArray{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_array_sort_with_data".}
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_CHAR*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_UCHAR*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_LONG*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_ULONG*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT64*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT64*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLOAT*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_DOUBLE*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_POINTER*(value: PGValue): bool
-proc g_value_set_char*(value: PGValue, v_char: gchar){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_char".}
-proc g_value_get_char*(value: PGValue): gchar{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_char".}
-proc g_value_set_uchar*(value: PGValue, v_uchar: guchar){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_uchar".}
-proc g_value_get_uchar*(value: PGValue): guchar{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_uchar".}
-proc g_value_set_boolean*(value: PGValue, v_boolean: gboolean){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_boolean".}
-proc g_value_get_boolean*(value: PGValue): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_boolean".}
-proc g_value_set_int*(value: PGValue, v_int: gint){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_set_int".}
-proc g_value_get_int*(value: PGValue): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_int".}
-proc g_value_set_uint*(value: PGValue, v_uint: guint){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_uint".}
-proc g_value_get_uint*(value: PGValue): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_uint".}
-proc g_value_set_long*(value: PGValue, v_long: glong){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_long".}
-proc g_value_get_long*(value: PGValue): glong{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_long".}
-proc g_value_set_ulong*(value: PGValue, v_ulong: gulong){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_ulong".}
-proc g_value_get_ulong*(value: PGValue): gulong{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_ulong".}
-proc g_value_set_int64*(value: PGValue, v_int64: gint64){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_int64".}
-proc g_value_get_int64*(value: PGValue): gint64{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_int64".}
-proc g_value_set_uint64*(value: PGValue, v_uint64: guint64){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_uint64".}
-proc g_value_get_uint64*(value: PGValue): guint64{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_uint64".}
-proc g_value_set_float*(value: PGValue, v_float: gfloat){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_float".}
-proc g_value_get_float*(value: PGValue): gfloat{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_float".}
-proc g_value_set_double*(value: PGValue, v_double: gdouble){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_double".}
-proc g_value_get_double*(value: PGValue): gdouble{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_double".}
-proc g_value_set_string*(value: PGValue, v_string: cstring){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_string".}
-proc g_value_set_static_string*(value: PGValue, v_string: cstring){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_static_string".}
-proc g_value_get_string*(value: PGValue): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_string".}
-proc g_value_dup_string*(value: PGValue): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_dup_string".}
-proc g_value_set_pointer*(value: PGValue, v_pointer: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_pointer".}
-proc g_value_get_pointer*(value: PGValue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_pointer".}
-proc g_pointer_type_register_static*(name: cstring): GType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_pointer_type_register_static".}
-proc g_strdup_value_contents*(value: PGValue): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_strdup_value_contents".}
-proc g_value_set_string_take_ownership*(value: PGValue, v_string: cstring){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_string_take_ownership".}
-  Tgchararray* = gchar
-  Pgchararray* = ptr Tgchararray
-proc G_TYPE_IS_PARAM*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC*(pspec: Pointer): PGParamSpec
-proc G_IS_PARAM_SPEC*(pspec: Pointer): bool
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_CLASS*(pclass: Pointer): PGParamSpecClass
-proc G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_CLASS*(pclass: Pointer): bool
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_GET_CLASS*(pspec: Pointer): PGParamSpecClass
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE*(pspec: Pointer): GType
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE_NAME*(pspec: Pointer): cstring
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE*(pspec: Pointer): GType
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_PARAM*(value: Pointer): bool
-  G_PARAM_READABLE* = 1 shl 0
-  G_PARAM_WRITABLE* = 1 shl 1
-  G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT* = 1 shl 2
-  G_PARAM_PRIVATE* = 1 shl 5
-  G_PARAM_MASK* = 0x000000FF
-proc g_param_spec_ref*(pspec: PGParamSpec): PGParamSpec{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_param_spec_ref".}
-proc g_param_spec_unref*(pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_param_spec_unref".}
-proc g_param_spec_sink*(pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_param_spec_sink".}
-proc g_param_spec_get_qdata*(pspec: PGParamSpec, quark: TGQuark): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_get_qdata".}
-proc g_param_spec_set_qdata*(pspec: PGParamSpec, quark: TGQuark, data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_set_qdata".}
-proc g_param_spec_set_qdata_full*(pspec: PGParamSpec, quark: TGQuark,
-                                  data: gpointer, destroy: TGDestroyNotify){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_set_qdata_full".}
-proc g_param_spec_steal_qdata*(pspec: PGParamSpec, quark: TGQuark): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_steal_qdata".}
-proc g_param_value_set_default*(pspec: PGParamSpec, value: PGValue){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_value_set_default".}
-proc g_param_value_defaults*(pspec: PGParamSpec, value: PGValue): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_value_defaults".}
-proc g_param_value_validate*(pspec: PGParamSpec, value: PGValue): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_value_validate".}
-proc g_param_value_convert*(pspec: PGParamSpec, src_value: PGValue,
-                            dest_value: PGValue, strict_validation: gboolean): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_value_convert".}
-proc g_param_values_cmp*(pspec: PGParamSpec, value1: PGValue, value2: PGValue): gint{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_values_cmp".}
-proc g_param_spec_get_name*(pspec: PGParamSpec): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_get_name".}
-proc g_param_spec_get_nick*(pspec: PGParamSpec): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_get_nick".}
-proc g_param_spec_get_blurb*(pspec: PGParamSpec): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_get_blurb".}
-proc g_value_set_param*(value: PGValue, param: PGParamSpec){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_value_set_param".}
-proc g_value_get_param*(value: PGValue): PGParamSpec{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_param".}
-proc g_value_dup_param*(value: PGValue): PGParamSpec{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_value_dup_param".}
-proc g_value_set_param_take_ownership*(value: PGValue, param: PGParamSpec){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_value_set_param_take_ownership".}
-  PGParamSpecTypeInfo* = ptr TGParamSpecTypeInfo
-  TGParamSpecTypeInfo* {.final.} = object
-    instance_size*: guint16
-    n_preallocs*: guint16
-    instance_init*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-    value_type*: GType
-    finalize*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-    value_set_default*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec, value: PGValue){.cdecl.}
-    value_validate*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec, value: PGValue): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-    values_cmp*: proc (pspec: PGParamSpec, value1: PGValue, value2: PGValue): gint{.
-        cdecl.}
-proc g_param_type_register_static*(name: cstring,
-                                   pspec_info: PGParamSpecTypeInfo): GType{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_type_register_static".}
-proc g_param_type_register_static_constant*(name: cstring,
-    pspec_info: PGParamSpecTypeInfo, opt_type: GType): GType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "`g_param_type_register_static_constant`".}
-proc g_param_spec_internal*(param_type: GType, name: cstring, nick: cstring,
-                            blurb: cstring, flags: TGParamFlags): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_internal".}
-proc g_param_spec_pool_new*(type_prefixing: gboolean): PGParamSpecPool{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_pool_new".}
-proc g_param_spec_pool_insert*(pool: PGParamSpecPool, pspec: PGParamSpec,
-                               owner_type: GType){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_param_spec_pool_insert".}
-proc g_param_spec_pool_remove*(pool: PGParamSpecPool, pspec: PGParamSpec){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_pool_remove".}
-proc g_param_spec_pool_lookup*(pool: PGParamSpecPool, param_name: cstring,
-                               owner_type: GType, walk_ancestors: gboolean): PGParamSpec{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_pool_lookup".}
-proc g_param_spec_pool_list_owned*(pool: PGParamSpecPool, owner_type: GType): PGList{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_pool_list_owned".}
-proc g_param_spec_pool_list*(pool: PGParamSpecPool, owner_type: GType,
-                             n_pspecs_p: Pguint): PPGParamSpec{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_param_spec_pool_list".}
-  PGClosure* = ptr TGClosure
-  PGClosureNotifyData* = ptr TGClosureNotifyData
-  TGClosureNotify* = proc (data: gpointer, closure: PGClosure){.cdecl.}
-  TGClosure* {.final.} = object
-    flag0*: int32
-    marshal*: proc (closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                    n_param_values: guint, param_values: PGValue,
-                    invocation_hint, marshal_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-    data*: gpointer
-    notifiers*: PGClosureNotifyData
-  TGCallBackProcedure* = proc () {.cdecl.}
-  TGCallback* = proc () {.cdecl.}
-  TGClosureMarshal* = proc (closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                            n_param_values: guint, param_values: PGValue,
-                            invocation_hint: gpointer, marshal_data: gpointer){.
-      cdecl.}
-  TGClosureNotifyData* {.final.} = object
-    data*: gpointer
-    notify*: TGClosureNotify
-proc G_CLOSURE_NEEDS_MARSHAL*(closure: Pointer): bool
-proc G_CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS*(cl: PGClosure): int32
-proc G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA*(cclosure: PGClosure): int32
-proc G_CALLBACK*(f: pointer): TGCallback
-  bm_TGClosure_ref_count* = 0x00007FFF'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_ref_count* = 0'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_meta_marshal* = 0x00008000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_meta_marshal* = 15'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_n_guards* = 0x00010000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_n_guards* = 16'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_n_fnotifiers* = 0x00060000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_n_fnotifiers* = 17'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_n_inotifiers* = 0x07F80000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_n_inotifiers* = 19'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_in_inotify* = 0x08000000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_in_inotify* = 27'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_floating* = 0x10000000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_floating* = 28'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_derivative_flag* = 0x20000000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_derivative_flag* = 29'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_in_marshal* = 0x40000000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_in_marshal* = 30'i32
-  bm_TGClosure_is_invalid* = 0x80000000'i32
-  bp_TGClosure_is_invalid* = 31'i32
-proc ref_count*(a: var TGClosure): guint
-proc set_ref_count*(a: var TGClosure, ref_count: guint)
-proc meta_marshal*(a: PGClosure): guint
-proc set_meta_marshal*(a: var TGClosure, meta_marshal: guint)
-proc n_guards*(a: PGClosure): guint
-proc set_n_guards*(a: var TGClosure, n_guards: guint)
-proc n_fnotifiers*(a: PGClosure): guint
-proc set_n_fnotifiers*(a: var TGClosure, n_fnotifiers: guint)
-proc n_inotifiers*(a: PGClosure): guint
-proc in_inotify*(a: var TGClosure): guint
-proc set_in_inotify*(a: var TGClosure, in_inotify: guint)
-proc floating*(a: var TGClosure): guint
-proc set_floating*(a: var TGClosure, floating: guint)
-proc derivative_flag*(a: PGClosure): guint
-proc set_derivative_flag*(a: var TGClosure, derivative_flag: guint)
-proc in_marshal*(a: var TGClosure): guint
-proc set_in_marshal*(a: var TGClosure, in_marshal: guint)
-proc is_invalid*(a: var TGClosure): guint
-proc set_is_invalid*(a: var TGClosure, is_invalid: guint)
-  PGCClosure* = ptr TGCClosure
-  TGCClosure* {.final.} = object
-    closure*: TGClosure
-    callback*: gpointer
-proc g_cclosure_new*(callback_func: TGCallback, user_data: gpointer,
-                     destroy_data: TGClosureNotify): PGClosure{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_cclosure_new".}
-proc g_cclosure_new_swap*(callback_func: TGCallback, user_data: gpointer,
-                          destroy_data: TGClosureNotify): PGClosure{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_cclosure_new_swap".}
-proc g_signal_type_cclosure_new*(itype: GType, struct_offset: guint): PGClosure{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_signal_type_cclosure_new".}
-proc g_closure_ref*(closure: PGClosure): PGClosure{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_closure_ref".}
-proc g_closure_sink*(closure: PGClosure){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_closure_sink".}
-proc g_closure_unref*(closure: PGClosure){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_closure_unref".}
-proc g_closure_new_simple*(sizeof_closure: guint, data: gpointer): PGClosure{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_closure_new_simple".}
-proc g_closure_add_finalize_notifier*(closure: PGClosure, notify_data: gpointer,
-                                      notify_func: TGClosureNotify){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_closure_add_finalize_notifier".}
-proc g_closure_remove_finalize_notifier*(closure: PGClosure,
-    notify_data: gpointer, notify_func: TGClosureNotify){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_closure_remove_finalize_notifier".}
-proc g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier*(closure: PGClosure,
-                                        notify_data: gpointer,
-                                        notify_func: TGClosureNotify){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier".}
-proc g_closure_remove_invalidate_notifier*(closure: PGClosure,
-    notify_data: gpointer, notify_func: TGClosureNotify){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_closure_remove_invalidate_notifier".}
-proc g_closure_add_marshal_guards*(closure: PGClosure,
-                                   pre_marshal_data: gpointer,
-                                   pre_marshal_notify: TGClosureNotify,
-                                   post_marshal_data: gpointer,
-                                   post_marshal_notify: TGClosureNotify){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_closure_add_marshal_guards".}
-proc g_closure_set_marshal*(closure: PGClosure, marshal: TGClosureMarshal){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_closure_set_marshal".}
-proc g_closure_set_meta_marshal*(closure: PGClosure, marshal_data: gpointer,
-                                 meta_marshal: TGClosureMarshal){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_closure_set_meta_marshal".}
-proc g_closure_invalidate*(closure: PGClosure){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_closure_invalidate".}
-proc g_closure_invoke*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                       n_param_values: guint, param_values: PGValue,
-                       invocation_hint: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_closure_invoke".}
-  PGSignalInvocationHint* = ptr TGSignalInvocationHint
-  PGSignalCMarshaller* = ptr TGSignalCMarshaller
-  TGSignalCMarshaller* = TGClosureMarshal
-  TGSignalEmissionHook* = proc (ihint: PGSignalInvocationHint,
-                                n_param_values: guint, param_values: PGValue,
-                                data: gpointer): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-  TGSignalAccumulator* = proc (ihint: PGSignalInvocationHint,
-                               return_accu: PGValue, handler_return: PGValue,
-                               data: gpointer): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-  PGSignalFlags* = ptr TGSignalFlags
-  TGSignalFlags* = int32
-  TGSignalInvocationHint* {.final.} = object
-    signal_id*: guint
-    detail*: TGQuark
-    run_type*: TGSignalFlags
-  PGSignalQuery* = ptr TGSignalQuery
-  TGSignalQuery* {.final.} = object
-    signal_id*: guint
-    signal_name*: cstring
-    itype*: GType
-    signal_flags*: TGSignalFlags
-    return_type*: GType
-    n_params*: guint
-    param_types*: PGType
-  G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST* = 1 shl 0
-  G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST* = 1 shl 1
-  G_SIGNAL_RUN_CLEANUP* = 1 shl 2
-  G_SIGNAL_NO_RECURSE* = 1 shl 3
-  G_SIGNAL_DETAILED* = 1 shl 4
-  G_SIGNAL_ACTION* = 1 shl 5
-  G_SIGNAL_NO_HOOKS* = 1 shl 6
-  G_SIGNAL_FLAGS_MASK* = 0x0000007F
-  PGConnectFlags* = ptr TGConnectFlags
-  TGConnectFlags* = int32
-  G_CONNECT_AFTER* = 1 shl 0
-  G_CONNECT_SWAPPED* = 1 shl 1
-  PGSignalMatchType* = ptr TGSignalMatchType
-  TGSignalMatchType* = int32
-  G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID* = 1 shl 0
-  G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC* = 1 shl 3
-  G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA* = 1 shl 4
-  G_SIGNAL_MATCH_MASK* = 0x0000003F
-proc g_signal_newv*(signal_name: cstring, itype: GType,
-                    signal_flags: TGSignalFlags, class_closure: PGClosure,
-                    accumulator: TGSignalAccumulator, accu_data: gpointer,
-                    c_marshaller: TGSignalCMarshaller, return_type: GType,
-                    n_params: guint, param_types: PGType): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_newv".}
-proc g_signal_emitv*(instance_and_params: PGValue, signal_id: guint,
-                     detail: TGQuark, return_value: PGValue){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_emitv".}
-proc g_signal_lookup*(name: cstring, itype: GType): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_lookup".}
-proc g_signal_name*(signal_id: guint): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_signal_name".}
-proc g_signal_query*(signal_id: guint, query: PGSignalQuery){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_query".}
-proc g_signal_list_ids*(itype: GType, n_ids: Pguint): Pguint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_list_ids".}
-proc g_signal_parse_name*(detailed_signal: cstring, itype: GType,
-                          signal_id_p: Pguint, detail_p: PGQuark,
-                          force_detail_quark: gboolean): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_parse_name".}
-proc g_signal_get_invocation_hint*(instance: gpointer): PGSignalInvocationHint{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_get_invocation_hint".}
-proc g_signal_stop_emission*(instance: gpointer, signal_id: guint,
-                             detail: TGQuark){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_signal_stop_emission".}
-proc g_signal_stop_emission_by_name*(instance: gpointer,
-                                     detailed_signal: cstring){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_stop_emission_by_name".}
-proc g_signal_add_emission_hook*(signal_id: guint, quark: TGQuark,
-                                 hook_func: TGSignalEmissionHook,
-                                 hook_data: gpointer,
-                                 data_destroy: TGDestroyNotify): gulong{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_add_emission_hook".}
-proc g_signal_remove_emission_hook*(signal_id: guint, hook_id: gulong){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_remove_emission_hook".}
-proc g_signal_has_handler_pending*(instance: gpointer, signal_id: guint,
-                                   detail: TGQuark, may_be_blocked: gboolean): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_has_handler_pending".}
-proc g_signal_connect_closure_by_id*(instance: gpointer, signal_id: guint,
-                                     detail: TGQuark, closure: PGClosure,
-                                     after: gboolean): gulong{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_connect_closure_by_id".}
-proc g_signal_connect_closure*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                               closure: PGClosure, after: gboolean): gulong{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_connect_closure".}
-proc g_signal_connect_data*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                            c_handler: TGCallback, data: gpointer,
-                            destroy_data: TGClosureNotify,
-                            connect_flags: TGConnectFlags): gulong{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_connect_data".}
-proc g_signal_handler_block*(instance: gpointer, handler_id: gulong){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_handler_block".}
-proc g_signal_handler_unblock*(instance: gpointer, handler_id: gulong){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_handler_unblock".}
-proc g_signal_handler_disconnect*(instance: gpointer, handler_id: gulong){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_handler_disconnect".}
-proc g_signal_handler_is_connected*(instance: gpointer, handler_id: gulong): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_handler_is_connected".}
-proc g_signal_handler_find*(instance: gpointer, mask: TGSignalMatchType,
-                            signal_id: guint, detail: TGQuark,
-                            closure: PGClosure, func: gpointer, data: gpointer): gulong{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_handler_find".}
-proc g_signal_handlers_block_matched*(instance: gpointer,
-                                      mask: TGSignalMatchType, signal_id: guint,
-                                      detail: TGQuark, closure: PGClosure,
-                                      func: gpointer, data: gpointer): guint{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_handlers_block_matched".}
-proc g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched*(instance: gpointer,
-                                        mask: TGSignalMatchType,
-                                        signal_id: guint, detail: TGQuark,
-                                        closure: PGClosure, func: gpointer,
-                                        data: gpointer): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched".}
-proc g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched*(instance: gpointer,
-    mask: TGSignalMatchType, signal_id: guint, detail: TGQuark,
-    closure: PGClosure, func: gpointer, data: gpointer): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched".}
-proc g_signal_override_class_closure*(signal_id: guint, instance_type: GType,
-                                      class_closure: PGClosure){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_override_class_closure".}
-proc g_signal_chain_from_overridden*(instance_and_params: PGValue,
-                                     return_value: PGValue){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_chain_from_overridden".}
-proc g_signal_connect*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                       c_handler: TGCallback, data: gpointer): gulong
-proc g_signal_connect_after*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                             c_handler: TGCallback, data: gpointer): gulong
-proc g_signal_connect_swapped*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                               c_handler: TGCallback, data: gpointer): gulong
-proc g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func*(instance: gpointer,
-    func, data: gpointer): guint
-proc g_signal_handlers_block_by_func*(instance: gpointer, func, data: gpointer)
-proc g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func*(instance: gpointer, func, data: gpointer)
-proc g_signal_handlers_destroy*(instance: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_signal_handlers_destroy".}
-proc g_signals_destroy*(itype: GType){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                       importc: "`g_signals_destroy`".}
-  TGTypePluginUse* = proc (plugin: PGTypePlugin){.cdecl.}
-  TGTypePluginUnuse* = proc (plugin: PGTypePlugin){.cdecl.}
-  TGTypePluginCompleteTypeInfo* = proc (plugin: PGTypePlugin, g_type: GType,
-                                        info: PGTypeInfo,
-                                        value_table: PGTypeValueTable){.cdecl.}
-  TGTypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo* = proc (plugin: PGTypePlugin,
-      instance_type: GType, interface_type: GType, info: PGInterfaceInfo){.cdecl.}
-  PGTypePluginClass* = ptr TGTypePluginClass
-  TGTypePluginClass* {.final.} = object
-    base_iface*: TGTypeInterface
-    use_plugin*: TGTypePluginUse
-    unuse_plugin*: TGTypePluginUnuse
-    complete_type_info*: TGTypePluginCompleteTypeInfo
-    complete_interface_info*: TGTypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo
-proc G_TYPE_TYPE_PLUGIN*(): GType
-proc G_TYPE_PLUGIN*(inst: Pointer): PGTypePlugin
-proc G_TYPE_PLUGIN_CLASS*(vtable: Pointer): PGTypePluginClass
-proc G_IS_TYPE_PLUGIN*(inst: Pointer): bool
-proc G_IS_TYPE_PLUGIN_CLASS*(vtable: Pointer): bool
-proc G_TYPE_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS*(inst: Pointer): PGTypePluginClass
-proc g_type_plugin_get_type*(): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                       importc: "g_type_plugin_get_type".}
-proc g_type_plugin_use*(plugin: PGTypePlugin){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_type_plugin_use".}
-proc g_type_plugin_unuse*(plugin: PGTypePlugin){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_type_plugin_unuse".}
-proc g_type_plugin_complete_type_info*(plugin: PGTypePlugin, g_type: GType,
-                                       info: PGTypeInfo,
-                                       value_table: PGTypeValueTable){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_type_plugin_complete_type_info".}
-proc g_type_plugin_complete_interface_info*(plugin: PGTypePlugin,
-    instance_type: GType, interface_type: GType, info: PGInterfaceInfo){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_type_plugin_complete_interface_info".}
-  PGObject* = ptr TGObject
-  TGObject* {.pure.} = object
-    g_type_instance*: TGTypeInstance
-    ref_count*: guint
-    qdata*: PGData
-  TGObjectGetPropertyFunc* = proc (anObject: PGObject, property_id: guint,
-                                   value: PGValue, pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-  TGObjectSetPropertyFunc* = proc (anObject: PGObject, property_id: guint,
-                                   value: PGValue, pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-  TGObjectFinalizeFunc* = proc (anObject: PGObject){.cdecl.}
-  TGWeakNotify* = proc (data: gpointer, where_the_object_was: PGObject){.cdecl.}
-  PGObjectConstructParam* = ptr TGObjectConstructParam
-  PGObjectClass* = ptr TGObjectClass
-  TGObjectClass* {.pure.} = object
-    g_type_class*: TGTypeClass
-    construct_properties*: PGSList
-    constructor*: proc (theType: GType, n_construct_properties: guint,
-                        construct_properties: PGObjectConstructParam): PGObject{.
-        cdecl.}
-    set_property*: proc (anObject: PGObject, property_id: guint, value: PGValue,
-                         pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-    get_property*: proc (anObject: PGObject, property_id: guint, value: PGValue,
-                         pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-    dispose*: proc (anObject: PGObject){.cdecl.}
-    finalize*: proc (anObject: PGObject){.cdecl.}
-    dispatch_properties_changed*: proc (anObject: PGObject, n_pspecs: guint,
-                                        pspecs: PPGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-    notify*: proc (anObject: PGObject, pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl.}
-    pdummy*: array[0..7, gpointer]
-  TGObjectConstructParam* {.final.} = object
-    pspec*: PGParamSpec
-    value*: PGValue
-proc G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT*(theType: GType): bool
-proc G_OBJECT*(anObject: pointer): PGObject
-proc G_OBJECT_CLASS*(class: Pointer): PGObjectClass
-proc G_IS_OBJECT*(anObject: pointer): bool
-proc G_IS_OBJECT_CLASS*(class: Pointer): bool
-proc G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS*(anObject: pointer): PGObjectClass
-proc G_OBJECT_TYPE*(anObject: pointer): GType
-proc G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME*(anObject: pointer): cstring
-proc G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE*(class: Pointer): GType
-proc G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME*(class: Pointer): cstring
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_OBJECT*(value: Pointer): bool
-proc g_object_class_install_property*(oclass: PGObjectClass, property_id: guint,
-                                      pspec: PGParamSpec){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_class_install_property".}
-proc g_object_class_find_property*(oclass: PGObjectClass, property_name: cstring): PGParamSpec{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_class_find_property".}
-proc g_object_class_list_properties*(oclass: PGObjectClass, n_properties: Pguint): PPGParamSpec{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_class_list_properties".}
-proc g_object_set_property*(anObject: PGObject, property_name: cstring,
-                            value: PGValue){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_object_set_property".}
-proc g_object_get_property*(anObject: PGObject, property_name: cstring,
-                            value: PGValue){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_object_get_property".}
-proc g_object_freeze_notify*(anObject: PGObject){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_object_freeze_notify".}
-proc g_object_notify*(anObject: PGObject, property_name: cstring){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_notify".}
-proc g_object_thaw_notify*(anObject: PGObject){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_object_thaw_notify".}
-proc g_object_ref*(anObject: gpointer): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_object_ref".}
-proc g_object_unref*(anObject: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_object_unref".}
-proc g_object_weak_ref*(anObject: PGObject, notify: TGWeakNotify, data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_weak_ref".}
-proc g_object_weak_unref*(anObject: PGObject, notify: TGWeakNotify,
-                          data: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_object_weak_unref".}
-proc g_object_add_weak_pointer*(anObject: PGObject,
-                                weak_pointer_location: Pgpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_add_weak_pointer".}
-proc g_object_remove_weak_pointer*(anObject: PGObject,
-                                   weak_pointer_location: Pgpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_remove_weak_pointer".}
-proc g_object_get_qdata*(anObject: PGObject, quark: TGQuark): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_get_qdata".}
-proc g_object_set_qdata*(anObject: PGObject, quark: TGQuark, data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_set_qdata".}
-proc g_object_set_qdata_full*(anObject: PGObject, quark: TGQuark,
-                              data: gpointer, destroy: TGDestroyNotify){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_set_qdata_full".}
-proc g_object_steal_qdata*(anObject: PGObject, quark: TGQuark): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_steal_qdata".}
-proc g_object_get_data*(anObject: PGObject, key: cstring): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_get_data".}
-proc g_object_set_data*(anObject: PGObject, key: cstring, data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_set_data".}
-proc g_object_set_data_full*(anObject: PGObject, key: cstring, data: gpointer,
-                             destroy: TGDestroyNotify){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_set_data_full".}
-proc g_object_steal_data*(anObject: PGObject, key: cstring): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_steal_data".}
-proc g_object_watch_closure*(anObject: PGObject, closure: PGClosure){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_object_watch_closure".}
-proc g_cclosure_new_object*(callback_func: TGCallback, anObject: PGObject): PGClosure{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_new_object".}
-proc g_cclosure_new_object_swap*(callback_func: TGCallback, anObject: PGObject): PGClosure{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_new_object_swap".}
-proc g_closure_new_object*(sizeof_closure: guint, anObject: PGObject): PGClosure{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_closure_new_object".}
-proc g_value_set_object*(value: PGValue, v_object: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_object".}
-proc g_value_get_object*(value: PGValue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_object".}
-proc g_value_dup_object*(value: PGValue): PGObject{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_dup_object".}
-proc g_signal_connect_object*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                              c_handler: TGCallback, gobject: gpointer,
-                              connect_flags: TGConnectFlags): gulong{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_signal_connect_object".}
-proc g_object_run_dispose*(anObject: PGObject){.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_object_run_dispose".}
-proc g_value_set_object_take_ownership*(value: PGValue, v_object: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_object_take_ownership".}
-proc G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PSPEC*(anObject: gpointer, pname: cstring,
-                                  property_id: gint, pspec: gpointer)
-proc G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID*(anObject: gpointer, property_id: gint,
-                                        pspec: gpointer)
-  G_FLAGS_TYPE* = GType
-  G_E* = 2.7182818284590451
-  G_LN2* = 0.6931471805599452
-  G_LN10* = 2.3025850929940455
-  G_PI* = 3.1415926535897936
-  G_PI_2* = 1.5707963267948968
-  G_PI_4* = 0.7853981633974483
-  G_SQRT2* = 1.4142135623730951
-  G_LITTLE_ENDIAN* = 1234
-  G_BIG_ENDIAN* = 4321
-  G_PDP_ENDIAN* = 3412
-proc GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT*(val: guint16): guint16
-proc GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT*(val: guint32): guint32
-  PGEnumClass* = ptr TGEnumClass
-  PGEnumValue* = ptr TGEnumValue
-  TGEnumClass* {.final.} = object
-    g_type_class*: TGTypeClass
-    minimum*: gint
-    maximum*: gint
-    n_values*: guint
-    values*: PGEnumValue
-  TGEnumValue* {.final.} = object
-    value*: gint
-    value_name*: cstring
-    value_nick*: cstring
-  PGFlagsClass* = ptr TGFlagsClass
-  PGFlagsValue* = ptr TGFlagsValue
-  TGFlagsClass* {.final.} = object
-    g_type_class*: TGTypeClass
-    mask*: guint
-    n_values*: guint
-    values*: PGFlagsValue
-  TGFlagsValue* {.final.} = object
-    value*: guint
-    value_name*: cstring
-    value_nick*: cstring
-proc G_TYPE_IS_ENUM*(theType: GType): gboolean
-proc G_ENUM_CLASS*(class: pointer): PGEnumClass
-proc G_IS_ENUM_CLASS*(class: pointer): gboolean
-proc G_ENUM_CLASS_TYPE*(class: pointer): GType
-proc G_ENUM_CLASS_TYPE_NAME*(class: pointer): cstring
-proc G_TYPE_IS_FLAGS*(theType: GType): gboolean
-proc G_FLAGS_CLASS*(class: pointer): PGFlagsClass
-proc G_IS_FLAGS_CLASS*(class: pointer): gboolean
-proc G_FLAGS_CLASS_TYPE*(class: pointer): GType
-proc G_FLAGS_CLASS_TYPE_NAME*(class: pointer): cstring
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_ENUM*(value: pointer): gboolean
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLAGS*(value: pointer): gboolean
-proc g_enum_get_value*(enum_class: PGEnumClass, value: gint): PGEnumValue{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_enum_get_value".}
-proc g_enum_get_value_by_name*(enum_class: PGEnumClass, name: cstring): PGEnumValue{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_enum_get_value_by_name".}
-proc g_enum_get_value_by_nick*(enum_class: PGEnumClass, nick: cstring): PGEnumValue{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_enum_get_value_by_nick".}
-proc g_flags_get_first_value*(flags_class: PGFlagsClass, value: guint): PGFlagsValue{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_flags_get_first_value".}
-proc g_flags_get_value_by_name*(flags_class: PGFlagsClass, name: cstring): PGFlagsValue{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_flags_get_value_by_name".}
-proc g_flags_get_value_by_nick*(flags_class: PGFlagsClass, nick: cstring): PGFlagsValue{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_flags_get_value_by_nick".}
-proc g_value_set_enum*(value: PGValue, v_enum: gint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_value_set_enum".}
-proc g_value_get_enum*(value: PGValue): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_enum".}
-proc g_value_set_flags*(value: PGValue, v_flags: guint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_value_set_flags".}
-proc g_value_get_flags*(value: PGValue): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_flags".}
-proc g_enum_register_static*(name: cstring, const_static_values: PGEnumValue): GType{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_enum_register_static".}
-proc g_flags_register_static*(name: cstring, const_static_values: PGFlagsValue): GType{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_flags_register_static".}
-proc g_enum_complete_type_info*(g_enum_type: GType, info: PGTypeInfo,
-                                const_values: PGEnumValue){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_enum_complete_type_info".}
-proc g_flags_complete_type_info*(g_flags_type: GType, info: PGTypeInfo,
-                                 const_values: PGFlagsValue){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_flags_complete_type_info".}
-  G_MINFLOAT* = 0.0
-  G_MAXFLOAT* = 1.6999999999999995E308
-  G_MAXSHORT* = 32767
-  G_MAXINT* = 2147483647
-  G_MININT* = - G_MAXINT - 1
-  G_MAXUINT* = -1
-  G_MAXINT64* = high(int64)
-  G_MININT64* = low(int64)
-  G_GINT16_FORMAT* = "hi"
-  G_GUINT16_FORMAT* = "hu"
-  G_GINT32_FORMAT* = 'i'
-  G_GUINT32_FORMAT* = 'u'
-  G_HAVE_GINT64* = 1
-  G_GINT64_FORMAT* = "I64i"
-  G_GUINT64_FORMAT* = "I64u"
-  GLIB_SIZEOF_VOID_P* = SizeOf(Pointer)
-  GLIB_SIZEOF_LONG* = SizeOf(int32)
-  GLIB_SIZEOF_SIZE_T* = SizeOf(int32)
-  PGSystemThread* = ptr TGSystemThread
-  TGSystemThread* {.final.} = object
-    data*: array[0..3, char]
-    dummy_double*: float64
-    dummy_pointer*: pointer
-    dummy_long*: int32
-proc GUINT_TO_POINTER*(i: guint): pointer
-  PGAsciiType* = ptr TGAsciiType
-  TGAsciiType* = int32
-  G_ASCII_ALNUM* = 1 shl 0
-  G_ASCII_ALPHA* = 1 shl 1
-  G_ASCII_CNTRL* = 1 shl 2
-  G_ASCII_DIGIT* = 1 shl 3
-  G_ASCII_GRAPH* = 1 shl 4
-  G_ASCII_LOWER* = 1 shl 5
-  G_ASCII_PRINT* = 1 shl 6
-  G_ASCII_PUNCT* = 1 shl 7
-  G_ASCII_SPACE* = 1 shl 8
-  G_ASCII_UPPER* = 1 shl 9
-  G_ASCII_XDIGIT* = 1 shl 10
-proc g_ascii_tolower*(c: gchar): gchar{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                        importc: "g_ascii_tolower".}
-proc g_ascii_toupper*(c: gchar): gchar{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                        importc: "g_ascii_toupper".}
-proc g_ascii_digit_value*(c: gchar): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_ascii_digit_value".}
-proc g_ascii_xdigit_value*(c: gchar): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_ascii_xdigit_value".}
-  G_STR_DELIMITERS* = "``-|> <."
-proc g_strdelimit*(str: cstring, delimiters: cstring, new_delimiter: gchar): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strdelimit".}
-proc g_strcanon*(str: cstring, valid_chars: cstring, substitutor: gchar): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strcanon".}
-proc g_strerror*(errnum: gint): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_strerror".}
-proc g_strsignal*(signum: gint): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_strsignal".}
-proc g_strreverse*(str: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_strreverse".}
-proc g_strlcpy*(dest: cstring, src: cstring, dest_size: gsize): gsize{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strlcpy".}
-proc g_strlcat*(dest: cstring, src: cstring, dest_size: gsize): gsize{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strlcat".}
-proc g_strstr_len*(haystack: cstring, haystack_len: gssize, needle: cstring): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strstr_len".}
-proc g_strrstr*(haystack: cstring, needle: cstring): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strrstr".}
-proc g_strrstr_len*(haystack: cstring, haystack_len: gssize, needle: cstring): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strrstr_len".}
-proc g_str_has_suffix*(str: cstring, suffix: cstring): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_str_has_suffix".}
-proc g_str_has_prefix*(str: cstring, prefix: cstring): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_str_has_prefix".}
-proc g_strtod*(nptr: cstring, endptr: PPgchar): gdouble{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_strtod".}
-proc g_ascii_strtod*(nptr: cstring, endptr: PPgchar): gdouble{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_ascii_strtod".}
-proc g_ascii_dtostr*(buffer: cstring, buf_len: gint, d: gdouble): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_ascii_dtostr".}
-proc g_ascii_formatd*(buffer: cstring, buf_len: gint, format: cstring,
-                      d: gdouble): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_ascii_formatd".}
-proc g_strchug*(str: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                        importc: "g_strchug".}
-proc g_strchomp*(str: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_strchomp".}
-proc g_ascii_strcasecmp*(s1: cstring, s2: cstring): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_ascii_strcasecmp".}
-proc g_ascii_strncasecmp*(s1: cstring, s2: cstring, n: gsize): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_ascii_strncasecmp".}
-proc g_ascii_strdown*(str: cstring, len: gssize): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_ascii_strdown".}
-proc g_ascii_strup*(str: cstring, len: gssize): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_ascii_strup".}
-proc g_strdup*(str: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                       importc: "g_strdup".}
-proc g_strndup*(str: cstring, n: gsize): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_strndup".}
-proc g_strnfill*(length: gsize, fill_char: gchar): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strnfill".}
-proc g_strcompress*(source: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_strcompress".}
-proc g_strescape*(source: cstring, exceptions: cstring): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strescape".}
-proc g_memdup*(mem: gconstpointer, byte_size: guint): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_memdup".}
-proc g_strsplit*(str: cstring, delimiter: cstring, max_tokens: gint): PPgchar{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strsplit".}
-proc g_strjoinv*(separator: cstring, str_array: PPgchar): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_strjoinv".}
-proc g_strfreev*(str_array: PPgchar){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                      importc: "g_strfreev".}
-proc g_strdupv*(str_array: PPgchar): PPgchar{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_strdupv".}
-proc g_stpcpy*(dest: cstring, src: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_stpcpy".}
-proc g_get_user_name*(): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                  importc: "g_get_user_name".}
-proc g_get_real_name*(): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                  importc: "g_get_real_name".}
-proc g_get_home_dir*(): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                 importc: "g_get_home_dir".}
-proc g_get_tmp_dir*(): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_get_tmp_dir".}
-proc g_get_prgname*(): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_get_prgname".}
-proc g_set_prgname*(prgname: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                       importc: "g_set_prgname".}
-  PGDebugKey* = ptr TGDebugKey
-  TGDebugKey* {.final.} = object
-    key*: cstring
-    value*: guint
-proc g_parse_debug_string*(str: cstring, keys: PGDebugKey, nkeys: guint): guint{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_parse_debug_string".}
-proc g_path_is_absolute*(file_name: cstring): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_path_is_absolute".}
-proc g_path_skip_root*(file_name: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_path_skip_root".}
-proc g_basename*(file_name: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_basename".}
-proc g_dirname*(file_name: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_path_get_dirname".}
-proc g_get_current_dir*(): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                    importc: "g_get_current_dir".}
-proc g_path_get_basename*(file_name: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_path_get_basename".}
-proc g_path_get_dirname*(file_name: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_path_get_dirname".}
-proc g_nullify_pointer*(nullify_location: Pgpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_nullify_pointer".}
-proc g_getenv*(variable: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_getenv".}
-  TGVoidFunc* = proc (){.cdecl.}
-proc g_atexit*(func: TGVoidFunc){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_atexit".}
-proc g_find_program_in_path*(program: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_find_program_in_path".}
-proc g_bit_nth_lsf*(mask: gulong, nth_bit: gint): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_bit_nth_lsf".}
-proc g_bit_nth_msf*(mask: gulong, nth_bit: gint): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_bit_nth_msf".}
-proc g_bit_storage*(number: gulong): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_bit_storage".}
-  PPGTrashStack* = ptr PGTrashStack
-  PGTrashStack* = ptr TGTrashStack
-  TGTrashStack* {.final.} = object
-    next*: PGTrashStack
-proc g_trash_stack_push*(stack_p: PPGTrashStack, data_p: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_trash_stack_push".}
-proc g_trash_stack_pop*(stack_p: PPGTrashStack): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_trash_stack_pop".}
-proc g_trash_stack_peek*(stack_p: PPGTrashStack): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_trash_stack_peek".}
-proc g_trash_stack_height*(stack_p: PPGTrashStack): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_trash_stack_height".}
-  PGHashTable* = pointer
-  TGHRFunc* = proc (key, value, user_data: gpointer): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-proc g_hash_table_new*(hash_func: TGHashFunc, key_equal_func: TGEqualFunc): PGHashTable{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hash_table_new".}
-proc g_hash_table_new_full*(hash_func: TGHashFunc, key_equal_func: TGEqualFunc,
-                            key_destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify,
-                            value_destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify): PGHashTable{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hash_table_new_full".}
-proc g_hash_table_destroy*(hash_table: PGHashTable){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hash_table_destroy".}
-proc g_hash_table_insert*(hash_table: PGHashTable, key: gpointer,
-                          value: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hash_table_insert".}
-proc g_hash_table_replace*(hash_table: PGHashTable, key: gpointer,
-                           value: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hash_table_replace".}
-proc g_hash_table_remove*(hash_table: PGHashTable, key: gconstpointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hash_table_remove".}
-proc g_hash_table_steal*(hash_table: PGHashTable, key: gconstpointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hash_table_steal".}
-proc g_hash_table_lookup*(hash_table: PGHashTable, key: gconstpointer): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hash_table_lookup".}
-proc g_hash_table_lookup_extended*(hash_table: PGHashTable,
-                                   lookup_key: gconstpointer,
-                                   orig_key: Pgpointer, value: Pgpointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hash_table_lookup_extended".}
-proc g_hash_table_foreach*(hash_table: PGHashTable, func: TGHFunc,
-                           user_data: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hash_table_foreach".}
-proc g_hash_table_foreach_remove*(hash_table: PGHashTable, func: TGHRFunc,
-                                  user_data: gpointer): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hash_table_foreach_remove".}
-proc g_hash_table_foreach_steal*(hash_table: PGHashTable, func: TGHRFunc,
-                                 user_data: gpointer): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hash_table_foreach_steal".}
-proc g_hash_table_size*(hash_table: PGHashTable): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hash_table_size".}
-proc g_str_equal*(v: gconstpointer, v2: gconstpointer): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_str_equal".}
-proc g_str_hash*(v: gconstpointer): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_str_hash".}
-proc g_int_equal*(v: gconstpointer, v2: gconstpointer): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_int_equal".}
-proc g_int_hash*(v: gconstpointer): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_int_hash".}
-proc g_direct_hash*(v: gconstpointer): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_direct_hash".}
-proc g_direct_equal*(v: gconstpointer, v2: gconstpointer): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_direct_equal".}
-proc g_quark_try_string*(str: cstring): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_quark_try_string".}
-proc g_quark_from_static_string*(str: cstring): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_quark_from_static_string".}
-proc g_quark_from_string*(str: cstring): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_quark_from_string".}
-proc g_quark_to_string*(quark: TGQuark): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_quark_to_string".}
-  PGMemVTable* = ptr TGMemVTable
-  TGMemVTable* {.final.} = object
-    malloc*: proc (n_bytes: gsize): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-    realloc*: proc (mem: gpointer, n_bytes: gsize): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-    free*: proc (mem: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-    calloc*: proc (n_blocks: gsize, n_block_bytes: gsize): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-    try_malloc*: proc (n_bytes: gsize): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-    try_realloc*: proc (mem: gpointer, n_bytes: gsize): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-  PGMemChunk* = pointer
-  PGAllocator* = pointer
-proc g_malloc*(n_bytes: gulong): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_malloc".}
-proc g_malloc0*(n_bytes: gulong): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_malloc0".}
-proc g_realloc*(mem: gpointer, n_bytes: gulong): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_realloc".}
-proc g_free*(mem: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_free".}
-proc g_try_malloc*(n_bytes: gulong): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_try_malloc".}
-proc g_try_realloc*(mem: gpointer, n_bytes: gulong): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_try_realloc".}
-#proc g_new*(bytes_per_struct, n_structs: gsize): gpointer
-#proc g_new0*(bytes_per_struct, n_structs: gsize): gpointer
-#proc g_renew*(struct_size: gsize, OldMem: gpointer, n_structs: gsize): gpointer
-proc g_mem_set_vtable*(vtable: PGMemVTable){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_mem_set_vtable".}
-proc g_mem_is_system_malloc*(): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_mem_is_system_malloc".}
-proc g_mem_profile*(){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_mem_profile".}
-proc g_chunk_new*(chunk: Pointer): Pointer
-proc g_chunk_new0*(chunk: Pointer): Pointer
-proc g_chunk_free*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk, mem: gpointer)
-  G_ALLOC_ONLY* = 1
-proc g_mem_chunk_new*(name: cstring, atom_size: gint, area_size: gulong,
-                      theType: gint): PGMemChunk{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_mem_chunk_new".}
-proc g_mem_chunk_destroy*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_mem_chunk_destroy".}
-proc g_mem_chunk_alloc*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_mem_chunk_alloc".}
-proc g_mem_chunk_alloc0*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_mem_chunk_alloc0".}
-proc g_mem_chunk_free*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk, mem: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_mem_chunk_free".}
-proc g_mem_chunk_clean*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_mem_chunk_clean".}
-proc g_mem_chunk_reset*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_mem_chunk_reset".}
-proc g_mem_chunk_print*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_mem_chunk_print".}
-proc g_mem_chunk_info*(){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_mem_chunk_info".}
-proc g_blow_chunks*(){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_blow_chunks".}
-proc g_allocator_new*(name: cstring, n_preallocs: guint): PGAllocator{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_allocator_new".}
-proc g_allocator_free*(allocator: PGAllocator){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_allocator_free".}
-proc g_slist_push_allocator*(allocator: PGAllocator){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_slist_push_allocator".}
-proc g_slist_pop_allocator*(){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                               importc: "g_slist_pop_allocator".}
-proc g_slist_alloc*(): PGSList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_alloc".}
-proc g_slist_free*(list: PGSList){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                   importc: "g_slist_free".}
-proc g_slist_free_1*(list: PGSList){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                     importc: "g_slist_free_1".}
-proc g_slist_append*(list: PGSList, data: gpointer): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_append".}
-proc g_slist_prepend*(list: PGSList, data: gpointer): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_prepend".}
-proc g_slist_insert*(list: PGSList, data: gpointer, position: gint): PGSList{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_insert".}
-proc g_slist_insert_sorted*(list: PGSList, data: gpointer, func: TGCompareFunc): PGSList{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_insert_sorted".}
-proc g_slist_insert_before*(slist: PGSList, sibling: PGSList, data: gpointer): PGSList{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_insert_before".}
-proc g_slist_concat*(list1: PGSList, list2: PGSList): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_concat".}
-proc g_slist_remove*(list: PGSList, data: gconstpointer): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_remove".}
-proc g_slist_remove_all*(list: PGSList, data: gconstpointer): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_remove_all".}
-proc g_slist_remove_link*(list: PGSList, link: PGSList): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_remove_link".}
-proc g_slist_delete_link*(list: PGSList, link: PGSList): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_delete_link".}
-proc g_slist_reverse*(list: PGSList): PGSList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_slist_reverse".}
-proc g_slist_copy*(list: PGSList): PGSList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_slist_copy".}
-proc g_slist_nth*(list: PGSList, n: guint): PGSList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_slist_nth".}
-proc g_slist_find*(list: PGSList, data: gconstpointer): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_find".}
-proc g_slist_find_custom*(list: PGSList, data: gconstpointer,
-                          func: TGCompareFunc): PGSList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_slist_find_custom".}
-proc g_slist_position*(list: PGSList, llink: PGSList): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_position".}
-proc g_slist_index*(list: PGSList, data: gconstpointer): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_index".}
-proc g_slist_last*(list: PGSList): PGSList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_slist_last".}
-proc g_slist_length*(list: PGSList): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_slist_length".}
-proc g_slist_foreach*(list: PGSList, func: TGFunc, user_data: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_foreach".}
-proc g_slist_sort*(list: PGSList, compare_func: TGCompareFunc): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_sort".}
-proc g_slist_sort_with_data*(list: PGSList, compare_func: TGCompareDataFunc,
-                             user_data: gpointer): PGSList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_sort_with_data".}
-proc g_slist_nth_data*(list: PGSList, n: guint): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_slist_nth_data".}
-proc g_slist_next*(slist: PGSList): PGSList
-proc g_list_push_allocator*(allocator: PGAllocator){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_push_allocator".}
-proc g_list_pop_allocator*(){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                              importc: "g_list_pop_allocator".}
-proc g_list_alloc*(): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_alloc".}
-proc g_list_free*(list: PGList){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_free".}
-proc g_list_free_1*(list: PGList){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                   importc: "g_list_free_1".}
-proc g_list_append*(list: PGList, data: gpointer): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_append".}
-proc g_list_prepend*(list: PGList, data: gpointer): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_prepend".}
-proc g_list_insert*(list: PGList, data: gpointer, position: gint): PGList{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_insert".}
-proc g_list_insert_sorted*(list: PGList, data: gpointer, func: TGCompareFunc): PGList{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_insert_sorted".}
-proc g_list_insert_before*(list: PGList, sibling: PGList, data: gpointer): PGList{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_insert_before".}
-proc g_list_concat*(list1: PGList, list2: PGList): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_concat".}
-proc g_list_remove*(list: PGList, data: gconstpointer): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_remove".}
-proc g_list_remove_all*(list: PGList, data: gconstpointer): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_remove_all".}
-proc g_list_remove_link*(list: PGList, llink: PGList): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_remove_link".}
-proc g_list_delete_link*(list: PGList, link: PGList): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_delete_link".}
-proc g_list_reverse*(list: PGList): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_reverse".}
-proc g_list_copy*(list: PGList): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_copy".}
-proc g_list_nth*(list: PGList, n: guint): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_nth".}
-proc g_list_nth_prev*(list: PGList, n: guint): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_nth_prev".}
-proc g_list_find*(list: PGList, data: gconstpointer): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_find".}
-proc g_list_find_custom*(list: PGList, data: gconstpointer, func: TGCompareFunc): PGList{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_find_custom".}
-proc g_list_position*(list: PGList, llink: PGList): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_position".}
-proc g_list_index*(list: PGList, data: gconstpointer): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_index".}
-proc g_list_last*(list: PGList): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_last".}
-proc g_list_first*(list: PGList): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_first".}
-proc g_list_length*(list: PGList): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_length".}
-proc g_list_foreach*(list: PGList, func: TGFunc, user_data: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_foreach".}
-proc g_list_sort*(list: PGList, compare_func: TGCompareFunc): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_sort".}
-proc g_list_sort_with_data*(list: PGList, compare_func: TGCompareDataFunc,
-                            user_data: gpointer): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_list_sort_with_data".}
-proc g_list_nth_data*(list: PGList, n: guint): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_list_nth_data".}
-proc g_list_previous*(list: PGList): PGList
-proc g_list_next*(list: PGList): PGList
-  PGCache* = pointer
-  TGCacheNewFunc* = proc (key: gpointer): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-  TGCacheDupFunc* = proc (value: gpointer): gpointer{.cdecl.}
-  TGCacheDestroyFunc* = proc (value: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-proc g_cache_new*(value_new_func: TGCacheNewFunc,
-                  value_destroy_func: TGCacheDestroyFunc,
-                  key_dup_func: TGCacheDupFunc,
-                  key_destroy_func: TGCacheDestroyFunc,
-                  hash_key_func: TGHashFunc, hash_value_func: TGHashFunc,
-                  key_equal_func: TGEqualFunc): PGCache{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_cache_new".}
-proc g_cache_destroy*(cache: PGCache){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                       importc: "g_cache_destroy".}
-proc g_cache_insert*(cache: PGCache, key: gpointer): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_cache_insert".}
-proc g_cache_remove*(cache: PGCache, value: gconstpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_cache_remove".}
-proc g_cache_key_foreach*(cache: PGCache, func: TGHFunc, user_data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_cache_key_foreach".}
-proc g_cache_value_foreach*(cache: PGCache, func: TGHFunc, user_data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_cache_value_foreach".}
-  PGCompletionFunc* = ptr TGCompletionFunc
-  TGCompletionFunc* = gchar
-  TGCompletionStrncmpFunc* = proc (s1: cstring, s2: cstring, n: gsize): gint{.
-      cdecl.}
-  PGCompletion* = ptr TGCompletion
-  TGCompletion* {.final.} = object
-    items*: PGList
-    func*: TGCompletionFunc
-    prefix*: cstring
-    cache*: PGList
-    strncmp_func*: TGCompletionStrncmpFunc
-proc g_completion_new*(func: TGCompletionFunc): PGCompletion{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_completion_new".}
-proc g_completion_add_items*(cmp: PGCompletion, items: PGList){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_completion_add_items".}
-proc g_completion_remove_items*(cmp: PGCompletion, items: PGList){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_completion_remove_items".}
-proc g_completion_clear_items*(cmp: PGCompletion){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_completion_clear_items".}
-proc g_completion_complete*(cmp: PGCompletion, prefix: cstring,
-                            new_prefix: PPgchar): PGList{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_completion_complete".}
-proc g_completion_set_compare*(cmp: PGCompletion,
-                               strncmp_func: TGCompletionStrncmpFunc){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_completion_set_compare".}
-proc g_completion_free*(cmp: PGCompletion){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_completion_free".}
-  PGConvertError* = ptr TGConvertError
-  TGConvertError* = enum
-proc G_CONVERT_ERROR*(): TGQuark
-proc g_convert_error_quark*(): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                        importc: "g_convert_error_quark".}
-  PGIConv* = ptr TGIConv
-  TGIConv* = pointer
-proc g_iconv_open*(to_codeset: cstring, from_codeset: cstring): TGIConv{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_iconv_open".}
-proc g_iconv*(`converter`: TGIConv, inbuf: PPgchar, inbytes_left: Pgsize,
-              outbuf: PPgchar, outbytes_left: Pgsize): gsize{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_iconv".}
-proc g_iconv_close*(`converter`: TGIConv): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_iconv_close".}
-proc g_convert*(str: cstring, len: gssize, to_codeset: cstring,
-                from_codeset: cstring, bytes_read: Pgsize,
-                bytes_written: Pgsize, error: pointer): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_convert".}
-proc g_convert_with_iconv*(str: cstring, len: gssize, `converter`: TGIConv,
-                           bytes_read: Pgsize, bytes_written: Pgsize,
-                           error: pointer): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_convert_with_iconv".}
-proc g_convert_with_fallback*(str: cstring, len: gssize, to_codeset: cstring,
-                              from_codeset: cstring, fallback: cstring,
-                              bytes_read: Pgsize, bytes_written: Pgsize,
-                              error: pointer): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_convert_with_fallback".}
-proc g_locale_to_utf8*(opsysstring: cstring, len: gssize, bytes_read: Pgsize,
-                       bytes_written: Pgsize, error: pointer): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_locale_to_utf8".}
-proc g_locale_from_utf8*(utf8string: cstring, len: gssize, bytes_read: Pgsize,
-                         bytes_written: Pgsize, error: pointer): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_locale_from_utf8".}
-proc g_filename_to_utf8*(opsysstring: cstring, len: gssize, bytes_read: Pgsize,
-                         bytes_written: Pgsize, error: pointer): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_filename_to_utf8".}
-proc g_filename_from_utf8*(utf8string: cstring, len: gssize, bytes_read: Pgsize,
-                           bytes_written: Pgsize, error: pointer): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_filename_from_utf8".}
-proc g_filename_from_uri*(uri: cstring, hostname: PPchar, error: pointer): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_filename_from_uri".}
-proc g_filename_to_uri*(filename: cstring, hostname: cstring, error: pointer): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_filename_to_uri".}
-  TGDataForeachFunc* = proc (key_id: TGQuark, data: gpointer,
-                             user_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-proc g_datalist_init*(datalist: PPGData){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_datalist_init".}
-proc g_datalist_clear*(datalist: PPGData){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_datalist_clear".}
-proc g_datalist_id_get_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_id: TGQuark): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_datalist_id_get_data".}
-proc g_datalist_id_set_data_full*(datalist: PPGData, key_id: TGQuark,
-                                  data: gpointer, destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_datalist_id_set_data_full".}
-proc g_datalist_id_remove_no_notify*(datalist: PPGData, key_id: TGQuark): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_datalist_id_remove_no_notify".}
-proc g_datalist_foreach*(datalist: PPGData, func: TGDataForeachFunc,
-                         user_data: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_datalist_foreach".}
-proc g_datalist_id_set_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_id: TGQuark, data: gpointer)
-proc g_datalist_id_remove_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_id: TGQuark)
-proc g_datalist_get_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring): PPGData
-proc g_datalist_set_data_full*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring,
-                               data: gpointer, destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify)
-proc g_datalist_set_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring, data: gpointer)
-proc g_datalist_remove_no_notify*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring)
-proc g_datalist_remove_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring)
-proc g_dataset_id_get_data*(dataset_location: gconstpointer, key_id: TGQuark): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_dataset_id_get_data".}
-proc g_dataset_id_set_data_full*(dataset_location: gconstpointer,
-                                 key_id: TGQuark, data: gpointer,
-                                 destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_dataset_id_set_data_full".}
-proc g_dataset_id_remove_no_notify*(dataset_location: gconstpointer,
-                                    key_id: TGQuark): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_dataset_id_remove_no_notify".}
-proc g_dataset_foreach*(dataset_location: gconstpointer,
-                        func: TGDataForeachFunc, user_data: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_dataset_foreach".}
-proc g_dataset_id_set_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_id: TGQuark,
-                            data: gpointer)
-proc g_dataset_id_remove_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_id: TGQuark)
-proc g_dataset_get_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring): gpointer
-proc g_dataset_set_data_full*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring,
-                              data: gpointer, destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify)
-proc g_dataset_remove_no_notify*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring)
-proc g_dataset_set_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring,
-                         data: gpointer)
-proc g_dataset_remove_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring)
-  PGTime* = ptr TGTime
-  TGTime* = gint32
-  PGDateYear* = ptr TGDateYear
-  TGDateYear* = guint16
-  PGDateDay* = ptr TGDateDay
-  TGDateDay* = guint8
-  Ptm* = ptr Ttm
-  Ttm* {.final.} = object
-    tm_sec*: gint
-    tm_min*: gint
-    tm_hour*: gint
-    tm_mday*: gint
-    tm_mon*: gint
-    tm_year*: gint
-    tm_wday*: gint
-    tm_yday*: gint
-    tm_isdst*: gint
-    tm_gmtoff*: glong
-    tm_zone*: cstring
-  PGDateDMY* = ptr TGDateDMY
-  TGDateDMY* = int
-  G_DATE_DAY* = 0
-  G_DATE_MONTH* = 1
-  G_DATE_YEAR* = 2
-  PGDateWeekday* = ptr TGDateWeekday
-  TGDateWeekday* = int
-  PGDateMonth* = ptr TGDateMonth
-  TGDateMonth* = int
-  G_DATE_MARCH* = 3
-  G_DATE_APRIL* = 4
-  G_DATE_MAY* = 5
-  G_DATE_JUNE* = 6
-  G_DATE_JULY* = 7
-  G_DATE_BAD_DAY* = 0
-  PGDate* = ptr TGDate
-  TGDate* {.final.} = object
-    flag0*: int32
-    flag1*: int32
-proc g_date_new*(): PGDate{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_new".}
-proc g_date_new_dmy*(day: TGDateDay, month: TGDateMonth, year: TGDateYear): PGDate{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_new_dmy".}
-proc g_date_new_julian*(julian_day: guint32): PGDate{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_new_julian".}
-proc g_date_free*(date: PGDate){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_free".}
-proc g_date_valid*(date: PGDate): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_valid".}
-proc g_date_valid_month*(month: TGDateMonth): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_valid_month".}
-proc g_date_valid_year*(year: TGDateYear): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_valid_year".}
-proc g_date_valid_weekday*(weekday: TGDateWeekday): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_valid_weekday".}
-proc g_date_valid_julian*(julian_date: guint32): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_valid_julian".}
-proc g_date_get_weekday*(date: PGDate): TGDateWeekday{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_get_weekday".}
-proc g_date_get_month*(date: PGDate): TGDateMonth{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_get_month".}
-proc g_date_get_year*(date: PGDate): TGDateYear{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_get_year".}
-proc g_date_get_day*(date: PGDate): TGDateDay{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_get_day".}
-proc g_date_get_julian*(date: PGDate): guint32{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_get_julian".}
-proc g_date_get_day_of_year*(date: PGDate): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_get_day_of_year".}
-proc g_date_get_monday_week_of_year*(date: PGDate): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_get_monday_week_of_year".}
-proc g_date_get_sunday_week_of_year*(date: PGDate): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_get_sunday_week_of_year".}
-proc g_date_clear*(date: PGDate, n_dates: guint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_clear".}
-proc g_date_set_parse*(date: PGDate, str: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_set_parse".}
-proc g_date_set_time*(date: PGDate, time: TGTime){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_set_time".}
-proc g_date_set_month*(date: PGDate, month: TGDateMonth){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_set_month".}
-proc g_date_set_day*(date: PGDate, day: TGDateDay){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_set_day".}
-proc g_date_set_year*(date: PGDate, year: TGDateYear){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_set_year".}
-proc g_date_set_dmy*(date: PGDate, day: TGDateDay, month: TGDateMonth,
-                     y: TGDateYear){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                     importc: "g_date_set_dmy".}
-proc g_date_set_julian*(date: PGDate, julian_date: guint32){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_set_julian".}
-proc g_date_is_first_of_month*(date: PGDate): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_is_first_of_month".}
-proc g_date_is_last_of_month*(date: PGDate): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_is_last_of_month".}
-proc g_date_add_days*(date: PGDate, n_days: guint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_add_days".}
-proc g_date_subtract_days*(date: PGDate, n_days: guint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_subtract_days".}
-proc g_date_add_months*(date: PGDate, n_months: guint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_add_months".}
-proc g_date_subtract_months*(date: PGDate, n_months: guint){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_subtract_months".}
-proc g_date_add_years*(date: PGDate, n_years: guint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_add_years".}
-proc g_date_subtract_years*(date: PGDate, n_years: guint){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_subtract_years".}
-proc g_date_is_leap_year*(year: TGDateYear): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_is_leap_year".}
-proc g_date_get_days_in_month*(month: TGDateMonth, year: TGDateYear): guint8{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_get_days_in_month".}
-proc g_date_get_monday_weeks_in_year*(year: TGDateYear): guint8{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_get_monday_weeks_in_year".}
-proc g_date_get_sunday_weeks_in_year*(year: TGDateYear): guint8{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_get_sunday_weeks_in_year".}
-proc g_date_days_between*(date1: PGDate, date2: PGDate): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_days_between".}
-proc g_date_compare*(lhs: PGDate, rhs: PGDate): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_compare".}
-proc g_date_to_struct_tm*(date: PGDate, tm: Ptm){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_to_struct_tm".}
-proc g_date_clamp*(date: PGDate, min_date: PGDate, max_date: PGDate){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_clamp".}
-proc g_date_order*(date1: PGDate, date2: PGDate){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_date_order".}
-proc g_date_strftime*(s: cstring, slen: gsize, format: cstring, date: PGDate): gsize{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_date_strftime".}
-  PGDir* = pointer
-proc g_dir_open*(path: cstring, flags: guint, error: pointer): PGDir{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_dir_open".}
-proc g_dir_read_name*(dir: PGDir): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_dir_read_name".}
-proc g_dir_rewind*(dir: PGDir){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_dir_rewind".}
-proc g_dir_close*(dir: PGDir){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_dir_close".}
-  PGFileError* = ptr TGFileError
-  TGFileError* = gint
-  PGFileTest* = ptr TGFileTest
-  TGFileTest* = int
-  G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR* = 1 shl 0
-  G_FILE_TEST_IS_SYMLINK* = 1 shl 1
-  G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR* = 1 shl 2
-  G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS* = 1 shl 4
-  G_FILE_ERROR_IO* = 21
-proc G_FILE_ERROR*(): TGQuark
-proc g_file_error_quark*(): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                     importc: "g_file_error_quark".}
-proc g_file_error_from_errno*(err_no: gint): TGFileError{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_file_error_from_errno".}
-proc g_file_test*(filename: cstring, test: TGFileTest): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_file_test".}
-proc g_file_get_contents*(filename: cstring, contents: PPgchar, length: Pgsize,
-                          error: pointer): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_file_get_contents".}
-proc g_mkstemp*(tmpl: cstring): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                       importc: "g_mkstemp".}
-proc g_file_open_tmp*(tmpl: cstring, name_used: PPchar, error: pointer): int32{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_file_open_tmp".}
-  PGHook* = ptr TGHook
-  TGHook* {.final.} = object
-    data*: gpointer
-    next*: PGHook
-    prev*: PGHook
-    ref_count*: guint
-    hook_id*: gulong
-    flags*: guint
-    func*: gpointer
-    destroy*: TGDestroyNotify
-  PGHookList* = ptr TGHookList
-  TGHookCompareFunc* = proc (new_hook: PGHook, sibling: PGHook): gint{.cdecl.}
-  TGHookFindFunc* = proc (hook: PGHook, data: gpointer): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-  TGHookMarshaller* = proc (hook: PGHook, marshal_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  TGHookCheckMarshaller* = proc (hook: PGHook, marshal_data: gpointer): gboolean{.
-      cdecl.}
-  TGHookFunc* = proc (data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  TGHookCheckFunc* = proc (data: gpointer): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-  TGHookFinalizeFunc* = proc (hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook){.cdecl.}
-  TGHookList* {.final.} = object
-    seq_id*: gulong
-    flag0*: int32
-    hooks*: PGHook
-    hook_memchunk*: PGMemChunk
-    finalize_hook*: TGHookFinalizeFunc
-    dummy*: array[0..1, gpointer]
-  PGHookFlagMask* = ptr TGHookFlagMask
-  TGHookFlagMask* = int
-  G_HOOK_FLAG_ACTIVE* = 1'i32 shl 0'i32
-  G_HOOK_FLAG_IN_CALL* = 1'i32 shl 1'i32
-  G_HOOK_FLAG_MASK* = 0x0000000F'i32
-  bm_TGHookList_hook_size* = 0x0000FFFF'i32
-  bp_TGHookList_hook_size* = 0'i32
-  bm_TGHookList_is_setup* = 0x00010000'i32
-  bp_TGHookList_is_setup* = 16'i32
-proc TGHookList_hook_size*(a: var TGHookList): guint
-proc TGHookList_set_hook_size*(a: var TGHookList, `hook_size`: guint)
-proc TGHookList_is_setup*(a: var TGHookList): guint
-proc TGHookList_set_is_setup*(a: var TGHookList, `is_setup`: guint)
-proc G_HOOK*(hook: pointer): PGHook
-proc G_HOOK_FLAGS*(hook: PGHook): guint
-proc G_HOOK_ACTIVE*(hook: PGHook): bool
-proc G_HOOK_IN_CALL*(hook: PGHook): bool
-proc G_HOOK_IS_VALID*(hook: PGHook): bool
-proc G_HOOK_IS_UNLINKED*(hook: PGHook): bool
-proc g_hook_list_init*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook_size: guint){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_list_init".}
-proc g_hook_list_clear*(hook_list: PGHookList){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_list_clear".}
-proc g_hook_alloc*(hook_list: PGHookList): PGHook{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_alloc".}
-proc g_hook_free*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_free".}
-proc g_hook_ref*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_ref".}
-proc g_hook_unref*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_unref".}
-proc g_hook_destroy*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook_id: gulong): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_destroy".}
-proc g_hook_destroy_link*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_destroy_link".}
-proc g_hook_prepend*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_prepend".}
-proc g_hook_insert_before*(hook_list: PGHookList, sibling: PGHook, hook: PGHook){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_insert_before".}
-proc g_hook_insert_sorted*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook,
-                           func: TGHookCompareFunc){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_insert_sorted".}
-proc g_hook_get*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook_id: gulong): PGHook{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_get".}
-proc g_hook_find*(hook_list: PGHookList, need_valids: gboolean,
-                  func: TGHookFindFunc, data: gpointer): PGHook{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_find".}
-proc g_hook_find_data*(hook_list: PGHookList, need_valids: gboolean,
-                       data: gpointer): PGHook{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_find_data".}
-proc g_hook_find_func*(hook_list: PGHookList, need_valids: gboolean,
-                       func: gpointer): PGHook{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_find_func".}
-proc g_hook_find_func_data*(hook_list: PGHookList, need_valids: gboolean,
-                            func: gpointer, data: gpointer): PGHook{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_find_func_data".}
-proc g_hook_first_valid*(hook_list: PGHookList, may_be_in_call: gboolean): PGHook{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_first_valid".}
-proc g_hook_next_valid*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook,
-                        may_be_in_call: gboolean): PGHook{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_next_valid".}
-proc g_hook_compare_ids*(new_hook: PGHook, sibling: PGHook): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_compare_ids".}
-proc g_hook_append*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook)
-proc g_hook_list_invoke_check*(hook_list: PGHookList, may_recurse: gboolean){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_list_invoke_check".}
-proc g_hook_list_marshal*(hook_list: PGHookList, may_recurse: gboolean,
-                          marshaller: TGHookMarshaller, marshal_data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_hook_list_marshal".}
-proc g_hook_list_marshal_check*(hook_list: PGHookList, may_recurse: gboolean,
-                                marshaller: TGHookCheckMarshaller,
-                                marshal_data: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_hook_list_marshal_check".}
-  PGThreadPool* = ptr TGThreadPool
-  TGThreadPool* {.final.} = object
-    func*: TGFunc
-    user_data*: gpointer
-    exclusive*: gboolean
-proc g_thread_pool_new*(func: TGFunc, user_data: gpointer, max_threads: gint,
-                        exclusive: gboolean, error: pointer): PGThreadPool{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_thread_pool_new".}
-proc g_thread_pool_push*(pool: PGThreadPool, data: gpointer, error: pointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_thread_pool_push".}
-proc g_thread_pool_set_max_threads*(pool: PGThreadPool, max_threads: gint,
-                                    error: pointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_thread_pool_set_max_threads".}
-proc g_thread_pool_get_max_threads*(pool: PGThreadPool): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_thread_pool_get_max_threads".}
-proc g_thread_pool_get_num_threads*(pool: PGThreadPool): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_thread_pool_get_num_threads".}
-proc g_thread_pool_unprocessed*(pool: PGThreadPool): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_thread_pool_unprocessed".}
-proc g_thread_pool_free*(pool: PGThreadPool, immediate: gboolean, wait: gboolean){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_thread_pool_free".}
-proc g_thread_pool_set_max_unused_threads*(max_threads: gint){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_thread_pool_set_max_unused_threads".}
-proc g_thread_pool_get_max_unused_threads*(): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_thread_pool_get_max_unused_threads".}
-proc g_thread_pool_get_num_unused_threads*(): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_thread_pool_get_num_unused_threads".}
-proc g_thread_pool_stop_unused_threads*(){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_thread_pool_stop_unused_threads".}
-  PGTimer* = pointer
-  G_USEC_PER_SEC* = 1000000
-proc g_timer_new*(): PGTimer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_timer_new".}
-proc g_timer_destroy*(timer: PGTimer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                       importc: "g_timer_destroy".}
-proc g_timer_start*(timer: PGTimer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                     importc: "g_timer_start".}
-proc g_timer_stop*(timer: PGTimer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                    importc: "g_timer_stop".}
-proc g_timer_reset*(timer: PGTimer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                     importc: "g_timer_reset".}
-proc g_timer_elapsed*(timer: PGTimer, microseconds: Pgulong): gdouble{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_timer_elapsed".}
-proc g_usleep*(microseconds: gulong){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                      importc: "g_usleep".}
-proc g_time_val_add*(time: PGTimeVal, microseconds: glong){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_time_val_add".}
-  Pgunichar* = ptr gunichar
-  gunichar* = guint32
-  Pgunichar2* = ptr gunichar2
-  gunichar2* = guint16
-  PGUnicodeType* = ptr TGUnicodeType
-  TGUnicodeType* = enum
-  PGUnicodeBreakType* = ptr TGUnicodeBreakType
-  TGUnicodeBreakType* = enum
-proc g_get_charset*(charset: PPchar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_get_charset".}
-proc g_unichar_isalnum*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isalnum".}
-proc g_unichar_isalpha*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isalpha".}
-proc g_unichar_iscntrl*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_iscntrl".}
-proc g_unichar_isdigit*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isdigit".}
-proc g_unichar_isgraph*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isgraph".}
-proc g_unichar_islower*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_islower".}
-proc g_unichar_isprint*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isprint".}
-proc g_unichar_ispunct*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_ispunct".}
-proc g_unichar_isspace*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isspace".}
-proc g_unichar_isupper*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isupper".}
-proc g_unichar_isxdigit*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isxdigit".}
-proc g_unichar_istitle*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_istitle".}
-proc g_unichar_isdefined*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_isdefined".}
-proc g_unichar_iswide*(c: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_iswide".}
-proc g_unichar_toupper*(c: gunichar): gunichar{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_toupper".}
-proc g_unichar_tolower*(c: gunichar): gunichar{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_tolower".}
-proc g_unichar_totitle*(c: gunichar): gunichar{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_totitle".}
-proc g_unichar_digit_value*(c: gunichar): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_digit_value".}
-proc g_unichar_xdigit_value*(c: gunichar): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_xdigit_value".}
-proc g_unichar_type*(c: gunichar): TGUnicodeType{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_type".}
-proc g_unichar_break_type*(c: gunichar): TGUnicodeBreakType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_unichar_break_type".}
-proc g_unicode_canonical_ordering*(str: Pgunichar, len: gsize){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_unicode_canonical_ordering".}
-proc g_unicode_canonical_decomposition*(ch: gunichar, result_len: Pgsize): Pgunichar{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_unicode_canonical_decomposition".}
-proc g_utf8_next_char*(p: pguchar): pguchar
-proc g_utf8_get_char*(p: cstring): gunichar{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_utf8_get_char".}
-proc g_utf8_get_char_validated*(p: cstring, max_len: gssize): gunichar{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_get_char_validated".}
-proc g_utf8_offset_to_pointer*(str: cstring, offset: glong): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_offset_to_pointer".}
-proc g_utf8_pointer_to_offset*(str: cstring, pos: cstring): glong{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_pointer_to_offset".}
-proc g_utf8_prev_char*(p: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_utf8_prev_char".}
-proc g_utf8_find_next_char*(p: cstring, `end`: cstring): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_find_next_char".}
-proc g_utf8_find_prev_char*(str: cstring, p: cstring): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_find_prev_char".}
-proc g_utf8_strlen*(p: cstring, max: gssize): glong{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_utf8_strlen".}
-proc g_utf8_strncpy*(dest: cstring, src: cstring, n: gsize): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_strncpy".}
-proc g_utf8_strchr*(p: cstring, len: gssize, c: gunichar): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_strchr".}
-proc g_utf8_strrchr*(p: cstring, len: gssize, c: gunichar): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_strrchr".}
-proc g_utf8_to_utf16*(str: cstring, len: glong, items_read: Pglong,
-                      items_written: Pglong, error: pointer): Pgunichar2{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_to_utf16".}
-proc g_utf8_to_ucs4*(str: cstring, len: glong, items_read: Pglong,
-                     items_written: Pglong, error: pointer): Pgunichar{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_to_ucs4".}
-proc g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast*(str: cstring, len: glong, items_written: Pglong): Pgunichar{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast".}
-proc g_utf16_to_ucs4*(str: Pgunichar2, len: glong, items_read: Pglong,
-                      items_written: Pglong, error: pointer): Pgunichar{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf16_to_ucs4".}
-proc g_utf16_to_utf8*(str: Pgunichar2, len: glong, items_read: Pglong,
-                      items_written: Pglong, error: pointer): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf16_to_utf8".}
-proc g_ucs4_to_utf16*(str: Pgunichar, len: glong, items_read: Pglong,
-                      items_written: Pglong, error: pointer): Pgunichar2{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_ucs4_to_utf16".}
-proc g_ucs4_to_utf8*(str: Pgunichar, len: glong, items_read: Pglong,
-                     items_written: Pglong, error: pointer): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_ucs4_to_utf8".}
-proc g_unichar_to_utf8*(c: gunichar, outbuf: cstring): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_unichar_to_utf8".}
-proc g_utf8_validate*(str: cstring, max_len: gssize, `end`: PPgchar): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_validate".}
-proc g_unichar_validate*(ch: gunichar): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_unichar_validate".}
-proc g_utf8_strup*(str: cstring, len: gssize): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_utf8_strup".}
-proc g_utf8_strdown*(str: cstring, len: gssize): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_strdown".}
-proc g_utf8_casefold*(str: cstring, len: gssize): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_casefold".}
-  PGNormalizeMode* = ptr TGNormalizeMode
-  TGNormalizeMode* = gint
-proc g_utf8_normalize*(str: cstring, len: gssize, mode: TGNormalizeMode): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_normalize".}
-proc g_utf8_collate*(str1: cstring, str2: cstring): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_collate".}
-proc g_utf8_collate_key*(str: cstring, len: gssize): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_utf8_collate_key".}
-  PGString* = ptr TGString
-  TGString* {.final.} = object
-    str*: cstring
-    len*: gsize
-    allocated_len*: gsize
-  PGStringChunk* = pointer
-proc g_string_chunk_new*(size: gsize): PGStringChunk{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_chunk_new".}
-proc g_string_chunk_free*(chunk: PGStringChunk){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_chunk_free".}
-proc g_string_chunk_insert*(chunk: PGStringChunk, str: cstring): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_chunk_insert".}
-proc g_string_chunk_insert_const*(chunk: PGStringChunk, str: cstring): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_chunk_insert_const".}
-proc g_string_new*(init: cstring): PGString{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_new".}
-proc g_string_new_len*(init: cstring, len: gssize): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_new_len".}
-proc g_string_sized_new*(dfl_size: gsize): PGString{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_sized_new".}
-proc g_string_free*(str: PGString, free_segment: gboolean): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_free".}
-proc g_string_equal*(v: PGString, v2: PGString): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_equal".}
-proc g_string_hash*(str: PGString): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_hash".}
-proc g_string_assign*(str: PGString, rval: cstring): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_assign".}
-proc g_string_truncate*(str: PGString, len: gsize): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_truncate".}
-proc g_string_set_size*(str: PGString, len: gsize): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_set_size".}
-proc g_string_insert_len*(str: PGString, pos: gssize, val: cstring, len: gssize): PGString{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_insert_len".}
-proc g_string_append*(str: PGString, val: cstring): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_append".}
-proc g_string_append_len*(str: PGString, val: cstring, len: gssize): PGString{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_append_len".}
-proc g_string_append_c*(str: PGString, c: gchar): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_append_c".}
-proc g_string_append_unichar*(str: PGString, wc: gunichar): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_append_unichar".}
-proc g_string_prepend*(str: PGString, val: cstring): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_prepend".}
-proc g_string_prepend_c*(str: PGString, c: gchar): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_prepend_c".}
-proc g_string_prepend_unichar*(str: PGString, wc: gunichar): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_prepend_unichar".}
-proc g_string_prepend_len*(str: PGString, val: cstring, len: gssize): PGString{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_prepend_len".}
-proc g_string_insert*(str: PGString, pos: gssize, val: cstring): PGString{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_insert".}
-proc g_string_insert_c*(str: PGString, pos: gssize, c: gchar): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_insert_c".}
-proc g_string_insert_unichar*(str: PGString, pos: gssize, wc: gunichar): PGString{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_insert_unichar".}
-proc g_string_erase*(str: PGString, pos: gssize, len: gssize): PGString{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_string_erase".}
-proc g_string_ascii_down*(str: PGString): PGString{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_ascii_down".}
-proc g_string_ascii_up*(str: PGString): PGString{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_ascii_up".}
-proc g_string_down*(str: PGString): PGString{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_down".}
-proc g_string_up*(str: PGString): PGString{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_string_up".}
-  PGIOError* = ptr TGIOError
-  TGIOError* = enum
-proc G_IO_CHANNEL_ERROR*(): TGQuark
-  PGIOChannelError* = ptr TGIOChannelError
-  TGIOChannelError* = enum
-  PGIOStatus* = ptr TGIOStatus
-  TGIOStatus* = enum
-  PGSeekType* = ptr TGSeekType
-  TGSeekType* = enum
-  PGIOCondition* = ptr TGIOCondition
-  TGIOCondition* = gint
-  PGIOFlags* = ptr TGIOFlags
-  TGIOFlags* = gint
-  G_IO_FLAG_APPEND* = 1 shl 0
-  G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK* = 1 shl 1
-  G_IO_FLAG_IS_READABLE* = 1 shl 2
-  G_IO_FLAG_IS_WRITEABLE* = 1 shl 3
-  G_IO_FLAG_IS_SEEKABLE* = 1 shl 4
-  G_IO_FLAG_MASK* = (1 shl 5) - 1
-  PGIOChannel* = ptr TGIOChannel
-  TGIOFunc* = proc (source: PGIOChannel, condition: TGIOCondition,
-                    data: gpointer): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-  PGIOFuncs* = ptr TGIOFuncs
-  TGIOFuncs* {.final.} = object
-    io_read*: proc (channel: PGIOChannel, buf: cstring, count: gsize,
-                    bytes_read: Pgsize, err: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl.}
-    io_write*: proc (channel: PGIOChannel, buf: cstring, count: gsize,
-                     bytes_written: Pgsize, err: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl.}
-    io_seek*: proc (channel: PGIOChannel, offset: gint64, theType: TGSeekType,
-                    err: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl.}
-    io_close*: proc (channel: PGIOChannel, err: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl.}
-    io_create_watch*: proc (channel: PGIOChannel, condition: TGIOCondition): PGSource{.
-        cdecl.}
-    io_free*: proc (channel: PGIOChannel){.cdecl.}
-    io_set_flags*: proc (channel: PGIOChannel, flags: TGIOFlags, err: pointer): TGIOStatus{.
-        cdecl.}
-    io_get_flags*: proc (channel: PGIOChannel): TGIOFlags{.cdecl.}
-  TGIOChannel* {.final.} = object
-    ref_count*: guint
-    funcs*: PGIOFuncs
-    encoding*: cstring
-    read_cd*: TGIConv
-    write_cd*: TGIConv
-    line_term*: cstring
-    line_term_len*: guint
-    buf_size*: gsize
-    read_buf*: PGString
-    encoded_read_buf*: PGString
-    write_buf*: PGString
-    partial_write_buf*: array[0..5, gchar]
-    flag0*: guint16
-    reserved1*: gpointer
-    reserved2*: gpointer
-  bm_TGIOChannel_use_buffer* = 0x00000001'i16
-  bp_TGIOChannel_use_buffer* = 0'i16
-  bm_TGIOChannel_do_encode* = 0x00000002'i16
-  bp_TGIOChannel_do_encode* = 1'i16
-  bm_TGIOChannel_close_on_unref* = 0x00000004'i16
-  bp_TGIOChannel_close_on_unref* = 2'i16
-  bm_TGIOChannel_is_readable* = 0x00000008'i16
-  bp_TGIOChannel_is_readable* = 3'i16
-  bm_TGIOChannel_is_writeable* = 0x00000010'i16
-  bp_TGIOChannel_is_writeable* = 4'i16
-  bm_TGIOChannel_is_seekable* = 0x00000020'i16
-  bp_TGIOChannel_is_seekable* = 5'i16
-proc TGIOChannel_use_buffer*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint
-proc TGIOChannel_set_use_buffer*(a: var TGIOChannel, `use_buffer`: guint)
-proc TGIOChannel_do_encode*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint
-proc TGIOChannel_set_do_encode*(a: var TGIOChannel, `do_encode`: guint)
-proc TGIOChannel_close_on_unref*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint
-proc TGIOChannel_set_close_on_unref*(a: var TGIOChannel, `close_on_unref`: guint)
-proc TGIOChannel_is_readable*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint
-proc TGIOChannel_set_is_readable*(a: var TGIOChannel, `is_readable`: guint)
-proc TGIOChannel_is_writeable*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint
-proc TGIOChannel_set_is_writeable*(a: var TGIOChannel, `is_writeable`: guint)
-proc TGIOChannel_is_seekable*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint
-proc TGIOChannel_set_is_seekable*(a: var TGIOChannel, `is_seekable`: guint)
-proc g_io_channel_init*(channel: PGIOChannel){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_init".}
-proc g_io_channel_ref*(channel: PGIOChannel){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_ref".}
-proc g_io_channel_unref*(channel: PGIOChannel){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_unref".}
-proc g_io_channel_read*(channel: PGIOChannel, buf: cstring, count: gsize,
-                        bytes_read: Pgsize): TGIOError{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_read".}
-proc g_io_channel_write*(channel: PGIOChannel, buf: cstring, count: gsize,
-                         bytes_written: Pgsize): TGIOError{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_write".}
-proc g_io_channel_seek*(channel: PGIOChannel, offset: gint64,
-                        theType: TGSeekType): TGIOError{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_seek".}
-proc g_io_channel_close*(channel: PGIOChannel){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_close".}
-proc g_io_channel_shutdown*(channel: PGIOChannel, flush: gboolean, err: pointer): TGIOStatus{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_shutdown".}
-proc g_io_add_watch_full*(channel: PGIOChannel, priority: gint,
-                          condition: TGIOCondition, func: TGIOFunc,
-                          user_data: gpointer, notify: TGDestroyNotify): guint{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_add_watch_full".}
-proc g_io_create_watch*(channel: PGIOChannel, condition: TGIOCondition): PGSource{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_create_watch".}
-proc g_io_add_watch*(channel: PGIOChannel, condition: TGIOCondition,
-                     func: TGIOFunc, user_data: gpointer): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_add_watch".}
-proc g_io_channel_set_buffer_size*(channel: PGIOChannel, size: gsize){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_set_buffer_size".}
-proc g_io_channel_get_buffer_size*(channel: PGIOChannel): gsize{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_get_buffer_size".}
-proc g_io_channel_get_buffer_condition*(channel: PGIOChannel): TGIOCondition{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_get_buffer_condition".}
-proc g_io_channel_set_flags*(channel: PGIOChannel, flags: TGIOFlags,
-                             error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_set_flags".}
-proc g_io_channel_get_flags*(channel: PGIOChannel): TGIOFlags{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_get_flags".}
-proc g_io_channel_set_line_term*(channel: PGIOChannel, line_term: cstring,
-                                 length: gint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_set_line_term".}
-proc g_io_channel_get_line_term*(channel: PGIOChannel, length: Pgint): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_get_line_term".}
-proc g_io_channel_set_buffered*(channel: PGIOChannel, buffered: gboolean){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_set_buffered".}
-proc g_io_channel_get_buffered*(channel: PGIOChannel): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_get_buffered".}
-proc g_io_channel_set_encoding*(channel: PGIOChannel, encoding: cstring,
-                                error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_set_encoding".}
-proc g_io_channel_get_encoding*(channel: PGIOChannel): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_get_encoding".}
-proc g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref*(channel: PGIOChannel, do_close: gboolean){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref".}
-proc g_io_channel_get_close_on_unref*(channel: PGIOChannel): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_get_close_on_unref".}
-proc g_io_channel_flush*(channel: PGIOChannel, error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_flush".}
-proc g_io_channel_read_line*(channel: PGIOChannel, str_return: PPgchar,
-                             length: Pgsize, terminator_pos: Pgsize,
-                             error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_read_line".}
-proc g_io_channel_read_line_string*(channel: PGIOChannel, buffer: PGString,
-                                    terminator_pos: Pgsize, error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_read_line_string".}
-proc g_io_channel_read_to_end*(channel: PGIOChannel, str_return: PPgchar,
-                               length: Pgsize, error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_read_to_end".}
-proc g_io_channel_read_chars*(channel: PGIOChannel, buf: cstring, count: gsize,
-                              bytes_read: Pgsize, error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_read_chars".}
-proc g_io_channel_read_unichar*(channel: PGIOChannel, thechar: Pgunichar,
-                                error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_read_unichar".}
-proc g_io_channel_write_chars*(channel: PGIOChannel, buf: cstring,
-                               count: gssize, bytes_written: Pgsize,
-                               error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_write_chars".}
-proc g_io_channel_write_unichar*(channel: PGIOChannel, thechar: gunichar,
-                                 error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_write_unichar".}
-proc g_io_channel_seek_position*(channel: PGIOChannel, offset: gint64,
-                                 theType: TGSeekType, error: pointer): TGIOStatus{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_seek_position".}
-proc g_io_channel_new_file*(filename: cstring, mode: cstring, error: pointer): PGIOChannel{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_new_file".}
-proc g_io_channel_error_quark*(): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_error_quark".}
-proc g_io_channel_error_from_errno*(en: gint): TGIOChannelError{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_error_from_errno".}
-proc g_io_channel_unix_new*(fd: int32): PGIOChannel{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_io_channel_unix_new".}
-proc g_io_channel_unix_get_fd*(channel: PGIOChannel): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_io_channel_unix_get_fd".}
-  PGLogLevelFlags* = ptr TGLogLevelFlags
-  TGLogLevelFlags* = int32
-  G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION* = 1 shl 0
-  G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL* = 1 shl 1
-  G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR* = 1 shl 2
-  G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL* = 1 shl 3
-  G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING* = 1 shl 4
-  G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE* = 1 shl 5
-  G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO* = 1 shl 6
-  G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG* = 1 shl 7
-  G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK* = not 3
-  TGLogFunc* = proc (log_domain: cstring, log_level: TGLogLevelFlags,
-                     TheMessage: cstring, user_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-proc g_log_set_handler*(log_domain: cstring, log_levels: TGLogLevelFlags,
-                        log_func: TGLogFunc, user_data: gpointer): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_log_set_handler".}
-proc g_log_remove_handler*(log_domain: cstring, handler_id: guint){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_log_remove_handler".}
-proc g_log_default_handler*(log_domain: cstring, log_level: TGLogLevelFlags,
-                            TheMessage: cstring, unused_data: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_log_default_handler".}
-proc g_log_set_fatal_mask*(log_domain: cstring, fatal_mask: TGLogLevelFlags): TGLogLevelFlags{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_log_set_fatal_mask".}
-proc g_log_set_always_fatal*(fatal_mask: TGLogLevelFlags): TGLogLevelFlags{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_log_set_always_fatal".}
-proc `g_log_fallback_handler`*(log_domain: cstring, log_level: TGLogLevelFlags,
-                               message: cstring, unused_data: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_log_fallback_handler".}
-  G_LOG_DOMAIN* = nil
-when false:
-  proc g_error*(format: cstring){.varargs.}
-  proc g_message*(format: cstring){.varargs.}
-  proc g_critical*(format: cstring){.varargs.}
-  proc g_warning*(format: cstring){.varargs.}
-  TGPrintFunc* = proc (str: cstring)
-proc g_set_print_handler*(func: TGPrintFunc): TGPrintFunc{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_set_print_handler".}
-proc g_set_printerr_handler*(func: TGPrintFunc): TGPrintFunc{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_set_printerr_handler".}
-  PGMarkupError* = ptr TGMarkupError
-  TGMarkupError* = enum
-proc G_MARKUP_ERROR*(): TGQuark
-proc g_markup_error_quark*(): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                       importc: "g_markup_error_quark".}
-  PGMarkupParseFlags* = ptr TGMarkupParseFlags
-  TGMarkupParseFlags* = int
-  PGMarkupParseContext* = ptr TGMarkupParseContext
-  TGMarkupParseContext* = pointer
-  PGMarkupParser* = ptr TGMarkupParser
-  TGMarkupParser* {.final.} = object
-    start_element*: proc (context: PGMarkupParseContext, element_name: cstring,
-                          attribute_names: PPgchar, attribute_values: PPgchar,
-                          user_data: gpointer, error: pointer){.cdecl.}
-    end_element*: proc (context: PGMarkupParseContext, element_name: cstring,
-                        user_data: gpointer, error: pointer){.cdecl.}
-    text*: proc (context: PGMarkupParseContext, text: cstring, text_len: gsize,
-                 user_data: gpointer, error: pointer){.cdecl.}
-    passthrough*: proc (context: PGMarkupParseContext,
-                        passthrough_text: cstring, text_len: gsize,
-                        user_data: gpointer, error: pointer){.cdecl.}
-    error*: proc (context: PGMarkupParseContext, error: pointer,
-                  user_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-proc g_markup_parse_context_new*(parser: PGMarkupParser,
-                                 flags: TGMarkupParseFlags, user_data: gpointer,
-                                 user_data_dnotify: TGDestroyNotify): PGMarkupParseContext{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_markup_parse_context_new".}
-proc g_markup_parse_context_free*(context: PGMarkupParseContext){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_markup_parse_context_free".}
-proc g_markup_parse_context_parse*(context: PGMarkupParseContext, text: cstring,
-                                   text_len: gssize, error: pointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_markup_parse_context_parse".}
-proc g_markup_parse_context_end_parse*(context: PGMarkupParseContext,
-                                       error: pointer): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_markup_parse_context_end_parse".}
-proc g_markup_parse_context_get_position*(context: PGMarkupParseContext,
-    line_number: Pgint, char_number: Pgint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_markup_parse_context_get_position".}
-proc g_markup_escape_text*(text: cstring, length: gssize): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_markup_escape_text".}
-  PGNode* = ptr TGNode
-  TGNode* {.final.} = object
-    data*: gpointer
-    next*: PGNode
-    prev*: PGNode
-    parent*: PGNode
-    children*: PGNode
-  PGTraverseFlags* = ptr TGTraverseFlags
-  TGTraverseFlags* = gint
-  G_TRAVERSE_LEAFS* = 1 shl 0
-  G_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS* = 1 shl 1
-  G_TRAVERSE_MASK* = 0x00000003
-  PGTraverseType* = ptr TGTraverseType
-  TGTraverseType* = enum
-  TGNodeTraverseFunc* = proc (node: PGNode, data: gpointer): gboolean{.cdecl.}
-  TGNodeForeachFunc* = proc (node: PGNode, data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-proc G_NODE_IS_ROOT*(node: PGNode): bool
-proc G_NODE_IS_LEAF*(node: PGNode): bool
-proc g_node_push_allocator*(allocator: PGAllocator){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_push_allocator".}
-proc g_node_pop_allocator*(){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                              importc: "g_node_pop_allocator".}
-proc g_node_new*(data: gpointer): PGNode{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_new".}
-proc g_node_destroy*(root: PGNode){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                    importc: "g_node_destroy".}
-proc g_node_unlink*(node: PGNode){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                   importc: "g_node_unlink".}
-proc g_node_copy*(node: PGNode): PGNode{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_copy".}
-proc g_node_insert*(parent: PGNode, position: gint, node: PGNode): PGNode{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_insert".}
-proc g_node_insert_before*(parent: PGNode, sibling: PGNode, node: PGNode): PGNode{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_insert_before".}
-proc g_node_insert_after*(parent: PGNode, sibling: PGNode, node: PGNode): PGNode{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_insert_after".}
-proc g_node_prepend*(parent: PGNode, node: PGNode): PGNode{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_prepend".}
-proc g_node_n_nodes*(root: PGNode, flags: TGTraverseFlags): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_n_nodes".}
-proc g_node_get_root*(node: PGNode): PGNode{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_get_root".}
-proc g_node_is_ancestor*(node: PGNode, descendant: PGNode): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_is_ancestor".}
-proc g_node_depth*(node: PGNode): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_depth".}
-proc g_node_find*(root: PGNode, order: TGTraverseType, flags: TGTraverseFlags,
-                  data: gpointer): PGNode{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_find".}
-proc g_node_append*(parent: PGNode, node: PGNode): PGNode
-proc g_node_insert_data*(parent: PGNode, position: gint, data: gpointer): PGNode
-proc g_node_insert_data_before*(parent: PGNode, sibling: PGNode, data: gpointer): PGNode
-proc g_node_prepend_data*(parent: PGNode, data: gpointer): PGNode
-proc g_node_append_data*(parent: PGNode, data: gpointer): PGNode
-proc g_node_traverse*(root: PGNode, order: TGTraverseType,
-                      flags: TGTraverseFlags, max_depth: gint,
-                      func: TGNodeTraverseFunc, data: gpointer): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_traverse".}
-proc g_node_max_height*(root: PGNode): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_max_height".}
-proc g_node_children_foreach*(node: PGNode, flags: TGTraverseFlags,
-                              func: TGNodeForeachFunc, data: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_children_foreach".}
-proc g_node_reverse_children*(node: PGNode){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_reverse_children".}
-proc g_node_n_children*(node: PGNode): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_n_children".}
-proc g_node_nth_child*(node: PGNode, n: guint): PGNode{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_nth_child".}
-proc g_node_last_child*(node: PGNode): PGNode{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_last_child".}
-proc g_node_find_child*(node: PGNode, flags: TGTraverseFlags, data: gpointer): PGNode{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_find_child".}
-proc g_node_child_position*(node: PGNode, child: PGNode): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_child_position".}
-proc g_node_child_index*(node: PGNode, data: gpointer): gint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_node_child_index".}
-proc g_node_first_sibling*(node: PGNode): PGNode{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_first_sibling".}
-proc g_node_last_sibling*(node: PGNode): PGNode{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_node_last_sibling".}
-proc g_node_prev_sibling*(node: PGNode): PGNode
-proc g_node_next_sibling*(node: PGNode): PGNode
-proc g_node_first_child*(node: PGNode): PGNode
-  PGTree* = pointer
-  TGTraverseFunc* = proc (key: gpointer, value: gpointer, data: gpointer): gboolean{.
-      cdecl.}
-proc g_tree_new*(key_compare_func: TGCompareFunc): PGTree{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tree_new".}
-proc g_tree_new_with_data*(key_compare_func: TGCompareDataFunc,
-                           key_compare_data: gpointer): PGTree{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tree_new_with_data".}
-proc g_tree_new_full*(key_compare_func: TGCompareDataFunc,
-                      key_compare_data: gpointer,
-                      key_destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify,
-                      value_destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify): PGTree{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tree_new_full".}
-proc g_tree_destroy*(tree: PGTree){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                    importc: "g_tree_destroy".}
-proc g_tree_insert*(tree: PGTree, key: gpointer, value: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tree_insert".}
-proc g_tree_replace*(tree: PGTree, key: gpointer, value: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tree_replace".}
-proc g_tree_remove*(tree: PGTree, key: gconstpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_tree_remove".}
-proc g_tree_steal*(tree: PGTree, key: gconstpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_tree_steal".}
-proc g_tree_lookup*(tree: PGTree, key: gconstpointer): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tree_lookup".}
-proc g_tree_lookup_extended*(tree: PGTree, lookup_key: gconstpointer,
-                             orig_key: Pgpointer, value: Pgpointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tree_lookup_extended".}
-proc g_tree_foreach*(tree: PGTree, func: TGTraverseFunc, user_data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tree_foreach".}
-proc g_tree_search*(tree: PGTree, search_func: TGCompareFunc,
-                    user_data: gconstpointer): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_tree_search".}
-proc g_tree_height*(tree: PGTree): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_tree_height".}
-proc g_tree_nnodes*(tree: PGTree): gint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_tree_nnodes".}
-  PGPatternSpec* = pointer
-proc g_pattern_spec_new*(pattern: cstring): PGPatternSpec{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_pattern_spec_new".}
-proc g_pattern_spec_free*(pspec: PGPatternSpec){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_pattern_spec_free".}
-proc g_pattern_spec_equal*(pspec1: PGPatternSpec, pspec2: PGPatternSpec): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_pattern_spec_equal".}
-proc g_pattern_match*(pspec: PGPatternSpec, string_length: guint, str: cstring,
-                      string_reversed: cstring): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_pattern_match".}
-proc g_pattern_match_string*(pspec: PGPatternSpec, str: cstring): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_pattern_match_string".}
-proc g_pattern_match_simple*(pattern: cstring, str: cstring): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_pattern_match_simple".}
-proc g_spaced_primes_closest*(num: guint): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_spaced_primes_closest".}
-proc g_qsort_with_data*(pbase: gconstpointer, total_elems: gint, size: gsize,
-                        compare_func: TGCompareDataFunc, user_data: gpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_qsort_with_data".}
-  PGQueue* = ptr TGQueue
-  TGQueue* {.final.} = object
-    head*: PGList
-    tail*: PGList
-    length*: guint
-proc g_queue_new*(): PGQueue{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_queue_new".}
-proc g_queue_free*(queue: PGQueue){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                    importc: "g_queue_free".}
-proc g_queue_push_head*(queue: PGQueue, data: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_push_head".}
-proc g_queue_push_tail*(queue: PGQueue, data: gpointer){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_push_tail".}
-proc g_queue_pop_head*(queue: PGQueue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_pop_head".}
-proc g_queue_pop_tail*(queue: PGQueue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_pop_tail".}
-proc g_queue_is_empty*(queue: PGQueue): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_is_empty".}
-proc g_queue_peek_head*(queue: PGQueue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_peek_head".}
-proc g_queue_peek_tail*(queue: PGQueue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_peek_tail".}
-proc g_queue_push_head_link*(queue: PGQueue, link: PGList){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_queue_push_head_link".}
-proc g_queue_push_tail_link*(queue: PGQueue, link: PGList){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_queue_push_tail_link".}
-proc g_queue_pop_head_link*(queue: PGQueue): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_pop_head_link".}
-proc g_queue_pop_tail_link*(queue: PGQueue): PGList{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_queue_pop_tail_link".}
-  PGRand* = pointer
-proc g_rand_new_with_seed*(seed: guint32): PGRand{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_rand_new_with_seed".}
-proc g_rand_new*(): PGRand{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_rand_new".}
-proc g_rand_free*(rand: PGRand){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_rand_free".}
-proc g_rand_set_seed*(rand: PGRand, seed: guint32){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_rand_set_seed".}
-proc g_rand_boolean*(rand: PGRand): gboolean
-proc g_rand_int*(rand: PGRand): guint32{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_rand_int".}
-proc g_rand_int_range*(rand: PGRand, `begin`: gint32, `end`: gint32): gint32{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_rand_int_range".}
-proc g_rand_double*(rand: PGRand): gdouble{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_rand_double".}
-proc g_rand_double_range*(rand: PGRand, `begin`: gdouble, `end`: gdouble): gdouble{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_rand_double_range".}
-proc g_random_set_seed*(seed: guint32){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                        importc: "g_random_set_seed".}
-proc g_random_boolean*(): gboolean
-proc g_random_int*(): guint32{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_random_int".}
-proc g_random_int_range*(`begin`: gint32, `end`: gint32): gint32{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_random_int_range".}
-proc g_random_double*(): gdouble{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                  importc: "g_random_double".}
-proc g_random_double_range*(`begin`: gdouble, `end`: gdouble): gdouble{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_random_double_range".}
-  PGTuples* = ptr TGTuples
-  TGTuples* {.final.} = object
-    len*: guint
-  PGRelation* = pointer
-proc g_relation_new*(fields: gint): PGRelation{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_relation_new".}
-proc g_relation_destroy*(relation: PGRelation){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_relation_destroy".}
-proc g_relation_index*(relation: PGRelation, field: gint, hash_func: TGHashFunc,
-                       key_equal_func: TGEqualFunc){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_relation_index".}
-proc g_relation_delete*(relation: PGRelation, key: gconstpointer, field: gint): gint{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_relation_delete".}
-proc g_relation_select*(relation: PGRelation, key: gconstpointer, field: gint): PGTuples{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_relation_select".}
-proc g_relation_count*(relation: PGRelation, key: gconstpointer, field: gint): gint{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_relation_count".}
-proc g_relation_print*(relation: PGRelation){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_relation_print".}
-proc g_tuples_destroy*(tuples: PGTuples){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_tuples_destroy".}
-proc g_tuples_index*(tuples: PGTuples, index: gint, field: gint): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_tuples_index".}
-  PGTokenType* = ptr TGTokenType
-  TGTokenType* = gint
-  G_TOKEN_COMMA* = 44
-  G_TOKEN_NONE* = 256
-  G_TOKEN_ERROR* = 257
-  G_TOKEN_CHAR* = 258
-  G_TOKEN_OCTAL* = 260
-  G_TOKEN_INT* = 261
-  G_TOKEN_HEX* = 262
-  G_TOKEN_FLOAT* = 263
-  G_TOKEN_STRING* = 264
-  G_TOKEN_SYMBOL* = 265
-  G_TOKEN_LAST* = 270
-  PGScanner* = ptr TGScanner
-  PGScannerConfig* = ptr TGScannerConfig
-  PGTokenValue* = ptr TGTokenValue
-  TGTokenValue* {.final.} = object
-    v_float*: gdouble
-  TGScannerMsgFunc* = proc (scanner: PGScanner, message: cstring,
-                            error: gboolean){.cdecl.}
-  TGScanner* {.final.} = object
-    user_data*: gpointer
-    max_parse_errors*: guint
-    parse_errors*: guint
-    input_name*: cstring
-    qdata*: PGData
-    config*: PGScannerConfig
-    token*: TGTokenType
-    value*: TGTokenValue
-    line*: guint
-    position*: guint
-    next_token*: TGTokenType
-    next_value*: TGTokenValue
-    next_line*: guint
-    next_position*: guint
-    symbol_table*: PGHashTable
-    input_fd*: gint
-    text*: cstring
-    text_end*: cstring
-    buffer*: cstring
-    scope_id*: guint
-    msg_handler*: TGScannerMsgFunc
-  TGScannerConfig* {.final.} = object
-    cset_skip_characters*: cstring
-    cset_identifier_first*: cstring
-    cset_identifier_nth*: cstring
-    cpair_comment_single*: cstring
-    flag0*: int32
-    padding_dummy*: guint
-  G_CSET_a_2_z_lcase* = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-  G_CSET_DIGITS* = "0123456789"
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_case_sensitive* = 0x00000001'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_case_sensitive* = 0'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_multi* = 0x00000002'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_multi* = 1'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_single* = 0x00000004'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_single* = 2'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_comment_multi* = 0x00000008'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_comment_multi* = 3'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier* = 0x00000010'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier* = 4'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_1char* = 0x00000020'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_1char* = 5'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_NULL* = 0x00000040'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_NULL* = 6'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_symbols* = 0x00000080'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_symbols* = 7'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_binary* = 0x00000100'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_binary* = 8'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_octal* = 0x00000200'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_octal* = 9'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_float* = 0x00000400'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_float* = 10'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex* = 0x00000800'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex* = 11'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex_dollar* = 0x00001000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex_dollar* = 12'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_sq* = 0x00002000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_sq* = 13'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_dq* = 0x00004000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_dq* = 14'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_numbers_2_int* = 0x00008000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_numbers_2_int* = 15'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_int_2_float* = 0x00010000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_int_2_float* = 16'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_identifier_2_string* = 0x00020000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_identifier_2_string* = 17'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_char_2_token* = 0x00040000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_char_2_token* = 18'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_symbol_2_token* = 0x00080000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_symbol_2_token* = 19'i32
-  bm_TGScannerConfig_scope_0_fallback* = 0x00100000'i32
-  bp_TGScannerConfig_scope_0_fallback* = 20'i32
-proc TGScannerConfig_case_sensitive*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_case_sensitive*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `case_sensitive`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_multi*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_skip_comment_multi*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `skip_comment_multi`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_single*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_skip_comment_single*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `skip_comment_single`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_comment_multi*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_comment_multi*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_comment_multi`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_identifier*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_identifier`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_1char*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_identifier_1char*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_identifier_1char`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_NULL*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_identifier_NULL*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_identifier_NULL`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_symbols*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_symbols*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                       `scan_symbols`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_binary*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_binary*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                      `scan_binary`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_octal*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_octal*(a: var TGScannerConfig, `scan_octal`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_float*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_float*(a: var TGScannerConfig, `scan_float`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_hex*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_hex*(a: var TGScannerConfig, `scan_hex`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_hex_dollar*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_hex_dollar*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_hex_dollar`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_string_sq*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_string_sq*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_string_sq`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_string_dq*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_string_dq*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_string_dq`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_numbers_2_int*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_numbers_2_int*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                        `numbers_2_int`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_int_2_float*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_int_2_float*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                      `int_2_float`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_identifier_2_string*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_identifier_2_string*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `identifier_2_string`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_char_2_token*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_char_2_token*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                       `char_2_token`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_symbol_2_token*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_symbol_2_token*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `symbol_2_token`: guint)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scope_0_fallback*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scope_0_fallback*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scope_0_fallback`: guint)
-proc g_scanner_new*(config_templ: PGScannerConfig): PGScanner{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_new".}
-proc g_scanner_destroy*(scanner: PGScanner){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_scanner_destroy".}
-proc g_scanner_input_file*(scanner: PGScanner, input_fd: gint){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_input_file".}
-proc g_scanner_sync_file_offset*(scanner: PGScanner){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_scanner_sync_file_offset".}
-proc g_scanner_input_text*(scanner: PGScanner, text: cstring, text_len: guint){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_input_text".}
-proc g_scanner_get_next_token*(scanner: PGScanner): TGTokenType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_get_next_token".}
-proc g_scanner_peek_next_token*(scanner: PGScanner): TGTokenType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_peek_next_token".}
-proc g_scanner_cur_token*(scanner: PGScanner): TGTokenType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_cur_token".}
-proc g_scanner_cur_value*(scanner: PGScanner): TGTokenValue{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_cur_value".}
-proc g_scanner_cur_line*(scanner: PGScanner): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_scanner_cur_line".}
-proc g_scanner_cur_position*(scanner: PGScanner): guint{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_scanner_cur_position".}
-proc g_scanner_eof*(scanner: PGScanner): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_scanner_eof".}
-proc g_scanner_set_scope*(scanner: PGScanner, scope_id: guint): guint{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_set_scope".}
-proc g_scanner_scope_add_symbol*(scanner: PGScanner, scope_id: guint,
-                                 symbol: cstring, value: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_scope_add_symbol".}
-proc g_scanner_scope_remove_symbol*(scanner: PGScanner, scope_id: guint,
-                                    symbol: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_scanner_scope_remove_symbol".}
-proc g_scanner_scope_lookup_symbol*(scanner: PGScanner, scope_id: guint,
-                                    symbol: cstring): gpointer{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_scope_lookup_symbol".}
-proc g_scanner_scope_foreach_symbol*(scanner: PGScanner, scope_id: guint,
-                                     func: TGHFunc, user_data: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_scope_foreach_symbol".}
-proc g_scanner_lookup_symbol*(scanner: PGScanner, symbol: cstring): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_scanner_lookup_symbol".}
-proc g_scanner_unexp_token*(scanner: PGScanner, expected_token: TGTokenType,
-                            identifier_spec: cstring, symbol_spec: cstring,
-                            symbol_name: cstring, `message`: cstring,
-                            is_error: gint){.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_scanner_unexp_token".}
-proc G_SHELL_ERROR*(): TGQuark
-  PGShellError* = ptr TGShellError
-  TGShellError* = enum
-proc g_shell_error_quark*(): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                      importc: "g_shell_error_quark".}
-proc g_shell_quote*(unquoted_string: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_shell_quote".}
-proc g_shell_unquote*(quoted_string: cstring, error: pointer): cstring{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_shell_unquote".}
-proc g_shell_parse_argv*(command_line: cstring, argcp: Pgint, argvp: PPPgchar,
-                         error: pointer): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-    importc: "g_shell_parse_argv".}
-proc G_SPAWN_ERROR*(): TGQuark
-  PGSpawnError* = ptr TGSpawnError
-  TGSpawnError* = enum
-  TGSpawnChildSetupFunc* = proc (user_data: gpointer){.cdecl.}
-  PGSpawnFlags* = ptr TGSpawnFlags
-  TGSpawnFlags* = int
-  G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH* = 1 shl 2
-proc g_spawn_error_quark*(): TGQuark{.cdecl, dynlib: gliblib,
-                                      importc: "g_spawn_error_quark".}
-proc g_spawn_async*(working_directory: cstring, argv: PPgchar, envp: PPgchar,
-                    flags: TGSpawnFlags, child_setup: TGSpawnChildSetupFunc,
-                    user_data: gpointer, child_pid: Pgint, error: pointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_spawn_async".}
-proc g_spawn_async_with_pipes*(working_directory: cstring, argv: PPgchar,
-                               envp: PPgchar, flags: TGSpawnFlags,
-                               child_setup: TGSpawnChildSetupFunc,
-                               user_data: gpointer, child_pid: Pgint,
-                               standard_input: Pgint, standard_output: Pgint,
-                               standard_error: Pgint, error: pointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_spawn_async_with_pipes".}
-proc g_spawn_sync*(working_directory: cstring, argv: PPgchar, envp: PPgchar,
-                   flags: TGSpawnFlags, child_setup: TGSpawnChildSetupFunc,
-                   user_data: gpointer, standard_output: PPgchar,
-                   standard_error: PPgchar, exit_status: Pgint, error: pointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_spawn_sync".}
-proc g_spawn_command_line_sync*(command_line: cstring, standard_output: PPgchar,
-                                standard_error: PPgchar, exit_status: Pgint,
-                                error: pointer): gboolean{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_spawn_command_line_sync".}
-proc g_spawn_command_line_async*(command_line: cstring, error: pointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_spawn_command_line_async".}
-proc G_TYPE_IS_BOXED*(theType: GType): gboolean
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED*(value: PGValue): gboolean
-proc G_TYPE_CLOSURE*(): GType
-proc G_TYPE_VALUE*(): GType
-proc G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY*(): GType
-proc G_TYPE_GSTRING*(): GType
-proc g_boxed_copy*(boxed_type: GType, src_boxed: gconstpointer): gpointer{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_boxed_copy".}
-proc g_boxed_free*(boxed_type: GType, boxed: gpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_boxed_free".}
-proc g_value_set_boxed*(value: PGValue, v_boxed: gconstpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_boxed".}
-proc g_value_set_static_boxed*(value: PGValue, v_boxed: gconstpointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_static_boxed".}
-proc g_value_get_boxed*(value: PGValue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_get_boxed".}
-proc g_value_dup_boxed*(value: PGValue): gpointer{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-    importc: "g_value_dup_boxed".}
-proc g_boxed_type_register_static*(name: cstring, boxed_copy: TGBoxedCopyFunc,
-                                   boxed_free: TGBoxedFreeFunc): GType{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_boxed_type_register_static".}
-proc g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership*(value: PGValue, v_boxed: gconstpointer){.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership".}
-proc g_closure_get_type*(): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                   importc: "g_closure_get_type".}
-proc g_value_get_type*(): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                 importc: "g_value_get_type".}
-proc g_value_array_get_type*(): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                       importc: "g_value_array_get_type".}
-proc g_gstring_get_type*(): GType{.cdecl, dynlib: gobjectlib,
-                                   importc: "g_gstring_get_type".}
-  PGModule* = pointer
-  TGModuleFlags* = int32
-  TGModuleCheckInit* = proc (module: PGModule): cstring{.cdecl.}
-  TGModuleUnload* = proc (module: PGModule){.cdecl.}
-  G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY* = 1 shl 0
-proc g_module_supported*(): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gmodulelib,
-                                      importc: "g_module_supported".}
-proc g_module_open*(file_name: cstring, flags: TGModuleFlags): PGModule{.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gmodulelib, importc: "g_module_open".}
-proc g_module_close*(module: PGModule): gboolean{.cdecl, dynlib: gmodulelib,
-    importc: "g_module_close".}
-proc g_module_make_resident*(module: PGModule){.cdecl, dynlib: gmodulelib,
-    importc: "g_module_make_resident".}
-proc g_module_error*(): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gmodulelib,
-                                 importc: "g_module_error".}
-proc g_module_symbol*(module: PGModule, symbol_name: cstring, symbol: Pgpointer): gboolean{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gmodulelib, importc: "g_module_symbol".}
-proc g_module_name*(module: PGModule): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: gmodulelib,
-    importc: "g_module_name".}
-proc g_module_build_path*(directory: cstring, module_name: cstring): cstring{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: gmodulelib, importc: "g_module_build_path".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_VOID*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                    n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                    param_values: PGValue,
-                                    invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                    marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_BOOLEAN*(closure: PGClosure,
-                                       return_value: PGValue,
-                                       n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                       param_values: PGValue,
-                                       invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                       marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_CHAR*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                    n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                    param_values: PGValue,
-                                    invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                    marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__CHAR".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_UCHAR*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                     n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                     param_values: PGValue,
-                                     invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                     marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UCHAR".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_INT*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                   n_param_values: GUInt, param_values: PGValue,
-                                   invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                   marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_UINT*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                    n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                    param_values: PGValue,
-                                    invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                    marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_LONG*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                    n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                    param_values: PGValue,
-                                    invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                    marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__LONG".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_ULONG*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                     n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                     param_values: PGValue,
-                                     invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                     marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ULONG".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_ENUM*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                    n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                    param_values: PGValue,
-                                    invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                    marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_FLAGS*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                     n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                     param_values: PGValue,
-                                     invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                     marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLAGS".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_FLOAT*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                     n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                     param_values: PGValue,
-                                     invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                     marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_DOUBLE*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                      n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                      param_values: PGValue,
-                                      invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                      marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_STRING*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                      n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                      param_values: PGValue,
-                                      invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                      marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_PARAM*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                     n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                     param_values: PGValue,
-                                     invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                     marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_BOXED*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                     n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                     param_values: PGValue,
-                                     invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                     marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_POINTER*(closure: PGClosure,
-                                       return_value: PGValue,
-                                       n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                       param_values: PGValue,
-                                       invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                       marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_OBJECT*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                      n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                      param_values: PGValue,
-                                      invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                      marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_STRING_OBJECT_POINTER*(closure: PGClosure,
-    return_value: PGValue, n_param_values: GUInt, param_values: PGValue,
-    invocation_hint: GPointer, marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_STRING__OBJECT_POINTER".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_VOID_UINT_POINTER*(closure: PGClosure,
-    return_value: PGValue, n_param_values: GUInt, param_values: PGValue,
-    invocation_hint: GPointer, marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN_FLAGS*(closure: PGClosure,
-                                        return_value: PGValue,
-                                        n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                        param_values: PGValue,
-                                        invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                        marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gobjectlib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS".}
-proc g_cclosure_marshal_BOOL_FLAGS*(closure: PGClosure, return_value: PGValue,
-                                     n_param_values: GUInt,
-                                     param_values: PGValue,
-                                     invocation_hint: GPointer,
-                                     marshal_data: GPointer){.cdecl,
-    dynlib: gliblib, importc: "g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS".}
-proc GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT*(val: guint16): guint16 =
-  Result = ((val and 0x00FF'i16) shl 8'i16) or ((val and 0xFF00'i16) shr 8'i16)
-proc GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT*(val: guint32): guint32 =
-  Result = ((val and 0x000000FF'i32) shl 24'i32) or ((val and 0x0000FF00'i32) shl 8'i32) or
-      ((val and 0x00FF0000'i32) shr 8'i32) or ((val and 0xFF000000'i32) shr 24'i32)
-proc GUINT_TO_POINTER*(i: guint): pointer =
-  Result = cast[Pointer](TAddress(i))
-when false:
-  type
-    PGArray* = pointer
-  proc g_array_append_val*(a: PGArray, v: gpointer): PGArray =
-    result = g_array_append_vals(a, addr(v), 1)
-  proc g_array_prepend_val*(a: PGArray, v: gpointer): PGArray =
-    result = g_array_prepend_vals(a, addr(v), 1)
-  proc g_array_insert_val*(a: PGArray, i: guint, v: gpointer): PGArray =
-    result = g_array_insert_vals(a, i, addr(v), 1)
-  proc g_ptr_array_index*(parray: PGPtrArray, index: guint): gpointer =
-    result = cast[PGPointer](cast[int](parray ^. pdata) +
-        index * SizeOf(GPointer))^
-  proc G_THREAD_ERROR*(): TGQuark =
-    result = g_thread_error_quark()
-  proc g_mutex_lock*(mutex: PGMutex) =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.mutex_lock(mutex)
-  proc g_mutex_trylock*(mutex: PGMutex): gboolean =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      result = g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.mutex_trylock(mutex)
-    else:
-      result = true
-  proc g_mutex_unlock*(mutex: PGMutex) =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.mutex_unlock(mutex)
-  proc g_mutex_free*(mutex: PGMutex) =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.mutex_free(mutex)
-  proc g_cond_wait*(cond: PGCond, mutex: PGMutex) =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.cond_wait(cond, mutex)
-  proc g_cond_timed_wait*(cond: PGCond, mutex: PGMutex, end_time: PGTimeVal): gboolean =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      result = g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.cond_timed_wait(cond, mutex,
-          end_time)
-    else:
-      result = true
-  proc g_thread_supported*(): gboolean =
-    result = g_threads_got_initialized
-  proc g_mutex_new*(): PGMutex =
-    result = g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.mutex_new()
-  proc g_cond_new*(): PGCond =
-    result = g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.cond_new()
-  proc g_cond_signal*(cond: PGCond) =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.cond_signal(cond)
-  proc g_cond_broadcast*(cond: PGCond) =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.cond_broadcast(cond)
-  proc g_cond_free*(cond: PGCond) =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.cond_free(cond)
-  proc g_private_new*(dest: TGDestroyNotify): PGPrivate =
-    result = g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.private_new(dest)
-  proc g_private_get*(private_key: PGPrivate): gpointer =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      result = g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.private_get(private_key)
-    else:
-      result = private_key
-  proc g_private_set*(private_key: var PGPrivate, data: gpointer) =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      nil
-    else:
-      private_key = data
-  proc g_thread_yield*() =
-    if g_threads_got_initialized:
-      g_thread_functions_for_glib_use.thread_yield
-  proc g_thread_create*(func: TGThreadFunc, data: gpointer, joinable: gboolean,
-                        error: pointer): PGThread =
-    result = g_thread_create_full(func, data, 0, joinable, false,
-                                  G_THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, error)
-  proc g_static_mutex_get_mutex*(mutex: PPGMutex): PGMutex =
-    result = g_static_mutex_get_mutex_impl(mutex)
-  proc g_static_mutex_lock*(mutex: PGStaticMutex) =
-    g_mutex_lock(g_static_mutex_get_mutex_impl(PPGMutex(mutex)))
-  proc g_static_mutex_trylock*(mutex: PGStaticMutex): gboolean =
-    result = g_mutex_trylock(g_static_mutex_get_mutex(PPGMutex(mutex)))
-  proc g_static_mutex_unlock*(mutex: PGStaticMutex) =
-    g_mutex_unlock(g_static_mutex_get_mutex_impl(PPGMutex(mutex)))
-  proc g_main_new*(is_running: gboolean): PGMainLoop =
-    result = g_main_loop_new(nil, is_running)
-  proc g_main_iteration*(may_block: gboolean): gboolean =
-    result = g_main_context_iteration(nil, may_block)
-  proc g_main_pending*(): gboolean =
-    result = g_main_context_pending(nil)
-  proc g_main_set_poll_func*(func: TGPollFunc) =
-    g_main_context_set_poll_func(nil, func)
-proc g_slist_next*(slist: PGSList): PGSList =
-  if slist != nil:
-    result =
-  else:
-    result = nil
-proc g_new*(bytes_per_struct, n_structs: int): gpointer =
-  result = g_malloc(n_structs * bytes_per_struct)
-proc g_new0*(bytes_per_struct, n_structs: int): gpointer =
-  result = g_malloc0(n_structs * bytes_per_struct)
-proc g_renew*(struct_size: int, OldMem: gpointer, n_structs: int): gpointer =
-  result = g_realloc(OldMem, struct_size * n_structs)
-proc g_chunk_new*(chunk: Pointer): Pointer =
-  result = g_mem_chunk_alloc(chunk)
-proc g_chunk_new0*(chunk: Pointer): Pointer =
-  result = g_mem_chunk_alloc0(chunk)
-proc g_chunk_free*(mem_chunk: PGMemChunk, mem: gpointer) =
-  g_mem_chunk_free(mem_chunk, mem)
-proc g_list_previous*(list: PGList): PGList =
-  if list != nil:
-    result = list.prev
-  else:
-    result = nil
-proc g_list_next*(list: PGList): PGList =
-  if list != nil:
-    result =
-  else:
-    result = nil
-proc G_CONVERT_ERROR*(): TGQuark =
-  result = g_convert_error_quark()
-proc g_datalist_id_set_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_id: TGQuark, data: gpointer) =
-  g_datalist_id_set_data_full(datalist, key_id, data, TGDestroyNotify(nil))
-proc g_datalist_id_remove_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_id: TGQuark) =
-  g_datalist_id_set_data(datalist, key_id, nil)
-proc g_datalist_get_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring): PPGData =
-  result = cast[PPGData](g_datalist_id_get_data(datalist,
-                                                g_quark_try_string(key_str)))
-proc g_datalist_set_data_full*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring,
-                               data: gpointer, destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify) =
-  g_datalist_id_set_data_full(datalist, g_quark_from_string(key_str), data,
-                              destroy_func)
-proc g_datalist_set_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring, data: gpointer) =
-  g_datalist_set_data_full(datalist, key_str, data, nil)
-proc g_datalist_remove_no_notify*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring) =
-  discard g_datalist_id_remove_no_notify(datalist, g_quark_try_string(key_str))
-proc g_datalist_remove_data*(datalist: PPGData, key_str: cstring) =
-  g_datalist_id_set_data(datalist, g_quark_try_string(key_str), nil)
-proc g_dataset_id_set_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_id: TGQuark,
-                            data: gpointer) =
-  g_dataset_id_set_data_full(location, key_id, data, nil)
-proc g_dataset_id_remove_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_id: TGQuark) =
-  g_dataset_id_set_data(location, key_id, nil)
-proc g_dataset_get_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring): gpointer =
-  result = g_dataset_id_get_data(location, g_quark_try_string(key_str))
-proc g_dataset_set_data_full*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring,
-                              data: gpointer, destroy_func: TGDestroyNotify) =
-  g_dataset_id_set_data_full(location, g_quark_from_string(key_str), data,
-                             destroy_func)
-proc g_dataset_remove_no_notify*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring) =
-  discard g_dataset_id_remove_no_notify(location, g_quark_try_string(key_str))
-proc g_dataset_set_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring,
-                         data: gpointer) =
-  g_dataset_set_data_full(location, key_str, data, nil)
-proc g_dataset_remove_data*(location: gconstpointer, key_str: cstring) =
-  g_dataset_id_set_data(location, g_quark_try_string(key_str), nil)
-proc G_FILE_ERROR*(): TGQuark =
-  result = g_file_error_quark()
-proc TGHookList_hook_size*(a: var TGHookList): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGHookList_hook_size) shr bp_TGHookList_hook_size
-proc TGHookList_set_hook_size*(a: var TGHookList, `hook_size`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`hook_size` shl bp_TGHookList_hook_size) and bm_TGHookList_hook_size)
-proc TGHookList_is_setup*(a: var TGHookList): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGHookList_is_setup) shr bp_TGHookList_is_setup
-proc TGHookList_set_is_setup*(a: var TGHookList, `is_setup`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`is_setup` shl bp_TGHookList_is_setup) and bm_TGHookList_is_setup)
-proc G_HOOK*(hook: pointer): PGHook =
-  result = cast[PGHook](hook)
-proc G_HOOK_FLAGS*(hook: PGHook): guint =
-  result = hook.flags
-proc G_HOOK_ACTIVE*(hook: PGHook): bool =
-  result = (hook.flags and G_HOOK_FLAG_ACTIVE) != 0'i32
-proc G_HOOK_IN_CALL*(hook: PGHook): bool =
-  result = (hook.flags and G_HOOK_FLAG_IN_CALL) != 0'i32
-proc G_HOOK_IS_VALID*(hook: PGHook): bool =
-  result = (hook.hook_id != 0) and G_HOOK_ACTIVE(hook)
-proc G_HOOK_IS_UNLINKED*(hook: PGHook): bool =
-  result = ( == nil) and (hook.prev == nil) and
-      (hook.hook_id == 0) and (hook.ref_count == 0'i32)
-proc g_hook_append*(hook_list: PGHookList, hook: PGHook) =
-  g_hook_insert_before(hook_list, nil, hook)
-proc G_IO_CHANNEL_ERROR*(): TGQuark =
-  result = g_io_channel_error_quark()
-proc TGIOChannel_use_buffer*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGIOChannel_use_buffer) shr
-      bp_TGIOChannel_use_buffer
-proc TGIOChannel_set_use_buffer*(a: var TGIOChannel, `use_buffer`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      (int16(`use_buffer` shl bp_TGIOChannel_use_buffer) and
-      bm_TGIOChannel_use_buffer)
-proc TGIOChannel_do_encode*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGIOChannel_do_encode) shr
-      bp_TGIOChannel_do_encode
-proc TGIOChannel_set_do_encode*(a: var TGIOChannel, `do_encode`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      (int16(`do_encode` shl bp_TGIOChannel_do_encode) and
-      bm_TGIOChannel_do_encode)
-proc TGIOChannel_close_on_unref*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGIOChannel_close_on_unref) shr
-      bp_TGIOChannel_close_on_unref
-proc TGIOChannel_set_close_on_unref*(a: var TGIOChannel, `close_on_unref`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      (int16(`close_on_unref` shl bp_TGIOChannel_close_on_unref) and
-      bm_TGIOChannel_close_on_unref)
-proc TGIOChannel_is_readable*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGIOChannel_is_readable) shr
-      bp_TGIOChannel_is_readable
-proc TGIOChannel_set_is_readable*(a: var TGIOChannel, `is_readable`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      (int16(`is_readable` shl bp_TGIOChannel_is_readable) and
-      bm_TGIOChannel_is_readable)
-proc TGIOChannel_is_writeable*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGIOChannel_is_writeable) shr
-      bp_TGIOChannel_is_writeable
-proc TGIOChannel_set_is_writeable*(a: var TGIOChannel, `is_writeable`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      (int16(`is_writeable` shl bp_TGIOChannel_is_writeable) and
-      bm_TGIOChannel_is_writeable)
-proc TGIOChannel_is_seekable*(a: var TGIOChannel): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGIOChannel_is_seekable) shr
-      bp_TGIOChannel_is_seekable
-proc TGIOChannel_set_is_seekable*(a: var TGIOChannel, `is_seekable`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      (int16(`is_seekable` shl bp_TGIOChannel_is_seekable) and
-      bm_TGIOChannel_is_seekable)
-proc g_utf8_next_char*(p: pguchar): pguchar =
-  result = cast[pguchar](cast[TAddress](p)+1) # p + ord((g_utf8_skip + p^ )^ )
-when false:
-  proc GLIB_CHECK_VERSION*(major, minor, micro: guint): bool =
-    result = ((GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION > major) or
-        ((GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION == major) and (GLIB_MINOR_VERSION > minor)) or
-        ((GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION == major) and (GLIB_MINOR_VERSION == minor) and
-        (GLIB_MICRO_VERSION >= micro)))
-  proc g_error*(format: cstring) =
-    g_log(G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format)
-  proc g_message*(format: cstring) =
-    g_log(G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, format)
-  proc g_critical*(format: cstring) =
-    g_log(G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, format)
-  proc g_warning*(format: cstring) =
-    g_log(G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, format)
-proc G_MARKUP_ERROR*(): TGQuark =
-  result = g_markup_error_quark()
-proc G_NODE_IS_ROOT*(node: PGNode): bool =
-  result = (node . parent == nil) and (node . next == nil) and
-      (node . prev == nil)
-proc G_NODE_IS_LEAF*(node: PGNode): bool =
-  result = node . children == nil
-proc g_node_append*(parent: PGNode, node: PGNode): PGNode =
-  result = g_node_insert_before(parent, nil, node)
-proc g_node_insert_data*(parent: PGNode, position: gint, data: gpointer): PGNode =
-  result = g_node_insert(parent, position, g_node_new(data))
-proc g_node_insert_data_before*(parent: PGNode, sibling: PGNode, data: gpointer): PGNode =
-  result = g_node_insert_before(parent, sibling, g_node_new(data))
-proc g_node_prepend_data*(parent: PGNode, data: gpointer): PGNode =
-  result = g_node_prepend(parent, g_node_new(data))
-proc g_node_append_data*(parent: PGNode, data: gpointer): PGNode =
-  result = g_node_insert_before(parent, nil, g_node_new(data))
-proc g_node_prev_sibling*(node: PGNode): PGNode =
-  if node != nil:
-    result = node.prev
-  else:
-    result = nil
-proc g_node_next_sibling*(node: PGNode): PGNode =
-  if node != nil:
-    result =
-  else:
-    result = nil
-proc g_node_first_child*(node: PGNode): PGNode =
-  if node != nil:
-    result = node.children
-  else:
-    result = nil
-proc g_rand_boolean*(rand: PGRand): gboolean =
-  result = (int(g_rand_int(rand)) and (1 shl 15)) != 0
-proc g_random_boolean*(): gboolean =
-  result = (int(g_random_int()) and (1 shl 15)) != 0
-proc TGScannerConfig_case_sensitive*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_case_sensitive) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_case_sensitive
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_case_sensitive*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `case_sensitive`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`case_sensitive` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_case_sensitive) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_case_sensitive)
-proc TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_multi*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_multi) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_multi
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_skip_comment_multi*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `skip_comment_multi`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`skip_comment_multi` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_multi) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_multi)
-proc TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_single*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_single) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_single
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_skip_comment_single*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `skip_comment_single`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`skip_comment_single` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_single) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_skip_comment_single)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_comment_multi*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_comment_multi) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_comment_multi
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_comment_multi*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_comment_multi`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_comment_multi` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_comment_multi) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_comment_multi)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_identifier*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_identifier`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_identifier` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_1char*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_1char) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_1char
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_identifier_1char*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_identifier_1char`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_identifier_1char` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_1char) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_1char)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_NULL*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_NULL) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_NULL
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_identifier_NULL*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_identifier_NULL`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_identifier_NULL` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_NULL) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_identifier_NULL)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_symbols*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_symbols) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_symbols
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_symbols*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                       `scan_symbols`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_symbols` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_symbols) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_symbols)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_binary*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_binary) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_binary
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_binary*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                      `scan_binary`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_binary` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_binary) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_binary)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_octal*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_octal) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_octal
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_octal*(a: var TGScannerConfig, `scan_octal`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_octal` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_octal) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_octal)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_float*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_float) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_float
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_float*(a: var TGScannerConfig, `scan_float`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_float` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_float) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_float)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_hex*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_hex*(a: var TGScannerConfig, `scan_hex`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_hex` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_hex_dollar*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex_dollar) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex_dollar
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_hex_dollar*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_hex_dollar`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_hex_dollar` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex_dollar) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_hex_dollar)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_string_sq*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_sq) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_sq
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_string_sq*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_string_sq`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_string_sq` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_sq) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_sq)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scan_string_dq*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_dq) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_dq
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scan_string_dq*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scan_string_dq`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scan_string_dq` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_dq) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scan_string_dq)
-proc TGScannerConfig_numbers_2_int*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_numbers_2_int) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_numbers_2_int
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_numbers_2_int*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                        `numbers_2_int`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`numbers_2_int` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_numbers_2_int) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_numbers_2_int)
-proc TGScannerConfig_int_2_float*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_int_2_float) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_int_2_float
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_int_2_float*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                      `int_2_float`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`int_2_float` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_int_2_float) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_int_2_float)
-proc TGScannerConfig_identifier_2_string*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_identifier_2_string) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_identifier_2_string
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_identifier_2_string*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `identifier_2_string`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`identifier_2_string` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_identifier_2_string) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_identifier_2_string)
-proc TGScannerConfig_char_2_token*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_char_2_token) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_char_2_token
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_char_2_token*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-                                       `char_2_token`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`char_2_token` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_char_2_token) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_char_2_token)
-proc TGScannerConfig_symbol_2_token*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_symbol_2_token) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_symbol_2_token
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_symbol_2_token*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `symbol_2_token`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`symbol_2_token` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_symbol_2_token) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_symbol_2_token)
-proc TGScannerConfig_scope_0_fallback*(a: var TGScannerConfig): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGScannerConfig_scope_0_fallback) shr
-      bp_TGScannerConfig_scope_0_fallback
-proc TGScannerConfig_set_scope_0_fallback*(a: var TGScannerConfig,
-    `scope_0_fallback`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`scope_0_fallback` shl bp_TGScannerConfig_scope_0_fallback) and
-      bm_TGScannerConfig_scope_0_fallback)
-proc g_scanner_freeze_symbol_table*(scanner: PGScanner) =
-  if Scanner == nil: nil
-proc g_scanner_thaw_symbol_table*(scanner: PGScanner) =
-  if Scanner == nil: nil
-proc G_SHELL_ERROR*(): TGQuark =
-  result = g_shell_error_quark()
-proc G_SPAWN_ERROR*(): TGQuark =
-  result = g_spawn_error_quark()
-when false:
-  proc g_ascii_isalnum*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_ALNUM) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_isalpha*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_ALPHA) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_iscntrl*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_CNTRL) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_isdigit*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_DIGIT) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_isgraph*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_GRAPH) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_islower*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_LOWER) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_isprint*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_PRINT) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_ispunct*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_PUNCT) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_isspace*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_SPACE) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_isupper*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_UPPER) != 0
-  proc g_ascii_isxdigit*(c: gchar): bool =
-    result = ((g_ascii_table[guchar(c)]) and G_ASCII_XDIGIT) != 0
-  proc g_strstrip*(str: cstring): cstring =
-    result = g_strchomp(g_strchug(str))
-proc G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL*(x: int): GType =
-  result = GType(x shl G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL_SHIFT)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_FUNDAMENTAL*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = theType <= G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL_MAX
-proc G_TYPE_IS_DERIVED*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = theType > G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL_MAX
-proc G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE*(theType: GType): bool =
-proc G_TYPE_IS_CLASSED*(theType: GType): gboolean =
-  result = private_g_type_test_flags(theType, G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_INSTANTIATABLE*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_test_flags(theType, G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_DERIVABLE*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_test_flags(theType, G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_DEEP_DERIVABLE*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_test_flags(theType, G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_ABSTRACT*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_test_flags(theType, G_TYPE_FLAG_ABSTRACT)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_VALUE_ABSTRACT*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_test_flags(theType, G_TYPE_FLAG_VALUE_ABSTRACT)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_VALUE_TYPE*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_check_is_value_type(theType)
-proc G_TYPE_HAS_VALUE_TABLE*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = (g_type_value_table_peek(theType)) != nil
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE*(instance: Pointer): gboolean =
-  result = private_g_type_check_instance(cast[PGTypeInstance](instance))
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST*(instance: Pointer, g_type: GType): PGTypeInstance =
-  result = cast[PGTypeInstance](private_g_type_check_instance_cast(
-                                  cast[PGTypeInstance](instance), g_type))
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE*(instance: Pointer, g_type: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_check_instance_is_a(
-             cast[PGTypeInstance](instance), g_type)
-proc G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS*(instance: Pointer, g_type: GType): PGTypeClass =
-  result = cast[PGTypeInstance](Instance).g_class
-  result = private_g_type_check_class_cast(result, g_type)
-proc G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE*(instance: Pointer, g_type: GType): Pointer =
-  result = g_type_interface_peek((cast[PGTypeInstance](instance)).g_class, g_type)
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST*(g_class: pointer, g_type: GType): Pointer =
-  result = private_g_type_check_class_cast(cast[PGTypeClass](g_class), g_type)
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE*(g_class: pointer, g_type: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_check_class_is_a(cast[PGTypeClass](g_class), g_type)
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE*(value: Pointer): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_check_value(cast[PGValue](Value))
-proc G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE*(value: pointer, g_type: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_check_value_holds(cast[PGValue](value), g_type)
-proc G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE*(instance: Pointer): GType =
-  result = G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS((cast[PGTypeInstance](instance)) . g_class)
-proc G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS*(g_class: Pointer): GType =
-  result = (cast[PGTypeClass](g_class)) . g_type
-proc G_TYPE_FROM_INTERFACE*(g_iface: Pointer): GType =
-  result = (cast[PGTypeInterface](g_iface)) . g_type
-proc G_TYPE_IS_VALUE*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = private_g_type_check_is_value_type(theType)
-proc G_IS_VALUE*(value: Pointer): bool =
-  result = G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE(value)
-proc G_VALUE_TYPE*(value: Pointer): GType =
-  result = (cast[PGValue](value)) . g_type
-proc G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME*(value: Pointer): cstring =
-  result = g_type_name(G_VALUE_TYPE(value))
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS*(value: pointer, g_type: GType): bool =
-  result = G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE(value, g_type)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_PARAM*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL(theType)) == G_TYPE_PARAM
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC*(pspec: Pointer): PGParamSpec =
-  result = cast[PGParamSpec](G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST(pspec, G_TYPE_PARAM))
-proc G_IS_PARAM_SPEC*(pspec: Pointer): bool =
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_CLASS*(pclass: Pointer): PGParamSpecClass =
-  result = cast[PGParamSpecClass](
-             G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST(pclass, G_TYPE_PARAM))
-proc G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_CLASS*(pclass: Pointer): bool =
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_GET_CLASS*(pspec: Pointer): PGParamSpecClass =
-  result = cast[PGParamSpecClass](G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS(pspec, G_TYPE_PARAM))
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE*(pspec: Pointer): GType =
-  result = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(pspec)
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE_NAME*(pspec: Pointer): cstring =
-  result = g_type_name(G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE(pspec))
-proc G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE*(pspec: Pointer): GType =
-  result = (G_PARAM_SPEC(pspec)) . value_type
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_PARAM*(value: Pointer): bool =
-proc G_CLOSURE_NEEDS_MARSHAL*(closure: Pointer): bool =
-  result = cast[PGClosure](closure).marshal == nil
-proc G_CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS*(cl: PGClosure): int32 =
-  result = ((meta_marshal(cl) + ((n_guards(cl)) shl 1'i32)) + (n_fnotifiers(cl))) +
-      (n_inotifiers(cl))
-proc G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA*(cclosure: PGClosure): int32 =
-  result = derivative_flag(cclosure)
-proc G_CALLBACK*(f: pointer): TGCallback =
-  result = cast[TGCallback](f)
-proc ref_count*(a: var TGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGClosure_ref_count) shr bp_TGClosure_ref_count
-proc set_ref_count*(a: var TGClosure, `ref_count`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`ref_count` shl bp_TGClosure_ref_count) and bm_TGClosure_ref_count)
-proc meta_marshal*(a: PGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a . flag0 and bm_TGClosure_meta_marshal) shr
-      bp_TGClosure_meta_marshal
-proc set_meta_marshal*(a: var TGClosure, `meta_marshal`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`meta_marshal` shl bp_TGClosure_meta_marshal) and
-      bm_TGClosure_meta_marshal)
-proc n_guards*(a: PGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a . flag0 and bm_TGClosure_n_guards) shr bp_TGClosure_n_guards
-proc set_n_guards*(a: var TGClosure, `n_guards`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`n_guards` shl bp_TGClosure_n_guards) and bm_TGClosure_n_guards)
-proc n_fnotifiers*(a: PGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a . flag0 and bm_TGClosure_n_fnotifiers) shr
-      bp_TGClosure_n_fnotifiers
-proc set_n_fnotifiers*(a: var TGClosure, `n_fnotifiers`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`n_fnotifiers` shl bp_TGClosure_n_fnotifiers) and
-      bm_TGClosure_n_fnotifiers)
-proc n_inotifiers*(a: PGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a . flag0 and bm_TGClosure_n_inotifiers) shr
-      bp_TGClosure_n_inotifiers
-proc set_n_inotifiers*(a: var TGClosure, `n_inotifiers`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`n_inotifiers` shl bp_TGClosure_n_inotifiers) and
-      bm_TGClosure_n_inotifiers)
-proc in_inotify*(a: var TGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGClosure_in_inotify) shr bp_TGClosure_in_inotify
-proc set_in_inotify*(a: var TGClosure, `in_inotify`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`in_inotify` shl bp_TGClosure_in_inotify) and bm_TGClosure_in_inotify)
-proc floating*(a: var TGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGClosure_floating) shr bp_TGClosure_floating
-proc set_floating*(a: var TGClosure, `floating`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`floating` shl bp_TGClosure_floating) and bm_TGClosure_floating)
-proc derivative_flag*(a: PGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a . flag0 and bm_TGClosure_derivative_flag) shr
-      bp_TGClosure_derivative_flag
-proc set_derivative_flag*(a: var TGClosure, `derivative_flag`: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((`derivative_flag` shl bp_TGClosure_derivative_flag) and
-      bm_TGClosure_derivative_flag)
-proc in_marshal*(a: var TGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGClosure_in_marshal) shr bp_TGClosure_in_marshal
-proc set_in_marshal*(a: var TGClosure, in_marshal: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((in_marshal shl bp_TGClosure_in_marshal) and bm_TGClosure_in_marshal)
-proc is_invalid*(a: var TGClosure): guint =
-  result = (a.flag0 and bm_TGClosure_is_invalid) shr bp_TGClosure_is_invalid
-proc set_is_invalid*(a: var TGClosure, is_invalid: guint) =
-  a.flag0 = a.flag0 or
-      ((is_invalid shl bp_TGClosure_is_invalid) and bm_TGClosure_is_invalid)
-proc g_signal_connect*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                       c_handler: TGCallback, data: gpointer): gulong =
-  result = g_signal_connect_data(instance, detailed_signal, c_handler, data,
-                                 nil, TGConnectFlags(0))
-proc g_signal_connect_after*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                             c_handler: TGCallback, data: gpointer): gulong =
-  result = g_signal_connect_data(instance, detailed_signal, c_handler, data,
-                                 nil, G_CONNECT_AFTER)
-proc g_signal_connect_swapped*(instance: gpointer, detailed_signal: cstring,
-                               c_handler: TGCallback, data: gpointer): gulong =
-  result = g_signal_connect_data(instance, detailed_signal, c_handler, data,
-                                 nil, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED)
-proc g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func*(instance: gpointer,
-    func, data: gpointer): guint =
-  result = g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(instance,
-      TGSignalMatchType(G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC or G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA), 0, 0, nil,
-      func, data)
-proc g_signal_handlers_block_by_func*(instance: gpointer, func, data: gpointer) =
-  discard g_signal_handlers_block_matched(instance, TGSignalMatchType(
-      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC or G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA), 0, 0, nil, func, data)
-proc g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func*(instance: gpointer, func, data: gpointer) =
-  discard g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched(instance, TGSignalMatchType(
-      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC or G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA), 0, 0, nil, func, data)
-proc G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT*(theType: GType): bool =
-  result = (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL(theType)) == G_TYPE_OBJECT
-proc G_OBJECT*(anObject: pointer): PGObject =
-  result = cast[PGObject](G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST(anObject, G_TYPE_OBJECT))
-proc G_OBJECT_CLASS*(class: Pointer): PGObjectClass =
-  result = cast[PGObjectClass](G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST(class, G_TYPE_OBJECT))
-proc G_IS_OBJECT*(anObject: pointer): bool =
-proc G_IS_OBJECT_CLASS*(class: Pointer): bool =
-proc G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS*(anObject: pointer): PGObjectClass =
-  result = cast[PGObjectClass](G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS(anObject, G_TYPE_OBJECT))
-proc G_OBJECT_TYPE*(anObject: pointer): GType =
-  result = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(anObject)
-proc G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME*(anObject: pointer): cstring =
-  result = g_type_name(G_OBJECT_TYPE(anObject))
-proc G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE*(class: Pointer): GType =
-  result = G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(class)
-proc G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME*(class: Pointer): cstring =
-  result = g_type_name(G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(class))
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_OBJECT*(value: Pointer): bool =
-proc G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID*(anObject: gpointer, property_id: gint,
-                                        pspec: gpointer) =
-  G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PSPEC(anObject, "property", property_id, pspec)
-proc G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PSPEC*(anObject: gpointer, pname: cstring,
-                                  property_id: gint, pspec: gpointer) =
-  var
-    theObject: PGObject
-    pspec2: PGParamSpec
-    property_id: guint
-  theObject = cast[PGObject](anObject)
-  pspec2 = cast[PGParamSpec](pspec)
-  property_id = (property_id)
-  write(stdout, "invalid thingy\n")
-  #g_warning("%s: invalid %s id %u for \"%s\" of type `%s\' in `%s\'", "", pname,
-  #          `property_id`, `pspec` . name,
-  #          g_type_name(G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE(`pspec`)),
-  #          G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(theobject))
-proc G_TYPE_TYPE_PLUGIN*(): GType =
-  result = g_type_plugin_get_type()
-proc G_TYPE_PLUGIN*(inst: Pointer): PGTypePlugin =
-proc G_TYPE_PLUGIN_CLASS*(vtable: Pointer): PGTypePluginClass =
-  result = cast[PGTypePluginClass](G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST(vtable,
-proc G_IS_TYPE_PLUGIN*(inst: Pointer): bool =
-proc G_IS_TYPE_PLUGIN_CLASS*(vtable: Pointer): bool =
-proc G_TYPE_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS*(inst: Pointer): PGTypePluginClass =
-  result = cast[PGTypePluginClass](G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE(inst,
-proc G_TYPE_IS_ENUM*(theType: GType): gboolean =
-  result = (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL(theType) == G_TYPE_ENUM)
-proc G_ENUM_CLASS*(class: pointer): PGEnumClass =
-  result = cast[PGEnumClass](G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST(class, G_TYPE_ENUM))
-proc G_IS_ENUM_CLASS*(class: pointer): gboolean =
-proc G_ENUM_CLASS_TYPE*(class: pointer): GType =
-  result = G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(class)
-proc G_ENUM_CLASS_TYPE_NAME*(class: pointer): cstring =
-  result = g_type_name(G_ENUM_CLASS_TYPE(class))
-proc G_TYPE_IS_FLAGS*(theType: GType): gboolean =
-  result = (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL(theType)) == G_TYPE_FLAGS
-proc G_FLAGS_CLASS*(class: pointer): PGFlagsClass =
-  result = cast[PGFlagsClass](G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST(class, G_TYPE_FLAGS))
-proc G_IS_FLAGS_CLASS*(class: pointer): gboolean =
-proc G_FLAGS_CLASS_TYPE*(class: pointer): GType =
-  result = G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(class)
-proc G_FLAGS_CLASS_TYPE_NAME*(class: pointer): cstring =
-  result = g_type_name(G_FLAGS_TYPE(cast[TAddress](class)))
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_ENUM*(value: pointer): gboolean =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLAGS*(value: pointer): gboolean =
-proc CLAMP*(x, MinX, MaxX: int): int =
-  if x < MinX:
-    result = MinX
-  elif x > MaxX:
-    result = MaxX
-  else:
-    result = x
-proc GPOINTER_TO_SIZE*(p: GPointer): GSize =
-  result = GSize(cast[TAddress](p))
-proc GSIZE_TO_POINTER*(s: GSize): GPointer =
-  result = cast[GPointer](s)
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_CHAR*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_UCHAR*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT*(value: PGValue): bool =
-  result = G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE(value, G_TYPE_INT)
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_LONG*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_ULONG*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT64*(value: PGValue): bool =
-  result = G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE(value, G_TYPE_INT64)
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT64*(value: PGValue): bool =
-  result = G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE(value, G_TYPE_UINT64)
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLOAT*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_DOUBLE*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_POINTER*(value: PGValue): bool =
-proc G_TYPE_IS_BOXED*(theType: GType): gboolean =
-  result = (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL(theType)) == G_TYPE_BOXED
-proc G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED*(value: PGValue): gboolean =
-proc G_TYPE_CLOSURE*(): GType =
-  result = g_closure_get_type()
-proc G_TYPE_VALUE*(): GType =
-  result = g_value_get_type()
-proc G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY*(): GType =
-  result = g_value_array_get_type()
-proc G_TYPE_GSTRING*(): GType =
-  result = g_gstring_get_type()