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path: root/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
index e9f76a26f..b3b1fb9c0 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   os, strutils, rstast, dochelpers, std/enumutils, algorithm, lists, sequtils,
-  std/private/miscdollars, tables, strscans
+  std/private/miscdollars, tables, strscans, rstidx
 from highlite import SourceLanguage, getSourceLanguage
 when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ type
     roNimFile                 ## set for Nim files where default interpreted
                               ## text role should be :nim:
     roSandboxDisabled         ## this option enables certain options
-                              ## (e.g. raw, include)
+                              ## (e.g. raw, include, importdoc)
                               ## which are disabled by default as they can
                               ## enable users to read arbitrary data and
                               ## perform XSS if the parser is used in a web
@@ -73,11 +73,17 @@ type
     mwUnsupportedLanguage = "language '$1' not supported",
     mwUnsupportedField = "field '$1' not supported",
     mwRstStyle = "RST style: $1",
+    mwUnusedImportdoc = "importdoc for '$1' is not used",
     meSandboxedDirective = "disabled directive: '$1'",
   MsgHandler* = proc (filename: string, line, col: int, msgKind: MsgKind,
                        arg: string) {.closure, gcsafe.} ## what to do in case of an error
   FindFileHandler* = proc (filename: string): string {.closure, gcsafe.}
+  FindRefFileHandler* =
+    proc (targetRelPath: string):
+         tuple[targetPath: string, linkRelPath: string] {.closure, gcsafe.}
+    ## returns where .html or .idx file should be found by its relative path;
+    ## `linkRelPath` is a prefix to be added before a link anchor from such file
 proc rstnodeToRefname*(n: PRstNode): string
 proc addNodes*(n: PRstNode): string
@@ -333,7 +339,8 @@ type
     arInternalRst,  ## For automatically generated RST anchors (from
                     ## headings, footnotes, inline internal targets):
                     ## case-insensitive, 1-space-significant (by RST spec)
-    arNim   ## For anchors generated by ``docgen.rst``: Nim-style case
+    arExternalRst,  ## For external .nim doc comments or .rst/.md
+    arNim   ## For anchors generated by ``docgen.nim``: Nim-style case
             ## sensitivity, etc. (see `proc normalizeNimName`_ for details)
     arHyperlink,  ## For links with manually set anchors in
                   ## form `text <pagename.html#anchor>`_
@@ -349,11 +356,15 @@ type
     of arInternalRst:
       anchorType: RstAnchorKind
       target: PRstNode
+    of arExternalRst:
+      anchorTypeExt: RstAnchorKind
+      refnameExt: string
     of arNim:
       tooltip: string       # displayed tooltip for Nim-generated anchors
       langSym: LangSymbol
       refname: string     # A reference name that will be inserted directly
                           # into HTML/Latex.
+      external: bool
   AnchorSubstTable = Table[string, seq[AnchorSubst]]
                          # use `seq` to account for duplicate anchors
   FootnoteType = enum
@@ -372,6 +383,12 @@ type
   RstFileTable* = object
     filenameToIdx*: Table[string, FileIndex]
     idxToFilename*: seq[string]
+  ImportdocInfo = object
+    used: bool             # was this import used?
+    fromInfo: TLineInfo    # place of `.. importdoc::` directive
+    idxPath: string        # full path to ``.idx`` file
+    linkRelPath: string    # prefix before target anchor
+    title: string          # document title obtained from ``.idx``
   RstSharedState = object
     options*: RstParseOptions   # parsing options
     hLevels: LevelMap           # hierarchy of heading styles
@@ -393,12 +410,17 @@ type
     footnotes: seq[FootnoteSubst] # correspondence b/w footnote label,
                                   # number, order of occurrence
     msgHandler: MsgHandler      # How to handle errors.
-    findFile: FindFileHandler   # How to find files.
+    findFile: FindFileHandler   # How to find files for include.
+    findRefFile: FindRefFileHandler
+                                # How to find files imported by importdoc.
     filenames*: RstFileTable    # map file name <-> FileIndex (for storing
                                 # file names for warnings after 1st stage)
     currFileIdx*: FileIndex     # current index in `filenames`
     tocPart*: seq[PRstNode]     # all the headings of a document
     hasToc*: bool
+    idxImports*: Table[string, ImportdocInfo]
+                                # map `importdoc`ed filename -> it's info
+    nimFileImported*: bool      # Was any ``.nim`` module `importdoc`ed ?
   PRstSharedState* = ref RstSharedState
   ManualAnchor = object
@@ -452,6 +474,9 @@ proc defaultFindFile*(filename: string): string =
   if fileExists(filename): result = filename
   else: result = ""
+proc defaultFindRefFile*(filename: string): (string, string) =
+  (filename, "")
 proc defaultRole(options: RstParseOptions): string =
   if roNimFile in options: "nim" else: "literal"
@@ -492,12 +517,16 @@ proc getFilename(filenames: RstFileTable, fid: FileIndex): string =
         $, $(filenames.len - 1)])
   result = filenames.idxToFilename[]
+proc getFilename(s: PRstSharedState, subst: AnchorSubst): string =
+  getFilename(s.filenames,
 proc currFilename(s: PRstSharedState): string =
   getFilename(s.filenames, s.currFileIdx)
 proc newRstSharedState*(options: RstParseOptions,
                         filename: string,
                         findFile: FindFileHandler,
+                        findRefFile: FindRefFileHandler,
                         msgHandler: MsgHandler,
                         hasToc: bool): PRstSharedState =
   let r = defaultRole(options)
@@ -507,6 +536,9 @@ proc newRstSharedState*(options: RstParseOptions,
       options: options,
       msgHandler: if not isNil(msgHandler): msgHandler else: defaultMsgHandler,
       findFile: if not isNil(findFile): findFile else: defaultFindFile,
+      findRefFile:
+        if not isNil(findRefFile): findRefFile
+        else: defaultFindRefFile,
       hasToc: hasToc
   setCurrFilename(result, filename)
@@ -525,6 +557,14 @@ proc rstMessage(p: RstParser, msgKind: MsgKind, arg: string) =
 proc rstMessage(s: PRstSharedState, msgKind: MsgKind, arg: string) =
   s.msgHandler(s.currFilename, LineRstInit, ColRstInit, msgKind, arg)
+proc rstMessage(s: PRstSharedState, msgKind: MsgKind, arg: string;
+                line, col: int) =
+  s.msgHandler(s.currFilename, line, col, msgKind, arg)
+proc rstMessage(s: PRstSharedState, filename: string, msgKind: MsgKind,
+                arg: string) =
+  s.msgHandler(filename, LineRstInit, ColRstInit, msgKind, arg)
 proc rstMessage*(filenames: RstFileTable, f: MsgHandler,
                  info: TLineInfo, msgKind: MsgKind, arg: string) =
   ## Print warnings using `info`, i.e. in 2nd-pass warnings for
@@ -756,6 +796,14 @@ proc internalRefPriority(k: RstAnchorKind): int =
   of footnoteAnchor: result = 4
   of headlineAnchor: result = 3
+proc `$`(subst: AnchorSubst): string =  # for debug
+  let s =
+    case subst.kind
+    of arInternalRst: "type=" & $subst.anchorType
+    of arExternalRst: "type=" & $subst.anchorTypeExt
+    of arNim: "langsym=" & $subst.langSym
+  result = "(kind=$1, priority=$2, $3)" % [$subst.kind, $subst.priority, s]
