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path: root/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim b/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1b1d1400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2014 Dominik Picheta
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+import asyncdispatch, asyncnet, strutils, parseutils, os, times
+from ftpclient import TFtpBase, EInvalidReply, TFtpEvent
+from net import bufferSize
+  TAsyncFtpClient* = TFtpBase[PAsyncSocket]
+  PAsyncFtpClient* = ref TAsyncFtpClient
+  ProgressChangedProc* =
+    proc (total, progress: BiggestInt, speed: float):
+      PFuture[void] {.closure, gcsafe.}
+proc expectReply(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient): PFuture[TaintedString] =
+  result = ftp.csock.recvLine()
+proc send*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, m: string): PFuture[TaintedString] {.async.} =
+  ## Send a message to the server, and wait for a primary reply.
+  ## ``\c\L`` is added for you.
+  await ftp.csock.send(m & "\c\L")
+  return await ftp.expectReply()
+proc assertReply(received: TaintedString, expected: varargs[string]) =
+  for i in items(expected):
+    if received.string.startsWith(i): return
+  raise newException(EInvalidReply,
+                     "Expected reply '$1' got: $2" %
+                     [expected.join("' or '"), received.string])
+proc pasv(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient) {.async.} =
+  ## Negotiate a data connection.
+  ftp.dsock = newAsyncSocket()
+  var pasvMsg = (await ftp.send("PASV")).string.strip.TaintedString
+  assertReply(pasvMsg, "227")
+  var betweenParens = captureBetween(pasvMsg.string, '(', ')')
+  var nums = betweenParens.split(',')
+  var ip = nums[0.. -3]
+  var port = nums[-2.. -1]
+  var properPort = port[0].parseInt()*256+port[1].parseInt()
+  await ftp.dsock.connect(ip.join("."), TPort(properPort.toU16))
+  ftp.dsockConnected = True
+proc normalizePathSep(path: string): string =
+  return replace(path, '\\', '/')
+proc connect*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient) {.async.} =
+  ## Connect to the FTP server specified by ``ftp``.
+  await ftp.csock.connect(ftp.address, ftp.port)
+  var reply = await ftp.expectReply()
+  if reply.startsWith("120"):
+    # 120 Service ready in nnn minutes.
+    # We wait until we receive 220.
+    reply = await ftp.expectReply()
+  assertReply(reply, "220")
+  if ftp.user != "":
+    assertReply(await(ftp.send("USER " & ftp.user)), "230", "331")
+  if ftp.pass != "":
+    assertReply(await(ftp.send("PASS " & ftp.pass)), "230")
+proc pwd*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient): PFuture[TaintedString] {.async.} =
+  ## Returns the current working directory.
+  let wd = await ftp.send("PWD")
+  assertReply wd, "257"
+  return wd.string.captureBetween('"').TaintedString # "
+proc cd*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, dir: string) {.async.} =
+  ## Changes the current directory on the remote FTP server to ``dir``.
+  assertReply(await(ftp.send("CWD " & dir.normalizePathSep)), "250")
+proc cdup*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient) {.async.} =
+  ## Changes the current directory to the parent of the current directory.
+  assertReply(await(ftp.send("CDUP")), "200")
+proc getLines(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient): PFuture[string] {.async.} =
+  ## Downloads text data in ASCII mode
+  result = ""
+  assert ftp.dsockConnected
+  while ftp.dsockConnected:
+    let r = await ftp.dsock.recvLine()
+    if r.string == "":
+      ftp.dsockConnected = false
+    else:
+      result.add(r.string & "\n")
+  assertReply(await(ftp.expectReply()), "226")
+proc listDirs*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, dir = ""): PFuture[seq[string]] {.async.} =
+  ## Returns a list of filenames in the given directory. If ``dir`` is "",
+  ## the current directory is used. If ``async`` is true, this
+  ## function will return immediately and it will be your job to
+  ## use asyncio's ``poll`` to progress this operation.
+  await ftp.pasv()
+  assertReply(await(ftp.send("NLST " & dir.normalizePathSep)), ["125", "150"])
+  result = splitLines(await ftp.getLines())
+proc existsFile*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, file: string): PFuture[bool] {.async.} =
+  ## Determines whether ``file`` exists.
+  var files = await ftp.listDirs()
+  for f in items(files):
+    if f.normalizePathSep == file.normalizePathSep: return true
+proc createDir*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, dir: string, recursive = false){.async.} =
+  ## Creates a directory ``dir``. If ``recursive`` is true, the topmost
+  ## subdirectory of ``dir`` will be created first, following the secondmost...
+  ## etc. this allows you to give a full path as the ``dir`` without worrying
+  ## about subdirectories not existing.
+  if not recursive:
+    assertReply(await(ftp.send("MKD " & dir.normalizePathSep)), "257")
+  else:
+    var reply = TaintedString""
+    var previousDirs = ""
+    for p in split(dir, {os.dirSep, os.altSep}):
+      if p != "":
+        previousDirs.add(p)
+        reply = await ftp.send("MKD " & previousDirs)
+        previousDirs.add('/')
+    assertReply reply, "257"
+proc chmod*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, path: string,
+            permissions: set[TFilePermission]) {.async.} =
+  ## Changes permission of ``path`` to ``permissions``.
