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path: root/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/collections/lists.nim')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim b/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim
index 15ce5d074..182eb8442 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim
@@ -7,34 +7,112 @@
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## Implementation of singly and doubly linked lists. Because it makes no sense
-## to do so, the 'next' and 'prev' pointers are not hidden from you and can
-## be manipulated directly for efficiency.
+## Implementation of:
+## * `singly linked lists <#SinglyLinkedList>`_
+## * `doubly linked lists <#DoublyLinkedList>`_
+## * `singly linked rings <#SinglyLinkedRing>`_ (circular lists)
+## * `doubly linked rings <#DoublyLinkedRing>`_ (circular lists)
+## Basic Usage
+## ===========
+## Because it makes no sense to do otherwise, the `next` and `prev` pointers
+## are not hidden from you and can be manipulated directly for efficiency.
+## Lists
+## -----
+## .. code-block::
+##   import lists
+##   var
+##     l = initDoublyLinkedList[int]()
+##     a = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](3)
+##     b = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](7)
+##     c = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](9)
+##   l.append(a)
+##   l.append(b)
+##   l.prepend(c)
+##   assert == b
+##   assert a.prev == c
+##   assert == a
+##   assert == b
+##   assert c.prev == nil
+##   assert == nil
+## Rings
+## -----
+## .. code-block::
+##   import lists
+##   var
+##     l = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]()
+##     a = newSinglyLinkedNode[int](3)
+##     b = newSinglyLinkedNode[int](7)
+##     c = newSinglyLinkedNode[int](9)
+##   l.append(a)
+##   l.append(b)
+##   l.prepend(c)
+##   assert == a
+##   assert == b
+##   assert == b
+##   assert == c
+##   assert == c
+## See also
+## ========
+## * `deques module <#deques.html>`_ for double-ended queues
+## * `sharedlist module <#sharedlist.html>`_ for shared singly-linked lists
 when not defined(nimhygiene):
   {.pragma: dirty.}
-  DoublyLinkedNodeObj*[T] = object ## a node a doubly linked list consists of
+  DoublyLinkedNodeObj*[T] = object ## A node a doubly linked list consists of.
+    ##
+    ## It consists of a `value` field, and pointers to `next` and `prev`.
     next*, prev*: ref DoublyLinkedNodeObj[T]
     value*: T
   DoublyLinkedNode*[T] = ref DoublyLinkedNodeObj[T]
-  SinglyLinkedNodeObj*[T] = object ## a node a singly linked list consists of
+  SinglyLinkedNodeObj*[T] = object ## A node a singly linked list consists of.
+    ##
+    ## It consists of a `value` field, and a pointer to `next`.
     next*: ref SinglyLinkedNodeObj[T]
     value*: T
   SinglyLinkedNode*[T] = ref SinglyLinkedNodeObj[T]
-  SinglyLinkedList*[T] = object ## a singly linked list
+  SinglyLinkedList*[T] = object ## A singly linked list.
+    ##
+    ## Use `initSinglyLinkedList proc <#initSinglyLinkedList,>`_ to create
+    ## a new empty list.
     head*, tail*: SinglyLinkedNode[T]
-  DoublyLinkedList*[T] = object ## a doubly linked list
+  DoublyLinkedList*[T] = object ## A doubly linked list.
+    ##
+    ## Use `initDoublyLinkedList proc <#initDoublyLinkedList,>`_ to create
+    ## a new empty list.
     head*, tail*: DoublyLinkedNode[T]
-  SinglyLinkedRing*[T] = object ## a singly linked ring
+  SinglyLinkedRing*[T] = object ## A singly linked ring.
+    ##
+    ## Use `initSinglyLinkedRing proc <#initSinglyLinkedRing,>`_ to create
+    ## a new empty ring.
     head*, tail*: SinglyLinkedNode[T]
-  DoublyLinkedRing*[T] = object ## a doubly linked ring
+  DoublyLinkedRing*[T] = object ## A doubly linked ring.
+    ##
+    ## Use `initDoublyLinkedRing proc <#initDoublyLinkedRing,>`_ to create
+    ## a new empty ring.
     head*: DoublyLinkedNode[T]
   SomeLinkedList*[T] = SinglyLinkedList[T] | DoublyLinkedList[T]
@@ -46,28 +124,44 @@ type
   SomeLinkedNode*[T] = SinglyLinkedNode[T] | DoublyLinkedNode[T]
 proc initSinglyLinkedList*[T](): SinglyLinkedList[T] =
-  ## creates a new singly linked list that is empty.