 proc addAnchorRst(p: var RstParser, name: string, target: PRstNode,
                   anchorType: RstAnchorKind) =
   ## Associates node `target` (which has field `anchor`) with an
@@ -771,31 +819,49 @@ proc addAnchorRst(p: var RstParser, name: string, target: PRstNode,
                     info: prevLineInfo(p), anchorType: anchorType))
   p.curAnchors.setLen 0
-proc addAnchorNim*(s: var PRstSharedState, refn: string, tooltip: string,
+proc addAnchorExtRst(s: var PRstSharedState, key: string, refn: string,
+                  anchorType: RstAnchorKind, info: TLineInfo) =
+  let name = key.toLowerAscii
+  let prio = internalRefPriority(anchorType)
+  s.anchors.mgetOrPut(name, newSeq[AnchorSubst]()).add(
+      AnchorSubst(kind: arExternalRst, refnameExt: refn, priority: prio,
+                  info: info,
+                  anchorTypeExt: anchorType))
+proc addAnchorNim*(s: var PRstSharedState, external: bool, refn: string, tooltip: string,
                    langSym: LangSymbol, priority: int,
                    info: TLineInfo) =
   ## Adds an anchor `refn`, which follows
   ## the rule `arNim` (i.e. a symbol in ``*.nim`` file)
   s.anchors.mgetOrPut(, newSeq[AnchorSubst]()).add(
-      AnchorSubst(kind: arNim, refname: refn, langSym: langSym,
+      AnchorSubst(kind: arNim, external: external, refname: refn, langSym: langSym,
                   tooltip: tooltip, priority: priority,
                   info: info))
 proc findMainAnchorNim(s: PRstSharedState, signature: PRstNode,
                        info: TLineInfo):
                       seq[AnchorSubst] =
-  let langSym = toLangSymbol(signature)
+  var langSym: LangSymbol
+  try:
+    langSym = toLangSymbol(signature)
+  except ValueError:  # parsing failed, not a Nim symbol
+    return
   let substitutions = s.anchors.getOrDefault(,
   if substitutions.len == 0:
-  # map symKind (like "proc") -> found symbols/groups:
-  var found: Table[string, seq[AnchorSubst]]
-  for s in substitutions:
-    if s.kind == arNim:
-      if match(s.langSym, langSym):
-        found.mgetOrPut(s.langSym.symKind, newSeq[AnchorSubst]()).add s
-  for symKind, sList in found:
+  # logic to select only groups instead of concrete symbols
+  # with overloads, note that the same symbol can be defined
+  # in multiple modules and `importdoc`ed:
+  type GroupKey = tuple[symKind: string, origModule: string]
+  # map (symKind, file) (like "proc", "os.nim") -> found symbols/groups:
+  var found: Table[GroupKey, seq[AnchorSubst]]
+  for subst in substitutions:
+    if subst.kind == arNim:
+      if match(subst.langSym, langSym):
+        let key: GroupKey = (subst.langSym.symKind, getFilename(s, subst))
+        found.mgetOrPut(key, newSeq[AnchorSubst]()).add subst
+  for key, sList in found:
     if sList.len == 1:
       result.add sList[0]
     else:  # > 1, there are overloads, potential ambiguity in this `symKind`
@@ -812,14 +878,16 @@ proc findMainAnchorNim(s: PRstSharedState, signature: PRstNode,
             result.add s
             foundGroup = true
-        doAssert foundGroup, "docgen has not generated the group"
+        doAssert(foundGroup,
+                 "docgen has not generated the group for $1 (file $2)" % [