+  var userOctal = 0
+  var groupOctal = 0
+  var otherOctal = 0
+  for i in items(permissions):
+    case i
+    of fpUserExec:
+    of fpUserWrite:
+    of fpUserRead:
+    of fpGroupExec:
+    of fpGroupWrite:
+    of fpGroupRead:
+    of fpOthersExec:
+    of fpOthersWrite:
+    of fpOthersRead:
+  var perm = $userOctal & $groupOctal & $otherOctal
+  assertReply(await(ftp.send("SITE CHMOD " & perm &
+                    " " & path.normalizePathSep)), "200")
+proc list*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, dir = ""): PFuture[string] {.async.} =
+  ## Lists all files in ``dir``. If ``dir`` is ``""``, uses the current
+  ## working directory.
+  await ftp.pasv()
+  let reply = await ftp.send("LIST" & " " & dir.normalizePathSep)
+  assertReply(reply, ["125", "150"])
+  result = await ftp.getLines()
+proc retrText*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, file: string): PFuture[string] {.async.} =
+  ## Retrieves ``file``. File must be ASCII text.
+  await ftp.pasv()
+  let reply = await ftp.send("RETR " & file.normalizePathSep)
+  assertReply(reply, ["125", "150"])
+  result = await ftp.getLines()
+proc getFile(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, file: TFile, total: BiggestInt,
+             onProgressChanged: ProgressChangedProc) {.async.} =
+  assert ftp.dsockConnected
+  var progress = 0
+  var progressInSecond = 0
+  var countdownFut = sleepAsync(1000)
+  var dataFut = ftp.dsock.recv(bufferSize)
+  while ftp.dsockConnected:
+    await dataFut or countdownFut
+    if countdownFut.finished:
+      asyncCheck onProgressChanged(total, progress,
+          progressInSecond.float)
+      progressInSecond = 0
+      countdownFut = sleepAsync(1000)
+    if dataFut.finished:
+      let data =
+      if data != "":
+        file.write(data)
+        dataFut = ftp.dsock.recv(bufferSize)
+      else:
+        ftp.dsockConnected = False
+  assertReply(await(ftp.expectReply()), "226")
+proc defaultOnProgressChanged*(total, progress: BiggestInt,
+    speed: float): PFuture[void] {.nimcall,gcsafe.} =
+  ## Default FTP ``onProgressChanged`` handler. Does nothing.
+  result = newFuture[void]()
+  #echo(total, " ", progress, " ", speed)
+  result.complete()
+proc retrFile*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, file, dest: string,
+               onProgressChanged = defaultOnProgressChanged) {.async.} =
+  ## Downloads ``file`` and saves it to ``dest``.
+  ## The ``EvRetr`` event is passed to the specified ``handleEvent`` function
+  ## when the download is finished. The event's ``filename`` field will be equal
+  ## to ``file``.
+  var destFile = open(dest, mode = fmWrite)
+  await ftp.pasv()
+  var reply = await ftp.send("RETR " & file.normalizePathSep)
+  assertReply reply, ["125", "150"]
+  if {'(', ')'} notin reply.string:
+    raise newException(EInvalidReply, "Reply has no file size.")
+  var fileSize: biggestInt
+  if reply.string.captureBetween('(', ')').parseBiggestInt(fileSize) == 0:
+    raise newException(EInvalidReply, "Reply has no file size.")
+  await getFile(ftp, destFile, fileSize, onProgressChanged)
+proc doUpload(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, file: TFile,
+              onProgressChanged: ProgressChangedProc) {.async.} =
+  assert ftp.dsockConnected
+  let total = file.getFileSize()
+  var data = newStringOfCap(4000)
+  var progress = 0
+  var progressInSecond = 0
+  var countdownFut = sleepAsync(1000)
+  var sendFut: PFuture[void] = nil
+  while ftp.dsockConnected:
+    if sendFut == nil or sendFut.finished:
+      # TODO: Async file reading.
+      let len = file.readBuffer(addr(data[0]), 4000)
+      setLen(data, len)
+      if len == 0:
+        # File finished uploading.
+        ftp.dsock.close()
+        ftp.dsockConnected = false
+        assertReply(await(ftp.expectReply()), "226")
+      else:
+        sendFut = ftp.dsock.send(data)
+    if countdownFut.finished:
+      asyncCheck onProgressChanged(total, progress, progressInSecond.float)
+      progressInSecond = 0
+      countdownFut = sleepAsync(1000)
+    await countdownFut or sendFut
+proc storeFile*(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient, file, dest: string,
+            onProgressChanged = defaultOnProgressChanged) {.async.} =
+  ## Uploads ``file`` to ``dest`` on the remote FTP server. Usage of this
+  ## function asynchronously is recommended to view the progress of
+  ## the download.
+  ## The ``EvStore`` event is passed to the specified ``handleEvent`` function
+  ## when the upload is finished, and the ``filename`` field will be
+  ## equal to ``file``.
+  var destFile = open(file)
+  await ftp.pasv()
+  let reply = await ftp.send("STOR " & dest.normalizePathSep)
+  assertReply reply, ["125", "150"]
+  await doUpload(ftp, destFile, onProgressChanged)
+proc newAsyncFtpClient*(address: string, port = TPort(21),
+    user, pass = ""): PAsyncFtpClient =
+  ## Creates a new ``PAsyncFtpClient`` object.
+  new result
+  result.user = user
+  result.pass = pass
+  result.address = address
+  result.port = port
+  result.dsockConnected = false
+  result.csock = newAsyncSocket()
+when isMainModule:
+  var ftp = newAsyncFtpClient("", user = "test", pass = "test")
+  proc main(ftp: PAsyncFtpClient) {.async.} =
+    await ftp.connect()
+    echo await ftp.pwd()
+    echo await ftp.listDirs()
+    await ftp.storeFile("payload.jpg", "payload.jpg")
+    await ftp.retrFile("payload.jpg", "payload2.jpg")
+    echo("Finished")
+  waitFor main(ftp)