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path: root/lib/pure/coro.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/coro.nim')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/coro.nim b/lib/pure/coro.nim
index 0373708d0..c9bea2eb4 100644
--- a/lib/pure/coro.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/coro.nim
@@ -6,138 +6,303 @@
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Nim coroutines implementation supports several context switching methods:
+## ucontext: available on unix and alike (default)
+## setjmp:   available on unix and alike (x86/64 only)
+## Fibers:   available and required on windows.
+## -d:nimCoroutines              Required to build this module.
+## -d:nimCoroutinesUcontext      Use ucontext backend.
+## -d:nimCoroutinesSetjmp        Use setjmp backend.
+## -d:nimCoroutinesSetjmpBundled Use bundled setjmp implementation.
 when not defined(nimCoroutines) and not defined(nimdoc):
   {.error: "Coroutines require -d:nimCoroutines".}
-import os, times
+import os
 import macros
-import arch
 import lists
+include system/timers
 const defaultStackSize = 512 * 1024
-type Coroutine = ref object
-  # prev: ptr Coroutine
-  # next: ptr Coroutine
-  ctx: JmpBuf
-  fn: proc()
-  started: bool
-  lastRun: float
-  sleepTime: float
-  stack: pointer
-  stacksize: int
-var coroutines = initDoublyLinkedList[Coroutine]()
-var current: Coroutine
-var mainCtx: JmpBuf
 proc GC_addStack(starts: pointer) {.cdecl, importc.}
 proc GC_removeStack(starts: pointer) {.cdecl, importc.}
 proc GC_setCurrentStack(starts, pos: pointer) {.cdecl, importc.}
-proc start*(c: proc(), stacksize: int=defaultStackSize) =
-  ## Adds coroutine to event loop. It does not run immediately.
-  var coro = Coroutine()
-  coro.fn = c
-  while coro.stack == nil:
-    coro.stack = alloc0(stacksize)
-  coro.stacksize = stacksize
-  coroutines.append(coro)
+when defined(windows):
+  const coroBackend = CORO_BACKEND_FIBERS
+  when defined(nimCoroutinesUcontext):
+    {.warning: "ucontext coroutine backend is not available on windows, defaulting to fibers.".}
+  when defined(nimCoroutinesSetjmp):
+    {.warning: "setjmp coroutine backend is not available on windows, defaulting to fibers.".}
+elif defined(nimCoroutinesSetjmp) or defined(nimCoroutinesSetjmpBundled):
+  const coroBackend = CORO_BACKEND_SETJMP
+  const coroBackend = CORO_BACKEND_UCONTEXT
+when coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_FIBERS:
+  import windows.winlean
+  type
+    Context = pointer
+    Fiber {.final, pure.} = object
+      parameter: pointer
+      pad1: pointer
+      stackStart: pointer
+      stackEnd: pointer
+elif coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_UCONTEXT:
+  type
+    stack_t {.importc, header: "<sys/ucontext.h>".} = object
+      ss_sp: pointer
+      ss_flags: int
+      ss_size: int
+    ucontext_t {.importc, header: "<sys/ucontext.h>".} = object
+      uc_link: ptr ucontext_t
+      uc_stack: stack_t
+    Context = ucontext_t
+  proc getcontext(context: var ucontext_t): int32 {.importc, header: "<sys/ucontext.h>".}
+  proc setcontext(context: var ucontext_t): int32 {.importc, header: "<sys/ucontext.h>".}
+  proc swapcontext(fromCtx, toCtx: var ucontext_t): int32 {.importc, header: "<sys/ucontext.h>".}
+  proc makecontext(context: var ucontext_t, fn: pointer, argc: int32) {.importc, header: "<sys/ucontext.h>", varargs.}
+elif coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_SETJMP:
+  proc coroExecWithStack*(fn: pointer, stack: pointer) {.noreturn, importc: "narch_$1", fastcall.}
+  when defined(amd64):
+    {.compile: "../arch/x86/amd64.S".}
+  elif defined(i386):
+    {.compile: "../arch/x86/i386.S".}
+  else:
+    # coroExecWithStack is defined in assembly. To support other platforms
+    # please provide implementation of this procedure.
+    {.error: "Unsupported architecture.".}
+  when defined(nimCoroutinesSetjmpBundled):
+    # Use setjmp/longjmp implementation shipped with compiler.
+    when defined(amd64):
+      type
+        JmpBuf = array[0x50 + 0x10, uint8]
+    elif defined(i386):
+      type
+        JmpBuf = array[0x1C, uint8]
+    else:
+      # Bundled setjmp/longjmp are defined in assembly. To support other
+      # platforms please provide implementations of these procedures.
+      {.error: "Unsupported architecture.".}
+    proc setjmp(ctx: var JmpBuf): int {.importc: "narch_$1".}
+    proc longjmp(ctx: JmpBuf, ret=1) {.importc: "narch_$1".}
+  else:
+    # Use setjmp/longjmp implementation provided by the system.
