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3 files changed, 237 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
index 2e908f4e5..4c28894fb 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
 ##   + field lists
 ##   + option lists
 ##   + indented literal blocks
+##   + quoted literal blocks
+##   + line blocks
 ##   + simple tables
 ##   + directives (see official documentation in `RST directives list`_):
 ##     - ``image``, ``figure`` for including images and videos
@@ -121,6 +123,7 @@
 ## * Markdown code blocks
 ## * Markdown links
 ## * Markdown headlines
+## * Markdown block quotes
 ## * using ``1`` as auto-enumerator in enumerated lists like RST ``#``
 ##   (auto-enumerator ``1`` can not be used with ``#`` in the same list)
@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@
 ## 2) Compatibility mode which is RST rules.
 ## .. Note:: in both modes the parser interpretes text between single
-##    backticks (code) identically:
+##      backticks (code) identically:
 ##      backslash does not escape; the only exception: ``\`` folowed by `
 ##      does escape so that we can always input a single backtick ` in
 ##      inline code. However that makes impossible to input code with
@@ -156,13 +159,35 @@
 ##        ``\`` -- GOOD
 ##        So single backticks can always be input: `\`` will turn to ` code
+## .. Attention::
+##    We don't support some obviously poor design choices of Markdown (or RST).
+##    - no support for the rule of 2 spaces causing a line break in Markdown
+##      (use RST "line blocks" syntax for making line breaks)
+##    - interpretation of Markdown block quotes is also slightly different,
+##      e.g. case
+##      ::
+##        >>> foo
+##        > bar
+##        >>baz
+##      is a single 3rd-level quote `foo bar baz` in original Markdown, while
+##      in Nim we naturally see it as 3rd-level quote `foo` + 1st level `bar` +
+##      2nd level `baz`:
+##      >>> foo
+##      > bar
+##      >>baz
 ## Limitations
 ## -----------
 ## * no Unicode support in character width calculations
 ## * body elements
 ##   - no roman numerals in enumerated lists
-##   - no quoted literal blocks
 ##   - no doctest blocks
 ##   - no grid tables
 ##   - some directives are missing (check official `RST directives list`_):
@@ -472,6 +497,10 @@ type
     line: int            # the last line of this style occurrence
                          # (for error message)
     hasPeers: bool       # has headings on the same level of hierarchy?
+  LiteralBlockKind = enum  # RST-style literal blocks after `::`
+    lbNone,
+    lbIndentedLiteralBlock,
+    lbQuotedLiteralBlock
   LevelMap = seq[LevelInfo]   # Saves for each possible title adornment
                               # style its level in the current document.
   SubstitutionKind = enum
@@ -1953,6 +1982,44 @@ proc parseLiteralBlock(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
       inc p.idx
+proc parseQuotedLiteralBlock(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
+  result = newRstNodeA(p, rnLiteralBlock)
+  var n = newLeaf("")
+  if currentTok(p).kind == tkIndent:
+    var indent = currInd(p)
+    while currentTok(p).kind == tkIndent: inc p.idx  # skip blank lines
+    var quoteSym = currentTok(p).symbol[0]
+    while true:
+      case currentTok(p).kind
+      of tkEof:
+        break
+      of tkIndent:
+        if currentTok(p).ival < indent:
+          break
+        elif currentTok(p).ival == indent:
+          if nextTok(p).kind == tkPunct and nextTok(p).symbol[0] == quoteSym:
+            n.text.add("\n")
+            inc p.idx
+          elif nextTok(p).kind == tkIndent:
+            break
+          else:
+            rstMessage(p, mwRstStyle, "no newline after quoted literal block")
+            break
+        else:
+          rstMessage(p, mwRstStyle,
+                     "unexpected indentation in quoted literal block")
+          break
+      else:
+        n.text.add(currentTok(p).symbol)
+        inc p.idx
+  result.add(n)
+proc parseRstLiteralBlock(p: var RstParser, kind: LiteralBlockKind): PRstNode =
+  if kind == lbIndentedLiteralBlock:
+    result = parseLiteralBlock(p)
+  else:
+    result = parseQuotedLiteralBlock(p)
 proc getLevel(p: var RstParser, c: char, hasOverline: bool): int =
   ## Returns (preliminary) heading level corresponding to `c` and
   ## `hasOverline`. If level does not exist, add it first.
@@ -2023,6 +2090,33 @@ proc isLineBlock(p: RstParser): bool =
       p.tok[j].col > currentTok(p).col or
       p.tok[j].symbol == "\n"
+proc isMarkdownBlockQuote(p: RstParser): bool =
+  result = currentTok(p).symbol[0] == '>'
+proc whichRstLiteralBlock(p: RstParser): LiteralBlockKind =
+  ## Checks that the following tokens are either Indented Literal Block or
+  ## Quoted Literal Block (which is not quite the same as Markdown quote block).
