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path: root/lib/oldwrappers/zip/zlib.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/oldwrappers/zip/zlib.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/lib/oldwrappers/zip/zlib.nim b/lib/oldwrappers/zip/zlib.nim
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b49b9663..000000000
--- a/lib/oldwrappers/zip/zlib.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# Converted from Pascal
-## Interface to the zlib compression library.
-when defined(windows):
-  const libz = "zlib1.dll"
-elif defined(macosx):
-  const libz = "libz.dylib"
-  const libz = ""
-  Uint* = int32
-  Ulong* = int
-  Ulongf* = int
-  Pulongf* = ptr Ulongf
-  z_off_t* = int32
-  pbyte* = cstring
-  pbytef* = cstring
-  TAllocfunc* = proc (p: pointer, items: uInt, size: uInt): pointer{.cdecl.}
-  TFreeFunc* = proc (p: pointer, address: pointer){.cdecl.}
-  TInternalState*{.final, pure.} = object 
-  PInternalState* = ptr TInternalstate
-  TZStream*{.final, pure.} = object 
-    next_in*: pbytef
-    avail_in*: uInt
-    total_in*: uLong
-    next_out*: pbytef
-    avail_out*: uInt
-    total_out*: uLong
-    msg*: pbytef
-    state*: PInternalState
-    zalloc*: TAllocFunc
-    zfree*: TFreeFunc
-    opaque*: pointer
-    data_type*: int32
-    adler*: uLong
-    reserved*: uLong
-  TZStreamRec* = TZStream
-  PZstream* = ptr TZStream
-  gzFile* = pointer
-  Z_NO_FLUSH* = 0
-  Z_SYNC_FLUSH* = 2
-  Z_FULL_FLUSH* = 3
-  Z_FINISH* = 4
-  Z_OK* = 0
-  Z_STREAM_END* = 1
-  Z_NEED_DICT* = 2
-  Z_ERRNO* = -1
-  Z_DATA_ERROR* = -3
-  Z_MEM_ERROR* = -4
-  Z_BUF_ERROR* = -5
-  Z_BEST_SPEED* = 1
-  Z_FILTERED* = 1
-  Z_BINARY* = 0
-  Z_ASCII* = 1
-  Z_UNKNOWN* = 2
-  Z_DEFLATED* = 8
-  Z_NULL* = 0
-proc zlibVersion*(): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "zlibVersion".}
-proc deflate*(strm: var TZStream, flush: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "deflate".}
-proc deflateEnd*(strm: var TZStream): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "deflateEnd".}
-proc inflate*(strm: var TZStream, flush: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "inflate".}
-proc inflateEnd*(strm: var TZStream): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "inflateEnd".}
-proc deflateSetDictionary*(strm: var TZStream, dictionary: pbytef, 
-                           dictLength: uInt): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "deflateSetDictionary".}
-proc deflateCopy*(dest, source: var TZstream): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "deflateCopy".}
-proc deflateReset*(strm: var TZStream): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "deflateReset".}
-proc deflateParams*(strm: var TZStream, level: int32, strategy: int32): int32{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "deflateParams".}
-proc inflateSetDictionary*(strm: var TZStream, dictionary: pbytef, 
-                           dictLength: uInt): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "inflateSetDictionary".}
-proc inflateSync*(strm: var TZStream): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "inflateSync".}
-proc inflateReset*(strm: var TZStream): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "inflateReset".}
-proc compress*(dest: pbytef, destLen: puLongf, source: pbytef, sourceLen: uLong): cint{.
