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4 files changed, 809 insertions, 781 deletions
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
index 9485f3912..640b8cd5a 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import
-  TTokenClass* = enum
+  TokenClass* = enum
     gtEof, gtNone, gtWhitespace, gtDecNumber, gtBinNumber, gtHexNumber,
     gtOctNumber, gtFloatNumber, gtIdentifier, gtKeyword, gtStringLit,
     gtLongStringLit, gtCharLit, gtEscapeSequence, # escape sequence like \xff
@@ -23,20 +23,22 @@ type
     gtTagStart, gtTagEnd, gtKey, gtValue, gtRawData, gtAssembler,
     gtPreprocessor, gtDirective, gtCommand, gtRule, gtHyperlink, gtLabel,
     gtReference, gtOther
-  TGeneralTokenizer* = object of RootObj
-    kind*: TTokenClass
+  GeneralTokenizer* = object of RootObj
+    kind*: TokenClass
     start*, length*: int
     buf: cstring
     pos: int
-    state: TTokenClass
+    state: TokenClass
-  TSourceLanguage* = enum
+  SourceLanguage* = enum
     langNone, langNim, langNimrod, langCpp, langCsharp, langC, langJava
+{.deprecated: [TSourceLanguage: SourceLanguage, TTokenClass: TokenClass,
+              TGeneralTokenizer: GeneralTokenizer].}
-  sourceLanguageToStr*: array[TSourceLanguage, string] = ["none",
+  sourceLanguageToStr*: array[SourceLanguage, string] = ["none",
     "Nim", "Nimrod", "C++", "C#", "C", "Java"]
-  tokenClassToStr*: array[TTokenClass, string] = ["Eof", "None", "Whitespace",
+  tokenClassToStr*: array[TokenClass, string] = ["Eof", "None", "Whitespace",
     "DecNumber", "BinNumber", "HexNumber", "OctNumber", "FloatNumber",
     "Identifier", "Keyword", "StringLit", "LongStringLit", "CharLit",
     "EscapeSequence", "Operator", "Punctuation", "Comment", "LongComment",
@@ -58,29 +60,29 @@ const
     "template", "try", "tuple", "type", "using", "var", "when", "while", "with",
     "without", "xor", "yield"]
-proc getSourceLanguage*(name: string): TSourceLanguage =
-  for i in countup(succ(low(TSourceLanguage)), high(TSourceLanguage)):
+proc getSourceLanguage*(name: string): SourceLanguage =
+  for i in countup(succ(low(SourceLanguage)), high(SourceLanguage)):
     if cmpIgnoreStyle(name, sourceLanguageToStr[i]) == 0:
       return i
   result = langNone
-proc initGeneralTokenizer*(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, buf: cstring) =
+proc initGeneralTokenizer*(g: var GeneralTokenizer, buf: cstring) =
   g.buf = buf
-  g.kind = low(TTokenClass)
+  g.kind = low(TokenClass)
   g.start = 0
   g.length = 0
-  g.state = low(TTokenClass)
+  g.state = low(TokenClass)
   var pos = 0                     # skip initial whitespace:
   while g.buf[pos] in {' ', '\x09'..'\x0D'}: inc(pos)
   g.pos = pos
-proc initGeneralTokenizer*(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, buf: string) =
+proc initGeneralTokenizer*(g: var GeneralTokenizer, buf: string) =
   initGeneralTokenizer(g, cstring(buf))
-proc deinitGeneralTokenizer*(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
+proc deinitGeneralTokenizer*(g: var GeneralTokenizer) =
-proc nimGetKeyword(id: string): TTokenClass =
+proc nimGetKeyword(id: string): TokenClass =
   for k in nimKeywords:
     if cmpIgnoreStyle(id, k) == 0: return gtKeyword
   result = gtIdentifier
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ proc nimGetKeyword(id: string): TTokenClass =
       result = gtIdentifier
-proc nimNumberPostfix(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
+proc nimNumberPostfix(g: var GeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
   var pos = position
   if g.buf[pos] == '\'':
@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ proc nimNumberPostfix(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
   result = pos
-proc nimNumber(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
+proc nimNumber(g: var GeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
   const decChars = {'0'..'9', '_'}
   var pos = position
   g.kind = gtDecNumber
@@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ const
   OpChars  = {'+', '-', '*', '/', '\\', '<', '>', '!', '?', '^', '.',
               '|', '=', '%', '&', '$', '@', '~', ':', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
-proc nimNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
+proc nimNextToken(g: var GeneralTokenizer) =
     hexChars = {'0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f', '_'}
     octChars = {'0'..'7', '_'}
@@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ proc nimNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
     assert false, "nimNextToken: produced an empty token"
   g.pos = pos
-proc generalNumber(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
+proc generalNumber(g: var GeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
   const decChars = {'0'..'9'}
   var pos = position
   g.kind = gtDecNumber
@@ -294,7 +296,7 @@ proc generalNumber(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
     while g.buf[pos] in decChars: inc(pos)
   result = pos
-proc generalStrLit(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
+proc generalStrLit(g: var GeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
     decChars = {'0'..'9'}
     hexChars = {'0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'}
@@ -355,12 +357,13 @@ proc isKeywordIgnoreCase(x: openArray[string], y: string): int =
   result = - 1
-  TTokenizerFlag = enum
+  TokenizerFlag = enum
     hasPreprocessor, hasNestedComments
-  TTokenizerFlags = set[TTokenizerFlag]
+  TokenizerFlags = set[TokenizerFlag]
+{.deprecated: [TTokenizerFlag: TokenizerFlag, TTokenizerFlags: TokenizerFlags].}
-proc clikeNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, keywords: openArray[string],
-                    flags: TTokenizerFlags) =
+proc clikeNextToken(g: var GeneralTokenizer, keywords: openArray[string],
+                    flags: TokenizerFlags) =
     hexChars = {'0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'}
     octChars = {'0'..'7'}
@@ -493,7 +496,7 @@ proc clikeNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, keywords: openArray[string],
     assert false, "clikeNextToken: produced an empty token"
   g.pos = pos
-proc cNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
+proc cNextToken(g: var GeneralTokenizer) =
     keywords: array[0..36, string] = ["_Bool", "_Complex", "_Imaginary", "auto",
       "break", "case", "char", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double",
@@ -503,7 +506,7 @@ proc cNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
       "volatile", "while"]
   clikeNextToken(g, keywords, {hasPreprocessor})
-proc cppNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
+proc cppNextToken(g: var GeneralTokenizer) =
     keywords: array[0..47, string] = ["asm", "auto", "break", "case", "catch",
       "char", "class", "const", "continue", "default", "delete", "do", "double",
@@ -514,7 +517,7 @@ proc cppNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
       "union", "unsigned", "virtual", "void", "volatile", "while"]
   clikeNextToken(g, keywords, {hasPreprocessor})
-proc csharpNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
+proc csharpNextToken(g: var GeneralTokenizer) =
     keywords: array[0..76, string] = ["abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break",
       "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "checked", "class", "const", "continue",
@@ -529,7 +532,7 @@ proc csharpNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
       "virtual", "void", "volatile", "while"]
   clikeNextToken(g, keywords, {hasPreprocessor})
-proc javaNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
+proc javaNextToken(g: var GeneralTokenizer) =
     keywords: array[0..52, string] = ["abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break",
       "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "default",
@@ -541,7 +544,7 @@ proc javaNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
       "try", "void", "volatile", "while"]
   clikeNextToken(g, keywords, {})
-proc getNextToken*(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, lang: TSourceLanguage) =
+proc getNextToken*(g: var GeneralTokenizer, lang: SourceLanguage) =
   case lang
   of langNone: assert false
   of langNim, langNimrod: nimNextToken(g)
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
index 97784898e..2fbde632e 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@
 ## subset is implemented. Some features of the `markdown`:idx: wiki syntax are
 ## also supported.
   os, strutils, rstast
-  TRstParseOption* = enum     ## options for the RST parser 
+  RstParseOption* = enum     ## options for the RST parser
     roSkipPounds,             ## skip ``#`` at line beginning (documentation
                               ## embedded in Nim comments)
     roSupportSmilies,         ## make the RST parser support smilies like ``:)``
     roSupportRawDirective,    ## support the ``raw`` directive (don't support
                               ## it for sandboxing)
     roSupportMarkdown         ## support additional features of markdown
-  TRstParseOptions* = set[TRstParseOption]
-  TMsgClass* = enum
-    mcHint = "Hint", 
-    mcWarning = "Warning", 
+  RstParseOptions* = set[RstParseOption]
+  MsgClass* = enum
+    mcHint = "Hint",
+    mcWarning = "Warning",
     mcError = "Error"
-  TMsgKind* = enum          ## the possible messages
+  MsgKind* = enum          ## the possible messages
@@ -41,20 +41,22 @@ type
-  TMsgHandler* = proc (filename: string, line, col: int, msgKind: TMsgKind,
+  MsgHandler* = proc (filename: string, line, col: int, msgKind: MsgKind,
                        arg: string) {.nimcall.} ## what to do in case of an error
-  TFindFileHandler* = proc (filename: string): string {.nimcall.}
+  FindFileHandler* = proc (filename: string): string {.nimcall.}
+{.deprecated: [TRstParseOptions: RstParseOptions, TRstParseOption: RstParseOption,
+              TMsgKind: MsgKind].}
-  messages: array [TMsgKind, string] = [
-    meCannotOpenFile: "cannot open '$1'", 
+  messages: array [MsgKind, string] = [
+    meCannotOpenFile: "cannot open '$1'",
     meExpected: "'$1' expected",
     meGridTableNotImplemented: "grid table is not implemented",
-    meNewSectionExpected: "new section expected", 
+    meNewSectionExpected: "new section expected",
     meGeneralParseError: "general parse error",
     meInvalidDirective: "invalid directive: '$1'",
-    mwRedefinitionOfLabel: "redefinition of label '$1'", 
+    mwRedefinitionOfLabel: "redefinition of label '$1'",
     mwUnknownSubstitution: "unknown substitution '$1'",
     mwUnsupportedLanguage: "language '$1' not supported",
     mwUnsupportedField: "field '$1' not supported"
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ proc getArgument*(n: PRstNode): string
 # ----------------------------- scanner part --------------------------------
   SymChars: set[char] = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
   SmileyStartChars: set[char] = {':', ';', '8'}
   Smilies = {
@@ -111,77 +113,78 @@ const
-  TTokType = enum 
+  TokType = enum
     tkEof, tkIndent, tkWhite, tkWord, tkAdornment, tkPunct, tkOther
-  TToken = object             # a RST token
-    kind*: TTokType           # the type of the token
+  Token = object             # a RST token
+    kind*: TokType           # the type of the token
     ival*: int                # the indentation or parsed integer value
     symbol*: string           # the parsed symbol as string
     line*, col*: int          # line and column of the token
-  TTokenSeq = seq[TToken]
-  TLexer = object of RootObj
+  TokenSeq = seq[Token]
+  Lexer = object of RootObj
     buf*: cstring
     bufpos*: int
     line*, col*, baseIndent*: int
     skipPounds*: bool
+{.deprecated: [TTokType: TokType, TToken: Token, TTokenSeq: TokenSeq,
+              TLexer: Lexer].}
-proc getThing(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, s: set[char]) = 
+proc getThing(L: var Lexer, tok: var Token, s: set[char]) =
   tok.kind = tkWord
   tok.line = L.line
   tok.col = L.col
   var pos = L.bufpos
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     add(tok.symbol, L.buf[pos])
-    if L.buf[pos] notin s: break 
+    if L.buf[pos] notin s: break
   inc(L.col, pos - L.bufpos)
   L.bufpos = pos
-proc getAdornment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc getAdornment(L: var Lexer, tok: var Token) =
   tok.kind = tkAdornment
   tok.line = L.line
   tok.col = L.col
   var pos = L.bufpos
   var c = L.buf[pos]
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     add(tok.symbol, L.buf[pos])
-    if L.buf[pos] != c: break 
+    if L.buf[pos] != c: break
   inc(L.col, pos - L.bufpos)
   L.bufpos = pos
-proc getIndentAux(L: var TLexer, start: int): int = 
+proc getIndentAux(L: var Lexer, start: int): int =
   var pos = start
-  var buf = L.buf                 
+  var buf = L.buf
   # skip the newline (but include it in the token!)
-  if buf[pos] == '\x0D': 
+  if buf[pos] == '\x0D':
     if buf[pos + 1] == '\x0A': inc(pos, 2)
     else: inc(pos)
-  elif buf[pos] == '\x0A': 
+  elif buf[pos] == '\x0A':
-  if L.skipPounds: 
+  if L.skipPounds:
     if buf[pos] == '#': inc(pos)
     if buf[pos] == '#': inc(pos)
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     case buf[pos]
-    of ' ', '\x0B', '\x0C': 
+    of ' ', '\x0B', '\x0C':
-    of '\x09': 
+    of '\x09':
       result = result - (result mod 8) + 8
-    else: 
+    else:
       break                   # EndOfFile also leaves the loop
-  if buf[pos] == '\0': 
+  if buf[pos] == '\0':
     result = 0
-  elif (buf[pos] == '\x0A') or (buf[pos] == '\x0D'): 
+  elif (buf[pos] == '\x0A') or (buf[pos] == '\x0D'):
     # look at the next line for proper indentation:
     result = getIndentAux(L, pos)
   L.bufpos = pos              # no need to set back buf
-proc getIndent(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc getIndent(L: var Lexer, tok: var Token) =
   tok.col = 0
   tok.kind = tkIndent         # skip the newline (but include it in the token!)
   tok.ival = getIndentAux(L, L.bufpos)
@@ -191,93 +194,93 @@ proc getIndent(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   tok.ival = max(tok.ival - L.baseIndent, 0)
   tok.symbol = "\n" & spaces(tok.ival)
-proc rawGetTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc rawGetTok(L: var Lexer, tok: var Token) =
   tok.symbol = ""
   tok.ival = 0
   var c = L.buf[L.bufpos]
   case c
-  of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF', '0'..'9': 
+  of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF', '0'..'9':
     getThing(L, tok, SymChars)
-  of ' ', '\x09', '\x0B', '\x0C': 
+  of ' ', '\x09', '\x0B', '\x0C':
     getThing(L, tok, {' ', '\x09'})
     tok.kind = tkWhite
-    if L.buf[L.bufpos] in {'\x0D', '\x0A'}: 
+    if L.buf[L.bufpos] in {'\x0D', '\x0A'}:
       rawGetTok(L, tok)       # ignore spaces before \n
-  of '\x0D', '\x0A': 
+  of '\x0D', '\x0A':
     getIndent(L, tok)
-  of '!', '\"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', 
+  of '!', '\"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.',
      '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', '{',
-     '|', '}', '~': 
+     '|', '}', '~':
     getAdornment(L, tok)
     if len(tok.symbol) <= 3: tok.kind = tkPunct
-  else: 
+  else:
     tok.line = L.line
     tok.col = L.col
-    if c == '\0': 
+    if c == '\0':
       tok.kind = tkEof
-    else: 
+    else:
       tok.kind = tkOther
       add(tok.symbol, c)
   tok.col = max(tok.col - L.baseIndent, 0)
-proc getTokens(buffer: string, skipPounds: bool, tokens: var TTokenSeq): int = 
-  var L: TLexer
+proc getTokens(buffer: string, skipPounds: bool, tokens: var TokenSeq): int =
+  var L: Lexer
   var length = len(tokens)
   L.buf = cstring(buffer)
   L.line = 0                  # skip UTF-8 BOM
-  if (L.buf[0] == '\xEF') and (L.buf[1] == '\xBB') and (L.buf[2] == '\xBF'): 
+  if (L.buf[0] == '\xEF') and (L.buf[1] == '\xBB') and (L.buf[2] == '\xBF'):
     inc(L.bufpos, 3)
   L.skipPounds = skipPounds
-  if skipPounds: 
-    if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '#': 
+  if skipPounds:
+    if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '#':
-    if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '#': 
+    if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '#':
     L.baseIndent = 0
-    while L.buf[L.bufpos] == ' ': 
+    while L.buf[L.bufpos] == ' ':
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     setLen(tokens, length)
     rawGetTok(L, tokens[length - 1])
-    if tokens[length - 1].kind == tkEof: break 
-  if tokens[0].kind == tkWhite: 
+    if tokens[length - 1].kind == tkEof: break
+  if tokens[0].kind == tkWhite:
     # BUGFIX
     tokens[0].ival = len(tokens[0].symbol)
     tokens[0].kind = tkIndent
-  TLevelMap = array[char, int]
-  TSubstitution = object 
+  LevelMap = array[char, int]
+  Substitution = object
     key*: string
     value*: PRstNode
-  TSharedState = object 
-    options: TRstParseOptions   # parsing options
+  SharedState = object
+    options: RstParseOptions    # parsing options
     uLevel, oLevel: int         # counters for the section levels
-    subs: seq[TSubstitution]    # substitutions
-    refs: seq[TSubstitution]    # references
-    underlineToLevel: TLevelMap # Saves for each possible title adornment
+    subs: seq[Substitution]     # substitutions
+    refs: seq[Substitution]     # references
+    underlineToLevel: LevelMap  # Saves for each possible title adornment
                                 # character its level in the
-                                # current document. 