+  ##
+  if currentTok(p).symbol == "::" and nextTok(p).kind == tkIndent:
+    if currInd(p) > nextTok(p).ival:
+      result = lbNone
+    if currInd(p) < nextTok(p).ival:
+      result = lbIndentedLiteralBlock
+    elif currInd(p) == nextTok(p).ival:
+      var i = p.idx + 1
+      while p.tok[i].kind == tkIndent: inc i
+      const validQuotingCharacters = {
+          '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-',
+          '.', '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', '\\', ']', '^',
+          '_', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~'}
+      if p.tok[i].kind in {tkPunct, tkAdornment} and
+          p.tok[i].symbol[0] in validQuotingCharacters:
+        result = lbQuotedLiteralBlock
+      else:
+        result = lbNone
+  else:
+    result = lbNone
 proc predNL(p: RstParser): bool =
   result = true
   if p.idx > 0:
@@ -2078,6 +2172,8 @@ proc whichSection(p: RstParser): RstNodeKind =
     elif match(p, p.idx + 1, " a"): result = rnTable
     elif currentTok(p).symbol == "|" and isLineBlock(p):
       result = rnLineBlock
+    elif roSupportMarkdown in p.s.options and isMarkdownBlockQuote(p):
+      result = rnMarkdownBlockQuote
     elif match(p, p.idx + 1, "i") and isAdornmentHeadline(p, p.idx):
       result = rnOverline
@@ -2090,6 +2186,8 @@ proc whichSection(p: RstParser): RstNodeKind =
       result = rnMarkdownTable
     elif currentTok(p).symbol == "|" and isLineBlock(p):
       result = rnLineBlock
+    elif roSupportMarkdown in p.s.options and isMarkdownBlockQuote(p):
+      result = rnMarkdownBlockQuote
     elif match(p, tokenAfterNewline(p), "aI") and
         isAdornmentHeadline(p, tokenAfterNewline(p)):
       result = rnHeadline
@@ -2143,6 +2241,102 @@ proc parseLineBlock(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
+proc parseDoc(p: var RstParser): PRstNode {.gcsafe.}
+proc getQuoteSymbol(p: RstParser, idx: int): tuple[sym: string, depth: int, tokens: int] =
+  result = ("", 0, 0)
+  var i = idx
+  result.sym &= p.tok[i].symbol
+  result.depth += p.tok[i].symbol.len
+  inc result.tokens
+  inc i
+  while p.tok[i].kind == tkWhite and i+1 < p.tok.len and
+        p.tok[i+1].kind == tkPunct and p.tok[i+1].symbol[0] == '>':
+    result.sym &= p.tok[i].symbol
+    result.sym &= p.tok[i+1].symbol
+    result.depth += p.tok[i+1].symbol.len
+    inc result.tokens, 2
+    inc i, 2
+proc parseMarkdownQuoteSegment(p: var RstParser, curSym: string, col: int):
+                              PRstNode =
+  ## We define *segment* as a group of lines that starts with exactly the
+  ## same quote symbol. If the following lines don't contain any `>` (*lazy*
+  ## continuation) they considered as continuation of the current segment.