+       , getFilename(s, sList[0]) ])
 proc findMainAnchorRst(s: PRstSharedState, linkText: string, info: TLineInfo):
                       seq[AnchorSubst] =
   let name = linkText.toLowerAscii
   let substitutions = s.anchors.getOrDefault(name, newSeq[AnchorSubst]())
   for s in substitutions:
-    if s.kind == arInternalRst:
+    if s.kind in {arInternalRst, arExternalRst}:
       result.add s
 proc addFootnoteNumManual(p: var RstParser, num: int) =
@@ -3251,6 +3319,15 @@ proc dirRaw(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
     dirRawAux(p, result, rnRaw, parseSectionWrapper)
+proc dirImportdoc(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
+  result = parseDirective(p, rnDirective, {}, parseLiteralBlock)
+  assert result.sons[2].kind == rnLiteralBlock
+  assert result.sons[2].sons[0].kind == rnLeaf
+  let filenames: seq[string] = split(result.sons[2].sons[0].text, seps = {','})
+  proc rmSpaces(s: string): string = s.split.join("")
+  for origFilename in filenames:
+    p.s.idxImports[origFilename.rmSpaces] = ImportdocInfo(fromInfo: lineInfo(p))
 proc selectDir(p: var RstParser, d: string): PRstNode =
   result = nil
   let tok = p.tok[p.idx-2] # report on directive in ".. directive::"
@@ -3271,6 +3348,7 @@ proc selectDir(p: var RstParser, d: string): PRstNode =
   of "hint": result = dirAdmonition(p, d)
   of "image": result = dirImage(p)
   of "important": result = dirAdmonition(p, d)
+  of "importdoc": result = dirImportdoc(p)
   of "include": result = dirInclude(p)
   of "index": result = dirIndex(p)
   of "note": result = dirAdmonition(p, d)
@@ -3401,11 +3479,90 @@ proc rstParsePass1*(fragment: string,
   getTokens(fragment, p.tok)
   result = parseDoc(p)
-proc preparePass2*(s: PRstSharedState, mainNode: PRstNode) =
+proc extractLinkEnd(x: string): string =
+  ## From links like `path/to/file.html#/%` extract `file.html#/%`.
+  let i = find(x, '#')
+  let last =
+    if i >= 0: i
+    else: x.len - 1
+  let j = rfind(x, '/', start=0, last=last)
+  if j >= 0:
+    result = x[j+1 .. ^1]
+  else:
+    result = x
+proc loadIdxFile(s: var PRstSharedState, origFilename: string) =
+  doAssert roSandboxDisabled in s.options
+  var info: TLineInfo
+  info.fileIndex = addFilename(s, origFilename)
+  var (dir, basename, ext) = origFilename.splitFile
+  if ext notin [".md", ".rst", ".nim", ""]:
+    rstMessage(s.filenames, s.msgHandler, s.idxImports[origFilename].fromInfo,
+               meCannotOpenFile, origFilename & ": unknown extension")
+  let idxFilename = dir / basename & ".idx"
+  let (idxPath, linkRelPath) = s.findRefFile(idxFilename)
+  s.idxImports[origFilename].linkRelPath = linkRelPath
+  var
+    fileEntries: seq[IndexEntry]
+    title: IndexEntry
+  try:
+    (fileEntries, title) = parseIdxFile(idxPath)
+  except IOError:
+    rstMessage(s.filenames, s.msgHandler, s.idxImports[origFilename].fromInfo,
+               meCannotOpenFile, idxPath)
+  except ValueError as e:
+    s.msgHandler(idxPath, LineRstInit, ColRstInit, meInvalidField, e.msg)
+  var isMarkup = false  # for sanity check to avoid mixing .md <-> .nim
+  for entry in fileEntries:
+    # Though target .idx already has inside it the path to HTML relative
+    # project's root, we won't rely on it and use `linkRelPath` instead.