-    cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "compress".}
-proc compress2*(dest: pbytef, destLen: puLongf, source: pbytef, 
-                sourceLen: uLong, level: cint): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "compress2".}
-proc uncompress*(dest: pbytef, destLen: puLongf, source: pbytef, 
-                 sourceLen: uLong): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "uncompress".}
-proc gzopen*(path: cstring, mode: cstring): gzFile{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "gzopen".}
-proc gzdopen*(fd: int32, mode: cstring): gzFile{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "gzdopen".}
-proc gzsetparams*(thefile: gzFile, level: int32, strategy: int32): int32{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libz, importc: "gzsetparams".}
-proc gzread*(thefile: gzFile, buf: pointer, length: int): int32{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libz, importc: "gzread".}
-proc gzwrite*(thefile: gzFile, buf: pointer, length: int): int32{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libz, importc: "gzwrite".}
-proc gzprintf*(thefile: gzFile, format: pbytef): int32{.varargs, cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libz, importc: "gzprintf".}
-proc gzputs*(thefile: gzFile, s: pbytef): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "gzputs".}
-proc gzgets*(thefile: gzFile, buf: pbytef, length: int32): pbytef{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libz, importc: "gzgets".}
-proc gzputc*(thefile: gzFile, c: char): char{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "gzputc".}
-proc gzgetc*(thefile: gzFile): char{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "gzgetc".}
-proc gzflush*(thefile: gzFile, flush: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "gzflush".}
-proc gzseek*(thefile: gzFile, offset: z_off_t, whence: int32): z_off_t{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libz, importc: "gzseek".}
-proc gzrewind*(thefile: gzFile): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "gzrewind".}
-proc gztell*(thefile: gzFile): z_off_t{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "gztell".}
-proc gzeof*(thefile: gzFile): int {.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "gzeof".}
-proc gzclose*(thefile: gzFile): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "gzclose".}
-proc gzerror*(thefile: gzFile, errnum: var int32): pbytef{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "gzerror".}
-proc adler32*(adler: uLong, buf: pbytef, length: uInt): uLong{.cdecl, 
-    dynlib: libz, importc: "adler32".}
-proc crc32*(crc: uLong, buf: pbytef, length: uInt): uLong{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "crc32".}
-proc deflateInitu*(strm: var TZStream, level: int32, version: cstring, 
-                   stream_size: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "deflateInit_".}
-proc inflateInitu*(strm: var TZStream, version: cstring,
-                   stream_size: int32): int32 {.
-    cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "inflateInit_".}
-proc deflateInit*(strm: var TZStream, level: int32): int32
-proc inflateInit*(strm: var TZStream): int32
-proc deflateInit2u*(strm: var TZStream, level: int32, `method`: int32, 
-                    windowBits: int32, memLevel: int32, strategy: int32, 
-                    version: cstring, stream_size: int32): int32 {.cdecl, 
-                    dynlib: libz, importc: "deflateInit2_".}
-proc inflateInit2u*(strm: var TZStream, windowBits: int32, version: cstring, 
-                    stream_size: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "inflateInit2_".}
-proc deflateInit2*(strm: var TZStream, 
-                   level, `method`, windowBits, memLevel,
-                   strategy: int32): int32
-proc inflateInit2*(strm: var TZStream, windowBits: int32): int32
-proc zError*(err: int32): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "zError".}
-proc inflateSyncPoint*(z: PZstream): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
-    importc: "inflateSyncPoint".}
-proc get_crc_table*(): pointer{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "get_crc_table".}
-proc deflateInit(strm: var TZStream, level: int32): int32 = 
-  result = deflateInitu(strm, level, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream))
-proc inflateInit(strm: var TZStream): int32 = 
-  result = inflateInitu(strm, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream))
-proc deflateInit2(strm: var TZStream, 
-                  level, `method`, windowBits, memLevel,
-                  strategy: int32): int32 = 
-  result = deflateInit2u(strm, level, `method`, windowBits, memLevel, 
-                         strategy, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream))
-proc inflateInit2(strm: var TZStream, windowBits: int32): int32 = 
-  result = inflateInit2u(strm, windowBits, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream))
-proc zlibAllocMem*(AppData: Pointer, Items, Size: int): Pointer {.cdecl.} = 
-  result = Alloc(Items * Size)
-proc zlibFreeMem*(AppData, `Block`: Pointer) {.cdecl.} = 
-  dealloc(`Block`)