+  var q: RstParser  # to delete `>` at a start of line and then parse normally
+  initParser(q, p.s)
+  q.col = p.col
+  q.line = p.line
+  var minCol = int.high  # minimum colum num in the segment
+  while true:  # move tokens of segment from `p` to `q` skipping `curSym`
+    case currentTok(p).kind
+    of tkEof:
+      break
+    of tkIndent:
+      if nextTok(p).kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}:
+        break
+      else:
+        if nextTok(p).symbol[0] == '>':
+          var (quoteSym, _, quoteTokens) = getQuoteSymbol(p, p.idx + 1)
+          if quoteSym == curSym:  # the segment continues
+            var iTok = tokenAfterNewline(p, p.idx+1)
+            if p.tok[iTok].kind notin {tkEof, tkIndent} and
+                p.tok[iTok].symbol[0] != '>':
+              rstMessage(p, mwRstStyle,
+                  "two or more quoted lines are followed by unquoted line " &
+                  $(curLine(p) + 1))
+              break
+            q.tok.add currentTok(p)
+            var ival = currentTok(p).ival + quoteSym.len
+            inc p.idx, (1 + quoteTokens)  # skip newline and > > >
+            if currentTok(p).kind == tkWhite:
+              ival += currentTok(p).symbol.len
+              inc p.idx
+            # fix up previous `tkIndent`s to ival (as if >>> were not there)
+            var j = q.tok.len - 1
+            while j >= 0 and q.tok[j].kind == tkIndent:
+              q.tok[j].ival = ival
+              dec j
+          else:  # next segment started
+            break
+        elif currentTok(p).ival < col:
+          break
+        else:  # the segment continues, a case like:
+               # > beginning
+               # continuation
+          q.tok.add currentTok(p)
+          inc p.idx
+    else:
+      if currentTok(p).col < minCol: minCol = currentTok(p).col
+      q.tok.add currentTok(p)
+      inc p.idx
+  q.indentStack = @[minCol]
+  # if initial indentation `minCol` is > 0 then final newlines
+  # should be omitted so that parseDoc could advance to the end of tokens:
+  var j = q.tok.len - 1
+  while q.tok[j].kind == tkIndent: dec j
+  q.tok.setLen (j+1)
+  q.tok.add Token(kind: tkEof, line: currentTok(p).line)
+  result = parseDoc(q)
+proc parseMarkdownBlockQuote(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
+  var (curSym, quotationDepth, quoteTokens) = getQuoteSymbol(p, p.idx)
+  let col = currentTok(p).col
+  result = newRstNodeA(p, rnMarkdownBlockQuote)
+  inc p.idx, quoteTokens  # skip first >
+  while true:
+    var item = newRstNode(rnMarkdownBlockQuoteItem)
+    item.quotationDepth = quotationDepth
+    if currentTok(p).kind == tkWhite: inc p.idx
+    item.add parseMarkdownQuoteSegment(p, curSym, col)
+    result.add(item)
+    if currentTok(p).kind == tkIndent and currentTok(p).ival == col and
+        nextTok(p).kind != tkEof and nextTok(p).symbol[0] == '>':
+      (curSym, quotationDepth, quoteTokens) = getQuoteSymbol(p, p.idx + 1)
+      inc p.idx, (1 + quoteTokens)  # skip newline and > > >
+    else:
+      break
 proc parseParagraph(p: var RstParser, result: PRstNode) =
   while true:
     case currentTok(p).kind
@@ -2158,16 +2352,17 @@ proc parseParagraph(p: var RstParser, result: PRstNode) =
           result.add newLeaf(" ")
         of rnLineBlock:
+        of rnMarkdownBlockQuote:
+          result.addIfNotNil(parseMarkdownBlockQuote(p))
         else: break
     of tkPunct:
-      if currentTok(p).symbol == "::" and
-          nextTok(p).kind == tkIndent and
-          currInd(p) < nextTok(p).ival:
+      if (let literalBlockKind = whichRstLiteralBlock(p);
+          literalBlockKind != lbNone):
         result.add newLeaf(":")
         inc p.idx            # skip '::'
-        result.add(parseLiteralBlock(p))
+        result.add(parseRstLiteralBlock(p, literalBlockKind))
         parseInline(p, result)
@@ -2257,8 +2452,6 @@ proc getColumns(p: var RstParser, cols: var IntSeq) =
   # last column has no limit:
   cols[L - 1] = 32000
-proc parseDoc(p: var RstParser): PRstNode {.gcsafe.}
 proc parseSimpleTable(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
     cols: IntSeq
@@ -2585,6 +2778,7 @@ proc parseSection(p: var RstParser, result: PRstNode) =
       a = parseLiteralBlock(p)
     of rnBulletList: a = parseBulletList(p)
     of rnLineBlock: a = parseLineBlock(p)
+    of rnMarkdownBlockQuote: a = parseMarkdownBlockQuote(p)
     of rnDirective: a = parseDotDot(p)
     of rnEnumList: a = parseEnumList(p)
     of rnLeaf: rstMessage(p, meNewSectionExpected, "(syntax error)")
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
index bc7b9a650..1d5da5e1c 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
@@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ type
     rnFieldName,              # consisting of a field name ...