+  ## Creates a new singly linked list that is empty.
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
 proc initDoublyLinkedList*[T](): DoublyLinkedList[T] =
-  ## creates a new doubly linked list that is empty.
+  ## Creates a new doubly linked list that is empty.
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initDoublyLinkedList[int]()
 proc initSinglyLinkedRing*[T](): SinglyLinkedRing[T] =
-  ## creates a new singly linked ring that is empty.
+  ## Creates a new singly linked ring that is empty.
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]()
 proc initDoublyLinkedRing*[T](): DoublyLinkedRing[T] =
-  ## creates a new doubly linked ring that is empty.
+  ## Creates a new doubly linked ring that is empty.
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initDoublyLinkedRing[int]()
 proc newDoublyLinkedNode*[T](value: T): DoublyLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## creates a new doubly linked node with the given `value`.
+  ## Creates a new doubly linked node with the given `value`.
+  runnableExamples:
+    var n = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](5)
+    assert n.value == 5
   result.value = value
 proc newSinglyLinkedNode*[T](value: T): SinglyLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## creates a new singly linked node with the given `value`.
+  ## Creates a new singly linked node with the given `value`.
+  runnableExamples:
+    var n = newSinglyLinkedNode[int](5)
+    assert n.value == 5
   result.value = value
@@ -86,24 +180,100 @@ template itemsRingImpl() {.dirty.} =
       if it == L.head: break
 iterator items*[T](L: SomeLinkedList[T]): T =
-  ## yields every value of `L`.
+  ## Yields every value of `L`.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `mitems iterator <#mitems.i,SomeLinkedList[T]>`_
+  ## * `nodes iterator <#nodes.i,SomeLinkedList[T]>`_
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block::
+  ##   var a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
+  ##   for i in 1 .. 3:
+  ##     a.append(10*i)
+  ##
+  ##   for x in a:  # the same as: for x in items(a):
+  ##     echo x
+  ##
+  ##   # 10
+  ##   # 20
+  ##   # 30
 iterator items*[T](L: SomeLinkedRing[T]): T =
-  ## yields every value of `L`.
+  ## Yields every value of `L`.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `mitems iterator <#mitems.i,SomeLinkedRing[T]>`_
+  ## * `nodes iterator <#nodes.i,SomeLinkedRing[T]>`_
+  ##
+  ## **Examples:**
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block::
+  ##   var a = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]()
+  ##   for i in 1 .. 3:
+  ##     a.append(10*i)
+  ##
+  ##   for x in a:  # the same as: for x in items(a):
+  ##     echo x
+  ##
+  ##   # 10
+  ##   # 20
+  ##   # 30
 iterator mitems*[T](L: var SomeLinkedList[T]): var T =
-  ## yields every value of `L` so that you can modify it.
+  ## Yields every value of `L` so that you can modify it.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `items iterator <#items.i,SomeLinkedList[T]>`_
+  ## * `nodes iterator <#nodes.i,SomeLinkedList[T]>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
+    for i in 1 .. 5:
+      a.append(10*i)
+    assert $a == "[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]"
+    for x in mitems(a):
+      x = 5*x - 1
+    assert $a == "[49, 99, 149, 199, 249]"
 iterator mitems*[T](L: var SomeLinkedRing[T]): var T =
-  ## yields every value of `L` so that you can modify it.
