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path: root/lib/oldwrappers/x11/xrender.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/oldwrappers/x11/xrender.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/lib/oldwrappers/x11/xrender.nim b/lib/oldwrappers/x11/xrender.nim
deleted file mode 100755
index 7b85fc9a7..000000000
--- a/lib/oldwrappers/x11/xrender.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-  x, xlib
-#  libX11* = ""
-#  Automatically converted by H2Pas 0.99.15 from xrender.h
-#  The following command line parameters were used:
-#    -p
-#    -T
-#    -S
-#    -d
-#    -c
-#    xrender.h
-  PGlyph* = ptr TGlyph
-  TGlyph* = int32
-  PGlyphSet* = ptr TGlyphSet
-  TGlyphSet* = int32
-  PPicture* = ptr TPicture
-  TPicture* = int32
-  PPictFormat* = ptr TPictFormat
-  TPictFormat* = int32
-  constX_RenderQueryVersion* = 0
-  X_RenderQueryPictFormats* = 1
-  X_RenderQueryPictIndexValues* = 2
-  X_RenderQueryDithers* = 3
-  constX_RenderCreatePicture* = 4
-  constX_RenderChangePicture* = 5
-  X_RenderSetPictureClipRectangles* = 6
-  constX_RenderFreePicture* = 7
-  constX_RenderComposite* = 8
-  X_RenderScale* = 9
-  X_RenderTrapezoids* = 10
-  X_RenderTriangles* = 11
-  X_RenderTriStrip* = 12
-  X_RenderTriFan* = 13
-  X_RenderColorTrapezoids* = 14
-  X_RenderColorTriangles* = 15
-  X_RenderTransform* = 16
-  constX_RenderCreateGlyphSet* = 17
-  constX_RenderReferenceGlyphSet* = 18
-  constX_RenderFreeGlyphSet* = 19
-  constX_RenderAddGlyphs* = 20
-  constX_RenderAddGlyphsFromPicture* = 21
-  constX_RenderFreeGlyphs* = 22
-  constX_RenderCompositeGlyphs8* = 23
-  constX_RenderCompositeGlyphs16* = 24
-  constX_RenderCompositeGlyphs32* = 25
-  BadPictFormat* = 0
-  BadPicture* = 1
-  BadPictOp* = 2
-  BadGlyphSet* = 3
-  BadGlyph* = 4
-  RenderNumberErrors* = BadGlyph + 1
-  PictTypeIndexed* = 0
-  PictTypeDirect* = 1
-  PictOpClear* = 0
-  PictOpSrc* = 1
-  PictOpDst* = 2
-  PictOpOver* = 3
-  PictOpOverReverse* = 4
-  PictOpIn* = 5
-  PictOpInReverse* = 6
-  PictOpOut* = 7
-  PictOpOutReverse* = 8
-  PictOpAtop* = 9
-  PictOpAtopReverse* = 10
-  PictOpXor* = 11
-  PictOpAdd* = 12
-  PictOpSaturate* = 13
-  PictOpMaximum* = 13
-  PolyEdgeSharp* = 0
-  PolyEdgeSmooth* = 1
-  PolyModePrecise* = 0
-  PolyModeImprecise* = 1
-  CPRepeat* = 1 shl 0
-  CPAlphaMap* = 1 shl 1
-  CPAlphaXOrigin* = 1 shl 2
-  CPAlphaYOrigin* = 1 shl 3
-  CPClipXOrigin* = 1 shl 4
-  CPClipYOrigin* = 1 shl 5
-  CPClipMask* = 1 shl 6
-  CPGraphicsExposure* = 1 shl 7
-  CPSubwindowMode* = 1 shl 8
-  CPPolyEdge* = 1 shl 9
-  CPPolyMode* = 1 shl 10
-  CPDither* = 1 shl 11
-  CPLastBit* = 11
-  PXRenderDirectFormat* = ptr TXRenderDirectFormat
-  TXRenderDirectFormat*{.final.} = object 
-    red*: int16
-    redMask*: int16
-    green*: int16
-    greenMask*: int16
-    blue*: int16
-    blueMask*: int16
-    alpha*: int16
-    alphaMask*: int16
-  PXRenderPictFormat* = ptr TXRenderPictFormat
-  TXRenderPictFormat*{.final.} = object 
-    id*: TPictFormat
-    thetype*: int32
-    depth*: int32
-    direct*: TXRenderDirectFormat
-    colormap*: TColormap
-  PictFormatID* = 1 shl 0
-  PictFormatType* = 1 shl 1
-  PictFormatDepth* = 1 shl 2
-  PictFormatRed* = 1 shl 3
-  PictFormatRedMask* = 1 shl 4
-  PictFormatGreen* = 1 shl 5
-  PictFormatGreenMask* = 1 shl 6
-  PictFormatBlue* = 1 shl 7
-  PictFormatBlueMask* = 1 shl 8
-  PictFormatAlpha* = 1 shl 9
-  PictFormatAlphaMask* = 1 shl 10
-  PictFormatColormap* = 1 shl 11
-  PXRenderVisual* = ptr TXRenderVisual
-  TXRenderVisual*{.final.} = object 
-    visual*: PVisual
-    format*: PXRenderPictFormat
-  PXRenderDepth* = ptr TXRenderDepth
-  TXRenderDepth*{.final.} = object 
-    depth*: int32
-    nvisuals*: int32
-    visuals*: PXRenderVisual
-  PXRenderScreen* = ptr TXRenderScreen