+                                # current document.
                                 # This is for single underline adornments.
-    overlineToLevel: TLevelMap  # Saves for each possible title adornment 
+    overlineToLevel: LevelMap   # Saves for each possible title adornment
                                 # character its level in the current
-                                # document. 
+                                # document.
                                 # This is for over-underline adornments.
-    msgHandler: TMsgHandler     # How to handle errors.
-    findFile: TFindFileHandler  # How to find files.
+    msgHandler: MsgHandler      # How to handle errors.
+    findFile: FindFileHandler   # How to find files.
-  PSharedState = ref TSharedState
-  TRstParser = object of RootObj
+  PSharedState = ref SharedState
+  RstParser = object of RootObj
     idx*: int
-    tok*: TTokenSeq
+    tok*: TokenSeq
     s*: PSharedState
     indentStack*: seq[int]
     filename*: string
@@ -285,65 +288,69 @@ type
     hasToc*: bool
   EParseError* = object of ValueError
+{.deprecated: [TLevelMap: LevelMap, TSubstitution: Substitution,
+              TSharedState: SharedState, TRstParser: RstParser,
+              TMsgHandler: MsgHandler, TFindFileHandler: FindFileHandler,
+              TMsgClass: MsgClass].}
-proc whichMsgClass*(k: TMsgKind): TMsgClass =
+proc whichMsgClass*(k: MsgKind): MsgClass =
   ## returns which message class `k` belongs to.
   case ($k)[1]
   of 'e', 'E': result = mcError
   of 'w', 'W': result = mcWarning
   of 'h', 'H': result = mcHint
   else: assert false, "msgkind does not fit naming scheme"
-proc defaultMsgHandler*(filename: string, line, col: int, msgkind: TMsgKind,
+proc defaultMsgHandler*(filename: string, line, col: int, msgkind: MsgKind,
                         arg: string) {.procvar.} =
   let mc = msgkind.whichMsgClass
   let a = messages[msgkind] % arg
   let message = "$1($2, $3) $4: $5" % [filename, $line, $col, $mc, a]
   if mc == mcError: raise newException(EParseError, message)
-  else: writeln(stdout, message)
+  else: writeLine(stdout, message)
-proc defaultFindFile*(filename: string): string {.procvar.} = 
+proc defaultFindFile*(filename: string): string {.procvar.} =
   if existsFile(filename): result = filename
   else: result = ""
-proc newSharedState(options: TRstParseOptions,
-                    findFile: TFindFileHandler,
-                    msgHandler: TMsgHandler): PSharedState = 
+proc newSharedState(options: RstParseOptions,
+                    findFile: FindFileHandler,
+                    msgHandler: MsgHandler): PSharedState =
   result.subs = @[]
   result.refs = @[]
   result.options = options
   result.msgHandler = if not isNil(msgHandler): msgHandler else: defaultMsgHandler
   result.findFile = if not isNil(findFile): findFile else: defaultFindFile
-proc rstMessage(p: TRstParser, msgKind: TMsgKind, arg: string) = 
-  p.s.msgHandler(p.filename, p.line + p.tok[p.idx].line, 
+proc rstMessage(p: RstParser, msgKind: MsgKind, arg: string) =
+  p.s.msgHandler(p.filename, p.line + p.tok[p.idx].line,
                              p.col + p.tok[p.idx].col, msgKind, arg)
-proc rstMessage(p: TRstParser, msgKind: TMsgKind, arg: string, line, col: int) = 
+proc rstMessage(p: RstParser, msgKind: MsgKind, arg: string, line, col: int) =
   p.s.msgHandler(p.filename, p.line + line,
                              p.col + col, msgKind, arg)
-proc rstMessage(p: TRstParser, msgKind: TMsgKind) = 
-  p.s.msgHandler(p.filename, p.line + p.tok[p.idx].line, 
-                             p.col + p.tok[p.idx].col, msgKind, 
+proc rstMessage(p: RstParser, msgKind: MsgKind) =
+  p.s.msgHandler(p.filename, p.line + p.tok[p.idx].line,
+                             p.col + p.tok[p.idx].col, msgKind,
 when false:
-  proc corrupt(p: TRstParser) =
+  proc corrupt(p: RstParser) =
     assert p.indentStack[0] == 0
     for i in 1 .. high(p.indentStack): assert p.indentStack[i] < 1_000
-proc currInd(p: TRstParser): int = 
+proc currInd(p: RstParser): int =
   result = p.indentStack[high(p.indentStack)]
-proc pushInd(p: var TRstParser, ind: int) = 
+proc pushInd(p: var RstParser, ind: int) =
   add(p.indentStack, ind)
-proc popInd(p: var TRstParser) =
+proc popInd(p: var RstParser) =
   if len(p.indentStack) > 1: setLen(p.indentStack, len(p.indentStack) - 1)
-proc initParser(p: var TRstParser, sharedState: PSharedState) = 
+proc initParser(p: var RstParser, sharedState: PSharedState) =
   p.indentStack = @[0]
   p.tok = @[]
   p.idx = 0
@@ -353,150 +360,150 @@ proc initParser(p: var TRstParser, sharedState: PSharedState) =
   p.line = 1
   p.s = sharedState
-proc addNodesAux(n: PRstNode, result: var string) = 
-  if n.kind == rnLeaf: 
+proc addNodesAux(n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
+  if n.kind == rnLeaf:
     add(result, n.text)
-  else: 
+  else:
     for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1): addNodesAux(n.sons[i], result)
-proc addNodes(n: PRstNode): string = 
+proc addNodes(n: PRstNode): string =
   result = ""
   addNodesAux(n, result)
-proc rstnodeToRefnameAux(n: PRstNode, r: var string, b: var bool) = 
-  if n.kind == rnLeaf: 
-    for i in countup(0, len(n.text) - 1): 
+proc rstnodeToRefnameAux(n: PRstNode, r: var string, b: var bool) =
+  if n.kind == rnLeaf:
+    for i in countup(0, len(n.text) - 1):
       case n.text[i]
-      of '0'..'9': 
-        if b: 
+      of '0'..'9':
+        if b:
           add(r, '-')
           b = false
         if len(r) == 0: add(r, 'Z')
         add(r, n.text[i])
-      of 'a'..'z': 
-        if b: 
+      of 'a'..'z':
+        if b:
           add(r, '-')
           b = false
         add(r, n.text[i])
-      of 'A'..'Z': 
-        if b: 
+      of 'A'..'Z':
+        if b:
           add(r, '-')
           b = false
         add(r, chr(ord(n.text[i]) - ord('A') + ord('a')))
-      else: 
+      else:
         if (len(r) > 0): b = true
-  else: 
+  else:
     for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1): rstnodeToRefnameAux(n.sons[i], r, b)
-proc rstnodeToRefname(n: PRstNode): string = 
+proc rstnodeToRefname(n: PRstNode): string =
   result = ""
   var b = false
   rstnodeToRefnameAux(n, result, b)
-proc findSub(p: var TRstParser, n: PRstNode): int = 
-  var key = addNodes(n)           
+proc findSub(p: var RstParser, n: PRstNode): int =
+  var key = addNodes(n)
   # the spec says: if no exact match, try one without case distinction:
-  for i in countup(0, high(p.s.subs)): 
-    if key == p.s.subs[i].key: 
+  for i in countup(0, high(p.s.subs)):
+    if key == p.s.subs[i].key:
       return i
-  for i in countup(0, high(p.s.subs)): 
-    if cmpIgnoreStyle(key, p.s.subs[i].key) == 0: 
+  for i in countup(0, high(p.s.subs)):
+    if cmpIgnoreStyle(key, p.s.subs[i].key) == 0:
       return i
   result = -1
-proc setSub(p: var TRstParser, key: string, value: PRstNode) = 
+proc setSub(p: var RstParser, key: string, value: PRstNode) =
   var length = len(p.s.subs)
-  for i in countup(0, length - 1): 
-    if key == p.s.subs[i].key: 
+  for i in countup(0, length - 1):
+    if key == p.s.subs[i].key:
       p.s.subs[i].value = value
-      return 
+      return
   setLen(p.s.subs, length + 1)
   p.s.subs[length].key = key
   p.s.subs[length].value = value
-proc setRef(p: var TRstParser, key: string, value: PRstNode) = 
+proc setRef(p: var RstParser, key: string, value: PRstNode) =
   var length = len(p.s.refs)
-  for i in countup(0, length - 1): 
+  for i in countup(0, length - 1):
     if key == p.s.refs[i].key:
       if p.s.refs[i].value.addNodes != value.addNodes:
         rstMessage(p, mwRedefinitionOfLabel, key)
       p.s.refs[i].value = value
-      return 
+      return
   setLen(p.s.refs, length + 1)
   p.s.refs[length].key = key
   p.s.refs[length].value = value
-proc findRef(p: var TRstParser, key: string): PRstNode = 
-  for i in countup(0, high(p.s.refs)): 
-    if key == p.s.refs[i].key: 
+proc findRef(p: var RstParser, key: string): PRstNode =
+  for i in countup(0, high(p.s.refs)):
+    if key == p.s.refs[i].key:
       return p.s.refs[i].value
-proc newLeaf(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc newLeaf(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnLeaf, p.tok[p.idx].symbol)
-proc getReferenceName(p: var TRstParser, endStr: string): PRstNode = 
+proc getReferenceName(p: var RstParser, endStr: string): PRstNode =
   var res = newRstNode(rnInner)
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-    of tkWord, tkOther, tkWhite: 
+    of tkWord, tkOther, tkWhite:
       add(res, newLeaf(p))
-    of tkPunct: 
-      if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == endStr: 
+    of tkPunct:
+      if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == endStr:
-        break 
-      else: 
+        break
+      else:
         add(res, newLeaf(p))
-    else: 
+    else:
       rstMessage(p, meExpected, endStr)
-      break 
+      break
   result = res
-proc untilEol(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc untilEol(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnInner)
-  while not (p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}): 
+  while not (p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}):
     add(result, newLeaf(p))
-proc expect(p: var TRstParser, tok: string) = 
+proc expect(p: var RstParser, tok: string) =
   if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == tok: inc(p.idx)
   else: rstMessage(p, meExpected, tok)
-proc isInlineMarkupEnd(p: TRstParser, markup: string): bool = 
+proc isInlineMarkupEnd(p: RstParser, markup: string): bool =
   result = p.tok[p.idx].symbol == markup
-  if not result: 
+  if not result:
     return                    # Rule 3:
   result = not (p.tok[p.idx - 1].kind in {tkIndent, tkWhite})
-  if not result: 
+  if not result:
     return                    # Rule 4:
   result = (p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind in {tkIndent, tkWhite, tkEof}) or
       (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol[0] in
-      {'\'', '\"', ')', ']', '}', '>', '-', '/', '\\', ':', '.', ',', ';', '!', 
+      {'\'', '\"', ')', ']', '}', '>', '-', '/', '\\', ':', '.', ',', ';', '!',
        '?', '_'})
-  if not result: 
+  if not result:
     return                    # Rule 7:
-  if p.idx > 0: 
-    if (markup != "``") and (p.tok[p.idx - 1].symbol == "\\"): 
+  if p.idx > 0:
+    if (markup != "``") and (p.tok[p.idx - 1].symbol == "\\"):
       result = false
-proc isInlineMarkupStart(p: TRstParser, markup: string): bool = 
+proc isInlineMarkupStart(p: RstParser, markup: string): bool =
   var d: char
   result = p.tok[p.idx].symbol == markup
-  if not result: 
+  if not result:
     return                    # Rule 1:
   result = (p.idx == 0) or (p.tok[p.idx - 1].kind in {tkIndent, tkWhite}) or
       (p.tok[p.idx - 1].symbol[0] in
       {'\'', '\"', '(', '[', '{', '<', '-', '/', ':', '_'})
-  if not result: 
+  if not result:
     return                    # Rule 2:
   result = not (p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind in {tkIndent, tkWhite, tkEof})
-  if not result: 
+  if not result:
     return                    # Rule 5 & 7:
-  if p.idx > 0: 
-    if p.tok[p.idx - 1].symbol == "\\": 
+  if p.idx > 0:
+    if p.tok[p.idx - 1].symbol == "\\":
       result = false
-    else: 
+    else:
       var c = p.tok[p.idx - 1].symbol[0]
       case c
       of '\'', '\"': d = c
@@ -507,7 +514,7 @@ proc isInlineMarkupStart(p: TRstParser, markup: string): bool =
       else: d = '\0'
       if d != '\0': result = p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol[0] != d
-proc match(p: TRstParser, start: int, expr: string): bool = 
+proc match(p: RstParser, start: int, expr: string): bool =
   # regular expressions are:
   # special char     exact match
   # 'w'              tkWord
@@ -521,7 +528,7 @@ proc match(p: TRstParser, start: int, expr: string): bool =
   var i = 0
   var j = start
   var last = len(expr) - 1
-  while i <= last: 
+  while i <= last:
     case expr[i]
     of 'w': result = p.tok[j].kind == tkWord
     of ' ': result = p.tok[j].kind == tkWhite
@@ -531,82 +538,82 @@ proc match(p: TRstParser, start: int, expr: string): bool =
     of 'o': result = p.tok[j].kind == tkOther
     of 'T': result = true
     of 'E': result = p.tok[j].kind in {tkEof, tkWhite, tkIndent}
-    of 'e': 
+    of 'e':
       result = (p.tok[j].kind == tkWord) or (p.tok[j].symbol == "#")
-      if result: 
+      if result:
         case p.tok[j].symbol[0]
         of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z': result = len(p.tok[j].symbol) == 1
         of '0'..'9': result = allCharsInSet(p.tok[j].symbol, {'0'..'9'})
         else: discard
-    else: 
+    else:
       var c = expr[i]
       var length = 0
-      while (i <= last) and (expr[i] == c): 
+      while (i <= last) and (expr[i] == c):
       result = (p.tok[j].kind in {tkPunct, tkAdornment}) and
           (len(p.tok[j].symbol) == length) and (p.tok[j].symbol[0] == c)
-    if not result: return 
+    if not result: return
   result = true
-proc fixupEmbeddedRef(n, a, b: PRstNode) = 
+proc fixupEmbeddedRef(n, a, b: PRstNode) =
   var sep = - 1
-  for i in countdown(len(n) - 2, 0): 
-    if n.sons[i].text == "<": 
+  for i in countdown(len(n) - 2, 0):
+    if n.sons[i].text == "<":
       sep = i
-      break 
+      break
   var incr = if (sep > 0) and (n.sons[sep - 1].text[0] == ' '): 2 else: 1
   for i in countup(0, sep - incr): add(a, n.sons[i])
   for i in countup(sep + 1, len(n) - 2): add(b, n.sons[i])
-proc parsePostfix(p: var TRstParser, n: PRstNode): PRstNode = 