+  ## Yields every value of `L` so that you can modify it.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `items iterator <#items.i,SomeLinkedRing[T]>`_
+  ## * `nodes iterator <#nodes.i,SomeLinkedRing[T]>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]()
+    for i in 1 .. 5:
+      a.append(10*i)
+    assert $a == "[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]"
+    for x in mitems(a):
+      x = 5*x - 1
+    assert $a == "[49, 99, 149, 199, 249]"
 iterator nodes*[T](L: SomeLinkedList[T]): SomeLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## iterates over every node of `x`. Removing the current node from the
+  ## Iterates over every node of `x`. Removing the current node from the
   ## list during traversal is supported.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `items iterator <#items.i,SomeLinkedList[T]>`_
+  ## * `mitems iterator <#mitems.i,SomeLinkedList[T]>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initDoublyLinkedList[int]()
+    for i in 1 .. 5:
+      a.append(10*i)
+    assert $a == "[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]"
+    for x in nodes(a):
+      if x.value == 30:
+        a.remove(x)
+      else:
+        x.value = 5*x.value - 1
+    assert $a == "[49, 99, 199, 249]"
   var it = L.head
   while it != nil:
     var nxt =
@@ -111,8 +281,24 @@ iterator nodes*[T](L: SomeLinkedList[T]): SomeLinkedNode[T] =
     it = nxt
 iterator nodes*[T](L: SomeLinkedRing[T]): SomeLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## iterates over every node of `x`. Removing the current node from the
+  ## Iterates over every node of `x`. Removing the current node from the
   ## list during traversal is supported.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `items iterator <#items.i,SomeLinkedRing[T]>`_
+  ## * `mitems iterator <#mitems.i,SomeLinkedRing[T]>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initDoublyLinkedRing[int]()
+    for i in 1 .. 5:
+      a.append(10*i)
+    assert $a == "[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]"
+    for x in nodes(a):
+      if x.value == 30:
+        a.remove(x)
+      else:
+        x.value = 5*x.value - 1
+    assert $a == "[49, 99, 199, 249]"
   var it = L.head
   if it != nil:
     while true:
@@ -122,7 +308,7 @@ iterator nodes*[T](L: SomeLinkedRing[T]): SomeLinkedNode[T] =
       if it == L.head: break
 proc `$`*[T](L: SomeLinkedCollection[T]): string =
-  ## turns a list into its string representation.
+  ## Turns a list into its string representation for logging and printing.
   result = "["
   for x in nodes(L):
     if result.len > 1: result.add(", ")
@@ -130,19 +316,54 @@ proc `$`*[T](L: SomeLinkedCollection[T]): string =
 proc find*[T](L: SomeLinkedCollection[T], value: T): SomeLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## searches in the list for a value. Returns nil if the value does not
+  ## Searches in the list for a value. Returns `nil` if the value does not
   ## exist.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `contains proc <#contains,SomeLinkedCollection[T],T>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
+    a.append(9)
+    a.append(8)
+    assert a.find(9).value == 9
+    assert a.find(1) == nil
   for x in nodes(L):
     if x.value == value: return x
 proc contains*[T](L: SomeLinkedCollection[T], value: T): bool {.inline.} =
-  ## searches in the list for a value. Returns false if the value does not
-  ## exist, true otherwise.
+  ## Searches in the list for a value. Returns `false` if the value does not
+  ## exist, `true` otherwise.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `find proc <#find,SomeLinkedCollection[T],T>`_
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
+    a.append(9)
+    a.append(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
+    assert 8 in a
+    assert(not a.contains(1))
+    assert 2 notin a
   result = find(L, value) != nil
 proc append*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedList[T],
                 n: SinglyLinkedNode[T]) {.inline.} =
-  ## appends a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Appends (adds to the end) a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedList[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
+      n = newSinglyLinkedNode[int](9)
+    a.append(n)
+    assert a.contains(9)
+ = nil
   if L.tail != nil:
     assert( == nil)
@@ -151,22 +372,75 @@ proc append*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedList[T],
   if L.head == nil: L.head = n
 proc append*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedList[T], value: T) {.inline.} =
-  ## appends a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Appends (adds to the end) a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedList[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
+    a.append(9)
+    a.append(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   append(L, newSinglyLinkedNode(value))
 proc prepend*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedList[T],
                  n: SinglyLinkedNode[T]) {.inline.} =
-  ## prepends a node to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Prepends (adds to the beginning) a node to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedList[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
+      n = newSinglyLinkedNode[int](9)
+    a.prepend(n)
+    assert a.contains(9)
+ = L.head
   L.head = n
   if L.tail == nil: L.tail = n
 proc prepend*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedList[T], value: T) {.inline.} =
-  ## prepends a node to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Prepends (adds to the beginning) a node to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedList[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedList[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedList[int]()
+    a.prepend(9)
+    a.prepend(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   prepend(L, newSinglyLinkedNode(value))
 proc append*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
-  ## appends a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Appends (adds to the end) a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  ## * `remove proc <#remove,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for removing a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initDoublyLinkedList[int]()
+      n = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](9)
+    a.append(n)
+    assert a.contains(9)
+ = nil
   n.prev = L.tail
   if L.tail != nil:
@@ -176,11 +450,40 @@ proc append*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
   if L.head == nil: L.head = n
 proc append*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T], value: T) =
-  ## appends a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Appends (adds to the end) a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  ## * `remove proc <#remove,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for removing a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initDoublyLinkedList[int]()
+    a.append(9)
+    a.append(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   append(L, newDoublyLinkedNode(value))
 proc prepend*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