     rnFieldBody,              # ... and a field body
     rnOptionList, rnOptionListItem, rnOptionGroup, rnOption, rnOptionString,
-    rnOptionArgument, rnDescription, rnLiteralBlock, rnQuotedLiteralBlock,
+    rnOptionArgument, rnDescription, rnLiteralBlock,
+    rnMarkdownBlockQuote,     # a quote starting from punctuation like >>>
+    rnMarkdownBlockQuoteItem, # a quotation block, quote lines starting with
+                              # the same number of chars
     rnLineBlock,              # the | thingie
     rnLineBlockItem,          # a son of rnLineBlock - one line inside it.
                               # When `RstNode` lineIndent="\n" the line's empty
@@ -101,6 +104,8 @@ type
     of rnFootnote, rnCitation, rnOptionListItem:
       order*: int             ## footnote order (for auto-symbol footnotes and
                               ## auto-numbered ones without a label)
+    of rnMarkdownBlockQuoteItem:
+      quotationDepth*: int    ## number of characters in line prefix
     of rnRef, rnSubstitutionReferences,
         rnInterpretedText, rnField, rnInlineCode, rnCodeBlock, rnFootnoteRef:
       info*: TLineInfo        ## To have line/column info for warnings at
@@ -409,6 +414,8 @@ proc treeRepr*(node: PRstNode, indent=0): string =
     result.add "  level=" & $node.level
   of rnFootnote, rnCitation, rnOptionListItem:
     result.add (if node.order == 0:   "" else: "  order=" & $node.order)
+  of rnMarkdownBlockQuoteItem:
+    result.add "  quotationDepth=" & $node.quotationDepth
   result.add (if node.anchor == "": "" else: "  anchor='" & node.anchor & "'")
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
index 4cbd05379..dc6ca25c1 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ type
     onTestSnippet*: proc (d: var RstGenerator; filename, cmd: string; status: int;
                           content: string)
     escMode*: EscapeMode
+    curQuotationDepth: int
   PDoc = var RstGenerator ## Alias to type less.
@@ -167,6 +168,7 @@ proc initRstGenerator*(g: var RstGenerator, target: OutputTarget,
   g.currentSection = "" = 0
   g.escMode = emText
+  g.curQuotationDepth = 0
   let fileParts = filename.splitFile
   if fileParts.ext == ".nim":
     g.currentSection = "Module " &
@@ -1268,8 +1270,31 @@ proc renderRstToOut(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   of rnLiteralBlock:
     renderAux(d, n, "<pre$2>$1</pre>\n",
                     "\n\n$2\\begin{rstpre}\n$1\n\\end{rstpre}\n\n", result)
-  of rnQuotedLiteralBlock:
-    doAssert false, "renderRstToOut"
+  of rnMarkdownBlockQuote:
+    d.curQuotationDepth = 1
+    var tmp = ""
+    renderAux(d, n, "$1", "$1", tmp)
+    let itemEnding =
+      if == outHtml: "</blockquote>" else: "\\end{rstquote}"
+    tmp.add itemEnding.repeat(d.curQuotationDepth - 1)
+    dispA(, result,
+        "<blockquote$2 class=\"markdown-quote\">$1</blockquote>\n",
+        "\n\\begin{rstquote}\n$2\n$1\\end{rstquote}\n", [tmp, n.anchor.idS])
+  of rnMarkdownBlockQuoteItem:
+    let addQuotationDepth = n.quotationDepth - d.curQuotationDepth
+    var itemPrefix: string  # start or ending (quotation grey bar on the left)
+    if addQuotationDepth >= 0:
+      let s =
+        if == outHtml: "<blockquote class=\"markdown-quote\">"
+        else: "\\begin{rstquote}"
+      itemPrefix = s.repeat(addQuotationDepth)
+    else:
+      let s =
+        if == outHtml: "</blockquote>"
+        else: "\\end{rstquote}"
+      itemPrefix = s.repeat(-addQuotationDepth)
+    renderAux(d, n, itemPrefix & "<p>$1</p>", itemPrefix & "\n$1", result)
+    d.curQuotationDepth = n.quotationDepth
   of rnLineBlock:
     if n.sons.len == 1 and n.sons[0].lineIndent == "\n":
       # whole line block is one empty line, no need to add extra spacing