+proc parsePostfix(p: var RstParser, n: PRstNode): PRstNode =
   result = n
-  if isInlineMarkupEnd(p, "_"): 
+  if isInlineMarkupEnd(p, "_") or isInlineMarkupEnd(p, "__"):
     if p.tok[p.idx-2].symbol == "`" and p.tok[p.idx-3].symbol == ">":
       var a = newRstNode(rnInner)
       var b = newRstNode(rnInner)
       fixupEmbeddedRef(n, a, b)
-      if len(a) == 0: 
+      if len(a) == 0:
         result = newRstNode(rnStandaloneHyperlink)
         add(result, b)
-      else: 
+      else:
         result = newRstNode(rnHyperlink)
         add(result, a)
         add(result, b)
         setRef(p, rstnodeToRefname(a), b)
-    elif n.kind == rnInterpretedText: 
+    elif n.kind == rnInterpretedText:
       n.kind = rnRef
-    else: 
+    else:
       result = newRstNode(rnRef)
       add(result, n)
-  elif match(p, p.idx, ":w:"): 
+  elif match(p, p.idx, ":w:"):
     # a role:
-    if p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "idx": 
+    if p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "idx":
       n.kind = rnIdx
-    elif p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "literal": 
+    elif p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "literal":
       n.kind = rnInlineLiteral
-    elif p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "strong": 
+    elif p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "strong":
       n.kind = rnStrongEmphasis
-    elif p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "emphasis": 
+    elif p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "emphasis":
       n.kind = rnEmphasis
     elif (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "sub") or
-        (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "subscript"): 
+        (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "subscript"):
       n.kind = rnSub
     elif (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "sup") or
-        (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "supscript"): 
+        (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "supscript"):
       n.kind = rnSup
-    else: 
+    else:
       result = newRstNode(rnGeneralRole)
       n.kind = rnInner
       add(result, n)
       add(result, newRstNode(rnLeaf, p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol))
     inc(p.idx, 3)
-proc matchVerbatim(p: TRstParser, start: int, expr: string): int =
+proc matchVerbatim(p: RstParser, start: int, expr: string): int =
   result = start
   var j = 0
   while j < expr.len and result < p.tok.len and
@@ -614,8 +621,8 @@ proc matchVerbatim(p: TRstParser, start: int, expr: string): int =
     inc j, p.tok[result].symbol.len
     inc result
   if j < expr.len: result = 0
-proc parseSmiley(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
+proc parseSmiley(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   if p.tok[p.idx].symbol[0] notin SmileyStartChars: return
   for key, val in items(Smilies):
     let m = matchVerbatim(p, p.idx, key)
@@ -631,22 +638,22 @@ when false:
                  '$', '(', ')', '~', '_', '?', '+', '-', '=', '\\', '.', '&',
-proc isUrl(p: TRstParser, i: int): bool =
+proc isUrl(p: RstParser, i: int): bool =
   result = (p.tok[i+1].symbol == ":") and (p.tok[i+2].symbol == "//") and
     (p.tok[i+3].kind == tkWord) and
     (p.tok[i].symbol in ["http", "https", "ftp", "telnet", "file"])
-proc parseUrl(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) = 
+proc parseUrl(p: var RstParser, father: PRstNode) =
   #if p.tok[p.idx].symbol[strStart] == '<':
   if isUrl(p, p.idx):
     var n = newRstNode(rnStandaloneHyperlink)
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       case p.tok[p.idx].kind
       of tkWord, tkAdornment, tkOther: discard
-      of tkPunct: 
+      of tkPunct:
         if p.tok[p.idx+1].kind notin {tkWord, tkAdornment, tkOther, tkPunct}:
-      else: break 
+      else: break
       add(n, newLeaf(p))
     add(father, n)
@@ -655,13 +662,13 @@ proc parseUrl(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) =
     if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "_": n = parsePostfix(p, n)
     add(father, n)
-proc parseBackslash(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) = 
+proc parseBackslash(p: var RstParser, father: PRstNode) =
   assert(p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkPunct)
-  if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "\\\\": 
+  if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "\\\\":
     add(father, newRstNode(rnLeaf, "\\"))
-  elif p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "\\": 
+  elif p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "\\":
     # XXX: Unicode?
     if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkWhite: add(father, newLeaf(p))
@@ -671,16 +678,16 @@ proc parseBackslash(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) =
 when false:
-  proc parseAdhoc(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode, verbatim: bool) =
+  proc parseAdhoc(p: var RstParser, father: PRstNode, verbatim: bool) =
     if not verbatim and isURL(p, p.idx):
       var n = newRstNode(rnStandaloneHyperlink)
-      while true: 
+      while true:
         case p.tok[p.idx].kind
         of tkWord, tkAdornment, tkOther: nil
-        of tkPunct: 
+        of tkPunct:
           if p.tok[p.idx+1].kind notin {tkWord, tkAdornment, tkOther, tkPunct}:
-        else: break 
+        else: break
         add(n, newLeaf(p))
       add(father, n)
@@ -694,38 +701,38 @@ when false:
       if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "_": n = parsePostfix(p, n)
       add(father, n)
-proc parseUntil(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode, postfix: string, 
-                interpretBackslash: bool) = 
+proc parseUntil(p: var RstParser, father: PRstNode, postfix: string,
+                interpretBackslash: bool) =
     line = p.tok[p.idx].line
     col = p.tok[p.idx].col
   inc p.idx
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-    of tkPunct: 
-      if isInlineMarkupEnd(p, postfix): 
+    of tkPunct:
+      if isInlineMarkupEnd(p, postfix):
-        break 
-      elif interpretBackslash: 
+        break
+      elif interpretBackslash:
         parseBackslash(p, father)
-      else: 
+      else:
         add(father, newLeaf(p))
-    of tkAdornment, tkWord, tkOther: 
+    of tkAdornment, tkWord, tkOther:
       add(father, newLeaf(p))
-    of tkIndent: 
+    of tkIndent:
       add(father, newRstNode(rnLeaf, " "))
-      if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: 
+      if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent:
         rstMessage(p, meExpected, postfix, line, col)
-        break 
-    of tkWhite: 
+        break
+    of tkWhite:
       add(father, newRstNode(rnLeaf, " "))
     else: rstMessage(p, meExpected, postfix, line, col)
-proc parseMarkdownCodeblock(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
+proc parseMarkdownCodeblock(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   var args = newRstNode(rnDirArg)
   if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWord:
     add(args, newLeaf(p))
@@ -753,20 +760,20 @@ proc parseMarkdownCodeblock(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnCodeBlock)
   add(result, args)
   add(result, nil)
-  add(result, lb)  
-proc parseInline(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) = 
+  add(result, lb)
+proc parseInline(p: var RstParser, father: PRstNode) =
   case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-  of tkPunct: 
+  of tkPunct:
     if isInlineMarkupStart(p, "***"):
       var n = newRstNode(rnTripleEmphasis)
       parseUntil(p, n, "***", true)
       add(father, n)
-    elif isInlineMarkupStart(p, "**"): 
+    elif isInlineMarkupStart(p, "**"):
       var n = newRstNode(rnStrongEmphasis)
       parseUntil(p, n, "**", true)
       add(father, n)
-    elif isInlineMarkupStart(p, "*"): 
+    elif isInlineMarkupStart(p, "*"):
       var n = newRstNode(rnEmphasis)
       parseUntil(p, n, "*", true)
       add(father, n)
@@ -777,12 +784,12 @@ proc parseInline(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) =
       var n = newRstNode(rnInlineLiteral)
       parseUntil(p, n, "``", false)
       add(father, n)
-    elif isInlineMarkupStart(p, "`"): 
+    elif isInlineMarkupStart(p, "`"):
       var n = newRstNode(rnInterpretedText)
       parseUntil(p, n, "`", true)
       n = parsePostfix(p, n)
       add(father, n)
-    elif isInlineMarkupStart(p, "|"): 
+    elif isInlineMarkupStart(p, "|"):
       var n = newRstNode(rnSubstitutionReferences)
       parseUntil(p, n, "|", false)
       add(father, n)
@@ -800,7 +807,7 @@ proc parseInline(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) =
         add(father, n)
     parseUrl(p, father)
-  of tkAdornment, tkOther, tkWhite: 
+  of tkAdornment, tkOther, tkWhite:
     if roSupportSmilies in p.s.options:
       let n = parseSmiley(p)
       if n != nil:
@@ -809,76 +816,77 @@ proc parseInline(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) =
     add(father, newLeaf(p))
   else: discard
-proc getDirective(p: var TRstParser): string = 
-  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite and p.tok[p.idx+1].kind == tkWord: 
+proc getDirective(p: var RstParser): string =
+  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite and p.tok[p.idx+1].kind == tkWord:
     var j = p.idx
     result = p.tok[p.idx].symbol
-    while p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkWord, tkPunct, tkAdornment, tkOther}: 
-      if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "::": break 
+    while p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkWord, tkPunct, tkAdornment, tkOther}:
+      if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "::": break
       add(result, p.tok[p.idx].symbol)
     if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite: inc(p.idx)
-    if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "::": 
+    if p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "::":
       if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite): inc(p.idx)
-    else: 
+    else:
       p.idx = j               # set back
       result = ""             # error
-  else: 
+  else:
     result = ""
-proc parseComment(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseComment(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-  of tkIndent, tkEof: 
-    if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkEof and p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkIndent: 
+  of tkIndent, tkEof:
+    if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkEof and p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkIndent:
       inc(p.idx)              # empty comment
-    else: 
+    else:
       var indent = p.tok[p.idx].ival
-      while true: 
+      while true:
         case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-        of tkEof: 
-          break 
-        of tkIndent: 
-          if (p.tok[p.idx].ival < indent): break 
-        else: 
+        of tkEof:
+          break
+        of tkIndent:
+          if (p.tok[p.idx].ival < indent): break
+        else:
     while p.tok[p.idx].kind notin {tkIndent, tkEof}: inc(p.idx)
   result = nil
-  TDirKind = enum             # must be ordered alphabetically!
+  DirKind = enum             # must be ordered alphabetically!
     dkNone, dkAuthor, dkAuthors, dkCode, dkCodeBlock, dkContainer, dkContents,
     dkFigure, dkImage, dkInclude, dkIndex, dkRaw, dkTitle
+{.deprecated: [TDirKind: DirKind].}
   DirIds: array[0..12, string] = ["", "author", "authors", "code",
     "code-block", "container", "contents", "figure", "image", "include",
     "index", "raw", "title"]
-proc getDirKind(s: string): TDirKind = 
+proc getDirKind(s: string): DirKind =
   let i = find(DirIds, s)
-  if i >= 0: result = TDirKind(i)
+  if i >= 0: result = DirKind(i)
   else: result = dkNone
-proc parseLine(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) = 
-  while true: 
+proc parseLine(p: var RstParser, father: PRstNode) =
+  while true:
     case p.tok[p.idx].kind
     of tkWhite, tkWord, tkOther, tkPunct: parseInline(p, father)
-    else: break 
+    else: break
-proc parseUntilNewline(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) = 
-  while true: 
+proc parseUntilNewline(p: var RstParser, father: PRstNode) =
+  while true:
     case p.tok[p.idx].kind
     of tkWhite, tkWord, tkAdornment, tkOther, tkPunct: parseInline(p, father)
     of tkEof, tkIndent: break
-proc parseSection(p: var TRstParser, result: PRstNode)
-proc parseField(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
+proc parseSection(p: var RstParser, result: PRstNode) {.gcsafe.}
+proc parseField(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   ## Returns a parsed rnField node.
   ## rnField nodes have two children nodes, a rnFieldName and a rnFieldBody.
@@ -888,16 +896,16 @@ proc parseField(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
   parseUntil(p, fieldname, ":", false)
   var fieldbody = newRstNode(rnFieldBody)
   if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkIndent: parseLine(p, fieldbody)
-  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: 
+  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent:
     var indent = p.tok[p.idx].ival
-    if indent > col: 
+    if indent > col:
       pushInd(p, indent)
       parseSection(p, fieldbody)
   add(result, fieldname)
   add(result, fieldbody)
-proc parseFields(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
+proc parseFields(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   ## Parses fields for a section or directive block.
   ## This proc may return nil if the parsing doesn't find anything of value,
@@ -909,14 +917,14 @@ proc parseFields(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
     var col = if atStart: p.tok[p.idx].col else: p.tok[p.idx].ival
     result = newRstNode(rnFieldList)
     if not atStart: inc(p.idx)
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       add(result, parseField(p))
       if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent) and (p.tok[p.idx].ival == col) and
-          (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == ":"): 
+          (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == ":"):
-      else: 
-        break 
+      else:
+        break
 proc getFieldValue*(n: PRstNode): string =
   ## Returns the value of a specific ``rnField`` node.
@@ -929,122 +937,122 @@ proc getFieldValue*(n: PRstNode): string =
   assert n.sons[1].kind == rnFieldBody
   result = addNodes(n.sons[1]).strip
-proc getFieldValue(n: PRstNode, fieldname: string): string = 
+proc getFieldValue(n: PRstNode, fieldname: string): string =
   result = ""
-  if n.sons[1] == nil: return 
-  if (n.sons[1].kind != rnFieldList): 
+  if n.sons[1] == nil: return
+  if (n.sons[1].kind != rnFieldList):
     #InternalError("getFieldValue (2): " & $n.sons[1].kind)
     # We don't like internal errors here anymore as that would break the forum!
-  for i in countup(0, len(n.sons[1]) - 1): 
+  for i in countup(0, len(n.sons[1]) - 1):
     var f = n.sons[1].sons[i]
-    if cmpIgnoreStyle(addNodes(f.sons[0]), fieldname) == 0: 
+    if cmpIgnoreStyle(addNodes(f.sons[0]), fieldname) == 0:
       result = addNodes(f.sons[1])
       if result == "": result = "\x01\x01" # indicates that the field exists
-      return 
+      return
-proc getArgument(n: PRstNode): string = 
+proc getArgument(n: PRstNode): string =
   if n.sons[0] == nil: result = ""
   else: result = addNodes(n.sons[0])
-proc parseDotDot(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode
-proc parseLiteralBlock(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseDotDot(p: var RstParser): PRstNode {.gcsafe.}
+proc parseLiteralBlock(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnLiteralBlock)
   var n = newRstNode(rnLeaf, "")
-  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: 
+  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent:
     var indent = p.tok[p.idx].ival
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-      of tkEof: 
-        break 
-      of tkIndent: 
-        if (p.tok[p.idx].ival < indent): 
-          break 
-        else: 
+      of tkEof:
+        break
+      of tkIndent:
+        if (p.tok[p.idx].ival < indent):
+          break
+        else:
           add(n.text, "\n")
           add(n.text, spaces(p.tok[p.idx].ival - indent))
-      else: 
+      else:
         add(n.text, p.tok[p.idx].symbol)
-  else: 
-    while not (p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}): 
+  else:
+    while not (p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}):
       add(n.text, p.tok[p.idx].symbol)
   add(result, n)
-proc getLevel(map: var TLevelMap, lvl: var int, c: char): int = 
-  if map[c] == 0: 
+proc getLevel(map: var LevelMap, lvl: var int, c: char): int =
+  if map[c] == 0:
     map[c] = lvl
   result = map[c]
-proc tokenAfterNewline(p: TRstParser): int = 
+proc tokenAfterNewline(p: RstParser): int =
   result = p.idx
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     case p.tok[result].kind
-    of tkEof: 
-      break 
-    of tkIndent: 
+    of tkEof:
+      break
+    of tkIndent:
-      break 
+      break
     else: inc(result)
-proc isLineBlock(p: TRstParser): bool = 
+proc isLineBlock(p: RstParser): bool =
   var j = tokenAfterNewline(p)
   result = (p.tok[p.idx].col == p.tok[j].col) and (p.tok[j].symbol == "|") or
       (p.tok[j].col > p.tok[p.idx].col)
-proc predNL(p: TRstParser): bool = 
+proc predNL(p: RstParser): bool =
   result = true
   if p.idx > 0:
     result = p.tok[p.idx-1].kind == tkIndent and
         p.tok[p.idx-1].ival == currInd(p)
-proc isDefList(p: TRstParser): bool = 
+proc isDefList(p: RstParser): bool =
   var j = tokenAfterNewline(p)
   result = (p.tok[p.idx].col < p.tok[j].col) and
       (p.tok[j].kind in {tkWord, tkOther, tkPunct}) and
       (p.tok[j - 2].symbol != "::")
-proc isOptionList(p: TRstParser): bool = 
+proc isOptionList(p: RstParser): bool =
   result = match(p, p.idx, "-w") or match(p, p.idx, "--w") or
            match(p, p.idx, "/w") or match(p, p.idx, "//w")
-proc whichSection(p: TRstParser): TRstNodeKind = 
+proc whichSection(p: RstParser): RstNodeKind =
   case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-  of tkAdornment: 
+  of tkAdornment:
     if match(p, p.idx + 1, "ii"): result = rnTransition
     elif match(p, p.idx + 1, " a"): result = rnTable
     elif match(p, p.idx + 1, "i"): result = rnOverline
     else: result = rnLeaf
-  of tkPunct: 
-    if match(p, tokenAfterNewline(p), "ai"): 
+  of tkPunct:
+    if match(p, tokenAfterNewline(p), "ai"):
       result = rnHeadline
-    elif p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "::": 
+    elif p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "::":
       result = rnLiteralBlock
     elif predNL(p) and
         ((p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "+") or (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "*") or
-        (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "-")) and (p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkWhite): 
+        (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "-")) and (p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkWhite):
       result = rnBulletList
-    elif (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "|") and isLineBlock(p): 
+    elif (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "|") and isLineBlock(p):
       result = rnLineBlock
-    elif (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "..") and predNL(p): 
+    elif (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "..") and predNL(p):
       result = rnDirective
     elif match(p, p.idx, ":w:") and predNL(p):
       # (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == ":")
       result = rnFieldList
-    elif match(p, p.idx, "(e) "): 
+    elif match(p, p.idx, "(e) "):
       result = rnEnumList
-    elif match(p, p.idx, "+a+"): 
+    elif match(p, p.idx, "+a+"):
       result = rnGridTable
       rstMessage(p, meGridTableNotImplemented)
-    elif isDefList(p): 
+    elif isDefList(p):
       result = rnDefList
-    elif isOptionList(p): 
+    elif isOptionList(p):
       result = rnOptionList
-    else: 
+    else:
       result = rnParagraph
   of tkWord, tkOther, tkWhite:
     if match(p, tokenAfterNewline(p), "ai"): result = rnHeadline
@@ -1052,58 +1060,58 @@ proc whichSection(p: TRstParser): TRstNodeKind =
     elif isDefList(p): result = rnDefList
     else: result = rnParagraph
   else: result = rnLeaf
-proc parseLineBlock(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseLineBlock(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = nil
-  if p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkWhite: 
+  if p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkWhite:
     var col = p.tok[p.idx].col
     result = newRstNode(rnLineBlock)
     pushInd(p, p.tok[p.idx + 2].col)
     inc(p.idx, 2)
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       var item = newRstNode(rnLineBlockItem)
       parseSection(p, item)
       add(result, item)
       if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent) and (p.tok[p.idx].ival == col) and
           (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == "|") and
-          (p.tok[p.idx + 2].kind == tkWhite): 
+          (p.tok[p.idx + 2].kind == tkWhite):
         inc(p.idx, 3)
-      else: 
-        break 
+      else:
+        break
-proc parseParagraph(p: var TRstParser, result: PRstNode) = 
-  while true: 
+proc parseParagraph(p: var RstParser, result: PRstNode) =
+  while true:
     case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-    of tkIndent: 
-      if p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkIndent: 
+    of tkIndent:
+      if p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkIndent:
-        break 
-      elif (p.tok[p.idx].ival == currInd(p)): 
+        break
+      elif (p.tok[p.idx].ival == currInd(p)):
         case whichSection(p)
-        of rnParagraph, rnLeaf, rnHeadline, rnOverline, rnDirective: 
+        of rnParagraph, rnLeaf, rnHeadline, rnOverline, rnDirective:
           add(result, newRstNode(rnLeaf, " "))
-        of rnLineBlock: 
+        of rnLineBlock:
           addIfNotNil(result, parseLineBlock(p))
-        else: break 
-      else: 
-        break 
-    of tkPunct: 
+        else: break
+      else:
+        break
+    of tkPunct:
       if (p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "::") and
           (p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkIndent) and
-          (currInd(p) < p.tok[p.idx + 1].ival): 
+          (currInd(p) < p.tok[p.idx + 1].ival):
         add(result, newRstNode(rnLeaf, ":"))
         inc(p.idx)            # skip '::'
         add(result, parseLiteralBlock(p))
-        break 
-      else: 
+        break
+      else:
         parseInline(p, result)
-    of tkWhite, tkWord, tkAdornment, tkOther: 
+    of tkWhite, tkWord, tkAdornment, tkOther:
       parseInline(p, result)
     else: break
-proc parseHeadline(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseHeadline(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnHeadline)
   parseUntilNewline(p, result)
   assert(p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent)
@@ -1112,72 +1120,73 @@ proc parseHeadline(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
   inc(p.idx, 2)
   result.level = getLevel(p.s.underlineToLevel, p.s.uLevel, c)
-  TIntSeq = seq[int]
+  IntSeq = seq[int]
+{.deprecated: [TIntSeq: IntSeq].}
-proc tokEnd(p: TRstParser): int = 
+proc tokEnd(p: RstParser): int =
   result = p.tok[p.idx].col + len(p.tok[p.idx].symbol) - 1
-proc getColumns(p: var TRstParser, cols: var TIntSeq) = 
+proc getColumns(p: var RstParser, cols: var IntSeq) =
   var L = 0
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     setLen(cols, L)
     cols[L - 1] = tokEnd(p)
     assert(p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkAdornment)
-    if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkWhite: break 
+    if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkWhite: break
-    if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkAdornment: break 
-  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: inc(p.idx)                
+    if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkAdornment: break
+  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: inc(p.idx)
   # last column has no limit:
   cols[L - 1] = 32000
-proc parseDoc(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode
+proc parseDoc(p: var RstParser): PRstNode {.gcsafe.}
-proc parseSimpleTable(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
-  var 
-    cols: TIntSeq
+proc parseSimpleTable(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
+  var
+    cols: IntSeq
     row: seq[string]
     i, last, line: int
     c: char
-    q: TRstParser
+    q: RstParser
     a, b: PRstNode
   result = newRstNode(rnTable)
   cols = @[]
   row = @[]
   a = nil
   c = p.tok[p.idx].symbol[0]
-  while true: 
-    if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkAdornment: 
+  while true:
+    if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkAdornment:
       last = tokenAfterNewline(p)
-      if p.tok[last].kind in {tkEof, tkIndent}: 
+      if p.tok[last].kind in {tkEof, tkIndent}:
         # skip last adornment line:
         p.idx = last
-        break 
+        break
       getColumns(p, cols)
       setLen(row, len(cols))
-      if a != nil: 
+      if a != nil:
         for j in 0..len(a)-1: a.sons[j].kind = rnTableHeaderCell
-    if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkEof: break 
+    if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkEof: break
     for j in countup(0, high(row)): row[j] = ""
     # the following while loop iterates over the lines a single cell may span:
     line = p.tok[p.idx].line
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       i = 0
-      while not (p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}): 
-        if (tokEnd(p) <= cols[i]): 
+      while not (p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}):
+        if (tokEnd(p) <= cols[i]):
           add(row[i], p.tok[p.idx].symbol)
-        else: 
+        else:
           if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite: inc(p.idx)
       if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: inc(p.idx)
-      if tokEnd(p) <= cols[0]: break 
-      if p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkEof, tkAdornment}: break 
+      if tokEnd(p) <= cols[0]: break
+      if p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkEof, tkAdornment}: break
       for j in countup(1, high(row)): add(row[j], '\x0A')
     a = newRstNode(rnTableRow)
-    for j in countup(0, high(row)): 
+    for j in countup(0, high(row)):
       initParser(q, p.s)
       q.col = cols[j]
       q.line = line - 1
@@ -1188,95 +1197,95 @@ proc parseSimpleTable(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
       add(a, b)
     add(result, a)
-proc parseTransition(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseTransition(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnTransition)
   if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: inc(p.idx)
   if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: inc(p.idx)
-proc parseOverline(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseOverline(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   var c = p.tok[p.idx].symbol[0]
   inc(p.idx, 2)
   result = newRstNode(rnOverline)
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     parseUntilNewline(p, result)
-    if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: 
+    if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent:
-      if p.tok[p.idx - 1].ival > currInd(p): 
+      if p.tok[p.idx - 1].ival > currInd(p):
         add(result, newRstNode(rnLeaf, " "))
-      else: 
-        break 
-    else: 
-      break 
+      else:
+        break
+    else:
+      break
   result.level = getLevel(p.s.overlineToLevel, p.s.oLevel, c)
-  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkAdornment: 
+  if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkAdornment:
     inc(p.idx)                # XXX: check?
     if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: inc(p.idx)
-proc parseBulletList(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseBulletList(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = nil
-  if p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkWhite: 
+  if p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkWhite:
     var bullet = p.tok[p.idx].symbol
     var col = p.tok[p.idx].col
     result = newRstNode(rnBulletList)
     pushInd(p, p.tok[p.idx + 2].col)
     inc(p.idx, 2)
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       var item = newRstNode(rnBulletItem)
       parseSection(p, item)
       add(result, item)
       if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent) and (p.tok[p.idx].ival == col) and
           (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == bullet) and
-          (p.tok[p.idx + 2].kind == tkWhite): 
+          (p.tok[p.idx + 2].kind == tkWhite):
         inc(p.idx, 3)
-      else: 
-        break 
+      else:
+        break
-proc parseOptionList(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseOptionList(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnOptionList)
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     if isOptionList(p):
       var a = newRstNode(rnOptionGroup)
       var b = newRstNode(rnDescription)
       var c = newRstNode(rnOptionListItem)
       if match(p, p.idx, "//w"): inc(p.idx)
-      while not (p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}): 
-        if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite) and (len(p.tok[p.idx].symbol) > 1): 
+      while not (p.tok[p.idx].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}):
+        if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite) and (len(p.tok[p.idx].symbol) > 1):
-          break 
+          break
         add(a, newLeaf(p))
       var j = tokenAfterNewline(p)
       if (j > 0) and (p.tok[j - 1].kind == tkIndent) and
-          (p.tok[j - 1].ival > currInd(p)): 
+          (p.tok[j - 1].ival > currInd(p)):
         pushInd(p, p.tok[j - 1].ival)
         parseSection(p, b)
-      else: 
+      else:
         parseLine(p, b)
       if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent): inc(p.idx)
       add(c, a)
       add(c, b)
       add(result, c)
-    else: 
-      break 
-proc parseDefinitionList(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+    else:
+      break
+proc parseDefinitionList(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = nil
   var j = tokenAfterNewline(p) - 1
   if (j >= 1) and (p.tok[j].kind == tkIndent) and
-      (p.tok[j].ival > currInd(p)) and (p.tok[j - 1].symbol != "::"): 
+      (p.tok[j].ival > currInd(p)) and (p.tok[j - 1].symbol != "::"):
     var col = p.tok[p.idx].col
     result = newRstNode(rnDefList)
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       j = p.idx
       var a = newRstNode(rnDefName)
       parseLine(p, a)
       if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent) and
           (p.tok[p.idx].ival > currInd(p)) and
           (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol != "::") and
-          not (p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}): 
+          not (p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind in {tkIndent, tkEof}):
         pushInd(p, p.tok[p.idx].ival)
         var b = newRstNode(rnDefBody)
         parseSection(p, b)
@@ -1285,74 +1294,74 @@ proc parseDefinitionList(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
         add(c, b)
         add(result, c)
-      else: 
+      else:
         p.idx = j
-        break 
-      if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent) and (p.tok[p.idx].ival == col): 
+        break
+      if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent) and (p.tok[p.idx].ival == col):
         j = tokenAfterNewline(p) - 1
         if j >= 1 and p.tok[j].kind == tkIndent and p.tok[j].ival > col and
-            p.tok[j-1].symbol != "::" and p.tok[j+1].kind != tkIndent: 
+            p.tok[j-1].symbol != "::" and p.tok[j+1].kind != tkIndent:
-        else: 
-          break 
+        else:
+          break
     if len(result) == 0: result = nil
-proc parseEnumList(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
-  const 
+proc parseEnumList(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
+  const
     wildcards: array[0..2, string] = ["(e) ", "e) ", "e. "]
     wildpos: array[0..2, int] = [1, 0, 0]
   result = nil
   var w = 0
-  while w <= 2: 
-    if match(p, p.idx, wildcards[w]): break 
+  while w <= 2:
+    if match(p, p.idx, wildcards[w]): break
-  if w <= 2: 
+  if w <= 2:
     var col = p.tok[p.idx].col
     result = newRstNode(rnEnumList)
     inc(p.idx, wildpos[w] + 3)
     var j = tokenAfterNewline(p)
-    if (p.tok[j].col == p.tok[p.idx].col) or match(p, j, wildcards[w]): 
+    if (p.tok[j].col == p.tok[p.idx].col) or match(p, j, wildcards[w]):
       pushInd(p, p.tok[p.idx].col)
-      while true: 
+      while true:
         var item = newRstNode(rnEnumItem)
         parseSection(p, item)
         add(result, item)
         if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent) and (p.tok[p.idx].ival == col) and
-            match(p, p.idx + 1, wildcards[w]): 
+            match(p, p.idx + 1, wildcards[w]):
           inc(p.idx, wildpos[w] + 4)
-        else: 
-          break 
+        else:
+          break
-    else: 
+    else:
       dec(p.idx, wildpos[w] + 3)
       result = nil
-proc sonKind(father: PRstNode, i: int): TRstNodeKind = 
+proc sonKind(father: PRstNode, i: int): RstNodeKind =
   result = rnLeaf
   if i < len(father): result = father.sons[i].kind
-proc parseSection(p: var TRstParser, result: PRstNode) = 
-  while true: 
+proc parseSection(p: var RstParser, result: PRstNode) =
+  while true:
     var leave = false
     assert(p.idx >= 0)
-    while p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: 
-      if currInd(p) == p.tok[p.idx].ival: 
+    while p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent:
+      if currInd(p) == p.tok[p.idx].ival:
-      elif p.tok[p.idx].ival > currInd(p): 
+      elif p.tok[p.idx].ival > currInd(p):
         pushInd(p, p.tok[p.idx].ival)
         var a = newRstNode(rnBlockQuote)
         parseSection(p, a)
         add(result, a)
-      else: 
+      else:
         leave = true
     if leave or p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkEof: break
     var a: PRstNode = nil
     var k = whichSection(p)
     case k
-    of rnLiteralBlock: 
+    of rnLiteralBlock:
       inc(p.idx)              # skip '::'
       a = parseLiteralBlock(p)
     of rnBulletList: a = parseBulletList(p)
@@ -1362,7 +1371,7 @@ proc parseSection(p: var TRstParser, result: PRstNode) =
     of rnLeaf: rstMessage(p, meNewSectionExpected)
     of rnParagraph: discard
     of rnDefList: a = parseDefinitionList(p)
-    of rnFieldList: 
+    of rnFieldList:
       if p.idx > 0: dec(p.idx)
       a = parseFields(p)
     of rnTransition: a = parseTransition(p)
@@ -1373,42 +1382,44 @@ proc parseSection(p: var TRstParser, result: PRstNode) =
-    if a == nil and k != rnDirective: 
+    if a == nil and k != rnDirective:
       a = newRstNode(rnParagraph)
       parseParagraph(p, a)
     addIfNotNil(result, a)
-  if sonKind(result, 0) == rnParagraph and sonKind(result, 1) != rnParagraph: 
+  if sonKind(result, 0) == rnParagraph and sonKind(result, 1) != rnParagraph:
     result.sons[0].kind = rnInner
-proc parseSectionWrapper(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseSectionWrapper(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnInner)
   parseSection(p, result)
-  while (result.kind == rnInner) and (len(result) == 1): 
+  while (result.kind == rnInner) and (len(result) == 1):
     result = result.sons[0]
-proc `$`(t: TToken): string =
+proc `$`(t: Token): string =
   result = $t.kind & ' ' & (if isNil(t.symbol): "NIL" else: t.symbol)
-proc parseDoc(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseDoc(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = parseSectionWrapper(p)
-  if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkEof: 
+  if p.tok[p.idx].kind != tkEof:
     when false:
       assert isAllocatedPtr(cast[pointer](p.tok))
       for i in 0 .. high(p.tok):
-        assert isNil(p.tok[i].symbol) or 
+        assert isNil(p.tok[i].symbol) or
       echo "index: ", p.idx, " length: ", high(p.tok), "##",
           p.tok[p.idx-1], p.tok[p.idx], p.tok[p.idx+1]
     #assert isAllocatedPtr(cast[pointer](p.indentStack))
     rstMessage(p, meGeneralParseError)
-  TDirFlag = enum
+  DirFlag = enum
     hasArg, hasOptions, argIsFile, argIsWord
-  TDirFlags = set[TDirFlag]
-  TSectionParser = proc (p: var TRstParser): PRstNode {.nimcall.}
+  DirFlags = set[DirFlag]
+  SectionParser = proc (p: var RstParser): PRstNode {.nimcall.}
+{.deprecated: [TDirFlag: DirFlag, TDirFlags: DirFlags,
+              TSectionParser: SectionParser].}
-proc parseDirective(p: var TRstParser, flags: TDirFlags): PRstNode =
+proc parseDirective(p: var RstParser, flags: DirFlags): PRstNode =
   ## Parses arguments and options for a directive block.
   ## A directive block will always have three sons: the arguments for the
@@ -1421,55 +1432,55 @@ proc parseDirective(p: var TRstParser, flags: TDirFlags): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(rnDirective)
   var args: PRstNode = nil
   var options: PRstNode = nil
-  if hasArg in flags: 
+  if hasArg in flags:
     args = newRstNode(rnDirArg)
-    if argIsFile in flags: 
-      while true: 
+    if argIsFile in flags:
+      while true:
         case p.tok[p.idx].kind
-        of tkWord, tkOther, tkPunct, tkAdornment: 
+        of tkWord, tkOther, tkPunct, tkAdornment:
           add(args, newLeaf(p))
-        else: break 
+        else: break
     elif argIsWord in flags:
       while p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite: inc(p.idx)
-      if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWord: 
+      if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWord:
         add(args, newLeaf(p))
         args = nil
-    else: 
+    else:
       parseLine(p, args)
   add(result, args)
-  if hasOptions in flags: 
+  if hasOptions in flags:
     if (p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent) and (p.tok[p.idx].ival >= 3) and
-        (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == ":"): 
+        (p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol == ":"):
       options = parseFields(p)
   add(result, options)
-proc indFollows(p: TRstParser): bool = 
+proc indFollows(p: RstParser): bool =
   result = p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent and p.tok[p.idx].ival > currInd(p)
-proc parseDirective(p: var TRstParser, flags: TDirFlags, 
-                    contentParser: TSectionParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseDirective(p: var RstParser, flags: DirFlags,
+                    contentParser: SectionParser): PRstNode =
   ## Returns a generic rnDirective tree.
   ## The children are rnDirArg, rnFieldList and rnLineBlock. Any might be nil.
   result = parseDirective(p, flags)
-  if not isNil(contentParser) and indFollows(p): 
+  if not isNil(contentParser) and indFollows(p):
     pushInd(p, p.tok[p.idx].ival)
     var content = contentParser(p)
     add(result, content)
-  else: 
+  else:
     add(result, nil)
-proc parseDirBody(p: var TRstParser, contentParser: TSectionParser): PRstNode = 
-  if indFollows(p): 
+proc parseDirBody(p: var RstParser, contentParser: SectionParser): PRstNode =
+  if indFollows(p):
     pushInd(p, p.tok[p.idx].ival)
     result = contentParser(p)
-proc dirInclude(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc dirInclude(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   #The following options are recognized:
@@ -1490,24 +1501,24 @@ proc dirInclude(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
   var n = parseDirective(p, {hasArg, argIsFile, hasOptions}, nil)
   var filename = strip(addNodes(n.sons[0]))
   var path = p.s.findFile(filename)
-  if path == "": 
+  if path == "":
     rstMessage(p, meCannotOpenFile, filename)
-  else: 
+  else:
     # XXX: error handling; recursive file inclusion!
-    if getFieldValue(n, "literal") != "": 
+    if getFieldValue(n, "literal") != "":
       result = newRstNode(rnLiteralBlock)
       add(result, newRstNode(rnLeaf, readFile(path)))
-      var q: TRstParser
+      var q: RstParser
       initParser(q, p.s)
       q.filename = filename
-      q.col += getTokens(readFile(path), false, q.tok) 
+      q.col += getTokens(readFile(path), false, q.tok)
       # workaround a GCC bug; more like the interior pointer bug?
       #if find(q.tok[high(q.tok)].symbol, "\0\x01\x02") > 0:
       #  InternalError("Too many binary zeros in include file")
       result = parseDoc(q)
-proc dirCodeBlock(p: var TRstParser, nimrodExtension = false): PRstNode =
+proc dirCodeBlock(p: var RstParser, nimrodExtension = false): PRstNode =
   ## Parses a code block.
   ## Code blocks are rnDirective trees with a `kind` of rnCodeBlock. See the
@@ -1526,7 +1537,7 @@ proc dirCodeBlock(p: var TRstParser, nimrodExtension = false): PRstNode =
   ## file.
   result = parseDirective(p, {hasArg, hasOptions}, parseLiteralBlock)
   var filename = strip(getFieldValue(result, "file"))
-  if filename != "": 
+  if filename != "":
     var path = p.s.findFile(filename)
     if path == "": rstMessage(p, meCannotOpenFile, filename)
     var n = newRstNode(rnLiteralBlock)
@@ -1548,49 +1559,49 @@ proc dirCodeBlock(p: var TRstParser, nimrodExtension = false): PRstNode =
   result.kind = rnCodeBlock
-proc dirContainer(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc dirContainer(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = parseDirective(p, {hasArg}, parseSectionWrapper)
   assert(result.kind == rnDirective)
   assert(len(result) == 3)
   result.kind = rnContainer
-proc dirImage(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc dirImage(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = parseDirective(p, {hasOptions, hasArg, argIsFile}, nil)
   result.kind = rnImage
-proc dirFigure(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
-  result = parseDirective(p, {hasOptions, hasArg, argIsFile}, 
+proc dirFigure(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
+  result = parseDirective(p, {hasOptions, hasArg, argIsFile},
   result.kind = rnFigure
-proc dirTitle(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc dirTitle(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = parseDirective(p, {hasArg}, nil)
   result.kind = rnTitle
-proc dirContents(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc dirContents(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = parseDirective(p, {hasArg}, nil)
   result.kind = rnContents
-proc dirIndex(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc dirIndex(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = parseDirective(p, {}, parseSectionWrapper)
   result.kind = rnIndex
-proc dirRawAux(p: var TRstParser, result: var PRstNode, kind: TRstNodeKind,
-               contentParser: TSectionParser) = 
+proc dirRawAux(p: var RstParser, result: var PRstNode, kind: RstNodeKind,
+               contentParser: SectionParser) =
   var filename = getFieldValue(result, "file")
-  if filename.len > 0: 
+  if filename.len > 0:
     var path = p.s.findFile(filename)
-    if path.len == 0: 
+    if path.len == 0:
       rstMessage(p, meCannotOpenFile, filename)
-    else: 
+    else:
       var f = readFile(path)
       result = newRstNode(kind)
       add(result, newRstNode(rnLeaf, f))
-  else:      
+  else:
     result.kind = kind
     add(result, parseDirBody(p, contentParser))
-proc dirRaw(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc dirRaw(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   #The following options are recognized:
@@ -1603,19 +1614,19 @@ proc dirRaw(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
   if result.sons[0] != nil:
     if cmpIgnoreCase(result.sons[0].sons[0].text, "html") == 0:
       dirRawAux(p, result, rnRawHtml, parseLiteralBlock)
-    elif cmpIgnoreCase(result.sons[0].sons[0].text, "latex") == 0: 
+    elif cmpIgnoreCase(result.sons[0].sons[0].text, "latex") == 0:
       dirRawAux(p, result, rnRawLatex, parseLiteralBlock)
       rstMessage(p, meInvalidDirective, result.sons[0].sons[0].text)
     dirRawAux(p, result, rnRaw, parseSectionWrapper)
-proc parseDotDot(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
+proc parseDotDot(p: var RstParser): PRstNode =
   result = nil
   var col = p.tok[p.idx].col
   var d = getDirective(p)
-  if d != "": 
+  if d != "":
     pushInd(p, col)
     case getDirKind(d)
     of dkInclude: result = dirInclude(p)
@@ -1634,72 +1645,72 @@ proc parseDotDot(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
     of dkIndex: result = dirIndex(p)
     else: rstMessage(p, meInvalidDirective, d)
-  elif match(p, p.idx, " _"): 
+  elif match(p, p.idx, " _"):
     # hyperlink target:
     inc(p.idx, 2)
     var a = getReferenceName(p, ":")
     if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite: inc(p.idx)
     var b = untilEol(p)
     setRef(p, rstnodeToRefname(a), b)
-  elif match(p, p.idx, " |"): 
+  elif match(p, p.idx, " |"):
     # substitution definitions:
     inc(p.idx, 2)
     var a = getReferenceName(p, "|")
     var b: PRstNode
     if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite: inc(p.idx)
-    if cmpIgnoreStyle(p.tok[p.idx].symbol, "replace") == 0: 
+    if cmpIgnoreStyle(p.tok[p.idx].symbol, "replace") == 0:
       expect(p, "::")
       b = untilEol(p)
-    elif cmpIgnoreStyle(p.tok[p.idx].symbol, "image") == 0: 
+    elif cmpIgnoreStyle(p.tok[p.idx].symbol, "image") == 0:
       b = dirImage(p)
-    else: 
+    else:
       rstMessage(p, meInvalidDirective, p.tok[p.idx].symbol)
     setSub(p, addNodes(a), b)
-  elif match(p, p.idx, " ["): 
+  elif match(p, p.idx, " ["):
     # footnotes, citations
     inc(p.idx, 2)
     var a = getReferenceName(p, "]")
     if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkWhite: inc(p.idx)
     var b = untilEol(p)
     setRef(p, rstnodeToRefname(a), b)
-  else: 
+  else:
     result = parseComment(p)
-proc resolveSubs(p: var TRstParser, n: PRstNode): PRstNode = 
+proc resolveSubs(p: var RstParser, n: PRstNode): PRstNode =
   result = n
-  if n == nil: return 
+  if n == nil: return
   case n.kind
-  of rnSubstitutionReferences: 
+  of rnSubstitutionReferences:
     var x = findSub(p, n)
-    if x >= 0: 
+    if x >= 0:
       result = p.s.subs[x].value
-    else: 
+    else:
       var key = addNodes(n)
       var e = getEnv(key)
       if e != "": result = newRstNode(rnLeaf, e)
       else: rstMessage(p, mwUnknownSubstitution, key)
-  of rnRef: 
+  of rnRef:
     var y = findRef(p, rstnodeToRefname(n))
-    if y != nil: 
+    if y != nil:
       result = newRstNode(rnHyperlink)
       n.kind = rnInner
       add(result, n)
       add(result, y)
-  of rnLeaf: 
+  of rnLeaf:
-  of rnContents: 
+  of rnContents:
     p.hasToc = true
-  else: 
+  else:
     for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1): n.sons[i] = resolveSubs(p, n.sons[i])
 proc rstParse*(text, filename: string,
                line, column: int, hasToc: var bool,
-               options: TRstParseOptions,
-               findFile: TFindFileHandler = nil,
-               msgHandler: TMsgHandler = nil): PRstNode =
-  var p: TRstParser
+               options: RstParseOptions,
+               findFile: FindFileHandler = nil,
+               msgHandler: MsgHandler = nil): PRstNode =
+  var p: RstParser
   initParser(p, newSharedState(options, findFile, msgHandler))
   p.filename = filename
   p.line = line
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
index 614001d76..7be4470c1 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 import strutils, json
-  TRstNodeKind* = enum        ## the possible node kinds of an PRstNode
+  RstNodeKind* = enum        ## the possible node kinds of an PRstNode
     rnInner,                  # an inner node or a root
     rnHeadline,               # a headline
     rnOverline,               # an over- and underlined headline
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type
     rnField,                  # a field item
     rnFieldName,              # consisting of a field name ...
     rnFieldBody,              # ... and a field body
-    rnOptionList, rnOptionListItem, rnOptionGroup, rnOption, rnOptionString, 
+    rnOptionList, rnOptionListItem, rnOptionGroup, rnOption, rnOptionString,
     rnOptionArgument, rnDescription, rnLiteralBlock, rnQuotedLiteralBlock,
     rnLineBlock,              # the | thingie
     rnLineBlockItem,          # sons of the | thing
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ type
                               #     * `file#id <file#id>'_
     rnSubstitutionDef,        # a definition of a substitution
     rnGeneralRole,            # Inline markup:
-    rnSub, rnSup, rnIdx, 
+    rnSub, rnSup, rnIdx,
     rnEmphasis,               # "*"
     rnStrongEmphasis,         # "**"
     rnTripleEmphasis,         # "***"
@@ -62,62 +62,66 @@ type
                               # leaf val
-  PRstNode* = ref TRstNode    ## an RST node
-  TRstNodeSeq* = seq[PRstNode]
-  TRstNode* {.acyclic, final.} = object ## an RST node's description
-    kind*: TRstNodeKind       ## the node's kind
+  PRstNode* = ref RstNode    ## an RST node
+  RstNodeSeq* = seq[PRstNode]
+  RstNode* {.acyclic, final.} = object ## an RST node's description
+    kind*: RstNodeKind       ## the node's kind
     text*: string             ## valid for leafs in the AST; and the title of
                               ## the document or the section
     level*: int               ## valid for some node kinds
-    sons*: TRstNodeSeq        ## the node's sons
+    sons*: RstNodeSeq        ## the node's sons
+{.deprecated: [TRstNodeKind: RstNodeKind, TRstNodeSeq: RstNodeSeq,
+              TRstNode: RstNode].}
-proc len*(n: PRstNode): int = 
+proc len*(n: PRstNode): int =
   result = len(n.sons)
-proc newRstNode*(kind: TRstNodeKind): PRstNode = 
+proc newRstNode*(kind: RstNodeKind): PRstNode =
   result.sons = @[]
   result.kind = kind
-proc newRstNode*(kind: TRstNodeKind, s: string): PRstNode = 
+proc newRstNode*(kind: RstNodeKind, s: string): PRstNode =
   result = newRstNode(kind)
   result.text = s
-proc lastSon*(n: PRstNode): PRstNode = 
+proc lastSon*(n: PRstNode): PRstNode =
   result = n.sons[len(n.sons)-1]
 proc add*(father, son: PRstNode) =
   add(father.sons, son)
-proc addIfNotNil*(father, son: PRstNode) = 
+proc addIfNotNil*(father, son: PRstNode) =
   if son != nil: add(father, son)
-  TRenderContext {.pure.} = object
+  RenderContext {.pure.} = object
     indent: int
     verbatim: int
+{.deprecated: [TRenderContext: RenderContext].}
-proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string)
+proc renderRstToRst(d: var RenderContext, n: PRstNode,
+                    result: var string) {.gcsafe.}
-proc renderRstSons(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) = 
-  for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1): 
+proc renderRstSons(d: var RenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
+  for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1):
     renderRstToRst(d, n.sons[i], result)
-proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
+proc renderRstToRst(d: var RenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   # this is needed for the index generation; it may also be useful for
   # debugging, but most code is already debugged...
-  const 
+  const
     lvlToChar: array[0..8, char] = ['!', '=', '-', '~', '`', '<', '*', '|', '+']
   if n == nil: return
   var ind = spaces(d.indent)
   case n.kind
-  of rnInner: 
+  of rnInner:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
   of rnHeadline:
     let oldLen = result.len
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
     let headlineLen = result.len - oldLen
@@ -131,16 +135,16 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     var headline = ""
     renderRstSons(d, n, headline)
     let lvl = repeat(lvlToChar[n.level], headline.len - d.indent)
-  of rnTransition: 
+  of rnTransition:
     result.add repeat('-', 78-d.indent)
@@ -149,11 +153,11 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnBulletItem: 
+  of rnBulletItem:
     inc(d.indent, 2)
     var tmp = ""
     renderRstSons(d, n, tmp)
-    if tmp.len > 0: 
+    if tmp.len > 0:
       result.add("* ")
@@ -163,22 +167,22 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     inc(d.indent, 4)
     var tmp = ""
     renderRstSons(d, n, tmp)
-    if tmp.len > 0: 
+    if tmp.len > 0:
       result.add("(#) ")
     dec(d.indent, 4)
-  of rnOptionList, rnFieldList, rnDefList, rnDefItem, rnLineBlock, rnFieldName, 
-     rnFieldBody, rnStandaloneHyperlink, rnBulletList, rnEnumList: 
+  of rnOptionList, rnFieldList, rnDefList, rnDefItem, rnLineBlock, rnFieldName,
+     rnFieldBody, rnStandaloneHyperlink, rnBulletList, rnEnumList:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnDefName: 
+  of rnDefName:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
   of rnDefBody:
     inc(d.indent, 2)
-    if n.sons[0].kind != rnBulletList: 
+    if n.sons[0].kind != rnBulletList:
       result.add("  ")
@@ -187,10 +191,10 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   of rnField:
     var tmp = ""
     renderRstToRst(d, n.sons[0], tmp)
     var L = max(tmp.len + 3, 30)
     inc(d.indent, L)
     result.add "\n"
     result.add ind
     result.add ':'
@@ -198,9 +202,9 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     result.add ':'
     result.add spaces(L - tmp.len - 2)
     renderRstToRst(d, n.sons[1], result)
     dec(d.indent, L)
-  of rnLineBlockItem: 
+  of rnLineBlockItem:
     result.add("| ")
@@ -209,11 +213,11 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     inc(d.indent, 2)
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
     dec(d.indent, 2)
-  of rnRef: 
+  of rnRef:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnHyperlink: 
+  of rnHyperlink:
     renderRstToRst(d, n.sons[0], result)
     result.add(" <")
@@ -225,23 +229,23 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     renderRstToRst(d, n.sons[1],result)
-  of rnSub: 
+  of rnSub:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnSup: 
+  of rnSup:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnIdx: 
+  of rnIdx:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnEmphasis: 
+  of rnEmphasis:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnStrongEmphasis: 
+  of rnStrongEmphasis:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
@@ -249,11 +253,11 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnInterpretedText: 
+  of rnInterpretedText:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
-  of rnInlineLiteral: 
+  of rnInlineLiteral:
     renderRstSons(d, n, result)
@@ -266,11 +270,11 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
       result.add("\\\\") # XXX: escape more special characters!
-  of rnIndex: 
+  of rnIndex:
     result.add(".. index::\n")
     inc(d.indent, 3)
     if n.sons[2] != nil: renderRstSons(d, n.sons[2], result)
     dec(d.indent, 3)
@@ -280,10 +284,10 @@ proc renderRstToRst(d: var TRenderContext, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     result.add(".. contents::")
     result.add("Error: cannot render: " & $n.kind)
 proc renderRstToRst*(n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   ## renders `n` into its string representation and appends to `result`.
-  var d: TRenderContext
+  var d: RenderContext
   renderRstToRst(d, n, result)
 proc renderRstToJsonNode(node: PRstNode): JsonNode =
@@ -302,7 +306,7 @@ proc renderRstToJsonNode(node: PRstNode): JsonNode =
 proc renderRstToJson*(node: PRstNode): string =
   ## Writes the given RST node as JSON that is in the form
-  ## :: 
+  ## ::
   ##   {
   ##     "kind":string node.kind,
   ##     "text":optional string node.text,
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
index da05be9bf..83e1b8b9f 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## document you provide yourself, so it won't contain the usual ``<header>`` or
 ## ``<body>`` parts.
-## You can also create a ``TRstGenerator`` structure and populate it with the
+## You can also create a ``RstGenerator`` structure and populate it with the
 ## other lower level methods to finally build complete documents. This requires
 ## many options and tweaking, but you are not limited to snippets and can
 ## generate `LaTeX documents <>`_ too.
@@ -31,44 +31,46 @@ const
   IndexExt* = ".idx"
-  TOutputTarget* = enum ## which document type to generate
+  OutputTarget* = enum ## which document type to generate
     outHtml,            # output is HTML
     outLatex            # output is Latex
-  TTocEntry = object 
+  TocEntry = object
     n*: PRstNode
     refname*, header*: string
-  TMetaEnum* = enum 
+  MetaEnum* = enum
     metaNone, metaTitle, metaSubtitle, metaAuthor, metaVersion
-  TRstGenerator* = object of RootObj
-    target*: TOutputTarget
+  RstGenerator* = object of RootObj
+    target*: OutputTarget
     config*: StringTableRef
     splitAfter*: int          # split too long entries in the TOC
-    tocPart*: seq[TTocEntry]
+    listingCounter: int
+    tocPart*: seq[TocEntry]
     hasToc*: bool
     theIndex: string # Contents of the index file to be dumped at the end.
-    options*: TRstParseOptions
-    findFile*: TFindFileHandler
-    msgHandler*: TMsgHandler
+    options*: RstParseOptions
+    findFile*: FindFileHandler
+    msgHandler*: MsgHandler
     filename*: string
-    meta*: array[TMetaEnum, string]
+    meta*: array[MetaEnum, string]
     currentSection: string ## \
     ## Stores the empty string or the last headline/overline found in the rst
     ## document, so it can be used as a prettier name for term index generation.
     seenIndexTerms: Table[string, int] ## \
     ## Keeps count of same text index terms to generate different identifiers
     ## for hyperlinks. See renderIndexTerm proc for details.
-  PDoc = var TRstGenerator ## Alias to type less.
+  PDoc = var RstGenerator ## Alias to type less.
   CodeBlockParams = object ## Stores code block params.
     numberLines: bool ## True if the renderer has to show line numbers.
     startLine: int ## The starting line of the code block, by default 1.
     langStr: string ## Input string used to specify the language.
-    lang: TSourceLanguage ## Type of highlighting, by default none.
+    lang: SourceLanguage ## Type of highlighting, by default none.
+{.deprecated: [TRstGenerator: RstGenerator, TTocEntry: TocEntry,
+              TOutputTarget: OutputTarget, TMetaEnum: MetaEnum].}
 proc init(p: var CodeBlockParams) =
   ## Default initialisation of CodeBlockParams to sane values.
@@ -76,14 +78,14 @@ proc init(p: var CodeBlockParams) =
   p.lang = langNone
   p.langStr = ""
-proc initRstGenerator*(g: var TRstGenerator, target: TOutputTarget,
+proc initRstGenerator*(g: var RstGenerator, target: OutputTarget,
                        config: StringTableRef, filename: string,
-                       options: TRstParseOptions,
-                       findFile: TFindFileHandler=nil,
-                       msgHandler: TMsgHandler=nil) =
-  ## Initializes a ``TRstGenerator``.
+                       options: RstParseOptions,
+                       findFile: FindFileHandler=nil,
+                       msgHandler: MsgHandler=nil) =
+  ## Initializes a ``RstGenerator``.
-  ## You need to call this before using a ``TRstGenerator`` with any other
+  ## You need to call this before using a ``RstGenerator`` with any other
   ## procs in this module. Pass a non ``nil`` ``StringTableRef`` value as
   ## `config` with parameters used by the HTML output generator.  If you don't
   ## know what to use, pass the results of the `defaultConfig()
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ proc initRstGenerator*(g: var TRstGenerator, target: TOutputTarget,
   ## filename``.  This default title can be overriden by the embedded rst, but
   ## it helps to prettify the generated index if no title is found.
-  ## The ``TRstParseOptions``, ``TFindFileHandler`` and ``TMsgHandler`` types
+  ## The ``RstParseOptions``, ``FindFileHandler`` and ``MsgHandler`` types
   ## are defined in the the `packages/docutils/rst module <rst.html>`_.
   ## ``options`` selects the behaviour of the rst parser.
@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ proc initRstGenerator*(g: var TRstGenerator, target: TOutputTarget,
   ##   import packages/docutils/rstgen
-  ##   var gen: TRstGenerator
+  ##   var gen: RstGenerator
   ##   gen.initRstGenerator(outHtml, defaultConfig(), "filename", {})
   g.config = config = target
@@ -136,34 +138,34 @@ proc initRstGenerator*(g: var TRstGenerator, target: TOutputTarget,
     g.currentSection = "Module " &
   g.seenIndexTerms = initTable[string, int]()
   g.msgHandler = msgHandler
   let s = config["split.item.toc"]
   if s != "": g.splitAfter = parseInt(s)
   for i in low(g.meta)..high(g.meta): g.meta[i] = ""
-proc writeIndexFile*(g: var TRstGenerator, outfile: string) =
+proc writeIndexFile*(g: var RstGenerator, outfile: string) =
   ## Writes the current index buffer to the specified output file.
   ## You previously need to add entries to the index with the `setIndexTerm()
   ## <#setIndexTerm>`_ proc. If the index is empty the file won't be created.
   if g.theIndex.len > 0: writeFile(outfile, g.theIndex)
-proc addXmlChar(dest: var string, c: char) = 
+proc addXmlChar(dest: var string, c: char) =
   case c
   of '&': add(dest, "&amp;")
   of '<': add(dest, "&lt;")
   of '>': add(dest, "&gt;")
   of '\"': add(dest, "&quot;")
   else: add(dest, c)
-proc addRtfChar(dest: var string, c: char) = 
+proc addRtfChar(dest: var string, c: char) =
   case c
   of '{': add(dest, "\\{")
   of '}': add(dest, "\\}")
   of '\\': add(dest, "\\\\")
   else: add(dest, c)
-proc addTexChar(dest: var string, c: char) = 
+proc addTexChar(dest: var string, c: char) =
   case c
   of '_': add(dest, "\\_")
   of '{': add(dest, "\\symbol{123}")
@@ -183,61 +185,61 @@ proc addTexChar(dest: var string, c: char) =
 var splitter*: string = "<wbr />"
-proc escChar*(target: TOutputTarget, dest: var string, c: char) {.inline.} = 
+proc escChar*(target: OutputTarget, dest: var string, c: char) {.inline.} =
   case target
   of outHtml:  addXmlChar(dest, c)
   of outLatex: addTexChar(dest, c)
-proc nextSplitPoint*(s: string, start: int): int = 
+proc nextSplitPoint*(s: string, start: int): int =
   result = start
-  while result < len(s) + 0: 
+  while result < len(s) + 0:
     case s[result]
-    of '_': return 
-    of 'a'..'z': 
-      if result + 1 < len(s) + 0: 
-        if s[result + 1] in {'A'..'Z'}: return 
+    of '_': return
+    of 'a'..'z':
+      if result + 1 < len(s) + 0:
+        if s[result + 1] in {'A'..'Z'}: return
     else: discard
   dec(result)                 # last valid index
-proc esc*(target: TOutputTarget, s: string, splitAfter = -1): string = 
+proc esc*(target: OutputTarget, s: string, splitAfter = -1): string =
   result = ""
-  if splitAfter >= 0: 
+  if splitAfter >= 0:
     var partLen = 0
     var j = 0
-    while j < len(s): 
+    while j < len(s):
       var k = nextSplitPoint(s, j)
-      if (splitter != " ") or (partLen + k - j + 1 > splitAfter): 
+      if (splitter != " ") or (partLen + k - j + 1 > splitAfter):
         partLen = 0
         add(result, splitter)
       for i in countup(j, k): escChar(target, result, s[i])
       inc(partLen, k - j + 1)
       j = k + 1
-  else: 
+  else:
     for i in countup(0, len(s) - 1): escChar(target, result, s[i])
-proc disp(target: TOutputTarget, xml, tex: string): string =
-  if target != outLatex: result = xml 
+proc disp(target: OutputTarget, xml, tex: string): string =
+  if target != outLatex: result = xml
   else: result = tex
-proc dispF(target: TOutputTarget, xml, tex: string, 
-           args: varargs[string]): string = 
-  if target != outLatex: result = xml % args 
+proc dispF(target: OutputTarget, xml, tex: string,
+           args: varargs[string]): string =
+  if target != outLatex: result = xml % args
   else: result = tex % args
-proc dispA(target: TOutputTarget, dest: var string, 
+proc dispA(target: OutputTarget, dest: var string,
            xml, tex: string, args: varargs[string]) =
   if target != outLatex: addf(dest, xml, args)
   else: addf(dest, tex, args)
 proc `or`(x, y: string): string {.inline.} =
   result = if x.isNil: y else: x
-proc renderRstToOut*(d: var TRstGenerator, n: PRstNode, result: var string)
+proc renderRstToOut*(d: var RstGenerator, n: PRstNode, result: var string)
   ## Writes into ``result`` the rst ast ``n`` using the ``d`` configuration.
-  ## Before using this proc you need to initialise a ``TRstGenerator`` with
+  ## Before using this proc you need to initialise a ``RstGenerator`` with
   ## ``initRstGenerator`` and parse a rst file with ``rstParse`` from the
   ## `packages/docutils/rst module <rst.html>`_. Example:
@@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ proc renderRstToOut*(d: var TRstGenerator, n: PRstNode, result: var string)
   ##   renderRstToOut(gen, rst, generatedHTML)
   ##   echo generatedHTML
-proc renderAux(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) = 
+proc renderAux(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   for i in countup(0, len(n)-1): renderRstToOut(d, n.sons[i], result)
 proc renderAux(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, frmtA, frmtB: string, result: var string) =
@@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ proc unquoteIndexColumn(text: string): string =
   ## Returns the unquoted version generated by ``quoteIndexColumn``.
   result = text.replace("\\t", "\t").replace("\\n", "\n").replace("\\\\", "\\")
-proc setIndexTerm*(d: var TRstGenerator, id, term: string,
+proc setIndexTerm*(d: var RstGenerator, id, term: string,
                    linkTitle, linkDesc = "") =
   ## Adds a `term` to the index using the specified hyperlink identifier.
@@ -347,34 +349,34 @@ proc renderIndexTerm*(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   var term = ""
   renderAux(d, n, term)
   setIndexTerm(d, id, term, d.currentSection)
-  dispA(, result, "<span id=\"$1\">$2</span>", "$2\\label{$1}", 
+  dispA(, result, "<span id=\"$1\">$2</span>", "$2\\label{$1}",
         [id, term])
-  TIndexEntry = object
+  IndexEntry = object
     keyword: string
     link: string
     linkTitle: string ## If not nil, contains a prettier text for the href
     linkDesc: string ## If not nil, the title attribute of the final href
-  TIndexedDocs = Table[TIndexEntry, seq[TIndexEntry]] ## \
+  IndexedDocs = Table[IndexEntry, seq[IndexEntry]] ## \
     ## Contains the index sequences for doc types.
-    ## The key is a *fake* TIndexEntry which will contain the title of the
+    ## The key is a *fake* IndexEntry which will contain the title of the
     ## document in the `keyword` field and `link` will contain the html
     ## filename for the document. `linkTitle` and `linkDesc` will be nil.
-    ## The value indexed by this TIndexEntry is a sequence with the real index
+    ## The value indexed by this IndexEntry is a sequence with the real index
     ## entries found in the ``.idx`` file.
+{.deprecated: [TIndexEntry: IndexEntry, TIndexedDocs: IndexedDocs].}
-proc cmp(a, b: TIndexEntry): int =
-  ## Sorts two ``TIndexEntry`` first by `keyword` field, then by `link`.
+proc cmp(a, b: IndexEntry): int =
+  ## Sorts two ``IndexEntry`` first by `keyword` field, then by `link`.
   result = cmpIgnoreStyle(a.keyword, b.keyword)
   if result == 0:
     result = cmpIgnoreStyle(,
-proc hash(x: TIndexEntry): THash =
+proc hash(x: IndexEntry): Hash =
   ## Returns the hash for the combined fields of the type.
   ## The hash is computed as the chained hash of the individual string hashes.
@@ -385,7 +387,7 @@ proc hash(x: TIndexEntry): THash =
   result = result !& (x.linkDesc or "").hash
   result = !$result
-proc `<-`(a: var TIndexEntry, b: TIndexEntry) =
+proc `<-`(a: var IndexEntry, b: IndexEntry) =
   shallowCopy a.keyword, b.keyword
   if b.linkTitle.isNil: a.linkTitle = nil
@@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ proc `<-`(a: var TIndexEntry, b: TIndexEntry) =
   if b.linkDesc.isNil: a.linkDesc = nil
   else: shallowCopy a.linkDesc, b.linkDesc
-proc sortIndex(a: var openArray[TIndexEntry]) =
+proc sortIndex(a: var openArray[IndexEntry]) =
   # we use shellsort here; fast and simple
   let n = len(a)
   var h = 1
@@ -403,7 +405,7 @@ proc sortIndex(a: var openArray[TIndexEntry]) =
   while true:
     h = h div 3
     for i in countup(h, n - 1):
-      var v: TIndexEntry
+      var v: IndexEntry
       v <- a[i]
       var j = i
       while cmp(a[j-h], v) >= 0:
@@ -413,7 +415,7 @@ proc sortIndex(a: var openArray[TIndexEntry]) =
       a[j] <- v
     if h == 1: break
-proc generateSymbolIndex(symbols: seq[TIndexEntry]): string =
+proc generateSymbolIndex(symbols: seq[IndexEntry]): string =
   result = ""
   var i = 0
   while i < symbols.len:
@@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ proc indentToLevel(level: var int, newLevel: int): string =
     result = repeat("</ul>", level - newLevel)
   level = newLevel
-proc generateDocumentationTOC(entries: seq[TIndexEntry]): string =
+proc generateDocumentationTOC(entries: seq[IndexEntry]): string =
   ## Returns the sequence of index entries in an HTML hierarchical list.
   result = ""
   # Build a list of levels and extracted titles to make processing easier.
@@ -507,12 +509,12 @@ proc generateDocumentationTOC(entries: seq[TIndexEntry]): string =
   assert(not titleRef.isNil,
     "Can't use this proc on an API index, docs always have a title entry")
-proc generateDocumentationIndex(docs: TIndexedDocs): string =
+proc generateDocumentationIndex(docs: IndexedDocs): string =
   ## Returns all the documentation TOCs in an HTML hierarchical list.
   result = ""
   # Sort the titles to generate their toc in alphabetical order.
-  var titles = toSeq(keys[TIndexEntry, seq[TIndexEntry]](docs))
+  var titles = toSeq(keys[IndexEntry, seq[IndexEntry]](docs))
   sort(titles, cmp)
   for title in titles:
@@ -520,12 +522,12 @@ proc generateDocumentationIndex(docs: TIndexedDocs): string =
     result.add("<ul><li><a href=\"" & & "\">" & title.keyword & "</a>\n" & tocList & "</ul>\n")
-proc generateDocumentationJumps(docs: TIndexedDocs): string =
+proc generateDocumentationJumps(docs: IndexedDocs): string =
   ## Returns a plain list of hyperlinks to documentation TOCs in HTML.
   result = "Documents: "
   # Sort the titles to generate their toc in alphabetical order.
-  var titles = toSeq(keys[TIndexEntry, seq[TIndexEntry]](docs))
+  var titles = toSeq(keys[IndexEntry, seq[IndexEntry]](docs))
   sort(titles, cmp)
   var chunks: seq[string] = @[]
@@ -545,14 +547,14 @@ proc generateModuleJumps(modules: seq[string]): string =
   result.add(chunks.join(", ") & ".<br>")
 proc readIndexDir(dir: string):
-    tuple[modules: seq[string], symbols: seq[TIndexEntry], docs: TIndexedDocs] =
-  ## Walks `dir` reading ``.idx`` files converting them in TIndexEntry items.
+    tuple[modules: seq[string], symbols: seq[IndexEntry], docs: IndexedDocs] =
+  ## Walks `dir` reading ``.idx`` files converting them in IndexEntry items.
   ## Returns the list of found module names, the list of free symbol entries
   ## and the different documentation indexes. The list of modules is sorted.
   ## See the documentation of ``mergeIndexes`` for details.
   result.modules = @[]
- = initTable[TIndexEntry, seq[TIndexEntry]](32)
+ = initTable[IndexEntry, seq[IndexEntry]](32)
   newSeq(result.symbols, 15_000)
   setLen(result.symbols, 0)
   var L = 0
@@ -560,8 +562,8 @@ proc readIndexDir(dir: string):
   for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
     if kind == pcFile and path.endsWith(IndexExt):
-        fileEntries: seq[TIndexEntry]
-        title: TIndexEntry
+        fileEntries: seq[IndexEntry]
+        title: IndexEntry
         F = 0
       newSeq(fileEntries, 500)
       setLen(fileEntries, 0)
@@ -656,13 +658,13 @@ proc mergeIndexes*(dir: string): string =
     result.add("<h2>API symbols</h2>\n")
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc stripTOCHTML(s: string): string =
   ## Ugly quick hack to remove HTML tags from TOC titles.
-  ## A TTocEntry.header field already contains rendered HTML tags. Instead of
+  ## A TocEntry.header field already contains rendered HTML tags. Instead of
   ## implementing a proper version of renderRstToOut() which recursively
   ## renders an rst tree to plain text, we simply remove text found between
   ## angled brackets. Given the limited possibilities of rst inside TOC titles
@@ -677,7 +679,7 @@ proc stripTOCHTML(s: string): string =
     result.delete(first, last)
     first = result.find('<', first)
-proc renderHeadline(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) = 
+proc renderHeadline(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   var tmp = ""
   for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1): renderRstToOut(d, n.sons[i], tmp)
   d.currentSection = tmp
@@ -700,9 +702,9 @@ proc renderHeadline(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
       "id=\"$2\" href=\"#$2\">$3</a></h$1>", "\\rsth$4{$3}\\label{$2}\n",
       [$n.level, d.tocPart[length].refname, tmp, $chr(n.level - 1 + ord('A'))])
-    dispA(, result, "\n<h$1 id=\"$2\">$3</h$1>", 
+    dispA(, result, "\n<h$1 id=\"$2\">$3</h$1>",
                             "\\rsth$4{$3}\\label{$2}\n", [
-        $n.level, refname, tmp, 
+        $n.level, refname, tmp,
         $chr(n.level - 1 + ord('A'))])
   # Generate index entry using spaces to indicate TOC level for the output HTML.
@@ -710,7 +712,7 @@ proc renderHeadline(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   setIndexTerm(d, refname, tmp.stripTOCHTML,
     spaces(max(0, n.level)) & tmp)
-proc renderOverline(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) = 
+proc renderOverline(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   if d.meta[metaTitle].len == 0:
     for i in countup(0, len(n)-1):
       renderRstToOut(d, n.sons[i], d.meta[metaTitle])
@@ -723,17 +725,17 @@ proc renderOverline(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
     var tmp = ""
     for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1): renderRstToOut(d, n.sons[i], tmp)
     d.currentSection = tmp
-    dispA(, result, "<h$1 id=\"$2\"><center>$3</center></h$1>", 
+    dispA(, result, "<h$1 id=\"$2\"><center>$3</center></h$1>",
                    "\\rstov$4{$3}\\label{$2}\n", [$n.level,
         rstnodeToRefname(n), tmp, $chr(n.level - 1 + ord('A'))])
-proc renderTocEntry(d: PDoc, e: TTocEntry, result: var string) = 
+proc renderTocEntry(d: PDoc, e: TocEntry, result: var string) =
   dispA(, result,
-    "<li><a class=\"reference\" id=\"$1_toc\" href=\"#$1\">$2</a></li>\n", 
+    "<li><a class=\"reference\" id=\"$1_toc\" href=\"#$1\">$2</a></li>\n",
     "\\item\\label{$1_toc} $2\\ref{$1}\n", [e.refname, e.header])
-proc renderTocEntries*(d: var TRstGenerator, j: var int, lvl: int,
+proc renderTocEntries*(d: var RstGenerator, j: var int, lvl: int,
                        result: var string) =
   var tmp = ""
   while j <= high(d.tocPart):
@@ -753,39 +755,39 @@ proc renderTocEntries*(d: var TRstGenerator, j: var int, lvl: int,
 proc renderImage(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   template valid(s): expr =
-    s.len > 0 and allCharsInSet(s, {'/',':','%','_','\\','\128'..'\xFF'} +
+    s.len > 0 and allCharsInSet(s, {'.','/',':','%','_','\\','\128'..'\xFF'} +
                                    Digits + Letters + WhiteSpace)
   var options = ""
   var s = getFieldValue(n, "scale")
   if s.valid: dispA(, options, " scale=\"$1\"", " scale=$1", [strip(s)])
   s = getFieldValue(n, "height")
   if s.valid: dispA(, options, " height=\"$1\"", " height=$1", [strip(s)])
   s = getFieldValue(n, "width")
   if s.valid: dispA(, options, " width=\"$1\"", " width=$1", [strip(s)])
   s = getFieldValue(n, "alt")
   if s.valid: dispA(, options, " alt=\"$1\"", "", [strip(s)])
   s = getFieldValue(n, "align")
   if s.valid: dispA(, options, " align=\"$1\"", "", [strip(s)])
   if options.len > 0: options = dispF(, "$1", "[$1]", [options])
   let arg = getArgument(n)
   if arg.valid:
-    dispA(, result, "<img src=\"$1\"$2 />", "\\includegraphics$2{$1}", 
+    dispA(, result, "<img src=\"$1\"$2 />", "\\includegraphics$2{$1}",
           [arg, options])
   if len(n) >= 3: renderRstToOut(d, n.sons[2], result)
 proc renderSmiley(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   dispA(, result,
-    """<img src="$1" width="15" 
+    """<img src="$1" width="15"
         height="17" hspace="2" vspace="2" class="smiley" />""",
     "\\includegraphics{$1}", [d.config["doc.smiley_format"] % n.text])
 proc parseCodeBlockField(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, params: var CodeBlockParams) =
   ## Parses useful fields which can appear before a code block.
@@ -831,7 +833,7 @@ proc parseCodeBlockParams(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode): CodeBlockParams =
   if result.langStr != "":
     result.lang = getSourceLanguage(result.langStr)
-proc buildLinesHTMLTable(params: CodeBlockParams, code: string):
+proc buildLinesHTMLTable(d: PDoc; params: CodeBlockParams, code: string):
     tuple[beginTable, endTable: string] =
   ## Returns the necessary tags to start/end a code block in HTML.
@@ -839,20 +841,24 @@ proc buildLinesHTMLTable(params: CodeBlockParams, code: string):
   ## <pre> pair. Otherwise it will build a table and insert an initial column
   ## with all the line numbers, which requires you to pass the `code` to detect
   ## how many lines have to be generated (and starting at which point!).
+  inc d.listingCounter
+  let id = $d.listingCounter
   if not params.numberLines:
-    result = ("<pre>", "</pre>")
+    result = (d.config["doc.listing_start"] % id,
+              d.config["doc.listing_end"] % id)
   var codeLines = 1 + code.strip.countLines
   assert codeLines > 0
-  result.beginTable = """<table class="line-nums-table"><tbody><tr><td class="blob-line-nums"><pre>"""
+  result.beginTable = """<table class="line-nums-table"><tbody><tr><td class="blob-line-nums"><pre class="line-nums">"""
   var line = params.startLine
   while codeLines > 0:
     result.beginTable.add($line & "\n")
-  result.beginTable.add("</pre></td><td><pre>")
-  result.endTable = "</pre></td></tr></tbody></table>"
+  result.beginTable.add("</pre></td><td>" & (d.config["doc.listing_start"] % id))
+  result.endTable = (d.config["doc.listing_end"] % id) &
+      "</td></tr></tbody></table>" & (d.config["doc.listing_button"] % id)
 proc renderCodeBlock(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   ## Renders a code block, appending it to `result`.
@@ -870,7 +876,7 @@ proc renderCodeBlock(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   var m = n.sons[2].sons[0]
   assert m.kind == rnLeaf
-  let (blockStart, blockEnd) = params.buildLinesHTMLTable(m.text)
+  let (blockStart, blockEnd) = buildLinesHTMLTable(d, params, m.text)
   dispA(, result, blockStart, "\\begin{rstpre}\n", [])
   if params.lang == langNone:
@@ -878,13 +884,13 @@ proc renderCodeBlock(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
       d.msgHandler(d.filename, 1, 0, mwUnsupportedLanguage, params.langStr)
     for letter in m.text: escChar(, result, letter)
-    var g: TGeneralTokenizer
+    var g: GeneralTokenizer
     initGeneralTokenizer(g, m.text)
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       getNextToken(g, params.lang)
       case g.kind
-      of gtEof: break 
-      of gtNone, gtWhitespace: 
+      of gtEof: break
+      of gtNone, gtWhitespace:
         add(result, substr(m.text, g.start, g.length + g.start - 1))
         dispA(, result, "<span class=\"$2\">$1</span>", "\\span$2{$1}", [
@@ -893,36 +899,36 @@ proc renderCodeBlock(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   dispA(, result, blockEnd, "\n\\end{rstpre}\n")
-proc renderContainer(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) = 
+proc renderContainer(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   var tmp = ""
   renderRstToOut(d, n.sons[2], tmp)
   var arg = strip(getArgument(n))
-  if arg == "": 
+  if arg == "":
     dispA(, result, "<div>$1</div>", "$1", [tmp])
     dispA(, result, "<div class=\"$1\">$2</div>", "$2", [arg, tmp])
-proc texColumns(n: PRstNode): string = 
+proc texColumns(n: PRstNode): string =
   result = ""
   for i in countup(1, len(n)): add(result, "|X")
-proc renderField(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) = 
+proc renderField(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   var b = false
-  if == outLatex: 
+  if == outLatex:
     var fieldname = addNodes(n.sons[0])
     var fieldval = esc(, strip(addNodes(n.sons[1])))
-    if cmpIgnoreStyle(fieldname, "author") == 0 or 
+    if cmpIgnoreStyle(fieldname, "author") == 0 or
        cmpIgnoreStyle(fieldname, "authors") == 0:
       if d.meta[metaAuthor].len == 0:
         d.meta[metaAuthor] = fieldval
         b = true
-    elif cmpIgnoreStyle(fieldname, "version") == 0: 
+    elif cmpIgnoreStyle(fieldname, "version") == 0:
       if d.meta[metaVersion].len == 0:
         d.meta[metaVersion] = fieldval
         b = true
   if not b:
     renderAux(d, n, "<tr>$1</tr>\n", "$1", result)
 proc renderRstToOut(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   if n == nil: return
   case n.kind
@@ -947,54 +953,54 @@ proc renderRstToOut(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   of rnDefBody: renderAux(d, n, "<dd>$1</dd>\n", "$1\n", result)
   of rnFieldList:
     var tmp = ""
-    for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1): 
+    for i in countup(0, len(n) - 1):
       renderRstToOut(d, n.sons[i], tmp)
-    if tmp.len != 0: 
+    if tmp.len != 0:
       dispA(, result,
           "<table class=\"docinfo\" frame=\"void\" rules=\"none\">" &
           "<col class=\"docinfo-name\" />" &
-          "<col class=\"docinfo-content\" />" & 
+          "<col class=\"docinfo-content\" />" &
           "<tbody valign=\"top\">$1" &
-          "</tbody></table>", 
-          "\\begin{description}$1\\end{description}\n", 
+          "</tbody></table>",
+          "\\begin{description}$1\\end{description}\n",
   of rnField: renderField(d, n, result)
-  of rnFieldName: 
+  of rnFieldName:
     renderAux(d, n, "<th class=\"docinfo-name\">$1:</th>",
                     "\\item[$1:]", result)
-  of rnFieldBody: 
+  of rnFieldBody:
     renderAux(d, n, "<td>$1</td>", " $1\n", result)
-  of rnIndex: 
+  of rnIndex:
     renderRstToOut(d, n.sons[2], result)
-  of rnOptionList: 
-    renderAux(d, n, "<table frame=\"void\">$1</table>", 
+  of rnOptionList:
+    renderAux(d, n, "<table frame=\"void\">$1</table>",
       "\\begin{description}\n$1\\end{description}\n", result)
-  of rnOptionListItem: 
+  of rnOptionListItem:
     renderAux(d, n, "<tr>$1</tr>\n", "$1", result)
-  of rnOptionGroup: 
+  of rnOptionGroup:
     renderAux(d, n, "<th align=\"left\">$1</th>", "\\item[$1]", result)
-  of rnDescription: 
+  of rnDescription:
     renderAux(d, n, "<td align=\"left\">$1</td>\n", " $1\n", result)
-  of rnOption, rnOptionString, rnOptionArgument: 
+  of rnOption, rnOptionString, rnOptionArgument:
     doAssert false, "renderRstToOut"
   of rnLiteralBlock:
-    renderAux(d, n, "<pre>$1</pre>\n", 
+    renderAux(d, n, "<pre>$1</pre>\n",
                     "\\begin{rstpre}\n$1\n\\end{rstpre}\n", result)
-  of rnQuotedLiteralBlock: 
+  of rnQuotedLiteralBlock:
     doAssert false, "renderRstToOut"
-  of rnLineBlock: 
+  of rnLineBlock:
     renderAux(d, n, "<p>$1</p>", "$1\n\n", result)
-  of rnLineBlockItem: 
+  of rnLineBlockItem:
     renderAux(d, n, "$1<br />", "$1\\\\\n", result)
-  of rnBlockQuote: 
-    renderAux(d, n, "<blockquote><p>$1</p></blockquote>\n", 
+  of rnBlockQuote:
+    renderAux(d, n, "<blockquote><p>$1</p></blockquote>\n",
                     "\\begin{quote}$1\\end{quote}\n", result)
-  of rnTable, rnGridTable: 
-    renderAux(d, n, 
-      "<table border=\"1\" class=\"docutils\">$1</table>", 
+  of rnTable, rnGridTable:
+    renderAux(d, n,
+      "<table border=\"1\" class=\"docutils\">$1</table>",
       "\\begin{table}\\begin{rsttab}{" &
         texColumns(n) & "|}\n\\hline\n$1\\end{rsttab}\\end{table}", result)
-  of rnTableRow: 
+  of rnTableRow:
     if len(n) >= 1:
       if == outLatex:
         #var tmp = ""
@@ -1007,25 +1013,25 @@ proc renderRstToOut(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
         renderAux(d, n, result)
-  of rnTableDataCell: 
+  of rnTableDataCell:
     renderAux(d, n, "<td>$1</td>", "$1", result)
-  of rnTableHeaderCell: 
+  of rnTableHeaderCell:
     renderAux(d, n, "<th>$1</th>", "\\textbf{$1}", result)
-  of rnLabel: 
+  of rnLabel:
     doAssert false, "renderRstToOut" # used for footnotes and other
-  of rnFootnote: 
+  of rnFootnote:
     doAssert false, "renderRstToOut" # a footnote
-  of rnCitation: 
+  of rnCitation:
     doAssert false, "renderRstToOut" # similar to footnote
-  of rnRef: 
+  of rnRef:
     var tmp = ""
     renderAux(d, n, tmp)
     dispA(, result,
       "<a class=\"reference external\" href=\"#$2\">$1</a>",
       "$1\\ref{$2}", [tmp, rstnodeToRefname(n)])
-  of rnStandaloneHyperlink: 
-    renderAux(d, n, 
-      "<a class=\"reference external\" href=\"$1\">$1</a>", 
+  of rnStandaloneHyperlink:
+    renderAux(d, n,
+      "<a class=\"reference external\" href=\"$1\">$1</a>",
       "\\href{$1}{$1}", result)
   of rnHyperlink:
     var tmp0 = ""
@@ -1042,11 +1048,11 @@ proc renderRstToOut(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   of rnRawLatex:
     if == outLatex:
       result.add addNodes(lastSon(n))
   of rnImage, rnFigure: renderImage(d, n, result)
   of rnCodeBlock: renderCodeBlock(d, n, result)
   of rnContainer: renderContainer(d, n, result)
-  of rnSubstitutionReferences, rnSubstitutionDef: 
+  of rnSubstitutionReferences, rnSubstitutionDef:
     renderAux(d, n, "|$1|", "|$1|", result)
   of rnDirective:
     renderAux(d, n, "", "", result)
@@ -1063,15 +1069,15 @@ proc renderRstToOut(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
   of rnStrongEmphasis:
     renderAux(d, n, "<strong>$1</strong>", "\\textbf{$1}", result)
   of rnTripleEmphasis:
-    renderAux(d, n, "<strong><em>$1</em></strong>", 
+    renderAux(d, n, "<strong><em>$1</em></strong>",
                     "\\textbf{emph{$1}}", result)
   of rnInterpretedText:
     renderAux(d, n, "<cite>$1</cite>", "\\emph{$1}", result)
   of rnIdx:
     renderIndexTerm(d, n, result)
-  of rnInlineLiteral: 
-    renderAux(d, n, 
-      "<tt class=\"docutils literal\"><span class=\"pre\">$1</span></tt>", 
+  of rnInlineLiteral:
+    renderAux(d, n,
+      "<tt class=\"docutils literal\"><span class=\"pre\">$1</span></tt>",
       "\\texttt{$1}", result)
   of rnSmiley: renderSmiley(d, n, result)
   of rnLeaf: result.add(esc(, n.text))
@@ -1082,55 +1088,55 @@ proc renderRstToOut(d: PDoc, n: PRstNode, result: var string) =
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-proc getVarIdx(varnames: openArray[string], id: string): int = 
-  for i in countup(0, high(varnames)): 
-    if cmpIgnoreStyle(varnames[i], id) == 0: 
+proc getVarIdx(varnames: openArray[string], id: string): int =
+  for i in countup(0, high(varnames)):
+    if cmpIgnoreStyle(varnames[i], id) == 0:
       return i
   result = -1
-proc formatNamedVars*(frmt: string, varnames: openArray[string], 
-                      varvalues: openArray[string]): string = 
+proc formatNamedVars*(frmt: string, varnames: openArray[string],
+                      varvalues: openArray[string]): string =
   var i = 0
   var L = len(frmt)
   result = ""
   var num = 0
-  while i < L: 
-    if frmt[i] == '$': 
+  while i < L:
+    if frmt[i] == '$':
       inc(i)                  # skip '$'
       case frmt[i]
-      of '#': 
+      of '#':
         add(result, varvalues[num])
-      of '$': 
+      of '$':
         add(result, "$")
-      of '0'..'9': 
+      of '0'..'9':
         var j = 0
-        while true: 
+        while true:
           j = (j * 10) + ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0')
-          if i > L-1 or frmt[i] notin {'0'..'9'}: break 
+          if i > L-1 or frmt[i] notin {'0'..'9'}: break
         if j > high(varvalues) + 1:
           raise newException(ValueError, "invalid index: " & $j)
         num = j
         add(result, varvalues[j - 1])
-      of 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '\x80'..'\xFF': 
+      of 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '\x80'..'\xFF':
         var id = ""
-        while true: 
+        while true:
           add(id, frmt[i])
-          if frmt[i] notin {'A'..'Z', '_', 'a'..'z', '\x80'..'\xFF'}: break 
+          if frmt[i] notin {'A'..'Z', '_', 'a'..'z', '\x80'..'\xFF'}: break
         var idx = getVarIdx(varnames, id)
-        if idx >= 0: 
+        if idx >= 0:
           add(result, varvalues[idx])
           raise newException(ValueError, "unknown substitution var: " & id)
-      of '{': 
+      of '{':
         var id = ""
-        while frmt[i] != '}': 
-          if frmt[i] == '\0': 
+        while frmt[i] != '}':
+          if frmt[i] == '\0':
             raise newException(ValueError, "'}' expected")
           add(id, frmt[i])
@@ -1138,12 +1144,12 @@ proc formatNamedVars*(frmt: string, varnames: openArray[string],
                               # search for the variable:
         var idx = getVarIdx(varnames, id)
         if idx >= 0: add(result, varvalues[idx])
-        else: 
+        else:
           raise newException(ValueError, "unknown substitution var: " & id)
         raise newException(ValueError, "unknown substitution: $" & $frmt[i])
     var start = i
-    while i < L: 
+    while i < L:
       if frmt[i] != '$': inc(i)
       else: break
     if i-1 >= start: add(result, substr(frmt, start, i - 1))
@@ -1163,10 +1169,10 @@ proc defaultConfig*(): StringTableRef =
   ## pages, while this proc returns just the content for procs like
   ## ``rstToHtml`` to generate the bare minimum HTML.
   result = newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive)
   template setConfigVar(key, val: expr) =
     result[key] = val
   # If you need to modify these values, it might be worth updating the template
   # file in config/nimdoc.cfg.
   setConfigVar("split.item.toc", "20")
@@ -1208,13 +1214,16 @@ $moduledesc
+  setConfigVar("doc.listing_start", "<pre class = \"listing\">")
+  setConfigVar("doc.listing_end", "</pre>")
+  setConfigVar("doc.listing_button", "</pre>")
   setConfigVar("doc.body_no_toc", "$moduledesc $content")
   setConfigVar("doc.file", "$content")
   setConfigVar("doc.smiley_format", "/images/smilies/$1.gif")
 # ---------- forum ---------------------------------------------------------
-proc rstToHtml*(s: string, options: TRstParseOptions, 
+proc rstToHtml*(s: string, options: RstParseOptions,
                 config: StringTableRef): string =
   ## Converts an input rst string into embeddable HTML.
@@ -1233,16 +1242,16 @@ proc rstToHtml*(s: string, options: TRstParseOptions,
   ##   # --> <em>Hello</em> <strong>world</strong>!
   ## If you need to allow the rst ``include`` directive or tweak the generated
-  ## output you have to create your own ``TRstGenerator`` with
+  ## output you have to create your own ``RstGenerator`` with
   ## ``initRstGenerator`` and related procs.
-  proc myFindFile(filename: string): string = 
+  proc myFindFile(filename: string): string =
     # we don't find any files in online mode:
     result = ""
   const filen = "input"
-  var d: TRstGenerator
-  initRstGenerator(d, outHtml, config, filen, options, myFindFile, 
+  var d: RstGenerator
+  initRstGenerator(d, outHtml, config, filen, options, myFindFile,
   var dummyHasToc = false
   var rst = rstParse(s, filen, 0, 1, dummyHasToc, options)
@@ -1251,5 +1260,6 @@ proc rstToHtml*(s: string, options: TRstParseOptions,
 when isMainModule:
-  echo rstToHtml("*Hello* **world**!", {},
-    newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive))
+  assert rstToHtml("*Hello* **world**!", {},
+    newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive)) ==
+    "<em>Hello</em> <strong>world</strong>!"