+    type
+      JmpBuf {.importc: "jmp_buf", header: "<setjmp.h>".} = object
+    proc setjmp(ctx: var JmpBuf): int {.importc, header: "<setjmp.h>".}
+    proc longjmp(ctx: JmpBuf, ret=1) {.importc, header: "<setjmp.h>".}
+  type
+    Context = JmpBuf
+when defined(unix):
+  # GLibc fails with "*** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***" because
+  # our custom stacks are not initialized to a magic value.
+  Stack = object
+    start: pointer
+    ends: pointer
+    size: int
+  Coroutine = ref object
+    execContext: Context
+    fn: proc()
+    state: int
+    lastRun: Ticks
+    sleepTime: float
+    stack: Stack
+  CoroutineLoopContext = ref object
+    coroutines: DoublyLinkedList[Coroutine]
+    current: DoublyLinkedNode[Coroutine]
+    loop: Coroutine
+# Per-thread coroutine loop state.
+var ctx: CoroutineLoopContext
+proc getCurrent(): Coroutine =
+  ## Returns current executing coroutine object.
+  var node = ctx.current
+  if node != nil:
+    return node.value
+  return nil
+proc initialize() =
+  ## Initializes coroutine state of current thread.
+  if ctx == nil:
+    ctx = CoroutineLoopContext()
+    ctx.coroutines = initDoublyLinkedList[Coroutine]()
+    ctx.loop = Coroutine()
+    ctx.loop.state = CORO_EXECUTING
+    when coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_FIBERS:
+      ctx.loop.execContext = ConvertThreadToFiberEx(nil, FIBER_FLAG_FLOAT_SWITCH)
+proc runCurrentTask()
+proc switchTo(current, to: Coroutine) =
+  ## Switches execution from `current` into `to` context.
+  to.lastRun = getTicks()
+  when coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_FIBERS:
+    SwitchToFiber(to.execContext)
+  elif coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_UCONTEXT:
+    discard swapcontext(current.execContext, to.execContext)
+  elif coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_SETJMP:
+    var res = setjmp(current.execContext)
+    if res == 0:
+      if to.state == CORO_EXECUTING:
+        # Coroutine is resumed.
+        longjmp(to.execContext, 1)
+      elif to.state == CORO_CREATED:
+        # Coroutine is started.
+        coroExecWithStack(runCurrentTask, to.stack.ends)
+        doAssert false
+  else:
+    {.error: "Invalid coroutine backend set.".}
-{.push stackTrace: off.}
 proc suspend*(sleepTime: float=0) =
   ## Stops coroutine execution and resumes no sooner than after ``sleeptime`` seconds.
   ## Until then other coroutines are executed.
-  ##
-  ## This is similar to a `yield`:idx:, or a `yieldFrom`:idx in Python.
-  var oldFrame = getFrame()
+  var frame = getFrame()
   var sp {.volatile.}: pointer
-  GC_setCurrentStack(current.stack, cast[pointer](addr sp))
+  var current = getCurrent()
+  GC_setCurrentStack(current.stack.start, cast[pointer](addr sp))
   current.sleepTime = sleepTime
-  current.lastRun = epochTime()
-  if setjmp(current.ctx) == 0:
-    longjmp(mainCtx, 1)
-  setFrame(oldFrame)
+  switchTo(current, ctx.loop)
+  setFrame(frame)
+proc runCurrentTask() =
+  ## Starts execution of current coroutine and updates it's state through coroutine's life.
+  var current = getCurrent()
+  current.state = CORO_EXECUTING
+  current.fn()                    # Start coroutine execution
+  current.state = CORO_FINISHED
+  suspend(0)                      # Exit coroutine without returning from coroExecWithStack()
+  doAssert false
+proc start*(c: proc(), stacksize: int=defaultStackSize) =
+  ## Schedule coroutine for execution. It does not run immediately.
+  if ctx == nil:
+    initialize()
+  var coro = Coroutine()
+  coro.fn = c
+  when coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_FIBERS:
+    coro.execContext = CreateFiberEx(stacksize, stacksize,
+      FIBER_FLAG_FLOAT_SWITCH, (proc(p: pointer): void {.stdcall.} = runCurrentTask()), nil)
+    var fiber = cast[ptr Fiber](coro.execContext)
+    coro.stack.start = fiber.stackStart
+    coro.stack.ends = fiber.stackEnd
+    coro.stack.size = stacksize
+  else:
+    var stack: pointer
+    while stack == nil:
+      stack = alloc0(stacksize)
+    coro.stack.start = stack
+    coro.stack.ends = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](stack) + stacksize)
+    when coroBackend == CORO_BACKEND_UCONTEXT:
+      discard getcontext(coro.execContext)
+      coro.execContext.uc_stack.ss_sp = coro.stack.ends
+      coro.execContext.uc_stack.ss_size = coro.stack.size
+      coro.execContext.uc_link = addr ctx.loop.execContext
+      makecontext(coro.execContext, runCurrentTask, 0)
+  coro.stack.size = stacksize
+  GC_addStack(coro.stack.ends)
+  ctx.coroutines.append(coro)
 proc run*() =
-  ## Starts main event loop which exits when all coroutines exit. Calling this proc
-  ## starts execution of first coroutine.
-  var node = coroutines.head
-  var minDelay: int = 0 # in milliseconds
-  var frame: PFrame
-  while node != nil:
-    var coro = node.value
-    current = coro
-    os.sleep(minDelay)
-    var remaining = int((coro.sleepTime - (epochTime() - coro.lastRun)) * 1000)
-    if remaining <= 0:
-      remaining = 0
-      let res = setjmp(mainCtx)
-      if res == 0:
-        frame = getFrame()
-        if coro.started:            # coroutine resumes
-          longjmp(coro.ctx, 1)
-        else:
-          coro.started = true       # coroutine starts
-          var stackEnd = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](coro.stack) + coro.stacksize)
-          GC_addStack(coro.stack)
-          coroSwitchStack(stackEnd)
-          coro.fn()
-          coroRestoreStack()
-          GC_removeStack(coro.stack)
-          var next = node.prev
-          coroutines.remove(node)
-          dealloc(coro.stack)
-          node = next
-          setFrame(frame)
-      else:
-        setFrame(frame)
+  initialize()
+  ## Starts main coroutine scheduler loop which exits when all coroutines exit.
+  ## Calling this proc starts execution of first coroutine.
+  ctx.current = ctx.coroutines.head
+  var minDelay: float = 0
+  while ctx.current != nil:
+    var current = getCurrent()
-    elif remaining > 0:
+    var remaining = current.sleepTime - (float(getTicks() - current.lastRun) / 1_000_000_000)
+    if remaining <= 0:
+      # Save main loop context. Suspending coroutine will resume after this statement with
+      var frame = getFrame()
+      switchTo(ctx.loop, current)
+      setFrame(frame)
+    else:
       if minDelay > 0 and remaining > 0:
         minDelay = min(remaining, minDelay)
         minDelay = remaining
-    if node == nil or == nil:
-      node = coroutines.head
+    if current.state == CORO_FINISHED:
+      GC_removeStack(current.stack.start)
+      var next = ctx.current.prev
+      ctx.coroutines.remove(ctx.current)
+      when coroBackend != CORO_BACKEND_FIBERS:
+        dealloc(current.stack.start)
+      current.stack.start = nil
+      current.stack.ends = nil
+      ctx.current = next
+    elif ctx.current == nil or == nil:
+      ctx.current = ctx.coroutines.head
+      os.sleep(int(minDelay * 1000))
-      node =
+      ctx.current =
 proc alive*(c: proc()): bool =
   ## Returns ``true`` if coroutine has not returned, ``false`` otherwise.
-  for coro in items(coroutines):
+  for coro in items(ctx.coroutines):
     if coro.fn == c:
-      return true
+      return coro.state != CORO_FINISHED
 proc wait*(c: proc(), interval=0.01) =
   ## Returns only after coroutine ``c`` has returned. ``interval`` is time in seconds how often.
   while alive(c):
-    suspend interval
-when defined(nimCoroutines) and isMainModule:
-  var stackCheckValue = 1100220033
-  proc c2()
-  proc c1() =
-    for i in 0 .. 3:
-      echo "c1"
-      suspend 0.05
-    echo "c1 exits"
+    suspend(interval)
+when isMainModule:
+  var
+    stackCheckValue = 1100220033
+    first: float64 = 0
+    second: float64 = 1
+    steps = 10
+    i: int
+    order = newSeq[int](10)
-  proc c2() =
-    for i in 0 .. 3:
-      echo "c2"
-      suspend 0.025
-    wait(c1)
-    echo "c2 exits"
+  proc Fibonacci(id: int, sleep: float32) =
+    var sleepTime: float
+    while steps > 0:
+      echo id, " executing, slept for ", sleepTime
+      order[i] = id
+      i += 1
+      steps -= 1
+      swap first, second
+      second += first
+      var sleepStart = getTicks()
+      suspend(sleep)
+      sleepTime = float(getTicks() - sleepStart) / 1_000_000_000
-  start(c1)
-  start(c2)
+  start(proc() = Fibonacci(1, 0.01))
+  start(proc() = Fibonacci(2, 0.021))
-  echo "done ", stackCheckValue
+  doAssert stackCheckValue == 1100220033
+  doAssert first == 55.0
+  doAssert order == @[1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1]