-  ## prepends a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Prepends (adds to the beginning) a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  ## * `remove proc <#remove,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for removing a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initDoublyLinkedList[int]()
+      n = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](9)
+    a.prepend(n)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   n.prev = nil = L.head
   if L.head != nil:
@@ -190,18 +493,56 @@ proc prepend*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
   if L.tail == nil: L.tail = n
 proc prepend*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T], value: T) =
-  ## prepends a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Prepends (adds to the beginning) a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedList[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `remove proc <#remove,DoublyLinkedList[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for removing a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initDoublyLinkedList[int]()
+    a.prepend(9)
+    a.prepend(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   prepend(L, newDoublyLinkedNode(value))
 proc remove*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
-  ## removes `n` from `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Removes a node `n` from `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initDoublyLinkedList[int]()
+      n = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](5)
+    a.append(n)
+    assert 5 in a
+    a.remove(n)
+    assert 5 notin a
   if n == L.tail: L.tail = n.prev
   if n == L.head: L.head =
   if != nil: = n.prev
   if n.prev != nil: =
 proc append*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedRing[T], n: SinglyLinkedNode[T]) =
-  ## appends a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Appends (adds to the end) a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedRing[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]()
+      n = newSinglyLinkedNode[int](9)
+    a.append(n)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   if L.head != nil: = L.head
     assert(L.tail != nil)
@@ -213,11 +554,36 @@ proc append*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedRing[T], n: SinglyLinkedNode[T]) =
     L.tail = n
 proc append*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedRing[T], value: T) =
-  ## appends a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Appends (adds to the end) a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedRing[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedRing[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]()
+    a.append(9)
+    a.append(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   append(L, newSinglyLinkedNode(value))
 proc prepend*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedRing[T], n: SinglyLinkedNode[T]) =
-  ## prepends a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Prepends (adds to the beginning) a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedRing[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]()
+      n = newSinglyLinkedNode[int](9)
+    a.prepend(n)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   if L.head != nil: = L.head
     assert(L.tail != nil)
@@ -228,11 +594,40 @@ proc prepend*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedRing[T], n: SinglyLinkedNode[T]) =
   L.head = n
 proc prepend*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedRing[T], value: T) =
-  ## prepends a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Prepends (adds to the beginning) a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedRing[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `append proc <#append,SinglyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,SinglyLinkedRing[T],SinglyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]()
+    a.prepend(9)
+    a.prepend(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   prepend(L, newSinglyLinkedNode(value))
 proc append*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedRing[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
-  ## appends a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Appends (adds to the end) a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  ## * `remove proc <#remove,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for removing a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initDoublyLinkedRing[int]()
+      n = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](9)
+    a.append(n)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   if L.head != nil: = L.head
     n.prev = L.head.prev
@@ -244,11 +639,40 @@ proc append*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedRing[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
     L.head = n
 proc append*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedRing[T], value: T) =
-  ## appends a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Appends (adds to the end) a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  ## * `remove proc <#remove,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for removing a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initDoublyLinkedRing[int]()
+    a.append(9)
+    a.append(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   append(L, newDoublyLinkedNode(value))
 proc prepend*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedRing[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
-  ## prepends a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Prepends (adds to the beginning) a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for prepending a value
+  ## * `remove proc <#remove,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for removing a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initDoublyLinkedRing[int]()
+      n = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](9)
+    a.prepend(n)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   if L.head != nil: = L.head
     n.prev = L.head.prev
@@ -260,11 +684,34 @@ proc prepend*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedRing[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
   L.head = n
 proc prepend*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedRing[T], value: T) =
-  ## prepends a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Prepends (adds to the beginning) a value to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for appending a node
+  ## * `append proc <#append,DoublyLinkedRing[T],T>`_ for appending a value
+  ## * `prepend proc <#prepend,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for prepending a node
+  ## * `remove proc <#remove,DoublyLinkedRing[T],DoublyLinkedNode[T]>`_
+  ##   for removing a node
+  runnableExamples:
+    var a = initDoublyLinkedRing[int]()
+    a.prepend(9)
+    a.prepend(8)
+    assert a.contains(9)
   prepend(L, newDoublyLinkedNode(value))
 proc remove*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedRing[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
-  ## removes `n` from `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  ## Removes `n` from `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
+  runnableExamples:
+    var
+      a = initDoublyLinkedRing[int]()
+      n = newDoublyLinkedNode[int](5)
+    a.append(n)
+    assert 5 in a
+    a.remove(n)
+    assert 5 notin a
+ = n.prev =
   if n == L.head: