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path: root/lib/oldwrappers/sdl/sdl_gfx.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/oldwrappers/sdl/sdl_gfx.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 421 deletions
diff --git a/lib/oldwrappers/sdl/sdl_gfx.nim b/lib/oldwrappers/sdl/sdl_gfx.nim
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ae8eca0b..000000000
--- a/lib/oldwrappers/sdl/sdl_gfx.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-#  $Id: sdl_gfx.pas,v 1.3 2007/05/29 21:31:04 savage Exp $
-#  $Log: sdl_gfx.pas,v $
-#  Revision 1.3  2007/05/29 21:31:04  savage
-#  Changes as suggested by Almindor for 64bit compatibility.
-#  Revision 1.2  2007/05/20 20:30:18  savage
-#  Initial Changes to Handle 64 Bits
-#  Revision 1.1  2005/01/03 19:08:32  savage
-#  Header for the SDL_Gfx library.
-  sdl
-when defined(windows):
-  const SDLgfxLibName = "SDL_gfx.dll"
-elif defined(macosx):
-  const SDLgfxLibName = "libSDL_gfx.dylib"
-  const SDLgfxLibName = ""
-const                         # Some rates in Hz
-  FPS_DEFAULT* = 30           # ---- Defines
-  PFPSmanager* = ptr TFPSmanager
-  TFPSmanager*{.final.} = object  # ---- Structures
-    framecount*: Uint32
-    rateticks*: float32
-    lastticks*: Uint32
-    rate*: Uint32
-  PColorRGBA* = ptr TColorRGBA
-  TColorRGBA*{.final.} = object 
-    r*: Uint8
-    g*: Uint8
-    b*: Uint8
-    a*: Uint8
-  PColorY* = ptr TColorY
-  TColorY*{.final.} = object  #
-                              #
-                              # SDL_framerate: framerate manager
-                              #
-                              # LGPL (c) A. Schiffler
-                              #
-                              #
-    y*: Uint8
-proc SDL_initFramerate*(manager: PFPSmanager){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc SDL_setFramerate*(manager: PFPSmanager, rate: int): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc SDL_getFramerate*(manager: PFPSmanager): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc SDL_framerateDelay*(manager: PFPSmanager){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #
-  #
-  # SDL_gfxPrimitives: graphics primitives for SDL
-  #
-  # LGPL (c) A. Schiffler
-  #
-  #
-  # Note: all ___Color routines expect the color to be in format 0xRRGGBBAA 
-  # Pixel 
-proc pixelColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc pixelRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, 
-                b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Horizontal line 
-proc hlineColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, y: Sint16, 
-                 color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc hlineRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, y: Sint16, r: Uint8, 
-                g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Vertical line 
-proc vlineColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y1: Sint16, y2: Sint16, 
-                 color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc vlineRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y1: Sint16, y2: Sint16, r: Uint8, 
-                g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Rectangle 
-proc rectangleColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                     y2: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc rectangleRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                    y2: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Filled rectangle (Box) 
-proc boxColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-               y2: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc boxRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, y2: Sint16, 
-              r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Line 
-proc lineColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                y2: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc lineRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-               y2: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # AA Line 
-proc aalineColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                  y2: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc aalineRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                 y2: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Circle 
-proc circleColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, r: Sint16, 
-                  color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc circleRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rad: Sint16, r: Uint8, 
-                 g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # AA Circle 
-proc aacircleColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, r: Sint16, 
-                    color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc aacircleRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rad: Sint16, 
-                   r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Filled Circle 
-proc filledCircleColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, r: Sint16, 
-                        color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc filledCircleRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rad: Sint16, 
-                       r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Ellipse 
-proc ellipseColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rx: Sint16, 
-                   ry: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc ellipseRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rx: Sint16, 
-                  ry: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # AA Ellipse 
-proc aaellipseColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, xc: Sint16, yc: Sint16, rx: Sint16, 
-                     ry: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc aaellipseRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rx: Sint16, 
-                    ry: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Filled Ellipse 
-proc filledEllipseColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rx: Sint16, 
-                         ry: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc filledEllipseRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rx: Sint16, 
-                        ry: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Pie
-proc pieColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rad: Sint16, 
-               start: Sint16, finish: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc pieRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rad: Sint16, 
-              start: Sint16, finish: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, 
-              a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Filled Pie
-proc filledPieColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rad: Sint16, 
-                     start: Sint16, finish: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc filledPieRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, rad: Sint16, 
-                    start: Sint16, finish: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, 
-                    a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Trigon
-proc trigonColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                  y2: Sint16, x3: Sint16, y3: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc trigonRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                 y2: Sint16, x3: Sint16, y3: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, 
-                 b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # AA-Trigon
-proc aatrigonColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                    y2: Sint16, x3: Sint16, y3: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc aatrigonRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                   y2: Sint16, x3: Sint16, y3: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, 
-                   b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Filled Trigon
-proc filledTrigonColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                        y2: Sint16, x3: Sint16, y3: Sint16, color: Uint32): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc filledTrigonRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x1: Sint16, y1: Sint16, x2: Sint16, 
-                       y2: Sint16, x3: Sint16, y3: Sint16, r: Uint8, g: Uint8, 
-                       b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Polygon
-proc polygonColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, vx: PSint16, vy: PSint16, n: int, 
-                   color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc polygonRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, vx: PSint16, vy: PSint16, n: int, r: Uint8, 
-                  g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # AA-Polygon
-proc aapolygonColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, vx: PSint16, vy: PSint16, n: int, 
-                     color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc aapolygonRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, vx: PSint16, vy: PSint16, n: int, 
-                    r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Filled Polygon
-proc filledPolygonColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, vx: PSint16, vy: PSint16, n: int, 
-                         color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc filledPolygonRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, vx: PSint16, vy: PSint16, n: int, 
-                        r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Bezier
-  # s = number of steps
-proc bezierColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, vx: PSint16, vy: PSint16, n: int, s: int, 
-                  color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc bezierRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, vx: PSint16, vy: PSint16, n: int, s: int, 
-                 r: Uint8, g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Characters/Strings
-proc characterColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, c: char, 
-                     color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc characterRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, c: char, r: Uint8, 
-                    g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc stringColor*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, c: cstring, 
-                  color: Uint32): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc stringRGBA*(dst: PSDL_Surface, x: Sint16, y: Sint16, c: cstring, r: Uint8, 
-                 g: Uint8, b: Uint8, a: Uint8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc gfxPrimitivesSetFont*(fontdata: Pointer, cw: int, ch: int){.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #
-  #
-  # SDL_imageFilter - bytes-image "filter" routines
-  # (uses inline x86 MMX optimizations if available)
-  #
-  # LGPL (c) A. Schiffler
-  #
-  #
-  # Comments:                                                                           
-  #  1.) MMX functions work best if all data blocks are aligned on a 32 bytes boundary. 
-  #  2.) Data that is not within an 8 byte boundary is processed using the C routine.   
-  #  3.) Convolution routines do not have C routines at this time.                      
-  # Detect MMX capability in CPU
-proc SDL_imageFilterMMXdetect*(): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Force use of MMX off (or turn possible use back on)
-proc SDL_imageFilterMMXoff*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc SDL_imageFilterMMXon*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #
-  # All routines return:
-  #   0   OK
-  #  -1   Error (internal error, parameter error)
-  #
-  #  SDL_imageFilterAdd: D = saturation255(S1 + S2)
-proc SDL_imageFilterAdd*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterMean: D = S1/2 + S2/2
-proc SDL_imageFilterMean*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterSub: D = saturation0(S1 - S2)
-proc SDL_imageFilterSub*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterAbsDiff: D = | S1 - S2 |
-proc SDL_imageFilterAbsDiff*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-                             len: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterMult: D = saturation(S1 * S2)
-proc SDL_imageFilterMult*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterMultNor: D = S1 * S2   (non-MMX)
-proc SDL_imageFilterMultNor*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-                             len: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterMultDivby2: D = saturation255(S1/2 * S2)
-proc SDL_imageFilterMultDivby2*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-                                len: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterMultDivby4: D = saturation255(S1/2 * S2/2)
-proc SDL_imageFilterMultDivby4*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-                                len: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterBitAnd: D = S1 & S2
-proc SDL_imageFilterBitAnd*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-                            len: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterBitOr: D = S1 | S2
-proc SDL_imageFilterBitOr*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterDiv: D = S1 / S2   (non-MMX)
-proc SDL_imageFilterDiv*(Src1: cstring, Src2: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterBitNegation: D = !S
-proc SDL_imageFilterBitNegation*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterAddByte: D = saturation255(S + C)
-proc SDL_imageFilterAddByte*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, C: char): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterAddUint: D = saturation255(S + (uint)C)
-proc SDL_imageFilterAddUint*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, C: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterAddByteToHalf: D = saturation255(S/2 + C)
-proc SDL_imageFilterAddByteToHalf*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, 
-                                   C: char): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterSubByte: D = saturation0(S - C)
-proc SDL_imageFilterSubByte*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, C: char): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterSubUint: D = saturation0(S - (uint)C)
-proc SDL_imageFilterSubUint*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, C: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterShiftRight: D = saturation0(S >> N)
-proc SDL_imageFilterShiftRight*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, N: char): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterShiftRightUint: D = saturation0((uint)S >> N)
-proc SDL_imageFilterShiftRightUint*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, 
-                                    N: char): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterMultByByte: D = saturation255(S * C)
-proc SDL_imageFilterMultByByte*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, C: char): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterShiftRightAndMultByByte: D = saturation255((S >> N) * C)
-proc SDL_imageFilterShiftRightAndMultByByte*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    len: int, N: char, C: char): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterShiftLeftByte: D = (S << N)
-proc SDL_imageFilterShiftLeftByte*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, 
-                                   N: char): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterShiftLeftUint: D = ((uint)S << N)
-proc SDL_imageFilterShiftLeftUint*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, 
-                                   N: char): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterShiftLeft: D = saturation255(S << N)
-proc SDL_imageFilterShiftLeft*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, N: char): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterBinarizeUsingThreshold: D = S >= T ? 255:0
-proc SDL_imageFilterBinarizeUsingThreshold*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    len: int, T: char): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterClipToRange: D = (S >= Tmin) & (S <= Tmax) 255:0
-proc SDL_imageFilterClipToRange*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, 
-                                 Tmin: int8, Tmax: int8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterNormalizeLinear: D = saturation255((Nmax - Nmin)/(Cmax - Cmin)*(S - Cmin) + Nmin)
-proc SDL_imageFilterNormalizeLinear*(Src1: cstring, Dest: cstring, len: int, 
-                                     Cmin: int, Cmax: int, Nmin: int, Nmax: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel3x3Divide: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel3x3Divide*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    rows: int, columns: int, Kernel: PShortInt, Divisor: int8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel5x5Divide: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel5x5Divide*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    rows: int, columns: int, Kernel: PShortInt, Divisor: int8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel7x7Divide: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel7x7Divide*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    rows: int, columns: int, Kernel: PShortInt, Divisor: int8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel9x9Divide: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel9x9Divide*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    rows: int, columns: int, Kernel: PShortInt, Divisor: int8): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel3x3ShiftRight: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel3x3ShiftRight*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    rows: int, columns: int, Kernel: PShortInt, NRightShift: char): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel5x5ShiftRight: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel5x5ShiftRight*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    rows: int, columns: int, Kernel: PShortInt, NRightShift: char): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel7x7ShiftRight: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel7x7ShiftRight*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    rows: int, columns: int, Kernel: PShortInt, NRightShift: char): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel9x9ShiftRight: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel9x9ShiftRight*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, 
-    rows: int, columns: int, Kernel: PShortInt, NRightShift: char): int{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterSobelX: Dij = saturation255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterSobelX*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, rows: int, columns: int): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #  SDL_imageFilterSobelXShiftRight: Dij = saturation255( ... )
-proc SDL_imageFilterSobelXShiftRight*(Src: cstring, Dest: cstring, rows: int, 
-                                      columns: int, NRightShift: char): int{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Align/restore stack to 32 byte boundary -- Functionality untested! --
-proc SDL_imageFilterAlignStack*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc SDL_imageFilterRestoreStack*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #
-  #
-  # SDL_rotozoom - rotozoomer
-  #
-  # LGPL (c) A. Schiffler
-  #
-  #
-  # 
-  # 
-  # rotozoomSurface()
-  #
-  # Rotates and zoomes a 32bit or 8bit 'src' surface to newly created 'dst' surface.
-  # 'angle' is the rotation in degrees. 'zoom' a scaling factor. If 'smooth' is 1
-  # then the destination 32bit surface is anti-aliased. If the surface is not 8bit
-  # or 32bit RGBA/ABGR it will be converted into a 32bit RGBA format on the fly.
-  #
-  #
-proc rotozoomSurface*(src: PSDL_Surface, angle: float64, zoom: float64, 
-                      smooth: int): PSDL_Surface{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc rotozoomSurfaceXY*(src: PSDL_Surface, angle: float64, zoomx: float64, 
-                        zoomy: float64, smooth: int): PSDL_Surface{.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Returns the size of the target surface for a rotozoomSurface() call 
-proc rotozoomSurfaceSize*(width: int, height: int, angle: float64, 
-                          zoom: float64, dstwidth: var int, dstheight: var int){.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-proc rotozoomSurfaceSizeXY*(width: int, height: int, angle: float64, 
-                            zoomx: float64, zoomy: float64, dstwidth: var int, 
-                            dstheight: var int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  #
-  #
-  # zoomSurface()
-  #
-  # Zoomes a 32bit or 8bit 'src' surface to newly created 'dst' surface.
-  # 'zoomx' and 'zoomy' are scaling factors for width and height. If 'smooth' is 1
-  # then the destination 32bit surface is anti-aliased. If the surface is not 8bit
-  # or 32bit RGBA/ABGR it will be converted into a 32bit RGBA format on the fly.
-  #
-  #
-proc zoomSurface*(src: PSDL_Surface, zoomx: float64, zoomy: float64, smooth: int): PSDL_Surface{.
-    cdecl, importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-  # Returns the size of the target surface for a zoomSurface() call 
-proc zoomSurfaceSize*(width: int, height: int, zoomx: float64, zoomy: float64, 
-                      dstwidth: var int, dstheight: var int){.cdecl, 
-    importc, dynlib: SDLgfxLibName.}
-# implementation