+    let refn = extractLinkEnd(
+    # select either markup (rst/md) or Nim cases:
+    if entry.kind in {ieMarkupTitle, ieNimTitle}:
+      s.idxImports[origFilename].title = entry.keyword
+    case entry.kind
+    of ieIdxRole, ieHeading, ieMarkupTitle:
+      if ext == ".nim" and entry.kind == ieMarkupTitle:
+        rstMessage(s, idxPath, meInvalidField,
+                   $ieMarkupTitle & " in supposedly .nim-derived file")
+      if entry.kind == ieMarkupTitle:
+        isMarkup = true
+      info.line = entry.line.uint16
+      addAnchorExtRst(s, key = entry.keyword, refn = refn,
+                      anchorType = headlineAnchor, info=info)
+    of ieNim, ieNimGroup, ieNimTitle:
+      if ext in [".md", ".rst"] or isMarkup:
+        rstMessage(s, idxPath, meInvalidField,
+                   $entry.kind & " in supposedly markup-derived file")
+      s.nimFileImported = true
+      var langSym: LangSymbol
+      if entry.kind in {ieNim, ieNimTitle}:
+        var q: RstParser
+        initParser(q, s)
+        info.line = entry.line.uint16
+        setLen(q.tok, 0)
+        q.idx = 0
+        getTokens(entry.linkTitle, q.tok)
+        var sons = newSeq[PRstNode](q.tok.len)
+        for i in 0 ..< q.tok.len: sons[i] = newLeaf(q.tok[i].symbol)
+        let linkTitle = newRstNode(rnInner, sons)
+        langSym = linkTitle.toLangSymbol
+      else:  # entry.kind == ieNimGroup
+        langSym = langSymbolGroup(kind=entry.linkTitle, name=entry.keyword)
+      addAnchorNim(s, external = true, refn = refn, tooltip = entry.linkDesc,
+                   langSym = langSym, priority = -4, # lowest
+                   info=info)
+  doAssert s.idxImports[origFilename].title != ""
+proc preparePass2*(s: var PRstSharedState, mainNode: PRstNode, importdoc = true) =
   ## Records titles in node `mainNode` and orders footnotes.
   countTitles(s, mainNode)
+  if importdoc:
+    for origFilename in s.idxImports.keys:
+      loadIdxFile(s, origFilename)
 proc resolveLink(s: PRstSharedState, n: PRstNode) : PRstNode =
     # Associate this link alias with its target and change node kind to
@@ -3423,6 +3580,9 @@ proc resolveLink(s: PRstSharedState, n: PRstNode) : PRstNode =
       tooltip: string
       target: PRstNode
       info: TLineInfo
+      externFilename: string
+        # when external anchor: origin filename where anchor was defined
+      isTitle: bool
     proc cmp(x, y: LinkDef): int =
       result = cmp(x.priority, y.priority)
       if result == 0:
@@ -3435,26 +3595,67 @@ proc resolveLink(s: PRstSharedState, n: PRstNode) : PRstNode =
                              target: y.value, info:,
                              tooltip: "(" & $y.kind & ")")
     let substRst = findMainAnchorRst(s, alias.addNodes,
+    template getExternFilename(subst: AnchorSubst): string =
+      if subst.kind == arExternalRst or
+          (subst.kind == arNim and subst.external):
+        getFilename(s, subst)
+      else: ""
     for subst in substRst:
-      foundLinks.add LinkDef(ar: arInternalRst, priority: subst.priority,
-                             target: newLeaf(,
+      var refname, fullRefname: string
+      if subst.kind == arInternalRst:
+        refname =
+        fullRefname = refname
+      else:  # arExternalRst
+        refname = subst.refnameExt
+        fullRefname = s.idxImports[getFilename(s, subst)].linkRelPath &
+                        "/" & refname
+      let anchorType =
+        if subst.kind == arInternalRst: subst.anchorType
+        else: subst.anchorTypeExt  # arExternalRst
+      foundLinks.add LinkDef(ar: subst.kind, priority: subst.priority,
+                             target: newLeaf(fullRefname),
-                             tooltip: "(" & $subst.anchorType & ")")
+                             externFilename: getExternFilename(subst),
+                             isTitle: isDocumentationTitle(refname),
+                             tooltip: "(" & $anchorType & ")")