-  TXRenderScreen*{.final.} = object 
-    depths*: PXRenderDepth
-    ndepths*: int32
-    fallback*: PXRenderPictFormat
-  PXRenderInfo* = ptr TXRenderInfo
-  TXRenderInfo*{.final.} = object 
-    format*: PXRenderPictFormat
-    nformat*: int32
-    screen*: PXRenderScreen
-    nscreen*: int32
-    depth*: PXRenderDepth
-    ndepth*: int32
-    visual*: PXRenderVisual
-    nvisual*: int32
-  PXRenderPictureAttributes* = ptr TXRenderPictureAttributes
-  TXRenderPictureAttributes*{.final.} = object 
-    repeat*: TBool
-    alpha_map*: TPicture
-    alpha_x_origin*: int32
-    alpha_y_origin*: int32
-    clip_x_origin*: int32
-    clip_y_origin*: int32
-    clip_mask*: TPixmap
-    graphics_exposures*: TBool
-    subwindow_mode*: int32
-    poly_edge*: int32
-    poly_mode*: int32
-    dither*: TAtom
-  PXGlyphInfo* = ptr TXGlyphInfo
-  TXGlyphInfo*{.final.} = object 
-    width*: int16
-    height*: int16
-    x*: int16
-    y*: int16
-    xOff*: int16
-    yOff*: int16
-proc XRenderQueryExtension*(dpy: PDisplay, event_basep: ptr int32, 
-                            error_basep: ptr int32): TBool{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderQueryVersion*(dpy: PDisplay, major_versionp: ptr int32, 
-                          minor_versionp: ptr int32): TStatus{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderQueryFormats*(dpy: PDisplay): TStatus{.cdecl, dynlib: libX11, 
-    importc.}
-proc XRenderFindVisualFormat*(dpy: PDisplay, visual: PVisual): PXRenderPictFormat{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderFindFormat*(dpy: PDisplay, mask: int32, 
-                        `template`: PXRenderPictFormat, count: int32): PXRenderPictFormat{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderCreatePicture*(dpy: PDisplay, drawable: TDrawable, 
-                           format: PXRenderPictFormat, valuemask: int32, 
-                           attributes: PXRenderPictureAttributes): TPicture{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderChangePicture*(dpy: PDisplay, picture: TPicture, valuemask: int32, 
-                           attributes: PXRenderPictureAttributes){.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderFreePicture*(dpy: PDisplay, picture: TPicture){.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderComposite*(dpy: PDisplay, op: int32, src: TPicture, mask: TPicture, 
-                       dst: TPicture, src_x: int32, src_y: int32, mask_x: int32, 
-                       mask_y: int32, dst_x: int32, dst_y: int32, width: int32, 
-                       height: int32){.cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderCreateGlyphSet*(dpy: PDisplay, format: PXRenderPictFormat): TGlyphSet{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderReferenceGlyphSet*(dpy: PDisplay, existing: TGlyphSet): TGlyphSet{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderFreeGlyphSet*(dpy: PDisplay, glyphset: TGlyphSet){.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderAddGlyphs*(dpy: PDisplay, glyphset: TGlyphSet, gids: PGlyph, 
-                       glyphs: PXGlyphInfo, nglyphs: int32, images: cstring, 
-                       nbyte_images: int32){.cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderFreeGlyphs*(dpy: PDisplay, glyphset: TGlyphSet, gids: PGlyph, 
-                        nglyphs: int32){.cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-proc XRenderCompositeString8*(dpy: PDisplay, op: int32, src: TPicture, 
-                              dst: TPicture, maskFormat: PXRenderPictFormat, 
-                              glyphset: TGlyphSet, xSrc: int32, ySrc: int32, 
-                              xDst: int32, yDst: int32, str: cstring, 
-                              nchar: int32){.cdecl, dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-# implementation