     # find anchors automatically generated from Nim symbols
-    if roNimFile in s.options:
+    if roNimFile in s.options or s.nimFileImported:
       let substNim = findMainAnchorNim(s, signature=alias,
       for subst in substNim:
-        foundLinks.add LinkDef(ar: arNim, priority: subst.priority,
-                               target: newLeaf(subst.refname),
+        let fullRefname =
+          if subst.external:
+            s.idxImports[getFilename(s, subst)].linkRelPath &
+                "/" & subst.refname
+          else: subst.refname
+        foundLinks.add LinkDef(ar: subst.kind, priority: subst.priority,
+                               target: newLeaf(fullRefname),
+                               externFilename: getExternFilename(subst),
+                               isTitle: isDocumentationTitle(subst.refname),
                                info:, tooltip: subst.tooltip)
     foundLinks.sort(cmp = cmp, order = Descending)
     let aliasStr = addNodes(alias)
     if foundLinks.len >= 1:
-      let kind = if foundLinks[0].ar == arHyperlink: rnHyperlink
-                 elif foundLinks[0].ar == arNim: rnNimdocRef
+      if foundLinks[0].externFilename != "":
+        s.idxImports[foundLinks[0].externFilename].used = true
+      let kind = if foundLinks[0].ar in {arHyperlink, arExternalRst}: rnHyperlink
+                 elif foundLinks[0].ar == arNim:
+                   if foundLinks[0].externFilename == "": rnNimdocRef
+                   else: rnHyperlink
                  else: rnInternalRef
       result = newRstNode(kind)
-      result.sons = @[newRstNode(rnInner, desc.sons), foundLinks[0].target]
+      let documentName =  # filename without ext for `.nim`, title for `.md`
+        if foundLinks[0].ar == arNim:
+          changeFileExt(foundLinks[0].externFilename.extractFilename, "")
+        elif foundLinks[0].externFilename != "":
+          s.idxImports[foundLinks[0].externFilename].title
+        else: foundLinks[0].externFilename.extractFilename
+      let linkText =
+        if foundLinks[0].externFilename != "":
+          if foundLinks[0].isTitle: newLeaf(addNodes(desc))
+          else: newLeaf(documentName & ": " & addNodes(desc))
+        else:
+          newRstNode(rnInner, desc.sons)
+      result.sons = @[linkText, foundLinks[0].target]
       if kind == rnNimdocRef: result.tooltip = foundLinks[0].tooltip
       if foundLinks.len > 1:  # report ambiguous link
         var targets = newSeq[string]()
@@ -3568,20 +3769,28 @@ proc resolveSubs*(s: PRstSharedState, n: PRstNode): PRstNode =
           inc i
       result.sons = newSons
+proc completePass2*(s: PRstSharedState) =
+  for (filename, importdocInfo) in s.idxImports.pairs:
+    if not importdocInfo.used:
+      rstMessage(s.filenames, s.msgHandler, importdocInfo.fromInfo,
+                 mwUnusedImportdoc, filename)
 proc rstParse*(text, filename: string,
                line, column: int,
                options: RstParseOptions,
                findFile: FindFileHandler = nil,
+               findRefFile: FindRefFileHandler = nil,
                msgHandler: MsgHandler = nil):
               tuple[node: PRstNode, filenames: RstFileTable, hasToc: bool] =
   ## Parses the whole `text`. The result is ready for `rstgen.renderRstToOut`,
   ## note that 2nd tuple element should be fed to `initRstGenerator`
   ## argument `filenames` (it is being filled here at least with `filename`
   ## and possibly with other files from RST ``.. include::`` statement).
-  var sharedState = newRstSharedState(options, filename, findFile,
+  var sharedState = newRstSharedState(options, filename, findFile, findRefFile,
                                       msgHandler, hasToc=false)
   let unresolved = rstParsePass1(text, line, column, sharedState)
   preparePass2(sharedState, unresolved)
   result.node = resolveSubs(sharedState, unresolved)
+  completePass2(sharedState)
   result.filenames = sharedState.filenames
   result.hasToc = sharedState.hasToc